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March 01, 1941 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-03-01

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..... ... . ...

Mounted Police.Aid Cars Through Picket Line

With second semester broadcasting
activities well under way, the "Quiet,
On The Air" sign is being posted 19
times a week at Morris Hall. This
is an increase of four programs over
last semester's schedule.

Indictment Of American Youth
As"Sof(" Criticized By Forsythe


Buffalo mounted police, waving clubs, shoved through the picket line at Bethlehem Steel's strike-af-
fected Lackawanna plant escorting autos to the plant. Police officials increased their guard around the
huge plant following a melee in which a patrolman was injured. Workers ended two-day strike today after
today after unanimously approving a government-drafted formula for settlement.

Saturday is a busy day at the
studio, with six programs on the
books. ' Youth in the News", with
Norm Oxhandler at the helm and
Mike Church behind the scenes, will
be heard at the usual time 9 a.m.
today over Station WJR. Included
in the program will be a list of the
11 men who have been chosen as the
All-American Scout football team.
Tom Harmon is one of the All-Ameri-
cans, who was at one time a Boy
"Speak up for Democracy", by Ed-
ward L. Bernays is the book which
will be reviewed by Miss O. D. Hor-
mel, lecturer of the University Ex-
tension Service at 9:15 a.m. today over
Tom Harmon, assisted by Pete An-
tonelli, returns to the air at 9:45
a.m. over WCAR, with his program
devoted to int~imate stories of sports,
"In the Huddle". Inside notes on the
athletic activities of the University
will be discussed an explained.
*4 4
A new broadcast, "The Children'sI
Theatre", will be heard at 10:45 a.m.
over #ATCAR. "The Chinese Night-
ingale", by Hans Christian Anderson,
will be heard as the first in this
weekly series of dramatized fairy talesj
and folk stories. The cast includes
students in the radio class of Dr.
Frederic O. Crandall:
"You and Your Doctor", the medi-
cal dramatization prepared in col-
laboration with the Washtenaw Med-
ical Society, will present the story
of the man with the strange case of
allergy at 5:30 p.m. today over WJR.
"Communities in the News", a pro-
gram under the direction of Alvin
F. Zander, will describe the things
that Michigan communities are do-
ing to make themselves better places
to live in.

Popular indictments that American
youth is guilty of "softness" are based
on loose and uncritical generaliza-
tions that merit a challenge, Dr. War-
ren E. Forsythe of the University
Health Service declared in an article
published in the March issue of "Na-
tion's Schools."
Dr. Forsythe warned that merely
"personal opinions" on this debat-
able subject should be viewed "crit-
ically" and advised the frequent use
of scientific and controlled data in
determining the validity of the "soft-
ness" charge.
He recalled that similar charges
were leveled at the youth of England.
before the recent demonstrations of
military defense ability and that
these charges raised many questions,
including variables within the per-
sonalities of the commentators who
made the charges.
"Broad' considerations of health do
not indicate that our young people
will be less able than were their
fathers in national defense or other
situations requiring sustained ser-
vice," according to Dr. Forsythe, who
added that such considerations ndi-
'cate an improved condition in the
health of youth today.
He supported the assertion that
the health of youth has generally
improved by citing evidence avail-
.A.E ,

able from the records of college health
examinations, especially those here
at the University.
This evidence showed that ,,rage
heights and weights have increased
very definitely in the last 20 years,
that there have been reduced fre-
quencies of contagious auseases, sig-
nificant decreases in goiter and in-
dications that tuberculosis is less pre-
valent among the young.
Dr. Forsythe stressed the fact that
"there should certainly be many few-
er of the permanent physical defects
which result so commonly from con-
tagions", pointing out that this would
be true for typhoid, scarlet fever,
diphtheria, tuberculosis, infantile di-
arrhoea, whooping 'cough, measles
and venereal diseases.
Other observations by Dr. Forsythe
on the health of present-day youth
included the comment that the prob-
lem of the upper respiratory infec-
tions, "colds," has improved to the
extent that the "disabling pneumonia
is now under much better treatment
He pointed out that, although a
larger number of cripples among"
the young might be expected from
the vastly increased accident rate,
no such larger number had been gen-
erally observed.

1144" 1 ®



Mats. 25c
Eves. 40c


Given Honor

Retiring Professor Is Feted
in Poom 2, University Hall. By School Executives
Prof. Calvin O. Davis was honor-
The Unversity Bureau of Appoint- ed nationally at the Michigan Break-
ments and Occupational Information fast this week of the Annual meeting
has received notice of the following of the American Association of School
United States Civil Service examina- Administrators for his 35 years of
tions. Last date for filing applica- service to the University and as the
tion is noted in each case: oldest member of the faculty of the
Principal Superintendent of Con- School of Education.
struction, salary $5,600, Dec. 31, 1941. His retirement from the roster of
Senior Superintendent of Construc- the school of education faculty is ef-
tion, $4,600, Dec. 31, 1941. fective this month as he reached his
Superintendent of Construction, 70th birthday. At a recent meeting,
$3,800, Dec. 31, 1941. The Board of Regents conferred on
Associate Superintendent of Con- him the title of Professor Emeritus
struction, $3,200, Dec. 31, 1941. of Education.
Senior Instructor, Mobile Laundry, Dr. Davis received his bachelor's
$2,600, until further notice. degree from the University in 1895,
Instructor, Mobile Laundry, $2,000, his master's in 1904 and his doctorate
until further notice. from Harvard in 1910. He is noted as
Principal Instructor, Mobile Laun- a pioneer in education for his lead-
dry, $2,900, until further notice ership in some of the first surveys of
Lithographic Pressman, $2,000, public school systems including the
March 24, 1941. New York City Survey of 1911. He
Assistant Lithographic Pressman, was the author of one of the first
$1,620, March 24, 1941. books on the junior high school and
Junior Lithographic Pressman, $1,- on the secondary school curriculum.
440, March 24, 1941. First editor of the "North Central
Complete information on file at ; Association Quarterly", Professor
the Bureau of Appointments and Oc- Davis has been chairman of the Na-
cupational Information, 201 Mason tional Committee on the Celebration
Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. of the Tercentenary of American
C" nvI s eli n~iir


S4< f dlp
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"Historic Hymns", from 9 to 9:30
a.m. over WJR, heads the list of, to-
morrow's broadcasts. Other pro-
grams tomorrow will be a talk by
Prof.. Slosson at 12:30 p.m., WJR;a v
"Out of Court", the legal show, at
12:45 p.m., same station; and the
Varsity Band at 6 p.m. over WCAR. Also CARTE




,e v ecf
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Detroit Mayor
Will Give Talk.
Jeffries To Lead First
Student Discussion
Edward J. Jeffries, Detroit's youth-
ful, progressive mayor will give the
first of a series of talks sponsored
by the Michigan party next Wednes-
day at the Union.
Mayor Jeffries will discuss the per-
tinent topic of "Undergraduate Prep-
aration for Public Life." The speech
will be open to all students, David
Thompson '41, chairman of the ar-
rangements committee, announced.
After the talk the floor will be open
to questions and discussion.
After graduating from the Univer-
sity, Jeffries attended the Lincoln
Inn school in London. He served on
the city council of Detroit for eight
years. The last two years of that
period he was president of the city



Department of Speech presents
Fam ons Comedy of Theatre Life

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insist on buying the best meat money can buy - U.S.
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