Clear-and Warmer
Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication
Ncw America
And The War ...
, ". - I
Hamilton College Names
Evashevski Head Coach
Bulgaria Agrees
To Join
To Face Powerful
OSU Squad oday
Wolverine Hockey Team
Seeks Victory In Second
Battle Against Gophers
Renaissance Five
Defeats All-Stars
Spearheaded by their sophomore
hurdle sensation, blazing Bob Wright,
a strong crew of Ohio State
trackmen invades Yost Field House
for a dual meet clash with Michi-
gan's undefeated' cinder powerhouse
at 7:30 p.m. tonight.
Serving a two-fold purpose, the
battle will act as a proving grounds
on which the relative, strength of
each team will be definitely determ-
ined and also provide a final tune-
up for both outfits before next week's
all-important Western Conference
championships at Purdue.
Wolverines Rate Edge
Although Coach Ken Doherty's
Wolverine squad rates a slight edge
over the Buckeyes, the invaders pos-
sess a brilliant parade of top-flight
performers. Comprising young sopho-
mores mainly, the Scarlet and Gray
squad has virtually unlimited poten-
tialities and should these potentiali-
ties explode into dynamic reality, as
they did last month against Indiana's
great track machine, the Buckeyes
may romp back to Columbus with a
surprise victory.
In its sole duel meet of the current
indoor campaign Ohio dropped a nar-
row 52 1-3 to 51 2-3 decision to the
star-studded Hoosiers, but only af-
ter a hard-fought struggle in which
the desperate Indiana team came
from far behind to win. The Wolver-
ines, on the other hand, have swept
their first two encounters with com-
parative ease, downing Pittsburgh's
Panthers and crushing Michigan Nor-
mal and Michigan State in a triangu-
lar meet.
Most highly-publicized performer
(Continued on Page 3)
Pucksters Seek Revenge
Still a little groggy from the ter-
rific 8-0 beating handed them Thurs-
day, Eddie Lowrey's Michigan hock-
ey team prepares to take the ice
again tonight for another battle with
Although it would seem that Min-
pesota's superiority has been pretty
conclusively demonstrated the Wol-
verines are still clinging to a shred of
hope. Four seniors, who have never
experienced the thrill of a victory
over the Gophers, will get their last
chance to hang one on the lads from
the Twin Cities tonight, and there
is nothing they'd like more than to
do just that.
Pucksters Play Well
Michigan hockey teams traditional-
ly play over their heads against Min-
nesota and Thursday night was no
exception. For two periods. they bat-
tled the Gophers almost on even
terms, holding them to three goals,
one of which was an out-and-out
But fatigue caught up with the
Wolverines in the third frame as it
has in so many games this year.
The members of the Michigan squad
are almost always slower than their
opponents. To keep up with them,
they have to put out just a little'
more than do the visitors. Conse-
quently, by the time the third period
rolls around, they are exhausted
This happened Thursday and in
the third periol the tired Wolverines
were no match for their speedy qp-
ponents. The game developed into a
(Continued on Page 3)
Renaissance Wins, 32-24
New York's Renaissance colored
five stopped off in Ann Arbor last
night on their annual barnstorming
tour and outclassed Johnny Town-
send's All-Stars, 32-24, at Yost Field
House. A crowd of 1,400 saw the Now
Yorkers win their 80th game in 92
starts this year and contributed some
$500 to the WAA Swimming Pool
The affair was a complete success
fnaensni a nly it themain Pment Aart,
Woherine 440 Ace
Wolverine Gridiron Star
Signs Three Year Pact
As New Football Mentor
Forest Evashevski, Michigan's erst-
while star blocking back and "front
man" for Tom Harmon, has been
appointed head football coach of
Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y., it
was learned here yesterday.
Dean Campbell Dickson, of Hamil-
ton, who had the opportunity of
coaching and observing Evashevski
for two years while end coach at
Michigan from 1937 to 1939, recom-
mended him for the position. In ad-
dition, "Evy" has been highly
praised by Fritz Crisler, who considers
him one of the most promising men
entering coaching he has known in
twenty years of experience.
The "One Man Gang's" appoint-
ment is for three years. Soon after his
marriage to Miss Ruth Brown, daugh-
ter of United States Senator Prentiss
Brown, on April 12, the couple will
take up residence in Clinton.
The ex-Wolverine quarterback will
have the rank of Assistant Professor
of Physical Education, and will parti-
cipate in the coaching of other sports
in addition to his specific football
duties. As an all-round athlete Eva-
shevski is expected to contribute an
unusual range of skills to the Hamil-
ton physical eduction program.
Immediately following the an-
nouncement of his appointment
there were rumors that "big time"
football methods would invade the
Will Mediate
Axis; Japan Claims Vichy
U --
Nipponese Patrol Vessels
Sighted In Gulf Of Thai,
Troops In Indo-China
Ex-King Alfonso
Regent Nom
With Sia
inee Gerpian Troops To Enter
Balkan Region As Allies;
Britain To End Relations
Turkey Reinforces
Troops On Frontier
(By The Associated Press)
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, March 1.
--Bulgaria stated officially early this
Horning that it will join the Roie-
Berlin-Tokyo Axis today.
Before the ink is dry on the docu-
ments at Vienna-expected scene of
Succumbs At
Social Action
IS Supported
By GovernorI
Asserting that "democracy must
be in action every minute, wiping
out injustices, fighting to bring fair
play,, to every American," Gov. Mur-
ray D. Van Wagoner opened last'
night the new series, "Why Save De-
mocracy?" sponsored by the Univer-
sity Extension Service over WJR, De-
Urging every citizen to take an ac-
tive part in making democracy work,
Governor Van Wagoner declared that
democracy is worth saving precisely
because it is the only form of gov-
ernment which permited positive
social action.
He warned that Americans cannot
afford to put aside "some or all" of,
the democratic liberties during the
present emergency, pointing out that
those. European nations who had fol-
lowed a policy of retreat had been
been enslaved.
Admitting that American democra-
cy still had important defects and
abuses, Governor Van Wagoner in-
sisted that we must overcome those
weaknesses by formulating new laws
to meet new conditions.
"The moment we are satisfied with
our laws, the moment we look on
democracy as a thing accomplished
and stored up in gold and goods, that
moment democracy starts to die,"
he said.
Freshman tryouts for the Daily
Editorial Staff will meet at the
Student Publications Building ac-
carding to the following schedule:
Group I: 7:15 p.m., Monday
and Wednesday.
Group I: 5 p.m., Tuesday
and Thursday.
Tryouts may meet with either
group, depending on their sched-
ule. Eligible freshmen who have
not yet reported may still tryout
by coming to either the Monday
or the Tuesday meeting next week,
Strike Spreads
To Harvester
Chicago Plant
Knudsen Offers Proposal
To Cover Labor Disputes
In Defense Industries
CHICAGO, Feb. 28.-()-Strikes
spread to a fourth plant of the In-
ternational Harvester Company to-
day amid a shortlived burst of vio-
lence in which several persons were
injured when CIO farm equipment
workers and other employes came to"
grips with shovels and bricks in a
foundry plant.
The CIO union called the strike at
the Company's huge ' McCormick
Works, which employs 6,000 men
here, after accusing the company of
refusing to meet with the union to
negotiate demands.
Sergt. George Barnes, head of a
Chicago Police Labor Detail, said
the fight started when a CIO com-
mittee went to the foundry to per-
suade workers there to strike. A;
CIO spokesman, however, charged
nonstrikers barricaded a door of the
plant and hurled shovels and bricks
at about 100 FEWOC men who were
attempting to walk out.
Meanwhile, in Washington, Wil-
liam S. Knudsen proposed today a
conciliation plan for labor disputes
in defense industries including a
"cooling off" period in advance of
Under the proposal both sides would
be compelled to comply with a fact-
finding report from the Office of
Production Management or lose their
rights before the National Labor Re-
lations Board.
Play Production To Give,
'Much Ado About Nothing'
"Much Ado About Nothing", Shake-
speare's popular comedy, will be Play
Production's next offering, follow-
ing the run of "Trelawney of the
Wells which will end at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre tonight begin -
ning at 8:30 p.m. The Shakespear-'
ean play will open Wed., Mar. 19, and)
will run for four performances. * I
The play, to be directed by Profs.
Valentine B. Windt and William P.
Halstehad, of the Speech department,
is in accordance with the drama
group's usual custom of presenting
orie Shakespearean production a year.
small school, and President Cowley
felt it necessary to issue the state-
ment: "Athletic teams at Hamilton
are organized chiefly for student1
camera derie, and our teams will play!
only colleges of our own type and
standards." ^
He added that Evashevski has beenj
selected as the new coach because
he subscribes whole-heartedly to the
athletic ideals of Hamilton.
Neville Traces
Japanese Rise
Of INatioalism
Shinto, originally a pagan nature
worship, gradually evolved into the,
intense nationalism which character-
izes Japan today, Mr. Edwin L. Ne-
ville, former American Minister to
Thailand, asserted in a University
lecture yesterday.
"Early feudal families began to
claim relationship to the nature gods
and eventually the ruling family
came to be known as direct descen-
dents of the sun god," Mr. Neville
"Japan has the world's oldest roy-
al house," he noted, "but the power
behind the throne has always been
the feudal Shoguns who unified the
Japanese tribes into a national unit."
Commenting on the great influence
of Buddhism, Mr. Neville pointed out,
that monasteries often gained con-
trol of local governments and the
Buddhist evangelists preached a
forceful type of national puritanism.
In 1592 powerful Japanese armies
crossed the strait§ and penetrated
Korea, but were gradually driven back,
1 and completely expelled in 1596, he
stated. Forty-two years later~ Japan
closed its frontiers to all foreigners
except a group of Dutch traders, and
maintained their isolation 'until op-
ened in 1854 by the United States,
Mr. Neville declared.
( reek -ranizatio s
Practice Relay Races
For Carnival Sunday
Members of 30 canmui sororities
and fraternities are busy these days
practicing for the relay races of
Michigan's Winter Carnival Ice Show
at the Coliseum tomorrow evening.
Eleven sorority teams will compete
with each other for one of the gold
championship cups contributed by
Ann Arbor merchants to reward the
victors. . Nineteen fraternities have
entered teams in the relay events,
NEW YORK, Feb. 28-JP)-The
Tokyo (Japanese) Radio said to-
night, it was officially announced
that Thailand had "completely ac-
cepted" Japan's mediation propos-
als in the dispute with Indo-China.
* * *
The British Broadcasting Com-
pany carries an unconfirmed re-
port, picked up by NBC, that the
Vichy government had decided to
give in to the Japanese mediation
* *
TOKYO, March 1-(P)-A Japan-
'se ultimatum that France cede large
areas of its oriental empire to Thai-
land or suffer "forceful action" by
Japanese armed forces expired on the
stroke of last midnight with nothing
from the French but their silence.
This silence appeared to make the
next move Japan's under the re-
ported terms of its ultimatum, but
there were immediate indications any
"forceful action" in Indo-China
would be delayed.
(According to reports at Saigon
that could not be confirmed, Japan-
ese naval patrols numbering 51 ves-
sels of various classification were in
the Gulf of Siam and waters off
southern Indo-China.
(Moreover, Japan is reported to
have in northern Indo-China, aside
from air bases, more than double
the 6,000 troops allowed under last
September's accord with the French
-these ostensibly for prosecution of
the war with China-and the air-
field at Saigon, southern Indo-China,
is said to have been convertedbysthe
Japanese into a "nucleus" air base.
(In Vichy, after a French cabinet
meeting, it was announced merely
that the French position on Indo-
China had been decided. During the
meeting, however, an official spokes-
man said France "is obligated to con-
serve the integrity of her empire
by the terms of the armistice"- with
Authoritative sources said the Jap-
anese foreign office planned an ex-
traordinary conference of key offi-
cials later this morning to which
French and Thai mediation delegates
would be invited.
Ex-King Alfonso Dies
ROME, Feb. 28.-'P)-Former King
Alfonso XIII, 55, of Spain died today
after 15 days of the agony of angina
pectori, and tonight his body lay in
the hotel bedroom which for a decade
had been his place of exile.
His weakened heart stopped at
11:50 a.m. (4:50) a.m. EST). Fif-
teen minutes before the end all that
remains of his family had gathered
about him-all save the Infanta
Christina, who was at Turin awaiting
the birth of another grandchild of
the dying 1monarch.
Slate Named
At Republican
State Meeting
GRAND RAPIDS, Feb. 28.-())-
The Republican State Convention,
hailing itself as "unbossed," nominat-
ed a slate of candidates for the April
7 election here today, naming Leroy
C. Smith of Detroit to head the tic-
ket as its choice for state highway
The balance of the ticket follows:
For University of Michigan Re-
ents-Senator Earl L. Burhans,
Paw Paw, and Alfred T. Connable,
Arn Arbor;
For Supreme Court Justice-John
M. Dunham, Grand Rapids, and
George A. Cham, Pontiac;
For State Board of Agriculture-
Clark L. Brody, Lansing, and William
H. Berkey, Cassopolis, incumbents;
For Superintendent of Public In-
struction-Dr. Eugene B. Elliott, Lan-
sing, incumbent;
For State Board of Education-Dr.
Wynand Wichers, Holland, incum-
Lacking the leadership of the old
McKay-Barnard alliance which for
years has named the tickets of nom-
inees and gone into the convention
with enough votes to back up their
judgment, the delegates settled on
the convention floor ,fights for the
nominations for highway commission-
er, regent and ju'tice. They were
battles of ballots, rather than of
words, and the convention ended as
one of the most harmonious in recent
There were no wild scenes such as
marked the party's fall convention
here in September, in which a Wayne
County delegation headed by Edward
N. Barnard, political ally of Frank
G. McKay, was ejected from the hall.
the ceremony - German troops al-
ready marching in Rumania will en-
ter Bulgaria automatically as allies
and Great Britain will have to break
relations with the newest Axis re-
cruit, keenly-watching diplomatic
quarters predi'cted.
The official word that Bulgaria fin-
ally has yielded to the Nazi program
was conveyed to Yugoslav Foreign
Undersecretary Smaljanic by Bulgar-
ia's Charge D'Affairs, Ivan Starteff.
Diplomatic reports from Sofia said
Bulgarian Premier Bogdan Philoff
and Foreign Minister Ivan Popoff
were flying to Vienna in a special
plane this morning to sign the pact.
Troops Reinforced -
Turkey was said to be reinforcing
its .troops on the Bulgarian frontier
following conclusion of the talks be-
tween Turkish leaders and Anthony
Eden, British Foreign Secretary, and
Gen. Sir John Dill, chief of the Bri-
tish Imperial General staff.
The big question now was "what
will Turkey do?"
And despite the communique issued
in Ankara that Britain and Turkey
were in complete agreement on "Bal-
kan problems," there were few diplo-
mats in the Balkans who were will-
ing to wager Turkey would oppose
any German entry into Greece
through Bulgaria.
Most diplomats expressed belief
Turkey would remain within its own
frontiers and fight only in the event
its borders were violated.
Sofia Shut Off
Sofia, Balkan capital, shut itself
off from the outside world last night
and today by establishing a police
cordon which made exit from the
city impossible, mysteriously suspend-
ed telephone communications for 23
hours and began a roundup of "men
with British connections."
There was no word from the fron-
tier with Rumania, where many of
the 600,000 troops of Adolf Hitler's
Balkan army have beefi concentrated
across the Danube River from Bul-
A mass movement of German troops
in battle formation through Buchar-
est was reported in diplomatic dis-
patches reaching Belgrade from, the
Rumanian capital, which is less than
50 miles from the Bulgarian border.
These dispaches gave no indication,
however, of the direction taken by
the .Nazi formations.,
Bucharest Quiet
Business in Bucharest was report-
ed at a standstill, with all main
streets reserved for the German mili-
The British legation in Sofia was
packed for a quick getaway ahead of
any Nazi invasion.,
All diplomatic missions, including
the United States legation, were cut
off from any kind of outside-om-
munication during the interruption
in telephone service-both interna-
tional and internal-from 8 p.m. last
night (1 p.m.EST, Thursday) until
a single line was reopened to Bel-
grade at 6:45 p.m. (11:45 a.m. EST)
Even after this line was restored
it still was impossible to communi-
cate with the provinces.
Journalists Attend
Press Convenion
Three senior editors of The Daily
and two former members of the edi-
torial staff, all members of Sigma
Delta Chi, national professional
journalism fraternity, journeyed to
the campus of Michigan State College
in East Lansing yesterday, to attend
the Michigan Collegiate Press Con-
Market Loss Requires Changes
In Farming, Soil Expert Says
Milstein Says Art Will Survive
Wars And World Revolutions
Wars, revolutions and world-draa-
mas do not produce art, nor do they
stop its production unless they end
the physical life of artists, Nathan
Milstein, distinguished violinist who
will appear in the next of the 1940-
41 series of Choral Union Concerts,
declared in a statemzent prepared] es-
pecially for The Daily.
.Milstein, who will present a re-
cital Tuesday at 8:30 p.m in Hill
Auditorium, will take the place of
Georges Enesco, Rumanian violinist
detained in Europe by the war,
"I believe the creative artist is
born," Milstein declared, "not made
by circumstances and happenings out-
side him." The material for creation
and expression does not appear when
"I started to play the violin," he
said, "not because I'was drawn to it,
but because my mother made me. I
was attracted to music, wanted to
hear it and wanted to make it. But
I had to be forced to learn how to
make it. She sensed my affinity for
music and made me practice regular-
ly, It was only when I had progressed
far enough to feel the music itself
in my playing that I practiced will-
ingly and eagerly."
Although Milstein first played in
public when he was ten years old,
his series of professional recitals
did not begin until he was nineteen.
He survived the Russian revolution,
went to Paris in 1925 without soi
much as a violin and on a borrowed
Drastic changes in the present ag-
ricultural system of the United States
to meet the problem caused by the
loss of export markets as a result
of the war were advocated by Charles
E. Kellogg, Chief of the Division of
Soil Survey of the U.S. Department
of Agriculture, in an interview yes-
No market exists at the present
time for what we could grow and have
been growing, and huge surpluses of
cotton, tobacco, fruits such as apples,
wheat and corn are piling -up in this
country, Mr. Kellogg pointed out. For
the interests of hemisphere solidar-
ity a trade program is supposed to be
worked out with South America who
also has surpluses of cotton, beef,
wheat and corn. Indicative of the
difficulties of such a program are the
protests of the beef producers who
oppose the importation of Argentine
beef because it lowers prices.
Mr. Kellogg. agreeing, however.
finding of alternate uses for the
land. All changes must be made, Mr.
Kellogg emphasized, without damage
to the farmer or to the land.
Shipping food to the Continent
will not alleviate the surpluses as it
amounts to "only a drop in the buc-
ket". Canada alone last year produc-
ed enough wheat surplus to handle
all of Europe's demands. Use for
some products nevertheless, may be
found in industry. Henry Ford has
already begun to use the soybean and
experimental roads have been made
with cotton. The government an-
nually spends about four million in
experimental laboratories located in
San Francisco, Philadelphia, Peoria,
and New Orleans, explained Mr. Kel-
logg. As a result of this research,
new products will be stimulated, and
industrial uses and markets found
for old ones.
Contrary to popular opinion, there
will be no boom for agriculture even
if we enter the war. concluded Mr.