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May 29, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-05-29

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50.
National 4dvertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41
Editorial Staff

Emile Gele. ..
Robert Speckhard
Albert P. Blaustein .
David Lachenbruch .
Bernard Dober
Alvin Danri
Hal Wilson
Arthur Hill
Janet Hiatt
Grace Miller
Daniel H. Huyett
James B. Collins
Louise Carpenter
Evelyn Wright

. . . Managing Editor
. . . Editorial Director
City Editor
. . . Associate Editor
* . . Associate Editor
* . . Associate Editor
. . . Sports Editor
. . Assistant Sports Editor
Ass .a. Women's Editor
* Assistant Women's Editor

usiness Stafff
. . . Business Manager
. Assistant Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
. Women's Business Manager

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
Mr. Roosevelt's
Latest Speech ...
M R. ROOSEVELT is a smart politician.
No fact was more clearly demon-
strated than that in his Tgesday evening address
before the fireside.
The President knows well that the country is
behind him in the endeavor to arm the nation
for defense. There is but a small minority in
this country who are not ready to defend the
nation from the attacks of its foes. On this point
there is national unity, and the President realizes
that fact and its implications.
It is around this theme of defense that his
symphony for war revolved. All through the
speech he played on that theme to arouse all
the elements of American society-the house-
wife, the laborer, the farmer and business.
With the skill of a Ravel he composed his
"Bolero" in prose. By constant repetition in an
infinite number of variations, the word "defense"
was deeply impressed into the minds of his lis-
teners. But ,as the speech went on, one detected
that the President was no longer giving varia-
tions on a theme, but was, indeed, varying the
theme to fit his purposes. For at the end of the
speech, defense not only meant repulse of at-
tacks on the North and South American conti-
nents, but also meant that "all additional meas-
ures" to deliver goods to Britain "will be taken."
This means nothing less than warfare-for any
responsible person who says that "all additional
steps will be taken" must accept the conse-
quences of such a policy, which are nothing less
than war.,
* * *
whether the United States should participate
in a world crusade to save the democracies,
notably England. Rather the objection here is
Mr. Roosevelt's expansion of the word "defense"
to include such a project. The only reason Mr.
Roosevelt can give for including "all additional
measures" for England in his defense policy is
that keeping England alive gives us time to pre-
pare for defense. Yet, clearly, in the very act
of giving "all additional measures" for England
we are entering the war-an activity for which
Mr. Roosevelt says we are not prepared.
Let's be frank. Aid to England--open warfare
to insure that war materials reach England-is
not an integral part of the defense, program.
Most experts don't believe it is, and neither does
the American public. While they are nearly
100 percent for defense only 20 percent are
ready now to go to war to keep England going.
Arousing the public's emotion by stressing de-
fense, and then demanding, in the name of de-
fense, "all additional measures" for Britain, is
too much like trying to slip a "mickey finn" to
the American people.
WHY NOT call a spade a spade. There is a
difference between this nation's defense and
aid to Britain which would now include wr-
fare. Eighty percent of the American people
have made that distinction and it does not speak
well for democratic leadership to be-cloud that
distinction. If the President wants aid to Brit-
ain why doesn't he continue to ask for it as such,
and not resort to playing on the word "defense"
to get it?
Any democrats who may be willing to fight a
war to save England, and thereby democratic
ideals, must shy away from such an endeavor
when it is proposed under the pseudonym of

Torpedo-Plane Bases
Are Key To Defense ...
A S THE MIGHTY Nazi dreadnaught
Bismarck settled on the bottom of
the North Atlantic Ocean Monday night Ameri-
cans-isolationists and interventionists alike-
had added reason to rejoice that only months
ago President Roosevelt had "traded" retired
American destroyers for a ring of Atlantic bases.
For it was the manner in which the Bismarck
was sunk which makes the story of our island
defense posts a new one.
It was a battle which proved the efficacy of a
new fighting unit - the torpedo plane. These
low-flying planes zoonk into the direct line of the
boat's fire - sometimes at a level so low as to
evade anti-aircraft fire -- and drop a submarine-
type motorized torpedo into the water abreast
of the target. Quicker than the submarine, cheap-
er than the destroyer, these torpedo planes may
prove to be a vital power against any foreign
invasion attempts.
Crews of torpedo-planes on our island bases
- from Trinidad to Newfoundland - should
prove to be a formidable obstacle to an invader,
they may be as effective as the two ocean
navy we are waiting for.
Will Sapp
Naval Battles Approach
America's Shores...
T HE FINAL SINKING of the Bismark
closes what first appeared to be a
frightening chapter in the history of the British
Navy. But the Bismarck went down to join the
Hood after a brief three days victory, and the
Nazi fleet cannot afford many more sacrifices.
When the Hood blew up off Greenland, its
loss was felt both in America and England.
London had experienced its first truly naval de-
feat of the war, and America found out that war
is too impatient to await the decision of a demo-
cratic body. There is an American naval base in
Greenland, and the presence of a powerful Ger-
man squadron in those waters was not accidental.
To the isolationist, this battle must come as a
stunning blow. He cannot afford to run away
from a struggle that is more than willing to
meet him without introduction. When eighty
thousand tons of first-class battleships can be
destroyed in a fight opening near a strategic
American base, there is no doubt as to the proxim-
ity of World War I.
THE INTERVENTIONIST, too, can draw no
salutary conclusions from this latest incident
in the Battle of the Atlantic. Germany stands
ready with the best of her fleet stationed in the
areas most likely to be used by American con-
Ivoys. It may take more than a few salvoes of
15-inch gun fire, but the interventionist should
be ready to junk any ideas on getting aid to
Britain unscathed.
As for the groups who have pointed to the
British fleet as America's first line of sea de-
fense, the Hood disaster is an ugly incident. The
Hood was a first class unit of the Royal Navy,
fast and well-armed. Lightly armored, she was
outmatched by the newer Bismarck, but she went
to the bottom as one of the most powerful
ships owned by Britain. The old British doctrine
of sacrificing armor and trusting seamanship,
forcibly disproven at Jutland, has once again
shown itself fallacious. The United States Navy
is America's first line of sea defense, and should
not be crippled in placing too much faith in a
British fleet.
Thus two naval commanders, unschooled in
the ways of legislatures and public opinion, have
shown America what has been hidden by poli-
ticians of both parties. The war is really here.
Your policies of all-aid-short-of-war have either
failed in their literal sense or have been employed
without any intention of falling short of war.
ANY GROUPS professing halfway opinions in
this present situation should be thoroughly
jolted by the sinking of these two warships. The
isolationists can no longer passively ignore the

struggle, and those who believe in convoying
aid-to-Britain should realize that such a move
means a new participant in the next battle off
Greenland. - Dan Behrman

Support Peace Council..
To The Editor:
MICHIGAN STUDENTS are descending from
their ivory tower. Five hundred and sixty
students signed the No AEF, No Convoys giant
postcard which was seen on campus last week.
This postcard is now on its way to Washington.
The primary intent of the Campus Peace Coun-
cil is to make possible and effective the expression
of anti-war sentiment by the students of the U.
of M. The postcard is only one of the forms
such expression can take. Now, if ever, activity
for peace is absolutely necessary.
Plans are being made to conscript boys between
18 and 21. The term of draft service may be
lengthened. A scheme is afoot to conscript girls
for labor service at $21 a month. All this poinps
to a second AEF made "necessary" by convoys.
THE American Student Defense League is con-
ducting a frantic campaign to steamroller
the American student into support of war. Their
claims of wide student support are entirely myth-
ical. On May 21st at a midwest conference of the
International Student Service, Mr. Joseph Lash
(head of the ISS and leader in the ASDL) was
greeted with an unexpected setback when 20 of
the 45 delegates signed a petition condemning
convoys. And this with Lash desperately opposing
any discussion which did not take for granted
the position that America was inevitably bound
to a program insuring British victory! The inter-
ventionists do not speak for the student body4
as a statement which tirteen of the delegates
signed clearly indicates:
"We students who were invited to a supposedly
impartial conference where all points of view
were to be represented . . . have found the con--,
ference not to be impartial, rather we have found
the ISS leaders, lecturers and discussion advisory
experts to be interested primarily in working for
the involvement of this country to a greater ex-
tent in the present war."
The fight for peace must include in its scope
a consistent opposition to all steps to war and
to such self-appointed "student" organizations
as the ASDL. Dramatic, representative student
action for peace is a must in these days. The
Campus Peace Council was set up to make possi-
ble just such student participation.. Let's not
become cynical about democratic procedures. We
can play an important part in preventing another
Write the President and your Congressman.
Siu;port the Campus Peace Council.
- Campus Peace Council
Stay Out Of The War.. ..
To The Editor:
DON'T WANT ANYONE, and particularly
,someone who has not taken out his final
citizenship papers, to call me a fifth columnist
or a Nazi-propagandist. I was born a citizen of
the United States, my parents and grandparents
were citizens and my mother's people trod this
soil for many generations. So I rather think of
myself as a re-incarnation of those embattled
farmers of Bunker Hill.
Added to that I have never lived in Europe
and have no personal wrongs to avenge nor either
do I have any relatives living in any foreign
country. So I assure you I have looked at the
whole issue with a perfectly free mind and it
is with an absence of bitterness and without
wishing to dwell on "the mistakes of others at
too great length when I suggest that it is be-
ginning to look toi me as if the European states-
men made a mistake when they refused to give
the German people a corridor through the corri-
I realize we have a national debt that is going
to take some tall explaining unless it can be
passed off as c'est la guerre. Also that our econ-
omic life as it is now constructed cannot long
endure without some such stimulus. And even
if you don't want to discuss war in terms of

legs and arms and lives, but in terms of na-
tional debt and foreign trade, don't you think
that the worst depression we have ever had will
follow a war? Are we going to admit that we are
just too mean to figure out any economic solu-
tion that doesn't call for a periodical killing off
of a certain per cent of our population? And
what sort of a solution could be found with the
best part of the population killed, dismembered,
cynical or insane, no ,longer being able to see
any reason in a world which has subjected them
them to such treatment?
in geography that we had a great percentage
of the world's minerals right here in the United
States, and in the case of quite a few raw
materials, more than the whole rest of the world.
When Germany has made practically everything
out of coal, I don't know why we shouldn't
be able to find an ersatz for the few things
we don't possess in abundance. Later I heard
the fact propounded that in our geographical
position we had the best chance of any nation
on earth to stay out of the Old World's quar-
rels. But now, Germany is an aggressor who will
certainly come and get us if we don't "defend"
ourselves. (According to Lady Astor when she
viewed the expanse of Great Britain on the
map "It can't be might, it must be right.")
With our vaunted power of production, let's
make a battleship for every half mile of the
American coast line - but if we are still afraid
that the Germans are going to cross several
thousand miles of ocean and invade us, if we
think they are so much smarter than we are,
such superior beings, let's invite them in to help
us with our governmental problems.
- L.H.

No Air Reprisals,_British Say
As Others R etaliatory damage to German civilians would only be imi-
See It tating "psychological and military errors" of Nazi leaders.
An editorial from the British publication "The New Statesman and the Nation."

A NEW MENACE threatens England-the menace
of sentimental hysteria. When London or
Coventry or Portsmouth is heavily and indis-
criminately bombed, there are always people who, in
natural but ignorant anger, demand that British
bombers should at once inflict similar injuries on the
inhabitants of Berlin or Munich or Rome.
This cry is taken up by the less scrupulous kind of
journalist and the less responsible type of politician,
It is not the view held by the statesman, nor by the
experts, by the General Staff or by most of the men
who are asked to do the bombing. The RAF would
agree that bombing civilians could not end the war
Look at the matter dispassionately. We cannot
afford to be sentimental, and this demand to kill the
maximum number of German civilians as a reprisal
is nothing but sentimentalism. The facts speak for
themselves. We have a far smaller bombing force
than the Germans, and as our airdromes are three
times as far from German towns as the Germans are
from London or Sheffield or Bristol, our air force
would need to be much larger than the German to be
able to carry out a reprisal policy effectively.
SECOND, this idea that the German morale would
suddenly crack if Berlin suffered as London has
suffered is just as much nonsense. If the civilian popu-
lation of German towns are less brave than the in-
habitants of British towns-which may or may not be
the case-it would make not the slightest difference
to the war. They have to "take it," even if it is true
that they show less dignity and fortitude in the process.
Third, British bombing of Germany has so far fol-
lowed a very carefully considered and intelligent plan.
We have concentrated, very efficiently, on bombing
military objectives in Germany. Instead of wasting
planes and bombs and pilots as the Germans did last
autumn, on a futile effort to bomb civilians into sub-


mission (and thereby strengthening their will to re-
sist), British bombers have deliberately destroyed as
many factories and harbors and railway communica-
tions and power stations as they could.
If they had not followed that policy, the German
submarine bases would have been left undisturbed;
the barges gathered at French and Dutch ports for
the invasion of England last summer and autumn
would have remained unsunk and Hitler's invasion
plans would now be far advanced instead of being, as
we believe, completely disarranged, and Hitler would
view the outcome of the war with an assurance that
we are sure he can no longer feel.
* * *
VERY TIME British bombers miss the oil stores,
the power plants, the docks and bridges and fac-
tories they are intended to hit, the German High Com-
mand rejoices, just as our defense organizers sigh
with relief when German bombs destroy houses and
are diverted from vital and often irreplaceable mili-
tary objectives. There is no reason why, when fight-
ing the Nazis, we should imitate either their psycho-
logical or military errors,
So far the British Government has courageously
refused to give in to this stupid clamor. As we grow
toward parity in the air with Germany-we are very
far from equality now-every intelligent person should
think coolly and carefully about the best way of end-
ing this threat to the best interests of civilization. As
we grow in strength so it is essential that we should
make clearer for What we are fighting.
Our survival should promise the world freedom from
slavery and a care for values that matter; we should
be in a position, as the months go on and we remain
unconquered, to give every human being on the Conti-
nent who has not become a victim of Nazi propaganda
an assurance that we are sanely anxious to end the
madness of competitive destruction. Such a program
needs intelligence.

THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1941
VOL. LI. No. 172A
Publication in the Daily OfficialF
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. J
To the Members of the Faculty of e
the College of Literature, Science, t
and the Arts: The eighth regular f
meeting of the Faculty of the Col-c
lege of Literature, Science, and the
Arts for the academic session of
1940-41 will be held in Room 1025
Angell Hall, June 2, at 4:15 p.m. n
1. Consideration of the minutes of
the meeting of May 5, 1941, whichg
were distributed by campus mail. o
2. Retirement of Professor E. C.D
Case and Librarian W. W. Bishop.
3. Consideration of the reports sub-c
mitted with the call to the meeting:
a. Executive Committee, prepared r
by Professor R. C. Angell.r
b. University Council, prepared bya
Professor R. W. Sellars.
c. Executive Board of the Gradu-t
ate School, prepared by Professora
C. S. Schoepfle.c
d. Deans Conference, prepared by
Dean E. H. Kraus.
Since the last meeting of the Facul-
ty the Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs has not met.
Hence no report can be submitted
withnthe call for the Faculty meet-
ing, The Committee will meet, how-
ever, on Tuesday, May 27, and a
verbal report on that meeting will
be made by Professor C. F. Remer. t
4. Elections (Nominating Commit-1
tee: Professors H. J. Heneman, W.
W. Sleator, and W. R. Humphreys,
a. Four members of the University
Council, to serve for three years.
b. Two members of the Administra-
tive Board, to serve for three years.
5. Evaluation of Faculty Services.
The report of the Executive Commit-
tee has been distributed by campus
6. Graduate Record Examination_
Assistant Dean L. S. Woodburne.
7. Faculty Scholarship Fund.
8. Centennial Celebration.
9. New business.
10. Announcements.
Library Hours on Memorial Day:
On Friday, May 30, the Service De-
partments of the General Library will
be open the usual hours, 7:45 a.m. to
10:00 p.m. The Study Halls outside
of the building and the Departmental
Libraries will be closed, with the ex-
ception of Angell Hall Study Hall and
the Economics Library, which will be
open from 8:00 to 12:00 a.m. and
1:OG to 5:30 p.m.
Wm. W. Bishop, Librarian
The Automobile Regulation will
NOT be lifted for Memorial Day,
Friday, May 30.
Office of the Dean of Students
Registration Material: Colleges of
L.S.&A., and Architecture, Schools
of Education, Forestry, and Music:
Summer Session registration ma-

All students of Colleges of L.S.&A.,
Architecture; Schools of Education,
Forestry, and Music: File change of
address card in Room 4 U.H. before
June 3. Blue prints of records and
)ther information will be sent imme-
diately after examinatoins to you at
he address given in February unless
hange of address is filed. Failure
o receive your blue print because of
faulty address will necessitate a
charge of $1.00 for the second copy.
R. L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
The official closing hour for wo-
men tonight is 1:30.
Positions for Undergraduate En-
gineers: Lt. Schroder of the Bureau
of Ordnance of the Army will be in
my office this morning to interview
students who have completed two or
more years in any of the engineering
courses and do not expect to return
to college next year. Appointees will
receive permanent appointments. Ap-
plications for summer positions only
are not desired.
This information was received over
the long-distance telephone, and I
am not too clear as to the conditions
of employment. I suggest that stu-
dents who are interested report in
Room 3201 East Engineering Build-
ing at 9:15, 10:15 or 11:15 to hear
Lt. - Schroder explain the situation.
Alfred H. White
All students who expect to become
candidates for a Teacher's Certificate
in February, June, or August 1942
should call at the office of the School
of Education for an application blank
for admission to candidacy for the
teacher's certificate, which is to be
returned by Monday, June 2.
For Men Who Want Wings: The
Air Corps now has a flying cadet
Recruiting Officer on your campus.
Come in and see Lt. Van Zant in
R.O.T.C. Office on enlistment prob
lem. Hours 8:30 to 4:30 daily.
The University Bureeau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received a call for an optician
benchman for part time work in Anr
Arbor. Will the student who advised
a local optical company that he had
experience in this work, please get in
touch with the Bureau, 201 Mason
Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
The University Bureau of Appoint
ments and Occupational Informatio
has received notice of the following
Civil Service Examinations. Las
date for filing application is noted i
each case:
Unemployment Compensation Pay
roll Auditor I, salary $150, June 11
Unemployment Compensation Pay
roll Auditor II, salary $200, June 11
Liquor Warehouseman B5, salar
$105, June 11, 1941.
Liquor Warehouseman A, salar
$130, June 11, 1941.
Conservation Executive VI, salar
$525, June 11, 1941.
Conservation Education Executiv

Land Conservation Executive V,
$400, June 11, 1941.
Park Executive IV, $325, June 11,
Park Executive V, $400, June 11,
Wildlife Conservation Executive V,
$400, 1941.
General Clerk C, salary $80, June
18, 1941.
General Clerk B, $105, June 18,


Clerk #, $130, June 18,

Robeit S. Alle

Account Clerk B, $105, June 18,
Typist Clerk C, $80, June 18, 1941.
Typist Clerk B, $105, June 18, 1941.
Typist Clerk A, $130, June 18, 1941.
Account Clerk A, salary $130, June
18, 1941.
Stenographer Clerk C, $80, June 18,
Stenographer Clerk B, $105, June
18, 1941.
Stenographer Clerk A, $130, June
Medical Stenographer B, $105, June
18, 1941.
Complete announcements on file at
the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Office
hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet Saturday, May 31, at 10:00 a.m.,
in Room 319 West Medical Building.
Subject: "Biographical Studies of
American Biochemists." All interest-
ed are invited.
German Department. Room As-
signments for final examinations in
German 1, 2, 31, 32. June 7, 1941, 2-5
German 1: All sections 25 A.H.
German 2: Gaiss, Edwards, Van
Duren, Willey, Sinnema, Pott, Strie-
dieck-West Lecture Physics.
Ebelke, Philippson, 231 Angell Hall.
Diamond, 35 Angell Hall.
German 31: All sections, D.H.H.
German 32: Pott, West Lecture
Physics; Nordmeyer, 203 U.H.; Wahr,
301 U.H.; Diamond, 35 A.H.; Eaton,
306 U.H.; Van Duren, 205 M.H.; Rei-
chart, 201 U.H.; Graf, 305 S.W.
Doctoral Examination for Miss
Josephine Davis Banta, Comparative
1 Literature; Thesis: "Salmon Macrin
Z (1490-1557) and His Circle as Re-
f vealed in His Works," today at 2:00
p~m., in 2009 Angell Hall. Chairman,
J. E. Dunlap.
Doctoral Examination for Charles
0. Harris, Engineering Mechanics;
a Thesis: "A Study of the Dynamic
Properties of Rubber," today at 3:00
p.m., in 411A West Engineering Bldg.
Acting Chairman, E. L. Eriksen.
Doctoral Examination for Richard
Joseph Preston, Jr., Forestry and Con-
- servation; Thesis: "The Growth and
, Development of the Root Systems of
Juvenile Lodgepole Pine, (Pinus con-
- torta var latifolia Engelm.) ," today
at 9:00 a.m., in 2045 Natural Science
Bldg. Chairman, S. T. -Dana.
'y Doctoral Examination for Oliver
Frederic Senn, Chemistry; Thesis:
y "The Reaction of Phenyl Lithium
with Diaryl-and Triaryl-Chlorome-
y thanes," today at 2:30 p.m., in 309
Chemistry Bldg. Chairman, C. S.
e A

PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT has just had a pri-
vate poll taken of Midwestern sentiment on
the question of intervention in the war. Not
satisfied with the confused and conflicting re-
ports lie was getting, FDR sent a personal repre-
sentative to seven states to see what the people
really thought, and he has just returned from
Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, Nevada,
Colorado, and Utah, where he listened to farm-
ers, editors, business men and gas station oper-
The White House aide has brought back a
report which says in effect that Midwest iso-
lationism is largely a myth. On the question of
convoys, he found hard-headed farmers saying
they wanted to see American farm products de-
livered safely to the other side, not sunk to the
Roadside sentiment seemed to be, "What are
we waiting for? This thing has got to be settled.

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