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May 16, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-05-16

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FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1941


Letters To The Editor

Wagner's Influence On Hitler.

=" N

. f

As Others
See It..-.

Writer Cites Hitler's References In 'Mein Kampf' To Decline
Of Hapsburg Empire In Terms Of The Drama Of Richard
Wagner; Queries, Will Hitler's End Be Similar To Siegfried's
Robert L. Jacobs in Music And Letters

Edited and managed by students of the University of
[ichigan under the authority of the Board in Control
f Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
niversity year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
se for republication of all news dispatches credited to
tr notrotherwise credited in this newspaper. All
ights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
;arrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publisbers Representative
420 MADtsoN A VE. NEW YORK. N. Y.
!ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41

Karpinski Asks The Daily
THE CITY OF ANN ARBOR has considerable
interest and so indeed has the Eastern half
of Michigan in the matter of the gas rates and
the proper treatment' thereof by the Michigan
Public Service Commission, particularly since
the introduction of natural gas. I have appeared
frequently in the public interest before the
Michigan Public Service Commission or its pre-
decessors in the recent Detroit forum, etc., on
the matter of utility rates. So far as the Ann
Arbor News in concerned in the present discussion
of gas rates as in general in the past on similar
matters, all of vital concern to the city of Ann
Arbor, this journal (Ann Arbor News) has chosen
to keep the public in ignorance of such activities.
Under the circumstances, it seems that it is
the clear duty of the Michigan Daily to serve
the interests of the Ann Arbor public which are
involved, by a simple presentation of the matters
which are now before the Governor.
AS A PROFESSOR in this University who be-
lieves that the primary duty of the University
is to serve the public. I request you to examine
the communication that was sent to the governor
and that you make such excerpts from it as to
indicate to the many readers of your paper who
use gas for cooking and even heating that efforts
are being made to reduce these rates. In the
future this matter may well come before the
Ann Arbor Common Council when it will doubt-
less again be necessary to appeal to your journal
as the only means to reach the Ann Arbor
Assuring you of my very sincere appreciation,
- Louis C. Karpinski

Editoral Staff

Mile Gele . ,
Ebert Speckhard
bert P. Blaustein
vid Lachenbruch
rnard Dober'.,
vin Dann
I Wilson
thur Hill . .
et Hi.tt
-ace Miller

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. . . City Editor
. .Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
.. . . Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
Women's Editor
Assistant Women's Editor

niel H. Huyett
tnes B. Collins
uise Carpenter
elyn Wright

Business Stafff
. . . Business Manager
. . Assistant Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
Women's Business Manager





The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.


,o Can Send
Boy To Camp

ESTERDAY'S Detroit Free Press car-
ried a picture on the back page:
a simple picture, of a young boy sitting in a
prison cell. "Twelve - and life in prison."
It's boys like these that you will be asked to
help today, when student volunteers will can-
vass the campus
in the annual
University Fresh ,
Air Camp Tag0
Day. For with the
funds collected.
today, and with.
other voluntary
collected during
the year, 300 boys
of Ann Arbor,
Detroit, Jackson
and Flint will be given a four weeks' vacation
at the Fresh Air Camp on the shores of Lake
More than just the vacation, though, these
boys will be given guidance and counsel, the
advice and aid of those experienced in solving
the problems of young boys. After they leave
the camp next August, these counsellors will con-
tinue to keep in touch with them, give them
help throughout the year.
And from it all - part of the return you will
get for your nickel or dime today - will come
better citizens, happier boys.
FRESH AIR CAMP TAG DAY today: the day
to help the "little boy on the diving board."
You and I can help by doing very little. Lets help
out, what do you say?
-Bill Baker

WASHINGTON - According to best diplo-
matic advices available here, it seems probable
than Rudolf Hess will be able to give the British
almost no Nazi military secrets.
NSIDE EXPLANATION of his weird airplane
flight to Scotland is that Hess had repeated-
ly warned Hitler against a policy of trying fo
conquer the whole world. This caused a break
between him and der Fuehrer, and Hess had
been under suspicion for some time.
According to uncensored diplomatic dispatches,
there has been a growing rift between the leaders
who built up the Nazi political organization
and the army leaders who built up the German
military machines. The politicians staged the
revolution and made a big army possible; but
now the army is in the saddle and plans to
stay there.
9,000,000 German Soldiers
TODAY in Germany 9,000,000 men are under
arms. These men see less and less of Hitler,
more and more of their own officers. Their
victories are not, victories based on propaganda
or politics but on efficient organization and a
cold-blooded military machine.
Into this new evolution of German leadership
Hitler has fitted very, very comfortably. He was
the first to see Germany's need of a big army,
and he is 100 per cent with the army today..
If he wasn't, it probably would not matter to
the new leaders, but that exigency hasn't arisen
as yet.
Goering, born of Junker caste and trained to
be an officer, also fits neatly into the shifted
picture. But Rudolf Hess did not.
He and some of the other political leaders did
not envisage a war to conquer the world, but
only domination of the continent and semi-part-
nership with England regarding other parts of the
globe. They have had doubts about internal poli-
tical sentiment if the German people were pushed
too far. Germany has undergone enough hard-
ships since 1914, they argued, and there is no
need to conquer the world.
would constitute a real and dangerous threat
to the British eastern lifeline.
China must now depend almost entirely on
American aid, both materially and technically.
Russian advisors have been leaving Chungking
since the pact with Japan was signed, and now
only 11 of the 37 technicians are still in China.
Along with muntions, the United States has
stabilized the currency and through this, raised
the cost of living in Japanese occupied China.
ALL OF THIS adds up to show that America
is aiding Britain by sending munitions and
money over the Pacific, as well as the Atlantic
Ocean. Those who want to stop U. S. aid to
China and concentrate all their efforts on send-
ing material to England, and England alone, will
be in reality fighting their own cause. As long as
China keeps Japan fully occupied, the eastern
lifeline is comparatively safe. If Japan can make
a peace- in the Orient, the British will have to
concentrate a much larger portion of their
fleet in the Pacific, away from convoy and patrol
duty. England is having more than enough
trouble now keeping the Atlantic lanes open to
commerce. Cutting down on the western fleet
might well mean disaster.
L1.awrn a njr hrw

Flying Students
AFTER READING the editorial of May 15, 1941,
written by Mr. Dan Behrman on the subject "
of the local Civilian Pilot Training Program
losing its perfect record over a two year period u
in the last month, I feel that it is the duty f
of someone deeply interested in the subject tov
inform you of the underlying causes that haves
led to the shameful record demonstrated duringE
the past six weeks. I hardly believe that thev
calibre of the students taking the CPT coursev
now is any lower than the calibre of thosed
who have successfully completed the course prev-
ious to this semester's group. However, I can def-Y
initely show you that the calibre at the Uni-
versity of Michigan is definitely lower thanr
it has been in the past, and that the students
therefore should not be blamed for the mishaps
that have occurred to the extent which your1
article states. Now let us examine why the calibre"
of instructors should be lower than it has been.1
First of all, instructors at the Ann Arbor Air-
port are underpaid as compared to other op-x
erators throughout the country who are payingt
their instructors considerably more. For this
reason, Ann Arbor Air Service has been getting
a practically complete turnover of instructors
every six months with the exception of two or
three. These instructors are going to other schools
and flying services where they are paid consider-
ably better. Now who are filling these vacancies?
Instructors who have just completed the refresher
instructor courses at the refresher schools. In-
structors who have just the bare minimum for a
commercial license, 200 hours in the air. Instruc-
tors who are inexperienced in teaching ,and who
are not desired by the better flying schools
until they have proven their worth by completing
one or two programs. Now why should the Uni-
versity of Michigan,, one of the nation's leading
universities, foremost in Aeronautical Engineer-
ing and the Champions of the Nation in Inter-
collegiate Flying Contests, be subjected as a prov-
ing ground for instructors in flying who are
teching a course which at its best is filled
with incipient dangers?
WdULD like to take exception to a state-
ment made in the article. You state that
"student error was also responsible for the only
mishap, a badly misjudged field approach dur-
ing forced landing instruction." Certainly stu-
dent error was responsible for picking a poor
field. But you did not say that there was an
instructor in the 'plane who, by the way, was
teaching his first group of students, had just over
200 hours in the air, who has since then been
dropped as a CPT instructor because of his rec-
ord, who should have been on the ball and not let
the ship get down so close to a field so as to
be unable to clear the fence on the uphill side.
Students are always going to make errors in
judgment, but it is the duty of the instructor to
correct these errors during the dual periods so
that when the student solos he will be reason-
ably assured that he will get around the field
and back again in one piece.
YOU SAY that last Saturday two ships collided
on the field. Yes, they collided. One was fifty
feet in the air with a solo student, stalled and
spun'in on top of another one off the runway.
There is no excuse for a student climbing a
ship so steeply after a takeoff that he should
stall and spin in. Apparently some of the instruc-
tors think this is good technique.
I have undertaken to write this letter, for I .
feel that life is at stake among the student fly-
ers here and that something should be done by
the University authorities to improve the flight
program here.
- A Flight Instructor with 1 and 2s
ratings - both Primary and
Secondary Instructor's ratings.
Government Acts T eo Check
Subversive Activities * *
OFFICIALS in the United States have been
moving on at least three fronts in recent
weeks against alleged subversive activities, be-
-ieved to be Communist-inspired.
Most conspicuous is the presentation of testi-
mony in the deportation hearings against Harry
Bridges, alien West Coast labor leader, in San

Concurrent in part were the hearings of the
Rapp-Coudert committee of the New York
State Legislature, investigating asserted Com.
munist influences in New York City schools.
MEANWHILE appears word that authorities
in Oklahoma are proceeding with trials of
ten Communists charged with violation of a
crininal syndicalism statute of that State.
Americans naturally wish to maintain the
maximum possible freedom of speech. Yet there
are positions of trust, notably in the teaching
profession, which require that a puplic servant
confine himself to dealing with facts rather than
opinion and that, in particular he should not
undermine the loyalty of children to the State
which pays his salary.
-- The Christian Science Monitor
The Jackal's Bare Bone
The Yugoslavia created by the first World War
and now again by the German army comprises
three territories-Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia.
Of them, Slovenia was the smallest, the poorest
and the least important. As Italy shared the
Yugoslav spoils, Hitler has now awarded to her a
slice of Slovenia, adjacent to her border, includ-
inrfh malnit o ihin ,, a_ . pm.nvfas

I RECOGNIZE IN WAGNER my only predecessor ...
I regard him as a supreme prophetic figure.": these
words of Hitler's to Rauschnigg recorded in the latter's
amous, book "Hitler Speaks" are perhaps thought pro-
voking. One knows, of course, that Hitler was a pas-
sionate Wagnerian, that he fauned upon the opera at
Beyreuth and Nuremberg, and wallowed in the prose-
works, but not that he actually claims a kind of affinity
with Wagner. Wagner was -after all primarily a music-
dramatist: his philosophical and other. opinions-his
Aryanism, his anti-Semitism, his vegetarianism-
however sympathetic, were incidental. Could there be
some factor at work in Hitler's mind here which has
not been sufficiently appreciated.
Another Factor
be the case by a passage I came across recently in
Konrad Heiden's well-known "History of National So-
cialism." Having exhaustively described the frightening
ramifications of the National Socialist system of poli-
tics, economics, administration, education, Heiden stops
suddenly, and asks: "What is the purpose of it2 all?"
Casting around for an answer he says this: "It is un-
deniable that the National Socialists . . . set in motion
mighty physical and mental forces. But these mighty
forces were turned inwards upon themselves and not
directed against externals . . . The deeds of this Na-
tionalism, whose admiring gaze is always turned upon
itself only affect its own inner nature." Thislast sen-
tence -is dangerous writing, perhaps (or dangerous
translation): deeds must in the nature of the case
affect more than the doer's "own inner nature," some-
thing in the world outside. Heiden's meaning, I take
it, is that in the case of the Nazis they do so only inci-
dentally since the "mighty physical and mental forces"
which they expressed are turned "inwards upon them-
selves"; in other words, then, the fundamental motive of
their deeds is not this or that external material gain
to be achieved by them but just the tremendous intoxi-
cation of doing them. It is, one might put it, not a ra-
tional, but a dramatic motive.
Turned To Mein Kampf
mind; I turned to 'Mein Kampf' and discovered
therein two relevant passages. The first refers to what
Hitler considers to be the root cause of Germany's
disaster in the first World War, the alliance with the
racially degenerate Hapsburg Empire. This matter,
the keystone of his historical argument, Hitler describes
in terms of Wagnerian drama, thus: "It was the fan-
tastic idea of a Nibelungen alliance with the decom-
posed body of the Hapsburg state that brought about


Germany's ruin." His reference is plain: whereas Wag-
ner's Wotan destroyed himself by stealing and barter-
ing the ill-gotten Nibelungen hoard, Germany destroyed
herself by going to still greater lengths, "by the fan-
tastic idea" of allying herself with an Empire ridden by
Nibelung-Jews, Serbs, Hungarians, Czechs, Croats .
The second passage refers to the first triumph of the
pioneer German Worder's party, later the National
Socialist Party: the mass meeting in the Munich Hof-
brauhaus in 1920. It occurs, as is fitting, in the perora-
tion to the first part of the book entitled 'A Retro-
spect' and runs thus: "A fire was kindled from whose
glowing heat the Sword would be fashioned which would
restore freedom to the German Siegfried and bring
back life to the German Nation."
Metaphorical Passages
I SUGGEST that these two passages (there are others
one could quote) are more than metaphorical, that
they are symptomatic of the state of mind Heiden de-
scribes, which Wagner perhaps played an important
part in creating. Wagner's achievement--one may call'
it the crowning achievement of German musical and
literary romanticism-was to put on the stage and set
to great music a mythology, the embodiment of a peo-
pIe's deepest loves and hates and fears; to fashion a
magic mirror of legend and epic through which men
could behold their inmost selves. It is as if the reflec-
tion were too much for the imaginative, hot-blooded,
ruthless German temperament worked upon by the
catastrophe of 1918 and the post-war years. Bedazzled,
Hitler, and his hypnotized followers after him, have
dreamt themselves through the Wagnerian lgoking-
glass.mThey have become lunatics at large. The world
they rove is limelight-flooded, they are gods, they are
heroes, and the others are Nibelungs to be enslaved,
chastised, killed. Thus they commit their unspeakable
crimes through eyes shining with self-love.
Therefore Hitler calls Wagner his "only predecessor,"
and "a supreme prophetic figure." Wagner was his
kindred spirit, his forerunner, his John the Baptist.
Wagner portrayed what he, Hitler, a greater than Wag-
ner, was to translate into reality.
INCIDENTALLY, I wonder if Hitler in a sane moment
reflects .on the finale of Wagner's drama. His Sieg-
fried was stabbed in the back ("as the Jews stabbed
the German Army in .the back in 1918"-vide 'Mein
Kampf') but no second Siegfried rose to avenge him;
his fate enslaved in a Gottedampnierung. That."Gotte-
dammerung," which is the crowning point of Wagner's
masterpiece, indicates nothing if not the tragerly which
heroes, who conquer dragons only for the joy, of con-
quering them, bring-tragedy for the hero himself and
(thereon lies the supreme pity) for countless others.




Aid To China
Helps British

FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1941
VOL. LI. No. 161
Publication in the Daily official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
mnembers of the University.
Note to Seniors, June Graduates. and
Graduate Students: Please file appli-
cation for degrees or any special cer-
tificates (i.e. Geology Certificate,
Journalism Certificate, etc.) at once
if you expect to receive a degree or
certificate at Commencement in
June. We cannot guarantee that the
University will confer a degree or
certificate at Commencement upon
any student who fails to file such ap-
plication before the close of business
on Wednesday, May 21. If applica-
tion is received later than May 21,
your degree or certificate may not
be awarded until next fall.
Candidates for degrees or certifi-
cates may fill out cards at once at
office of the secretary or recorder of
their own school or college (students
enrolled in the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts, College of Arch-
itecture and Design, School of Music,
School of Education, and School of
Forestry and Conservation, please,
note that application blanks may be
obtained and filed in the Registrar's
Office, Room 4, University Hall).
Please do not delay until the last
day, as more than 2,500 diplomas
and certificates must be lettered,
signed, and sealed and we shall be
greatly helped in this work by the
early filing of applications and the
resulting longer period for prepara-
The filing of these applications does
not involve the payment of any fee
Shirley W. Smith
To the Members of the University
Senate: The second regular meeting
of the University Senate will be held
on Monday, May 19, at 4:15 p.m. in
the Rackham Lecture Hall.
1. Questions concerning (the codifi-
cation of the By-Laws of the Board
of Regents raised in a request from
several members for a special meet-
2. Hospitalization Plan, Vice-Presi-
dent S. W. Smith.
3. New Education Fellowship, Vice-
President C. S. Yoakum.
4. Statistics on Enrollment, Regis-
trar I. M. Smith.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary

ately after the Commencement Ex-
ercises or at the University Business
Office within three business days
after Commencement will be mailed
C.O.D. The mailing cost will be ap-
proximately 30c for the larger sized
rolled diplomas and 45c for the book
Will each graduate, therefore, be
certain that e the Diploma Clerk has
his correct mailing address to insure'
delivery by mail. The U.S. Mail
Service will, of course, return all
diplomas which cannot be delivered.
Because of adverse conditions abroad,
foreign students should leave ad-
dresses in the United States, if pos-
sible, to which diplomas may be
It is preferred that ALL diplomas
be personally called for.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
School of Education Faculty: The
May faculty meeting will be held
Monday noon, May 19, at the Michi-
gan Union.
Engineering Seniors: If you are ex-
pecting to graduate in June, 1941, you
should fill out the Diploma Applica-
tion in the Secretary's office, Room
263 West Engineering Building, not,
later than May 21. No fee is required.
Graduation may be delayed if the ap-
plication is late.
C. B. Green,
Assistant Secretary
Senior Literary Students: It is
urged that all senior Literary stu-
dents wishing caps and gowns for
Swing Out place their orders as soon
as possible. It will be impossible to
fill orders unless sufficient time is
given. No deposit is required on
placing order.
'41 Literary Cap and Gown Committee
German Departmental Library: All
books due Saturday, May 24.
Summer Work, Sales: Several com-
panies have good sales jobs available
for the summer and, are interested in
interviewing men on campus in the
near future. Will students who are
interested please get in touch with
the Bureau+ of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall, at once. w
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Detroit Civil Service Examinations.
Last date for filing applications is
noted in each case:
Swimming Instructor, salary $1860,

June 2, 1941.
Senior Personalty Appraiser, salary
$3,120, June 2, 1941.
Junior Personalty Appraiser, sal-
ary $2,580, June 2, 1941.
Senior Technical Clerk, salary $1,-
860, June 2, 1941.
Public Health Nurse, Grade 1, sal-
ary $1,560, June 3, 1941. (Residence
rule waived).
Senior Industrial Hygiene Aid, sal-
ary $2,160, May 21, 194L (Residence
rule waived).
Complete announcement on file at
the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Office
hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupatignal Infor-
Academic N otices
Bacteriology Seminary, Monday,
May 19, at 8:00 p.m. in Room 1564
East Medical Building. Subject: "Re-
version and Type (Transformation of
the Pneumococcus." All interested
are invited.
Biological Chemistry Seminwr, will
be held Saturday, May 17, at 10:00
a.m. in Room 319 West Medical
Building. ,The subject to be discussed
is "The Biological Synthesis of Poly-
saccharides-Starch and Glycogen."
All interested are invited.
Anthropology 32 will meet today.
Anthropology 152 will not meet to-
Doctoral Examination for Mr.
James Oliver Brown, Anatomy; The-
sisl: "The Mesencephalic Tegmental
Nuclei of Certain Carnivores," today
at 3:30 p.m., in 3502 East Medical
Bldg. Chairman, B. M. Patten.
Doctoral Examination for Mr. Wil-
liam Ira Cargo, Political Science;
Thesis: "Arab and Jewish Mandate
Rights in Palestine under the Peel
Plan and the White Paper of May,
1939," today at 3:00 p.m., in the East
Council Room, Rackham Building.
Chairman, H. B. Calderwood.
Doctoral Examination for Mr. Ivor
Schilansky, Mathematics; Thesis:
"On Generalized Zeta Functions and
Their Associated Lattice Point Prob-
lems," today at 3:00 p.m., in the West
Council Room, Rackham Building.
Chairman, J. D. Elder.
Doctoral Examination for Mr. Tool
Xoomsai, Psychology; Thesis: "Meas-
urement of Emotional Reactions,' to-
day at 3:00 p.m., in the East Confer-
ence Room, Rackham Building.
Chairman, H. F. Adams.

Cause ...

ITH THE CONSTANT agitation and
bicktering going on over aid to Bri-
tain and the question of convoys, United States
aid to China has been pushed into the back-
ground. But that aid is still being sent to warring
China, and it is proving effective, so effective
that the Japanese are becoming seriously con-
cerned over it. Primarily through American made
munitions and the stamina of the Chinese, the
war is being continued.
By their own admission, the Japanese would
like to bring the "China incident" to a rapid con-
clusion. As long as Japan is tied up in a war
with China, they cannot aid the Axis materially.
Once peace -or a semblance of peace - is
established ink the Orient, Nippon will be free
to concentrate on the British and Dutch posses-
sions in the South Pacific. Since a large portion
of English supplies come from the Dutch Indies
and through Singapore, any aid which Japan
can render to Germany by stopping or hindering
the shipping of supplies through the Suez Canal
would help the Nazi cause tremendously.
EVEN THOUGH Japan capnot offer the Axis
actual fighting aid while the war in China
goes on, they are still a factor to be reckoned with

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