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May 07, 1941 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-05-07

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5k igan


Strengthen Our
Cult ral Relations...

Cloudy; scattered showers.

Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication


Petition Solicits

Tibett, Ormandy Open
Festival Series Today

Stalin Replaces Molotov,
Is New Russian Premier;



On Publications

< , - 1

Faculty Members Request
Meeting For Discussion
Of Regents'_By-Law
No Announcement
Is Made Of Date
President Ruthen disclosed yes-
terday that he had received a faculty
petition requesting a meeting of the
University Senate to discuss the by-
law of the Regents, which adds four
voting faculty and alumni members
to the Board in Control of Student
The president explained in the
interview that as yet he had set no
date for the meeting, and said furth-
er that he had not yet decided wheth-
er it would be a special meeting to
consider solely the question of the
Publications Board. The University
Senate regularly holds two meetings
a year, the second at the close of
this semester.
The by-laws of. the Regents state
that "special meetings of the Univer-
sity Senate may be called by not less
than twenty-five members of the
The President did not disclose the
phrasing of the petition.
The action by faculty men to call
a special meeting of the University
Senate, followed by a discussion of
the Publications Board set-up in
Monday's meeting of the Literary
College faculty.
The University Senate - comprised
of all members of the professorial
staff, the President, and principal ad-
ministrative officers - is "authorized
by the Regents to consider any sub-
ject pertaining to the interests of the
University, and to make recommen-
dations to the Board of Regents in
regard thereto."
It is provided further that "the
University Senate may exercise the
power to review over all the actions
of the University Council and may de-
termine the procedure to be followed
in the exercise of such power."'
The by-laws of the Regents per-
taining to the Publications Board
were revised in accordance with the
proceedings of the University Council,
October 14, 1940.
Wheeler Finishes
Speech Campaign
With Lansing Talk
LANSING, May 6.-UP)-U.S. Sen-
ator Burton K. Wheeler (Dem.-Mont.)
closed a nationwide crusade against
U.S. intervention in war here tonight
declaring he refused to be "fright-
ened by the old gentlmen of the
Speaking in Hill Auditorium in
Ann Arbor Sunday, Senator Wheel-
er charged that President Roosevelt
is responsible for America's "march
toward fascism," and urged that
the American people, and especially
American youth, unite to preserve
Senate, who hobble in on crutches to
shout 'we want to go'to war.
His address before a capacity audi-
ence of 3,000 in Prudden Auditorium
ended a coast-to-coast speaking tour
that opened in Cincinnati four weeks
Britain Aid Plan
To Be Discussed
Individual discussion groups to
consider various aspects of the Hoov-
er Food Plan and the aid-to-Britain
program are being organized here for

May 11 and 13 by the American Stu-
dent Defense League.
The discussions on the former date
will be built around a "Student Sym-
posium" to be sponsored by the Stu-
dent Defenders of Democracy over,
a nation-wide CBS hook-up at 10:15
p.m. (EST).
Martin Dworkis, Grad., president of
a..... 't,..., .L,. ,.4 .,. -V 4A - A TV . n

Canadian Ship
Sunk; '12 U.S.
Volunteers Lost
(B The Associated Press)
OTTAWA, May 6.-Twelve young
United States volunteers have been
lost in the Atlantic in the torpedoing
of their transport, it was disclosed
today in the first announcement of a
Canadian troopship loss since the war
Eleven of them were to have served
as Ferry pilots in the United King-
dom, flying British warplanes from
inspection bases to airdromes. They
were named in a list of 122 persons
missing as the result of "enemy ac-
tion." Thirty-five survivors were list-
ed, 22 of them injured.
Navy Minister Angus L. McDonald
said 75 of the missing were military
personnel, but declined to give details.
One navy official said, however,
"there has been no suggestion in the
information reaching us that there
was a sea battle. It would seem to
be the result of a German submarine
torpedo assault."
The Defense Department's list of
missing embraced men from various
branches of the army, navy and air
force, ferry pilots, civilians and mem-
bers of the Royal Norwegian Air Force
and the United Kingdom and Canada
Inspection Board.
New Teachers
Told To Expose
Fascist Tricks
Ruthven, Studebaker Talk
At Annual Convocation
Of School Of Education
The Sixth Annual Convocation of
the School of Education yesterday
heard John W. Studebaker, United
States Commissioner of Education,
tell the assembled candidates for
teachers' certificates that it will be
their duty to expose the tricks of to-
talitarian propaganda to American
youth, and to teach faith in demo-
cratic government.
Dr. Studebaker, speaking on the
topic, "Teachers in a World of Pro-
paganda," delivered the main address
of the program in Lydia Mendelssohn
President Alexander G. Ruthven
delivered the opening greeting to
the candidates for teaching certifi-
cates and Dean James B. Edmonson
of 'the education school introduced
the principle speaker.
Prof. Francis D. Curtis of the
education school presented the Wil-
liam H. Payne scholarship award to
Percy O. Danforth, Grad., and the
Burke Aaron Hinsdale scholarship'
award to Lawrence E. Vredevoogd,
The requirements for these awards
are high scholarship and high rank
in matters of professional zeal and
In his talk, Dr. Studebaker stressed
the need to guard the smaller chil-
dren against the horrors of the pres-
ent world conflict in order to pre-
vent them from growing up with
fear and hate in their hearts.
He went on to say that the older
youths should be taught to develop
a critical attitude toward democracy
and fascism, and that they should
be given a solid background of Ameri-
can traditions of liberty by which
they may test the worth of totalitari-
an propaganda.

Canada To Clamp Down
On Freedom Of Speech
QUEBEC, May 6.--(P)-Any person
who expresses a belief that Germany
may win the war is guilty of violat-
ing the Defense of Canada Regula-
tions, a Court of Sessions held today.

Campus spotlight will focus on Hill
Auditorium at 8:30 p.m. tonight,
where Lawrence Tibbett, famed Met-
ropolitan Opera baritone, and Eu-
gene Ormandy, conductor of the Phil-
adelphia Orchestra, will raise the
curtain on the first concert of the
forty-eighth annual May Festival ser-
Only a limited number of tickets
are available for individual ocncerts,
it was announced last night by Dr.
Charles A. Sink, president of the
University Musical Society. A heavy
advance sale indicates that upwards
of 30,000 music lovers from all parts
of the Middle West will pack Hill
Auditorium to capacity during the
four-day May Festival.
Stars Are'Arriving
Metropolitan Opera stars are arriv-
ing hourly by train, airplane and
automobile, in order to take part
in this year's Festival. First arrival
in Ann Arbor was Suzanne Sten, who
is scheduled to make her first ap-
pearance in the thir concert on
Friday afternoon.
Lawrence Tibbett arrived here ear-
ly last evening from New York and
the Philadelphia Orchestra is sched-
uled to arrive by special train at 8:00
a.m. today. Jose Iturbi, noted pianist,
is expected to fly his own plane in
early Friday.
The opening concert tonight will
feature Lawrence Tibbett, singing an
aria by Handel, Arm, Arm, Ye Brave,
from Judas Maccabaeus. Mr. Tibbett
will follow this selection with Eri Tnu
from the Masked Ball by Verdi.
Orchestra To Play
The Philadelphia Orchestra, under
the direction of Eugene Ormandy,
will play Concerto in D major for Or-
chestra by Handel, Beethoven's Sym-
phony No. 7 in A major, Op. 92 and
four excerpts from Act III, Die Meist-
ersinger, by Wagner.
The excerpts include Prelude to Act
III, Dance of the Apprentices, Awake!
The Day Draws Near, and Entrance
of the Guilds and Masters.
Some of the solists who will appear
are not new to Ann Arbor audiences.
They include Jarmila Novotna, Doro-
thy Maynor and Suzanne Sten, so-
pranos; Enid Szantho, contralto;
Charles Kullman tenor; Lawrence
Tibbett and Mack Harrell, baritones;
and Norman Cordon, bass.
The University Choral Union, con-
ducted by Thor Johnson of the music
school, will participate and the Youth
Electrical Society
Chooses Officers
Newly elected officers of Eta Kap-
pa Nu, national electrical engineer-
ing honor society, elected to serve for
the coming year, are as follows:
Robert E. Miller, president; Arthur
W. C. Dobson, vice-president; Alex-
ander C. Wilkie, corresponding secre-
tary; Robert W. Hadley, Jr., recording
secretary; Lloyd Vroman, treasurer,
and H. Bruce Battey, bridge corres-
pondent. All the new officers are
junior engineers.
Rertiring officers of the organiza-
tion are John Strand, '4E, Robert
S. Buritz, '41E, Eugene H. Beach,
'41E, Harold E. Britton, '41E, Gordon
A. Stumpf, '41E, and Charles R. Tie-
man, '41E.



Chorus, conducted by Miss Juva Hig-
bee, will present its regular Festival
The supplementary stage will be
slightly altered =to match3 the blue
designs of Hill Auditorium, Dr. Char-
les A. Sink announced. Other than
this everything will be the same as
last year he said.
Singing Contest
To Be_'May 21
Annual Affair To Be Held
On Steps Of Library;
12 Houses To Compete
Michigan's annual Interfraternity
Sing will be held on the steps of the
General Library at 7:15 p.m. Wed-
nesday, May 21, Interfraternity Coun-
cil president Donald Stevenson an-
nounced yesterday
Songsters representing 12 fratern-
ities - to be chosen at elimination
contests - will vie for the Balfour
rotating cup before an audience of
faculty, students and sorority rooting
sections. Theta Xi fraternity won first
place honors last year.
Presidents of fraternity houses will
today receive announcements of the
sing which must be filled out as to
sang~ chosen and the number of parti-
cipants and returned to the IFC of-
fices by Monday.
A special stage will be constructed
on the library steps and bleachers
will be set up for spectators. When
the 12 finalists are announced, sorori-
ty cheering sections will be assigned
to each house.
Besides the Balfour award, other
awards - including three loving cups
- will be presented to the first three
houses according to the judges' rat-
Runners-up in last year's competi-
tion were Kappa Sigma and Alpha
Delta Phi. Recordings of the thi ee
winning songs, for future radio broad-
casts, will be made in the University
Broadcasting Studios in Morris Hall,
after they have been named by the

Urges Convoys

Senator Pepper Appeals
For Affirmative Action
Against Axis Powers
Present U.S. Aid
Called Insufficient
WASHINGTON, May 6.-()-Im-
mediate use of the American Navy1
"to make the seas secure for the de-
livery of munitions to Britain" wast
urged tonight by Secretary of War
Stimson as a means of turning "the
tide of darkness back from the Atlan-
tic world."
Declaring that eventual United
States security is dependent on Bri-
tain's winning, Stimson asserted that
all that this country has done toward1
such a victory "is not sufficient" be-1
cause Germany's "lawless activities"1
in the Atlantic are imperilling IBri-
tain's lifeline. -
"If we should allow the presentk
strategic moment to pass until thet
power of the British navy is gone,"
the cabinet officer said in a preparedI
radio address, "the power of our navyF
would become merely a secondary1
power instead of the decisive and
winning power in the world contest."e
"After providing for billions worthI
of munitions to carry on the defenset
of our freedom," he continued, "andf
while we hold in our hands the in-
strument ready and able to make allt
these steps effective, shall we nowk
flinch and permit these munitions to
be sunk in the Atlantic ocean? .
"Our entire history shows no pre-I
cedent to make such a supposition
credible. Neither the government nor
the people of the United State havet
ever given occasion to make any one(
believe that such an act of irrespon-E
sibility and indecision would be im-
Senator Pepper Appeals r
For Positive Actionf
WASHINGTON, May 6.--()-Att
risk of "losing a few lives now," Sen-
ator Pepper (Dem.-Fla.) appealed in
the Senate today for affirmative and
immediate action against the. Axis
powers to avoid any necessity for an
expeditionary force and a greater loss
of life later on.
He asked for convoys, both ships
and airplanes, he urged the immedi-
ate occupation in collaboration with
the British of a number of Atlantic
islands and Dakar, West Africa, and
he proposed that American aviators,
enlisting in the Chinese army and
flying American planes, "make a
shambles of Tokyo."
Repeatedly, Pepper, who has been1
a strong administration supporter
on both foreign and domestic issues,1
decried what he regarded as a lacka
of government leadership. The peo-1
ple were ready to go ahead along the1
course he had outlined, he asserted,
if an "authoritative and determined;
leadership says" that is what should
be done.;
Then, he left the floor, to the dis-
appointment of several Senators
whom Pepper had waved aside when;
they sought to interrupt his speech
to fire questions at him. Gibing at
the Floridian for leaving, Senators
Mlark (Dem.-Mo.) and McCarran
(Dem.-Nev.) swung swiftly to the;
Clark called Pepper "one of the
most adept and vociferous advocates
of Hitlerism in the world," accused
him of being an "advocate of dic-
tatorship for this country," and
"My theory is that the Senator
from Florida will get us into this war
before we have a chance to vote
upon it."
Proctor Chosen
New President

David Proctor, '43A, was chosen
new president of the Architectural
Council at a meeting of the old ,coun-
cil yesterday.
Linn Smith, '41A, will be vice-presi-
dent for the next year, and Wilmar
F. Neuchterlein, '43A, was chosen
business manager.
Otherafficm sfor.te cni ve-r

Engine Council
To HoldFrosh
Voting Today
While sophomore candidates do a
last bit of electioneering for their
election tomorrow, two freshmen out
of a field of eight will be balloted
into positions on the Engineering
Council at class assemblies today.
Although the freshmen will be given
their ballots as they enter theirF re-1
spective assemblies, sophomores will
wait to ballot in the usual manner
tomorrow at the ballot box to be
placed on the second floor of the West
Engineering Building, just over theI
Engineering Arch.
Identification pictures of all fresh-r
men and sophomore candidates willc
be posted on the bulletin board over.
the arch and in the lobby of the
East Engineering Building today,
Burr J. French, '42E, election director,r
announced last night, in order tot
help voters identify the men running.r
Ballot boxes for the sophomorer
election tomorrow will be opened
promptly at 9 a.m., and will be opens
until noon. Afternoon voting will be:
from 1 to 3 p.m.C
Freshman candidates being voted
upon today are Sam E. Eastman, Ro-t
bert A. Green, Howard J. Howerth,a
William O. Jacobs, Kevin R. Jones,r
Karl F. Reed, Joseph Silversmith,'
Robert Cunningham and David B.
Sophomores who will be up for elec-c
tion tomorrow include LeRoy A. Al-
linger, James M. Edmunds, Rich-r
ard F. Hay, Harold C. Petrowitz,
Thomas O. Poyser, David F. Roberts
and Rufus S. Teasdale.
The practice of voting on the fresh-
man candidates at the class assem-
blies was started this year for the
first time, the freshmen voting with1
the sophomores in the past.
Ford To Make
270 Bombers,
Sorenson Sayst
New Plant Near Ypsilanti
Plans Added Production'
Of Planes Each Monthz
DETROIT, May 6.-()-The FordI
Motor Company is planning to pro-I
duce 270 bomber planes a month in
the new plant it is erecting near Yp-
silanti, probably half of them readyc
to fly, Charles E. Sorenson, produc-E
tion manager, said today.
Addressing a luncheon of repre-
sentatives of the, British Purchasing
Commission, army and navy officers
and officials of the Office of Produc-
tion Management, Sorenson said it
originally had been increased to 270
a month.
The Ford Company will not build
more bombers than we originally
planned," he said, "but probably will
do some of the assembly operations
rather than shipping the parts to the
new assembly plants to be erected
at Tulsa, Okla., and Fort Worth, Tex-
"We are going to enlarge the facil-
ities we had planned for our new
Ypsilanti plant," he went on, "so that
we can perform the entire assembly
operation for about the 270 planes.
The remainder will be assembled from
our parts and sub-assemblies which
will be sent to Fort Worth and Tulsa."
Edsel Ford, pho also addressed the
luncheon, said the first four-engined
bombers, which weigh 42,000 pounds,
probably will not be completed until
early next year.

Sikorsky, Nonchalance
Break Helicopter Mark
STRATFORD, Conn., May 6.-()
-Igor I. Sikorsky walked nonchal-
antly out on a meadow today,
strapped himself into a machine of
-.ic nixin rla C an n A hrnbrP tha ,ix.rl 'c

Germany Occupies Eight
Aegean Islands; Claims
Superior Oil Reserves
RAF Planes Blast
G ermany, Iraquis
MOSCOW, May 7. -(A)- Joseph
Stalin discarded suddenly today the
official anonymity behind which he
has led the Soviet Union and be-
zame himself the Premier, supplant-
ing Vyacheslav M. Molotov, who hd
held that post for 11 years.
Three official decrees, dated at the
Kremlin as of Monday, said the
Supreme Soviet had relieved Molotov
as chairman of the Council of Peo-
ples Commissars at his own request;
appointed Stalin to succeed him and
make Molotov vice-chairman of the
council, or vice-premier.
(The British radio, heard in New
York, recalled that Molotov's replace-
ment preceded the swing of Soviet
foreign policy to Germany which cul-
minated in Molotov's negotiation of
toe non-aggression pact with Ger-
many. It added that with the Ger-
man occupation of Bulgaria and Ru-
mania and the invasion of Yugo-
slavia, on Russia's southern flank,
"a further change seems to be in-
An official communique said Molo-
tov was relieved of the premiership
at his own repeated request; that
he had, time after time, complained
of the difficulties of filling both that
post and the foreign affairs job.
Only Tuesday it was& announced
officially that Stalin had declared,
in a speech at the Kremlin Monday
night, that the Soviet army had
been reconstructed and reequipped.
Eight Aegean Islands
Are Taken By Axis
BERLIN, May 6.-(P)-Axis occu-
pation of eight Aegean Islands dom-
inating the sea approaches to Turkey
and the Dardanelles was announced
today as Germans boasted the Reich
now is better off than Britain on the
vital petroleum front -- thanks to
traqs throttling of the oil pipeline to
Two of the islands seized were Les-
bos (Mytilene) and Chios (Khios)
both within sight of the Turkish
coast. It was announced that units
of the German army occupied them\
yesterday, but it was not explained
whether the troops were flown there
or transported by ship.
The other six - Amorgos, Anaphe,
Ios, Thera, Naxos and Paros, of the
Kykladon (Cyclades) group which
sprawls across the Aegean north of
Crete - were announced by the Fas-
cist high command to have been tak-
en under Italian occupation.
RAF Strikes Hard
In Africa, Iraq
CAIRO, Egypt, May 6.-IP)--The
RAF announced destructive blows
against the foes of Britain today from
the valley of the Euphrates to the
shores of Libya and the fastnesses of
Pressing a broader offensive against
the persistent Iraq troops, British
bombers yesterday smashed barracks
at Diwaniya, 130 miles below Bagh-
dad on the Euphrates; scored hits
on Iraq motor transport at Al Fallu-
ja, between Baghdad and Lake Hab-
baniyah; and silenced 5till more of
the guns with'which the Iraquis have
been bombarding the RAF's Lake
Habbaniyah airdrome, the middle
East command announced.
British Boast Of Strong
Air Attacks On Germany
LONDON, May 6.-(AP)- -TheBrit-
ish announced proudly tonight a
great foray on the industrial middle
Rhine and coastal attacks along the

1,000-mile front from St. Nazaire to
With this they coupled an official
claim to the destruction of nine Ger-
man raiders in a single night's de-
fense of Britain.
The press jubilantly hailed this
proof of the ,RAF's growing strength
at a time when the air war of West-
ern Eurenn is climhing for the seond


Michigan Defeats Normal, 8-3,
As Rally In Third Nets 5 Runs

Jupiter Pluvius tried hard to keep
the Wolverines' big guns from ex-
ploding yesterday afternoon but he
gave up in despair after the third
inning. In that frame Ray Fisher's
artillery opened up and blasted home
five runs to put the game on ice for
the local nine. The final score was
Michigan 8, Michigan Normal 3.
For the first few innings it was ex-
tremely doubtful whether yesterday's
The Michigan baseball team will
travel to Hillsdale today where
they will face the Hilltoppers. Pit-
cher Gus Sharemet is expected to
see service for the first time this
tussle would be completed as a heavy
rain fell upon the playing field. But,
rain or no rain, the Michigan bats re-
fused to stay idle long.
In the third after two were out,
Whitey Holman walked and went to

hand of the Normal first sacker per-
mitting Dick to cross home plate.
Ruehle seemed to get the same ball
that Ray Dennis, Huron pitcher, fed
Wakefield, because he pasted the sec-
ond pitch over the center fielder's
head for the second triple of the inn-
ing, with Chamberlain scoring on the
Wayne Christenson, who is taking
the injured Bill Steppon's place at
second base, was quick to learn the
hitting formula from his teammriates
and singled Ruehle home for the
Wolverines fifth run of the inning.
George Harms then obliged Dennis
by ending the frame striking out.
Stoddard started on the hill for the
local lads but was lifted in the third
so he would be perfectly rested for
the Illinois series this weekend. In
the three innings he worked he al-
lowed no runs and issued no free
asses to first base.
Neil Muir, Fisher's ace left hander,
took up the pitching duties in the
fourth and pitched excellent ball

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