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April 24, 1941 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-04-24

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P TBrtE'


c u'Committee,
Union Negotiate
Proceedings 'Satisfactory,'
Exelby Says; No Change
In ,Positions Reported
Negotiations between Local 259 of
State, County and Municipal Work-
ers of America, CIO, and the Uni-
versity labor committee are proceed-
ing to the "satisfaction of all," Jo-
seph Exelby, president of the union
said yesterday.
Several weeks ago the union filed
notice with the State Labor Media-
tion Board of a labor dispute with
the University and promised "further
action." Exelby said that statement
did not mean the threat of a strike
as it was interpreted in the press.
"Everything is going fine," Exel-
by remarked. The labor committee
and representativesofathe union had
a meeting on Tuesday, Exelby ex-
plained, and will have another in the
near future.
University officials concurred with
Exelby's description of developments,
but added that there has been no
change in the position of the Uni-
versity and that of the union. The
University labor committee is com-
prised of President P4lexander G.
Ruthven; Prof. John W. Riegel, direc-
tor of the Bureau of In'dustrial Re-
lations; Regent Charles W. Hemans;
and Vice-President Shirley W. Smith.
Detroit No. 1 On List
Most frequent destinations accord-
ingto Walter Kaler, in charge of the
Michigan Union Travel Desk, are
Detroit, Flint, East Lansing, Toledo
and Cleveland in that order.

LiberalArts Honors Program Offers
New A roach To Study Of Sociology

Under the honors system, that is,
the Degree Program for Honors in
Liberal Arts, sociology and the other
social sciences are studied from an
entirely new approach. The usual
method of learning sociology through
one semester of criminology, plus one
semester of human ecology is replaced
by two year's integrated examination
of the field as a whole.
This year's junior group, under Dr.
Mascha Titliev, began their work
with some research and discussion
on the historical beginnings of so-
ciology, tracing the early social think-
ers back almost as far as examples
of writing can be found.
There's something exciting about
reading old copies of old books writ-
ten by men who actually thought,
and men with something imperative
to say. However, it's notexactly easy
to read the work of a truly brilliant
man, and ,then figure out what fal-
lacies he exhibits, or compare con-
structively his ideas with those of
another writer, coming before or
after his time.
One of the group of four juniors
working under Dr. Titiev, Shirley Sil-
ver, '42, expresses her opinion of the
work she has been doing thus: "In
five or ten minutes of discussion, we
learn what ordinarily takes a whole
hour's lecture to put across in other
classes. This is partly because the stu-
dents here can't just sit and let the
teacher hammer away at the ideas;
they must take an active part in the
discussion, think out and organize
their ideas, then present them clearly,
at the risk of having them torn
apart by the rest of the group.
Instead of leaving you with a num-

ber of unrelated ideas, this method
of attacking the study gives a picture
of the whole subject, with the loose
ends carefully woven together. The
ten or more hours that the student
takes in regular course work is very
often found to dovetail very neatly
with the, five hour's work of the tu-
torial groups.
"You might say that the honors
system is training the student to
actually think for himself," says Miss
Silver, using the same expression that
so many of the honors students will
be found to use. "There's a feeling
of satisfaction in this work which
pmore than compensates for the extra
strain put on the thinking processes.
S. H. Slichter
Tells Meeting
Of Labor Acet
The Fair Labor Standards Act has
helped to maintain basic wage rates
in industries and pay employes high-
er wages at the same time, Sumner
H. Slichter, Professor of Economics
at Harvard University, told members
of the Eleventh Annual Conference
on Industrial Relations which was
held here last Thursday and Friday.
Under this act,. the number of
hours an employe may work is not
limited, Slichter said, but for the
hours he works over forty, the em-
ploye gets paid time-and-a-half.
This results in more pay for the
workers without raising the basic
hourly wage rate, which will make
post-wiar readjustment in industry
much easier.
There might be 6,500,000 unem-
ployed in the nation, Slichter pointed
out, and we could still have a labor
shortage. The demand for labor has
always been specialized; industry has
always needed particular types of
labor of which there are not enough.
This shortage, he stated, can't be
made up by long term apprentice-
ships, but must be met by "up-
grading" among present factory em-
ployes. Another method is to take
skilled work and divide it, giving the
less skilled parts to the less skilled
A rise in the cost of living which
may come about, Slichter declared,
will not come because of shortages1
of foodstuffs, but will be the resulti
of increased spending by employes
who have more money. Our food
exports have been cut tremendously
by the war in Europe, and a cessa-
tion of hostilities would probably
result in a great shortage of food.

And another thing - the library.
You get to know it upside down."
The corresponding senior group in
social sciences is under Dr. Richard
Fuller, of the sociology department.
This group has done a little more
specialized study than the junior
group, having selected labor as their
field. Here again an historical study
of the question serves as a basis for
better understanding of the problem.
First primitive societies are studied
in relation to labor; then the develop-
ment of specialization and of the
labor problem is taken up.
rize Contest
Is Announced
Architecture Group Offers
Five Prizes To Students'
A prize contest for all students of
the College of Architecture and De-
sign is being sponsored by the Archi-
tectural Council, according to Paul
Rogers, '41A, publicity chairman of
the Council.
Two prizes will be awarded in the
department of architecture, one to
students in Architecture 5, 6 or 7
doing the best problem, the other to
the one doing the best problem in
Architecture 8, 9 or 10. Prizes in
this and all categories of the contest
will be magazine subscriptions.
The two students handing in the
best work in decorative design will
be given awards, and one prize will
be awarded in the landscape depart-
All entries must be registered with
Sue Holtzman, '42A, in the second
floor drafting room any Monday,
Wednesday or Friday up until May 2.
Entries will be judged May 5.
The five judges in the contest will
be Bill Harrison, '41A, Wesley Lane,R
'41A, Don Metz, '41A, Prof. Ralph
Hammett and Prof. Jean Hebrard.
Engineering Colleoe
Given Lithographs
Robert P. Lamont, '91E, former
Secretary of Commerce, has recently
presented to the College of Engineer-
ing 24 lithographs of contruction
work on the Panama Canal which
were made by the famous artist,
Joseph Pennell.
The lithographs are originals and,
according to Dean Ivan C. Crawford
of the College of Engineering, con-
stitute a most outstanding portion
of this noted artist's work.

we0. Mauck I
Will Address
School Group
College And High School
Cooperation Is Subject
Of Annual Conference
Seventh Annual Conference on
Problems in School and College Co-
operation will convene today for its
one-day session under the auspices
of the Bureau of Cooperation with
Education Institutions.
Dr. Willfred O. Mauck, president
of Hillsdale College will be the prin-
cipal speaker at the luncheon. He will
address the group of educators at-
tending the meeting on "Some Pro-
bable Effects of the Defense Program
on Colleges," at 12:15 p.m. in the
Following the luncheon meeting,
the conference will adjourn to the
Second Floor Terrace Room ofCthe
Union. With Prof. George E. Car-
rothers, director of the bureau, as
chairman, the group will hold a panel
discussion on problems common to
high schools and colleges.
The present situation will be ana-
lyzed from the college standpoint
by Dr. Robert S. Linton, registrar of
Michigan State College and from the
high school viewpoint by Norris G.
Wiltse of Ypsilanti. Prof. Egbert Win-
ter of Hope College will present the
solutions found in other states.
Dwight H. Rich of Lansing will de-
scribe "A Suggested Plan for Use
in Michigan."
Police Continue Probe
Into Office Burglary
Police are continuing their inves-
tigation today into the ransacking of
the University athletic offices in the
Ferry Field Administration building
and the women's athletic building on
Forest Avenue, which were broken in-
to sometime Tuesday night.
Police reported nothing missing at
the Ferry Field building although
a door leading to Athletic director
Fielding H. Yost's office was smashed
and an attempt made to open a safe.
Detective Sgt. Eugene Gehringer, who
investigated the break-in declared
the entrance was made by removing
a pane of glass from a window in the
office of Harry A. Tillotson, ticket
About $4 in change was reported
missing from the women's athletic
building. Gehringer believed that a
key which was taken from Yost's
office was used to gain entrance.

Several Groups Of Students
MayClaim Draft Deferment

Editor's Note: This is the sixth in
a series of articles discussing various
phases of the Selective Service Act.
Today's article deals with the different
types of deferment which may be
claimed by students.
Although the provisions of the Se-
lective Service Act only provide for
student deferment until the end of
this school year or until July 1, ex-
emption from service is being given
to a large number of graduates and
undergraduates at the present time.
Local draft boards have been ex-
tremely liberal in granting defer-
ments to students who plan to get
their degrees in August and indi-
viduals in that position have been
advised to inform their boards of
their status as soon as possible.
The newspaper "Selective Serv-
ice," published at the National Head-
quarters of the Selective Service
System, has revealed in its last issue
that boards may also defer potential
According to Brig. Gen. Lewis B.
Hershey, deputy director of Selective
Service, 60- to 90-day deferments
are justified to those registrants who
are candidates for commissions in

the Army, Navy or Marine Corps or
those who have applied for enlist-
ment as flying cadets in those serv-
All juniors and seniors in advanced
division of the Reserve Officers'
Training Corps are also being grant-
ed deferments which will remain in
effect until they have fulfilled the
requirements for their commission.
At that time it is expected that they
will accept commissions and go on
active duty.
Deferments are also being given to
many engineering, medical and
dental students who will be com-
pleting their studies this August and
next February. Certain boards, how-
ever, are refusing to excuse men
from service because they are taking
such training.
Divinity students, who began their
studies on or before Sept. 16, 1940,
are also eligible for deferment as
are individuals who have already
completed their ministerial training.
Other deferments are given to those
who have completed service in the
nation's armed forces, to non-
declarant aliens, to conscientious ob-
jectors and to those who are judged
either physically or mentally unfit.




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