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August 27, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-08-27

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Students Say Experimental


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All
tights of republication of all other matters herein also
'Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mailnmatter.
Subscriptions during the regular 'school year by
carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41

Editorial Stafff

Hervie Haufler

Alvin Sarasohn .
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky .
Howard A. Goldman
Laurence Mascott
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser
Helen Corman .
Business Manager
Assistant Business Manag
Women's Business Manag
Women's Advertising Mar

Managing Editor
. . . Editorial Director
. .City Editor
Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
* . Associate Editor
S . . Associate Editor
Sports Editor
.Women's Editor
. . . Exchange Editor

mess Staff

Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
Sane Krause

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily stiff and represent the views of the
writers only.
.1.S. Stakes in Far East
Vital To Economy . .
the United States at'the moment is
her lack of certain vital raw materials which
cannot be obtained, at least in the proper quality
or adequate quantity, within its continental
entity. The attention of our experts has been
devoted for some time to a consideration of this
major problem. On the whole, they have con-
fined themselves to answering one general ques-
tion: upon what regions of the world in particu-
lar do we depend for the materials we lack and
what importance can be attached to our depen-
dence upon those producing regions? At last
they have succeeded in arriving at an answer.
But the answer only makes matters more com-
Recently the Army 'and Navy Munitions
Board has come up with three lists of materials
which have been classified under the respective
titles " strategic," "critical" and "essential."
Seventy items are listed in all. However, under
the "critical" and "essential" headings fall those
materials which can be provided in one way or
another should an emergency present itself;
therefore, the "strategic" list need be the only
one to command our attention.
THE last-named includes fourteen materials
"which are imperative to our national de-
fense in times of war, necessary to the mainte-
nance of our economic order and well-being in.
time of peace and for which dependence must be
placed in whole or in large part on sources out-
side the continental limits of the United States.
More specifically, the "strategic" list, has itself
been divided into three groups.
The commodities for which the United States
depends almost entirely upon foreign sources and
for which no adequate substitutes can be found
comprise the first priority group. The materials
falling under the second priority grouping de-
mand foreign important because their domestic
sorces have been found to be inadequate, too
isolated, or of an exceedingly low quality to per-
mit utilization. The materials assigned to third
priority ranking include those which can be sup-
plied at home per demand, together with those
which permit workable subtitutes to be used in
their place.
THE government considers antimony, Lchroni-
un, manganese, manila fiber, nickel, quartz
crystal, quinine, rubber and silk the most impor-
tant and, hence, "strategic articles of first pri-
ority. Mica, quicksilver and tungsten rate second
call. Coconut-shell char is , the only material
classified as third priority. All are important.
The foreign sources of each are highly indis-
pensable to this country.
But what are the foreign sources of these ex-
tremely vital raw materials which the United
States lacks and needs so desperately in order to
function as a major industrial state? Determined
by routes to them and probabilities of political
control, they fall roughly into two groups.
WESTERN EUROPE, South America, the Car-
ibbean region and the actual traffic sphere
of the United States itself (including Mexico,
Cuba, and Canada) are the regions easiest to
reach or control. On the other and, South
Africa, Russia and the lands west of the Pacific
,..._;ni . ,orn gi . .,rl ho e1; mifh arif

To the Editor:-
". .. it is especially desired that the student
... shall not be confined to academic subjects,
but shall be allowed the widest possible latitude,
and that the new, the unusual, and the radical
shall be especially encouraged."
THUS DID Avery Hopwood define that type
of literary art which he believed worthy of
encouragement. His words are especially appli-
able to the drama, which is the most ubiquitous
and cosmopolitan of all the arts. We at the Uni-
versity of Michigan have not as yet fulfilled
Avery Hopwood's anticipations. Radical, in the
sense used above, refers to a departure from the
accepted or prescribed literary norm.
In what respect have we failed?
To answer this we must appreciate a fact
which is characteristic of the drama and peculiar
to it alone. Drama is written to be staged be-
cause drama realizes its fullest significance
only when it is being staged.
And yet, in the past nine years of Play Pro-
duction only one full length, student-written
play has been produced.
This despite the fact that Robert Sherwood,
famous playwright, once cited Stanford, Yale,
and Ann Arbor as the three main sources which
would supply this country with its future drama-
tists. That his contention was justified is amply
testified to by the fact that in the past three
years; twelve national playwriting awards have
been won by students in the playwriting courses
at the University of Michigan.
THIS LACK of production of original student
plays is in itself not the dominant point of
our discussion, but is used merely to exemplify
the lack of experimental and vital aspects of our
theatre, which should be the companion and. the
instrument of the " .. . new, the unusual, and
the radical ...", rather than a medium for the
repetition of hackneyed, successful, over-used,
stereotyped, professional theatre successes. The
University theatre must be an organic unit,
subject to change and development. That the
theatre is a powerful influence in many other
priority product and is the only deficiency mate-
ial obtained from that region. It is not requiredj
in sufficiently large volume and can readily be
SOUTH AMERICA has a near monopoly of our
antimony and quartz crystal imports. Al-
though such a monopoly naturally brings weight
to bear on that region's importance to us as a
nation, we cannot place too much faith on that
fact alone. Quartz crystal is the only first
priority material which cannot be obtained else-
where. Chromium and manganese are important
but not adequate, and both can be derived from
other lands.
The Caribbean lands have lost their import-
ance to us with the overcoming of our aluminum
deficiency. Our own supply has proved larger
than anticipated and the enormous deposits in
the British and Dutch Guianas can be protected.
Aluminum, at the most, was considered a third
priority article before the government struck it
off the "strategic" list.
CUBA, Mexico and Canada supply us with man-
ganese, chromium, antimony and nickel. But
only nickel can be considered highly important.
Other sources have been found for the others.
Africa's manganese and chromium are es-
sential to us and may possibly become more so;
but both can be obtained elsewhere if our South
Atlantic routes should be broken. Russia sup-
plies us with a goodly amount of manganese;
however, since the second World War started
she has gradually withdrawn from this trade.
The United States is already shifting her depen-
dence for manganese to other sources.
We come finally to the lands west of the Pa-
cific-to Southeastern Asia and the South Pa-
cific Islands. By "a pyramidical error of geo-
graphy" the United States finds itself so vitally
and completely dependent on Southeastern Asia
that our entire foreign policy must be adjusted
to that fact.
T THE PRESENT TIME, we depend upon this
region for the bulk of five first-priority needs:
manila fiber, rubber, quinine, silk and tin.
Southeastern Asia also supplies us with enorm-
ous amounts of tungsten and coconut-shell
char. From China we import to a considerable

,degree ,quantities of antimony, although the
present war has naturally impeded exportation
from that region of late. The Philippines pro-
vide us with chromium; and manganese is im-
ported from British India. From the South
Pacific also come large quantities of chromium.
Some nickel is obtainable from New Caledonia
and new nickel deposits are already being work-
ed on the islands of Sumatra.
Therefore, it can be said with certainty based
on research that the lands beyond the Pacific
can completely supply the demands of the United
States in ten of the fourteen "strategic" neces-
sities, six of which are first priority. Two more
first priority commodities might also be obtained
from Southeastern Asia within a very short time.
In other words, only two of the fourteen "stra-
tegic" materials cannot be produced in this re-
gion-quartz crystal and quicksilver.
rrHE RAMIFICATIONS of this revelation can
easily be perceived. It is only upon the lands
west of the Pacific, and particularly upon South-
eastern Asia, that our dependence is so com-
plete as to threaten our very existence as a na-
tion were the sources severed in any way. It is
not exaggeration to say that the United States
would be forced to wage war against any power
that might attemut to cut off ur trade limes

illHelp Drama
universities, and that it fulfills such functions as
we have described is supported by many, ex-
ONE OF THE FINEST theatre plants in the
country is located at Dartmouth, which has
two workshops and theatres, one of 2,700 seats
and the other 427, this latter theatre being de-
signed and used only for experimental work.
Vassar devotes one third of its total annual pro-
ductions to. original plays. Stanford and Iowa
regularly devote one-half of their season's pro-
grams to original plays. A nation-wide reputa-
tion has been attained by the University of
North Carolina, mainly through its program of
producing only new plays, while Cornell Uni-
versity's theatre is the center for all of New
York State's rural and small town drama. This
latter function in relation to the state could
very well be handled by the University of Michi-
gan. In this connection we should like to point
out that a new $450,000 theatre has just been
built at Michigan State College, which certainly
has not been nationally prominent for its
achievements in the literary or dramatic fields.
As we see this theatre, its advantages would
be three-fold: to the immediate community of
Ann Arbor, to the State of Michigan, and to
the country as a whole.
We feel that such a University theatre as we
visualize would be important for the community
and would build its audience from the towns-
people as well as the students and faculty. We
base this belief on certain simple, but important
facts. Because of its function as an educa-
tional implement within the University, the the-
atre by its very nature requires the production
of a large number of both classical and original
works, as well as Broadway successes. It will_
thus tend to attract and arouse an audience in-
terested in witnessing the production of plays
not ordinarily available and it is this interest in
the unusual which will enable the audience to
overlook whatever shortcomings are character-
istic of the college theatre by virtue of its con-
stantly changing mass personality.
rfHAT ANN ARBOR, despite its relatively small
size, can be a center of culture in Michigan,
has been adequately demonstrated in other forms
of art. Ann Arbor was made known to millions
of new friends throughout the entire nation
when the New York Philharmonic broadcast its
regular Sunday afternoon concert from Hill
To the State of Michigan as a whole, a Uni-
versity Theatre would have the function of be-
ing an important center for the development of
a specific state drama, having the character-
istics typical of Michigan life, its farms, in-
dustries, geography, just as has been done in
the development of a North Carolina state
But perhaps the theatre's most important
function is in its relation to the country as a;
whole, in its contribution to the sum total of
artistical expression in the interpretation of
the constantly evolving political, social econom-
ic and educational trends of our era.
r0FULFILL ALL of these requirements, such
a theatre in Ann Arbor must be organic,
pliable, vital. It must be receptive to new ideas,
never merely for the sake of newness alone, but
on the other hand, never rejecting something
because it is new, or, what is perhaps even worse,
ignoring it altogether. It is only by trial without
prejudiced opinion aforehand that we shall be
able to determine the relative values of new
works of art, and as we have already said, this
is especially true in the case of a drama. For
although a play may be literature before it is
staged, it is certainly not a play until it is played,
nor does it achieve its fullest significance and
realization in its own right unless it is brought
to life before an audience.
This is the concern of every individual inj
the community ...
We have the materials necessary. We have
plays; we have talent, as Play Production has
shown by its efforts on very difficult work un-
til now; we have audience interest, as testi-
fied by turnouts even for such plays as have
been given in the past. We are an intellectual

center for the state in many other respects. Why,
then, should we not fulfill all of our potentiali-
ties and by our University Theater achieve our
dramatic center as a living actuality,
Alled Siber
Paul V. Conason
Stanford Sobel
The Value Of (;riticistui.
An assistant of banking, hired by the National,
Association of Manufacturers to do the job, re-
ports that a substantial proportion of the social
science texts in our schools criticise our govern-
ment and our economy too much,
The NAM investigator says he found "a very
notable tendency in many of the books to play
down what this country has accomplished and to
place the emphasis on defects. The whole em-
phasis is placed on the one-third of the popula-
tion who are under-fed, rather than on the two-,
thirds who are well fed.""
We have a suspicion that when the investi-
gator speaks on "the whole emphasis," his re-
marks are a trifle on the strong side. In general,
the textbook writeis understand their craft.
American accomplishments are well known and
we will not forget them. We are not too modest a
On the othe, hand, the best way of lengthen-
ing the list of accomplishments is to hammer
away at what has not yet been donc. Criticisms

held tonight in Hill Auditorium, 7:00- Piano Concert: Maud Okkelberg,
11:00. Arrange to come a few min- ' Pianist, will present a recital as part
utes early to facilitate seating. of the Faculty Concert Series, at 4:15
p.m. Sunday, March 2, in the Lydia1
Mendelssohn Theatre. The concert
INew Graduate Students: Signs will{ will be complimentary to the' gen-
be posted in the foyer of Hill Audi- eral public.
torium indicating seating arrange-
ments for the Second Session of the7
Graduate Record Examination. This Exhibitions
is required of all new graduate stu- Exhibit of Maya paintings in Yuca-
dents and will be at 7 o'clock tonight tan and Guatemala by Joseph Lin-
in Hill Auditorium. Arrange to come don Smith. This is sponsored by the
a few minutes early to facilitate seat- American Federation of Arts, Wash-
ing. New graduate students are re- ington, D.C. Third floor, exhibit
minded that credit is withheld unless hall, Rackham Building, from 10
this examination is taken. a.m. to 10 p.m. through February 28.


(Continued from Page 2)
Problem" to be given by Professor
Beckenbach will have its first meet-
ing on Monday, March 3, at 3:00 p.m.
in 3201 A.H. The course will meet
for five weeks, three hours a week.
Geology 11 Make-up Final Exam-
ination will be held Friday, Febru-
ary 28, at 2:00 p.m. in Room 2054
Natural Science Building.
Philosophy 34: The make-up ex-
amination will be given in 202 M.H.,
Tuesday, March i4, at 2:00 p.m.
Biological Chemistry 111: Labora-
tory refunds may be obtained this
week at the storeroom window at the
following hours: Today 4 to 5; Fri-
day, 4 to 5; Saturday morning, 11
to 12.
Seniors in the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts and in the
School of Education: Signs will be
posted in the foyer of Hill Auditorium
indicating seating arrangements for
Books III and IV of the Graduate!
Record Examination which is re-
quired of June and August seniors in
the above schools and which will be

phia Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy
and Thor Johnson, Conductors.
Friday Afternoon, May 9. Suzanne
Sten, Mezzo-soprano and Jose Itur-
bi, Pianist, soloists. The Youth Chor-
us, the Philadelphia Orchestra; Saul
Caston, Juva Higbee, and Jose Itur-
bi, (conducting 'from the pianoforte)
Friday evening, May 9. Dorothy
Maynor, soprano, soloist. The Phila-
delphia Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy,
Saturday Afternoon, May 10. All
Sibelius program. Jascha Heifetz,
violinist, soloist. The Philadelphia
Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy, Con-
Saturday Evening, May 10: Epi-1
sodes from "Eugene Onegin" by
Tschaikowsky. Jarmila Novotna, so-
prano; Suzanne Sten, Mezzo-soprano;
Enid Szantho, contralto; Charles
Kullman, tenor; Mack Harrell, bari-
tone; Norman Cordon, bass, soloists.
The University Choral Union, the
Philadelphia Orchestra; Thor John-
son, Conductor.
Orders for season tickets and for
individual concerts may be mailed or
left at the offices of the University'
Musical Society in Burton Memorial

May Festival: The University Mu-3
sical Society announces the follow-
ing schedule of artists and dates forp
the Forty-Eighth Annual May Fes-
Wednesday evening, May 7. Law-
rence Tibbett, Baritone, soloist. The
Philadelphia Orchestra. Eugene Or-
mandy, Conductor.-Y
Thursday Evening, May 8. Jar-s
mila Novotna, Soprano; Norifan1
Cordon, bass; and Gregor Piatigor-L
sky, violoncellist, soloists. The Uni-
versity Choral Union, the Philadel-
{ X.



"Trelawney of the Wells" will bec
a hit during the rest of its run at7
the Mendelssohn Theatre, and the
star system has cofne to Ann ArborY
to stay. Nan McFarland and Whit-
field Conner, playing the two top
roles of the piece, are so good they
almost embarrass their excellent sup-1
porting cast. These two, as Roset
Trelawney and Sir William Gower,t
gave the production that quick, sharpl
bounce usually found only in the very
best of the professional stage's of-
ferings. I have never seen two more,
beautiful jobs done here in Ann Ar-
bor, and I suspect that if I had
caught their performances in any
of the thayatuh's more glamorous
centers, they would still head my list.:
But that's not all. Bill Altman,J
Joe Lynn, Adeline Gittlen, Jack Ben-
der and Robert Lewis make the com-
edy fairly howl once they get going,
and in their excellent last act work,]
Bill Kinzer and Margaret Cotton add
just what is needed to make their
characterization complete. I can do
no more than say that all these and;

IrAn exhibition of Currier and Ives
prints and of work by Yasuo Kuni-
yoshi is open afternoons from 2 to
5 in Alumni Memorial Hall, through
March 7. -
University Lecture: Dr. Reinhold
Schairer, formerly Lecturer in Com-
parative Education, London Univer-
sity, will lecture on the subject, "Re-
construction of Europe by Education"
under the auspices of the Depart-
ment of German at 4:15 p.m. today
in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The
public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Charles E. Kel-
logg, Chief of Soil Survey Division,
U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Washington, D.C. and memberuof
Association of American Geographers,
will lecture on the subject, "The Sci-
entist and Agricultural Policy in a
Democratic State" under the au-
spices of the Department of Geogra-
phy at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre. The public is
cordially invited.
University Lecture: The Honorable
Edwin Lowe Neville, recently Ameri-
can Minister to Thailand, will give
the following lectures under the au-
spices of the Political Science De-
partment at 4:15 p.m. on the days
February 28: "The Consolidation of
Japan." Rackham Lecture Hall.
March 5: "Far Eastern Reactions
to Western Penetration." Rackham
Attention is called to the changes
made in the schedule for Mr. Neville's
lectures as originally announced.
The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Colonel W. H.
Draper, of the Selective Service Head-
quarters, U.S.A., will lecture on the
subject, "The Selective Service Act
and the College Student" under the
auspices of the University Commit-

gineering Profession." Refreshments,
smokes, movies.
A.I.Ch.E: February meeting will be
held tonight at 7:30 in 1042 East En-
gineering Bldg. Dr. E. C. Britton,
Organic Research Director of Dow
Chemical Company, will speak on
"The Dow Flow Sheet." All engin-
eers are welcome.
The Political Science Rlound Table
will meet tonight at 7:30 in the East
Conference Room of the Rackham
Buiding. The Honorable Edwin L.
Neville will speak on Thailand.
German Club will meet tonight at
7:45 in room 319 of the Union. Dr.
Reinhold Schairer, University lectur-
er, will speak on "German Education-
al Ideals Before Hitler."
Phi Delta Kappa coffee hour will
be held this afternoon at 4:15 in the
Nest Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building. Prof. James K. Pol-
lock will discuss the European situa-
Vocational Guidance Talks: The
first vocational guidance talk will be
given on Business Administration by
Dean C. E. Griffin in the Small Ball-
room of the Michigan Union at 4:15
p.m.. today. Students in the College
of Literature, Science and the Arts,
and all others interested, are invited
with Dean Griffin, who will explain
the preparation necessary for admis-
sion to the School of Business Ad-
The next vocational guidance talk
will be on Dentistry, by Dean R. W.
Bunting, in the Small Ballroom of the
Michigan Union, to be held on Tues-
day, March 4.
Varsity Glee Club: The following
men have been selected to appear in
Owosso this evening, the bus leav-
ing the Union at 4:00 p.m. sharp:
Ossewaarde, Mattern, Edwards,
Allen, Scherdt, Holland, Bassett,
Steere, Erke, Powers, Repola,Crowe,
Pinney, Martin, Koppin, Wilton,
Stern, Muller, Conti, Strickland,
Hines, Rechlin, Wierengo, Davis,
Klopsic, Mason, C. Brown, Whitney,
Sherrill, Lovell, Landis, Plott, C.,Gib-
son, Liimatainen, Berger.
The Ann Arbor Independents will
meet today at 4:45 p.ni. in the
League. Old and new members
please attend. Meeting is import-
Seminar in Religious- Art: Pri .,.®-
sor Harold E. Wethey, chairman of
the Department of Fine Arts, will
talk on "Christian Arts" at the first
meeting of the Student Religious
Association's extra-curricular semi-
nar in religious art tonight at 7:30
in Lane Hall. The seminar is open
to the public.
All tutors under the League Tutor-
ial System will meet today at 4:30
p.m. at the League.
Alpha Kappa Delta will meet today
at 8:45 p.m. in the East Conference
Room of the Rackham Building. The
program will consist of a panel dis-
cussion on student life, with Profes-
sor Robert C. Angell, Dean Alice C.
Lloyd, Mr. Peter A. Ostafin, and Rev-
erend Pickerill participating.
A meeting of the Ann Arbor Jewish
Committee will be held at the Hillel
Foundation tonight at 7:30 p.m.,All
s .idents are welcome to attend this
meeting, at which a report of the
Refugee Drive will be given and plans
for the rest of the year will be dis-
The regular Thursday afternoon
P.M. will not be held at the Hillel
Foundation this afternoon.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church: to-
night at 6:00 p.m. is a Parish Din-

ner, Harris Hall. Speaker: Prof.
Preston W. Slosson. Topic: "The
Church's Realistic Idealism." This is
the first of a Lenten series.
J,GP. Central Committee will meet
tonight at 7:00 in the Council Room
of the League.
"Trelawney of the, Wells", Arthur
Wing Pinero's famous comedy of
theatre life in the, last century, will
be performed again tonight, Friday
night and Saturday night in the Ly-
dia Mendelssohn Theatre by Play
Production of the Department of
Speech. Reservations may be made
by phoning 6300.
Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsals on
Sunday at 4:30 p.m. in room 305 of
the Union. All members bring eligi-
bility cards and those ordering pic-
tures bring money, as this is the last
day for orders. All second semester
freshmen interesting in the Glee
Club are invited to attend,
Suomi Club will meet Saturday.

all the others worked their ways tee on Defense Issues on Thursday,
through to a place where they were March 6, at 4:15 p.?n. in the Rack-
no longer the people you sit next to ham Lecture Hall. The public is
in class, but characters in a play, cordially invited.
having a reality and personality quite--
their own within the framework of University Lecture: Dr. C. N. H.
the story. That should be enough I Long, Sterling Professor of Physiolo-
praise for the best of actors. gical Chemistlry, Yale University, will
In order to avoid gushing all over ivC iifth following lectures under the
the place, i'll say now that because aUSliCCS of the Department of Bio-
of a severe case of cockney accent, log ical Chemistry:
I didn't know what John Sinclair March 7: "Endocrines and the Con-
was saying during most of the first trol of Carbohydrate Metabolism."
act, but feel quite confident that if 4:15 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall.
he will concentrate more on the March '8: "Chemistry and Physi-
words and less on dropping H's, this ology of the Adrenal 'Cortex." 11:00
Ablett person he plays will fit into a.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.
things a little better. And then I The public is cordially invited.
wish Dick Strain would get a little
clearer on just what sort of a guy Biological Chemistry Lecture: Dr.
Tom Wrench is, because it wasn't J. L. Irvin of Wayne University will
quite coming off last night, Dick. An- lecture on "Bile and Bile Acids" in
other thing, though it isn't really im- the East Lecture Room of the Rack-
portant, be a little more casual about ham Building at 11:00 a.m., Satur-
those casual embraces Wrenchx. er- day, March 1. All interested are in-
forms more or less ad lib; they aren't vited.
too ad lib, if you know what I mean,
or in plain English, don't be afriidvro
Yet to take some of the sting out 'The Anatomy Research Club will
of this, Strain's performance picks nmeet today in Room 2501 Eask Med-
up swell in the last two acts, and ical Building, at 4:30 p.m.


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