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October 05, 1940 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-05

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Cloudy; Showers Sunday


Sit ~4311


U.S. Moves Closer
To South America . .










Tiger Hitting Overwhelms Reds, 7-4


York, Higgins
Clout Homers
For Bengals;
Bridges Wins
Whitey Moore Succeeds
Jim Turner In Seventh
After Four Run Barrage;
Campbell Is Batting Star
McKechnie Starts
Catcher Lombardi
Oct. 4.-()-The dynamite in the
bats of the Detroit Tigers exploded
again today with two reverberating
home runs and a total of 13 hits to
blast the Cincinnati Reds, 7 to 4,
and give the American League
champions a two games to one ad-
vantage in the 1940 World Series.
The explosion, amounting to six
hits and four runs in the seventh
inning, shattered what had been a
peaceful pitching performance by
two Tennessee curveballers, Tommy
Bridges and Jim Turner, and sent
the 52,877 enthusiastic Detroit fans
into such ecstasy the game had to be
halted several times to clean up the
paper and other debris they showered
on the outfield. e
Tiger Bats Speak
The hits just started popping like
a package of Chinese firecrackers-
a single by Hank Greenberg, a home
run byRudy York, a single by Bruce
Campbell, another homer by Pinky
Higgins. Nobody was on and nobody
was out when Turner gave up to the
Whitey Moore succeeded in setting
down the next two batters, but he,
too, gave up a single to Dick Bartell
and a double to Barney McCosky
and was in desperate straits when
Charley Gehringer finally raised a
pop foul to end the shooting.
The contest as a whole was a cur-
ious mixture of really great pitching,
and equally emphatic hitting.
Turner Seemed Strong
For a time it seemed that Turner,
a seasoned right-hander who won 12
and lost 9 in the National League
this year, was going to get the best
of the long-hitting cannonaders
from the junior circuit.
The Reds gave him a runbin the
first inning when Bill Werber hit
the first pitch for two bases and,
poison Ival Goodman singled him
Turner faced only ten men in the
first three innings, struck out three
and once pitched seven successive
strikes. He had 'the Tigers' right-
handed powerdshort circuited ap-
parently hopelessly, although he was
having some trouble with the port-
Lefthanders Get Hits
The only hit he gave up in the
first three innings was a double by
the left-handed hitting Campbell af-
ter he had fanned Greenberg and
York in succession in the second.
Then in the fourth Detroit tied
up the score when McCosky and
Gehringer, both left-handed batters,
led off with singles and McCosky
reached home as Greenberg hit into
a double play. York hit a wasted sin-
gle but the Tigers were routed one
after another after that until the
big blow-up in the seventh.
During all this time after the faul-
(Continued on Page 3)
Famous Film

To Be Revived
'Man In The Iron Mask'
To Feature Fairbanks
One of the most famous films of
the 1920s, "The Man In The Iron
Mask," will make its comeback 8:15
p.m. tomorrow:in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre under the auspices of

Minor Riots Mark Post-Rally
Celebration; M-Men Rout Mob

Hanging on to the light pole across from the Michigan Theatre is
one of the more vociferous of the Class of '43 who tried last night to lead
a group into the show. On the right are Tom Williams, '41, and Bob
Wise, '43, heading a snake dance about a fire in Ferry Field. The logs
are visible in the foreground.
* * .


Apparently unwilling or unable toi
vent their school spirit at the pep
rally held in Yost Field House last
night, 1,200 University students
"whooped it up" in Ann Arbor streets
from about 9:30 p.m. until early this
Several hundred junior and senior
high school students, however, sup-
plied most of the impetus to the
crowds that surged through thei
streets after members of the Under-;
graduate M-Club, rally sponsors, had
broken up most of the crowd in
Washington and Main streets.
The young rioters blocked traffic,
lighted fires on the campus and in
streets and shouted defiance of all;
who attempted to disperse them. Ap-1
proximately 600 University students
who remained in the crowds 4fter
10 p.m. followed the lead of the
younger boys.
Lettermen and holders of class nu-
merals kept the crowds under con-
titol with little fighting, and city fire-
men extinguished most street fires
before they got well underway.-
Ann Arbor police reported early
today that they had received no calls
for assistance in stopping, riots or;
Only casualty reported during the
night's , emonstrations happened,
when an unidentified boy struck
Student Senate
Lists Forum's
Four Debaters
John Huston, '41, and Daniel H=uy-
ett, '42, will uphold the affirmative
of the question, "Resolved, That the
President, of the United States
Should Be a Practical Business Man,"
when they meet William Muehl, '41,
and Daniel Suits, Grad., in the first
of the Michigan Forum debates at
7:45 p.m. on Oct. 12 in the North
Lounge of the Union.
Huston and Huyett represent the
campus Young Republican Club
while Muehl and Suits will take the!
negative position in behalf of "lib-
eral" elements on the campus.
The Michigan Forum is the series
of student debates on current issues
that is sponsored by the' Student
Senate in conjunction with the
League, Union and Daily. The or-
ganization is modeled after the
world famous Union of Oxford Uni-
After the main speakers have de-
livered their flourishes the audience
is free to participate in the discus-
sion. All debates will be for decision
which will be determined by having
those who favor the affirmative walk
out on the right side of the exit post
while those of negative inclination

Fred Klamach, '41. varsity wrestler,
in the forehead with a thrown stone.
Klamach was dazed, but recovered
in time to pursue his attacker, who
escaped into the crowd in Washing-
ton Street.
"These students who are trying to
make a lot of trouble are acting like
hicks just in from the country for
the first time," Fire Chief Ben Zahn
commented as he supervised extin-
guishing of a fire in Washington
Bill Combs, '41, M-Club president
and varsity wrestling captain, pre-
dicted that the post-rally demon-
stration would bring an end to all
rallies sponsored by the Club. "We
are not willing to assume responsi-
bility for'the actions of a group of
students who show utterly no coop-
eration," he said early this morning.
The rioting began in front of the
Michigan Theatre on Liberty Street,
where a crowd gathered, preparing to
"crash the gate." Cries of "free beer"
drew the crowd to Main Street, where
traffic was held up for more than
four blocks in all directions while
the students sang Michigan songs
while milling about in street inter-
Nearly 200 enthusiastic students
who gathered about a fire in an alley
off Washington Street were dispersed
>y an angry woman who poured wa-
ter on them through a garden hose
wielded from an upstairs window.
Returning to the campus, the
crowd dwindled away but was speed-
ily reinforced by the junior and sen-
ior high school students, who kept
M-Club members busy directing
traffic through the jammed streets.
Fires were started in the middle of
the diagonal, on the steps of Hill
Auditorium and in Maynard Street.

Axis Chiefs
Chart Course
For Europe
Brenner Pass Conference
Predicted To Be Source
Of Momentous Events
Future Of Balkans
Is Probable Topic
BERLIN, Oct. 4.-(4P)-Adolf Hit-
ler and Benito Mussolini spent 3 12
hours together today in an armored
car in the Brenner Pass, gateway of
the Axis, and tonight officially in-
spired German commentators de-
clared their decisions would chart
not only the course of the war but
the whole make-up of the "new Eu-
Accustomed to look for stunning
sequels to these meetings of the dic-
tators, the German people, both offi-
cial and unofficial, expect that when
the Axis-made propositions are un-
folded they will again astonish the
Actually, in keeping with Axis pol-
icy, the official communique and the
Italian and German press accounts
dealing with this sixth meeting of
the dictators speak only in glittering
Many indicationsnpoint, however,
to the Balkans as one prime subject
of discussion. Undoubtedly, the
United States, the three-power pact
signed last week among Italy, Ger-
many and Japan, the position of
Spain and the future of Africa also
were topics.
Yugoslavia has been wooed consis-
tently of late by the Axis, and the
result Is likely to appear soon.
Greece has been put under per-
sistent pressure, first by the German
press, now by the Italian.
The wily Franz Von Papen, Ger-
many's ambassador, has been exceed-
ingly busy in Turkey; the Bulgarian
minister of agriculture is the guest
of the German nation these days.
The National Zeitung of Essen, a
paper close to Field Marshal Her-
mann Wilhelm Goering, pointed out
that Hitler and Mussolini met as su-
preme commanders of their armed
forces, more than as heads of their
180 Student Tickets
On Sale For Banquet
Sale of tickets for the testimonial
banquet to be held Saturday, Oct. 19,
in honor of Michigan's "grand old
man", Fielding H. Yost, was an-
nounced yesterday by Bill Combs,
'41, ticket chairman.
Only 180 of the 1,940 tickets to be
sold will be available to students,
Combs stated, and he urged all those
who wished to witness the coast-to-
coast NBC broadcast from the ban-
quet to purchase tickets immediate-


Prof. Pollock
Will Address
A.S.M. Meet
'Europe Today' Is Topic;
Tour Of Laboratories
Dinner Are Scheduled.
Prof. James K. Pollock of the po-
litical science department will high-r
light the one-aay meeting of thei
Detroit Chapter of the American So-E
ciety for Metals with a talk on "Eu-
rope Today" at 7 p.m. today in the1
The Society, which hold its first
meeting here every fall on the day
of the Michigan State football game,
will be welcomed at a dinner at 6
ip.m. in the League by Dean Ivan C.
Crawford of the College of Engineer-
ing. Prof. Claire Upthegrove of thet
metallurgical engineering depart-t
ment will preside.k
During the remainder of the day'st
program the members of the Society
will play golf at the University1
Course, visit the research laboratories
of the chemical engineering, metal-
lurgical engineering and metal pro-1
cessing departments and attend the
football game.
' In his address Professor Pollock1
will present a review of the recent1
happenings in the European scene
and will try to give a preview of what
is going to transpire. '
A graduate of the University in
1920, Professor Pollock has received
a great deal of note for his work as
an investigator of the political con-3
ditions in many Europeai4 powers
both in special study trips and as a1
fellow of the Social Science Researcht
Council from 1927 to 1929.
Prof. William A. Spindler of the
metal processing department, who1
made all the arrangements for the
meeting here announced yesterday
that the Ethel Fountain Hussey re-
ception room of the League would"
be reserved throughout theday for
the use of A.S.M. members and their"
J. L. Brumm
To Be Speaker'
Methodists To Participate
In Week's Dedication
Prof. John L. Brumm, of the jour-
nalism department, as the chairman
of the board of trustees of the Wesley
Foundation will head the major stu-
dent program of the week's dedica-
tion of the new First Methodist
Church building at 7:30 p.m. tomor-
row in the church sanctuary speak-
ing on "Religion and Learning."

Reviews Europe

: .* *

Invaders Pin Hopes
Of Win On Strong
Forward Defense
- -1-
Michigan Has
Edge In Weight
A path to gridiron greatness clear-
ly envisioned before it, a powerful
crew of stalwart Spartans from
Michigan State will explode all its
football fury against Fritz Crisler's
favored Wolverines before 60,000
fans at 2 p.m. today in the Stadium.
Straining under a two-year dom-
ination by the Maize and Blue grid-
men, Coach Charlie Bachman's rug-
ged men from Sparta, accompanied
by an entourage of 17,000 rabid Spar-
tan rooters, are -prepared and ax-
ious to throw every ounce of energy,
every bit of gridiron trickery, every
crafty maneuver at their disposal
into the annual tradition-steeped
eGrat Wolverine Team
For Crisler, in his third year as
Michigan's mentor, has assembled
what may turn out to be one of the
greatest gridiron machines in Maize
and Blue history. In its only test of
the embryonic 1940 season, the Wol-
verine juggernaut rolled with ease
last week over California's Golden
Bears, 41-0, to hand the West Coast
outfit its worst beating in a decade
Possessing a backfield rated as one
of the most powerful in the entire
nation, Michigan's vaunted offensive
strength which amassed 33 first
downs against the Bears will be
hard for any team to shackle-even
the Spartans who boast line strength
reported to be at least equal to that
of the Wolverines' regular forward
wall with reserve power three deep
in every position.
State Line Powerful
It is on this puissant line power
that the invaders are pinning most
of their victory hopes. For their
backfield, while a good capable quar-
tet of gridmen, cannot match Mich-
igan's standout performers, Capt.
Forest Evashevski, All-American Tom
Harmon, bullet Bob Westfall, bruis-
ing sophomore Bob Kresja, speedy
Norm Call, et al.
Most of the Spartan's offensive
punch is expected to be generated by
pass-tossing Wyman Davis, 178-
pound junior halfback. Rated as one
of the best hurlers in the Middle
West, this lanky six-footer's tosses
will be a constant threat tq Crisler's
Davis Emulates Pingel
As a running back, Davis is slightly
reminiscent of State's Johnny Pin-
gel, who won All-Americans honors
two years ago. He fits in well with
the Spartans' Notre Dame box for-
mations, relishing the wide end
sweeps, reverses, and half-spinners
typical of the wily Bachman-piloted
At fullback three Grand Rapids
huskies, Jack Amon, Roman Kaman
and Pete Ripmaster, will likely see
action for the invaders with Amon,
a fast, hard-driving 170-pounder,
named to start.
Sherman Is Quarterback
Junior Bob Sherman seems to have
the inside track for the Spartan
quarterbark berth with Wil Davis,
Wyman's twin brother, in reserve.
Right halfback is still a tossup
with Walt Ball, a sophomore punting
star, and diminutive Walt Pawloski,
157-pound junior, both liable to get
the starting nod. Ball is favored,
however, because of his superlative
Statistically, Michigan holds a con-
(Continued on Page 3)
Prof. White Returns
Fronm Conference

Prof. A. E. White of the metallur-

Varsity Expected
To Conquer State
In Annual Battle

Grand Old Man' Urges Students
To Build Morale For Victory


It was the "Grand Old Man" him-
self who summed it all up last nigiht
in his address to the Ferry Field pep1
rally when he said, "One can't put
Michigan spirit on like a coat." 1
The spirit of former years wasn'ti
there as 4,000 Wolverines marched
down to the Field House to hear
Fielding H. Yost, Fritz Crisler, Louis
Elbel and others tell them of Mich-
igan's glories and future.I
They made master of ceremonies
Charles Heinen, '41, roll 'em up and
had a hearty laugh when Don Wirt-
chafter, '41, Daily sport editor, re-i
vealed his flannel underwear as he
rolled up his pants in response to
their demands. But the first and last1
time they really let loose at the rally
came when Yost got up on the speak-
ers' platform. The crow arose and
gave him a tremendous ovation that
made his voice choke as he began to

had already disbanded. Louis Elbel,
composer of the "Victors," then of-
fered a tribute to Yost, announcing,
the release of his new song, "Mich-
igan Spirit," dedicated to Coach Yost
at the Yost testimonial banquet on
Oct. 19.
The demonstration in the Field
House closed and the crowd filed
down to the ,bon-fire at South Ferry
Field after several cheer leaders kid-
napped a number of the audience
and transported them to the speak-
ers' stand. One was Henry Stevens,
Grad., who spent his undergraduate
days at Michigan State. Under the
pressure of the crowd which had
milled out on the floor to surround
him Stevens courageously stated he
was sure Michigan was going to lick
Coach- Crisler spoke briefly at the
bon-fire gathering, expressing the
team's thanks for the expression of
loyalty shown by the crowd and

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