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May 16, 1941 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-05-16

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Scattered Showers
and Cooler


tk igban
Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication


You Can Send
A Boy To Camp ..,

VOL. LI. No. 161 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1941 Z-323





Title Defense;

Nine Plays Indiana

Western State Teachers
Defeat Tennis Squad
To Take 5-4_Triumph
Varsity Seeks Fifth
Conference Crown
(Special to The Daily)
MINNEAPOLIS, May 16.--Pinning
its hopes on all-around team balance
and power to overcome the probable
points that will be rolled up by a fav-
ored Indiana team's potential first-
place winners, the Wolverine cinder
squad will begin a. two-day search
for its fifth consecutive Western Con-
ference outdoor track crown in Min-
nesota's spacious Memorial stadium
here today.
With almost a certainty of placing
at least one man in every qualify-
ing event today, the Michigan crew
must depend on the possible other
placewinners of the remaining Big
Ten schools. For Indiana is rated a
slight edge over the Wolverines only
on the basis of its probable first-
place -winners, and lacks strength in
several events.
Northwestern's flashy Myron Piker
might take some of these first-place
points away from the Hoosiers. The
fast-stepping sprint star is almost
a certainty to take the 100 yard dash
and is also favored to break the tape
at'the, finish of the 220. However,
(Continued on Page 3)
, toddard To Pitch
Against Indiana
Local sport fans will get their last
chances today and tonorrow to see
Michigan's championship bound base-
ball team play against conference
competition when the Varsity meets
a powerful Hoosier nine from Bloom-
ington, Ind.
In the series opener today, at 4:05
p.m., Ray Fisher will send Mickey
Stoddard, his ace hurler, to the
mound of the Ferry Field diamond
in an attempt to give the Wolverines
their sixth Big Ten win of the sea-
Paul Harrell, Hoosier coach, has
selected big Don Dunker to handle
the pitching assignment for Indiana.
The lanky junior already has wins
over, Illinois and Minnesota to his
The results of the series will have
little effect on the Hoosiers' con-
ference title hopes because they have
lost four games already. On the
other hand a double win for the
Wolverines would practically assure
the Varsity of the Big Ten crown.
This task will not be an easy one
(Continued on Page 3)
Capt. Tobin, Porter
Out Of Lineup
(Special to The Daily)
KALAMAZOO, May 15.-Western
State Teachers College scored an up-
set 5-4 victory yesterday, handing
Michigan's tennis team its second
straight defeat in as many days.
Coach Frank Householder's men
took advantage of the Wolverines'
crippled team, Capt. Jim Tobin, num-
ber one player, being called home
suddenly and Jim Porter, third singles
man, still sick in Ann Arbor, to win
the first three singles and first two
doubles matches an hand Michigan
its third loss in 15 starts.3
w For the second consecutive day,c
Coach Leroy Weir, Michigan net
mentor, shifted his squad around to
take care of the absences. Lawton
Hammett took over the number onel
spot as Gerry Schaflander held down
the second position. Wayne Stille
and Tom Gamon again played third
(Continued on Page 3)

Bevin Claims Hess
Affair IsDeception'
(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, May 15.-A British Cab-t
inet officer declared today that Ru-
dolf Hess was a calculating "murder-t
er" who came to Britain seeking
peace, not with a mad sympathy for '
Britons but with "a very sane con-

Prof. Corwin
Will Add ress
Honor Societ y
Enscrolled on the legend of Mich-
igan's distinguished alumni, Prof. Ed-
ward S. Corwin, '00, of Princeton-Uni-
versity, will return to his home cam-
pus to address the annual initiation
banquet of Phi Beta Kappa at 6:30
p.m. today in the Union on "Consti-
tutional Revolution, Ltd."
Graduating from the University at
the turn of the century as president
of his class, professor Corwin be-
came instructor in history at Brook-
lyn Polytechnic in 1901, and in 1905
was called by Woodrow Wilson to
Princeton University.
In 1918 he became McCormick Pro-
fessor of Jurisprudence at Prince-
ton, and since that year has estab-
lished his reputation as one of the
nation's leading authorities on consti-
tutional law. i
Frequently called as consultant to
the present adminstration on con-
stitutional problems, Professor Cor-
win is the author of many books on
such subjects, including the highly
controversial "The Twilight of the
Supreme Court," "The Constitution
and What It Means Today," "The
Doctrine of Judicial Revue" and "The
President's Control of Foreign Rela-
Two Athletes
Are Candi.dates
For Sport Post
McCarthy And Wise To Vie
For Physical Education
Control Board Position
Frank McCarthy, '43. and Cliff
Wise, '43, were chosen yesterday as
nominees for the one elective student
position on the Board in Control of
Physical Education.
McCarthy is a dashman, hurdler
and the leading point scorer of the
varsity track team. Wise was under-1
study to Tom Harmon on the grid-1
iron last fall and is now a hurler on
the varsity baseball team.
One will be elected to the two
year term at an all-campus electiona
to be run off late next week by the
Men's Judiciary Council along with.
the election of the three student,
nmembers of the Board in Control of
Student Publications and the six vice-
presidents f the Michigan Union,
Nomnations for the position,. were
made by the board of directors of
the physical education board, com-
posed of senior student managers of
varsity teams, Chares Esler, '41, sen-
ior I-M manager headed the com-I
mittee which made the choices.

Senate Gains
New Powers
To Legislate
Student Group Receives
University's Recognition
As Law-Making Body
Opposes Further
Action On Board
With its official recognition as a
basic legislative organ, the Student
Senate has been awarded new and in-
creased powers by the University ad-
ministration, it was announced at the
Senate meeting last night in the
Under its new status the Senate
will have the power to originate
legislation and submit bills, resolu-
tions and petitions to the boards con-
trolling student affairs, publications,
and athletics, and to the Faculty
Council and committees. Although
the University Boards wil retain their
absolute veto power over the Senate,
their reasons for such action must
now be returned to the students.
Todd Comments
President Bill Todd, '42, in com-
menting on the University's move,
declared that "it is the best thing
done for student government since
establishment of the Student Senate."
After the announcement of these
new powers, the Senate then decided
by a tic vote pf 12 to 12 against tak-
ing any further action on its prev-
ious resolution opposing the addition
of any non-student members to the
Board in Control of Student Publica-
Woodburne Honored
In recognition of his work on the
Scholarship Committee of the Lit-
erary College, Dean Lloyd S. Wood-
burne was named as an honorary
member of the Student Senate. Other
appointments saw Robert Krause, '42,
automatically elected treasurer and
Andrew Skaug, '43, selected to fill the
Senate vacancy created by the resig-
nation of Julie Chockley, '42.
Krause then told the Sepate that
the Service Committee is cooperating
with the statistics bureau in compil-
ing the results of its Student Labor
All Senate committees for the com-
ing year were announced by Todd.
Gerald Davidson, '43, Margaret
Campbell, '42, and Sam Russell, '41,
were named to the Parley Committee,
which is under the co-chairmanship
(Continued on Page 7)
Congress Will Add
Seven To Council
Congress, independent men's or-
ganization, will add seven members to
the executive council in an election to
be held next week, Louis Fogel, '4,
executive secretary of the organiza-
tion, announced yesterday.
The additional representatives will
be chosen from the rooming houses
and dormitories on campus, Fogel
stated. Petitioners must state age,
address, class and aims on all peti-
In order to make the organization
function as perfectly as possible, this
representation must be accomplished
with a minimum of delay, Fogel said.
Representing 6,000 students on
campus, Congress feels that an exe-
cutive council of 22 members will give
better expression of independet men
opinion on campus, Fogel said.

GM Accepts
Plan To Settle
Corporation Gives Union
Men Ten Cents An Hour
Increase In Wage Rate
Workers Concede
ClosedShop Point:
WASHINGTON, May 16, -(/P)-
The General Motors Corporation early
today accepted a Defense Mediation
Board proposal for a new contract
with the United Automobile Work-
ers (CIO) which granted an increase
of 10 cents an hour to an estimated
250,000 workers in 89 plants of the
The agreement averted a sched-
uled strike at 60 GM plants.
W. H. Davis, chairman of the panel
which has been considering the case
since May 1 announced the agree-
ment shortly before the 4:10 a.m.
strike deadline fixed by the Board.
The union had agreed that the walk-
out would be deferred until after
the deadline.
Terms Announced
Terms of the agreement, as an-
nounced by Davis:
1. No closed shop, union shop or
maintenance of 'membership spop.
2. A flat wage increase of 10 cents
an hour and the contract to be made
for the definite period of one year
from April 28, 1941. The old con-
tract could be terminated by either
party on 60 days notice.
Other proposals affecting econom-
ic conditions put forward by the
union officials are not included in the
recommendation of the board.
3.The impartial umpire is to be
given wider discretion in imposing
penalties for violation of shop rules
or of the contract.
4. In the advancement of employes
to higher paid jobs, when ability,
capacity and merit are equal, em-
ployes with longest seniority will be
given preference.
5. The company will not lock out
its employes during the life of the
Walkout In Flint
Approximately 35,000 GM workers
at four Flint plants walked out yes-,
terday because, officials said, of a
misunderstanding. A scheduled strike
call yesterday was- deferred at the
mediation Board's request.
It was indicated that the motort
company executives felt that walk-
outs at the Chevrolet and Buick
plants in Flint, today had altered the
situation, but apparently the Board
panel was standing on the proposal
it advanced early today for averting
the threatened walkout of 160,000
GM employes from 60 plants tomor-
row morning.


Takes Morc

FDR Appeals To France
Not To Give Up Empire;

Campaign For Underprivleged
tBoys To lBe Conducted- Today
Seeking funds to provide a four Ann Arbor, Detroit, Jackson and
week's summer vacation for under- Flint. The camp is located on the
privileged boys of this area, student shores of Patterson Lake in Living-
volunteers will canvass the campus ston County.
and downtown districts today in the The drive was given official ap-
annual University Fresh Air Camp proval Wednesday in a statement by
Tag Day. President Ruthven commending the
With a goal of 1,500 set by Prof. efforts of students in aiding such
F. N. Menefee of the mechanical en- a worthy cause, and in another by
gineering department, director of the Ann Arbor's Mayor Leigh J. Young,
camp, toda will mark the twenty- praising the valuable aid given by the
first time that students have been camp.
asked to aid the famous "boy on the Student committee in charge of'the
diving board." campaign this year is headed by Bert
Campus organizations have volun- Ludy, '42. Other members of the com-
teered aid in the campaign, and will mittee are Grace Volkman, '42, and
_eeredaidinthecampaign,_andwill Lin Buck, '42Ed., girls' organizations;
Robert G. Shedd, '42, boys' otganiza-
The lists of student volunteers tions; Earle Harris, '44, collection;
and the times and places at which Gertrude French, '41, merchants;
they will be stationed throughout and Irving Koval, '42E, service.

thle day is given on Rage six 0f
The Daily. Instructions to can-
vassers will also be found on that
provide students to man the various
posts today.
This year the drive will take place
in one day instead of in two as in
past years.
Funds from the drive will provide
four weeks summer vacation at the
University Fresh Air Camp for more
than 300 underprivileged children of
'Alumni Bring
Students Here
State High School Juniors
Will Receive Awards
More than half a hundred of
Michigan's outstanding high school
juniors will be here in Ann Arbor to-
day and tomorrow for the first an-
nual Junior Awards Day.
The students-selected by their
high school classmates as the out-
standing students in the junior class
-are being sent here by their local
Michigan 'Alumni Clubs.
President Alexander G. Ruthven
will welcome the students at 11 a.m.
Saturday in the Regents' Room in
Angell Hall. They are being housed
without charge in campus fraterni-
ties, sororities and University Resi-
dence Halls.
After "browsing" about the cam-
pus today, they will be special guests
at the Union dance tonight. Satur-
day they will be conducted on cam-
pus tours and will have special con-
ferences with professors.
The feted juniors will be guests of
the Athletic Association at the Michi-
gan-Indiana baseball game at 4 p.m.
tomorrow, the National Volleyball
championships and the interfraterni-
ty golf championship matches.

Vwisual Aids'
Conclave Topic
Of Educators

Annual Institute
Today; Dr. C..
Scheduled To

To Meet
A. Fisher


Under the auspices of the
of Visual Education and the
sity Extension Service, the
Visual Instruction Institute

will be

held here today,
Designed to provide aid in the utili-
zation of visual education in schools
of today, the Institute will be at-
tended by schol administrators and
teachers from all over the state.
Following the registration period
at 9:30 a.m. in the Rackham Build-
ing, the Institute will be opened by
Dr. C. A. Fisher, director of the Ex-
tension Service, with a talk on "The
Purpose of the Visual Instruction In-
stitute," at 10 a.m. in the Rackham
Lecture Hall.
Immediately after Dr. Fisher's key-
note address, Dr. J. A. Hollinger, di-
rector of Science and Visualization
in the Pittsburgh Public Schools, will
discuss "What Experience Has Taught
Us About Aids to Perceptual Learn-
Documentary filnis on "The City"'
and England'during the present war
will be shown at the luncheon at
12:15 p.m. in the League.
Highlight of the afternoon session
will be a panel led by Dr. Hollinger
on questions ryAised in the use of
visual education.
From 4 to 6 p.m. and again from
7 to 9 p.m. the new films available
in the Extension Service Library will
be shown.

President Implies French
Alliance Would Menace
Safety OfHemisphere
Armed Guards Put
Aboard Normandie
WASHINGTON, May 15.--(G)--
President Roosevelt appealed to
France tonight not to deliver herself
up to a Germany bent on "the utter
destruction of liberty" and at the
same time the United States Coast
Guard took a dozen or more French
merchant vessels in America waters
into protective custody.
These steps were Washington's
swift reaction to dispatches from
abroad indicating that Vichy was
throwing in its lot with the Nazis.
The British were virtually accusing
the French government .of acting as
a German ally by permitting Nazi
planes to cross Syria to Iraq.
Alliance Hinted
In a surprise statement from the
White House, President Roosevelt im-
plied that France was about to enter
an alliance with Germany which in-
volved "the peace and safety of the
western hemisphere."
After a long conference with Secre-
tary of State and Undersecretary
Welles, the President declared that
the American people could hardly be-
lieve that the French government
would lend itself "to a plan of volun-
tary alliance impli'ed or otherwise
which would apparently deliver up
France and its colonial empire."
The surrender of this empire, the
President added, would include
"French African colonies and their
Atlantic coasts with the menace
which that involves to the pece and
safety of the western hemisphere."
Guards Placed
Shortly before the statement was
issued, it was announced that the
Coast Guard had placed armed guards
aboard French ships in American
ports, including the great luxury liner
Normandie at New York Harbor.
French vessels had not been taken
.nto custody at the time those of
Jermany, Italy and Denmark were
seized several weeks ago.
(A bill permitting the President
to put such foreign ships to work
.n the national defense or British-aid
programs was passed today by the
Petain speaks
The Washington developments con-
-erning Franco-American relations
juickly followed an address by Mar-
hall Henri Petain of France in which
1e declared that French-German ne-
;otiations had lighted up "the path
way to the future" and laid the
groundwork for further discussiois
with the German government.
Petain's speech was interpreted
here to mean that his government
had definitely embarked upon a
course of close collaboration with
Germany which might mean the sur-
render of French naval units, bases
Aa colonial territories to be used
against the British.
Tight-lipped coast guard officials
were reticent about the purpose of
their swift move in placing armed
guards on French ships. They merely
said, "You can draw your own con-
German Bombers
Land In Syria
CAIRO, Egypt, May 15.-O)-The
Pritish announced tonight that many
German bombers and fighters were
arriving on the airdromes of French

Syria and warring Iraq, and stern
orders went out to RAF and Navy
planes to smash the Luftwaffe in-
vaders on the landing fields of both
these countries.
(Neutral sources in Vichy reported
the British already had attacked one
Syrian airdrome, but neither the Bri-
tish nor the French confirmed the
Informed sources at this headquar-
ters of the British Near East com-
mand said most of the German craft
were bombers, that no troop-carry-
ing planes had yet beers sighted, but
that fighters were transporting tech-
nicians, propagandists and other Nazi


Mrs. A.E. Tirner Outlines Need
For Organized City Protection
By DAN BEIIRMAN part in providing air-raid shelter
Outlining a comprehensive plan for
women's part in the civilian defense space, since the lines are constructed
of the United States, Mrs. Arthur E. too near the surface.
Turner, director of instruction for the As part of the present program,
American Women's Voluntary Ser- the New York Fire .Dep rtment has
vice, pointed out the need of organized compiled a list of all hotels and big
protection for American cities in an buildings which are already prepared
interview yesterday. against bomb attacks, Mrs. Turner
Mrs. Turner, who directed volunteer stated. She has also been teaching
women workers in a North England her course in civilian defense to wo-
area of three hundred square miles men throughout the East, and her
previous to her arrival in America, group intendshto offer its plan for use
has taken charge of a women's group throughout the United States.
in' New York City interested in pro- In cooperating with local authori-
tecting America "from within and ties, the AWVS will follow a course
without," Hey course taught in New parallel to work its British parent,
York consists of training in combat- the Women's Voluntary Service. Wo-
ting explosive bombs, incendiaries, men will be placed as air raid ward-
and poison gases. Personal and collec- ens, and will also be used to free men
tive protection are emphasized, along employed on such jobs as truck-
with the "Golden Rule of Civilian driving and public transportation
Defense: Know Your Neighborhood." work. All departments of the local
New York presents a unique prob- governments will be brought into this


Local Group
Attacks Public
Utility. Board
CoiuisOission L Criticized
For Incompetency
On Gas Rates
Charging that the State Public
Service Commission has been incom-
petent in protecting the public inter:
est in the matter of gas rates, a group
of local citizens headed by Prof.
Louis C. Karpinski of the mathemat-
ics department has asked Governor
Van Wagoner to fire the commission,
the Detroit News reported yesterday
The accusation was made in a tele-
gram to the Governor sent Friday.
The Governor's office has failed to
acknowledge receipt of the telegram
but Karpinski asserted the telegraph
company had indicated it was re-
ceived by one of the Governor's secre-
taries, the News said.
The message was signed also by
Prof. John H. Muyskens of the speech
department and L. A. Wikel, local
They explained that the request;
was made because "of the present
commission's actions as regards giv-
ing the Michigan Consolidated Gas
Company the right to substitute dif-
ferent units of measure for gas in
two different communities, Detroit
and Ann Arbor."
"Further incompetence is indicated
as thermal units have been permit-
ted to all various gas companies in
Michigan using natuial gas. Therm-

Celebrated Star Conrad Nagel
Modestly Derides Own Ability

J can never understand why any-
one wants to hire me to play a part
in a' play. The only time I felt that
I had done ,a good job was when
I played Ebenezer Scrooge at the
age of 13."
Conrad Nagel, celebrated star of
stage, screen and radio, thus gave his
opinion of his own ability to your
Daily reporter between bites of a
mince pie in the League cafeteria
Valentine B. Windt, director of the
Dramatic Season, quickly interposed
his opinion of Mr. Nagel's worth,
however, by declaring that "I have
seldom in my entire experience
worked with an actor who has been as
co-operative, modest and unassuming
as is Mr. Nagel."
Mr. Nagel, whose appearance ma'de
us unable to believe that he has a
daughter "Ruthie" at Wellesley Col-
lege, will play the part of Joe Turn-
er in "The Male Animal" which opens
here for a week's run Monday.

theatre, Mr. Nagel deplored the fact
that there is so little opportunity for
aspiring young actors today. He be-
lieves, however, that someone who
really believes in his talent and will
work hard, will eventually make the
"The only reason my daughter is
getting ahead," he went on, "is be-
cause I am giving her an opportunity
to work with me. All last summer I
trained her extensively and this sum-
mer she will do "The Male Animal"
with me in White Plains and "The
Petrified Forest" down at Bob Porter-
field's Barter Theatre in Virginia."
"I think the Dramatic Season here
in Ann Arbor is a wonderful thing.
I've been trying to arrange to come.
here for years but this has been my
first opportunity. My only regret," he
continuedI, "is that.similar movements
are not common on other college cam-
"I think it would be a great idea,"
he smiled as he finished his coffee,

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