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April 08, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-04-08

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Washington Merry-Go-Round




-. m I (6'ahaofiv RN A hjrmaH r --e-1 .W . . -
Edited and managed by students o' the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Boardin Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated .ress.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of al news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All
tights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Fember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41
Editorial Staff

Hervie Hauder
Alvin Sarasohn
Paul M. Chandler
Hari Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
Laurer ce Mascott
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser
Helen German

. . . . Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
. .Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
. . . . ports Editor
.W o.en gs Editor
Exchange Editor

Business Staff
Business Manager
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager.

Irving Outtman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
Jane Krause


The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.



L I - ---

Cancer Control Army
Begins Its Work...
FOR YEARS cancer has been a disease
to be regarded with terror and to be
treated with a "hush-hush" attitude. People
have thought of cancer as a diease to be asham-
ed of, and have believed that a person afflicted
with it must necessarily die. Some of the tre-
mendous work to destroy these superstitions has
already been done by the Women's Field Army
for the control of cancer which opened its
annual campaign last week. Through dissem-
ination of information educating people about
treatment and though fund drives raising money
to finance treatment, the Army has already
saved hundreds of lives.
The one fact constantly stressed by members
of the Army is that cancer is curable. It is not
contagious and if caught in early stages in the
individual case the disorderly growth of the
rells that constitutes the disease can be treated
and cured.
It is for this reason that the Women's Army
urges that people memorize the symptoms of
cancer-any persistent lump or thickening, any
irregular bleeding or discharge from any body
opening; any persistent and unexplained i'ndiges-
tion; any sore that does not heal normally; any
sudden change in the form or rate of growth
of a mole or wart. They emphasize the import-
ance of seeing a physician immediately -if any
of these symptoms should occur.
'semi-annually, especially of the breast and
pelvic areas, is the best insurance against the
disease. If some sign is found, it will then have
been detected in the early stage when there is
the greatest chance for effective treatment.
Much of the work of the Field Army is car-
ried on through voluntary contributions and
through donations received on tag days held in
every town and city in the country. That this
work must be aided and extended can be realized
when we see that mortality from cancer last year
was nearly five times that from automobile ac-
-Jean Shapero
Humor In Wartime
Reveals True Spirit -.
There isn't much humor to war except for
the jokes that circulate in the newspapers of
the world from time to time. But some of these
anecdotes might suffice to give us a good chuckle
now and then, while at the same time we nightly
arm our nation and daily read of new agressions
on the European battle-front.
The story is told -by the New York Times -
that Hitler and Napoleon spoke to each other
for a few minutes the other day.
"What do you think of my campaign in Po-
land?" Der Fuehrer demanded of his illustrious
"Pretty well planned," Napoleon answered
from the bottom of his tomb.
"And what do you think of my campaign in
Belgium and Holland?"
"You have given proof of pretty good military
"My campaign in France pleased you?" Hitler

WASHINGTON-Those who are steering U.S.
foreign policy on its present difficult course
privately offer four important reasons for not
anticipating a break in diplomatic relations with
Germany for some time.
ONE IS THE MEMORY of the German people
regarding American entrance into the last
war- For years Germans have contended that
they won the last wat-until the United States
entered; so that psychological effect of Ameri-
can entrance now is the last thing Hitler wants.
Two is the effect upon American morale. At
present, U.S. draftees can't get enthusiastic about
their service, )Ihile industry and labor could be
much more patriotic about production. But oncel
Hitler precipitated a declaration of war, senti-
ment here would be far different-and he knows
Three is the large amount of German property
Marx Society Answered
To the Edito:
Frankly I doubt the rationality of the Ameri-
can Communist. How can any college student
write as fact the statements put out by the
Chairman of the Karl Marx Society in his recent
letter to this column? The only possible ex-
planation is that the communists have embarked
on a program of half truths and deliberate mis-
For example they state in their letter: "It is
striking that the Soviet Union, surrounded by
warring powers, is still at peace, and that almost
the only other European countries at peace are
those within' the immediate sphere of influence
of, the Soviet Union."
Is their memory so short that they cannot
remember that it was Russia's partnership pact
with Germany that stimulated the present state
of lawlessness? Have they forgotten the crim-
inal invasion of progressive little Finland? What
do they call the Russian absorption of Latvia,
Estonia, Lithuania, and parts of Poland and
Roumania? Who is a greater force for imper-
ialism than the Communist Internationale?
Mr. Chapman speaks of the abolition of un-
employment in Russia? Any child will under-
stand that unemployment is impossible in a
state that conscripts labor. With a standing
army of five million and millions of other men
working under slave labor conditions, unable
to choose where and at what task they shall
labor, Mr. Chapman's statement about Russia
makes sense.
The Marx Society continues with the claim
that "Russia has increased its physical indus-
trial output since 1913 by 550 percent-something
no other nation has done." This is probably
true. But when one recalls the utter poverty
ignorance, and backwardness of feudal Czarist
Russia one wonders how much more Russia
must progress even today to reach the standards
of the poorest nations in Europe let alone
Russia's utter lack, on any general scale, of
decent housing facilities, bathtubs, soap, to
mention only a few of life's essentials, is well
known among newspapermen and diplomats that
have had occasion to work in Russia. And of
course when one begins to look for such every-
day items as telephones, radios, automobiles,
electric washing machines, etc., one wonders
how any American can feel envious of the'Rus-
sian's lot. Even our WPA workers have some of
these things.
The writer berated American "press, radio,
and professional interpetation whichatends to
keep the facts from us." For one advocating the
Marxian doctrines this is amazing. Granted
certain American papers are not what they
should be, yet even our worst papers print the
opposition speeches. Certainly one would not
find a book like "Out of the Night" in a Mos-
cow bookstore; nor would one hear anti-com-
munists on the Red airwaves. Yet they have
the gall to condemn our discussion instruments.

We may not be perfect but where else in he
world is there as much freedom?
As Americans we undoubtedly have much work
to do in order to achieve the perfect democracy.
The completed study of the TNEC monopoly in-
vestigation committee makes that clear. But we
will do the job in an American free man ap-
proach. We don't want some Am. version of
"Joe Stinkfoot" and his gang of Kremlin bu-
reaucrats to order our lives for us.
In conclusion I think that it will be the
American youth and not the Soviet youth that
will be the "hope of the world." For only among
free peoples have ideas been allowed to develop
and mature.
-Fred Niketh, 141L.
place for you beside me."
In his newspaper column, Walter Winchell
tells the one about the Italian soldier who wrote
to his family the following nostalgic note: "Two
days ago the'British drove us back thirty miles.
Yesterday they drove us back thirty-two miles.
Today they drove us back thirty-four miles.
With a little luck I'll be home tomorrow."
Representing the English point of view, the
London Daily Telegraph sends this summary of

in the United States which would be seized in
case of war.
Four is the fact that Germany is now able to
receive a certain amount of goods from the
U.S.A., sent via Russia and Japan, which she
could not ,get in case of war.
.Therefore, U.S. diplomatic experts are con-
vinsed that Hitler will do nothing rash toward
the United States until after June or July, by
which time he should pretty much know whether
he is going to take England or not
Nazi policy after that will be guided by inter-
vening events,
Defense Okies
Representative John Tolan's committee in-
vestigating mass migrations of defense workers
got an earful from Federal Security Administra-
tor Paul McNutt on the country's growing boom-
town headache.
McNutt said that Surgeon-General ThomasI
Parran, just back from studying English civil
defenses, told him that sanitary conditions in air
raid shelters were better than those in some
U.S. defense centers.
McNutt gave an example of a village of 500
population which is expected to expand to over
5,000 with the establishment of an army camp
The town's public water supply was inade-
quate even for its normal population; it doesn't
have a sewer system; there is no pasteurized
milk in the area; and no hospital facilities with-
in 40 miles. In addition, extensive mosquito con-
trol will be necessary to prevent malaria.
McNutt declared that the chief cause of the
vast social problem stemming from defense is
the concentration of industry. He pointed out
that 73 per cent of primary defense cntracts
are located in 20 centers, while only 19 per cent
of WPA employment was in these areas last
Defense employment is crowded into the
Northeast, requiring the bringing of workers
clear across the continent. A total of 2,355,000
are employed in defense industries in the North-
east, as compared to 985,000 in the South and
Southwest; 890,000 in the Pacific and Mountain
states; and 770,000 in Great Lake states.
.The Reply Churlish
and the rest of the week to go before it can
become effective. Three novels to read (one
of them half done, but I'm stuck at Father
Zossima, poly sci exam coming" up, and paper
due for French. To say nothing of small matter
of seventy-five or eighty pages of great fiction
to turn out before them ole debbil Hopwoods
close the gates in my face. And then it has to
go and become Spring on me. Indeed I would
not have it otherwise, but that afternoon sun
outside the windows as I write this is a con-
stant reminder that I will probably never amount
to anything, and a call to laziness which results
in my not being able to do anything except con-
tinue the old autobiography, as the boys in the
office call this feature.
Why spring fever? Why this phoney opti-
mism that takes hold of me and all the rest of
the chuckle-heads, makes us grin all day like
cheshire cats, and -squint our faces at the sun,
and shilly shally along the streets looking at
girls and life and letters with an interested but
non-belligerent attitude? And with all the force
of a great mind gone slightly to seed, I can only
answer. Why not?
Get up in the morning and hear t1he robins
outside, and see the sun coming through the
window warming up the old rooming house

(Continued from Page 2)
Washington, D.C.; third floor Ex-
hibition Room, Architecture Building,
through April 9, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Exhibition: John James Clarkson--
Oils, Water Colors and Drawings. Ex-
hibition Galleries of the Rackham
School, March 28-April 26. Daily (ex-
cept Sundays) including evenings.
Auspices: Ann Arbor Art Association
and Institute of Fine Arts, University
of Michigan.
Exhibition: Water color sketches
from the interior decoration studios
of Marshall Field and Company, Chi-
cago. First floor corridor display
cases, Architecture Building. April
University Lecture: John Garstang,
Professor of Theory and Practice of
Archaeology, University of Liverpool,
will lecture on the subject, "The
Foundation of Bible History," (illus-
trated) under the auspices of the De-
partments of History, Greek, and
Oriental Languages at 4:15 p.m. to-
day in the Rackham Lecture Hal.
The public is cordially invited.
French Lecture: Mr. William G.
Merhab will give the fifth lecture on
the Cercle Francais program: "Ma-
dame de Stael et Napolon" Wednes-
day, April 9, at 4:15, room 103, Ro-
mance Languages Bldg.
The Alexander Ziwet Lectures in
Mathematics will be given this year
by Professor Saunders MacLane of
Harvard University on the subject
"Extensions of Groups and Their
Applications," beginning April 21
and, extending for two weeks. The
first lecture will be on Monday,
April'21, at 4:00 p.m. in 3011 A.L,
on the topic, "Group Extensions and
Factor Sets."
Events Today
Public Health Assembly: Professor
Edwin B. Mains, Professor of Botany
and Director of the University Herb-
arium, will be the speaker at the
Public Health Assembly toay at
4:00 p.m. in the Auditorium of the
?. K. Keilogg Institute of Graduate
and Post-Graduate Dentistry. The
subject of his address is "Diseases
common to Plant Life" (Illustra ted)
All professional students in public
health are expected to be present.
Vocational Guidance Talk On the
Ministry: Dr. E. W. Blakeman, Coun-
selor in Religious Education, wil]
speak on the requirements for ad-
mission to various theological sem-
inaries and various aspects of th
profession in Room 9, University Hall
today at 4:15 p.m. Students interested
in entering this profession are urged
to attend the meeting.
Vocational Guidance Talk Or
Pharmacy: Dr. H. B. Lewis, Directo
of the College of Pharmacy, wil
speak on the requirements for ad-
mission to this College, and variou
aspects of the profession, in Roon
313 W. Medical Building today at 4:1
p.m. Students interested in enterin
this profession are urged to attenc
the meeting.
Botanical Journal Club will mee

Hampton H. Irwin, C.L.U.,
speak on "Business Insurance,"
night at 8:00 at Alpha Kappa
chapter house, 1325 Washtenaw.
interested are invited.

an eligible candidate must have com-I
pleted two years of college- work or
passed an examination on the edu-
cational requiremlents. Captain Estes
will explain the requirements in de-
tail, and will discuss the opportuni-
ties available to students who ore
qualified and wish to enter this
branch of the service. Two motion
pictures, "Wings of the Army" and
"The Flying Cadet of U. S. Arm,"
will be shown. All interested stu-
dents are urged to be in prompt at-
tendance at this meeting.
John Jacob Niles, singer of Ameri-
can folk music, will give a recital
with dulcimer accompaniment in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre tonight
at 8:30. Tickets at Box Office.
Graduate Students and others in-
terested are invited to listen tonight
to a program of recorded music in
the Men's Lounge of the Rackham
Building. The program is as follows:
Sibelius. Symphony No. 7;
Schumann, Concerto in A Minor;
Bach, Bf-andenberg Concerto 5 & 6.
Sigma Rho :Tau will meet at 7:30
tonight in the Union. Preparations
will be made for the Chapter's par-
ticipation in' the coming National
Convention. All members are re-
quested to be present.
Frosh. Project Parade Committee
will audition skits today in the room
posted as following:
5:15 p.m. Alpha Omicron Pi
5:30 p.m. Alpha Epsilon Phi
5:40 p.m, Stockwell
The League House Representatives
will meet at 4:30 p.m. today in the
League. 'It is absolutely necessary
that a member from each house be
present for election of next year's
officers will take place.
Phi Delta Kappa business meeting
tonight at 7:00 in the East Confer-
ence Room of the Rackham Building.

ning, 7:30, in the Union. Music re-
funds will also be made. All men who
missed Sunday's rehearsal and who
are on the Spring Tour list will please
contact Jim Berger, 8590, as soon as
Al-Thaqafa, the Arabic Culture So-
ciety, will hold a round-table dis-
cussion on Wednesday, April 9. at
8:00 p.m. at the International Center
The subject will be "Youth Move-
ments in the Arab World." All inter-
ested are invited.
University of Michigan Flying Club
will meet on Wednesday, April 9, in
1042 East Engineering Building at
8:00 p.m. Members are requested to
bring the following information with
them: Total hours flown from April
1, 1940, to March 31, 1941. Indicate
amount that was dual, solo, night,
instrument, and types of aircraftused
in the accumulation of this time.
Also number of cross country flights.
Final arrangements will be made for
she coming regional meet, and the
Loening Trophy report will be \co'-
The Slavic Society will meet
Wednesday evening, April 9, at 8:00,
in Room 305 of the Michigan Union.
Choral music and folk dancing will
be featured after the meeting. All
members are requested to attend.


Harris Hall: Tea will be served this
afternoon from 4:00 to 5:30. Episco-
pal students and friends are invited.
Christian Science Organization will
meet tonight at 8:15 in the Chapel of
the Michigan League.
Hillel Institute of Jewish Studies:
A meeting of the Intermediate He-
brew Class will be held at the Hillel
Foundation tonight at 8:00. .
A Meeting of the Hillel Student
Council will be held at the Founda-
tion tonight at 7:30. All retiring
members of the Council are invited
to attend this meeting.
Lenten Organ Music at 4:15 p.m.
today at the First Presbyterian
Church by the organist, William N.
Faculty Women's Club: The Flay
Reading Section will meet today at
2:15 p.m. in the Mary B. Henderson
Room of the Michigan League.
Michigan Dames: General Meet-
ing tonight at 8:00-Husbands in-
vited. Bridge and other games will
be played. In Women's Lounge, Rack-
ham Bldg.
Coming Events
Varsity Glee Club: The following'
men will go on the spring tour:
Warner, Allen, Rawdon, Bassett,
Scherdt, Koppin, Steere, Erke, Pin-
ney, Repola, Crowe, Wilton, Martin,
Conti, Hines, Wierengo, Klopsic, Im-
peri, Strickland.
Davis, Muller, C. Brown, J. Brown,
George, Gibson, Landis, Liimatainen,
Sommerfeld, Shale, Whitney, Plott,
Sherrill, Neuchterlein, Gillis, Osse-
waarde, Mattern, Berger.
All above men must present health


The Spring Parley Continuations
Committee will meet at 4:30 p.m.,
Wednesday, April 9, at the Union.
The room will be posted on the
bulletin board.
La Sociedad Hispanica presents
Professor Nelson Eddy-in a lecture on
"Musica Espanola Moderna", Thurs-
day, April 10, at 4:15 p.m. in 103
Ronance Language Bldg.
Frosh Project Parade Committee
will audition skits in the r6om posted
on Wednesday, April 9, as following:
4:00 Betsy Barbour-Helen New-
4:15 Delta Gamma
4:30 Kappa Alpha Theta-Alpha
Gamma Delta
4:45 Kappa Kappa Gamma
5:00 Pi Beta Phi
5:15 Chi Omega-Alpha Delta Pi
5:30 Kappa Delta
on Thursday, April 10, 1941, as fol-
lowing :
4:00 Gamma Phi Beta
4:15 Jordan, 2, 3
4:30 Alpha Chi Omega
4:45 Jordan 4, 5
5:00 Independents
5:15 Sorosis
5:30 Tri Delta
The First Methodist Church choir,
with Mark Bills and Joseph Lader-
oute as soloists and Professor Hardin
Van Deursen of the School of Music
as director, will present Stainer's
"The Crucifixion" on Wednesday,
April \9, at 8:00 p.m. in the Church.
The public is cordially invited.
Harris Hall: Holy Communion will
be celebrated Wednesday a.m. at
7:30 in the Bishop Williams Memor-
ial Chapel.
Harris Hall: A Lepten Lupch will
be served Wednesday at 12:00 to 1:00.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Holy Communion today at 8 a.m.
and Intercessions at 12:15 noon, in
the church.' Wednesday: Holy Com-
Emunion, 7:30 a.m. Harris Hall
Chapel; Holy Communion, 8 a.m. in
the church and Intercessions at 12:15
noon, in the church.
Vacation Tours: Reservations for
the two vacation tours offered by
the International Center must be
made by Thursday, April 10, at 5:00,
in the Office of the Center. Th~e
two tours are: No. 1: to the Smokies
National Park and the Tennessee
Valley; No. 2:f to Washington and
Tidewater Virginia. Detailed infor-
mation ca'n be had from Mr. Ochs in
Room 18 of thie Michigan Union from
to 6 o'clock on Wednesday, or from
the Office of the Center.

tonight at 7:30 in Room
Reports by:
Helen Foster:
Plant tumors killed
Harriet Smith :
-Experimental studies
ture of species."
Chester Sherman :

tN.S. 1139.



on the na-

carpet, and hear the sparrows taking a
in the eave trough -


And I forget all about the draft,
And I forget all about the war,
And I forget all about what a heel so and so is,
And I forget about the picket lines,
And what good am I to anybody?
But my mother loves me, and my girl says she
she does too.
And I hope it is the same with all of yoo.
* '' * *
THUS THE WORLD through the eyes of a mild
manic-depressive. Tonight or tomorrow
something will happen to turn things sour. A
professor will look at me the wrong way, or I'll
have trouble with the opus, or somebody won't
say hello, or I'll go out and lie under a tree with
a book of Edna Millay or a bottle of bourbon and
cgtch cold and wake up tomorrow morning with
a loud sneeze. It's always that way, with me and
with most of the people I know. But they can't
take today away from me. I sounl like Ray S.
Ayer, the Roadside philosopher of the Detroit
News, but don't I? I'm not running away from
the world. It's just that the world suddenly
seems all right, and there are still a lot of things
worth living for, and some spring days for every-
dotted eighth and sixteenth life for most of
us. And yet comes Spring, and three-four and
give the country back to Strauss. A dog sleeps
in the middle of the sidewalk, an old man walks
slowly along the street with a cane and a muffler,
out for the first time since winter set in, a few
more sentimental images. And hold on to them

"Cytogenetics of Erophila."
Thomas Muzik:
"(1) Stability of broken chromo-
(2) The time of the effects of
genes on the cytoplasm,"
Mathematics Club will meet to-'
night at 8 o'clock in the West
Cgnference Room,k ackham Bldg.
Mr. Burr will, speak on "Cumula-
tive FrequencygCurves"; Mr. Rick-
ert, on "Integration in a Convex
Linear Topological Space"; and Mr.
Schilansky, "On Generalized Zeta
Functions and their Associated Lat-
tice Point Problems."
The Institute of Aeronautical Sci-
ences will present a movie entitled
"Story of Aviation" in the Rackham
Lecture Hall at 8:00 p.m. tonight.
Admission ' is free to members
as well as the general public.
Five subscriptions of the Institute
Journal will be raffled off to mem-
bers in good standing. A list of
these members is posted on the Aero
Bulletin board.
The Department of Naval Science
and Tactics will show sound movies,
on Astronomy tonight at 8:00 in the
Amphitheatre, third floor of the
Rackham Building. These movies are
used for instructional purposes at
the U.S. Naval Academy and consist
of (1) Exploring the Universe, (2)
The Solar Family, (3) The Earth in'
Motion, (4) The Moon. There will be
no lecture in connection with the

760 KC . CBS 800 KC - Mutual 950 KC - NBC Red 1270 KC - NBC Blue
Tuesday Evening
6:00 News Rollin' Ty Tyson Bud Shaver
6:15 Liberty's Story Home Newscast Rhumba Band
6:30 Inside of Sports Conga Frazier Hunt Day Jn Review
6:45 Musical Time Lowell Thomas Waltz Serenade
7:00 Amos 'n Andy Happy Joe Fred Waring Easy Aces
7:15 Lanny Ross Val Clare Evening Melodies Mr. Keen-Tracer
7:30 Gus Haenschen Evening Serenade Exc'rs'n in Science Ned Jordan
7:45 Orchestra Doc Sunshine Salon Orchestra - Secret Agent
8:00 Court of Gratiot Avenue Johnny To be
8:15 Missing Heirs Baptist Church Presents Announced,
8:30 First Your Job Horace Heidt's Uncle Jim's
8:45 Nighter; News Interlude; News Treasure Chest Question Bee
9:00 We, Montreal Battle of Grand Central
9:15 the People Symphony ' the Sexes Station
9:30 Invitation Orchestra Fibber McGee John B., Kennedy
9:45 to Learning Hour And' Molly To be Announced


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