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April 30, 1941 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-04-30

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Carl Sandburg Oil-Burning Calliope To Appear AIEE To Hold
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War N eulrality
Famed Poet Says Lincoln
Would Side With Britain
In Present World War
(Continued from Page 1)
that the British ignored all indica-
tions of Germany's air superiority
and insisted on building battleships
instead of the' planes which would
have changed the course of the pres-
ent conflict.
"General Billy Mitchell beseeched
the United States to concentrate on
plane construction, but he was ig--
nored," Sandburg declared, and re-
ferred to the present task of defense
preparation as a result.
Lincoln's utterances, just as many
of those of Robert E. Lee, have much
neaning today because his words al-
ways contained the note of prayer
and humility, Sandburg stated.
Following Lincoln's example, "ev-
ery one of us today should beware
of over-righteous spirits," Sandburg
warned and he quoted the Bible
statement, "Be not rash with thy
mouth," as a good axiom for modern
Today's Institute program features
Karl Detzer, roving editor of the
Readers' Digest, who will give a, talk
on "Free Speech and Free Press"
at 10 a.m. in the Rackham Lecture
Hall. Professor Arthur Smithies of
the economics department-will discuss
"Economics and Rearmament" at
9 a.m. and Prof. James K. Pollock
of the political science departmentl
will give a talk on "The Getman
Problem" at 2 p.m.

Steam and smoke will be directed l
up a chimney specially built at the
entrance of the Union Ballroom next
fall when Bill Sawyer, his orchestra
and the proposed calliope pour out
music for dancers and jitterbugs.
Sawyer announced yesterday that
he had signed a contract that would
bring him back 'to the campus Sept.
22 to play again for the regular
Union dances. Then he described the
new calliope which the Union Coun-
cil consented last week to install ' in
the ballroom.
Six White Stallions
Six prancing, white stallions decked
out in maize and blue may pull the
Fassett Awards
Are Announced
Robert W. Wooster, '43, of Geneva,
N. Y.; William E. White, '44E, Mar-
ion, N. Y.; Kenneth L. Cordes, '44E,
of Peapack, N. J., and Robert T.
Duff, '43, of Rochester, are the re-
cipients of the annual Eugene G.
Fassett. '92, scholarships, it was an-
nounced yesterday by the University
Scholarship Committee. '
The first three named will receive
stipends of $200 for 1941-42 and
Duff, who also holds a Michigan
Undergraduate Scholarship, will re-
ceive a stipend of $100.
The Eugene G. Fassett scholar-
ships are the gifts of the late Eugene
G. Fassett, of Chicago, Illinois. The
money is awarded from a fund of
$20,000, the earnings from which are
to be distributed to worthy students
to aid them to continue their edu-


proposed calliope down Main Street Hopkins To ell Sources
on a rolling platform to the Stadium For u ra
on football days, for it is being built FrFture Democracy
so that it can be easily transported.
The calliope has a regular piano key- "Sources for the Future Democracy"
board of 32 notes. "It will be mar- will be the title of the address to be
velous," Sawyer said, "to lead the given before members of the student
students in songs!" section of the American Institute
Oil, instead of coal Pr wood, will of Electrical Engineers and faculty
ieed the speically built brass boiler, guests at their annual spring ban-
co build up steam for running the duet to be held at 6:15 p.m. tomorrow
calliope. Oil also will simplify the in the League, Prof. Louis A. Hop-
Habor' problem, which wood or coal kins of the mathematics department.
would have aggravated. It will the speaker for the occasion, announced
,ne only oil burning calliope in exist- yesterday.
once, according to Sawyer, and it Following Professor Hopkins' talk
will be the first time such an instru- on the speaking program will be sho't
.nent has been used as equipment by talks by Prof. Benjamin Bailey, cbair-
any -orchestra in the world. man of the electrical engineering de-
Union Sends Order partment, and Prof. James S. Gault,
Tie Union is sending their order faculty adviser to the society.
Among the guests will be M. M.
woch specializes in manufacureof Cory, one of the directors of the
whih secilizs i maufatur ofMichigan section of the AIEE, who
calliopes, and plans to spend $5,000 will come down from Lansing with
on the venture. the chairman and treasurer of the
Six other organizations in the Unit- student section at Michigan State



ed States own coal or wood-run cal-
liopes, Sawyer said, these being main-
ly large circuses, such as Ringling
Brothers, Barnum and Bailey, the
New York Zoo, the John Robinson
circus, Hagenbach and Wallace and
the Sells Floto circus.

College, Robert W. Ehrlich, 43E,
secretary of the organization, an-
Senior Engineers
May Rent Gowns

N E W S F ROM N E W F 0 U N D L A N D-snow and mountains are part of the landscape in
Newfoundland, where U.S. now has a base (at St. John's) under terms ,of a deal with Great Britain.
These are soldiers from a crack Montreal regiment getting drill in anti-aircraft action. Both U.S. and
Canadian troops are stationed there. Col. Maurice D. Welty commands U.S. troops.


Cercle Francais To Meet Seniors in the College of Engin-
eering who have paid their class dues
Le Cercle Francais will hold its bi- will be able to rent caps and gowns
nonthly meeting at 7:30 p.m. today at reduced prices from 1 to 5 p.m.
in Room 408 Romance Languages and 7 to 9 p.m. tomorrow and from
Building, Carrie Wallach, 141, its 2 to 4 pfm. Friday at the checkroom
in the League.
)resident announced. Plans will be A three dollar deposit must be
completed for the annual French made on all caps and gowns and two
play to be given Friday in the Lydia dollars will be refunded when they
Mendelssohn Theatre. are returned.



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D E F E N S E I N F 0 R M A T 1 O N---These five are concerned with defense news. Left to right,
seated: Commander Harry R. Thurber, in charge of navy press relations; Lowell Mellett, director of
office of govt. reports; Maj. Gen. Robert C. Richardson, chief of army public relations. Standing:
Michael McDermott, state dept. press relations head; Robert Horton, O.P.M. director of information.


T H E C R E A T PR OGFi L E ?-Movieland's irrepressible
Mickey Rooney (right) got along all right with 'Mexico's presi-
dent, Manuel Avila Cama'cho, when a group of film stars visited
Mexico City in the interest of better Mexico-U.S. relations.

B E C I N N E R-Newly-uni-
formed as one of the army's
high-priced draftees is William
McChesney Martin, former $48,-
000 N. Y. stock exchange head.
He's now at Fort Dix, N. J.


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