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August 27, 1941 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-08-27

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Roekwell Kent
To Speak Here
At Aid Benefit
Noted Artist To Discuss
'The Spanish Aftermath'
On Sunday Afternoon
Relief Ship Backed
Speaking on "The Spanish After-
math," Rockwell Kent, artist, will
talk at a special meeting sponsored
by the Liberal Students' Union and
the student branch of the American
Rescue Ship Mission, to be held at
3:15 p.m. Sunday in the Unitarian
In charge of the Kent lecture is a
committee of the Liberal Students'
Union, in eluding Mrs. Ruth Hughes,
Mrs. Olivia Kissin, Norman Bauer,
Grad., David Stevenson, '42, and
Frances Vivian.
Proceeds from the lecture will beJ
sent to the national office of the
American Rescue Ship Mission. head-
ed by Dr. Edward Barsky of John
Hopkins University, and they will be
used to finance a relief ship, to be
sent for aiding the Spanish refugees,
now incarcerated in concentration
camps of unoccupied France.
Helen Bryan, secretary of the
YWCA and executive secretary of the
United Spanish Aid Committee, has
asserted that the feasibility of the
ship purchase project is "assured,"
due to the official support of the
Mexican Government and specific
agreements entered into by the Ca-
macho administration and the Vichy
Included among the national spon-
sors of the American Rescue Ship
Mission are Louis Bromfield. author;
Lynne Fontanne, actress; Louis Gott-
schalk, University of Chicago profes-
sor; Dr. Roswell G. Ham, president
of Mt. Holyoke College; and Yehudi
Menuhin, violinist.

Group Begins
New Schedule

Rex Leads Gala Mardi Gras Parade

The new program of the Interna-
tional Center swings into high gear
with the addition of new facilities to
its quarters in the Union and with
new. features in its current semester
of activities.
Tea will be served from 4 to 6
p.m. today in the Center to which
two more conference rooms have been
added. The program is open to all
foreign and American students.
This semester three kinds of con-
ferences will be held. They include
discussions of foreign affairs, prob-
lems in the fields of public health,
education, engineering and military
science, and a program for students
working on graduate theses. Classes
will be held for students who wish
to improve their English and instruc-a
tion and discussions are held weekly
in French, Spanish and Portugese for
advanced students.
A travel bureau is being organized
to aid students in planning vacations.
Travel movies will also be shown, and
tours arranged by the Center.
Piano Recital
Will Be Given
Prof. Maud Okkelberg of the School
of Music will offer the second Faculty
Concert of the year with a piano
recital at 4:15 p.m. Sunday in the
Lydia Mendelssoln Theatre.
A graduate of the University with a
an Artist Diploma in 1908,' Profes-
sor Okkelberg did her postgraduate
work in Berlin later returning here
to become principal of the music
department at the Frances Shiner
School for Girls in Carroll, Ill. She
was the accompanist for Kindler on
several concert tours in the meddle

Marcel Pagnol
Is Considered
In Koella Talk
Marcel Pagnol is not only one of
the most successful French play-
wrights of his time, but is also the
most promising director of the mov-
ing picture industry in Europe, Prof.
Charles Koella of the Romance Lang-
uages Department observed yester-
day in a lecture sponsored by Le
Cercle Francais.
"Pagnol's best known work is To
paze, which has played in every
country in the world except China
and Turkey," Koella explained. "The
noted playwright has quit the theatre,
however, and entered the movie in-
dustry as a director and producer.
He directed the two French movies,
The Baker's Wife and Harvest, both
of which have been shown in Ann
Professor Koella's lecture was the
second in the French society's cur-
rent series. Tickets for the succeed-
ing lectures by members of the de-
partment may be obtained from the
departmental secretary.
Brtton To Talk
Speaking on "The Dow Flow Sheet,"
Dr. C. E. Britton, organic research
director with Dow Chemical Com-
pany, will address members of the
University student chapter of the
American Institute of Chemical En-
gineers at 7:30 p.m. today in Room
1042, East Engineering Building.
Having worked in this field for a
number of years, Dr. Britton is well
qualified to speak on the subject. His
talk will consist of an outline and,
explanation of some of the more
important processes carried on by
f the company.
Business for the meeting will be
concerned primarily with plans for
the AIChE's part in the coming En-
I gineering Open House, president
Lowell R. Moss, Jr., '41E, announced

Rex, king of New Orleans' annual Mardi Gras celebration, leads his
colorful parade out wide Canal Street, as thousands of residents and
visitors jam the thoroughfare. Ruling as Rex was Charles E. Fenner,
a broker.
Lincoln Exhibit NVow On Display
In William L. Clemenlts Library

VOL LI. No. 102
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
The Michigan Hospital Service has
given notice of a revision and liber-
alization of its contracts as follows,
which will shortly be embodied in
a rider that will be sent to each con-
tract holder for attaching to his con-
"The revised certificate provides
coverage for every type of case ad-
missible to a hospital. This includes
hospitalization not only for those
cases ordinarily cared for in, general
hospitals, but also for hospital care
of contagious diseases, pulmonary
tuberculosis, and nervous and mental
diseases. This means that every type
of case admitted to a hospital, with
the exception of maternity care,
which is available after the sub-
scriber has been enrolled for twelve
consecutive months, will be covered
"The new certificate will not only
provide this full coverage for a period
of twenty-one days as heretofore but
additional protection will be provided
for a period of ninety days at a dis-
count of 50 per cent from the regu-
lar hospital charges. The extension
in days applies to every enrolled sub-
scriber, making it possible for each
member of the family included in the
subscribers' contract to be hospital-
ized for as long as 111 days each
Shirley W. Smith
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the Facul-
ty of this College today at 4:15 p.m.
in Room 348, West Engineering
Building. The purpose of this meet-
ing will be: Consideration of Plans
for an Alumni Conference.
A. H. Lovell, Secretary
Students who receive offers from
other universities of fellowships or
assistantships that require immediate
acceptance should see me in the
Graduate School before replying. This
notice applies particularly to the Uni-
versity of California, the University
of Wisconsin, and Brown University.
C. S. Yoakum
To Members of the Faculty of the
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts: The fifth regular meeting
of the Faculty of the College of Lit-
erature, Science, and the Arts for the
academic session of 1940-41 will be
held in Room 1025 Angell Hall, Mon-
day, March 3, at 4:10 p.m.
Edward H. Kraus
1. Consideration of the minutes of
the meeting of February 3rd, 1941
(pp. 710-713), which were distributed
by campus mail.
2. Retirement of Professors H. M.
Randall and N. H. Williams.
3. Introduction of new members of
senate rank.
4. Consideration of the reports: a.
Executive Committee, prepared by
Professor V. W. Crane. b. University
Council, prepared by Professor W. R.I
Humphreys. c. Executive Board of
the Graduate School, prepared by
Associate Professor W. L. Ayres. d.
Deans' Conference, prepared by Dean
E. H. Kraus.
5. Special Order: Evaluation of
Faculty Services (continuation of dis-
6. New business.
7. Announcements.

._. _.._
-, ...._


R.O.T.C.: Tailors will
day from 8:30 to 4:30
students for uniforms.

be here to-
to measure

Popular Campaign Songs,
Tattered Flag Featured
In New Lincoln Room



Among the selections scheduled On display this week at the Wil-
to be heard on her program are Hay- liam L. Clements Library is a special
dn's "Fantasie", P. E. Bach's "Rondo, Lincoln exhibit with representative
B minor", "Eight Ecossaises' by Schu- selections from the recently dedicated
bert, Schuman's "Vienna Carnival Lincoln Room.
Scene" and "Ballad in D major, Op. A tattered campaign flag carrying
10" by Brahms. ;a likeness of Lincoln in the star-
She will also play "La Soiree dans studded corner, ornate badges worn
Granade". "Momento mori" (Fox- at Lincoln's funeral in 1865 and a
trot tragico) by Castelnuovo-Tedesco. series of cartoons appearing in
I "Punch" from 1861-65 and showing
Breaks His Silence Lincoln as a gaunt, ugly man are
among the features of particular in-
- .n' terest.
Songs Confident

ever published about Lincoln. appear-
ing in the Chester <Pa.) Times in ear-
ly 1860 is another feature of the cur-
rent exhibit. Only two other copies o1
this article are known to be on record
in the United States.
Complete Collection
Officially opened by dedicatory
ceremonies held on Lincoln's birth-
day, the Lincoln Room contains, ac-
cording to local bibliographies, one
of the most complete collections of
Lincolniana in the country. Donor of
the collection of more than 1000 books
is Albert H. Greenly. Grand Rapids
business man, who has carried on his
book collecting project for more than
20 years.
The Greenly collection was de-
' :4 fi fr lz :, f ilvo Mntpvi

Civilian Pilot Training: The quota
for the Spring Phase of CPT has not
yet been filled. Any students, ex-
cept freshmen, who are interested
should obtain further information
immediately at' the Department of
Aeronautical Engineering. B-47 East
Engineering Building.
All women workin in League activ-
ities must have their eligibility cards
signed between 3:00 and 5:00 pm. in
the Undergraduate Office of the
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service Examinations. Last
date for filing is noted in each case:
Senior Engineman (Steam-Elec-
tric), $2,600, March 13, 1941.
Engineman (Steam-Electric), $1,-
860, March 13, 1941.
Assistant Engineman (Steam-Elec-
tric), $1,680, March 13, 1941.
Junior Engineman (Steam-Elec-
tric) $1,320, March 13, 1941.
Prison Guard A2, $115 mo., March
14, 1941.
Institution Pschologist A, $130,
March 21, 1941.
Institution Psychologist I, $150,
March 21, 1941.
Motion Picture Clerk, $130, March
14, 1941.
State Purchasing Director VII,
$650, March 14, 1941.
Attendant Nurse C2, $75, Anytime.
Attendant Nurse B2, $90, Anytime.
Fish Culture Aide C, $80, March 11,
Gun and Locksmith, $.80 an hour,
March 5, 1941.
Stove Repairman, $1,560 yr., March
7, 1941.
General Staff Nurse, (Permanent),
$1,680 yr. or $1,080 with mainten-
ance, March 17, 1941.
General Staff Nurse (Relief),
$1,080 with maintenance, March 17,
Complete. information on file at the
Bureau of Appointments and Occu-
pational Information, 201 Mason
Hall. Office hours 9-12 atl.2-4
"The Nature of Man": Copies of
the Student Religious Association lec-
tures of last fall on "The Nature of
Man" are available at Lane Hall for
free distribution.
Freshman Handbook: Copies of the
1940-41 Freshman Handbook are
available upon request at Laneall.
Academic INotices
Math. 316, Algebra Seminar, will
meet Friday, Feb. 28, at 3:15 p.m. in
1 3201 A.H. Mr. Vinograde will speak
"On Matrix Sets with Coefficients in
a Division Ring."
Preliminary examinations in French
and German for theedoctorate will
be held on Friday, February 28, at
4:00 p.m. in the Second Floor Study
Hall of the Rackham Building. Dic-
tionaries optional. The next prelim-
inary examination will be given early
in the Summer Session.
Mathematics 350 (b), Short Course:
This short course on "The Plateau
(Continued on Page 4)


Tonsoia lCriminal

If an atmosphere of machine
guns and tanks seemed to emanate
from the East Quad Tuesday, it
was only because of the army din-
ner that was held there. All the
officers of the local ROTC unit
were guests of the military men in
the Quad.
Wenley House in the West Quad
is exchanging meal tickets with 12
gals in Helen Newberry for dinner
today ...
Adelia Cheever was honored Sun-
day by the presence of Thor John-
son and his Little Symphony Orches-
tra, who played an hour's program
including Marian McArtor's Winter
Tales Suite.
Victor Vaughan House, Michi-
gan's only medical dorm, comes in-
to the news again . .. Dr. Preston
Slosson spoke there Tuesday after
dinner on the current war situa-
tion .. . The medics are also follow-
ing up Caduceus Ball with a radio
dance Saturday from 9 p.m. to
Here's news! The East and West
Quads, which formerly had their own
glee clubs will join forces under the
direction of Mr. David Mattern. Per-
haps the girls' dorms will soon be
hearing other serenaders than those
of the Michigan Men's Glee Club .., .
Jordan Hall will entertain twenty1
members of the faculty at dinner
today. Among those who have ac-
cepted invitations are Dean and'
Mrs. Erich Walter, Mr. and Mrs.l
Philip Bursley, and Dr. and Mrs.l
Karl Litzenberg.
The East Quad's Camera Club is
organizing. At the present time of-
ficers arty being elected and rules
drawn up. There are now it)0or 45
members in the club and the new
dark room is getting plenty of use.
Autos Without '41 Plates
LANSING, Feb. 26 The Dc-
partment of State reported today
that 981,466 automobiles still were
without tic~nse plates, the deadline
for which is Friday at midnight.
The Department said that on the
basis if 194Q sales, 743,186 of the
total licenses had been sold.

Cocksurely confidend are the re-i tor use as source maera
C for students of Lincoln, and will be
frains of the popular campaign songs available to those who fulfill the min-
of Lincoln's day, several reproduc- imum requirements established by the
tions of which appear at the exhibit.'C uements estrby. hedfbylthe
A campaign-eve favorite came to this Clements ibrairy, whose facrletie
resondin finle:may be used by students who are
resounding finale: undertaking major research work in
"And when the vict'ry has been won American history.
In a few days-few days
And Abe is safe in Washington
His presidential home. Give
Then we need wait no longer
Than a few days-few days. Report (h Refugees
Then we need wait no longer
For happy times at home."
Other items of interest include an !The results of the iecent student
eye-witness account by a War De- refugee relief will be revealed in a
partment Clerk of Lincoln's last hours report delivered before the Ann Arbor
and death. copies of books carrying Jewish Committee at 7:30 p.m. to-
a description of the Gettysburg cere- day at the Hillel foundation.
monies showing the marked contrast Prof. Kasimir Fajans of the chem--
between the emphasis on Edward Ev- istry department and Prof. Jacob
erett's lengthy address and the com- Sachs of the pharmacology depart-.
parative inattention paid to Lincoln's ment will read the reports.'
few, simple words and also a letter The main function of the Ann Ar-
written in Lincoln's own scrawl ac- bor Jewish Committee has been the
cepting an invitation to the only raising and administering of funds
Republican rally that he ever at- for the support of refugee students #
tended in Michigan. who are brought to the campus to
The first autobiographical sketch complete their education.
Button-down Round-point

His customary silence was broken
by Sen. William J. Bulow, South
Dakota Democrat, to attack the
lease- lend bill, claiming it "puts
too much power in one man's
hands." This was his fourth speech
in 10 years of senate service.
Rudy To Attend Exercise
Merle E. Rudy, '12L, president of
the University Club at St. Peters-
burg, will act as the University rep-
resentative at the dedicatory exer-
cises of the Annie Pfeiffer Chapel
Mar. 9 at the Florida Southern Col-
lege, Lakeland, Fla.

Lyle "Jack the Snipper" Collins,
31, (above) Grand Rapids, Mich.
taxi driver, was given a jail sen-
tence for cutting the hair of young
girls at night on streets and in
movie theatres with a pair' of scis-
sors. Collins' hair was forcibly
clipped in punishment by cellmates
in the Kent County jail.. He had
eluded capture for several weeks.









lDepartrncn tof Speech ftres("/.s
Aw I J( IEE'

Style Begins with the Collar
Arrow collars on. Arrow shirts ar styled
with a touch of genius. Enhanced by .neatvaf-
terns, their precision fit and soft drape make
them campus classics. Come in and see us
today for the smartest, newest shirts for col-
lege men. $2. All Arrows are Sanforized-

H ANDS across the table may be the
extent of your finesse with the
femmes . . . or maybe you're the wolf
type who steals your roommate's best
girl five seconds after you've met her.
Regardless of your line, you'll need
some smooth Arrow Shirts to bolster
up your cause. Neat crisp patterns in
all the latest authentic collar models


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U -

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