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May 15, 1941 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-05-15

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Continued Rai
Today And Tomorrow

Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication


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VOL. Ll. No. 160 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1941 Z-323


Student Nominees




Fight Halted
In Congress,
Vaiitleriberg Says Handing
Axis Ships To England.
Woulldi ieadiTo War'

Hess On Personal Peace Mission
To Duke Of Hamilton, British Say;
English Claim African Successes

On Control Board

Nominating Committee
Accepts Nine Petitions
For Campus Election
General Balloting
To Be Next Week
Nine students were nominated yes-
terday for the three student posi-
tions on the Board in Control of
Student Publications - posts on a
board which at this moment faces a
structural revision by the Board of
Regents which would increase fac-
ulty membership from four to six
men and give votes to the two alumni
Vying for the seats in next week's
all-campus election . are Webster
Cook, '42; Robert W. Gilmour, '41;
Thomas Goodkind, '42; Harold Guetz-
kow, Grad., Charles M. Heinen, '41E;
John A. Huston, '41; Eugene A. Kane,
'42; Karl Kessler, '41; and William
E. Muehl, '41.
Committee Chose Nine
Cook, Kane, Goodkind, Kessler and
Gilmour have worked on student pub-:
lications during the past year. Guetz-
kow is the head of the Intercoopera-
tive Council, Muehl the president of
the Student Religious Association
and Huston has worked on the publi-
city committee of the SRA. Heinen
is retiring ,secretary of the Union.
A nominating committee composed
of the. retiring editors and business
managers of The Daily, 'Ensian, and
the Gargoyle and the three present
student members of the publications
board, chose the nine men.
Failure of the committee toname
a student does not preclude his
chances of placing his name on the
Eligible Students Must Petition
Any eligible student who will be
a senior or graduate student next
year, and desires a position on the
board, may resort to an extra pro-
cedure which requires that he pre-
sent a petition, signed by one hun-
dred students, to the Men's Judiciary
Council before an established dead-
line, which will probably be early next
week. The Judiciary Council will de-
cide the deadline date at its meeting
today. r
The new student members will be
chosen in a general election next
week, at a time and by a procedure'
to be decided by the Judiciary Coun-
cil, along with the one student mem-
ber of the Board in Control of Physi-
cal Education and the six class vice-
presidents of the Michigan Union.
Board Appoints Staff
The Board in Control of Student
Publications appoints the senior
and junior members of the editorial
and business staffs of the three stu-
dent publications. At present it is
composed of three students and four
faculty members, all voting, and two
alumni men, who serve in an advisory
Members of the nominating com-
mittee are Hervie Haufler and Irv-
ing Guttman of The Daily; Jack
Cory and Charles Samuel of the 'En-
sian; David Donaldson and Bernard
Bloom of the Gargoyle, all seniors,
and the student board members, Phil-
ip Westbrook, '43L, James Tobin, '41,
and Albert P. Mayio, of Detroit.
Students Can Still Buy
Fifty Michiganensians
Only 50 copies of the 1941 edition
of the 'Ensianremain available for
student subscription at the price of
$5, according to Jack Cory, '41, busi-
ness manager.
When these have been sold, stu-
den'ts desiring copies will be able to
obtain a limited number from the
bookstores at the time of distribu-

tion, within two weeks from today.
Although the yearbook's 2,500
copies were sold out previously, the
additional books were made available
by their forfeiture by students who
have never paid up the balance of the
subscription price.
Wishing to protect those who have
called and expressed a desire for
Ensians,Cry urges these to act im-

Tennis Squad
Drops Match
ToIrish, 6-3
(Special to The Diy)
SOUTH BEND, Ind., May 14.--
Michigan's powerful tennis team, un-
beaten in Conference play, was
stunned into defeat yesterday as an
underrated Notre Dame team whip-
ped them, 6-3.
Playing in a high wind which
seemed to bother the Wolverines
more than Walt Langford's Irish net-
ters, Notre Dame won four of the
six singles matches and two of the
three doubles matches.
Leroy Weir, Michigan net mentor,
was f'orced to change his line-up be-
cause of the illness of Jim Porter,
regular number three singles player,
who was left in the Health Service at
Ann Arbor with a case of laryngitis.
Wayne Stille moved up a notch as
did Tom Gamon and Alden John-
son. Roy Bradley took over the
sixth singles spot.
In doubles, Stille teamed with Gerry
Schaflander, competing in his first
Varsity match for Michigan, to play
in the second spot, while Gamon
played with his usual partner, Howie
Bacon, in the last doubles position.
In the first three singles matches,
the Notre Dame players emerged vic-
torious in straight sets. In the first
singles match, Jim Tobin, Wolverine
(Continued on Page 3)
Defense Board
Tries To Avert
Strife At GM
Knudsen, Davis Confer;
Attempt To Halt Walkout
Affecting 160,000 Men
WASHINGTON, May 15.-()-The
Defense Mediation Board worked in-
to the earjy hours today to settle a
threatened strike of 160,000 CIO
workers at some 60 General Motors
Corporation plants before the Union's
7 a.m. deadline.
William S. Knudsen, director of
the Office of Production' Manage-
ment, conferred at midnight with
William H. Davis, chairman of the
Mediation Panel and when asked for
his view of the situation, said'short-
ly :
"Damn serious."
Meanwhile the Union telephoned
instructions to local presidents in
26 cities to "stand by for word." Any
strike order, a spokesman said, would
come from here.
Management representatives, head-
ed by C. E. Wilson, GM president,
conferred in their hotel suite for four
hours, presumably on a peace formu-
la advanced by Davis. They returned
to board headquarters but instead of
resuming negotiations, went into pri-
vate conference with panel members.
Terms of the proposal, advanced by
vice Chairman William H. Davis,
were kept secret.
It was reported to have followed
complete disagreement on a proposal
and counter-offer drafted by repre-
sentatives of the CIO United Auto-
mobile Works and the management.
Smith Paper
Is In Review'
The May issue of the Michigan Law

Review, published today, features
among fie leading articles a paper
by Prof. Russell A. Smith of the Uni-
versity Law School on "The Evolu-
tion of the 'Duty to Bargain' Con-
cept in American Law."
Prof. Hessel E. Yntema of the Law
School has contributed an article
entitled "Jurisprudence on Parade,"
n which he seeks to review and anal-
yze recent trends and developments





Roosevelt Speech

Senate fight on the convoy isspe was
postponed today when a group of
Senators favoring a ban on U.S. Na-
val escorts for war supplies decided
against trying to tack such a prohibi-
tion on the pending ship seizure
The antisconvoy Senators reported
a general feeling that it would be
better to wait until Mr. Roosevelt
makes his speech of May 27. They
would prefer, they said, that the is-
sue be raised first by the administra-
Gives President Power
The ship seizure bill would em-
power President Roosevelt to take
formal possession of foreign ships idle
in American ports and put them to
use as he sees fit.
During debate on the measure, Sen-
ator Bailey (Dem-NC), Chairman of
the Senate Commerce Committee
and advocate of the pending bill, con-
ceded that if Axis ships were trans-
ferred to England, such action might
invite war-like retaliation from Ger-
many. The administration, he add-
ed, had no intention of making such
a transfer.
Senator Vandenberg (Rep-Mich)
presented an amendment to forbid
the transfer to one belligerent of the
ships of its adversary. Such a trans-
fer, he said, would be a "needless
and provocative act of war."
Vandenberg And Bailey
Vandenberg asked Bailey what he
thought the consequences would be
if the Axis vessels were put to the
service of England.
"Unquestionably, we would not on-
ly have gone beyond the bounds of
International Law, but would have in-
tervened to the point where the bel-
ligerent might take steps for revenge,"
was Bailey's answer.
"In other words," Vandenberg said,
"it would be a provocative act of war."
Constitution Expert
Will Give Address
At Honor Banquet
Constitutional problems in the
world of today will updergo close
scrutiny when Prof. Edward S. Cor-
win, '00, of Princeton University ad-
dresses the annual initiation ban-
quet of Phi Beta Kappa at 6:30 p.m.
tomorrow in the Union.

Nazi And Italian Legions
Retreat From Salum;
Tobruk Defenses Hold
Vichy Government
Accepts Nazi Pact
(By The Associated Press)
CAIRO, Egypt, May 14.-German-
Italian troops have been thrown back
40 miles to positions south and west
of Salum and are under the continual
harassment of British Imperial forces,
the British Middle East Command
said today.
(The Germans contended they and
their Italian Allies had advanced 45
miles east of the border village of
Salum in a surprise attack begun
In addition, the British communi-
que said the Imperial garrison be-
sieged at Tobruk, 80 miles within Lib-
ya, inflicted "many casualties" and
destroyed two German tanks in a
"limited offensive operation."
(The Italian Iigh Command said
Italian troops "bravely repelled" a=
strong British tank attack at Tobruk,
inflicting losses in men and machines
o*i the British.)
French Pact Assumed
Warning To U.S.
(By The Associated Press)
VICHY, -France,' May 14.--The
French Government approved today
the Hitler-Darlan collaboration terms
in a formal gesture considered by
diplomatic circles to be more than
anything else a warning to the Unit-
ed States to stay out of the war.,
French informants who usually
know what they are talking about
acknowledged that the negotiations
Conducted by Vice-Premier Admiral
Jean Darlan and the German Fuehrer
transcend the economic and enter the'
political field.,
Thus diplomatists in this capital
of unoccupied France regarded to-,
day's approval of the negotiations by
Chief of State Petain's cabinet a
means of presenting America with a
fait accompli of collaboration and
thus a measure intended to deter
Americans from plunging into the,
European conflict.

o 150
.... .. SCOTLAND Z
- -
4 ' SWITZ.
. ' '' ~VICH Y
Rudolph Hess might have followed this direct route in his flight from
Augsburg in southern Germany to Glasgow, Scotland, where he was cap-
tured by the British. Hess confided that he had made careful plans to
land near the estate of the Duke of Hamilton.
'Hess Wil Not Succeed
In Starting Peace Plans'

Possible Route Of Hess

German Deputy Reported
Describing Conditions
In Defiance Of Hitler
Berlin Denounces




(Associated Press Staff Writer)
The first glimmering of light on
the fantastic and almost unbelievable
"Hess mystery" comes in the form
of word from both London and Ber-
lin that his motive was to talk to
the Duke of Hamilton, an old sports
acquaintance, and try to bring about
some sort of peace parleys.
If that was his purpose, there is
not the faintest inkling from either'
side that he will succeed. Both of


Returning to his home campus as
one of the nation's leading authorities
on constitutional law, and frequent
consultant of the administration on
constitutional problems, Professor
Corwin will speak on "Constitutional
Revolution, Ltd."
McCormick professor of Jurispru-
dence at Princeton, Professor Corwin
has frequently been called by the
present administration as adviser on
constitutional matters.

Ithe armed camps in Europe have
been vowing war to the death, and
Debating Teams there is no sign that either is ready
to accept peace on any terms even
TO Compete Here remotely acceptable to the other.
Time alone will tell whether Hitler's
Concluding what may turn out to one-time most intimate Lieutenant
be a perfect season, the University is a psychopathic case, as Berlin
debate team of William Muehl, '41, makes him out to be, or whether
and John Huston, '41, will meet a he is a perfectly sane man whose
National University, Washington, D.C. flight indicates schism in the Nazi
squad at 8 p.m. today in the North leadership, as London has insisted.
Lounge of the Union. The case has led to a fierce battle
Presented for the first time in on the nerve front, with both sides
the Middle West, the question of the laying down terrific propaganda bar-
evening will be "Resolved: That a rages. The world's confusion about
permaneNt union of the United States the meaning of the amazing incident
and the British Commonwealth of is far from cleared away, and much
Nations should be immediately es- remains that is inexplicable on the
tablished," the local team upholding basis of present knowledge.
the negative. It is, therefore, a relief to turn from

the welter of speculation aroused
by the Hess flight to other war cir-
cumstances much easier to appraise.
There is now available a graphic eye-
witness story of a British-Axis air and
sea power clash in the eastern Medi-
terranean that challenges special
attention. It came from Larry Allen,
war seasoned Associated Press writer
who was aboard the British flagship
and who tells in detail of the ineffec-
tiveness of a sustained torpedo-plane
attack on a heavily guarded British
convoy. His report specifically refutes
Rome-Berlin claims of heavy damage
inflicted on merchant and naval units
so vitally important to Britain. All
arrived unscathed at their Egyptian
Engine Council
Fills Positions
'Arch' Editors, Committee
Heads Are Appointed
Thomas O. Poyser, '43E, and Free-
man Alexander, '43E, were appoint-
ed editor and business manager re-
spectively of Engineering Arch, the
freshman engineering magazine, at
a meeting of the Engineering Council
held last night.
Selected for the chairmanship of
the committee charged with enforce-
ment of the engineers' honor system
was Alexander Wilkie, '42E, who will
head the committee for the coming
George D. Gotschall, '42E, Arthur
W. Dobson, '42E, and Carl Rohrback,
'42E, were named to a committee to
promote cooperation between the var-
ious engineering professionaland
honor societies, it being desirable to
limit conflicts between the meetings
of the different organizations as
much as possible. Gotschall will serve
as chairman of the group.
Engineering Honor
Dean Walter B. Rea, assistant dean
of students, and 10 junior engineers
were tapped for membership in Vul-
cans, senior engineering honor soci-
ety, last night.
The men selected by the organiza-

(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, May 15.-Rudolf Hess
broke away from Germany as a hope-
ful missioner of peace, it became
known today, with the British dis-
closure that his unauthorized flight
out of the Reich was aimed at a ren-
dezvous in Scotland with his old
English sports acquaintance, the
Duke of Hamilton.
It was hinted, too, that Hitler's
runaway deputy was describing in-
ternal conditions in Germany to the
British Government as a basis of
the need for his solo mission of
Well-informed British sources said
this most amazing "good-will" flight
of all timewas undertaken in dfi-
ance of Hitler, with Hess banking on
his friendship with the Duke "to
bring about some peace negotia-
tions. "
Hess and the Duke were long
acquainted and this ripened to a
semblance of friendship at the 1936
Olympic Games in Berlin, where
both were officials. The friendship
was trustful so far as Hess was con-
cerned, for it was disclosed that he
wrote a letter - presumably a peace
feeler - to the Duke some time ago.
The Duke turned the letter over
to the government and on its ad-
vice he did not reply. What the gov-
ernment did about it remained a
mystery but Hess came parachuting
down on a Scottish moor near the
ducal estate - seeking his answer.
Wednesday night this German-
language broadcast went out from
" . ..we agree with the German
propagandists; Hess desires peace.
We also agree that he is in the pos-
session of secret information. But
isn't it more likely that the Nazis
are worried more about the fate
of Germany than of Great Bri ;
Nazis Claim Hess
Has 'Messiah Complex'
(By The Associated Press)
BERLIN, May 14.-High Nazi
sources declared tonight that Deputy
Fuehrer Rudolf Hess was a political
incompetent who flew to Britain un-
der the spell of a messiah complex,
believing he could end the war and
fly home to Germany in about two
Berlin will disavow any peace pro-
posals he might make in England, it
was asserted, but on the other hand
the Nazis denied that he carried any
documeits likely to disclose German
state or military secrets and insisted
he was not a traitor.
That he was no turncoat was in-
dicated by his action in permitting his
Messerschmitt 110 fighter plane to
crash while he parachuted to earth in
Scotland at dusk Saturday, the Nazis
said. Had he landed the plane, it
might have given the English some
Messerschmitt construction details,
it was asserted here.
Entries Made
For Fraternity
Sing Program
Twelve fraternities will enter the
finals of the annual Interfraternity
Sing Wednesday on the steps of the
Main Library.
Each of the fraternities is to have
a sorority sponsor "rooting" for them,
and Pi Beta Phi will again provide an
all girl selection for the program.
Eliminations will be held Monday,
May 19, in the Union and the League.
At this time the 12 fraternities chos-
en by the judges will be named for
final contest Wednesday.
Accommodations for 1,500 people

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Ruthven Lends Support To Tag Day,
Urges Contributions To Student Drive

President Ruthven placed the
stamp of official commendation on
the University Fresh Air Camp Tag
Day tomorrow in a statement released
to The Daily yesterday expressing
wholehearted approval of "the efforts
of the student body to secure the
necessary funds for this enterprise."
The text of the statement is given
"In the 20 years that the University
Fresh Air Camp has been maintained,
the University of Michigan has be-
come very proud of the enterprise.
It is my opinion that the Camp turns
young lives in the direction of physi-
cal, mental and spiritual health.
"It is hoped that those who can-
not actively participate in the Camp's

the official "go-ahead-signal" in a
statement issued by Ann Arbor's
Mayor Leigh J. Young, who is also
a member of the, Fresh Air Camp


the drive "one

of the


that make possible this four weeks
vacation for these boys are secured
through the Tag Day drive and from
private contributions.
Prof. H. N. Menefee, of the mech-
anical engineering department, direc-
tor of the camp, has set a goal of
$1,500 for this year's drive.
Various student organizations have
been requested to aid in the cam-
paigning by providing volunteers to
man the various posts on campus and
in' the downtown districts. The
names and posts of student volunteers
will be announced in tomorrow's Daily,
along with instructions to those par-
ticipating in the collections.
The Fresh Air Camp has been in
existence for 20 years, every summer
providing a vacation for boys who

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