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May 09, 1941 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-05-09

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FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1941



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FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1941
VOL. L No. 155
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
membeo' of the University.
Procedure for Deferment and Post-
ponement of Military Service: Effec-
tive May 5, 1941. Students who wish
the University to participate in their
request for deferment (Class 2-A, Oc-
cupational Deferment) should seek
the counsel of their faculty advisors.
Students are not to be deferred or
their induction postponed in groups,
but the draft boards are authorized
to consider each -student's request
and weigh the evidence presented by
the University. Students who have
filed their questionnaires and re-
ceived their classifications are now
classified in 1-D (all students). They
are to be reclassified by their draft
boards before, the end of the college
year, certainfy before July 1. The
authority to place a student in a par-
ticular classification lies with the
local draft board. It is the responsi-
bility of the University to assist the
students and the draft boards so
that decisions can be made intelli-
gently. The attitude of the Univer-
sity authority may vary from a state-
ment of fact with no suggestion as
to deferment or postponement to a
detailed interpretation of the stu-
dent's record and a definite recom-.
mendation for his deferment. TheE
individual consideration of each stu-
dent's request will be based upon
three factors: scholarship, time of
graduation, and relation of field of
study to National Defense as it
concerns the national health, safe-
ty, and interest. The better the
scholarship, the shorter the time be-
fore receiving a degree for which the
student is registered, and the closer
his work is to the needs of the Na-
tional Defense program, the stronger
will be the recommendation of the
University authority to the local draft
The National Headquarters of the
Selective Service System has an-
nounced a list of fields of study in
which there is a shortage of pre-
pared men and of those in training
as follows: chemistry, engineering,
dentistry, pharmacy, physics, medi-
cine, biology and bacteriology, geol-
ogy, geophysics, meteorology, hydrol-
.- I

ogy and cartography. Another list is
in preparation which will be pub-
lished as soon as it is received from
Washington. No doubt there arej
many other fields than those namedj
above which are necessary for na-j
ional defense. The University ad-
visors are charged with the task of
making recommendations in accord-
ance with their judgment.
The student should prepare a state-
ment of his request in affidavit form
addressed to his draft board and pre-
sent it to his advisor as indicated in
the following schedule:
Collegd'of Literature, Science, and
the Arts: Students who have been
admitted to concentration should con-
sult their concentration advisors,
whose statement or recommendations,
after being approved by the depart-
mental chairmen will be forwarded
to Dean E. H. Kraus for review and
preparation for transmittal to the
draft boards. Students not yet eli-
gible for admission to concentration
should consult Professor Arthur Van
Duren, whose statements or recom-
mendations will be forwarded to Dean
E. H. Kraus for review and prepara-
tion for transmittal to the draft
College of Engineering: Students
should consult the heads of their
chosen professional departments, who
will forward their recommendations
to Dean I. C. Crawford for review,
action and transmittal to the draft
Medical School: Students, internes,
and those accepted for admission to
the Medical School for the fall of
1941 should consult Dean A. C. Furs-

for such postponement should con-
sult with the advisors as listed in
the schedule above.
Louis A. Hopkins, Chairman
University Committee on
National Defense
Note to Seniors, June Graduates, and
Graduate Students: Please file appli -
cation for degrees or any special cer-
tificates (.e. Geology Certificate,
Journalism Certificate, etc.) at once
if you expect to receive a degree or
certificate at Commencement in
June. We cannot guarantee that the
University will confer a degree or
certificate at Commencement upon
any student who fails to file such ap-
plication before the close of business
on Wednesday, May 21. If applica-
tion is received later than May 21,
your degreeor certificate may not
be awarded until next fall.
Candidates for degrees or certifi-
cates may fill out cards at once at
office of the secretary or recorder of
their own school or college (students
enrolled in the College of Literature,
Science and the arts, College of Arch-
itecture and Design, School of Music,
School of Education, and School of
Forestry and Conservation, please
i note that application blanks may be
obtained and filed in the Registrar's
Office, Room 4, University Hall).
Please do not delay until the last
day, as more than 2,500 diplomas
and certificates must be lettered,
signed, and sealed and we shall be
greatly helped in this work by the
'early filing of applications and the
resulting longer period for prepara-
The filing of these applications does

Subjects Offered by Members of the
Reports of the Standing Commit-
cees: Program and Policy, E. B. Sta-
son; Educational Policies, W. G. Rice:
Student Relations, A. Marn; Public
Relations, I. M. Smith; Plant and
Equipment, R. W. Hammett.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
Suspension of Classes in the School
of Music: By action of the School of
Music Faculty on May 6, all music
classes (with the exception of C211)
and individual lessons are suspend-
ed through May 10.
Earl V. Moore, Director
Schicl of Forestry and Conserva-
tion Asembly: Mr. S. G. Fontana,
Deputy Director of the Michigan
State Department of Conservation,
wlvl speak at an assembly of the
School of Forestry and Conservation
at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, May 12, in
the amphitheater of the Rackham
Building. All students in the School
of Forestry and Conservation are ex-
pected to attend and classes will be
dismissed for that purpose. Any
others interested are cordially invited.
S. T. Dana, Dean
Commencement Announcements
may no longer be secured from the
various Class Committees. However,
a limited quantity of booklets and
folds for all Senior Classes except
Law, Medicine. and Dentistry, is now
available at Burr, Patterson, and
Auld Company, 1209 South Univer-
sity Avenue.
Playwrighting Contest. Announce-
ment of the national Charles H. Ser-
gel One-Act Play Contest (University
of Chicago), offering a prize of $500
for the winning play, has been re-
ceived by the Department of English.
Not more than two manuscripts may
be selected for submission from one
university. The contest is open to
any undergraduate student of the
University. Manuscripts for consid-
eration must be left in the English
Office, 3221 A.H., by May 20. A copy
of the rules is available for consul-
tation in the English Office.
Education Seniors: The names of
all Education seniors will appear in
the Commencement announcement
booklets regardless of whether or not
they pay class dues. Senior class
dues are used to pay for our page
in the 'Ensian and for social activi-
ties, and any surplus is turned over
to the alumni fund. Dues may be
paid to Laura Katzenel or members
of the finance committee.
Tickets for the Student Scholar-
ship Dance may be secured at the
Union desk or from any Student

versity Musical Society announces
,hat May Festival concerts will take
place as follows:
THIRD CONCERT, today, 2:30
p.m. Suzanne Sten, mezzo-soprano;
Jose Iturbi, pianist; The Philadel-
phia Orchestra; The Youth Chorus;
Saul Caston and Juva Higbee, con-
FOURTH CONCERT, tonight, 8:30
p.ni. Dorothy Maynor, soprano; The
Philadelphia Orchestra; Eugene Or-
mandy, conductor.
FIFTH CONCERT, Saturday, 2:30
p.m. Jascha Heifetz, violinist; The
Philadelphia Orchestra; Eugene Or-
mandy, conductor.
SIXTH CONCERT, Saturday, 8:30
p.m. Excerpts from "Eugene One-
gin" by Tschaikowsky. Jarmila No-
vEtna, soprano;, Suzanne Sten, mez-
zo-soprano; Enid Szantho, contralto;
Charles Kullman, tenor; Mack Har-
rell, baritone; Norman Cordon, bass;
The Philadelphia Orchestra; Uni-
versity Choral Union; Thor Johnson,
The University Musical. Society re-
spectfully requests the sympathetic
cooperation of the public in the mat-
ter of being seated promptly, and con-
forming to traffic and other regu-
lations, to the end that all programs
may begin promptly- and may be con-
tinued without confusion or embar-
rassment of any kind.
Charles A. Sink, President
May Festival tickets: All remain-
ing May Festival tickets will be on
sale at the Box Office at the right
end of the outer corridor in Hill Audi-
torium. A limited number of tickets
are available for several of the con-
certs, and during the Festival stand-
ing room tickets will be available.
Charles A. Sink, President
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will present
a recital from 7:15 to 8:00 p.m. Sun-
day, May 11, in the Burton Memorial
Tower. A number of Negro spirituals,
a composition for the carillon by
Kikstat, and works by Monteverdi,
Henry VIII, Ford, and Chopin will
be included in the program.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: A collection of color
prints by Van Eyck of an altar piece
in the Ghent Cathedral, loaned by
Professor Eunice Wead, is being
shown in the ground floor corridor
cases. Open daily 9 to 5 except Sun-
day through May 10. The public is
Exhibition: Paintings by Oscar Ko-
koschka, May 7-20, at the Rackham
Building presented by the Ann Arbor
Art 4ssociation and the Institute of

presentative from every house com-
peting in the Lantern Night Sing is
requested to be present at the draw-
ing for places in the sing, today at
3:30 p.m. at the W.A.B.
Westminster Student Guild: O15en
House and refreshments after thel
May Festival Concert tonight, 10:30-
Harris Hall: Tea will be served to-
day from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. All Epis-
copal students and their friends are
cordially invited.j
Coming Events
U.S. Naval Flying Exhibition! The
U.S. Naval Reserve Aviation Base at
Grosse Ile has invited any persons
in the University who wish to attend
the flying exhibition and demonstra-
tions between 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.,
Saturday, \ay 10, at the Base. If the
weather is bad on Saturday, the ex-
hibition will be held at the same time
on Sunday.
Economics Club: Professor William
Haber will address the Club on "Some
Problems of Economic Policy of the
Post Defense Period" on Monday,
May 12, at 8:00 p.m. in the Amphi-
theater of the Rackham Building.
Graduate students and staff mem-
bers in Economics and Business Ad-
ministration are cordially invited.
Varsity Glee Club meets Tuesday,
May 13, in the Glee Club Room of the
Union at 7:30 p.m. Elections of offi-
cers will be held. The annual Glee
Club banquet will be held in the
Union on Wednesday, May 14, at
6;15 p.m. All members are expected
to attend. Reservations must be
made by Tuesday evening. Final

music refunds will

be given Tuesday

International Center's Intramural
Night. Monday, May 12, the Annual
Intramural Night for the Interna-
tional Center will be held in the In-
tramural Building from 7:30 to 11
o'clock. The finals will be played in
basketball and other indoor sports;
there will be exhibitions of the vari-
ous activities of the Center, and
films of the program of the, Center
for the past year will be. shown
throughout the evening. Everyone is
invited to attend. Admission is free.
Graduate Outing Club will meet
Sunday at 2:30 p.m. in clubroom in
Rackham Building (Use northwest
entrance). Business meeting to vote
on proposed amendment to By-laws,
and to consider p ans for the coin-
ing square dance. Hiking and soft-
ball game. Supper at 6:00 p.m. in
clubroom (reservations must be made
at afternoon meeting). All graduate
students are cordially invited.
Reserve Officers Association will
meet Monday, May 12, in Room 304
of the Michigan Union at 7:15 p.m.
Lt. G. A. Liedholz will discuss "Pro-
perty Accountability and Responsibil-
ity; Care and Marking of Equip-
ment." All Reserve Officers are in-
vited to attend. Inactive duty credit
will be provided.
The Disciples Guild will leave the
Guild House Sunday afternoon at
4:00 p.m. for a trip to the Saline
Valley Farms. Those expecting to
make the. trip are urged to make
reservations at the Guild House, 438
Maynard St. ('phone 5838) by to-


tenerg, wno wi-forward his recom- I not involve the payment of any fee'
mendations to the draft boards. whatsoever.
Law School: Students should con- Shirley W. Smith
suilt Dean E. B. Stason, who will for-
ward his statements or recommenda- T
tions to the draft boards To Students Graduating at Cor-
College of Pharmacy: Students mencement, June 21, 1941: The bur-
should consult Director H. B. Lewis, den of mailing diplomas to mem-
who will forward his recommenda- bers of the graduating class who do
tions to the draft boards. not personally call for their diplomas
School of Dentistry: Students and has grown until in 1940 it cost the
those accepted for admission to the University over $400 to perform this
School of Dentistry for the fall of service. The rule has been laid down,
1941 should consult Dean R. W. as a result, 'that diplomas not called
Bunting, who will forward his recon- for at the Sports Building immedi-
mendations to the draft boards. ately after the Commencement Ex-
ercises or at the University Business
College of Architecure and Design :'Office within three business days
Students should consult Dean W. I. after Commencement will be mailed
Bennett, who will forward his state- C.O.D. The mailing cost will be ap-
ments or recommendations to the proximately 30c for the larger sized
draft boards. rolled diplomas and 45c for the book
School of Education: Undergradu- form.
ates should consult Dean J. B. Ed- Will each graduate, therefore, be
monson, who will forward his state- certain that the Diploma Clerk has.
ments or recommendations to the his correct mailing address to insure
draft boards. delivery by mail. The U.S. Mail
School of Business Administration: Service will, of course, return all
Students and those accepted for ad- diplomas which cannot be delivered.
mission for the fall of 1941 should d c eofas verseh c n o nsd abrod,
consult Dean C. E. Griffin, who will Because of adverse conditions abroad,
forardhisrecmmedat msto heforeign students should leave ad-
forward his recommendations to the dresses in the United States, if pos-
draft boards.siltwhc dioms ayb
Graduate School: Students should sible, to which diplomas may be
consult their advisors, whose state- mailed'.
nients or recommendations, after be- It is preferred that ALL diplomas
ing approved by departmental chair- be personally called for.
men, will be forwarded to Dean C. Herbert G. Watkins,
S. Yoakum for review, action, and Assistant Secretary
transmittal to the draft boards.
School of Fores4y and Conserva- Communications to the Regents:
tion: Students and those accepted Those who wish to present communi-
for admission for the fall of 1941 cations for consideration by the Re-
should consult Dean S. T. Dana, who gents are requested to present them
will forward his recommendations to at least eight days before the next
the draft boards. ensuing meeting at the office of Miss
School of Music: Undergraduate Edith J. Smith, Budget Assistant to
and graduate students should con- the President, 1006 Angell Hall. Fif-
sult Director E. V. Moore, who will teen copies of each communication
forward his statements or recom- should be prepared and left with Miss
mendations to the draft boards. Smith. (Please note that one more
POSTPONEMENT OF INDUCTION copy is requested than in previous
For those students to whom it years). A uniform type of paper is
would be a hardship to be inducted in- used for communications to the
to the national service at a particu- Board of Regents, a supply of which
lar time, there is announced a pos- may be procured at the Office of theI
sible postponement of induction for Vice-President and Secretary.
a period of about sixty days. Stu- - ---_
dents who decide to make request i
- To the Members of the Unaive rsity

Forsythe's Advice To Stude s
Beware Of Poison Ivy, Blisters

If its about 12 to 18 inches high, a
rather erect shrub with three-leafed
shoots, bright green in color with
possibly irregular spots on the leaves
or some berries, don't pluck it for
your flower vase-it's poison ivy.
This is the advice of Dr. Warren'
E. Forsythe, director of Health Serv-
ice, who reports that the annual trek
of hibernating campusites going back
to nature has begun to file into the
Beware of the above described
plant, and if you think that you have
been exposed to poison ivy, wash with
a good strong laundry soap, or even
gasoline or alcohol which should be
followed by a soap and water rinsing,
Dr. Forsythe suggested.
In unusual cases it has been pos-
sible to catch poison ivy by standing
in smoke from a prairie being burned
out of the weed.'
With the advent of mild weather
many students are trying to get a
head start on that attractive coat of
sun tan.
Dr. Forsythe warned that students
should be careful not to try to take
the burn all at once but in gradual,

doses. Bright sunlight, particularly
on the water where reflection gives
double exposure, is to be guarded
The sudden enthusiasm for out-
door sports such as golf, tennis, base-
ball and hiking has resulted in the
usual number of blistered feet and

I ~~.-.-.-..------- -- -
We know that you are enjoying
a wonderful "collegiate" week-
end with your daughters. We
would like to add to the total
perfection by doing your hair-
styling for Mother's Day.


The University Bureau of Appoint- Fine Arts.
ments and Occupational Information-
has received notice of the following Lectures
United States Civil Service Exam- fy
inations. Application may be filed University Lecture: Professor Otto
until further notice. Neugebauer of Brown University will
Senior Procurement Inspector, sal- lecture on'the subject, "Problems and
ary $2,600. Methods in Ancient Astronomy," (il-
Procurement Inspector, $2,300. lustrated) under the auspices of the
Assistant Procurement Inspector, Department of Mathematics at 4:15
$2,000. p.m. on Wednesday, May 14, in the
a Junior Procurement Inspector, $1,- Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is
620. cordially invited.
Complete announcement on file at
the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Office University Lecture: Professor R. B.
hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Mowat of the University of Bristol,
PEngland, will lecture on the subject,
thPetitioning for Junior Girls Play, "Literature and Society in Eighteent
this week to Saturday noon, also in"Ltrtr-adSceyi"Egtet

qTA F1 1 FR'c


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Every Friday
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Senate: The second regular meeting
of the University Senate will be held
on Monday, May 19, at 4:15 p.m. in
the Rackham Lecture Hall.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
To the Members of the University
Council: There will be a meeting of
the University Council on Monday,
May 12, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 1009
Approval of the Minutes.
Report of the Committee for the
Bureau of Appointments and Occu-
pational Information, G. E. Myers.
Report of the Committee on Stu-
den Affairs, J. A. Bursley.
Report of the Committee on the
University Extension Service, C. A.
Report of the Committee on Uni-
versity Lectures, L. M. Eich.

eludes the position of Bookholder on
the Central Committee. Petitions may
also be submitted to Recorder, Assist-
ant Dance, Music, and Costume
Chairmanships. These positions are
not on the Central Committee.
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
be held in Room 319, West Medical
Building, Saturday, May 10, at 10:00
a.m. Subject: "Renin and Angioton-
ip. Biochemical Factors in Experi-I
mental Hypertension." All interested
are invited.
Anthropology 32 and Anthropology
152 will not meet today.
Speech Majors (Juniors): Please
snake appointments in Room 3211
Angell Hall to see your concentration
advisor during the week of May 12.
Other. Speech students may make,
appointments if they wish.
W. P. Ialstead


Century England -under the auspices
of the Department of History at 4:15
p.m. on Tuesday, May 20, in the
I Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is
'cordially invited.

Henry Russel Lecture: Harrison M.
Randall, Professor Emeritus of the
Department of Physics, will lecture
on the subject, "The Role of Infra-
red0 Spectroscopy in Modern Physics
(illustrated) at 4:15 p.m. on Tues-
(illustrated) at 4:15 p.m. on Tues-
day, May 13, in the Rackham Lecture
Hall. On this occasion announce-
ment of the Henry Russel Award for
1940-41 will be made. The public is
cordially invited.
Events Today
Carillon Programs: The bell cham-
ber of the Burton Memorial Tower
will be open to visitors interested in
observing the playing of the carillon
from 12 noon to 12:15 p.m. today,
at which time Prof. Percival Price,j
University Carillonneur, will present
an informal program.
Lantern Night Participants: A re-

Arthur Murray'.
When girls who dance day and
night are enthusiastic about a de
odorant, you can be sure it's good
Odororio Crea'm meets even the
charm requirements of Arthur
Murray's busy teachers. It checks
perspiration safely for 1 to 3 days
It is non-irritating, non-greasy
Follow the lead of the girls
whose jobs depend on dain-
tiness! Send for your jar of
Odorono Cream today! '..


j K



May Festival Concerts: The Uni-





94 Dramnatic Seastso
MAY 19 --JUNE 21
Ruth Gordon, Sylvia Sidney, Luther Adler,




et's dine
out tonight!
challenge to Mother's finest
linary efforts- yet priced to





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