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August 27, 1941 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-08-27

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Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication


t,I. i takei, in Far East
Vital T6 Economye.,



Sen. Chandler
Of Opposition.
To Lease-Lend
Public Confidence In FDR]
Is Being Undermined,
Kentuckian Declares;
Wheeler Strikes Back
First Real Debate
Occurs Over Bill
WASHINGTON, Feb. 26-()-In a
tumult of snapping tempers, the Sen-
ate today heard Senator Chandler
(Dem-Ky) accuse opponents of the
lease-lend bill of endeavoring to un-
dermine public confidence in Presi-
dent Roosevelt.
In turn, Senator Wheeler (Dem-
Mont)tangrily replied that Mr. Roos-
evelt was trying to "flim-flam" the
public. He repeatedly described as
"shocking" the President's statement
of yesterday that the task of win-
ning the war must 'take precedence
over any talk of peace aims.
He called it indicative of an atti-
tude that the United States was al-
ready in the war.
It was the first real debate, and
the'first sign of ebbing patience, of
the nine days the Senate has devoted
to the bill. A session which began in
quiet fashion with Senator Nye (Rep-
ND) continuing a speech begun last
week, was suddenly transformed into
a scene of excitemeht.
First of all, Wheeler interrupted
Nye to say that Mr. Roosevelt's words.
indicatd a position which this coun-
try should not take unless it is ready
to enter the war.
"I submit we are not in the war
unless the President of the United
States has already committed us to
war," he shouted. "If we are in the
war, I repeat that we are in viola-
tion of the Constitution of the United
"How can Britain win, unless we
come into the war?" Nye asked, and
to this, Senator Clark (Dem-Mo)
added the observation that the Presi-
dent had "practically said, 'Yes we
are in the war.' "
Thoroughly aroused, Chandler
plunged into the discussion.
House Debates
Appropriation Bill
WASHINGTON, Feb. 26-()-The
House took up a $1,533,439,702 emer-
gency appropriation bill for the army
and navy today ad almost immed-
iately heard a. Republican charge that
"unreasonable delays" had taken
place in the defense program.
Soon after the bill reached the
House floor, Rep. Taber (Rep-NY)
"'-1hcre have been all sorts of
things that resulted in unreasonable
delays in the defense program that
could have been avoided if they had
been thought out before hand. Per-
haps it was too much to expect."
He declared defense workers had
been "dominated" by labor unions
and added that if this continued it]
would bring socialism and dictator-
ship. Secretary Perkins, he said, had
been instrumental in raising the cost
of Camp Edwards, Mass., from $7,-
000,000 to $29,000,000 by ordering
payment of a "prevailing" wage rate
which he said represented a gross.
increase of 71 percent"above pre-,
vailing union wages in the territory."

Duringsecret hearings on the bi
made public today, Gen. George C.
Marshall, Chief of Staff, and other
high-ranking officers conceded mis-
takes had been made in the army
New Strike Board
Is'Taking Shape'
plan for a new labor board to serve
as a "supreme court" for strikes and
disputes in defense industries which
cannot be settled by the established
machinery of federal mediation, was
reported taking shape today in the
hands of high officials.
One well-informed official who de-
clined 'to be quoted by name said
an executive order for the creation
of such a board was in the final stage
of drafting, and might be hastened
h h, 2k a +. of+ a: i d mviairik

I1.A. F. Planes Sweep Channel
_______________ ___ I ___

Hockey Sextet
Is Under dog
In Minnesota

Charged In Brawl

Somaliland Capital Falls To British Forces;
English Seize Italian Island In Dodecanese
n__ _ __ _ _ __

Husky Defenseman



Remer Names
Aid To Britain
As .Peace Step
The passage of the lend-lease bill
was characterized as the best possible
way to keep the United States out of

Anglo-Turkishl Relations
Discussed; Civilians
Killed In Holland
(By The Associated Press)
The British aerial offensive gath-
ered fury today, squadrons of planes
sweeping back and forth across the
English Channel hour upon hour, and
bombs were declared to have explod-I
ed on the docks at Calais, and across
the face of Northern France.

BERLIN, Feb. 26.-(P)-DNB,
German News Agency, reported to-
day in a Sofia dispatch that assault
charges had been made in the Bul-
garian capital against U.S. Minis-
ter, George H. Earle, former Demo-
cratic governor of Pennsylvania, as
a result of last Saturday's cafe
bottle-throwing incident with a
German Army officer.
Group To Hear
Talk On Ethics
By Crawford
Union Meeting To Clarify
Professional Problems
Of Engineering Student
With Dean Ivan C. Crawford of the
College of Engineering as principal
speaker, the Engineering Council and
the Cimmittee on Professional Prac-
tice will present an ethics get-togeth-
er at 7:30 p.m. today in the main ball-
room of the Union.
Designed to acquaint engineering
students with some of the ethical
problems of, their profession, the
meeting will feature discussions on
this topic, several bits of entertain-
ment and colored motion pictures of
the University's summer surveying
camp at Camp Davis, Wyo.
Dean Crawford, whose talk is en-
titled "Ethics in Professional Prac-
tice," will discuss his experiences in
this field while chairman of the ethics
committee of the National Engineer-
ing Council.
The engineers' get-together is part
of the University's program of re-
ligion and ethics which have been
created to bring before the upper
class and graduate students in each
college ethical situations which chal-
lenge professional practice.
According to Dr. Edward W. Blake-
man, student religious adviser, the
degree program offered in this field
is centered in the Literary College
where 50 courses in seven depart-
ments have been opened for this pur-


ar in a talk yesterday before the The attack continued tonight.
merican Student Defense League by At Calais, the air ministry said,
of. Charles F. Remer of the eco- the quayside, jetties and tidal basin
mics department. were squarely hit.
"Another reason Congress should Coincident with the story of Eng-
ss the Lease-Lend Bill," Professor lish air fury, the British announced
emer asserted, "is to demonstrate today the capture of Mogadiscio, cap-
ital of Italian Somaliland, and un-
our potential supporters in South officially claimed effective control
merica and Central Europe that we of all its 270,000 square miles, pictur-
e no longer going to allow the ing it as the first entire colony to
mocracies to be picked off one by be knocked out of the Fascist Em-
.e by Fascist aggression." ire.
" If the Axis powers know that we Mogadiscio, a city of 55,000, fell
e not fooling about aid to Britain to British Imperial troops who had
will change their position to such thrust forward 400 miles from British
extent that we will be able to Kenya, and other columns were de-
'oid war with them," Professor Re- clared to have struck on 60 miles
er explained. up the Juba Rive'r to entrap the main
He also pointed out "important Italian forces between the captured
Heu alsonpoite outsnimorant towns of Gelib and Brava and cut
ttain economic reasons for aiding their last road of retreat.
Added to British claimed victories
_-came the British announcement to-
S night of the seizure of the small Ital-
Aa naian Learn ian island of Castelrosso, 10 miles off
I the southwest coast of tpre Turkish
Debates Union mainland and easternmost of Italy's
Dodecanese group,, in the Mediter-
uesSion Today It was the first capture of an island
.. __of the blockaded Dodecanese, al-
though many of them-notably
luehl, Huston To Oppose strongly-fortified Rhodes-have been

Peace Group
To Convene
At Unity Hall
Built around a program of action
for national peace a local town meet-
ing of youth will be held at 3:30
p.m. tomorrow in Unity Hall under
the sponsorship of local representa-
tives at the recent national Town
Meeting in Washington.
The program, according to Miss
Ruth Clark, '43, temporary chairman
of the committee, has been endorsed
by members of several church organ-
izations, student cooperatives, the
Liberal Student's Union of the Uni-
tarian Church, and Hillel Founda-
Opposition to the lend-lease bill
currently pending in the United
States Congress will be stressed at
the meeting, she said, in addresses to
be given by student and faculty
This meeting will provide an op-
portunity for all students to partici-
pate in an active peace movement
on campus, Miss Clark emphasized.
There is no charge for admission, and
all students are urged to attend.
Nathan Milstein
To Give Recital
Here Tuesday
Russian Violinist Replaces
Enesco On Next Choral
Union Concert Program
Because restrictions created by the
current war prohibit the appearance
of Georges Enesco, Roumanian vio-
linist, in America, Nathan Milstein;
the distinguished Russian violinist,
will appear in the next of the 1940-41
series of Choral Union Concerts to
be presented Tuesday, March 4, at
8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium.
Although born in Odessa and a
survivor of the Russian revolution,
Mr. Milstein moved at an early age
to Paris and eventually entered the
United States, where he became an
American citizen.
Despite heavy pre-season demands
for tickets, admission for this concert
may still be purchased either at the
University Musical Society offices in
Burton Memorial Tower or at the box
office in Hill Auditorium.
For his Ann Arbor program Mil-
stein will play the following pro-
Adagio and Rondo, Stamitz.
Prelude and Gavotte in E major
(violin alone), Bach.
Sonata in F major, Op. 24 (Spring
Sonata), Beethoven.
Meditation, Tschaikowsky.
Burlesque, Josef Suk.
Concerto in A minor, No. 5, Vieux-

Wolverine Team Will Face
Gopher Forward Wall:
Rated Among Greatest
In CollegeIce History
Michigan Has Yet
To Win Series Tilt


Resolution Advocating
Hemisphere Unification
In the first international debate
of the year the University's two-man
debating team will meet two students
of McMaster University of Hamilton,
Ontario, at 4 p.m. today in Room
1025 Angell Hall.
The Canadians will uphold the
affirmative of the proposition "Re-
solved: ;That the nations of the
Western Hemisphere should establish
a permanent union." Bill McCallion
and Emerson Strafford will oppose
the University team composed of Wil-
liam Muehl, '41, and John Huston,
Because of the interest in Pan-
American affairs and Canadian par-
ticipation in the European conflict,
the debate should present vital issues
of interest to the student body and
Last week-end the squad partici-
pated in two divisions of the 72-col-
lege national practice debate tourna-
ment on thissame question at Man-
chester College, Ind. In the A division
Muehl and Huston won three and
lost three of their contests. Arthur
Biggins, '41, and Joe Schroeder, '43,
won five and lost one. In the B
tuornament Edwin Bowers, '41, and
George Eves won three and lost two.
William Halliday, '43, and Chester
Mysticki, '42, won four and lost one.

raided repeatedly by the RAF.
Meanwhile in .Ankara, Turkey,
British Foreign Secretary Anthony
Eden and General Sir John G. Dill,
chief of Britain's Imperial General
Staff, met diplomats and Turkish
leaders here today in conferences
which are expected to determine the
(Continued on Page 6)
Prof. H. B. Wethey
opens Art Seminar
Today In Lane Hall'
Prof. Harold B. Wethey, chairman
of the fine arts department, will open
the program of the seminar in relig-
ious arts under the auspices of the
Student Religious Association with a
lecture on "Christian Arts" at 7:30
p.m. today at Lane Hall.
As one of the outstanding features
of the current semester's program,
Professor Wethey will discuss the
forms of religious arts which have
been representative of changes in
religious interpretation.
The lecture is open to all students
and faculty. It will initiate one of the
many extra-curricular programs al-
ieady planned by the Association.
Students will hear other speakers
and study forms of religious symbo-
lism throughout the semester.

Dean C. Griffin fj
Gives VocationC
Lecture Today ,
Business Administration a
School Head To Open w
Union Guidance Series w
The Michigan Union's annual ser- J
es of vocational guidance lectures s
pens at 4:15 p.m. today in the small N.
ballroom of the Union with an ad- ii
Iress by Dean Clare E. Griffin of 9
the School of Business Administra-
bion. h
The series of lectures is designed E
o help students in their selection of fl
a field of concentration or one of the h
prfoessional schols on the campus. l
Other lectures in the series include: r
Medicine, March 13, Dean Fursten-
berg; Law, March 20, Dean Stason;
Education, March 20, Dean Edmon-!
on; Library Science, March 25, R. J.I
Gjelsness; Architecture, April 1,
Dean Bennett; Graduate Studies,
April 3, Dean Yoakum; Pharmacy,
April 8, Dr. Lewis; Music, April 10,
Earl Moore; Engineering, May 1, i
Dean Crawford, and Forestry, May i
8, Dean Dana. -
The necessary qualities for a ca-v
reer in the business world will form
the topic of Dean Griffin's address,e
it was announced by the chairman
in charge of the guidance talks, Rob-f
ert Sibley, '42E. Case material for
Dean Griffin's talk comes from onev
of the most complete records of thec
histories of graduates ever compiled
by a professional school, Sibley said.
Van Wagoner
Will Broadcast
Governor To Inaugurate
Series On Democracy
Governor Murray Van Wagoner
will open a new series of University
broadcasts, entitled "Why' Save De-
mocracy?" with a talk on Your Gov-
ernment at 10:30 p.m. tomorrow over
Station WJR.
Governor Van Wagoner will co-'
pare the democratic way of repre-
sentative government with methods
used in certain European countries
which are attempting to transplant
their non-democratic forms of gov-
ernment in the Western Hemisphere.
The purpose of these broadcasts is
to combat anti-American propaganda
through education, according to Dr.
Joseph E. Maddy, Acting 'Director
of Broadcasting. Each Friday a prom-
inent authority will speak on some
phase of American life as contrasted
with life in the dictatorship countries.
Northwestern Professor
Blasts Athletic Program
EVANSTON, Ill., Feb. 26. -(I)-

Paced by one of the greatest for-
yard lines in collegiate hockey, Mi-
Lesota's mighty Gopher sextet will
ake the ice tonight at the Coliseum
o do battle with Michigan's much-
lefeated outfit.
The Gophers will be heavy favor-
tes to emerge the victors in both to-
ight's contest and the final game
>f the series to be played on the same
ce Saturday night. Minnesota has
lready racked up two victories over
he Wolverines, in games played at
vinneapolis earlier in the season, by
cores of 4-0 and 7-2. The Twin
ities crew has a season record of
line victories, three defeats and two
ies as compared with two copped,
sight dropped and one deadlocked
or the Wolverines.
Leading the visitors' attack will be
apt. Harold (Babe) Paulsen, one of
he' highest-scoring forwards in col-
ege puck history. In his first two
easons at Minnesota, the Mesabi
darvel tallied no less than 77 points
n 39 games, coming up with 48 goals
nd 29 assists. He handles the right
ing duties on the starting forward
Playing opposite the blond Babe,
ocal fans will see speedy Freddie
unger, one of the fastest-moving
katers ever to tie on a blade for the
daroon and Gold. The 145-pound
unior wingman scored 14 goals and
assists last season.
Minneapolis boy Bobby Arnold
olds down the center spot on the
irst line. Although only a sopho-
nore, Arnold has already proved that
e is worthy of a place on the same
ine with Paulsen and Junger. He
ose to his greatest heights in the
3 (Continued on Page 3)
Michigan Natators
Win Six AAU Titles
After the last splash had settled
n the Sports building pool last night
t was found, to the amazement of
none, that Matt Mann's miraculous
Michigan mermen had paddled their
way to six state AAU titles and two
records in another dazzling display
f Wolverine swimming supremacy.
Before a cozy gathering of aquatic
fans, the Maize and Blue team had
virtually a private workout, for they
were racing against themselves most
of the evening with the rest of the
state's swimming talent evidently
scared out of competing against the
Big Ten and National champions.
Though there was an evident lack
of out-state competition, the natators
put on a well received show with a
little Rockford, Ill., demon by the
name of Jim Welsh taking the lead-
ing role. Matt's tireless workhorse
streaked toa double victory, winning
the 100 yard free style in 1541 and
corning back to cop the long quarter-
mile grind. Charley Barker and Gus
Sharemet were behind Welsh in the
Ine addition to those preliminary'
chores, Jim took the anchor leg on
the record-breaking 400-yard free
style relay, putting his all-senior
team homemin'front in a great duel
against Tommy Williams. The win-
ning time of 3:39.5 was almost 11
(Continued on Page 3)
Michigan Grapplers
To Meet Penn State
(Special To The Daily)
STATE COLLEGE, Penn., Feb. 26.
-The Wolverine wrestling 'team ar-
rived here tonight in preparation for
their eastern invasion against a
strong Penn State squad, tomorrow.
The Michigan team will probably
enter the meet as favorites, despite
the fact that the Nittany Lions have
already turned back powerful squads
from Navy and Lehigh, The visitors'
strength in the 136-pound class, 145-
pound class, 165-pound class and
175-nound class is most likely to be



Seaway's Need
Claims Middle West Area
Would Get Benefits ,"
Opening up a Middle West area
containing one-third of the popula-
tion of the United States to world
oceanic trade is the chief justifica
tion of the St. Lawrence Seaway
project, Prof. Ferdinand N. Menefee
of the engineering mechanics depart-
ment asserted before a meeting of
Alpha Phi Omega in the Union last
A national authority on the consol-
idation of the resources of the Greak
Lakes region, Professor Menefee
ed that if the new Seaway Treaty
which he expected to be brought up
before the Senate in the very near
future were ratified, it would provide
a vast quantity of power and electri-
fication throughout the Middle West.
A system of dams, canals and dikes
would be constructed with appropria-
tions totaling near a quarter of a bil-
lion dollars, providing for the harn-
essing of the waterpower from the
whole Great Lakes drainage system
Graduate Examinations
rum n ' - 1 a_ r - ,

Neville. Discusses Far East; C. E. Kellogg Lectures

Ex-Minister To Thailand
Describes Frontiers
Of Asiatic Nations
Describing the settlement and na-
tionalization of Asiatic peoples, Mr.
Edwin L. Neville, former American
Minister to Thailand, delivered a
University lecture yesterday on the
historical events that led to the estab-
lishment of Far Eastern frontiers as
they exist today. .
Mr. Neville explained how the fab-
ulous Ghengis Khan .organized the;
nomad tribes of North Asia into a
conquering Mongol army by develop-
metit of military strategy, an intel-
ligence service, and a rigorous system
of discipline.
When the Khan died in 1227 A.D.

Schairer To Lecture

Chief Of U.S. Soil Survey'
To Talk On Agriculture .
Related To Science
Dr. Charles E. Kellogg, Chief of
the Soil Survey Division of the United
States Department of Agriculture,
will discuss "The Scientist and Agri-
culture in a Democratic State," in a'
University lecture at 4:15 p.m. today
in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Dr. Kellogg, noted member of the
Association of American Geographers,
is the author of varied articles on
soil genesis, classification, conserva-
tion and research, rural land-use
planning, land classification and re-
lation of soil conditions to social
Today's lecture, sponsored by the
geography department, will be fol-

1.. . r"

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