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June 08, 1941 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-06-08

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.SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 1941

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Anniversar y
Pete Planned
&ne Hundredth Birthday
Celebration Of Literary
College Will Be Held
Plans for the celebration of the
one hundredth anniversary of the
founding of the University of Michi-
gan's first teaching unit in Ann Arbor,
the College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, on Oct. 15 have been an-
nounced by University officials,
First classes in the College of Lit-
erature, Science and the Aris were
held on "Sept. 25, 1841. A fullday's
program has been scheduled for the
centennial, according to Dr. Edward
H. Kraus, dean of the college and
chairman of the committee in charge
of the celebration.
The morning session will include
addresses on the deyelopment and
achievements of -the college. Dr.
Jesse S. Reeves, William W. Cook
Professor of American Institutions,
will speak on the general develop-
ment of the college.
Achievements of the college in
language and literature willbe dis-
cussed by Prof. John G. Winter of the
Latin department. Science achieve-
ments will be aired by Prof. Franklin
A. Shull of the zoology department
while social science accomplishments
will be the subject of a talk by Prof.
Arthur E, R. Boak of the history
Afternoon speakers will be Dr.
Marten Hoor, dean of the College of
Arts and Sciences at Tulane Uni-
versity; Dr. George Clarke Sellery,
dean of the College of Letters and
Science at the University of Wis-
consin; Henry Allen 19Moe, secre-
tary-general of the Guggenheim Me-;
morial Foundation, and Judge Flor-
ence Ellinwood Allen of the United
States Circuit Court of Appeals.
The celebration will be concluded
with a convocation at which Dr.
James Rowland Angell, president-
emeritus of Yale University and Mich-
igan alumnus, will be the speaker..
Ir. Angell is at present the educa-
tional counselor of the National
Broadcasting Company.
sJapar Unsatisfied
With Dutch 'Repl y
To Trade Proposal

Prof. John Nickelsen Is Called
To Advise At Transport School

[Here Is

n Arbor

Summer Session Ex pects 5,000

Formerly in charge of all such
-training schools in the United States,
Prof. John M. Nickelsen of the me-
chanical engineering department has
been asked to suggest improvements
for the Army's quartermaster motor
transport school near Baltimore.
Having made a preliminary survey
early this week, Professor Nickelsena
will return to Camp Holabird in the
latter part of next week for a more
thorough inspection, and will stay
down there until his work is com-

At present the only

school of its

Gold Salts Aid
Disease Fioht
Freyberg And Smyth Treat
80 Arthritis Patients
Favorable results have been noted
in the use of gold salts in the treat-
ment. of arthritis, according to Prof.
R. H. Freyberg and Dr. C. J. Smyth
of the Rackham Arthritis Research
Unit of the Medical School, in the
June issue of the University Hospital
Of 80 arthritis patients who have
been observed for at least six months'
following the beginning of the gold
treatments, 61 per cent, or 49 patients,
showed complete arrest of the disease
or were improved moderately or mark-
edly from the subjective standpoint,
they pointed out, whereas 50 per cent
were apparently cured or were im-
proved as judged by objective find-
The potential toxicity therapy,
however, causes a definite objection
to general use, they stated. Further
clinical investigations and laboratory
research are being carried out at the
present time with the hope that this
therapy may become dependable and
safe, they explained.
Albion College Announces
Increase In Endowment
ALBION, June 7.-(P)-Albion Col-
lege's endowment has increased $300,-
000 since 1929 despite markoffs,
President John L. Seaton told college
alumni today at their annual com-
mencement luncheon.
J. Elliott Adams of Detroit was
chosen to head the alumni for the
coming year. Other officers named
were: vice-president, Vivian R. Jac-
obs, Akron, Ohio; Mrs. Millard Ton-
cray, Grosse Pointe, and Truman H.
Cummings, Cleveland, Ohio; record-
ing secretary, Mrs. Paul J. Hawes,
Albion; treasurer, Paul C. Ewbank,1

kind in the country, the Holabird
school is to be used by the Army as
a pattern for the establishment of
three more similar schools in the
near future.
Established during the first world
war, the camp now trains 1,200 men
and 60 officers every two months,
taking these men from Army camps
all over the country and returning
them when the training period is
Elevendsubjects are now being
taught at the training school, in-
cluding basic and advanced engines,
basic and advanced chassis, motor-
cycles, machine shop work, welding
and mechanics.
The school was organized during
World War I, when the location was
.used as a shipping point for all the
motor transport supplies being sent
overseas to the expeditionary forces.
Before becominghead of all the
'training schools during the World
War, Professor Nickelsen had charge
of training ambulance drivers and
mechanics, and was largely respon-
sible for the construction of a school
for training of this type.
The Army's reason in selecting him
to make the suggestions, Professor
Nickelsen said, was partly his past
experience in the field, and partly
the fact that he is not now directly
connected with the army, and hence
can make decisions uninfulenced by
other factors.
Zionist Group
Program To Be Continued
In Two Su mer Camp
Avukah, student Zionist organiza-
tion, will continue its educational and
social program for two weeks at the
end of June, and two weeks at the
beginning of September, in national
summer cooperative camps at Lib-
;erty, N.Y., and White Pigeon, Mich.,
Educational activities, composed of
lectures, seminars, and forum discus-
sions will be conducted by a faculty
of outstanding Jewish leaders, there
Yunder the auspices of the campers of
the cooperative. It will consist of
Schmuel Ben Zvi, head of the Amer-
ican Cooperative in Palestine; Dr.
Kurt Blumenfeld, former leader of
the Zionist Organization in Germany;
Dr. Kurt Lewin of the State Uni-
versity of Iowa, Irma Lindheim, influ-
ential member of the Palestine Work-
ers Organization, Dr. Arthur Rosen-
berg, history professor at Brooklyn
College, and Maurice Samuel, noted
author and lecturer.



Opening commencement week acti-
vities, graduating seniors of St. Thom-
as High School will attend bacca-
laureate services at the church this
morning, conducted by the Rev. G.
Warren Peek, pastor of tle church.
The seniors will march in caps and
gowns from the school to the church
at 8:30 a.m. for high mass. Then
they will receive Holy Communion in
the sanctuary.
* *
Final audit of the local United
Services Organizations' campaign will
be held Tuesday, with the deadline for
worker's contributions Monday, John
O. Finlayson, chairman announced
Leaders hope that the weekend
solicitations will bring in the $2,000
necessary to complete the Ann Arbor
B lindMastIer
TZo Gradua~tton
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., June 7 -{P-
When 27-year-old Arthur W. Lehde
steps up to receive his Bachelor of
Arts degree from the University of
Illinois Monday, a white and tan bird
dog will lead him -- just as she has
during his entire college career.
Lehde, of Beacoup, Ill., is blind, but
with Peggy Lou's help he has marked
up a brilliant academic record.
He has completed a regular four-
year liberal arts and sicences course
in three and one-half years, with an
average grade of 4.5 - only half a
point below perfect. In the semester
just ended he achieved the unusual
- a straight "A" in all subjects, giv-
ing him high honors,.
Now that he has finished with
school, he and the girl he met and
married at the University plan to
return to Beacoup, where he hopes to
realize his ambition - a newspaper
feature writer.
Few stories that he may write like-
ly will equal the story of himself
and the ever-watchful Peggy Lou.


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More than 5000 students are ex-
pected to enroll here for the summer
session which will open June 30.
The summer session, which is being
held for the forty-eig;hth year, is a
Legular unit of the University, courses
having the same status as those given

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during the regular session.
Most of the schools and colleges
on campus will participate in the
summer program with many of the
faculty members drawn from staffs
of Cither colleges and universities.
All of the 48 states and 29 foreign

countries were represented in the
total enrollment of 5,800 in last year's
summer .session. More than 250 col-
leges and universities were represent-
ed by the 1940 summer students.
Many of the departments and
schools are offering courses at field
stations- throughout the state and
Middle West.


See Zwerdling's 1942 Fashions at
prices way under what they will -
be later. Terms to suit, insured
Storage Free.

TOKYO, June 7. -(A')-- Japan
called the Netherlands East Indies
reply to its trade proposals unsat-
isfactory today and high Army, Navy
and Foreign Office officials were re-
ported scheduled tomorrow to study
the impasse, described by the press
as "serious."
The official Japanese news agency
Domei, in announcing the govern-
ment's attitude, did not go into de-
tails of the Indies answer, nor did it
indicate what the next move would
But Tokyo newspapers immediate-
ly condemned the stand of the Dutch
South Pacific possessions and the
well-placed Hochi declared bluntly:
"Japan should cope with the hostile
nature of the Indies; a determined
attitude is necessary."
State Will Return Flags
LANSING, June 7.-(P)-Gov. Van
Wagoner intends to invite the gover-
nors of the eight Southern states to
come to Michigan this summer to
receive the last captured battle flags
of the War Between the States yet
unreturned in a ceremony devoted to
national unity, his aides disclosed
here today.
Michigan is the last of the North-
ern states to return the captured
flags of Confederate armies.
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Michigan Daily, your college newspaper, offers you an excellent
opportunity to keep in touch with the Alma Mater. Published
from October to June you will find The Michigan Daily a most
interesting way of being on campus away from campus.
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