1 I l E .fIl L ,1 1.
Union To Open
Ballot Service
For Students
Absentee Voting Provisions
To Be Furnished Daily
By Advisers In Lobby
Students eligible to vote for the
first time have no reason to be daunt-
ed by the complications of absentee
voting, for the Union's Absentee Bal-
lot Service has been established to
explain all the processes of citizen-
ship's first duty.
Three general steps are involved
in absentee voting: registration, ap-
plication for the ballot, and voting
the ballot. Each has different re-
quirements in the various communi-
ties and states in the country.
Most states require the absentee
voter to register in the same manner
as regular voters. Occasionally there
is a provision allowing absentee vot-
ers to register by mail. Persons who
.have never voted before should check
with their town, county or city clerk
as to the requirements of the initial
Application for the ballot is usually
accomplished by filling out an affi-
davit form which has been procured
from the applicant's town, city or
county clerk. Applications must usu-
ally be returned between the second
and fourth weeks preceding the elec-
When the application has bepn ac-
cepted an official ballot will be sent.
Full instructions will accompany the
ballot. Usually it must be mnarked be-
fore a notary and returned before
election day.
Persons interested in learning the
exact provisions of their respective
states' laws regarding absentee vot-
ing may consult advisers in the Union
lobby between 3 and 5 p.m. any day.
21 Are Selected
For Glee Club
Special Trials To Be Held
For Former Members
Twenty-one men were successful
Thursday night at the initial try-
outs for membership in the Varsity
Glee Club, Charles Brown, '41E, pres-
ident, announced yesterday.
The following students were se-
James G. Bassett, '42, Reinhard A.
Bernstein, '43, James F. Conti, '42,
J. R. Edwards, '41, Eugene F. Fox,
'43, John W. Fry, '41, Ed Gibson, '43,
Stanley J. Hipwood, '42, Robert W.
Holland, '42, Leo V. Imperi, '42,
James S. Martin, '42, Frank W-
Mount, '4.3, Herbert E. Neuchterlein,
'42, Harry S. Parmelee, '43, Charles
F. Parthum, '42, Franklin I. Powers,
'42, Floyd F. Rechlin, '41, John H.
Rust, '43, Roy E. Sommerfeld, Grad.,
John Verhagen, Grad., and J. C.
Russell Warren, Grad.
Special try-outs for all men with
previous Varsity Club experience will
be held 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in the
Glee Club rboms on the third floor
of the Union.
Daily 2-4-7-9 P.M.
Supply Ship Masted By British In Norway
HillelWill Aim
At High Quota
In 1940 Drive
Campaign Opens Today
With Luncheon At Union
For Student Solicitors
Aiming at the largest membership
in the history of the national organ-
ization, the local Hillel Foundation
will launch an intensive membershp
drive with a luncheon for the solici-
tors at the Union at noon today.
Herbert London, '43, will serve as
general chairman of the drive. Be-
tween today and Thursday the Foun-
dation is going to attempt to reach
its record shattering quota of 1,000
members-an increase of 150 over
last year.
The affiliate memberships which
were inaugurated last year have prsov-
en to be highly successful. They en-
title holders to the privileges of the
Foundation and include admission to
social events and the Hillel Player's
Helen Bittker, 41, will be in charge
of the women's division of the drive.
She will be assisted by Jean Tenof-
sky, '41, for Mosher Hall, Gloria Don-
en, '43, for Jordan Hall, Miss Bittker
for Stockwell Hall, and Beatrice Tish-
koff, '43, for Betsy Barbour and 'Hel-
en Newberry residence halls.
Harold Levinson, '41, will head the
fraternity drive and David David-
son, Grad, is leading the work in the
men's dormitories. London will have
45 people working under him among
the independents.
I.Ae.S. To Make
Trip ToSelf ridge
Trips to Selfridge Field and other
points of aeronautical interest are
planned during the coming year by
the Institute of Aeronautical Sci-
ences, student branch, Leslie J. Trigg,
'41E, chairman of the club, announc-
ed yesterday.
Commenting on the annual LAe.S.
banquet which last year featured
Jimmy Doolittle, Trigg stated that
the club's increased membership
brought about by the new low initia-
tion feeashould make this year's
event more successful than ever.
Economic Condition
Cause Coed Slump?
Completed Waterway Would Aid
Industrial Defense, Hoover Says
vrlt nn the nti tieitic of the WA -
A German supply ship of about 2,500 tons is being bombed by Brit-
ain's fleet air arm at Haugesund, Norway, according to British sources
which said "more than one hit was registered." Bombs are landing
close to the docked ship. Note barges moored on the other side of the
Freshmen Will Be Subjects
Immediate Developmentt
Would Provide Powert
And Railroad Facilities t
Immediate development of the St.t
Lawrence Waterway would be gen-
uinely helpful in effectuating thet
national defense program, Prof. Ed-
gar M. Hoover, Jr., of the economics
department declared in an interview
Such a development would include'
the construction of a number of'
hydro-electric 'power plants in New;
York State, which could be effective-
ly used in many defense industries,t
especially in the manufacture of1
aluminum and ferro-alloys, Profes-
sor Hoover pointed out.
The Waterway would aid interna-
tional defense projects with Canada,
and would open up shipyards on the
Great Lakes heretofore restricted in
their facilities because of no ocean
outlet, he said. These shipyards
would also have the advantage of
being located in less vulnerable parts
of the country.
Professor Hoover predicted that
the development of the Waterway{
would result in the possibility of less
railroad congestion during the peak
seasons of the year, if and when war
comes. Railroad congestion was a
serious problem during the last
World War in the United States, and
could conceivably become so again.
Professor Hoover served as con-
sultant to the St. Lawrence Water-
way Survey for a total period of ten
weeks last spring and summer, and
studied in particular the power as-
pects of the water development. The
survey was functioning under the
Department of Commerce at Wash-
ington, and was organized in Novem-
ber, 1939, to advise President Roose-
Child Guidance
TopicOf Meet
Workers Of Three States
Convene Next Month
Dr. Charles F. McKhann, chair-
man of the department of pediatrics,
and Dr. William Sadler of the W. K.
Kellogg Foundation will be featured
speakers at the Tri-State Conference
on Pupil Personnel, which will be
held November 7 through 9 in the
The Conference is expected to at-
tract outstanding figures in the field
of child guidance and correction of
maladjusted and unadjusted chil-
dren. Michigan, Indiana and Ohio
workers compose the membership of
the Conference. Included among the
delegates, it is expected, will be
teachers, school attendance officers,
vocational counsellors, psychologists,
doctors and nurses.
Here Is
VeU oil et Lpo U eJl ia..a. Vs
The survey will soon send a sec-
tionalized report of its conclusions to
the President, which will include a
detailed description of the historical
background of the St. Lawrence and
an appraisal of the specific costs and
benefits which the Waterway would
offer to the United States.
Professor Hoover's contribution to
the survey's report is to be an ac-
count of the possibilities and eco-
nomic values of power plants, if they
were constructed along the Water-
way. He has concluded that an ade-
quate market would exist for the
power by 1950 considering normal
economic growth, probably before
then, if the plants were used for
national defense purposes.
Ann Arbor I
Freshmen male students who re-
member being photographed sans
tout at the finish of their recent
health examinations may like to
know that they are subjects of an'
intensive experiment being conducted
by the University Psychological Clin-
ic Institute of Human Adjustment.
The experiment is an- exploratory
study of the relationships between
constitutional body types and the
psychological, sociological and medi-
cal factors in student life.
According to Mr. Robert S. Wal-
drop who in collaboration with Dr.
Charles Griffits of the Institute is
supervising the study, the experiment
will require constant observation of
as many of the subjects as is pos-
sible for a period of at least four
. Health Service histories will be ex-
amined, the individual's academic
record will be observed and as far
as possible, consideration will be made
of each subjects participation in cam-
pus activities, Mr. Waldrop explained.
Throughout the experiment, he
said, a study will be made to deter-
mine any possible correlation be-
tween any of these factors and the
general body types.
Mr. Waldrop pointed out that
similar experiments have- been car-
ried out from time to time in other
Universities, the most intensive
studies having been made by Dr.
William H. Sheldon at the University
of Chicago. Thus, he said, these ex-
Journalism School Ends
Fees For Typewriters
Students in the Department of
Journalism will no longer be required
to pay a laboratory fee for use of
typewriters, Prof. John L. Brumm,
head of the department, announced
The cost of the machines will be
absorbed in the department budget,
he added.
928 FOREST-Light, pleasant room.
Will rent single or double. Phone
2-2839. 36
FOR RENT-Choice room for ma-
ture person who wants quiet and
privacy. 1808 Hermitage. Phone
9710. 54
BEAUTIFULLY furnished house, six
rooms. garage, very low price. Also
seven room fi'rnished. oil heat. two
garages. $55.00. Wisdom 2-2112.
WANTED -- Graduate student to
earn board for hostess duties in
girls' League House. Ph. 2-2276.
ROOM JOB-Graduate student pre-
ferred, or experienced janitor. Ap-
ply Mr. Stewart, 815 E. Huron. 48
WANTED-A young woman who has
had experience selling dresses and
coats, for shop on campus. State
age, experience, all particulars.
Box 7, Michigan Daily. 52
MORE MONEY for your old clothes.
Good clothes for sale. Ben the
Tailor. 122 E. Washington. is
FOR GOOD WORK at low prices
call the College Beauty Shop.
Shampoo and wave 50c all week.
Good oil permanent $1.95. Phone
2-2813--open evenings. 7c
Monday evening, October 7, at the
Ann Arbor High School. Courses
in commercial, vocational, recrea-
tional, cultural and hobby subjects
are offered. Small. registration fee
will be charged. For further in-
formation regarding names of
courses, hours, and days given, call
5797. 27
periments will serve to verify Dr.
Sheldon's results and may be profit-
able in determining more results.
As to the value of the experiments,
Mr. Waldrop explained that they
may enable psychologists, sociolo-
gists and doctors to better under-
stand individuals by reference to cer-
tain physical characteristics.
To indicate the immense plan of
work necessary to carrying on the
experiments, Mr. Waldrop said that
1,100 pictures have been taken -al-
ready, and that more than 22,000
measurements must be determined
before actual study can be made.
'.ltrepidrus s
I's Prepared
For Spartans
Acting on the request of Lt.-Col.
J. L. Bachus, in charge of army re-
cruiting in Michigan, the Ann Arbor
Junior Chamber of Comnterce voted
to investigate the possibilities of
forming-a homemdefense unit com-
posed of its own members. The mem-
bers were told that up tq this time
it did not pay to keep the recruiting
office in Ann Arbor open since there
were so few enlistments.
* * *
Ann Arbor High School will be
open for enrollment from 7 to 9
o'clock Monday night for this year's
night school. New courses will be
offered in the use of office equip-
ment, and vocational and general
subjects will also be taught.
. * * *
Committee members and forum
leaders of the Washtenaw County
citizenship program met last Thurs-
day night at the Union to discuss
plans for the organization of forums
in Washtenaw County communities
to discuss topics concerned with citi-
zenship. Plans were also made to
hold a recognition ceremony for new
voters in the Yost Field House Nov.
* * *
The Ann Arbor Lions Club will
hold its annual party tonight at 'the
Intramural Building to raise funds
to aid the blind.
Mary Beard To Lecture
At Nurses' Meeting Here
Mary Beard, director of the Red
Cross nursing service, will discuss
the work of her department as guest
of the District Nurses Association at
8 p.m. Thursday at Couzens Hall.
All seniors in the Nursing School,
members of the Washtenaw District
of the Red Cross and nurses in the
city are invited to attend. Refresh-
ments will be served after the talk.
CLEVELAND, Oct. 4.-(AP)-The
weight of uncertain economic condi-"
tions has contributed to the stoop of
college girls' shoulders, the national
recreation congress was told today.
Miss Helen Barr, physical educa-
tion director at Denison University,
Granville, O., said stoop-shouldered
Sue's droop is not due "entirely to
neglect of physical training or the
once-popular debutante slouch, but
rather to a sense of defeat due to
current econonmic conditions."
A Pormovn Pktve wio
Gloria Dickson * Frank Far
lessie Ralph o Conrad Nagel
Directed by Ralph Murphy
Tip ...
those of you who plan to dine
out after the game, dinner at
Flautz's is certain to satisfy you
and every other judge of good
food. We look forward to serv-
ing you.
Bottled and Draught
If the temperament of Michigan's
own live wolverine is an indication
of this season's football promise for
Michigan, Crisler's eleven won't have
any trouble with State today.
Last week when Karl L. Goellner,
assistant at the University Museums
and keeper of the animals, put his
head inside the cage and asked In-
trepidus what he was going to do
with the California Bear, his hair
straightened up, he bared his teeth,
lowered his ears and began to snarl,
hiss and growl.
This week when Goellner asked
about the State game, Intrepidus got
twice as mad as he did before the
California game. He became so ex-
cited that he seemed to want to break
out of his cage and tear up to East
Lansing before the game.
Intrepidus came to the University
exactly a year ago, a gift of the
Chevrolet Motor Company to Field-
ing Yost. He got his name, which
means without fear, or brave, in a
naming contest conducted by the
Before Treppy gained his present
name he was known as Gulo luscus,
which is the scientific name for those
Wolverines which are native to
Michigan, of which there are,
strangely, none.
However, if there were a Wolver-
ine native to Michigan he -would be
known as Gulo luscus.
A. K. Stevens
o Give TaK
Annual SRA Forum Opens
Today At Lane Hall
A. K. Stevens of the English de-
partment will open the first in the
series of Freshman Roundtables un-
der the auspices of the Student Reli-
gious Association at 7:30 p.m. today
at Lane Hall on the topic, "Educa-
tion for a Purpose."
For the past several years the li-
brary of the religious center has
been the scene of discussion of cur-
rent campus interest led by members
the faculty for freshmen. Invita-
VOL. LI. No. 6
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
Will all those entitled to receive
the Daily please call at the Informa-
tion Desk in the Business Office and
fill out the subscription blank. Please
do not ask that this be done for you.
We, too, are busy. Those entitled to
the Daily by University subscription
are instructors and those of profes-
sorial rank, and certain administra-
tive officers. Departmental offices
are not entitled to a Daily except by
requisition through the Purchasing
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, Schools of llusic, Educa-
tion, and Forestry: Students who re-
ceived marks of I or X at the close of
their last semester or summer session
of attendance will receive a grade of
E in the course unless this work is
made up by October 30th. Students
wishing an extension of time beyond
this date in order to make up this:
work should file a petition addressed
to the appropriate official in their
school with Room 4 U.H.' where it
will be transmitted.
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar.
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Attendance re-
port cards are being distributed
through the Departmental Offices.
Instructors are requested to report
absences to my office in according
with the rules printed on these cards.
Please note especially the regula-
tions concerning three-week ab-
sences, and the time limits for drop-
ping courses. The rules relating to
absences are printed on the attend-
ance cards. They may also be found
on page 52 of the current "Announce-
ment" of our College.
E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean
Faculty, School of Education: The
first regular luncheon meeting of the
academic year will be held Monday
noon, October 7, at the Michigan
School of Education Students-
Changes of Elections: All changes of
elections of students enrolled in this
School must be reported at the Reg-
istrar's Office, Room 4 University
Hall. After October 5 such changes
may be made only after payment of
a fee of one dollar.
Membership in a class does not cease
or begin until all changes have been
thus officially registered. Arrange-
ments made with the instructors only
are not official changes.
Sunday Library Service: On all
Sundays from October to June, ex-
cept during holiday periods, the Main
Reading Room and the Periodical
Room of the General Library are
kept open from 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Books from other parts of the
building which are needed for Sun-
day use will be made available in
the Main Reading Room if request
is made on Saturday to an Assistant
in the reading room where the books
are usually shelved.
Wm. W. Bishop, Librarian
University Employers, Dormitory
Heads, Etc.: The Health Service
should not be called for medical at-
tention to non-students unless an
emergency exists for which a local
physician cannot be secured.
Injured University employees should
be sent to the University Hospital
and not the Health Service. unless
the emergency makes it advisable.
Warren E. Forsythe, M.D.,
Health Service Director
To Heads or Secretaries of all De-
partments: Please notify the under-
signed the number of Faculty Direc-
tories you will need in your depart-
ment. The Directories will be avail-
able Wednesday, October 9.
Bert Peterson, Telephone Clerk.
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 3c
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company. Phone
7112. 5c
A $UM of money at the Quarry.
Left by purchaser. Come for iden-
tification. 52
STRING BASE and clarinet for sale.
A. Erskine, 301 N. State. Phone
8747. 41
WILL SACRIFICE for cash 40 acres
of land 42 miles out-good high-
way, $2,500. Phone 6196 evenings.
written for the screen by
One Night Only - Monday, Oct. 21
Marshall's Daily Double
231 So. State Phone 5933
SAM [I'A HP2^J4Prezets t
" BY THE AU)THORS OF "YOB] J OA?. t R 1 4 Y rrA)U l
. . .®
Prices Effective only Saturday, October 4, 1940