i °,
Awards Given
To Outstanding
Dorm Athletes
Freshman .Numerals, I-M
Certificates Presented
At WestQuad Dinner
(Continued from Page 1)
indoor track; Robert Carr, Haskell
Kellner, and John O'Brien, in base-
ball; Morton Hunter, in tennis; and
Emery Dick and William Brooks in
Wenley House residents who were
honored for their intramural activity
were William Pritula, '44E, who re-
ceived the all-star award in rockey,
and Ted Gosiewski, '44E, recipient of
the Athletic Chairman Award.
Wenley House Winners
Freshman numeral award winners
from Wenley include John ,Allerdice,
Ralph H. Amstutz, Walter Freihofer,
William Pritula and Jules Zebrauskas,
in football; Walter Freihofer, Ralph
Gibert and Walter Spreenin basket-
ball; George McIntyre and Richard
Wald, in wrestling; and John Door,
in swimming.
Other Wenley freshman numeral
winners were John VanSummern,
indoor track; Walter Freihofer, Wal-
ter Spreen, and Carl Turnquist, in
baseball, and Paul VanWert, in ten-
Williams House Winners
Freshman numeral winners from
Williams House include James Brown
and William Kuyper, in football;
Morris Bikoff and Robert Shemky,
in basketball; William Kuyper and
Victor Wortheimer, in wrestling;
Charles Pinney, indoor track; Morris
Bikoff and William Cain, in base-
ball; Fred Brewer, golf; and Robert
Brewer, varsity tennis.
Winchell House residents who re-
ceived freshman numerals include
Phillip Marcellus and Austin Miller,
in football; Richard Kopel. in wrest-
ling; Burnett Crawford, indoor track;
Russel Faber, in tennis; and Bill
Ludolph, in golf.
Big Six0.0.
(By The Associated Press)
9 Annual M Club Banquet
a * Tomorrow For Athletes
Daily Sports Editor
club staged its annual blanket
award banquet. Forty-three senior
athletes who had earned at least
two: varsity letters were presented
honor blankets by Head Football
Coach Fritz Crisler. And their names
were duly recorded in the next morn-
ing's Daily.
But we wonder just how much
that long list of names meant by
itself. A mere roll comprising two-
score names is at best a forbidding
thing for readers to tackle. Most are
prone to skip right over.
The real story lies behind these
names, lies in the associations which
their repetition brings to mind. Al-
most completed now is a tremendous
Maize and Blue volume which \could
well be titled: "Michigan athletics,
1940-41." It was compiled with sweat,
work, and untiring, unceasing effort.
It was written with a pen of courage,
and every chapter carried the same
underlying, basic message of Wolver-
ine sportsmanship and fighting spirit
on the field of competition
For the past three years The
Daily sports pages have attempted
to mirror the brilliant feats of
these 43 graduating seniors, the
feats which have now been perm-
anently inscribed in Michigan ath-
letic annals, the feats which are
now Wolverine sports history and
tradition in themselves.
NOW THESE 43 who have contri-
buted so generously and well to
their University are about to step out
into the cold realism of the world -
and they will be expected to contri-
bute just as whole-heartedly and just
as, well to civilization in the future
as they have to the athletic fields in
the past. Unfortunately as Fritz Cris-
ler pointed out Tuesday night, their
immediate contribution to their com-
munities and to their nation may
have to be made on the battlefield, as
wa's the situation in the last war. They
will be expected to be the leaders
of tomorrow. Considerably more than
half those Western Conference letter-
winners who entered the services dur-
ing the first World War became offi-
cers, according to Fritz, and it was
upon these men that the burden of
leading the nation fell.
But this is speculation. And the
ominous shadow of the future
should not be allowed to obscure
the gleaming accomplishments of
the past. So read over the list of
names once more and let the re-
alization of what they have done for
Michigan sink deeply into your con-
WES ALLEN, Charles Barker, Bob
Barnard, Ed Barrett, Bill Beebe,
Warren Breidenbach, Herb Brogan.
Think of the thrills they have given
you - Barker, America's outstanding
collegiate swimmer; Breidenbach,
whose unbelievably smooth stride has
carried him to the pinnacle of Wol-
verine quarter and half mile perform-
ers; Brogan, whose floor-play and in-
domitable spirit kept Michigan's bas-
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ketball team always striving hard, al- I
ways scrapping with everything it had.
And there's Don Canham, Bill
Combs, Ed Czak, Fred Dannenfel-
ser, Jack Dobson, Howie Egert, For-
est Evashevski, Ralph Fritz, Ed Fm-
tig, Joe Glasser, Jeff Hall, and Tom
Harmon. Champions, near-cham-
pions, and mere hard pluggers alike3
- they all fought hard for Michi-
Then there's Fred Heddle, Francis
Heydt, Bill Holmes, Bob Hook, Paul
Kromer, John Kutsche, Tom Lawton,
Jack Leutritz, Jim Lovett, John Paup,
Charlie Ross; George Ruehle, Gil
Samuelson, Mike Sofiak, Bill Steppon,
Mickey Stoddard, Richard Stodden,
Milo Sukup, Blake Thaxter, Jim To-
bin, Tom Weitlig, Jim Welsh, Karl
Wisner and Jack Wdlin - the list
speaks for itself, and there's no need
to review the flood of memories which
the mere mention ,of their names
brings forth.
WE HAD INTENDED to go ahead
and draw an analogy between
the presentation of the 43 blanket
awards Tuesday night and the pres-
entation of all the numerals and
Intramural awards to the freshmen
and dormitory residents at last
night's Victory Dinner. We had in-
tended to point out that a great
many of those freshmen whose
names you will find printed some-
where on this page will be receiving
blankets themselves, in a couple of
And we had intended to say some-
thing about Michigan's fine coaching
staff and outstanding Intramural pro-
gram and Bill Riordan's unselfish
service to the Residence Hall athletic
competition. But space now prevents.
Perhaps the point which motivated
all this will be sufficiently clear
Coaches Announce
Numeral Winners
In Baseball, Track
Twenty-two freshmen were award-
ed numerals for baseball at the Resi-
dence Hall "Victory Dinner" last
night. Coach Ernie McCoy, coach
of the yearling squad, selected the
Those named were Philip L. Alix,
Morris L. Bikoff, Barry H. Caswell,
Martin Cooper; Jack L. Craven, War-
ner Forsyth, Jr., Robert K. Gilbert,
John C. Gilpin, Thomas J. Higgins.
The list continues with Gardner
E. Johnson, Marvin E. Jones, Clar-
ence E. Kettinger, Walter F. Long,
John F. Lourim, Leslie W. Parr, Wil-
liam B. Rawleigh.
Also selected were Don W. Robin-
son, Richard R. Savage, Robert W.
Shemky, Donald McKay Smith, Wal-
ter W. Spreen, and Robert P. Ston-
Track Numeral Winners
Outdoor freshman numerals in
track were awarded yesterday to 21
members of Coach Chester A. Stack-
house's 1941 squad.
Numeral winners are:-
William E. Brown, James R. Con-
ant, Burnett H. Crawford, James
E. Davidson, William M. Davidson,
Philip F. Hanson.
The list continues with Warren
E. Hart, John L. Ingersoll, Ernest L.
Leonardi, J. Allan Mactier, Paul R.
Massie, Charles T. Pinney, John Rox-
borough, Henry L. Schmidt, Jr.
Concluding the list are: Kermit K.
Schooler, James D. Sears, Arnot Tait,
Rowland G. Thornton, Jr., Robert E.
Urbanek, and Peter M. Wege.
Varsity Needs
Single Victory
To Clinch Title
Fisher Chooses Stoddard
To Hurl First Contest I
Of Two-Gaine Series
(Continued from Page 1)
second, Capt. George McKinnon at
short and Erwin Madsen on the
third sack.
Heavy hitting Ash Arnold will be
behind the plate for Northwestern.
The husky catcher tops all the Wild-
cat hitters with a mark of .275 which
is good enough to make him ninth in
the Conference batting list.
On the mound, Coach Stan Klores
will probably start Bob MotL, sopho-
more hurler who helped pitch the
Wildcats to a tie for the Big Ten
title last year. Motl is a right-hander.
If Motl starts, the Northwestern
lineup will included seven veterans
with Wendland and him the only
first-year men in the game.
Long hitters for the home club are
Bill deCorrevont and Hank Clason.
Both are distance clubbers and al-
though their batting averages are not
up to Catcher Arnold's they provide
most of the Wildcats' offensive,
Besides Soddard, four other Wol-
verines will be ,ending their Big Ten
careers in the series with the Purple
aggregation and another, the injured
Capt. Bill Steppon, will be watching
the games from the side-lines. The
four seniors in uniform will be
George Ruehle, dependable first-
baseman; fiery Shortstop Mike Sofiak
and Mase Gould and Neil Muir, both
left-handed relief pitchers.
Gould, who spent two years sitting
on the hard Michigan bench, found
himself this year and has already
turned in five victories.
Sport Shots
Doherty To Enter Seven-Man
Track Squad In Michigan AAU
Only seven members of the Wol-
verine track team will make the
short jaunt to Ypsilanti Saturday to
compete in the outdoor Michigan
AAU's, so far as is known at present.
With final exams looming in the
not-too-distant future, Coach Ken
Doherty has decided not to enter a
team in the meet so that Michigan
will be represented only by several
of its individual stars.
Last year, the Wolverines, entered
as a team, took third place, finishing
so low only because finals had kept
many of the thinclads at home.
Michigan did not enter a team in
the indoor AAU meet early this
spring but dominated every event in
which a Wolverine was comnpeting.
Piel Leads Squad
Captain-elect Al Piel will head the
list of those who will compete in
Saturday's meet. Michigan's star
sprinter will enter both the 100-yard-
dash and the 220. Johnny Wise and
Perry Kimerer, the Wolverines' new-
ly found javelin twin-stars, will comn-
pete in the javelin throw.
Capt. Don Canham will carry the
leg-spring and jumping style which
have made him one of the best high-
jumpers in the country into the
meet, in preparation for the NCAA
meet to be held in California late
in June. Michigan's other high-
jumping star, Wes Allen, will also
be at Ypsi, making doubly certain
that the Wolverines carry off top
honors in this event.
McCarthy In Hurdles
Of the other varsity members,
Frank McCarthy will be entered in
the high hurdles and broad jump
and Wilb Wedenoja, the Wolverine
surprise of the Conference meet, will
test his newly discovered pole-vault-
ing, prowess against the rest of the
Several others of the Wolverine
aggregation may also decide to com-
pete. Boz Ufer, Johnny Kautz, Dave
Matthews, Warren Breidenbach and
Jack Leutritz, who broke two Michi-
gan relay records at Los Angeles last
week, might see service Saturday,
along with Bill Ackerman, Bob Hook,
Tommy Lawton and Dave Eldredge.
Nine members of Coach Chester
Stackhouse's yearling sq ad will face
their first college competition in theE
AAU meet. Heading the list of those
who will compete unattached are
Pete Wege, the best javelin thrower7
in Michigan history, and Chuck Pin-
ney, who has already twice tied the
freshman record in the low hurdles.
Len Alkon, husky frosh sprint star,
will compete in the 100 and 220,1
Ernie Leonardi and Roland Thorn-
ton will run in the two-mile event,
John Roxborough, Warren Hart, and3
John Ingersoll will compete in the1
half-mile, with Jim Sears slated to
run in the 440-yard dash.
Collegiate Golf
Match At OSU
OpensJune 23'
When golfers throughout the na-
tion gather June 23 at Ohio State,
it will mark the 44th time that the
National Collegiate Golf Tournament
has been held, and yet it will be the
first time that a University course
has been selected as the site.
Formerly the United States Golf
Association regulated the meet, andi
it was only three years ago that
the rising tide of collegiate golfing
caused a shift from the USGA to
the National Collegiate Athletic As-
sociation. Under the NCAA the
tourney finally comes into its own-
and onto its own course.T
For thetenth consecutive time,
Varsity Golf Coach Ray Courtright
will enter a team. Only one member
of this year's team qualified in the
meet last year. He is John Leidy, a
junior from Ann Arbor. This year,
however, Wolverine hopes will be
pinned on "Blazing" Ben Smith,
sophomore who has been burning the
course up all year.
An ironic note will be struck a'
week later, when the first women's
tournament is to be held over the
same course, since the recognized
queen of college golfers, Patty Berg,
will not be present. Although she
has not yet graduated from her col-
lege. the University of Minnesota,
Miss Berg is at present enrolled
'there, and as a result she is ineligible
to compete in this, the first women's
tourney, over a course which she
helped dedicate.
However, in spite of the absence of
the Minneapolis Miss, the two meets
should draw plenty of top-notch per-
formers, the men's tourneys in the
past having produced such lumin-
aries as Johnny Fischer, former
Michigan player, andCharlie Yeates;
both of whom later achieved national
Wolverines Gain Seven
Out Of Nine Possible
Seedings In Draw
(Continued from Page 1)
ent in EarltCrain of Iowa. who has
not shown up too brightly in Con-
ference play. Unless the going gets
real tough, Porter will have an ex-
cellent opportunity to give his foot
a good workout.
Wayne Stille will meet Bob Lifton,
Chicago four man. In their meet-
ing in Chicago last month, the Michi-
gan racqueteer downed the Maroon
player in straight sets, 6-3, 6-2.
Dick Moore of Minnesota will be
Tom Gainon's opponent in the fifth
singles battle. Not much is known
about Moore except that he has not
shown too much promise in his dual
meet matches.
Johnson Meets Cole
Alden Johnson drew the toughest
opponent of the Michigan men be-
cause his foe will be Dick Cole of
Ohio State. In their recent meeting
at Ann Arbor Johnson was forced to
go three gruelling sets before he fin-
ally downed the Ohioan, 3-6, 6-2, 6-3.
This match will probably be the feat-
ure match except for the first brack-
et playoffs.
Tobin and Hammett drew Butter-
worth and John Parks of Iowa, and
should not have too much trouble in
Sgetting to the second round, while
Porter and Stille are paired with Ed
Koehl and Bob Negendank of Wiscon-
sin who carried the Wolverines to
three sets before they lost, 2-6i 7-5,
Michigan Confident
Everybody in the Michigan camp
is well satisfied with the seedings and
all are confident of coming back; to
Ann Arbor with the Big Ten tennis
championship in their bags.
Seymour Greenberg, Wildcat num-
ber one man, is back to defend his
singles crown. The little southpaw,
19th ranking amateur in the nation,
has yet to lose a match in Big Ten
W L Pet.
Michigan ....... 8 2 .800
Illinois ..........7 4 .636
Iowa ............. 5 3 .625
Indiana..........7 5 .583
Wisconsin.... 5 4 .556
Northwestern ... 5 5 .500
Ohio State ....... 5 5 .500
Minnesota........ 5 5 .500
Purdue .......... 4 8 .333
Chicago ...... 0 10 .000
Tennis Squad
Seeks Big Ten
Williams, Red Sox
Cullenbine, Brown
Reiser, Dodgers ..
Travis, Senator 35
Hack, Cubs .....
Slaughter, Cards
American League
York, Tigers 10
Heath, Indians 9l
Johsson, A's 9(
32 110 26 45
32 94 22 36
25 87 19 33
143 28 54
36 130 35 46
38 153 30 54
National League
Ott, Giants 10
Nicholson, Cub 10
Camilli, Dodgers 9
(The opinions expressed in the follow-
ing article are those of the writer
A criticism directed on inexperi-
ence is not always fully warranted,
but here ista case that should, in the
future, be given due consideration.
Officiating in the Intramural
Sports Department has received a
great deal of comment in the past
few years. "Lack of a consistent
interpretation and knowledge of the
basic rules," they say, "has beenmost
In a Residence Hall second-
place play-off recently one pitch-
er violated hurling rules in two
clear-cut ways. When the oppos-
ing team complained to the offi-
cial in charge, no decision was
renderedbecause of the lack of
knowledge of that particular thing.
In a fraternity semi-final game,
three matters stood out as results of
ineffective officiating. A first base
umpire stationed himself completely'
out of a clear vision of the play
and rendered a decision on a sliced
ball into right field that spelled de-
feat for the team on the field.
Standing in a position where he was
not able to follow the line of the
ball effectively, he made the ruling
that the ball was fair--a home run,
and four runs.
On another play in the game,
the same base umpire failed to
render a decision on a base-run.-
ning play, which, in all cases was
his duty. The ruling was made by
the other umpire who, standing
behind the pitcher calling the balls
and strikes, was in no position to
make a fair ruling.
The officials, in general, are cer-
tainly not as competent as they
should be. A revealing failure is
that they are not at all familiar with
the rule book.
Since the officials are being chosen
from the ranks of Student Managers
and men on NYA, more care must
be taken in giving them a better
knowledge of the rules. They should
be provided with a standard rule
book to be used when decisions are
Major League
W L Pet. GB
Cleveland.......28 15 .651
Chicago........21 16 .568 4
New York......21 18 .538 5
Detroit .........21 19 .525 52
Philadelphia ... 19 20 .487 7
Boston.........17 18 .486 7
St. Louis .......13 23 .361 111/2
Washington 14 25 .359 12
Yesterday's Results
Detroit 8, Cleveland 5
St. Louis 8, Chicago 4
Philadelphia 8, Boston 6 (16 in.)
New York 6, Washington 5.
Today's Games
Cleveland at Detroit
St. Louis at Chicago
New York at Washington
Philadelphia at Boston
W L Pct. GB
St. Louis ........29 9 .763
Brooklyn....... 26 12 .684 3
New York...... 19 14 .576 7/2
Cincinnati.......17 21 .447 12
Chicago ........16 20 .444 12
Pittsburgh.......13 20 .394 131/2
Boston......... 12 21 .364 14/2
Philadelphia ... 10 25 .286 17 1/2
Yesterday's Results
St. Louis 6, Chicago 5
Pittsburgh 7, Cincinnati 4
Boston at New York (rain)
Brooklyn 6, Philadelphia 5.
Today's Games
Boston at New York
Cincinnati at St. Louis
Only Games Scheduled
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