Ciioudy7 and Warmeri
Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication
Anerica Selli
To Expanding Japan .
Germany Drives Into
Moscow An:
Towers Club Beats
Natators To Take
nounces IF
CIO Orders Strike A
Murray Sets Lock
Swim Crown
Kiefer And Jaretz Victors
As Chicagoans Swamp
MichiganSquad, 44-36
Photo Finish Relay
DecidesTight Meet
Mighty Michigan, long-standing
ruler of the swimming world, has fal-
A bare six inches of arm-torn water
plus the sensational Chicago Towers
Club duo of Otto Jaretz and Adolph
Kiefer, blasted the Wolverines from
their National AAU throne in the
meet's final five events last night at
the I-M pool and handed Matt Mann
his first defeat since Michigan lost
to Ohio State in the Big Tens two
years ago.
All told, strapping Stanley Braun-
inger's star-packed forces rolled up
a 44-point total while Michigan's Na-
tional Collegiate champions trailed
in second place with 36 points. Strict-
ly a two team affair, the rest of the
field was left far in the rear.
Defeated Inspite Of Battle
Michigan went down, but not with-
out one of the greatest battles in
AAU history. The eight-point differ-
ence between the Wolverines and
their conquerors indeed fails to tell
the tale of the breath-taking medley
relay race that closed the show last
night. With three teams qualified for
the finals, Michigan retained a slim
chance of tying for the meet title
by placing first, third and fourth in
the grand finale.
Kiefer started Chicago's triumph
parade in the medley by backstroking
the century in :57.9 to give breast-
stroker George Lowe a six-foot lead
over Jim Skinner of the Michigan A
team and John Sharemet of the B
Skinner with a brilliant 1:02.8 lap
carried the Wolverine team back into
a four foot lead as Jaretz and Gus
Sharemet began battling it out in
the final leg for a Michigan tie or
a Chicago Towers victory.
Streaking out like a bolt of light-
ning, the "Great Gusto" gave it all
he had, but phenomenal Jaretz more
than matched Gus' long-flying arms.
Fighting it out, stroke for stroke, the
Michigan lead was cut to but two
f feet with 50-yards left to go.
Outstanding Swimmer r
There they were, Jaretz, named
the meet's outstanding swimmer who
swain :51.2 in the afternoon's century
wealth of potentiality in his power-
ful body, roaring head and head into
the stretch.
In a final burst that carried him
to the line in :50.8 seconds, the Chi-
cago star lunged to the wall with
Michigan's hopes falling to the water
just six inches back. The winning
time was 2:55.4 with the Wolverine
B and C teams finishing third and
It didn't take long to convince the
capacity crowd that Michigan was in
for trouble last night. The very first
event on the card, the 100-yard free-
style, dropped the Wolverines ten
points behind their powerful rivals.
Once again it was Jaretz, the 19-
year-old wonder boy with a Greg Rice
chest, that provided the pack behind
(Continued on Page 3)
Stanford To Debate
Varsity Tomorrow
Bills Appears
In Methodist
(By The Associated Press)
An order for a work stoppage at
plants of the U. S. Steel Corporation
went out last night to CIO steel
CIO President Philip Murray said
that effective midnight Tuesday there
would be a "cessation of work" which
he asserted was "caused by a lock-
At that time the company's con-
tract with the CIO will expire. On
March 20 the union asked for a new
contract providing for an increase
of 10 cents an hour for 281,000 work-
ers, a union shop, checkoff collection
of union dues, liberalized vacations
with pay and seniority rights. The
company included in a counter-pro-'
posal an offer of a 2112 cent an hour
Music Faculty
Presents Finalf
Concert Today
'On Wenlock Edge' To Be
Featured Presentation.;i
Many Will Take Part
Featuring ."On Wenlock Edge" by,
Vaughan Williams, eight membersi
of the School of Music faculty will of-
fer the last Faculty Concert of the ;
year at 4:15 p.m. today in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
The other selections which will be
heard on the program are Haydn's
"Sonata in G major for Violin and
Piano," Hindemith's "Sonata in D
minor for Violin and Piano, Op. 11,
No. 2," and five songs by Joseph
Marx, "Wie einst," "Japanisches Reg-
enlied," "Nocturne," "Regen" and1
Members of the faculty who will
participate in the concert are Prof.
Wassily Besekirsky, violinist; Prof.
Joseph Brinkman, pianist; Prof. Ar-
thur Hackett, tenor; Prof. Thelma
Lewis, soprano; Prof. Hanns Pick,
violoncellist; Prof. Anthony Whit-
mire, violinist; Thelma Newell, vio-
linist, and Helen Titus, pianist.
Both of the sonatas will be flayed
by Miss Titus and Miss Newell while
Professor Lewis, accompanied by
Grace WNilson, Grad., will sing the
songs by Marx. The other members
of the faculty will join to present "On1
Wenlock Edge.",
Included in today's Daily, on
pages eight and nine, is a special]
travel supplement. The editors;
hope that this feature will be of
service in planning your spring
and summer vacation tours.
increase. Negotiations c
what Was called an "abs
lock" Friday night.
Murray ordered "peac
ing" at all U.S. Steel plai
there "should be no viole
"Big steel" holds milli
lars in defense contrac
threat arose of a stoppage
duction, another problenr
inite promise of settle
of the bituminous coal
Management and Labor
sues of the long standing
mers strike before the D
iation Board.
Prospects Brig
The stoppage at the
in Dearborn, Mich., mear
tinued at a stalemate, alt
Murray D. Van Wagonerc
said "things look bright"
tlement before long. Not c
River Rouge plant was
but Ford assembly units
the country as well.
At the same time a
threat arose. E. Frank W
Federal Conciliation Se
about $1,000,000,000 in sl
production was in danger
page in Massachusetts,
Bethlehem Shipbuilding
and the CIO can workc
agreement over the wee
CIO asks wage increases.
Announces Commi
Dr. John L. Steelman;
the United States Concil
vice, announced a come
resenting the United Mi
(CIO) and Soft Coal Min
had been appointed to ,'
tract" for presentation1
negotiating committee on
Nine representatives of
Chalmers management
the United Automobile
(CIO) met with a panel o
iation Board in Washingt
tions were the conference
act With Belgrade
t U.S. Steel Hitler Glives Order
out For Tuesday
F'or ,alkan Atack
drifted into far into the night or even continue FoB al an A ttk
solute dead- into Sunday.
The Ford strike had repercussions
eful picket- in Washington, where at a labor Treity Provides For Friendly Relations;
nts and said board hearing, representatives of the
ence." company and of the CIO United Au- Accord Is Limited To Five Years
ons of dol- tomobile Workers came face to face.
ts. As the "We are not going to consent to
e in its pro- do business with subversive groups,"
a gave def- said I. A. Capizzi, Ford Counsel. BERN, Switzerland, April 6,-(Sunday)-(P)-Bulgaria's army of
ement-that "You are going to do business with 300,000 was reported today to have joined the Germans in attacking
laid the is-o the in ' Greece. Indications were that Hungary's forces were inactive at least
Allis-Chal- Capizzi was seeking the dismissal for the moment.
efense Med- of petitions for the election of col.-
lective bargaining representative2 in BERN, Switzerland, April 6 -(Sunday)-(AP)-German armies
ht the Ford plant., smashed into Greece and Yugoslavia simultaneously at dawn today.
Ford plant The strike was called, union of- Reports reaching here said that of 22 German divisions (about 330,-
gwhile con- ficials said, because of discharge of 000 men) massed in Bulgaria, half were launched down the Struma
hough Gov. union men. The UAW seeks a con- River valley against Greece and the others set out westward across
for a setg ent,a recognizing igas, barganin the Yugoslav frontier in the direction of the Vardar Valley which f
nly the big ing certain seniority leads to Salonika, Greece.
shut down,
throughout (By The Associated Press)
The German Balkan armies sprang early today (Sun.) upon Greece
new strike pa and Yugoslavia-the one already a British ally and the other now an
Vard of the - ally by the unanswerable logic of war-and thus was opened a second
ervice said IS OSL Je and great front certain to soften the pressure of long siege suffered by
hip defense the British Isles.
of a stop- Until M ay 2 3 It opened the Balkans as a field of destiny--a far removed field
unless the from the West, but a theatre that might yet tell the story of the great
Company combat.
out a wage. Eleventh Annual Meeting cmbt
ekend. The A M e Hitler's men and machines of steel, long quartered in Rumania,
To Stress Participation in Bulgaria, in Hungary, struck as they had struck in Norway and in
ttee By All Campus Groups the low countries-upon the claim that British machinations had made
Direetor of essential this latest. eNnsion of the war.
iation Ser- Wide campus participation will be It was the German Radio that at first hoarsely summoned the Nazis
* x
Mark Bills, nationally known bari-
tone soloist will be one of the artists
appearing injthe presentation of
"The Crucifixion" at 8 p.m. Wednes-
day in the First Methodist Church
sactuary under the direction of Prof.
Hardin Van Duersen of the music
The second outstanding guest art-
ist will be Joseph Laderoute, noted
youthful tenor who will make his
first appearance in Ann Arbor-
Bills was formerly a soloist in he
-First Methodist Choir. Laderoute, a
rising young singer is ranked with
Richard Crooks and William Haines
in the Cincinnati May Festival this
Laderoute was a famous boy so-
prano with the Paulist Choisters un-
der the direction of Father Finn. He
sang in a concert at the Metropoli-
tan Opera House at the age of fif-
Hillel Players Elect Head
Dan Seiden, '43, was elected to the
presidency of the Hillel Players in a
special election held at the Foun-
dation yesterday.
Jack Kessel, '42, and Burt Rub-
ins, '42, were elected co-business
manager of the players.
mittee rep-
ne Workers
e Operators
edit a con-
to the full
the Allis-
and six of
e Workers
of the Med-
ton. Indica-
might run
Republican Assertions Mislead,
Claims Former Mayor Staebler
Wins Jubilee
Contest Award
Triumphing over ninety-six schol-
arly and curious entries to the Mich-
elodeon Why For contest, Lloyd Rem-
ington, '41, won the ten dollar prize
yesterday with his profound explana-
tion of why the Spring Jubilee was
named Michelodeon.
'In 1041 A.D. the Vikings, on a
night in Erin, captured the fiery'
headed hero Michelodeon (nicknamed
Mike). Being a hero, Mike escaped
into Finland where he married a
heroine and became the father of
the illustrious Micky Finn. To cele-
brate that important event, we are
holding 'Michelodeon.'."
Questioned after he received the
prize at the Bunny Hop last night,
Remington admitted that he came
upon the solution while writing up
the thirty-third outside reading re-
port in Prof. P. Z. Snoogles' course
in Finnish Folklor-e.
Remington, who holds an M.A.,
P.D.Q. and C.C.C. in graduate folk-
lore, realized that the name Mich-
elodeon has deeper subleties than the
obvious interpretation connotates. He
pointed out that the Finnish Mich-
elodeon story is similar to story forms
found in the literature of many peo-
The Michelodeon Why For contest
was sponsored by the WAA and ,the
Union executive board. The Spring
Jubilee will be held May 2 and 3 in
Waterman and Barbour Gymnasika.
Kean To Address ROTC
On Military Courtesies
Maj. Russell E. Kean of the Michi-
gan Military Area Headquarters in
stressed for the Student Senate's 11th
postponed by the Continuations Com-
mittee yesterday to Friday and Sat-
urday, May 2 and 3 in the Union.
Three sub-committees were set up
yesterday by co-chairmen William
Todd, '42, and Helen Corman, '41,
to decide upon Parley titles, intra-
University publicity and cooperation
with students in various schools and
colleges who have not taken an active
interest in the Parley in the past.
The panels on "Post-War Recon-
struction" and "America During De-
fense" will be headed by Edward
Fried, '41, and Harold Osterweil, '41,
respectively while' Harold Guetzgow,
Grad., will chair the panel on "Edu-
cation During Emergency."
Following a keynoting speech by a
member of the faculty and five stu-
dent talks at 3:30 p.m. Friday, a gen-
eral discussion will be held on topics
urday, the three panel meetings will
of current significance. On Sat-
be conducted both in the afternoon
and evening with a general session
closing the Parley scheduled for 9:15
p.m. Saturday.
The next meeting of the Continua-
ions Committee wnich will consider
the reports of the various sub-com-
mittees will be held at 4:30 p.m. Wed-
lesday in the Union.
to another adventure. It was, said
Palm Sunday
Is Observed
By Churches
Palm Sunday services and special
programs will be held today in Ann
Arbor churches, climaxing the pre-
Easter worship series which started
with the beginning of Lent.
Following the 10 a.m. Mass at St.
Mary's Student Chapel, a breakfast
will be served to those present.
Rev. Marley will speak to the Uni-
tarian Church congregation on "The
Crucifixion Confirmed". His sermon
will concern'itself with suffering and
the bystander, or the great travail of
the common people of today.
As a special feature of the pro-
gram of St. Andrew's Episcopal
Church, the Men's and Boy's Choir
will give an evensong program at
7:30 p.m. t
"On the Third Day", an Easter
play, will be given by the Drama
Guild at 8 p.m. at the First Method-
ist Church.
Human Rights Depend On Private
Enterprise, Former Envoy Says
the Nazi political command, not an
attack upon "the Greek people'," not
upon the Southeastern order but di-
rected solely at the policy of striking
Britain wherever it forces appeared.
Upon Greece the assault wa;
launched from the frontier with Ger-
man-ocupied Bulgaria; Yugoslavia's
frontier was breached by Nazis from
Austria, Hungary and Rumania.
There was even a'suggestion that the
troops of those minor German part-
ners had joined in the attack.
, British Join Greeks
British troops were understood to
have gone into the line with the
Greeks to defend the vital Struma
River Valley. Yugoslav troops stood in
undetermined strength against the
expected Nazi lunge in the southeast
-a maneuver which would be in-
tended to turn the Greek-British
position along the Struma line.
It all happened with a breathless
suddenness, for all the fact that
it had long been foreshadowed in
Greece's stubborn resistance against
the Italians and Yugoslavia's equally
stubborn refusal to submit to the Ger-
man-dominated Axis.
It was just at dawn that the Ger-
man legions-division upon division
equipped with all the steel of blitz-
krieg-plunged ,against the Greeks
and Yugoslavs.
The Nazi high command took the
grave decision-one of many that
have been made in the traditionhl
quiet of the week-end-a few hours
after the Russians, their erstwhile
partners however silent, had made a
compact with the Yugoslavs which
clearing seemed designed to try to
dissuade away just' such a step.
Meaning Unknown
Just what this pact really Meant
remained unknown. On the face of it,
the Russians had made a treaty of
riendship and non-aggression, pre-
sumably containing no promise of
military assistance, but certainly of-
fering no comfort to those who listen
quietly to the thunder of martial mu-
sic in Berlin.
The British, slow as always to
comment upon such fleeting devel-
opments of the new history, caUi-
tiously observed-this through the
British Press Association-that Rus-
sia's action at the very least indi-
cated an intention to throw a clip-
lomatic log before the progress of
the German machine in the Bal-
Belgrade, the center of this new
and curiously ghostly war-one of
which the outside world knew very
Fireworks in the campaign for
posts in tomorrow's city election
burned to a new intensity yesterday
when Edward W. Staebler, former
Democratic mayor of Ann Arbor, de-
clared that several statements of the
accomplishments which the Republi-
can Party claimed to have made "do
not correspond to the facts."
Most of the statement, which were
printed in the Ann Arbor News of
April 3, poihted out improvements
and reforms that were supposedly
made by the Republicans following
the defeat of Mr. Staebler in 1931.
"Just to keep the record straight," Mr.
Staebler explained in a statement is-
sued yesterday morning, "I should
like to call attention to some of the
errors in the Republican platform."
the City at that time was entirely in
the black and had $105,597 in the
bank. "The 'overdraft' the Republi-1
can erroneously refer to," he said,
was an overdraft of State, county
and school funds (which are col-
lected by the City treasurer) of $358,
He added that "The Republicans
also claim credit for establishing 'a
complete auditing and accounting
system . . . in order that the finances
of the city may be administered on
a sound, business-like basis."' If the
Republican authors of this platform
will examine the minutes of the Com-
mon Council meeting of April 10,
1930, during my term of office, Mr.
Staebler pointed out, they will observe
that on that date the Council voted
to establish a new accounting and
tYYYlI 19 h frYCI'h M iff1- - - -- tN f 9
We can't create a post-war system
in which justice, liberty and human
rights will develop unless private en-
terprize returns to the commercial
policy for the creation of wealth
and increases the volume of trade,
The Honorable William S. Culberston,
former Ambassador to Chile, told
members of the Thirteenth Annual
School of Business Administration
Conference at a banquet yesterday
in the Union.
There are three methods by which
we can assist future investments in a
post-war economy, Culbertson point-
ed out; these are: the stabilization of
currency on the gold standard; the
industrialization of many nations to
increase their wealth creation and
purchasing power; the legal security
for the flow of capital between na-
Commercial policies of aggression,
America and in other parts of the
world, and Japan is trying to consol-
idate her position in China, Culbert-
son pointed out. If these countries
pursue this policy, we should not
fall behind in our effort to consoli-
date the position of the United States
for the world trade of the future.
At the General Session which was
held in the morning, Prof. H. F. Tag-
gart, now on leave as Chief Cost Ac-
countant in the Council of National
Defense, discussed some of the work
of the Price Stabilization Division.
At present, he said, this division is
pursuing two general attacks: speci-
fying measures broadly aimed at
prices and commodity control in gen-
eral, and a series of measures aimed
at demand aspects of individual com-
Chances for the success of this
organization, Taggart declared, are
better now than they were in the