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April 08, 1941 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-04-08

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LeagueCouncil PositionsA nnounce At Istalatin


Senior Society
Tap Neophytes
McCormick Scholarships
And Mu Phi Epsilon Award
Highlight Yearly Dinner Events
This year's publication managers
of the 13 League "magazines" re-
signed their editorships and handecd
out the "press passes" to next year',
League Council at the annual Instal-
lation banquet held last night in
the League Ballroom.
Elizabeth Luckham, of Martha
Cook Residence, to-ok over the Child
Life magazine, otherwise known a.
the Vice-President in charge of Or-
ientation, and she will be assisted by
the transfer Orientation advisor, Mar-
garet Ida Gardner, a member of Pi
Beta Phi.
Betty Bailie, of Kappa Kappa
Gamma, will be next year's Vice-
President in charge of the Tutorial
committee, while Mary Gage andi
Louise Keatley, both members of
Gamma Phi Beta, were named edi-
tors of the Gregg Shorthand maga-
zine( secretary) and Fortune maga-
zine (treasurer), respectively.
League Chairman Told
Betty Farriss, of Kappa Alpha
Theta, waa named social chairman,
Marjorie Polumbaum, a resident of
Helen Newberry, will be the next
year's merit system chairman, while
Virginia Appleton, a member of Pi
Beta Phi, will succeed to the Theatre
Arts chairmanship. Dance Class
chairman will be Betty Johnson of
Kappa Alpha Theta, while Jea*
Goudy of Delta Delta Delta was
named Candy Booth chairman.
Senior judiciary members will be
Margaret Hulbert of Gamma Phi
Beta and Harriet Heames, member of
Collegiate Sorosis. Lorraine Judson,
resident of Jordan Hall, and Eliza-
beth Gram. of Kappa Kappa Gamma,
were appointed Junior members of
Judiciary Council.
Assembly President, Jean Hubbard,
of Mosher Hall, Panhellenic Presi-
dent, Patricia Hadley, of Alpha Pi,
and WAA President Donelda Schai-
ble, of Pi Beta Phi, also hold member-
ships on the League Council. The new4
League president, Margaret Sanford,F
and next year's Judiciary Council
chairman, Jane Baits, as announced
in last week's Daily, will head the
Board in control of Publications forr
all of next 'year's League magazines.
The winners of the three Ethel Mc-
Cormick scholarships are Rosebud;
Scott, '42, resident of Betsy Barbour
Residence; Elizabeth Walker, '42, of
Martha Cook Residence, and Lois
Gish, a member of Alpha Delta Pi.
The Mu Phi School of Music Schol-
arship was presented to Betty Ivan-
off, '43SM, of Ann Arbor.
Led by Jane Sapp, President, Senior
Society tapped the following junior
women to membership: Rosebud

Named To Posts Of Honor In League

Frank Gagen
To Swing Out
At Fresh Air'
Freshman Groups To Entertain
With Skit Parade Of Take-Offs;
Performances To Be Judged
Rhythm and rhyme in the form
of smooth, sweet, and sweet-swing
tunes, each one introduced by a brief
poem, will be featured by Frank Ga-
gen and his orchestra, which will
play at "Fresh Air," the 1941 Fresh-
man Project April 25. ,ickets for
the dance will go on sale from 3
p.m. to 6 p.m. tomorrow at the League
With Gagen will be Shirley DeRose,
.soloist, and vocalists Tom Sheridan
and Ralph Fisher who play the saxo-
phone and trumpet in the band.
Roger Cote, drummer, will present,
novelty songs in frog voice.
Freshman class feature will be the
Skit Parade consisting of Michigan
take-offs by various freshman group'i
on campus. Entering the ballroom in
a procession at intermission time,
the groups will give two-minute per -
formances of their take-off before the
judges stand. Prizes of $30, $15 and $5
will go to the houses represented by
the three skits judged best.
Decorations for the dance will be
representative of an airport scene
with red, white, and blue awnings
over the patrons and orchestra booths
and a silver airplane suspended in
the center of the ballroom surrounded
by clouds.
Tickets, which will sell at $1.25,
will also be available from all project
central committee members.
Students Make



To Be Guests
At Coke Bar

Two of the biggest of the year's biggest formals were overshadowed this
veelkid by the sudden rush of fraternities to satisfy your and my ever-
present yen for costume parties. It was mostly pretty rugged stuff and, as
Ie always say, there's nothing like flinging oneself about in some good,
healthful, rugged exercise. There were six-shooters here and stills (no, not
-he camel a-shot kind) -there and fun poppin' all over the place.
The Theta Chi boys didn't fail their public; they came through with
their annual Bowery Ball (And no matter how you feel about it, Madame
Proofreader, don't put an "r" in the "Ball"). The thing was complete
from the honest-to-goodness sawdust on the floor (and Heaven save us
from ow'honest sawdust!) tb Ellen Rhea's floradora hat with its feather
curling from here to there. Among the Boweryites present were Jackie
Laird and Leon Coquilette, Claire Reed-Hill and Chuck Dillman, Mary
C(raig hughes and Dick Strain, and Kit Carson and Chuck Low
The Old West Rides Again.. .
The Spirit of the Old West (in a horrible sort of way) was typified by
the party at the Beta house the same night. There was a thirty foot ah
urn . . . milk bar, a brass rail and even (dare we mention such indeli-
. cate objects?) three cuspidors! The high point'
" == of the evening, was, so we are told, reached with
a royal water pistol fight which went right on to
L _include water glasses and water pitchers. One
gets soooo cultured at these institutions of higher
learning. Annie Stresau and Jim Holland whip-
ped the water pistols around with vim and vigor-not at each other, we
hope, though. So did Jean Schafer and Lorne Black, Margaret Cobb and
Jim Duffie, Margot Thom and Hank Watson, and Pat Stelle and Bob
sunl quist.
S.A.E. continued the weekend the very next night with- a rousing
"Rustlers' Rustle." Daisy Mae costumes and burlap skirts of all types were

Sophomores have their turn to be
the class specially invited to the
Union Coke Bar, which will be held
from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. today,
in the small ballroom of the Union.
Besides all Sophomore men and
women, Phi Psi, Psi Upsilon, and
Theta Xi have special invitations.
Personal invitations' have been sent
to 35 women on campus, and to
Jeanne Crump and her staff, on
The Daily.
Virginia Morse, '43, will be hostess
at this week's Coke Bar, which will
be the last to be given before/spring
vacation. Admission charge for men
will be 10 cents, while all women
will be considered guests of the Union,
and admitted free of charge. There
will be a group of specially delegated
men waiting at the top of the stairs
to escort to the ballroom those women
who come to the affair without dates,
as they are encouraged to do.

More Students Study Sani
f During European War Crises


Spanish departments in colleges
and high schools throughout the na-
tion are preparing today for an ex-
pected wartime boom in the study of1
the Spanish language.
Pointing out the increased pop-
ularity of Spanish following Ameri-
ca's last two foreign entanglements
- the Spanish-American War in
1898 and the first World War - Prof.'
Charles P. Wager of the University
1 Romance Language department ex-
pressed his belief that, before the
ending of the present world conflict,
more American students will study'
Spanish than at any other one time
in the country's education history.
The first indication of another]
boom came last year when class at-,
tendance here jumped from 690 to
911 students, Wagner said, and if the
gradual increase which began in 1934
continues at the same rate, enroll-j
ment should reach a new maximum
next year.
Closer To Latin America
When normal commercial relations
with Europe were cut off during thej
last World War, Wagner continued,
America was instantaneously drawn.
into closer contact with Spanish}
America - a condition now being re-<
"Good Neighbor" statements issued
from Washington then, Wagner add-
ed, also greatly influenced the gen-

tion's schools, he said, were placed
in a chaos of unsettlement and be-
wilderment by having to cope with
more students than could be capably
handled. Throughout the country, he
said, many incompetent men were
installed in the capacity of teachers
because of the lack of experienced
Caught unprepared by the sudden
change, Wagner went on, the Ro-
mance Language department here
found themselves confronted by 112,3
students. Fortunately, he continued,
satisfactory teachers were obtained
and the situation was able to be man-
In the next years, enrollment in
Spanish classes declined, reaching its
minimum of 425 students in 1933, and



rampant, and gals!-they introduced a motif at this
party which I sincerely hope will b7e continued! The
men and women' were separated at the door and then
the women whipped around all over the place search-
ing for their dates a la Sadie Hawkins. Maybe now
we'll be able to use that bear trap we've been savin',
Cobina! Mary Sellon and Ray Buehler, and Ginny
Ward and Bob Burckhalter did their best to get right
into the spirit of things. (To tell the truth we didn't
know how to end that paragraph, and that was the
best we could do at the moment).
Formals are More Decorous.. .

make your outfit


Trip To Toledo
Art Exhibition

BLOUSES are more importan

aain, increasing in 1934. Prepara- I 1 /[ L l -'L1 'Lto1"'
.Ions since then, Wagner said,'have
been made along with. and according Spanish Originals Illustrate
to, the growth of the Spanish Development Of Painting
language. During Last Eight Centuries
Departments Now Prepared
"If we do have another boom," By JEANNE CRUMP
Wagner stressed. "the result to the Spanish painting is now residing inj
student will be much more satisfac- Toledo in an American town which is:
tory as we are now fully prepared." I the namesake of a Spanish town.
He pointed out that Spanish libraries Appropriately enough, it has in its
have been enriched, advanced courses Museum of Arts the works of such
introduced. and many experienced in- masters as Velazquez, El Greco and
structors, capable of teaching both Murillo, and they may be seen at no
French and Spanish, on hand. charge.
Prof. Wagner feels that if the' Taking advantage of such an op-
Western Hemisphere should be iso- portunity, the Fine Arts and Spanish
lated for a number of years from close departments combined forces Satur-

A slightly more decorous note was strugk by the Chi
Omegas and the Alpha Delts with their formals, both on Saturday e0 ning.
Jean Linsay and Keats Vining, Ginny Brereton and Bill Chamberlain,
"Speedo" Swift and Bill Lapworth, and Ginny Frey danced at the Chi 0
house, and Ginny Young and Dick Winter, Phyllis Sheehy and Russ Had-
ley, Lucy Barnwell and Jim Skinner, Olga Gruhzit and Bill Beebe, Patty
-Palmer and Dick Sturges, Nancy Avary and Jim Watson and Jean Knappen
and Jim Watson did the same at the house on State Street.
As for Slide Rule and Crease Ball-well, of course, they, too, functioned
jFriday night, it is reported. The most outstanding thing about either of
them, we think, is the fact that Cab Calloway, at Slide Rule actually played
some sweet music, as he promised, and Belle Barton and Jack Cooney, Eleanor
Maliche and Tom Kokler, and Jane Luxan and Bill McKay reported that it
was l)len-ty good too! Well, that's the weekend, kids. See ya'.


than ever

this Spring. Wear

them with suits, skirts, and jer-
kins. They may be had in both
dressy and sport styles. All fab-
rics and colors, including the
very important white.


eia± puuiw WiIIrcII suaUnry 1 eY contact with Europe, North and day and chartered two buses to make
aware of the importance of Spanish.
South America will be more and the trip. They were shown through of
According to Wagner, reaction of more dependent on each other and galleries of originals that illustrated ch
the country in 1920 due to these pat- 'there will be many ways in which the development of the art of Spain coo
riotic and economic conditions was yunfrom 12th century Romanesque fres- bu
ritcanfcnmi odtin 1a young Americans who know Spanish c to the magnificent oils of the last the
reflected in the introduction of Span- will findt practical use for the lang-co h
ish in thousands of schools through- uage two centuries. fr
out the land, with 40,000 students in aFurthermore, he is sure that more Works Efplained br
New York alone studying the lang- Expertly explaining the various ac
uagee students, convinced of the importance orks to the University groups Was wh
Needed More Teachers Spash, ill pusue te guage Jose Gudiol, the very person who I
beyond its elementary courses, for oi'ganized the exhibition . He is a tu

Scott, Marjorie Polumbaum, Marg-
aret Sanford, Jean Hubbard, Rhoda
Leshine, Doris Cuthbert, Dorothy
Anderson, Mildred Curtis, Emilie
Root, Betty Walker, Elizabeth Luck-
ham, Jean Krise, Pearl Brown, Don-
na Baish, Mary Virginia 'Mitchell.

Mortarboard Taps, Too
New Mortarboard members, tap-
ped last night, are Miss Scott, Miss
Curtis, Miss Polumbaum, Miss San'-
ford, June Baits, Harriet Heames,
Veitch Purdom, Elaine Fisher, Fran-
ces Aaronson, Shirley Silver, Grace
Miller, Phyllis Waters, Miss Walker,
Louise Keatley, Mary Gage, Phyllis
Lovejoy, Virginia Frey, Virginia Ap-
pleton, Virginia Drury, and Gertrude
In the Senior class, Virginia Os-
good, of Kappa Kappa Gamma, won
the distinction of having earned the
most League points. In the Junior
Class, Frances Aaronson, of Alpha
Epsilon Phi, won the honor, and
Barbara De Fries, of Delta Delta Del-
ta, was the winner in the sophomore'
class. -
Freshmen orientation advisors were
announced as follows: Doris Allen,]
'42; Betty Altman, '42; Elaine Barth,
'43; Suzanne Bentley, '42; Margaret
Brown, '43; Joanne Bouchard, '42;
Virginia Capron, '43; Joanne Clem-
ent, '43A; Jane Connell, '42; Marga-
ret Collins, '43; Jean Coffelt, '43;
Jeanne Cordell, '43; Mary DeMong,
'42; Gloria Donen, '43; Mary Louise
Ewing, '43; Mary Gage, '42; Con-
stance Gilbertson, '43SM; Nancy
Gould, '42; Janet Grace, '42, and Bet-
ty Griswold, '43.
New Members Named
Other members of this staff include'
Alice Haas, '42; Elnice Hoffer, '43;
Gertrude Inwood, '43; Doris Jones
'42; Lorraine Judson, '43; Dorothy
It'sReally Funto SLENDERIZE
The Eaiy MacLEVY Way
yr Lose 2 to 3 inches in'only 10
visits. No starvation diets
no strenuous exercise.
You lose while relaxing. Me.

Spanish departments of the na- its broadly cultural aspects.
Johnson, '43; Betty Krall, '43; Mary
Virginia Mitchell, '42; Viola Modlin, Clark McClella n's
'42; Marjorie Mahon, '43; Jean Man- Orchestra To Play
waring, '42; Patricia MacFarland, '42;
Martha Poe, '43; Virginia Paterson, For All-Dorm Dance
'42; Grace Procter, '43; Mary Pfender, Clark McClellan's orchestra has
'43; Merry Pate, '43; Eleanor Rake- been selected to play for the All-
straw, '43; Shirley Risburg, '42Ed; Dormitory spring formal to be held
Jane Rosing, '42; Mildred Radford, May 3, William Steen, '43, publicity
'42; Marjorie Storiaan, '43; Mary chairman, announced yesterday.,

spaniard who is now teaching in the
University of Toledo, and before the
revolution was architect of the Mu-
seum of Barcelona and director of
the Museum. of Vich. Because of
these positions, he was given the'
charge of saving the national art
treasures during the Spanish war,'
and brought the masterpieces to
Geneva in the summer of 1939. The
showing there brought thousands of
tourists to Switzerland.
It was in that same year that Mr.
Gudiol came to America, and last
year he was with the Institute of
Fine Arts of New York University.
He wrote the large illustrated cata-
logue that is being used in connec-
tion with the Toledo exhibit, and


ll continue this show until Sun-
y, April 27.
Frescos Are Presented
Early Spanish frescos are effective-
presented in the reconstruction
a part of a tiny 13th century
apel. One enters a small dark
om with high vaults that has been
ilt within the museum to show'
e fantastically shaped and colored
escos of the lower wall that were
ought from Spain. They were
tually found in such a chapel
hich is 701 years old.
Interesting are a series of six pic-
res by Gaya that show a fight be-
een the bandit Margato and the
onk purser, Fray Pedro. It fore-
adows the modern movie, even to
anging the angle of each pitture to
ry backgrounds. One of he 'many
intings by Velasquez of the little
anish princess, Margaret, are in-
uded here as is his magnificent St.
mon which he did when he was
years of age.
El Greco was the transition to
e Renaissance, and his entirely per-
nal forms and colors are adequate-
displayed. It was one of his works,
e detail of Christ with the Cross,
hich was in a place of honor in the
rst gallery, having been placed
ere because it was voted picture of
e week.

I W ittStrenaous
Mechanica land Swedaih Massage
Vapo~r Cabinets. Mild Exercise
Capor Write for FREE Fri0 "ish.~
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Featuring the Famous MacLevy System ot Slenderizing
Read The Daily Classifieds


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Qd . 4( 'lk


Trelfa, '42; Anna Jean Williams, '42;
Joanne Woodward, '43; Margaret'
Wright, '42, and Margaret Wiseman,
The following women will be trans-
fer orientation advisors: Frances
Aarcnson, '42; Sue Barlow, '42; Char-
lie Boyd. '43; Dorothy Brooks, '42;
Barbara Burns, '43; Cleo Jean Covert,
'42Ed; Meta Criswell, '43; Jeanne
Crump, '42; Mary Jane Denison, '42;
Nancy Drew, '42; Lois Gish, '42;
Rosamond Griggs, '42; Harriet
[eames, '42; Victoria Henry, '43;
Janet Hiatt, '42; Marie Holmes, '42:
Barbara Jenswold, '43; Marcia Karn.1
'42; Betty Kefgen, '43A; Marailyn
MacRitchie, '43; Mercedes Matthews.
'42; Jean Mieras, '43; Grace Miller,
'42: Jean Mullins, '42; Betty Sachs,
'43Ed: Elinor Searls, '42; Jean Sollitt.
'42; Marjorie Taylor, '42A; Marjorie
Teller, '43: Grace Volkman, '42; Ann
Wint ers, 42; Virginia Young, '43.
and Jane Zimmerman, '42.

Incidentally, Steen revealed, a
name for the dance ha's been decided
upon. The name selected was 'Spring
Dormal." The dance will be held in
the grand ballroom of the League.
The committee for the dance in-
ludes Bob Kemp, '43E, general chair-
man; Orrie Barr, and Norman
Schwartz, '44, ticket co-chairmen;
Norman Taylor, '42E, chaperon chair-
man; Bob Shelley, '44Spec, decora-
tions chairman.

( - -


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A complete Spring wardrobe for
going home . . . a softly tai-
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DRESSES . .. . . $6.50-$29.95




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