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May 23, 1941 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-05-23

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W yeather


Cloudy, becoming fair
and cooler.

Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication


Ann Arbor Citizens
Fight Haisley Ouster ,..

VOL. LI. No. 167 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1941 Z-323





Board Petitions



UA W-CIO Wins Ford NLRB Vote In Landslide





Final Figures
Cite Weakness
Of AFL Union
In Two Plants
Nearly 80,000 Employes
Cast Votes In Election;
UAW-CIO Majority Is
Virtually Three To One
Connunists Win,
Bennett Charges
(By The Associated Press)
DETROIT, May 22.-The United
Automobile Workers (CIO), won an
overwhelming victory in the Ford
Motor Company's giant River Rouge
and smaller Lincoln plants in yes-
terday's employe elections.
The Union announced that it would
use its newly-gained collective bar-
gaining rights immediately in seeking
negotiations for a contract.
When the National Labor Relations
Board finished counting tonight the
votes of approximately 80,000 Ford
employes it was shown that produc-
tion workers in the Rouge and Lin-
coln factories and pattern makers in
the Rouge all had voted overwhelm-
ingly in favor of the UAW-CIO over
the American Federation of Labor.
Announce Final Figures
The final official figures announced
by the NLRB on the three elections
held yesterday showed that produc-
tion workers of the Rouge plant
voted 51,866 for the UAW-CIO; 20,-
364 for the American Federation of
Labcr's Federal Union, and 1,958 for
no union.
Immediately following announce-
ment of the result of the vote tab-
ulation, Michael F. Widman, Jr., who
has conducted the UAW-CIO drive
to organize Ford workers, said:
"Within a few days practically all
the Ford workers who voted for the
AFL or for no union will be CIO
members now that this overwhelm-
ing vote has shown the UAW-CIO
is indisputably the choice of the vast
majority. The most bitter and power-
ful anti-union employer in America
has been brought to terms by his em-
Seek Flat Wage
"We shall immediately seek nego-
tiations for a contract to include a
flat 10 cents an hour wage increase
for all Ford workers; adequate union
recognition, a system of seniority to
govern lay-offs and rehiring, vaca-
tions with pay and all the other ele-.
ments of a constructive labor agree-
Harry Bennett, personnel director
of the Ford Motor Company, after
hearing of the CIO's victory, com-
"It's a great victory for the Com-
munist" Party, Gov. Murray D. Van
Wagoner and the National Labor Re-
lations Board. The law provides we
must live with them and we never
violate the law."
'Male Animal'
Continues Run
Ruth Matteson Will Open
In 'Skylark' Tuesday
The last three performances of
"The Male Animal," currently show-
ing at the Lydia Mendelssohn The-

atre will be given today and tomor-
Conrad Nagel is appearing in the
male lead as the shy Professor ,Tom-
my Turner, whose academic difficul-
ties are only a part of his worries.
His wife, played by Ruth Matteson,
is the other source of his trouble.
Miss Matteson will also star in
Samson Raphaelson's "Sltylark,"
which is to open with an' evening

Eve4 Nursing

Has Its Ups And Downs

Neutrality Law Flayed;
Crete Attack Intensified
French Forces Are Ordered To Prepare Martinique
Defenses Against United States Threat

Protest New,





-- Daily Photo by Will Sapp
Nurse Catherine Hogan, Grad., is shown at the controls of one of the
University Hospital's seven elevators after the 18 operators were dis-
charged because of a walkout for an increase in pay.
U. Hospital Elevator Operators
Are 0Disharged AfterWalkout

(By The Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, May 22.-Strong
criticism by two Cabinet officers of
the United States Neutrality Acti
today caused speculation that an
effort to repeal the Act might be in
the making, and at the same time
stirred up a spirited constroversy on
Capitol Hill.
Secretary of War Stimson told his
press conference that the act vio-
lates "America's most sacred and im-
portant tradition of foreign policy,
freedom of the seas." Yesterday Sec-
retary of the Navy Knox had called
the act a terrible blunder.
The Neutrality Law, among other
things, prevents American ships from
carrying supplies to England, which
is in a combat zone.
Soon after Stimson made his criti-
cism of the measure, Senator George
(Dem-Ga), chairman of the limport-
ant Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee, told reporters cryptically that
the much-discussed question of using
the American navy to convoy ship-
ments to Great Britain was "not the
full, complete or final answer to the
difficulties now facing the British
Empire." Whether he meant that the
answer might include the use of
American merchant ships to deliver
supplies was not stated.
Review Local
Visiting Men Will Remain
In Ann Arbor For Day
To CompleteInspection
Representing the commanding gen-
eral of the Sixth Corps Area, Maj.
Qen. Bonesteel, a party of five regu-
lar army officers yesterday reviewed
the University ROTC units.

LONDON, May 23.--(A)--Btritish
naval guns roaring in the darkness
off Crete were reported early today
to have, blasted whole boatloads of
Nazi reinforcements, while added
thousands of German parachutists
plumped down on the island through
a blinding shower of anti-aircraft
In the pre-dawn size-up it appeared
that the Germans, who already hold
two key island points and have gained
mastery of the air, were able to land
troops in numbers from above -
however precariously; but that the
fleet had stood off and destroyed all
sea-borne units. b
The German High Command in
answer announced a tremendous blow
at the British Mediterranean fleet
tonight in a special communique
claiming that the Luftwaffe had sunk
four British cruisers and "several"
destroyers in bitter fighting in the
eastern Mediterranean - obviously
off Crete.
Martinique Crisis
VICHY, Unoccupied France, May 22
-(P)-French forces on Martinique
have been ordered to prepare to de-
fend that Caribbean Island against
an attack by the United States, re-
ports from German-occupied Paris
said today.
Looming large in any defense of
the island are the cruiser Emile Ber-
tin and the aircraft carrier Bearn,
which have been stationed at Martin-
ique's capital and chief port, Fort
De France, since the German defeat
of France last June. '
Meanwhile, Secretary of State Hull
said there had been no recent de-
velopments that changed the general
situation in these western hemisphere
His statement was interpreted as
meaning that the American govern-
ment had no intention of occupying

Doctors, nurses and internes were
operating elevators at the University
Hospital yesterday when 18 elevator
boys walked out at 7:30 a.m. after
they had been refused a short notice!
pay raise.
They were immediately fired.
According to Assistant Director
A. C. Kerlikowske, the men were fired
"not because they demanded a raise,
but because of their unfair and dan-
gerous walkout."
Galens members and other medical
students volunteered to man the ele-
vators. By 10 a.m. the seven elevators
were running again but the pointer
hands weren't running smoothly. The
operators were being paid 40 to 45
cents an hour with a top scale of 48
cents and worked six eight-hour days.
Band Concert
Will Hioahlioht
Cornet Group
'Triolet' Will Be Featured
Today In Presentation
Of Overtures, Marches
The University of Michigan Reg-
imental Concert Band will feature a
cornet trio in its Spring Concert
to be given for the public at 4:30
p.m. today in the Michigan Union
The trio, composed of Eugene
Brown, '44SM, Leroy Weeks, '44 and
Robert 0. Shelley, '42, will play "Trio-
let" by C. H. Leonard, the fourth
number on the program.
Fther selections on the program
will' be a march, "Men of Ohio," by
Fillmore, an overture, "Sohrab and
Rustumn," by H. M. Johnson and
another march, "The Vanquished
Army," by Alford, all of which will
precede the feature.
I. Lorenz's "King Korab" overture,
Trotere's bolero, "In Old Madrid," the
"Stephen Foster Rhapsody" by N. H.
Long, the waltz, "Spring Beautiful
Spring," by Lincke and the march,
"Pride of the Lakes," by A. I. John-
son will complete the program.
Albin I. Johnson will continue in
his capacity as director of the band
in today's concert. Mr. Johnson is
also Assistant Conductor of Univer-
sity Bands in which capacity he has
worked under William A. Revelli.

Dr. Kerlikowske said they demanded
55 cents an hour.
Michigan Union elevator operators
work 42 hours a week for their board
($1.10 per day) plus a salary of $40
a month.
Head of the hospital engineering
department, John M. Fitzgerald said
the boys resented that they had been
left out of a pay increase which was
made to skilled employes of the hos-
pital. "They were next on the list for
an increase," Mr. Fitzgerald said, "if
they had bargained with us we might
have reached an agreement."
Although three of the strikers were
members of a local CIO Union, they
spoke to hospital authorities as a
non-affiliated group. Joseph Exelby,
a worker in the Hospital storeroom
who is president of the Union, said
that the boys had acted of Their
own accord, that there was no union
Exelby said his union "would look
into the matter, because the lower-
bracket hospital workers are the low-
est paid workers of the lot. One of the
elevator men has been working on the
same job for 11 years - and is only
making 48 cents an hour."
By last night three operators had
been hired to work the 12 floor hos-
pital. Chief Hospital director, Dr.
Harley A. Haynes, who played ele-
vator boy himself for awhile, ex-
pressed hope that a new, crew of
boys would be hired by today.

Purdue Is Foe
Of Nine Today;
Weirmen Wirt
Michigan's Conference -leading
baseball team made final preparations
yesterday for its crucial home stretch
series against an unpredictable Pur-
due nine today and tomorrow.
The two teams will stage the initial
game under the arc lights in the
first Western Conference night base-
ballgame. The tilt will take place in
the new city recreation center.'
Ray Fisher, Wolverine mentor, will
stake his hopes on sophomores Cliff
Wise. With control, Wise should be
very effective. Experience in the big
leagues has shown that it is extremely
difficult for a player to accustom him-
self to new conditions under the
lights. Under these circumstances,
Cliff's fast ball might be a very po-
tent factor in the Wolverines' favor.
In three !starts against Big Ten
(Continued on Page 3)
Netmen Defeat
Wayne University
(Special to The Dally
DETROIT, May 22.-In spite of a
heavy wind and threatening rain
Michigan's net team decisively wal-
loped Wayne University yesterday,
8-0, and kept intact its undefeated
record against the Tartars.
The Wolverines walked off with an
8-2 victory in 1932 and a 7-2 triumph
last year, these being the only other
times the teams have met.
In place of Jim Porter, regular
number three man who broke a blood
vessel in his foot during Wednesday's
practice, Coach Leroy Weir substitut-
ed Wayne Stille and moved Tom Ga-
mon up to four and Alden Johnson
up to five. Gerry Schaflander played
in the last singles spot.
The feature match of the day
turned out to be the fifth singles
battle between Johnson and Elmer
(Continued on Page 3)
Extra Petitions
For Posts Due
At Noon Today
Positions On Four Boards
Opera To Men Students
In All-Campus Election
Students who wish to place their
names on an all-campus ballot for
17 elective campus positions hve
until noon today to resort to an extra
petitioning procedure.
Eligible students may submit signed
petitions to the Student offices of the
Michigan Union for posts on the
Board in Control of Student Publi-
cations; the Board in Control of
Athletics; Congress and vice-presi-
dent's positions of the Union.,
The all-campus election, to be run
by the Men's Judiciary Council, will
be held Wednesday, May 28, accord-
ing to William G. Slocum, '42, Coun-
cil president.
Publications - Those who wish to
add their names to the nine already
nominated for the Publications Board
must turn in petitions signed by 100
students. Three positions are open.
Union - Applicants for the six
Union class vice-presidencies must
submit petitions acompanied by 10
signatures from their respective
schools. One each will be elected from
the law, literary, medical dental and
business administration schools and
one from the engineering and arch-
itecture schools combined.

Committee Of 5 Students
Will Present President
With Letters From Staffs
Regents May Hold
Special Board Probe
(Daily City Editor)
Signatures of more than 4,350 stu-
dents who oppose an increase in
faculty representation on the Board
in Control of Student Publications
will be submitted to President Ruth-
ven at 11:30'a.m. today by a five-man
student committee.
At the same time the committee
will give the President letters from
the juniorand, senior editorial and
business staffs of The Daily, Gar-
Students who stil have petitions
are urged to turn them in at the
Student Publications Building by
9:30 a.m. today.
goyle and Michiganensian express-
ing their unanimous disapproval of
the proposed Board changes which
have been adopted as part of the by-
laws of the Board of Regents.
The Regents are expected to hold
a hearing, requested by the Publica-
tions Board, at their meeting today.
The four faculty and three student
members of the present Board have
all been requested to attend.
According to the proposed revision,
two members of the faculty would be
added to the Board in Control and
two alumni advisers would be given
votes. For the most part the plan
has been opposed on the grounds that
such a measure would render student
representation virtually ineffective
because of the overwhelming number
of faculty members.
Student Committee
Members of the student commit-
tee who will submit the petitions and
letters to President Ruthven include
Emile Gele, '42, managing editor of
The Daily; William Slocum, '42, presi-
dent of the Judiciary Council; Wil-
liam Clark, '42, president of the In-
terfraternity Council, and Robert
Speckhard, '43, Dail editorial direc-
Speaking for the three student
members of the present Publications
Board, Pilip F. Westbrook, '43L;
said yesterday that their opposition
to the proposal to alter the organiza-
tion of the Board in Control "has its
roots in the conviction that freedom
of student expression is essential to a
democratic educational system.
"No doubt many of the supporters
of the change sincerely believe that
it would not affect the right of stu-
dents to express themselves freely but
our experience indicates that the like-
ly result would be an immature col-
lege sheet, falling far below the stand-
ards of the present Daily."
To Play Hosts
Open Meeting On Co-ops
To Feature Speakers
Campus cooperatives will play host
to the student body today at the
annual open meeting on co-ops, which
will be held at 4:15 p.m. in room 305
of the Union.
Three speakers will describe phases
of the movement at Michigan. Prof.
Claude Eggertsen of the School of
Education will discuss the way in
which the cooperative houses on cam-
pus operate, telling of the responsi-
bilities of members and the benefits
which they receive.
Harold Guetzkow, Grad., president
of the Intercooperative Council, will
discuss men's cooperatives.
Joan Ferguson, '4lEd., of the Kath-
erine Pickerill Cooperative House for

The officers ,will remain in Ann
Arbor today to complete the annual
federal inspection of the units and E. A. Raman To Speak
at the 'conclusion of their inspection On Situation In India
will give a rating of excellent, satis-
factory or unsatisfactory. In the past
the rating of the University corps E.A. Raman, London editor of the
has always been excellent. United Press of India, who is now
The faculty of the military depart- making a nation-wide speaking tour
ment entertained the group at lun- of the United States, will consider
cbeon yesterday in the Union. Mem- the general question of India and the
bers of the faculty advisory commit- war at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday, May 27, in
tee, University officials, members of the Rackham Building, under the
the naval science faculty and the auspices of the history and political
five ranking cadet officers also at- science departments.
The five regular army men, dur- Closely associated with the nation-
ing the two days of their stay visit alist movement in India, Raman has
classes in leadership, drill and theory for years been in close contact with
and occasionally question individual the men who are, leading the In-
cadets. dians' fight for independence.

Chinese Students Sponsor Tag Day
Campaign For Civiian Relief Today

"Humanity" and "righteousness"
will be the pass words around 'he
campus and the whole city of Ann
Arbor today as more than 400 stu-
dents sell tags for Chinese civilian
relief under the direction of the Uni-
versity of Michigan Chinese Students
The tags will have the two Chinese
characters, "jen" standing for hu-
manity and "yi" meaning righteous-
ness. The first 4,000 good samaritans
will receive souvenir pairs of chop-
sticks as a token of the good will and
gratitude of the Chinese people.
Both President Ruthven and Mayor
Leigh J. Young have commended the
relief effort. The statement of Mayor
Young is as follows:

Pictured above are the two Chi-
nese characters which will be on
the tags sold on the campus today.
On the right is "jen" which stands
for humanity and kindness. The
character on the left is "yi" mean-
ing righteousness.
to give your efforts my complete
The money collected in the drive

the past two years the local Chinese
with the generous donations of the
townspeople have been able to col-
lect sufficient funds to purchase two
The campus Chinese group, spon-
sors of the tag day, is the largest of
any group outside of China. Many
have relatives who have been im-
poverished by :the war and are now
undergoing the suffering brought on
by the critical shortage of food and
medical supplies.
Although the majority of China's
upiversities have been destroyed, pro-
The list of student volunteers for
the tag sale and times and places
where they are to serve will be
found on page 6 of The Daily.

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