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August 26, 1941 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-08-26

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WIM4fESflAV. FEBRUARtY 26, 1941



.. :... Fa a~ .M Ia C HIGs:R . .A N tBw.i. i/ A .L..11 P11

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Will Challenge Engineers

With Crease Ball April 4

LwStudents %FcthSmiles And Tickets To 'Wynx' Ruthven Tea os eg eT ~ ~ d
Chose eage~~to~~ody

Frosh Frolic Ticket Sale

To Open

For Formal

-t 1 1.Nv. 1 oday In Union Lobby

Housemothers From Honored

Richard Roberts And Sidney
Salzman Selected Co-Chairmen
Of Annual Barrister's Dance
The date for the annual lawyer-,
engineer feud has been set for April
4, the night when Crease 'Ball and
Slide Rule Ball will be held by the
respective organizations.
Richard S. Roberts, '41L, and Sid-
ney J. Salzman, '41L, have been chos-
en as co-chairmen of the lawyers'
ball ,which will be held in the ball-
room of the League. James French,
'41L, president of the senior class,
Committeemen Are Chosen
Central committee positions will be
held by Fred Niketh, '41L; Harold
Van Dornelen, '41L; Robert Kleiner,
'41L, and Walter Knutson, '41L. As-.
sisting on the work for the dance are:
Robert Gillis, '41L; Robert Cooper,
'41L; Edward McDonough, '41L; Al-
fred Rothman, '41L, Robert Knee-
land, '41L; Elizabeth Durfee, '41L;
Robert Irwin, '41L; and Robert Fer-
guson, '41L.,
The 1941 "Raw Review" edition will
be edited by Philip S. Durfee, '43L;I
and Robert Glass, '41L, while assis-
tants working on the edition will be
John McFate, '41L; Harold Rosen,
'41L; and William Kraft, '42L. The re-
view is a publication put out every
year and will be distributed at the
Tickets Will Be Limited
Tickets will be limited to 300 and
will be put on sale at $4.00 each.
The band for the dance will be an-I
nounced at a later date. Last year
Jimmy Joy and his orchestra playedr
for the affair. Joy, known for his
clarinet technique, had played at the
Waldorf-Astoria and the Hotel New'
Yorker in New York, the Drake in
Chicago, and the Beverly Wilshire in
Los Angeles. ,
The feud between the lawyers and
the engineers is of long standing,
dating from the time when the two'
groups used the same building for
League, Union
Sponsor New
Date Bureau

Organizations Will Be Pourers I Tickets will go on sale from 1 p.m. I novel ever undertaken by a Frosh
Officiating at the tea table for the to 5 p.m. today in the lobby of the Frolic committee.
Ruthven student reception to be held Union for Frosh Frolic which the Freshman Activities Depicted
at the President's home this after- Class of 1944 will bring forth March A huge bluebook with adequate
subject matter will frame the band
noon will be Mrs. Florence Preston, of 14 with "A Freshmans Nightmare" and a large airbrush painting depict-
Alumnae House and Mrs. Dane Pop- setting an appropriate theme for the ing various freshman activities will
pleton of Tyler House, from 4 p.m. to hannualidance.hang at one end of the ballroom in
ne "Seat" Davis will provide a revelation of the why of "A Fresh-
5 p.m., followed by Mrs. Boaler Rowles the musical background while the man's Nightmare".
of Collegiate Sorosis and Mrs. Flor- Union ballroom will be transformed A Tree of Knowledge containing
ence Orbison of Delta Delta Delta, into an atmosphere in keeping with articles snatched from college life
5 p.m. to 6 p.m. the theme of the Frolic. Bernard will be placed in the foyer of the
have Brown, publicity chairman, has said ballroom. Completing the decora-
beenureceiveiaby10icapus groupsthat the decorations will be the most tions will be a large revolving mir-
been received by 1 campus groups, ----__-__-- rored ball which will hang from the
all students are welcome to attend.iJGPst-studded ceiling and reflect the'
The honored organizations include Tyu;colored spotlights to be played upon
Alumnae House, Chi Psi, Collegiate1 For Second Audition it
Sororsis, Delta Delta Delta, Delta Tau Davis' Band Acclaimed
Delta, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Helen All JGP tryouts who have been Johnnie "Scat" Davis and his or-
.Easked to return for a second audi- chestra has been acclaimed as the
Newberry Residence, Theta Delta Chi, I tion are to report to the Grand "Band of the Year" and has recently
Theta Xi and Tyler House of the jRapids room of the League at 4 p.m. starred in several motion pictures in
East Quadrangle. today. Women who find it impossi- Hollywood.
Rosebud Scott, '42, assisted by ble to come at that time should call Tickets for the dance will be priced
Louise Keatley, '42, will act as stu- Shirley Silver at 2-3119. at $2.75 and will be sold today, to-
doisent harman.Gr2upswiactdasII of The Central Committee will meet morrow and Friday in the lobby of
dent chairman. Groups I and II of at 7 p.m. tomorrow in the Council the Union. For these three days,
the League social committee are to Room of the League, while the Pro- tickets will be sold only to freshmen
assist in the dining room from 4 p.m. gram Committee will meet at 4:45 presenting student identification
to 5 p.m., while groups III and IV p.m. Friday. cards.
assist in the living room. For the All members who cannot attend Late Permission Given
last hour the groups will exchange should call Virginia Drury at 6562. Permission for the dance has been'
duties. I extended by the Offio thi

of Women until 2:30 a.m. as is the
case for the four class dances of
the year.
General chairman of this year's
dance is Marvin Borman. Jane
Pritchard heads the committee on
programs and James Weinstein,
Richard Wald and Arnold Agree are
chairmen of decorations. Elizabeth
Bunnell is in charge of patrons and
Clifford Straehley heads -the com-
mittee on music.
Meeting For Tutors
Will Be Tomorrow
A meeting for all women who tu-
tored last semester and those who
wish to tutor this semester will be
held at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in the
League, Margaret Hubbard, '41,
chairman of the tutorial committee,
has announced.
Tutoring will begin next week and
will continue until several weeks be-
fore final exams. Twenty-five cents
an hour is charged for tutoring, and
students are urged to take advantage
of the system early.
There is a particular need, Miss
Hubbard added, for tutors of chem-


Juniors Marney Gardner and Betty Fariss flash winning smiles and
tickets to "Wynx," dance to be held from 9 to 1 a.m. Friday in the Union.
Both are members of Wyvern, junior women's society which is cooperat-
ting with Sphinx, junior men's honor group, to sponsor their combined
informal dance with music by Bill Sawyer and special door prizes. Tick-
ets may be obtained from members of the two groups or at the door.
180Elegance Is Recaptured
In Costumes For New Play
By GLORIA DONEN boasting flounces at the knee. A
and LOIS SHAPIRO lovely yellow dress, edged in white
All of the rich and elegant ma- lace through which black ribbon is
terials, the deep color tones of the strung, is worn in the last act.
clothing characteristics of the middle Trafalgar, the old maiden aunt in
nineteenth century have been recap- the play, is seen in pale grey bro-
tured by Emma Mellencamp's cos- caded satin gown, which has lace
tume for Play Production's presenta- at the neck and a fitted three-quar-
tion, 'Trelawney of the Wells,' which ter sleeve. Imogene the nasty-tem-
opens at 8:30 p.m. today at the Lydia 'pered actress of the Wells Co., wears
Mendelssohn Theatre. a purple velvet dress with showers
Rose Trelawney, the sweet and of ruffles that look like petticoats.
delicate ingenue, who has the fem- The outfit is worn with a hat, and
inine lead in the play, has four cos- brings to mind the old-fashioned
tume changes. In Act I she wears riding habits.
a white flowered muslin gown, All the dresses in the play are worn
trimmed with ribbon-bound ruffles, over huge hoops which look like bird
In the second act Rose wears a cages. They are made of Swedish
white Chinese silk gown trimmed tempered steel and are strung on
with green ribbons and rosettes and , tapes.


} istry, physics, psychology, foreign
languages, geology and mathematics.

i r.nucaaucu uy Ii1C Vll1t:C Ui 4i1C LJCdil

Tryouts Will Meet
There will be a meeting at 4:30
p.m. tomorrow at the Gargoyle
office in the Student Publications
Building for all people interested
in trying out for the business staff
of the Gargoyle. Freshmen and
sophomores are urged to attend.

Interviews Continue
Interviewing for Central Commit-
tee positions on Freshman Project
will continue from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
today, tomorrow and Friday, in the
Judiciary Council Room of the
League. Freshman women who wish
to be interviewed are advised to come
early and to bring their eligibility


Latest result of cooperation be-
tween the League and the Union is
the new Acquaintance Bureau, which
will conduct interviews with candi-
dates for something new and differ-
ent in dates; interviews will be
from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. every Wednes-
day and Thursdpy in the League
Council Room.
This project is headed by Dick
Strain, '42, and Lois Basse, '42. In-
terviews are to be conducted with a
careful eye to matching up person-
alities. Last semester's bureau, al-
though it only ran a short while,
made more than 150 dates, according
to Strain.
A permanent file of the interview
results will be kept. Besides Miss
Basse and Strain, five assistants will
be in charge of the project. They
are Murray Markland, '42, Buell Mor-
ley, '42, Andrew Caughey, '43, Bar-
bara McLaughlin, '43, and Mary Has-
kell, '42.
Wesleyan Foundation
To Hold Box Social
And Square Dance
If she can't cook like her mother,
she can at least prove that she ties
an attractively deceiving package at
the old fashioned box social and
square dance to be held at the Wes-
leyan Foundation 9 p.m. to 12 p.m.
Boxes are smuggled in secrecy to
the auction block, and following a
few whirls of square dancing under
the direction of a Ford Foundation
"caller," the bidding begins. In each
case the most persistent man buys
not only the ribbons, cookies, sand-
wiches and cakes, but the company
of the young lady whose name he
finds inside the wrappings.
In order to give dormitory girls
equal chance in competition with sor-
ority and Ann Arbor residents, a
group will gather in the Foundation
kitchen Friday afternoon to pack
boxes with Mildred Sweet, student
Friends and members of the Meth-
odist Student Guild must sign their
intention to attend before Friday:
Proceeds are to be used for a schol-
arship fund for a refugee student.
-LA. ~A~-m

new blouses for your Spring
suits - they're an important
addition to every Spring out-
fit. A tailored silk shirt for
informality, or a frilly one to
dress suit yourself.
1.95 to 5.59





SWEATERS AND siki S - the
old standby - now in new
Springy colors and styles.
We're featuring pastels and
checks, and a brand new idea
in skirt design - a four-way
skirt, which you can wear
with the zipper in back, in
front, or on either side.


r £'


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s , .,:.

I -N19.
S y pti'& 0
9\~C\X4Q ax £
'80 o
v( 1KW ti I


S weate4rs

.. _


Th Fashion Tide
has tUrne NA Y
..a And it's "sweeping" all
smart women along with it!
These stunning Connies will
make your costumes corn-
plete! Both of ELASTICIZED
een in Vogue, GABARDINE ... thr "spec"
squire, Madf'moiselle with Genuine Ring Liz,.rd...

T eW-o~





.... ...p I



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a 1.


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