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May 07, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-05-07

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Publisher every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc,
College Publishers Representative
420 MADISON AVE. NEW Yosm. N. Y.
'Rember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41

Emile Gele
Robert Speckhard
Albert P. Blausteir
David Lachenbruct
Bernard Dober .
Alvin Dann
Hal Wilson
Arthur Hill
Janet Hiatt
Grace Miller

Editorial Staff
. . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
n. . . . . . City Editor
h . . . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
* . . .Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
Women's Editor
. . Assistant Women's Editor
Business Staff
. . . Business Manager
. . Assistant Business Manager
. Women's Advertising Manager
. . Women's Business Manager



H. Huyett
B. Collins
Wright .

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the view's of the
writers only.
Strengthen Our
Cultural Relations .. .
A PRESS AND RADIO brought dis-
turbing news of the trend 'of Pan-
American good-will at the end of last week.
Reports said that a movie audience in Buenos
Aires got up and walked out on the Hollywood-
produced movie, "Argentine Night." Buenos
Aires newspapers warned that Hollywood must
stop presenting Argentina as a tropical country
and that the good-will program will run a snag
if Hollywood bungles its South American movies.
THIS IS INDEED an alarming situation in the
area so vital to our defense. Our whole
defense program and foreign policy is based on
protecting the Western Hemisphere, and the
United States has tried to, inaugurate all sorts
of trade agreements and Pan-American coali-
tions to unite that Hemisphere. However, it
obviously takes more than trade, financial and
even military arrangements to secure full hemi-
sphere cooperation. Exchange of culture in the
form of literature, students and movies plays
an important role.
IT IS extremely disheartening, therefore, to
hear of the Buenos Aires incident. If this is
the way Hollywood responds to its duty in South
America, it is pathetic. One would assume that,
with the huge European market entirely cut off
except for the British Isles, movie pro-
ducers would do their best to increase the Latin-
American market. Their mistakes can be ex-
plained either by the failure to have accurate
observers in South America finding out what
Latin audiences prefer or their blind disinterest
in the effects of their productions on U.S.-
Pan-American relations. The latter possibility
can probably be ruled out. Hollywood producers
are as patriotic as anyone. It is just as probably
true, nevertheless, that Hollywood has not been
as careful as it might have been in handling
pictures in South America.
THE CHALLENGE, then, to the great motion-
picture minds of America is clear. They
must conduct studies in Latin-America and
establish just what appeals to their audiences.
it would even be wise to import South American
actors and actresses to appear in movies made
especially for distribution among our Southern
neighbors. After all, Hollywood-made movies
are generally popular in South America. The
movie industry has, thus, a great opportunity
to tightenI the bonds between the Americas.
- George W. Sallade
Equal Accommodations
The United States Supreme Court has decided
that if one Negro customer wishes to buy a Pull-
man ticket the railroad must, if necessary, put
an additional car on the train to accommodate
him. This is one complication in the long effort
to reconcile equality of treatment with the seg-
regation of races which prevails in Southern
All adjustments work momentary hardships,
and this one is apt to be expensive in a numb
of instances to Southern railroads and to the
Pullman company. Yet the railroad involved
In this suit has put a new, clean, air-conditioned
"noah into service in nlaco nf the nn which ws

False Impression
To the Editor:
FEEL that your headline may 6th to the effect
that the faculty discussion of The Daily
question was "heated" might give a false im-
pression, which, as the faculty member responsi-
ble for initiating the discussion, I should like
to avoid.
IF by "'heated" you mean "vigorous" you are
correct; if you mean "bitter" you are incor-
rect. Professor McLaughlin told me this morning
that he had welcomed the opportunity to discus
the matter in a friendly spirit and to bring full
information as to the facts before the faculty.
THE PROTESTS that have been made in your
columns have been very valuable in demon-
strating that the reorganization plan should not
be adopted without much fuller discussion. I am
very glad that the Board in Control is to confer
with the Board of Regents, and I hope that
conferences between all interested groups will
be possible. I am sure that such conferences
will be invaluaale in arriving at a solution that
is generally satisfactory. - A. Smithies
Positively Pathetic
Pew who heard Senator Wheeler's very unim-
pressive appeal to our University audience will
think that the peace forces of the community
have done their cause a service by bringing him
here. He has personally a winning manner, he,
has a certain adroitness in turning phrases, and
he knows when to wave the flag or make other
emotional appeals that always gain a few hand.
claps even from ,he most apathetic audience.
But in substance, in logic, in consistency of
viewpoint, his speech was positively pathetic.
His violent attacks on China, quite needless for
his main thesis, will win him little favor in Ann
Arbor; his strange belief that the Nazi govern-
lnent which had just broken its promises with
respect to Czechoslovakia would have kept its
promises -with regard to taking only a small part
of Doland staggers credulity; his professions of
sympathy with the British, alternating with vio-
lent attacks upon them, make it impossible to
guess *his real sympathies or opinions on the
issues involved in the war. Within two minutes'
time he will say that the United States is "utterly
unarmed" and "unfit for war," and yet that we
are "absolutely invincible" on our own soil and
"need not fear any attack"; or, again, that "Ger-
many is unconquerable" and (I heard him re-
pat it in direct conversation) "Britain is al-
ready beaten," but on the other hand "no nation
can be conquered from the air" and "Germany
cannot cross twenty miles of salt water to Eng-
land." If such unconstructive, negative, isola-
tionist, inconsistent, irrational speakers as Nye
and Wheeler represent the best thought for
world peace that can be brought here-God help
peace!-- Preston Slosson.
Wheeler's Pipe Dream
WAS GLAD when Senator Wheeler assured
us Monday night that he was not going to
indulge in personalities and that his appeal
would be to the intellect, not the emotions.
Sometime I hope to hear the Senator when he
makes his appeal to the emotions and lets the
intellect go.
America revealed how little his mind has
grasped the nature of totalitarian war as waged
by Hitler. The Senator can only think of in-
vasion in terms of direct military attack in full
force. The Nazis are better strategists than
that. Their first basic principle is never to com-
mit an aggressive act which in itself will force
a peace-loving or fearful nation into war while
that nation is still in a strategically favorable
position; their policy is to commit a series of
minpr aggressions which singly are of little
conequence but which cumulatively put the
victim in a weak or impossible position. Their
second basic principle is to use other nations as

tools in bringing about the fall of the imme-
diate victim. Their third basic principle is to
unite, in one coordinated attack, propaganda,
fifth-column activities, diplomatic pressure,
military threat, and professions of good inten-
tions. Let us consider how these principles will
operate in the event we let the British go dowit
N THAT EVENT the Nazi fleet will consist of
the German; Italian and French navies. It will
include all the ships now on the waves in all of
the countries of continental Western Europe,
as well as those of England. This axis fleet
will out-number ours greatly. The Nazis will
fall heir to a large portion of the British mer-
chant marine. They will have at their disposal
all the ship-building facilities of Western Eur-
ope; they will be able to out-build us at least;
five to one, and our projected two-ocean navy
will be dwarfed.
This means that the Nazis will control the
North and South Atlantic; we will control the
Caribbean and our own coastal waters. Under
these circumstances Nazi penetration, both po-
litical and military, will inevitably follow in
South America. Perhaps the first Nazi move
will be to take over the Falkland Islands. Surely
Senator Wheeler is not going to send American
boys to die fighting for the Falkland Islands.
But once the Nazis have them, Argentina is at
their mercy. The next step will be commercial,
then political, and finally military control of
the eastern South American coast. At what
point is the Senator going to send an A.E.F.?
Let us suppose that the Germans build a super-
commerciaL airbase on the hump of Brazil, with-
in easy bombing distance of our new base on
Trinidad. Surely the Senator is going to wait
until Trinidad is bombed before betraving his

The City Editors
T HESE are the last lines I shall ever write for
The Michigan Daily. That's a simple state-
ment of fact, and also a more complex confes-
sion of sentiment.
Men who go to college find themselves in
different kinds of endeavor. Mine was in The
Daily, simply, completely, absolutely. It is my
education, and as such I'm afraid to let it slip
away. That's why I am writing this several
days after I was supposed to be what the boys
up here call a "has been." Even now I haven't
cleaned out my desk; that would be admitting
I was all done. Like all men who work for The
Daily, I have powerful feelings for it.
This last year has been a cruel one. We
editors have tried with every device in our
command to convince our readers that a
free, self-concerned Daily is far better than
any alternative campus newspaper. We may
have succeeded in this partly, but certainly
not entirely. People,-the most powerful
factions on the campus - still want to
throttle and crush and reorganize The Daily
so that irresponsible smart-aleck kids will
know who's boss.
BUT men who work for The Daily have power-
ful feelings for it. They have always fought
for the student newspaper that has been their
life, and they always will. That does not mean
they will win. Students are not free and inde-
pendent to fight. They must be a pride to their
families, they must graduate and receive a diplo-
ma, they must get a job in June. All these
things must be reconciled in the struggle.
Now a year of that sort of thing is finished
for me. Always I have sought to be honest,
truthful, trustworthy, and at the same time to
contribute my little share to an honest, keen
Michigan Daily that was alive to its responsi-
bilities. As a result, I've had my personal trou-
bles, which aren't important to you, but which
reveal the difficulty with which an individual
defends The Daily. When I graduate in June, it
will be with full knowledge that I alienated the
president of my alma mater. Despite the fact
that I have constantly sought to convince him
that I was genuine and honest in my efforts to
ascertain the truth, President Ruthven told me
at least twice that he "doesn't trust me," and he
has informed other members of The Daily staff
that he possesses little affection for me.
THE NEW DAILY EDITORS will probably face
the same perplexities. It's not going to be
easy for them to oppose war, or Daily reorgan-
ization plans. They will need all the help they
can receive from friends.
As I depart, I want to assure the fledgling
editors that the fight is well worth the sac-
rifice. For 50 years the Michigan Daily has
been an excellent newspaper (today no col-
lege paper is better), the University still re-
ceives its appropriation from Lansing, and
student radicals have departed and grown
up. Students are learning to think, in a way
that the classroom, the bull session, and the
church guild can never duplicate. Thinking
(and informed) men and women are the
one essential element in a Democracy-
particularly a Democracy that is ready to
fight another nation because it is "fascist,"
hence opposed. The Michigan Daily is worth
preserving. In the past our University has
been great (we published a whole supple-
ment to prove this point), and The Daily
has been great.. THERE IS NO LOGICAL
And that's the end of the City Editor's Scratch
- Paul M. Chandler
tudes in regard to South America. There is talk
of applying sanctions against us, cutting off
vital supplies from the Eastern Hemisphere.
At this time the State Department receives a
politely-worded note requesting negotiations
towards internationalizing the Panama Canal,
a proposal backed by an offer to disarm Suez

and Gibraltar.
N THE MEANTIME, we have been arming as
swiftly as possible. Our national debt has
reached the $200 billions which Senator Wheeler
says a war with Germany will create, but the
Axis armaments are bigger than ours and grow-
ing faster. Strikes have long since been pro-
hibited; the economic strain and foreign agents
have engendered anti-Semitic feeling; German
tourists are being welcomed in many circles;
and converts to Fascism are speaking of the fu-
tility of resistance. The wave of the future is
This, of course, is only a skeleton sketch of
the future. But it is realistic. It projects a
future already predictable from Nazi methods
and Nazi achievements.
picture appeared in Tuesday morning's
Daily in an interview. His prophecy is that
Hitler will have his hands so full in administer-
ing the conquered peoples of Europe that his
empire will soon disintegrate and Europe will go
Communist! What evidence can possibly be
found to substantiate such prophecy? Today
the conquered peoples have some reason to risk
their lives in acts of sabotage. The British may
win and their freedom thereby be restored. But
after a British defeat, what Dutchman, what
Norwegian, what Frenchman is going to be fool
enough to throw his life away in a gesture of
futile hate? And even now, when the conquered
peoples have the stimulus of hope, the ruthless-
ness of the Gestapo and the efficiency of Nazi
administration have organized them into per-
petuating their serfdom by producing munitions
for the Nazi machine. Does Senator Wheeler
- - rt- w r l 44,nr.r e yt7rec V4-,n - I

THERE'S A GRAND ROW going on in Ann Arbor.
The outgoing editors of The Michigan Daily, stu-
dent publication, claim that the Board of Regents and
a section of the faculty want to "pack" the Board in
Control of Student Publications, which names the exec-
utives of The Daily, in order to control its policy in the
interests of conservatism. This interpretation, says
President Ruthven, is "ridiculous."
Well, to the Commentator the whole situation is
ridiculous. The facts, so far as they can be gleaned,
are these:
During the college year 1939-40, some members of
the University faculty became disturbed about the
"radical" tone of editorials and letters published in The
Daily. They argued that The Daily was not really rep-'
resentative of campus opinion. They believed it was
giving people throughout the state an idea that the
University was a center of sedition, and that a great
deal of harm might result, especially when a conserva-
tive Legislature discussed the University budget. So
they got up a petition, asking that something be done;
and Dr. Ruthven referred said petition to the University
Council and the Board of Regents.
The Council appointed a committee to investigate and
study; and the committee, it is said, decided in favor of
increasing faculty membership on the Board in Control.
The report was accepted by the Council and transmitted
to the Regents, who, it is related, adopted it last Decem-
ber as part of a revision of their by-laws-a revision
which is still going on. But the Regents said nothing
about the matter.
Last week, the Board in Control was asked to adopt
a resolution changing its organization to conform with
the action of the Board of 'Regents.
Mystery And Silence
THESE STATEMENTS are not attested by the Com-
mentator. He takes them from the Michigan Daily,
which spent three days trying to dig them out of mys-
tery and silence,
Mystery and silence seem to be a cardinal feature of
University policy. Try to get a plain tale from anyone
in authority, and see how far you get. It was thus in
connection with the famous invitation to the 13 stu-
dents, last June, not to try to remain in the University;
a matter in which President Ruthven took the raps,
though many believed he was covering-up for Council,
or Regents, or both.
The Board in Control of Student Publications is com-
posed of four faculty members and three students, who
vote, and two alumni members who have no vote. The
present proposal is to add two faculty members, and
allow the two alumni members to vote. The Board
would then consist of six faculty members, three stu-
dents, and two alumni members.
The out-going Daily staff calls this "packing." It

points out that hitherto the student members, even if
they stand together, could not control policies unless a'
faculty member sided with them. Adding two faculty
members puts the student members in a smaller minor-
ity. Even if the two alumni members vote with the
students, the faculty members can control. The Daily,
say the out-going editors, will become "little more than
a glorified house organ, singing emptily the praises of
its masters . . . A Daily that is not the paper of the'
students will be looked upon as a great Daily: Official
Bulletin. And' that is what, in fact, it will be."
The upshot is that after a day's debate, the Board in
Control has asked for a conference with the Regents,
and has taken no action to change its organization.
Two Questions
are involved here. One is the right of the students
to run The Daily as they see fit, with the advice and
under the control of the Board, which has power to
caution and discipline; but a Board on which the stu-
dent representatives are not heavily outweighted. The
other is the constitution and methods of the Board of
It can be, and is, argued that there is no reason to
believe that adding two faculty members to the Board
will result in making The Daily completely subservient
to the powers that be, and in stifling student opinion.
To which the retort is: "Then why add two faculty
members?" To that question there seems to be no
answer except that the University Council and the
Board of Regents want them added.
The eight regents of the University are nominated
and elected by party ballot, two every two years, for an
eight-year term. Slight interest is 4hown by the con-
ventions which nominate; and there is usually little
discussion of the merits of candidates during the cam-
The meetings of the Board-of which the president
of the University and the state superintendent of pub-
lic instruction are ex officio members without a vote-
are held behind closed doors. When they are concluded,
the press is told what the Regents desire to vouchsafe,
no more.
This Board in Control matter points the case. The
Regents get a petition, and act upon it. No contrary
argument is heard. The Regents do not announce the
decision. Not until five months later does it become
public property, and then only by the hard effort df
newspaper men piecing together information gathered
from many sources. It looks like hole-and-corner busi-
ness; an attempt to put something over without allow-
ing discussion.
The Commentator believes the people of Michigan,
who elect the Regents, should demand that they trans-
act their business in the open.

Regents Should Reveal Busness
As Others Detroit newspaper columnist discusses proposed change in
See It Publications Board; doesn't see any reason for change and
questions closed meetings of Regents -
W. K. Kelsey, (The Commentator), The Detroit News, May 6


(Contin-edf rom eagc 2)
Graduation may be delayed if the ap-
plication is late.
C. B. Green,
Assistant Secretary
Playwrightirig Contest. Announce-
ment of the national Charles H. Ser-\
gel One-Act Play Contest (University
of Chicago), offering a prize of $500
for the winning play, has been re-
ceived by the Department of English.
Not more than two manuscripts may
be selected for submission from one
university. The contest is open to
any undergraduate student of the
University. Manuscripts for consid-
eration must be left in the English
Office, 3221 A.H., by May 20. A copy
of the rules is available for consul-
tation in the English Office.
Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex-,
amination: All students expecting to
elect directed teaching (Educ D100)
next semester are required to pass a
qualifying examination in the sub-
ject which they expect to teach. This
examination will be held on Satur-
day, May 24, at 1 o'clock. Students
will meet in the auditorium of the
University High School. The ex-
amination will consume about four
hours' time; promptness is therefore,
June Canidates for the Teacher's
Certificate: The Comprehensive Ex-
amination in Education will be given
on Saturday, May 24, from 9 to 12
o'clock (and also from 2 to 5 o'clock)!
in the auditorium of the University
High School. Students having Sat-
urday morning clasmes may take the
examination in the afternoon. Print-
ed information regarding the ex-
amination may be secured in the
School of Education office.

ate, Summer, and Fall Vacancies,
1208 Oakland, phone 2-3870.
Academic Notices
Chemistry Colloquium will meet
today in Room 303 Chemistry Build-
ing at 4:15 p.m. Professor L. O.
Brockway will speak on "Structure of
Aluminum Methyl and Aluminum
Methyl Halides" and Mr. Adolf Voigt
on "Artificially Produced Isotopes of
Thallium, Lead and Bismuth."
Anthropology 32 will not meet to-
day. Read Chapters X, XII, XVII,
XXIII and XXVII in the text.
Anthropology 152 will not meet to-
Speech Majors (Juniors): Please
make appointments in Room 3211
Angell Hall to see your concentration
advisor during the week of May 12.
Other Speech students may make
appointments if they wish.
W. P. Halstead
Doctoral Examination for Miss
Ruyu Frances Wang, Bacteriology;
"Thesis: The Immunization of Albino
Mice to Bacillus Typhimurium by
Oral Methods," today at 3:00 p.m. in
1564 East Medical Bldg. Chairman,
M. H. Soule.
By action of the Executive Board
the chairman may invite members of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and he may grant permission to those
who for sufficient reason might wish
to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
May Festival Concerts: The Uni-
versity Musical Society announces

p.m. Jascha Heifetz, violinist; The
Philadelphia Orchestra; Eugene Or-
mandy, conductor.
SIXTH CONCERT, Saturday, 8:30
pxm. Excerpts from "Eugene One-
gin" by Tschaikowsky.'Jarmila No-
votna, soprano; Suzanne Sten, mez-
zo-soprano; Enid Szantho, contralto;
Charles Kullman, tenor; Mack Har-
rell, baritone; Norman Cordon, bass;
The Philadelphia Orchestra; Uni-
versity Choral Union; Thor Johnson,
The University Musical Society re-
spectfully requests the sympathetic
cooperation of the public in the mat-
ter of being seated promptly, and con-
forming to traffic and other regu-
lations, to the end that all programs
may begin promptly and may be con-
tinued without confusion or embar-
rassment of any kind.
Charles A. Sink, President
May Festival tickets beginning
this morning: All remaining May
Festival tickets will' be on sale at
the Box Office at the right end
of the outer corridor in Hill Auditori-
um. A limited number of tickets are
available for several of the concerts,
and during the Festival standing
room tickets will be available.
Charles A. Sink, President
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: A collection of color
prints by Van Eyck of an altar piece
in the Ghent Cathedral, loaned by
Professor Eunice Wead, is being
shown in the ground floor corridor
cases. Open daily 9 to 5 except Sun-
day through May 10. The public is
Exhibition: Paintings by Oscar Ko-
koschka, May 7-20, at the Rackham
Building presented by the Ann Arbor
Art Association and the Institute of
Fine Arts.
University Lecture: Professor Ralph
E. Cleland, Chairman of the Depart-,
ment of Botany, Indiana University,
will lecture on the subject, "Chromo-
some Behavior in Relation to the
Origin of Species" (illustrated) under
the auspices of the Department of
Botany at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday,
-. 4-'' .'.4.. e- - - ,.

that May Festival concerts will take
The University Bureau of Appoint- place as follows:
TentsUnd rsycupationaluInforatin -FIRST CONCERT, tonight at 8:30.
ments and Occupational Information Lawrence Tibbett, baritone, the Phil-
Michigan Civil Service Examinations adelphia Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy,
Last date for filing application is Conductor.
noted in each case. SECOND CONCERT, Thursday, at
Dietitian A2, salary $115, May 9, 8:30 p.m. Brahms' "Requiem". Jar-
1941. mila Novotna, soprano; Norman
Institution Millwright Al, salary Cordon, bass; Gregor Piatigorsky,
$140, May 21, 1941. violoncellist; The Philadelphia Or-
Vocational Counselor II, salary chestra; The University Choral Un-


$200, May 21, 1941.
Prison Warden IV, salary $325,
May 28, 1941.

ion; Eugene Ormandy and Thor
Johnson, conductors.
THIRD CONCERT, Friday. 2:30

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