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August 27, 1941 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-08-27

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Red Cross Project Will Increase Efforts Of Humanita



Unit To Meet,
And Saturdays,
Hours Of Workshop Will Be
1 P.M. To 5 P.M. In WAB;
Sewing Instruction To Be Given
Campus humanitarian efforts will
be extended this semester as the RedI
Cross sewing and knitting project is1

jealer fin er Cap-
What To Wear When ...
There are things and things to do
in this town, and if they are differ-y
ent enough from most things, you're
confused as to what to wear. This
week-end, for instance, what should

arden Gavotte Johnny 'Scat' Davis Will Blow
Committees Horn At Frosh Frolic May
AnounCe outstandiiing trumpet player,
nou ce --- , t<x;. 7-;Cnc-n -Irh sent to a New York prod

rch 14
iducer who is

_ _ _ _ _ T

Anson Weeks' Band Will Play
For Annual Assembly Ball;
Ticket Sale To Close March 7

who has been blowing his own nornG
since the ,ae of three when he played considering it as a musical comedy
"America" as a trumpet solo at a Sun- production. #
day Stlhool concert, is Johnny "Scat" Johnny has toured the country
Davis, who will introduce himself to with his orchestra and has played
Ann Arbor at frosh Frolic on Mar. 14. lengthy engagements with Jimmy

enlarged to a two-day-a-week plan.
Second semester sewing will be car-E
ried on from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
and Wednesday of each week, start-.
ing this Saturdlay at the Women's
Athletic Building. Knitting materials
will now be distributed at the same
time to those women who contract
to finish the sweater by May 1.
Unit Is Expanded
Machine capacity of the unit has
been expanded to accommodate the
increase in participation, while the
amount of work accomplished is ex-
pected to expand with the additional
time period.
Alpha Gamma Delta has contribut-
ed the rent for sewing machines this
Under the chairmanship of Janet
Lewin, '43, the project was started
last semester. The unit, under the
supervision of the Washtenaw County
Red Cross chapter, receives instruc-
tion and personal supervision from
Ann Arbor volunteers.
The Michigan projet is the first.
of its kind to be established in an
American University o college.
All Women Are Welcome
The Women's Athletic Association
board welcomes to the workroom all
women students, with or without
previous experience in this field. Ad-
equate supervision for beginners is,
No compulsory hours or numbers
of hours are specified for each work-
er; participators last semester spent
from one half hour to twenty hours
per person.
The new unit answers the demands
of students for a work project in a
humanitarian cause.
Frolic Tickets
Still Available
Sale For Freshmen To Continue
From 1 P.M. To 5 P.M. Friday
Holders of Freshman identification
cards may secure tickets for the an-
nual Frosh Frolic from 1 p.m. to 5
p.m. today at the travel desk of the
Sale of tickets to Freshmen will
continue through Friday. If any re-
main they will be available to the
general public at the regular price of
$2.75 per couple.
The theme for the dance this year
is to be "A Freshman's Nightmare,"
and decorations consist of a huge
bluebook framing the band, and a
large airbrush painting to be hung
at the other end of the room. This
mural will depict the various Fresh-
man activities. A tree of knowledge
will be found in the foyer of the ball-
Music for the dance will be furn-
ished by Johnny 'Scat' Davis, ac-
claimed the "band of the year." Davis'
has also starred in several motion
Four Groups Name .
Incoming Officers
Alpha Epsilon ?hi announces the
election of officers for the coming
year. Frances Aaronson, '42, dean;
Ina Mae Rabinovitch, '42, sub-dean;
Hope Robeson, '42, treasurer; Elaine
Gordon, '43, secretary, and Janet
Lewin, '43, rushing charman.
Delta Upsilon held elections recent-
ly, and Charles Holton, '41, is presi-
dent; Arnold WhiItc, '41, viccpresi-
dent; John Erwin, '42, house maniag-
er, and Allen Grier, '42, is secretary.
Phi Delta 'heta has elected the
following .new of ficers; Richard
Scherling, '42, president; George Pet-
tersen, '42, house manager; John
Stewart, '42, secretary; Sam Mar-
shall, '43, reporter; Aleden Johnson,
'43, alumni secretary, and Robert

Edison, '43, warden.
Pi Lambda Phi announces the re-
cent election of Howard Solomon, '42,
president; Eugene Kane, vice-presi-
dent and rushing chairman; Bert
Weiss, '42, steward; Howard Wallach,
'43; treasurer; Eugene Mandeberg,
'43 secretary, and Michael Kane,
'43A, pledge master.

be worn to such above-the-ordinary
events as the Ice Carnival, the bene-
fit basketball game or Sphinx and
Wyvern's Wynx? -
A basketball game means infor-
meality, but Wynx dance will draw
the traditional date dress. Since
many are planning to take in the
two on Friday evening, some com-
promise must be made. There are
two things that fit into any situ-
ation - low heeled pumps and a
wool dress - and those are the
things to don. If it's just the game
you're going to, try blouse skirt and
leather soled moccasins, and if it's
just the dance, be among the first
to come out in the silk prints
that are especially made for late


Committee lists for the annual As- Jchnny became a seat singer before Joy, Red Nichols and Will Osborne
, he knew what scat singing meant. before joining Fred Waring with
:enbly Ball, "Garden Gavotte~'When" he was 12 years old, he join- whom he went to Hollywood a year,
which will be held Friday, Mar. 7, ed Jack O'(Srady's orchestra in Terre ago to film "Varsity Show". Davis
have been completed and members Haute where he was billed as the proved so capable in the motion pic-
have already started their work for Child Wonder of Rhythm. ture capitol that he was immediately
the dance, Helen Culley, '41, general Called upon to sing "Don't bring signed to a long term contract.
me posies" as a solo, Johnny kidded' His subsequent success, however,
chairman. announced yesterday. the assignment and forgot the words has proved that iniforsaking aaorom-

Anson Weeks and his famed "Dan-
-in' With Anson" orchestra featuring
Virginia Mathews and King Harvey,
have been engaged to play for the :
dance, and will make a special trip
:rom Chicago for that purpose.
Peggy Polumbaum, '42, ana Doris
Cuthbert, '42, co-chairmen of public.
ity list the following independents
as members of their committee:
grace Roszel, '41, Norma Ginsburg,
'41. Doris Dickason,, hlEd, Mary
Brownrigg, '44, Natalie Howe, '41,
Ruth Schwab, '42. Dorothy Schloss,

to the second verse, as he usually
does. He filled in the missing words
with a "whoa-he-de-ho-ho" - that
made him a scat singer - and soon
he became known as the only white
edition of Cab Calloway.
Johnny is a versatile bandleader. He
says that after his original love-the
trumpet-he likes parades, water-
mnlnrUii o nrInU iii uvrctn t f

ising screen career to direct a dance
band, he has not sacrificed any of his
rapidly growing popularity.
Johnny confesses that his pet am-
bition has always been to direct a
movie rather than a band, but that
he'll have to postpone that realiza-
tion until he gets more tired of toot-
ing his horn.


winter. 43, Iiarriet Horowitz, '43, Elizabeth
At the final chapter of the Ice Anderson, '42, and Anne McDonald,
Carnival on Sunday, you may be one 42A.
of two types of persons-potential Assistants Listed
skater or all-evening spectator. At Assisting Kaytherine Negus, '43,'
7:30 starts the show of the silvered and Evelyn Kuivinen, '42 on the dec-4
blades. Come dressed in something , orations committee are Betty Awary,.
warm. Ankle socks are best, but if you 3 '43, Christine Chambers, '42A, Lois
want heels, don't wear open toes. Y McDonald, '42, Marilyn Vogel, '42A,
After about two hours, those who Jean Grover, '41A, Barbara Richards,
ace in adm o scan get out '41, Miss Schwab, Virginia Gensel,
on the ice for theid own bit of skat- '43, and Miss Anderson.
ing. Now you skaters, listen to this Susanna Nicholson, '43, has help-
re-echo of age-old advice-take this k . ^ ed Barbara Alcorn, '43, chairman, and
chance to look graceful by picking a Cleo Jean Covert, '41, assistant, with
costume that looks like a skating the programs and patrons commit-
outfit, but if your ability is just fair tee-
to medium let the skirt come just mis . - Ticket committee leads all the rest
above the knees, whereas if you're Daily Photo by Will Sapp in numbers, the co-chairmen, Betty
really good make the skirt really Light Blue On Ice.. . Newman. '43, arId June deCordova,
short. NANCY UPSON '41, have boasted. It has a member-
-____--ship of 30 independents, beginning
For the average skater, since with Dorothy Anderson, '42, Miss
skirts are just naturally short now, to use the skirt even for classes. Schwab. Miss Anderson, Charlie
it's easy enough to pick something For those who are fine skaters Boyd, '43, Miss Brownrigg, Melva
appropriate from your own ward- with a short repertoire of fancy bits, Byer, '42, Virginia Crall, '43, Margaret
robe. Add low heeled pumps and a Emery, '43, Ruth Fedor, '42, Beatrice
blouse under the sweater, and please be sure to wear a tiny little Emer, 43, uhFdr 4,Barc
skirt whenever you go skating. But Glass. '43, Bernice Gantz, '44.
there's a very presentable Sunday
evening date outfit in ease you're for just a skating date don't make Other Members Named
it satin-ed and trimmed. Jacketed Continuing the list are Arlene Hel-
going somewhere before or after the wool ones or knitted ones pointed lenberg, '44, Harriet Horowitz, '43,
carnival. up with Tyrolean embroidery are Lorraine Judson, '43, Betty Newton,
A fine idea was worked out with the thing. Nancy Upson, '44SM, '41SM, Mildred Otto, '44, Lucille Pad-
a long torso, flared skirt, tweed suit. who'll be a featured skater at the el, '43, Charlotte Papernick, '44, Miss
The waist was turned over once or Ice Carnival, was seen in a perfect Roszel, Anita Samson, 41, Phyllis
twice to make the skirt shorter, and informal attire for the good skater. ISamuels, '43, Dorothy Schloss, 43,
the long jacket hid any consequential The long sleeved two piece outfit is Felice Schapiro, '44, Margaret Sun-
misfit over the hips so that the re- of light blue wool and has kerchief dean, '44, Betty Wibel, '42, Clarlotte
sult was practical and attractive. If and panties of coral. Her appro- Morley, '43. Mary Jean O'Donnell,
buying a skating outfit is your in- priate outfit makes her Best Dressed JlEd, Constance Gilbertson, '43SM,
tention, short skirts make it possible Co-Ed of the Week. Jean Hamilton, '44, Mahola Smith,
--___Tickets are on sale from 11 a.m.
to noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. today,
ReceiptsBeand every day till March 7, in the
League lobby. Restricted sale, limit-
Sed only to women showing an inde-
t 4ta~e W il Increase pendent's identification card, will
.end Tuesday, after which date what
Receipts of Friday's Benefit Bas- tickets remain will go on general
-have expressed the desire for mixed sale. Information concerning car-
ketball Game, which will swimmingpartiesnations for your date's buttonhole
tributed to the Women's Swimming At present there are no swimming may be secured at the ticket booth
Pool Fund. will aid the realization of facilities on campus that enable stu in the League lobby. The sale of car-
a project which has gained momen- dents to relax in water and sun bath- nations, red for tuxes and white for
tum ever since it was conceived before ing. The new ool will rectify this tails, has become an annual project
1923. situation, sponsored by Senior Society at each
The need for such a pool, long rec- The building will occupy the site year's Assembly Ball.
ognized by the Physical Education east of the Women's Athletic Build-
Department, is expressed by Dr. Mar- ing, between that structure and the
garet E. Bell, who said, "The need Stockwell Residence Hall. A passage- Committee To Meet
of such a pool to which women may way connecting the pool building toI
have free access has long been felt the Women's Athletic Building will There will be a meeting of the
on campus. For years the popular enable swimmers to use the dressing ticket committee for Assembly
demand for such a pool has been and shower facilities of the WAB. -,Ball at 5 p.m. today in the League.
growing, and has been reflected in In cooperation with the Women's Betty Newman requests that every-
every pool of opinion on that sub- Athletic Association effort to crystal- one bring their eligibility cards,
jeCt." ize the Swimming Pool Project have
Although plans are not yet com- been contributions from numerous
pleted, sketches call for facilities for campus organizations: the Varsity
mixing swimming, sun bathing, and Swimming Team, the Michigan Alum-
aquatic pageantry as well as for nae, the Women's League, the Detroit
standard pool equipment. The pool Alumnae Group, the Ann Arbor
will answer demands not only of wo- Alumnae Group, the J-Hop Commit-
men swimmers, but of those men who tee, and the 1941 Frosh Frolic.
-- ----_---_------__---Mhigan

melons and o cL oooKStores esu of
Once in a while he writes a song,
and among his published hits are
"Why Do I Care For You?", "That's
What I Learned In College," and
"Heaven On Earth." Lovers of theI
clavsics may be shocked, he thinks, to
find out that he has re-written the
opera, "Pagliacci", in swing tempo.
Davis has transposed the entire
score and has translated the lyrics
into modern American English. His
version of the famous opera has been
Secretarial School
Offers Scholarships
To Senior Women
For senior women contemplating
the practical idea of a secretarial'
course after graduation, the Fairfield
School in Boston, Mass., is offering
four resident tuition grants covering
the full fees of $350 and two day-
school scholarships for $150 each.
These are competitive scholarships,
available to senioir women from ac-
credited colleges and universities who
wish to pursue a year of graduate
study in the field of secretarial sci-
Awards are to made on the basis
of scholastic standing, personal quali-
fications, aptitude for the v~rk and
financial need.
Applications, which must be sent
to the Committee on Grants before
June 1, should be accompanied by
a letter of recommendation from the
Dean of the College or from the
Director of Guidance or Personnel.
A catalogue of the Fairfield School
and further details will be sent on re-
quest. Applicants may write to the
Registrar, 245 Marlborough St., Bos-
ton, for this information.
Scores Are Listed
Alpha Delta Pi is ceded its place as
intramural basketball champions to
Martha Cook, 28-18, Tuesday in the
tournament finals at Barbour Gym-

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0444 aitd Crh d



Spring is Coming,
and we're taking a final fling at getting rid of
odds and ends of winter merchandise at
less-than-cost prices.
Winter and between-season coats. . 5 fur trimmed, 1 0
untrimmed. Sizes 12-20.
(Also 2 and 3-PLc. Suits, 14 and 16, at 10)
6 Printzess Zip-Toppers . . . Black Reefers with zip-
out linings (and you have a spring coat) $$95
Pastel and dark wools, lovely crepes for both $ r 0
daytime and evening. Sizes 9-17, 12-44.
A group of Better Dresses . . . crepes, pastel and dark
wool for daytime and evening.
Sizes 9-17, 12-44.
More Odds and Ends
AT 25c
Jewelry, Fabric Gloves, Belts and Ankl Socks.
AT 449c
Knee Length Socks and Doeskin Gloves
Blouses, Skirts and Costume Jewelry.
AT $2.00
Junior Dresses, Skirts, Blouses and Houseoats,
AT $0eC
Juist a few Corduroy Casual Coats.



Who Want Peace Action

p/f, eJ e ",I

Church Groups

Fraternitie' 6? Sororities
Campus Organizations

Attend the
Local Town Meeting
of Youth



The Place to get


Feb. 28
3:30 P.M.

Unity Hall
(N. State and Huron)

Sponsored by Students Who Attended
"''owu Meeting o f Youth, Washington D. C., held Feb. 7 d? 8









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