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May 23, 1941 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-05-23

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FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1941



Link Training
To Be Offered
This Summer
Students Urged To Enroll
For CPT Early; Course
Valuable To Aviators
Students enrolling in the Summer
Session Civilian Pilot Training Pri-
mary Course will be given a course
in flying'on the Link Trainer before
beginning actual flight instruction at
the Ann Arbor Airport, Prof. Emer-
son W. Conlon, of the aeronautical
engineering department announced
Students who enroll early will be
divided into two groups, one of which
will receive five hours and the other
two hours. Since there will be 40
primary students in the summer
course, it is doubtful whether time
will permit the giving of Link Trainer
instruction to all who enroll.
Students who plan to fly during the
summer should make application at
the office of Prof. Conlon in the
East Engineering Building as soon as
The experimental program in Link
Trainer instruction has been given
in four consecutive CPT courses. More
than 120 students have received some
Link training. It has proven quite
successful, -according to Dr. Edward
B. Greene of the psychology depart-'
ment and supervisor of the experi-
mental project, and is of considerable
value to students when they begin
their actual flying course.
Contest To Select
CollegeAir Queen
A contest for the selection of Miss
Collegiate Aviation for 1941 will be
held in conjunction with the Nation-
al College Flying Meet June 18 to
20 at Middletown, Ohio. Elaine Wood,
'41, a member of the Flying Club is
the Michigan entry in the contest
for the Queen of the meet.k
Just recently, the National Conven-
tion of Flying Clubs awarded Michi-
gan the Grover Loening Memorial
Trophy. This trophy is given each
year to the club which is the most
active in the country.
The Michigan Flying Club will be
the defending champions of the com-
ing meet, since they were the winners
last year.

Golfer Drafted '

1,- .

of 14C



!'-°--- -- ,

Charles Yates, (above), former
British amateur golf champion and
former National Intercollegiate
Champion, became a soldier for
Uncle Sam by the draft route. He's
getting into uniform after his in-
dution at Fort McPherson, near
Atlanta, Ga. He was employed by
an Atlanta bank when the draft
called him.
Alumni Members,
Church Fellowship
To HoldRound-Up
The University of Michigan Con-
gregational Alumni and Student Fel-
lowship will hold a Spring Round-
up tomorrow and Sunday at Cedar
Lake. Jeannette Drake, '40, from
Ohio and Ira Butterfield, '40, Bay
City attorney, are co-chairmen of
the general arrangements commit-
Besides those from Michigan,
alumni are expected from several
other states, including Ohio, Massa-
chusetts, and New York. The Round-
up starts officially at 2 p.m. to-
morrow and ends at 9:30 p.m. Sun-
The purpose of the joint meeting
is to assist the new Fellowship Cabi-
net in preparing their next fall's cal-
endar of activities.

Residents of Alumnae House have
announced their intentions of hold-
ing a steak roast out on the Island
Sunday. We hope the steaks will, be
sizzling in juice, not raindrops ...
Dean Alice Lloyd, Miss Jeannette
Perry, Mrs. Byrl Bacher, Mrs. Fred-
erick Ray and Miss Ethel McCor-
mick were special guests at the
Honors Dinner held in Mosher Hall
Wednesday. Ruth Kreinson, '41,
was in charge of the dinner and
announced the name of the new
president of the dorm - Mary-Jane
Venison, '42. June Larson, '41, won
the scholarship cup and four dorm-
itory scholarships were awarded.
Betsy Barbour and Stockwell Hall
held Honors Dinners last night.
Stockwell will hold its Spring Formal
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday. Jack
Rue's orchestra will play and the ter-
race will be open for the pleasure of
the dancers, according to a report
from Betty Pons, '43 ,chairman.
Mosher's Spring Formal, under the
supervision of Jeanne Mieras, '43,
will also be held Friday. Decorations
will be in red, white and blue with
balloons in the living room and Jap-
anese lanterns on the terrace.
Stockwell and Mosher will hold
their traditional Junior - Senior
breakfasts Sunday. Freshmen are
being kept very busy these days
pressing caps and gowns .. mn
Helen Breed, '41, general chairman
of Helen Newberry's Spring Dinner
Formal to be held from 7 p.m. to 12
Saturday, announced yesterday that
45 couples are expected to attend and
dance to the music of Bob Lawler
and his orchestra.. .
Newberry seniors were honored
Tuesday by a Senior Tea given by
Miss Ruth Danielson, house director.
"Grab yer partners, swing 'em
round!" - and the members of
Chicago House, in company with
their dates, had a lot of fun at
the Barn Dance held last Friday
at the Saline Valley Farm. The
frolic lasted until 1:30 a.m., the
dances being called by a profession-
al "sounder."People on Observatory
Hill were surprised to see a huge
moving van lumber up to the girls'
dorms at a late hour - but it was
only the coeds being transported
home in outdoor fashion . . .
Allen Rumsey House assembled its
males in the Recreation Room Sun-
day for a movie entitled "Batting
Around the Major League." After
watching baseballs get knocked out
of the park for awhile, the members
took time out for "the pause that
refreshes"-with refreshments passed
Four Violin Pupils

FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1941
VOL. LI. No. 167
Publication in the Daily official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
To the Members of the University
Senate: The second regular -meeting
of the University Senate will be held
on Monday, May 26, at 4:15 p.m.,
in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
To Students Graduating at tom-
mencement, June 21, 1941: The bur-
den of mailing diplomas to mem-
bers of the graduating class who do
not personally call for their diplomas
has -grown until iri 1940 it cost the
University over $400 to perform this
service. The rule has been laid down,
as a resut, that diplomas not called
for at the Sports Building immedi-
ately after the Commencement Ex-
ercises or at the University Business
Office within three business days
after Commencement will be mailed
C.O.D. The mailing cost will be ap-
proximately 30c for the larger sized
rolled diplomas and 45c for the book
Will each graduate, therefore, be
certain that the Diploma Clerk has
his correct mailing address to insure
delivery by mail. The U.S. Mail
Service will, of course, return all
diplomas which cannot be delivered.
Because of adverse conditions abroad,
foreign students should leave ad-
dresses in the United States, if pos-
sible,dto which diplomas may be
It is preferred that ALL diplomas
be personally called for.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
All Senior Engineers: Special as-
sembly from 3:50 to 5:30 p.m., Mon-
day, May 26, in Room 348, West E-
gineering Building, for cooperation
with Carnegie Foundation concern-
ing engineering defense training.
Head Mentor, Professor A. D. Moore
will be in charge.
A. H. Lovell, Assistant Dean
The following students have been
accepted for admission to the Degree
Program for Honors in Liberal Arts
in the fall of 1941. These students
are to meet in Room 1020 Angell Hall,
Monday, May 26, at 4:30 p.m. Those
who are unable to attend this meet-
ing should see Professor B. D. Thuma
in 2125 Natural Science before Mon-
day noon:
Alcorn, Barbara
Allan, Richard T.
Avery, Margaret A.
Berlow, Ralph F.
Briddon,iDorothy F.
Byer, Alice
Chapman, Robert L.
Chockley, Julie
Crowe, James A.
Dewey, Horace W.
Gilmer, Jean M.
Goldsmith, Richard E.
Goudsmit, Alfred
Groefsema, Margaret C.
Johnson, Audrey H.
Keahey, Muiel C.
Kohl, Marcia I.
Levy, Philip A.
Lim-Yuen, Paul
London, Herbert P.
McKinley, Geraldine I.
MacLaughlin, Barbara A.
Petteys, Robert M.
Ross, Emily C.
Schwab, Ruth B.
Terrell, James R.
Thomas, Ruth
Waner, Robert M.
Warshaw, Saul
Wolf, James M.
Florence E. Allen Scholarships for
Women at New 'York University
School of Law: Notice of the estab-
lishment of six full-tuition scholar-

ships of the New York University
School of Law for deserving women
graduates of accredited universities
and colleges has been received at the
President's Office and may be in-
spected there. These scholarships
are for women who desire to enter
the School of Law in September,
1941. Letters of application should
be sent to the Secretary of the Com-
mittee on the Florence E. Allen
Scholarships for Women, Miss Mar-
cia V. Maylott, New York University
School of Law, Washington Square,
New York City. They should be ac-
companied by an official transcript of
the applicant's college record, a re-
cent photograph of the applicant, at
least one letter of recommendation
from an academic officer of the ap-
plicant's college, and two letters of
reference from persons other than
relatives bf the applicant residing in
the applicant's home town. 'These
papers should be submitted by July
15, 1941.
Scholarships at the Sunumer Insti-
tute for Social Progress at Wellesley,
Massachusetts, July 5-19, 1941. An
opportunity is presented for two
members of the graduating class or
recent alumni of the University of
Michigan, men or women, to secure
scholarships of $60, covering the cost
of tuition, board and room at this
conference, the theme of which is
"Strengthening America at Home
and Abroad." The program of the
Institute may be inspected and appli-
cations for the scholarships obtained
at 1021 Angell Hall.
All students desiring tutors through
the League tutorial system call Betty
Bailie, 4872. or fill out blanks in
the tutorial box in the undergraduate
office of the Women's League by
Friday, May 23.
German Departmental Library: All
books due Saturday, May 24.
Le Foyer Francais. Men students
with some knowledge of the French
language who would like to wait on
table at Le Foyer Francais during the
Summer Session, see Professor
Charles E. Koella, Room 412 Ro-
mance Language Building.
l r
AirConditi$ ed - New
p tS g
A ~ ~-ew
V xC i jl b
P t C~3

Summer Work-Sales: Mr. Robin-
son of the W. Elliott Judge Organiza-
tion will interview men for sales work,
Saturday. For information, please
get in touch with the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 201 Mason Hall.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice that VOGUE is
again sponsoring the Prix de Paris,
a career contest for senior women.
Its purpose is to discover girls with
imagination, writing ability, and a
flair for fashion and to open the
door to 'those girls who seek a career
in merchandising, journalism, ad-
vertising, or fashion reporting.
Further information on file at the
Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Office
hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service Examinations. Last
date for filing application is noted
iu each case:
Institution Porter D, salary $75,
June 4, 1941.
Food Service Helper D, salary $75,
June 11, 1941.
Laboratory Technician C, salary
$80, May 31, 1941.
Laboratory Technician B, salary
$105, May 31, 1941.
Laboratory Bacteriologist A, $130,
May 31,11941.
Buyer IV, salary $325, May 31, 1941.
(Includes Food Buyer, Clothing
Buyer, Highway Materials and Equip-
ment Buyer, Paper, Office Supplies
and Equipment Buyer, Hospital and
Chemical Supplies Buyer, Building
and Construction Materials and
Equipment Buyer.)
Unemployment Claims Examiner
I, salary $150, June 4, 1941.

Unemployment Claims
II, $200, June 4, 1941.
Unemployment Claims
II, $250, June 4, 1941.




Arthur Murrov

"SAE Entertains Conrad Na gel,
Or Is The Opposite The Case?

SAE played host to Conrad Nagel
The celebrated actor was special
dinner guest and was given a place at
the head of the table. After dinner
was over, an informal "bull-session"
took place on the porch, with Conrad
Nagel reminiscing - and the SAE
boys on the receiving end.
"You just can't go out on the porch
to enjoy yourself in California," the
actor began off-hand. "The evenings
get cool before you know it. So I'll
certainly make the most of this."
Hines Interrupted
He was interrupted at this point
with the arrival of Phelps Hines,
'42A, who brought out several of the
paintings he had done for the recent
"Revenoors Rustle" dance given by
the fraternity.
After the works of art had received
their proper attention and a picture
had been taken of the celebrity, Con-
rad Nagel began telling of the time
he first went into the navy during
the World War.
"At the time I got in," he said,
"I didn't know that I was just about
the lowest gob a person could be.
I assumed a navy position was like
any other job."
Makes Suit Tailored Uniform
"Not having any navy outfit at the
time, I had my tailor make me up
one and picked out all sorts of in-
signias to go on it."
"I even went so far as to be driven
to the boat!" the famous actor
laughed. "Before that day was over,
I had learned my lesson, though."
He continued by laying that the

other "gobs" all took him for a rear-
admiral and accorded him the court-
eous salute befitting such a rank.

"And I didn't even know how to go W
about getting on the ship!"
"No sooner did I get on deck than Maria
the military police caught up with me sent fou
violin ir
and politely escorted me to the cap- tomorro
tain's cabin - where I was treated sey Roo
with undue respect." Allegn
"Of course, at the time I didn't B minor
catch the fatal sarcasm," he added. by Eliza
off, '43
The pseudo-rear-admiral was asked and Ca
if he wanted to do anything in par- Rondo
ticular. The ship was at his facility. in a sol
Mr. Nagel replied that he would like Vieux
to be toured "around the boat." will be
This was complied with, before Mr. Miss Iv
Nagel was given his due punishment. legro fro
"What happened?" he was asked. Lewis w
Conrad Nagel looked at his watch. legro fro
"Oh. Oh. It's ime to -leave for the The a
theatre," he said, by Mary
The onlookers were stalled. and Joh
A- eric-n L--i- - n

lt Give Recital
an Struble Freeman will pre-
ur of her advanced pupils of
n a public recital at 4:15 p.m.,
w in the Ethel Fountain Hus-
m of the League.
ro from Mozart's Concerto in
r for four violins will be played
,beth Lewis, Elizabeth Ivan-
SM, Mary Katherine Harris
rolyn Fries, '43SM. Mozart's
will be offered by Miss Fries
temps' Ballade and Polonaise
played by Miss Harris and
anoff will play Mozart's Al-
om Concerto in D Major. Miss
ill perform Mendelssohn's Al-
"om Concerto in E Minor.
ccompaniments will be played
y Porter. Mrs. Cassius Harris
in Ivanoff, '42.

// /Dance Tahr
CIA.$10 Worth of Lessons In
Arthur Murray Dance Book
Generous Jar of Odorono Cream
If the dancing instructions in this
new Arthur Murray Dance Book were
given in his private studio it would cost
$10' See how easy it is to learn! Andsee
how easy it is to hold your partner when
1 P.O. Box C,NewYork,N.Y. 1
Send me the new Arthur Murray Dance
Book and generous introductory jar of
1ODORONO CREAM. I enclose 25¢ to1
cover printing, mailing and handling. 1
I 1
I Name 1
I 1
1 I
City State .

Junior Custodial Office, salary
$1,860, June 19, 1941.
Senior Inspector, Engineering Ma-
terials, salary $2,600, until further
Inspector, Engineering Materials,
$2,300, until further notice.
Associate Inspector,. Engineering
Materials, $2,000, until further notice.
Assistant Inspector, Engineering
Materials, $1,800, until further notice.
Senior Inspector, Ship Construc-
tion, salary $2,600, until further no-
Inspector, Ship Construction, $2,-
300, until further notice.
(Continued on Page 7)
Walt Whitman on Records
New Don Cossack Album
Pinza and Rethberg Sing
A cantata based on the poems
of Walt Whitman has beencom-
posed by George Kleinsinger. Sung
by John Charles .Thomas, accom-
panied by chorus and orchestra,
it is issued in Victor Album 777
($2.50). Although the general pat-
tern is modeled after the highly
successful Ballad for Americans as
sung by Paul Robeson, the musical
detail is entirely original. The
simplicity of \the solo work and
the vigor of the choral singing
provide strong, appropriate at-
mosphere for the Whitman poetry
-which, fortunately, has not been
tampered with to suit the con-
venience of the composer.
General Platoff's Don Cossack
Choir has done an album of Rus-
sian Liturgical Music, sung in Rus-
sian. This Victor album 768 ($3.50)
includes Gretchaninoff's Credo,
Tschaikowsky's Blessed Be The
Lord, Archangelsky's Inspire My
Prayer, 0 Lord, Bahkmetieff's Re-
qiem, Lomakin's Song of The Ser-
aphim And Cherubim, and two
other shorter works. One of the
many remarkable effects achieved
by the Chorus is the accompani-
ment to the soloist in the Credo,
in which the choir produces the
deep, metallic sounds of Russian
church bells.
Admirers of Ezio Pinza and
Elisabeth Rethberg will be inter-
ested to learn that they have
done an album
of Mozart Ar- ~
ias and Duets.
This Victor al-
bum 783 ($3.00)
contains three
duets and an
aria from the
Marriage of Fi-
garo, and a duet
from Don Gio-
vanni. In direc-
ting the Victor
Symphony Or- DORIS PRICE
chestra, Bruno
Relbold restrains the instrument-
al exuberance which has occas-
ionally overwhelmed the soloists
in other recordings of this orches-
Salvatore Baccaloni does two
arias from Don Giovanni on Col-
umbia record 71048-D ($1.00) in
a way that explains his immense-
ly successful debut at the Metro-
politan Opera. The fulness of his
voice and the breadth of his hu-
mor are truly remarkable.
In the popular instrumental
field, T. Dorsey's Deep River has
become a best seller in less than
a week, to join Harry James' Mu-
sic Makers and Glenn Miller's The

Spirit Is Willing,
That frequently and frantically
requested Swedish serenade, the
Hut-Sut Song, has been 1eleased
in a recording by the King Sisters,
with recordings by Freddy Martin
and Horace Heidt to follow next
week. It's a novelty tune -with
clever lyrics of Swedish double
Daddy, sung by the Sammy Kaye
Choir, has caught on rapidly, and
is headed for certain popularity.
You'll have to give this disc a
whirl to learn the story of Daisy
Artie Shaw's Blues in two parts
is adapted from the blues move-
ment of William Grant Still's Len-
ox Avenue Suite in the typical
Shavian style. This disc is to be
released tomorrow.
The album of Musical Comedy
Favorites played by Andre Koste-
lantz and his orchestra, although
released quite some time ago, con-
tinues to be a great favorite. His
new recording of the Rhapsody
in Blue, with Alec Templeton at
the niann is running neck and





I .



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- Today & Saturday

Saturday - Sunday
Twice Daily
2:30 and 8 P.M.


Main to Huron to State St.
Parade Saturday 10 A.M.

olways goes better with
plenty of ICE for food or
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A picture unlike any
you have ever seen!
- --------- --

Cowboys Indians

Clowns Bronco Busting

I "Red Men on Parade"'

Wild aa Bull Ridin

Buffalo Riding







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