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April 25, 1941 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-04-25

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W ather
Light showers,


Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication


Mess Of Talking;
But Little Doing


.VUL. Ll. No. 143






Benson Keynotes
General Session


Thinclads Await Signal
Opening Drake Relays
Michigan To Compete In Six Relay Events;
Host Of Track Stars Arrive At Drake

-- -


British Fight Desperately
To Bar Road To Athens;
Churchill Remains Silent

Of Parley


Effects Of War Is Thern
Of Two-Day Meeting:
Three Panels Planned
U.S. Foreign Policy
To Be Discussed
As the Allies position in Europe
grows worse and demands are becom.
ing more vigourous in this countr
for greater aid to Britain, student
and faculty men will gather toda
at the Spring parley to consider th
crucial subject "The Student Look
at War and Peace."
Prof. George S. Benson of the po
litical science department will be
the keynote speaker at the openin
session at 3:30 p.m. in the Nortl
Lounge of the Union. At the con-
clusion of his speech four studeni
commentators will present talks on
the subject. Jean Fairfax, Grad., is
expected to represent the pacifist po-
sition, Fran Ryder, Grad., a liberal
aid-to-Britain policy; Fred Niketh
'41L, a conservative aid-to-Britain
program, and Margaret Campbel
Mutnick, '42, an isolationist attitude
Professor Benson is one of the opt-
standing authorities in the countr3
on public administration. At the pres-
ent time he director of the Uni-
versity publi administration curri-
culum and is also technical adviser
to the state civil service department,
The parley will be continued to-
morrow when three panels will be
held at 2:30 p.m. and 7:15 p.m. Har-
old Osterweil, '41, will lead a panel
on "Democracy During Defense; Our
Kampf." In the afternoon it will con-
sider whether a moratorium on de-
mocracy is necessary for efficiency in
defense and in the evening the econ-
omic order of future America will
be discussed.
Another panel"Education In Emer-
gency" will be led by Harold Guetz-
kow.Discussion will center on the
place of universities in defense plans.
Edward Fried, '41, will be the chair-
man of the third panel on "Post-
War Reconstruction: Into the Night."
Such issues as the immediate foreign
policy of the United States and the
goals and hope of the post-war so-
ciety will be debated.
An added .feature of this parley
will be a dinner between panels at
6 p.m. tomorrow at the Union. A
prominent political figure is expected
to speak.
Law School's
Founders Day
To Honor Cook
Returning graduates of Michigan's
Law School will hear Hon. Henry P.
Chandler, director of the administra-
tive office of the United States
courts, speak today as part of the
annual Founders Day celebration.
It will be the 16th annual tribute
paid to William W. Cook, founder of
thedLawyers' Club and the donor of
all buildings on the Law Quadrangle.
Chandler will speak on "The Ad-
ministrative Office of the United
States Courts," at a dinner to be held
at the Lawyers Club at 6:30 p.m.
Also speaking at the banquet will
be Regent Edmund C. Chields, of
Lansing. Robert Rinear, New York
attorney and University alumnus,
will present a portrait of Dean Emer-
itus Henry M. Bates to the Law
Finals in the Junior Case Club
competition will be argued at 2:30 in
Room 100 Hutchins Hall as part of
the Founders Day activities. The
four participants, chosen at the
semi-final eliminations, are David G.
Laing, Lon H. Barringer, Seymour J.
Spelman and Jack Shuler. William

Butler is alternate.
Sitting as a four-man bench to
judge the trial will, be Hon. Edward
M. Sharpe, Michigan; Hon. -Roy H.
Williams, Ohio; Hon. Fred M. Ray-
mond, Western district of Michigan,
and Hon. Emerson R. Boyles, Michi-
Boswell Is President

United States
Faces Crisis,
Bryan Warns
The United States is now faced
with the greatest crisis in its histo'ry
and must decide immediately.. whether
it is going to go all-out in its effort
to stop Hitler or be left alone in the
world to suffer his vengeance, Julien
Bryan, photographer and lecturer,
warned yesterday.
In the closing lecture of the Uni-
versity Oratorical Series at Hill Aud-
itorium, Bryan showed films of the
tragedy of Poland which he said,
along with the fate of the Western
European countries, should be a les-
son to America. The British and
French, he explained, failed to learn
from the Polish campaign that the
best weapons used by the Nazis were
confusion and terror.
Bryan emphasized, however, that
the challenge has now come to the
United States and that we must aid
the Allies out of our own selfishness.
He adVocated a program of a cour-
ageous and definite policy in South
America to prevent the Latin nations
from going over to Hitler and union
and strength at home.
We are already in the war, Bryan
pointed out, and convoys should be
put into effect at once. Navy, army,
and airforce volunteers should also
be sent to England to gain experience.
Federal Power
To Be Argued
In Final Round
Detroit Mackenzie, Albion
Winners In Semi-Finals,
Meet In Hill Auditorium
More than 4,000 debate enthus-
iasts are expected to witness the an-
nual 'State Championship Debate be-
tween Albionhand Detroit Mackenzie,
winners of the semi-final round of the
state tournament in which, 208 high
schools participated, at 8 p.m. today
in Hill Auditorium.
Mackenzie High School will be rep-
resented by Earl Heffner, Robert Ash-
ton, and James Ford. They will op-
pose the Albion squad composed of
Dorothy Hall, Philip Baldwin, and
Jack Kellogg on the national debate
proposition, "Resolved: That the
powers of the federal government
should be decreased.
The finals will culminate the for-
ensic season for members of the
Michigan High School Debating
League, which is directed by Arthur
Secord of the University Extension
Service, and speech department..
Each of the participants will re-
ceive a 17-caret gold watch and the
winners and runners-up will receive
the championship debate trophies.
Each of the two schools which par-
(Continued on Page 8)

DES MOINES, Ia., April 24.-A de-
termined crew of Wolverine spikemen,
21 strong, tonight formed the van-
guard of a mighty army of more than
2,500 track performers streaming in-
to this Midwestern metropolis for thE
famed Drake Relay carnival tomor-
row and Saturday.
Headline cinder aces-stars from
the Gulf Coast, the Atlantic seaboard,
the great Northwest and virtually all
,he vast area between -milled
through hotel lobbies as representa-
tives of almost 200 universities, col-
leges and high schools tensely await-
ed tonorrow afternoon's first fan-
fare of trumpets heralding the 32nd
Annual Drake meet.
Michigan's entrants, six relay teams
and an equal number of individual
performers, will plunge into action
in the gigantic two-day carnival as
slight favorites to cop two relay feat-
ures and make a very strong bid for
two others. In addition Maize and
Slue Capt. Don Canham will strive
to retain his high jump crown, al-
though Oklahoma A.&M.'s Don Boyd-
ston is given the nod by the experts
in this event.
National highlights of the meet will
be the appearance of the world's
greatest distance runner, barrel-bos-
omed Greg Rice, in a special mile
and a half match race against former
Michigan captain, Ralph Schwarz-
kopf, sturdy Mel Trutt, Lonesome
John Munski, and Forrest Efaw. Cli-


maxing the meet's record-breaking
efforts, this special duel is very like-
ly to produce a new world's record
for the distance.
Other features will be Georgetown's
Al Blozis, who will drag his dynamic
265 pounds into the shot put ring
in an attempt to shatter Jack Tor-
rance's world mark, and the special
high hurdle dual between Ohio State's
Bullet Bob Wright and the sensa-
tional Pete Owens of Howard Payne
who has clipped the 120-yard high
timbers in 13.9 seconds.
In the university mile relay Coach
Ken Doherty's foursome of Jack Leu-
tritz, Bob Barnard, Al Thomas and
anchorman Bob Ufer is conceded a
close victory over a strong field head-
(Continued on Page 3)
Phi Kappa Phi,
To Initiate 114
honor Students

Summerhays Elected President
Of S

Nazis Promise To Take
Greek Capital Intact;
Claim Incident At End
Seizure Of Lemnos
Termed 'Doubtful'

National Society
Banquet For
Graduates In

To Hold

Cancer Will Be
J.T. Priestley's
Lecture Topic
Presenting the annual Dr. William
.J. Mayo lecture in surgery, Dr. James
Taggart Priestley of the Mayo Cliiic
will discuss "Cancer of the Stomach"
at 1:30 p.m. today in the second floor
amphitheatre of the University Hos-
Assistant professor of surgery at
the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.,
Dr. Priestley is expected to discuss the
end results of the surgical treatment
given to cancer sufferers.
Dr. Priestley, an authority on ab-
dominal and urological surgery, is a
member of the American College of
Surgeons and the Central Surgical
Association. He graduated from the
University of Pennsylvania School of
Medicine in 1926.
Juniors and seniors in the Medical
School will be excused from classes
today to attend this lecture.
Party Planned Today
By Inter-Guild Group
Folk dancing, movies, games and
refreshments will be offered mem-
bers of the Inter-Guild Council from
9 to 12 p.m. today in Lane Hall when
they meet for the first interguild
William Clark, '42, president of
the Inter-Guild Council, announces
that the organization plans to make
these parties semi-annual affairs.
Tickets are 15 cents and may be
purchased at Lane Hall or through
any one of the student clubs in the

Seventy seniors and 44 graduate
students will be received into mem-
bership in Phi Kappa Phi, national
honor society recognizing outstand-
ing scholarship and contribution to
the University. The group will be
initiated at the banquet to be held
May 1 in the League.
Among those selected were John
Alden of Horseheads, N.Y., Robert
Allen of Milwaukee, Wisc., James
Armstrong of Troy, Ohio, Theodore
Berlin of Brooklyn, N.Y., Contsance
Berry of Shaker Heights, Arthur Big-
gins of Pocatello, Ida., Robert Bing-
ham of Columbus, 0., teal Bowers
of Ann Arbor, 'A. Erwin Bowers of
Grand Rapids, Thomas Broadbent
of Ann Arbor, Urie Brofenbrenner of
Flushing, N.Y., Henry Brown, of
Erie, Penn., H. James Carlson of
Boise, Ida., and Elizabeth Christen
of Waterliet, N.Y.
Others who are to be initiated at
the spring initiation are Bernice Co-
hen, of Pasaic. N.J., Ralph Conger
of Grand Rapids, Nelson Damm of
MuskegonrHeights, Mary Dembowski
of Ann Arbor, Harry Drickamer of
East Cleveland, O., James Dusenberry
of Pittsburgh, Penn., Helen Eilola of
Hancock, Samuel Eldersveld of Mus-
kegon, and Kenneth Emery of Dear-
Avard Fairbanks of Ann Arbor,
Howard Fielder of Cudahy, Wis.,
Maurice Fouracre of Detroit, James
Foilete of Bay City, Helen Foster
of Adrian, Jane Fox of Bay Oity,
Woodrow Frailing of Iron River, Dor-
othy Freedman of Brooklyn, N.Y.,
will also receive the honor.
The list continues: Lawrence Gia-
colette of Clinton, Ind., H. Harvey
Gass of Ann Arbor, Myron Gins of
Cleveland Heights, O., Howard Gold-
man of Chicago, Harry Goodman of
(Continued on Page 5)
Hull, Knox Call
For Maximum
Aid To Britain
WASHINGTON, April 24.-()-
Two key figures in President Roose-
velt's cabinet called tonight for more
active steps to aid Britain, one of
them declaring that "we can not
allow our goods to be sunk in the
Atlantic" and the other demanding
"resistance wherever resistance will
be most effective."
Secretary of State Cordell Hull said
in an address here that "ways must,
be found" to insure that aid reaches
its destination "in the shortest of time
and in maximum quantity."
In an even stronger pronounce-
ment in New York, Secretary of the
Navy Frank Knox declared "this is;
our fight," that "we must see the
job through" and that "we can no
longer occupy the immoral and craven
position of asking others to make all
the sacrifice for this victory which

Robert Summerhays, '42E, of Roch-
ester, N.Y., and Robert E. Miller,
'42E, of Bradford, Pa., were elected
president and vice-president of the
student Engineering Council at a
meeting last night at the Council
At the same time Verne Kennedy,
'42E, of Evanston, Ill., and Robert
Wallace, '42E, of Rochester, N.Y.,
were named for the posts of secretary
and treasurer of the Council, re-
French, Miller Appointed
Outgoing president Robert Morri-
son, '41E, appointed Burr French,
'42E, and Miller to take charge of
the general elections for the Engin-
eering Council which will be held
Thursday, May 8.
Keys for outstanding work in acti-
vities in the College of Engineering
were presented by the Council mem-
bers to Harry Drickamer, '41E, presi-
dent of the engineers' senior class,
and Robert Bishop, '41E, co-chair-
man of 1941 Open House Committee.
Among the plans of the new offi-
cers are the formation of a special
"smoking room" in the West Engin-
eering Building and a special ruling
requiring all freshman engineers to
wear "pots". The "pots" will be sup-
plied free of charge by the Council.
Chi Psi Member
The new president, Summerhays,
is a member of Chi Psi fraternity
and Triangles honor society and has
served this year as editor of the
Arch, freshman handbook, and as co-
chairman of the Open House com-
Miller, chairman of the electrical
engineering department of the Open
House committee, is a member of
Tau Beta Pi and Eta Kappa Nu honor
societies, while Kennedy, captain of
Senior Dance
Plans Revealed
I-M To Be Air-Conditionedi
As Affair's New Feature
Plans for the 1941 Senior Ball,,
which will be held on Friday, June{
20, received an added impetus yes-1
terday when Hub Weidman, '41,
chairman, announced that arrange-s
ments had been made to air-condi-
tion the Intramural Sports Build-
ing for the annual affair.
This new feature of the Ball, plus
the already planned special outdoorj
dance pavilion, is expected to make
the Senior Ball even more attractive1
during the hot weather, according tol
One free ticket is still being offeredf
tothe student who suggests the most
appropriate theme for the dance andt
ideas on this subject will be accepted
at the Senior Ball booth at Michi-1
lodeon next week.

the ROTC rifle team, is a member of
Sigma Chi fraternity and Sigma Rho
Tau, speech society.
Manager of the varsity basketball
team, Wallace is president of Theta
Delta Chi fraternity and a member
of both Triangles and Tau Beta Pi.
]baseball Team
Opens Big'Ten
Season Today
Mickey Stoddard To Hurl
Against Chicago ; Fisher
Will Use Same Lineup
Michigan's Wolverines will get
their campaign for the 1941 Big Ten
baseball title under way this after-
noon when they meet Chicago on the
Ferry Field Diamond in the first of
a two-game series. The contest will
start at 4:05 p.m.
Michigan's attempt at a win in
their first Conference battle will be
in the nature of a comeback try from
the 6-2 defeat suffered at the hands
of Notre Dame here Tuesday. Coach
Ray Fisher will send Mickey Stod-
dard, his ace right-hander, against
the Maroons' Bob Meyer today, and
Cliff Wise will probably start the
second game tomorrow, opposing Chi-
cago's Captain Art Lopatka.
9 combination of shaky hurling
and weak stick-work was Michigan's
downfall in the home opener with
the Irish, and Fisher has been drilling
his squad the past two days to get
them ready to tee off against the
Maroons. With , the exception of
catcher George Harms, who connect-
ed for two singles, the team that hit
a hot .330 on thespring training trip
disappointed at the plate Tuesday.
In Stoddard, Fisher is shooting his
top flinger at the Maroons. Mickey
(Continued on Page 3)


LONDON, April 24.-(P)-Battered
but grim British imperial forces
fought the German war machine at
close quarters tonight - apparently
around the historic pass of Thermo-
pylae - to bar the way to Athens
against an onslaught expected to
grow greater at any moment.
The British public, warned with
progressive insistence for several days
to expect reverses in Greece, hoped
anxiously that its embattled troops,
pressed between the Germans and the
sea, could be saved to fight again.
Details of the fighting were meager,
but an authoritative British %source
said the British were holding their
positions at Thermopylae where Le-
onidas and his Spartans died in battle
with the Persians 2421 years ago.
This source said there was no basis
for reports that the British flank had
been turned' and it was "very doubt-
ful" if the Germans had taken the
Island of Lemnos.
Prime Minister Winston Churchill,
who gravely exhorted Parliament
Tuesday to show "poise and steadi-
ness," once more staved off the grow-
ing demand that the full story be
Again he pleaded it was for the
sake of the soldiers in "close contact"
with the foe, but hinted that he might
have some news for a broadcast in a
few days.
Surface signs thus far indicate that
Churchill can weather any political
storm which arises from this military
failure - regardless of'what has hap-
pened or will happen.
The fact the British censorship
passed so flat a phrase as "this mili-
tary failure" is perhaps significant
of the British attitude.
Germans March
Towards Athens
BERLIN, April 25.--(R)- German
occupation of Athens, informed quar-
ters indicated early today, would take
place only after assurance that the
Greek capital could be taken intact
-as in the case of Paris.
These quarters also indicated such
occupation would come only after it
is completely justified from the Ger-
man point of view and without de-
stroying the ancient capital.
Although Athens has not yet been
taken by the Germans, according to
the latest military information avail-
able in Berlin, responsible quarters
voiced the opinion that the Greek
incident nevertheless must be re-
garded as practically closed.
The German army was described
in the Berlin press tonight as push-
ing on methodically towards Athens
"by way' of Thebes,' about 35 miles
northwest of the capital, with orders
to occupy it without harming its
ancient and splendid monuments.
The high command's daily bulletin,
however, said merely that at Thermo-
pylae, the historic pass some 100 miles
north of: Athens, "We succeeded in
breaking into positions which were
situated in especially favorable ter-
rain." Thus the high command did
not confirm the report by other
German sources of yesterday, and
implied in the Thebes report of to-
day, that the Nazi army had broken
through Thermopylae and opened the
gate to Athens.
Sociedad His panica
Scholarship Exam
To Be Given T oday
Examinations for the two Univer-
sety of Mexico Summer Session schol-
ars iips, sponsored by La Sociedad
Hipanica, will be'held from 3 to 5:30
p.mi. today in oom 106 Romance Lan-
guages Building, Professor Joseph

Schoolmasters To Hear Briggs;
Session On Cooperation Meets

Students To Hear Wickenden
At Honors Convocation Today

More than 4,000 educators will con-
vene here today and tomorrow for
the seventy-sixth annual Michigan
Schoolmasters Club which will meet
to consider the realization of the aims
of education for youth.
With Dr. L. L. Forsythe president
of the statewide organization of sec-
ondary school educators as chairman,
the conference will be opened by Dr.
Thomas Briggs of Columbia Univer-
sity speaking on "What High Schools
Ought to Teach" at 9 a.m. in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
The music vocal solo and ensemble
festival under the auspices of the
Michigan School Band and the Mich-
igan School Vocal associations will
begin its program at 8:30 p.m. in
the Tower. More than seventy high

Seventh Annual Conference on
Problems in School and College Co-
operation and the Twelfth Annual
Conference on Teacher Education,
two organizations meeting in con-
nection with 'the Michigan School-
masters Club convened here yester-
The maintenance and encourage-
ment of free education is the most
important problem before America to-
day, Dr. Willfred 0. Mauck, presi-
dent of Hillsdale College told the
Seventh Annual Conference on Prob-
lems in School and College Coopera-
tion at a luncheon today.
Second only to education is the
ever important question of morale.
As compared to the morale ofcollege
students in 1917 this year's students

Eight hundred twenty-three stu-
dents will be honored at the -18th
Annual Honors Convocation which
will be held at 11 a.m. today in Hill
Auditorium. All classes will be dis-
missed at 10:45 a.m.
Principal speaker at the Honors
Convocation will be Dr. William E.
Wickenden, of the Case School of
Applied Science in Cleveland. After
greeting the honor students, Presi-
dent Ruthven will introduce the
Dr. Wickenden has been president
of The Case School of Applied Sci-
ence since 1929 and has receive hon-
orary degrees from many universi-
ties. He is also author of a "Com-
parative Study of Engineering Edu-

been mentioned twice, four students
whose names were mentioned three
times and one student who was
named four times.
Before assuming the presidency of
Case Institute, Dr. Wickenden had
many years of experience as a schol-
ar and practical engineer. A gradu-
ate of Denison University in 1904,
he became an instructor at the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin in 1905 and later
went to Massachusetts Institute of
Technology where he became an as-
sociate professor.
He left the Institute to become per-
sonnel director for Western Electric
Comrnanv't and l atpr as,' mnOv~

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