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June 06, 1941 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-06-06

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ir t


Christianity Was
Once Subversive Too


Fifty Years O f Continuous Publication


3.2 Victory Over Bears
Gives Wolverines Split
In Series; Muir Stars
John Leidy Elected
Captain Of Golfers
Michigan's nine climaxed one of
the greatest baseball seasons in Maize
and Blue history yesterday at Ferry
Field when it defeated ths University
of California, 3-2.
The victory gave the Wolverines
their 24th win in 32 starts and an
even break in their series with the
Mickey Stoddard, pitching his last
game for Michigan, held the visitors
to six hits and -one run in the five
innings he worked. The curly-topped
right-hander was lifted in the middle
of the game according to prearranged
plans by Coach Ray Fisher, and Neil
Muir entered to pitch the last half.
The husky left-hander held the Bears
to two hits and one run to gain his
third victory of the season.
The Wolverine batters helped them-
selves to nine hits off the offerings
of lanky Fred Kirtlan, who was the
only California pitcher to see service.
The Bear pitcher had only himself
to blame for his team's defeat be-
cause he made several damaging mis-
plays which gave the local nine two
unearned runs.
. California was leading, 1-0, going
into the Wolverines' half of the fifth.
Ray Fisher decided Stoddard had had
enough and sent Wayne Christenson
in to pinch hit. The chubby little
second baseman pushed the second
pitch for a single inlto left field.
Fisher continued to make it a
battle of wits by ordering Sofiak to
sacrifice Christenson to second. But
the sparky little shortstop got a life
when he was safe at first on a bad
throw from pitcher Kirtlan. To add
to California's troubles Whitey Hol-
man received a free pass to first to
fill the bases.
The fans were hollering for Capt.
(Continued on Page 3)
Golf Team Elects
Leidy Captain
Closing officially the greater part
of its active season, Michigan's pow-
erful golf team rose in unison yes-
terday and chose John Leidy, '42,
of Ann Arbor as its new captain
for the 1942 season. ;
Succeeding Captain Fred Dannen-
felser of Toledo, the popular cap-
tain-elect has won two varsity letters
and has behind him one of the best
records on the Michigan squad.
.The story of husky John's sudden
rise from a reserve player's position
to onea of the shining lights in the
Michigan lineup is an astounding
one and is typical of the great ro-
manticism and color of American
After playing freshman golf during
his first year in college, 'Leidy went
through most of last season playing
in a reserve role. His cool, steady play
was overshadowed by several members
of last year's all-veteran team. Ex-
captain Bob Palmer, Big Ten and

Southern Intercollegiate runnerup,
winning all his dual meets; mighty
mite Jack Emery, Goodwin Clark
and Lynn, Riess all combined their
efforts to make it tough for a
sophomore newcomer.
Undaunted by ail thnIS, Leidy, who
is known for his coolness and steady
play, went along on his own and won
a reserve letter for his season's ac-
That was before the National In-
tercollegiate Meet. It was then that
things began to happen. John en-
tered in the preliminaries of the na-
tional tournament, and, surprising
(Continued on Page 3)
Kohler, Sawyer Get
Naval Appointments
Two University professors received
appointments last week as Lieuten-
ant-Commander in the Naval Reserve.
Last Saturday Prof. Henry L. Koh-
ler of the department of mechanical
engineering received a commission as
'~~~ T~atin~ _"nm-mana in +h. Avi.-

Dick Wakefield To Join
Ranks Of Professionals
Sophomore Wolverine OutfielderTo TTake
Onie Of Attractive Major League Offers

German Army Reported Massing
On Border Of Poland For Attack



To Seize

Grain, Oil

Sports Editor1
Michigan's sensational sophomore
outfielder, husky Dick Wakefield, def-
initely decided yesterday to forego the
rest of his collegiate competition in
favor of professional baseball.
The final decision of the lanky 200-
pound Chicagoan put an end to all
speculation concerning his future sta-
tus as amateur or professional, and
at the same time redoubled the ef-
forts of the dozen or more major
league scouts who have been following
the big slugger around the country
with contracts in hand.
Wakefield, a vital cog in the Wol-
verine baseball machine which drove
to its first Western Conference cham-
pionship since 1936, made known his
intentions in an interview with The
Daily immediately following yester-
day's 3-2 Wolverine victory over Cali-
fornia's touring Golden Bears, the
season's final contest. "I will definite-
Iy play professional baseball this
year," Wakefield declared. "Although
I would like very much to continue
in collegiate competition here at
Michigan, the offers have been too
attractive to turn down, and I intend
to select the best one."
One of the most potent offensive
threats in the Maize and Blue lineup
this year, Wakefield blasted a total of
nine home runs, including several
over 400 feet, during the most success-
ful season Coach Ray Fisher's Wolver-
ine team has experienced since 1928.
Always a menace at the plate, Dick
reminded many of George Sisle, one-
time Fisher protege here at Michigan,
who graduated to stardom with the
New York Yankees.
Wakefield conferre(d at length yes-
terday with several representatives of
major league clubs, but did not come
to any terms. "It will probably be
a couple of weeks yet," declared the
six foot four inch outfielder, "before
I make any permanent agreement."
Invited to work out with the In-
dians, Dick plans to travel to Cleve-
land over the weekend and will like-
ly participate in the Tribe's pre-
JGP Authors
Can Cooperate
Collaboration Will Merit
Winners Twin Prizes
Collaboration among authors in
preparation of a script for the 1942
Junior Girls' Play will be permitted
this year, Mary Lou Ewing, '43, gen-
eral chairman, announced yesterday.
If several people cooperate to write
the winning script, Miss Ewing said,
duplicate prizes of tickets toall cam-
pus affairs such as J-Hop, or May
Festival or Dramatic Season will be
awarded according to the number of
co-authors, or they may divide the
$100 prize.--
Synopses must be submitted by
July 1 while the final, complete play
will be due November 1. Anyone
may enter the contest as it is niot
limited to undergraduates or stu-
dents in the University.
Plays should b planned to run
about an hour an',I half long, to in-
clude two acts and numerous scenes.

lame drills Saturday and Sunday. The
big sophomore was extended an invi-
tation to go to .Cincinnati as a guest

Hull's Notice Seen As Offering
France Last Chance For Help


of the Reds, and he expects to make
that trip immediately after the finals
are completed next week.
Latin-Am nerican
Study Program
Is Announced
Courses Will Be Of fered
In Seven Departments I
Next Fall, James Says
Offering integrated courses in sev-
en departments, the University of
Michigan Committee on Latin Ameri-
can Studies yesterday announced a
new related study program in the
Latin American field.
In announcing that the program
would begin next fall, Prof. Preston
E. James, chairman of the commit-
tee, emphasized that it was prepared
as an answer to the increasing de-
mand for information about the poli-
tics, commerce, and culture of South
Available to those concentrating in
any one of the cooperating depart-
ments, the program offers 20 courses
related to Latin American studies.
Students wishing to take advan-
tage of the offered program should
consult the member of the Com-
mittee representing their department
of concentration. The committee
includes: Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of
the History department; Professor
James of the Geography department;
Prof. Hayward Keniston of the Ro-
mance Language department; Prof.
Charles F. Remer of the Economics
department; Prof. Harold E. Wethey
of the Fine Arts department; Prof.
Lawrence Preuss of the Political
Science department, and Prof. Mischa
Titiev of the Anthropology depart-

United States served a scarcely veiled
notice on France today that it would
sacrifice American friendship and
assistance if it cooperated with Ger-
many in a policy of "aggression and
The public statment issued by
Secretary of State Hull was regarded
as giving France a last chance to re-
nounce such a policy. However, Hull
said preliminary official reports in-
dicated France already had made the
choice in favor of becoming an,"in-
strument of aggression."
He declared the policy of French-
German collaboration now taking
shape "could only be utterly inimical
to the just rights of other countries"
and added:
"We are therefore undertaking as
speedily as possible to assemble every
material fact and circumstance cal-
culated to shed light on this alleged
course of the French Government."
The statement contained an implied
threat that American action might
take the form of breaking off the
"full and friendly diplomatic relation-
ship" which S cretary Hull said had
been maintained with the .Vichy gov-
It emphasized the united States
was interested in safeguarding French
possessions in the Western Hemi-
sphere in the light of the new situa-
Any move toward American occu-
Age Limitation
Asked In Draft


Ne4 w 'U' Haxl
Bill Is Caught
.in Late .Rush
Hopes for a new University ad-
ministration building to replace aged
University Hall brightened yesterday
when The Daily discovered that the
Legislature's appropriation bill was
not in a pigeon-hole of the governor's
office but was caught in a printing-
house jam.
It had been feared that the bill to
replace the, University's most dis-
tinguished fire-trap might be doomed
to a pocket-veto at the hands of the
governor, for it is eight days since
the state legislature approved the bill
in a final 24-hour session. These
fears were dispelled by the governor's
secretary yesterday who told The
Daily that the bill, along with 351
other products of the Legislature's
efforts, will not be extricated from
the printing office until next Mon-
day. The period allowed the govern-
or to sign the last rush of bills com-
ing from the legislature does not
legally begin until the bills are de-
livered to the governor's office.
St. Lawrence Project
Urged By Roosevel
Washington, June 5.-(U)-A bust-
ling day of many defense develop-
ments was capped today by an appeal
from President Roosevelt for imme-
diate construction of the St. Law-
rence Waterway as a move essential
to the naton's protection.
It -would take four years-possibly
less-he said, to develop the great
seaway and power project, long a
source of Congressional controversy,
but he added, there was no assurance
the "country's danger" would be end-
ed sooner than that.
"We have no right," he added, "to
take chances with the nation's pro-

pation of these, however, was ex-
pected to await fuller development of
the French-German collaboration.
Hull's statement today was the
second by the American Government
concerning the new French policy.
President Roosevelt declared in a
statement May 15 that the American
people could hardly believe the
French Government would "lend itself
to a plan of voluntary alliance im-
plied or otherwise which would ap-
parently deliver up France and its
colonial empire."

Vichy Diplomats Report Secret Meeting
Between Hitler, Stalin On Soviet Aid;
Russian Position In System Uncertain
Dutch Will Answer Japanese;
Nazi Advancea'rted On Suez
(By The Associated Press)
ANKARA, Turkey, June 5.-Turkish and foreign quarters exchanged
reports tonight saying Germany is putting heavy pressure on the Soviet
for access to the wheat granaries of the Russian Ukraine, even going to the
extent of planning a joint German-Rumanian invasion by mid-Junel
Authoritative Turkish circles said they were informed 155 German and
Rumanian divisions-from 1,850,000 to 2,325,000 men-are massed in
Poland and Rumania, ready for a drive against the Soviet which would
have for its objective the procurement of food, oil and minerals for a long
war against England.
One foreign diplomat claimed to have received information that the
Rumanian legation here had been informed by its government to expect
the opening of hostilities by mid-June.
These reports were contrary to information received from reliable quar-
ters in Berlin only a few days ago when Reich authorities were reported
- so pleased with a new agreement with
the Soviet by which Germany is to
Retreat Parade receive even larger quantities of foo-
stuffs than it had requested that
they had shelved all thoughts they
To End ROTC may have entertained of an invasion.
(Also contradictory were reports
D rill t es :frompvichy that Adolf Hitler and
Joseph Stalin in a secret meeting al-
ready have agreed on a program by
which Russia will undertake to de-
Presentation Of Awards, liver bread to a Hitler-dominated
Commissions To Cadets Europe.
Tn FP ae (Recent Vichy reports said Hitler
To Feature Program was almost under compulsion to win

Chief Of Selective
Requests 27 As


Gish, Calhern isit Festival:
Dramlade I etrme
Viewed By Noted Stage Stars

WASHINGTON June 5.-('P)---A top1
age limit of 27 years of men drafted
for military service was advocated
today by Brig. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey,
director of Selective Service.
Legislators said the draft direc-
tor told the Senate Military Commit-
tee at a closed session that this was
the age limit President Roosevelt
would fix 'under a requested amend-
ment to the Selective Service Act.-
The present draft ages are 21 through{
35, but the amendment would em-
power the President to defer men "by1
age group."
Chairman Reynolds (Dem-NC) said
the Senate committee probably would,
approve the request at a session to-
moi'row and other Senators suggested
the definite limit of 27 years be writ-1
ten into the legislation.
General Hershey said all men who
had reached 27 years October 16, 1940,
would be deferred from training un-
der present plans. He stressed the
need for youth in the armed forces.
An informed army officer said men
above this age limit, already in train-
ing, probably would be excused if
they so requested. f
Senators said General Hershey tes-
tified most of the complaints and
trouble with present trainees had?
come from the older men, 30 to 36
years, who represented only about
10 per cent of those in service.
Prof. Allen To I'I ad
N orth ern C aofle Tip
Of Forestr Grou
Prof. Shirley W. Allen of the School
of Forestry and Conservation has been
appointed by the American Forestry
Association to lead a thirteen day
canoe trip in the Canadian-American
waters bordering Superior National
Forest in Minnesota, it was announced
The expedition will leave Eli, Minn.,
July 9 and continue through the pic-
turesque wilderness, roughing it all
the way. There will also be a Trail
Rider trip through the Sequoia-Kern
These expeditions are sponsored an-
nually by the American Forestry As-
saciation to familiarize various groups

Prizes To le Awarded:
Edward Weeks, Atlantic Editor,
Will Give Hopwood Talk Today

Retreat parade at 5:15 p.m. today
on Palmer Field will mark the end
of four years' training for 100 grad-
uates of the University ROTC as
President Alexander G. Ruthven pre-
sents them with their commissions.
This parade, the last function of the
ROTC for the current school year,
will also see the presentation by Pres-
ident Ruthven of awards in scholar-
ship and marksmanship to cadets of
all classes.
After the presentation of awards
and commissions and the ceremony
of retreat, the regiment of cadets willy
pass in review before President Ruth-
ven and the graduating class.
In case of inclement weather the
ceremony will be held in Yost Field
House and the flag across from the
Library will remain up after 4:30 p.m.
All friends of cadets and others in-
terested are invited to attend. The
ROTC Drum and Bugle Corps will
as usual play for the event.
Swastika Banner Raised
On High School Flag Pole
A crudely-constructed swastika
flag, raised by unknown persons, be-
lieved to be pranksters, was discov-
ered yesterday morning flying from
the newly-dedicated flag pole of the
Ann Arbor High School.

VICHY, Unoccupied France, June
5.-(IP)-Reports received in usually
well-informed diplomatic circles to-
night said Adolf Hitler and Joseph
Stalin at a secret meeting had
agreed on a far-reaching European-
African collaboration scheme in
which the Russian Ukraine would
undertake to step up wheat produc-
tion to see that all Europe a has
Just how Russia would fit into
a European-African system was not
made clear by these reports, which
were without official or direct con-
the Ukraine's food resources, by
peaceful means or othetwise, before
he moves or Gibraltar, as otherwise
,die would be without stores to feeS'
the hungry Spanish population.)
Turkish sources said they had
learned Russia is aware of the situa-
tion, and is removing civilians from
Bessarabia, the Rumanian province
the Red Army occupied nearly a year
Rumanian Premier Ion Antonescu
has voiced Rumanian determination
to recover the province ever since his
country was occupied by German
Nazi Drive Believed
Started On Suez
(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, June 5,-()-Britain's
big Middle Eastern Army was be-
lieved tonight to be ready to move
into French-mandated Syria, possi-
bly within a day or two.
Reliable reports said Britain was
ready for definite action, with a
showdown inevitable soon. A British
attempt to beat the Germans to occu-
pation of Syria was seen as a logical
development if persistent reports of
heavy German troop movements into
the region are true.
As for Germany, it appeared to have
really opened its long-waited thrust
toward the Suez Canal with a smash-
ing air attack on Alexandria, guard-
an of the strategic waterway and
rain base of the Britiish Mediterran-
ean fleet, which killed more than
100 persons.
Dutch, Japanese
Relations Poised
(By The. Associated. Press)
BATAVIA, Netherlands East Indies,
June 5.-Japan's year-long efforts to
draw from the Indies great quantities
of such war essentials as rubber, oil
and tin tottered tonight on what the
chief Japanese negotiator himself
called "the edge of the precipice."
With friendly relations thus deli-
catedly poised, the Dutch have prom-

Why did Miss Fiske stop singing
When did the worthless nephew
discover the truth?
Why was the bake-oven suddenly
bricked up?
What did the nephew read on the
blotter he held up to the mirror?
Why did the iron-willed house-
keeper faint in the darkened living
What made the pert young maid
These are only six of the knots
that are untied in Denham and Per-
cy's harrowing murder drama, "Ladies
in Retirement," now being shown at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Special Admirers
Ruth Gordon, noted stage and
screen star pleased a very special
rr -i-r of7 ipr 1' t}1' Y . t ein PF 'VP _

both the guests of Miss Gordon and
Miss Natwick at lunch.
It was learned yesterday that Eu-
gene Zukor, noted Hollywood pro-
ducer has finally succeeded in per-
suading Miss Gordon to accept a con-
tract to play with Greta Garbo
in the Swedish film star's next opus.
Zukor has been calling the star of
"Ladies in Retirement" for the last
few lavs in an attempt to get her
to come to Hollywood immediately,
but won her agreement only on the
condition that she be allowed to
fill her engagement in Ann Arbor
Engagemernts Cancelled.
Thus, since her movie contract
makes "t necessary for her to can-
cel all future engagaments ours will
be the only theatre to have Miss Gor-
don this summer. She will fly to
T-,n1.: ,,rrinrm 1 nt3 i , 'f 1 ar tc'r ih nerf rm -

Editor of the Atlantic Monthly, Ed-
ward Weeks will give the 1941 Hop-
wood lecture at 4:15 p.m. today in
the Rackham Auditorium immediate-
ly preceding announcement of the
Hopwood prize winners.
Weeks, whose topic will be "On
Counting One's Chicken's Before They
Are Hatched," is one of the nation's
foremost essayists. Author of "This
Trade of Writing," he is noted for
articles and book reviews which he
has contributed to national publica-
The Hopwoods, offering $8,000 in
prize money this year, will be given
in the fields of drama, fiction, poetry
and essay. The awards were made
possible by the gift of the late Avery
Hopwood, '05. Fifty-three contest-
ants submitted 70 manuscripts in
this year's competition.
That outstanding literary talent
has been produced in the Hopwoods


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