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June 06, 1941 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-06-06

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THE MlCH1~AN T)AIT.V - 'W'~AE.~ ~, ~ U~ .L~JtL

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Engine School
To Cooperate
With Defense
Special Courses To Train
High School Graduates
Here During Summer
CollegesWill Assist
As part of the Engineering Defense
Training Program of the Federal gov-
ernment, engineering training classes
for qualified high school graduates
will be offered this summer by the-
University in cooperation with other
educational institutions in the state
under the sponsorship of the United
States Office of Education.
The courses, which will be given
through the University Extension Ser-
vice and under the supervision of the
College of Engineering, are designed
to provide an elementary engineering.
training -for high school graduates
who plan to enter industry.f
Eight-Week Session
Classes are scheduled to open June
23 for an eight-week session. Courses
to be emphasized are applied mathe-
matics, engineering drafting or de-
scriptive geometry, industrial mater-
ials and shop theory.
-The public colleges and junior col-
loges which have been invited to co-
operate in this program are located
in Port Huron, Muskegon, Jackson,
Highland Park, Grand Rapids, Iron-
wood, Dearborn, Flint, Bay City, Yp-
silanti, Kalamazoo, Marquette and
1Mt. Pleasant.
Faculty members of these colleges
who will serve as instructors will hold
a conference at 10 a.m. Saturday in
Room 305, West Engineering Build-
ing. Prof. Robert H. Sherlock of the
engineerirng college, University coord-
ilator of the Engineering Defense
Training Program, will be in charge.
Certificates Issued
Although work in the courses will
be given on a non-credit basis, the
University will issue certificates to the
students who complete the program
Instructional costs of the program
will be paid by the Federal govern-
ment. The only costs to students will
be for textbooks, drawing instruments
and class material.
Unused manuscripts Which have
been submitted to Perspectives may
be called for at the Publications
Building during the afternoon
either today or tomorrow.



Original Boys' Town' To Ask
Contributions Here Tomorrow

"There are no bad boys" may
represent a rash statement from some
points of view, but with Floyd Starr, it
is a law, and since 1913 he has been
engaged in proving it to everyone.
For it was in 1913 that Floyd Starr,
barely three years out of Albion Col-
lege, gave up his savings and a f am-
ily inheritance to purchase a farm
three miles outsde of Albion for his
experiment. The result - Starr Com-
monwealth for Boys.
More Than 1,000 Helped
Since that date, more than 1,000
boys have come from the streets,
from the courts, from unfriendly fam-
ilies to Starr Commonwealth to live
with other boys in a spirit of co-
operation and friendliness. Since that
date, also, like projects have appeared
over the country. The now-famous
Boys' Town was germinated in the
mind of its .builder, Father Flana-
gan, only after he had heard Floyd
Starr speak on "his boys."
Today the Commonwealth, "the
world's most unique character fac-
tory," boasts of nearly 800 acres, with
i40 acressoffcampus, 125 students, a
sizeable staff and an almost 100 per
cent success record of its graduates.
The school was supported almost
entirely from contributions. Its lat-
est requests made possible the con-
struction of a much-needed barn to
house the 52 cows providing milk for
DeMolay Club
Will Establish
Mason-Sponsored Serviee
Organization To Hold
Meeting In The Union
A campus DeMolay Club, repre-
senting the Mason-sponsored DeMo-
lay organization which has chapters
all over the world, will be established
here this month, according to Dick
Naumann, '44, leader of the group
which is founding the club.
The Order of DeMolay is essen-
tially a service organization, one of
the world's strongest youth groups.
Working with Naumann in founding
a Michigan chapter are Bill Eas-
ton, '42, Robert Swartz, '41, and Paul
Youngdahl, '42E.
There will be an important meet-
ing for all student DeMolay members
this Sunday at 4:30 in the Union.
Faculty members of Masonic bodies
are urged to attend this organization
There are other college chapters
of DeMolay, led by the University
of Oklahoma chapter of 200-odd
members. The founders of the Mich-
igan group feel that the University's
chapter should not lag behind this
membership total: "on top in DeMo-
lay as in everything else," is their

the boys. And recently there appeared
a new "cottage," with room for 35
newcomers, paid for mainly through
the generosity of James Inglis of
this city, chairman of the board of
the National Bank of Detroit and
named in his honor.
New Kitchen Needed
Now the boys are voicing the need
for a new kitchen. With more than
450 meals prepared daily, it has be-
come almost an all-day job to prepare
even one meal using the present
facilities. Two boys must work two
hours to peel potatoes for dinner, and
washing dishes has been as great an
They ,are asking for an enlarged
CentralaKitchen with tiled, washable
walls, and equipped with electrical
refrigeration, ,a large power mixing
unit, a vegetable peeler, a dish wash-
ing machine, pressure cookers, can-
ning equipment and a steam table.
Tag Day Tomorrow
To this end they will be n Ann
Arbor ,tomorrow, many of them, to
ask the help of citizens here in their
annual Tag Day project. Boys will
be stationed on campus and at var-
ious posts downtown with red flags
for contributors who believe, as Floyd
Starr does, that "there is no such
thing as a bad boy."
games To Give Address
Speaking on "A Geographic Back-
ground for the Study of Latin Ameri-
can Affairs," Prof. Preston E. James
of the Geography department will ad-
dress the Latin American Institute
to be held at Connecticut College June
23 to June 28.

Union Presents
Merit Awards
F1Ve Student WorkerS Win
em ester Scholarships
Five student workers at the Mich-
igan Union are richer today because
they have successfully combinedf
scholarship, popularity and proficien-
cy in their past year's work at the
Fifty dollar Union Merit Awards
- presented each semester - were
awarded to Edward Watrasevich, '43,
and Martin growning, '43, at a Union
meeting yesterday. Melvin Bowman,'
'42L, Robert DeWitt, Grad., and Ron-
ald Faust, '41F&C; each received $25.
The scholarships are awarded 60
per cent on the basis of the quality
of work as rated by department heads,
20 percent for popularity among other
student employes and 20 per cent on
scholarship records.
To be eligible for the scholarships
a student must be a Union employe
for at least two semesters.
Judges for the selection were Frank
M. Kuenzel, acting Union manager;
Prof. C. O. Eisler; Robert Sibley,
Union president,sand Dean of Stu-
dlents Joseph Bursicy. -
Schmeling Recovering
From Stomach Ache
New York, June 5.-UP)-Max
Schmeling is recuperating from a
stomach ache and parachute fighting
in Crete in a ward on the ground
floor of the former American college
(just outside Athens, Harry W. Flan-
nery, CBS correspondent, said in a
broadcast from Athens tonight after
an interview with Schmeling.

June 7 to .June 17, 1941
NOTE: For courses having both lectures and quizzes, the Time of
Exercise is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses
having quizzes only, the Time of Exercise is the time of the first quiz
..Drawing and laboratory work may be continued through the ex-
amination period in amount equal to that normally devoted to such
work during one week.
Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted be-
low the regular schedule. All cases of conflicts between assigned exam-
ination periods must be reported for adjustment to Professor D. W.
MeCready, Room 3209 East Engineering Building, before June 2. To
avoid misunderstandings and errors, each student should receive noti-
fication from his instructor of the time and place of his appearance in
each course during the period June 7 to June 17.
No single course is permitted more than four hours of examir.
tion. No date of examination may be changed without the consent of
the Classification Committee.

Seniors Given
Reduced Rate
On lumnus'
Seniors need not leave college be-
hind them when they are graduated!
They can keep up with persons, places
and events in Ann Arbor almost as
easily as if they were here, if they
subscribe to The Michigan Alumnus.
And to make this even easier, the
editors are offering a year's subscrip-
tion to every senior at a 50 per cent
discount. In other words, for $2, each
member of the graduating class will
be assured of receiving 26 issues of
the magazine. Of these, five are week-
ly, five are fortnightly, 12 arrive
monthly and the remaining four come
at three-month intervals.
There are 920 pages in all, giving
news of alumni 'and campus events
and personalities. The weekly issues at
the first part of the year Dave in
them reviews of the football games
and of the initial events of the
school ,year.'
The Quarterly Reviews contain art-
icles upon various subjects, written
mainly by members of the University
faculty. Research findings, and com-
mentary evaluations are among the
types of work done for these issues.
Seniors wishing subscriptions to
The Michigan Alumnus are asked
to place their orders at once at Alum-
ni headquarters in Alumni Memorial
I)oait, Ericksoi Win
Cheiistiry Awards
Two chemistry scholarships of $200
have been awarded to Jack P. Doan,
'42, and Charles E. Erickson, '42, for
the coming school year according
to a statement from literary college
offices yesterday.
The Paul F. Bagley Scholarship,
awarded to Doan, and the Gomberg
Scholarship awarded tp Erickson, are
both designed for worthy students in
the field of chemistry.
Foresters Obtin
Summr~ner Work
Through out .S.
Summer jobs for students of the
School of Forestry and Conservation
have shown a sharp increase this
year, Prof. Shirley W. Allen of the
department announced.
Students of the forestry school will
work in several different states, pro-
tecting forests from fires and con-
trolling diseases. Four men have been
stationed in California, seven in
Washington and Oregon, eleven in
Idaho and Montana, and others
scattered throughout the country.
Professor Allen attributes this in-
crease of employment for younger
men to the fact that older foresters
have been conscripted and also that
there is a need to strengthen our na-
tional fire control service in the great
western forests.
Drug May Be Cure
For Tuberculosis
CLEVELAND, June 5. -()- A
new drug which offers a hope, but
only a hope, to tuberculosis sufferers
was reported today to the American
Medical Association.
In announcing it and its tentative
use on more than 75 patients, Drs.
Corwin Hinshaw and William H. Feld-

man of Mayo Clinic hastened to warn
persons with tuberculosis against
expecting immediate cure. Until the
drug is proven or disproven they
claim nothing.

Here Is

Ann Arbor


Mayor Leigh J. Young, honorary
chairman of the defense bond and
stamp committee, has designated to-
morrow as "Stamp Day," and citizens
are urged to visit the local bankst
and post offices or the Ann Arbor
Trust Company and Kresge stores
where stamps and bonds will be on.
Contribution of $580.49, first
day's results, combined with collec--
tions yesterday totalled $2,320t
and leaders of the local United1
Service Organization campaign to
raise funds for clubroom facilities
for soldiers, sailors and national
defense workers were confident that
the goal of $6,000 would be reached,
today, last official day of the drive. 1
Fraternities, sororities and dormi-
tories have been contacted and col-E
lection boxes placed in the Union,
League and general library for
student contributions.
* *
Summer concerts in the West Park
band shell opened last night with
a program by the Ann Arbor High
School Band, its last performance of
the year.
George Roche, director of the band,
will be in charge of Ann Arbor play- I
grounds this summer for the depart-
inent of recreation.
er ect on __odes coong.


Degree Given
To MeClusky
Alumni Of Park College'
Honor Psychologist
Prof. Howard Y. McClusky, as-
sistant to the vice-president in charge
of university relations 3n the adult
education field, was honored with the
degree of Doctor of Laws by Park
College, Parkville, Mo., at the an-
nual commencement day program re-
Professor McClusky, who began his
career at Park College, was named
president-elect of the Park College
Alumni Association at the annual
meeting and is scheduled to take of-
fice in June 1942.
As director of the American Youth
Commission, and Professor of Educa-
tional Psychology, he has done ex-
tensive work in adolescent and mental
hygiene, visual education and adult
Let the Transcontinental
Freight' Co. handle your per-
sonal effects, and household
S goods. Service to all principle
cities. Specialists in transpor-
tation since 1898. For further
information and pick-up call-
7102 or 4491.

Matinees 2:00-3:50 . 25c
Nights 7:00-9:00 . 40c


Robert Benchley in "Forgotten Man" "Miracles of Hydro," Fox Cameraman
SHOWS TODAY 2:00-4:17-7:00-9:20 P.M.
Now Plaingg






Thursday, June 12 8-12
Monday, June 9 8-12
Wednesday, June 11 8-12
Tuesday, June 10 8-12
Monday, June 16 8-12
Saturday, June 7 8-12
Monday, June 9 2- 6


Monday, June 16
Tuesday, June 10
Thursday, June 12
Friday, June 13
Tuesday, June 17
Friday, June 13
Saturday, June 14
*Saturday, June 7
'Wednesday, June 11
*Saturday, June 7
*Monday, June 9
*Saturday, June 14
'Saturday, June 14
*Friday, June 13

2- 6
2- 6
2- 6
2- 6
2- 6
2- 6
2- 6
2- 6
2- 6


(Complete with
Filing System)
We carry the'
Most Complete Line
In Ann Arbor
Victor Columbia


E.M. 1, 2;hC. E. 2; German;
Surv. 1, 2, 4; Drawing 2
M. E. 3; Drawing I
Met. Proc. 2, 3, 4
Drawing 3; French
E. E. 2a; ?hysics 45

*This may be used on an irregular period provided there is no
conflict with the regular printed schedule above.
_ ____________-__


with the aid of
ed*' ,


*a -
Coming Sunday

Pour very hot water over your
dishes when you have finished
washing them. It gives them
added sparkle and they prac-
tically dry themselves. Dish-
washing is only one of many
household tasks simplified by
automatic ELECTRIC hot
water. Ask about this service
at any Detroit Edison office-
or see your plumber, electrical
dealer, hardware or depart-
ment store today. The Detroit
Edison Company.
Here's the .
This electric teakettle leads
all others in heating water
FAST. A special high-speed
elemient does the job in a hurry
... and you simply plug the
kettle into the nearest con-

in Subscription Cost of
T He


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throughout the Ulnited .States enables them to
buy all your discontinued textbooks at fair prices,
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