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April 05, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-04-05

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an+ .+...+...vam..n..am~ ~. --- a
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All
tights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, kIc,
College Publishers Representative
420 MADisoN AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y.

Member, Associated Collegiate

Press, 1940-41

Hervie Haufiler
Alvin Sarasohn
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler .
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
Laurence Mascott
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser
Helen Corman

Editorial Stafff
. . . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . City Editor
.* . . . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
* . . . Associate Editor
. . Associate Editor
. . . . . Sports Editor
. . Women's Editor
.- . . . Exchange Editor

Business Staff
Business ,Manager .
Assistant Business Manager . .
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

Irving Outtman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.

Presidenut Ileopetis
St. Lawr~ence Pro(jctL

* *

HE SPOTLIGHT of national legisla-
tion, concentrated on the late Lease-
Lend Bill, has now fallen upon the proposed St.
Lawrence Seaways project, which for several
decades has been a controversial issue. President
Roosevelt reopened the issue last week by signing
an executive agreement with Canada for the con-
struction of locks in the international Rapids
of the St. Lawrence.
Unmistakably the first milestone in the grad-
ual development of the whole Seaways program,
the executive agreement will forerun a gigantic
project for dam and lock construction, seaway
facilitation and power production.
AS A MEANS of transportation, the dredging
and improved locks which the Seaways
project would bring about, would open up the
Middle West, containing approximately one-third
of the population of the United States, to foreign
export trade. Our farmers and mid-west indus-
trialists, now forced to include in their selling
prices the extra burden of transportation to the
East Coast or through the Erie Canar barge sys-
tem, are finding it difficult to compete with
foreign firms possessing cheaper labor and more
direct means of transportation. Through permit-
ting ocean-going vessels up to 8;000 tons to enter
the Great Lakes, the Seaways would allow a great
deal of middle west products to bid favorably
for foreign markets.
Marine engineers cite the possibilities of har-
nessfng the water power of the St. Lawrence
rapids and augmenting the power plants through
the Niagara drop. The industrial areas of the
Great Lakes region and of the East, including
New York City, could be provided with additional
electric power.
In the last war, the Great Lakes ship-building
enterprises added not too much to national
marine power. Ships were constructed in two
parts so they could be conveniently hauled
through the narrow locks of the St. Lawrence
system. With this handicap obliterated through
the improvement of locks and canals, ship-build-
ing in the invulnerable interior areas of the
country would assume large proportions.
CANADA'S SHARE in the total project, beyond
what the executive agreement encompasses,
would amount to around one-quarter of a billion
dollars. Because of their present reluctance to
turn from the war to any domestic project with
only future results, that share might be hard to
obtain. Canadian marine engineers claim that
the Seaways will not aid in this war, and conse-
quently will find it difficult to recommend such
a program to Canadian plenipotentiaries. The
power, transportation and resources of the Great
Lakes could not be realized before 1948, if not
later, they claim. But should they be . made to
realize these future defense assets, the idea of
putting 1e Seaways program in its entirety
through the Canalian legislature might be
entertained. It is essential that the United
States and Canada be simultaneously re-
ceptive to the proposal, for'it is to be remem-
bered that the Senate failed to ratify the Sea-
way as a treaty in 1934. President Roosevelt
is nowu rainir the nrnnal into Congres s asan

EXPECT more developments on the Marjorie
Myers vs. Oberlin and O'Laughlin case soon.
And from the way it looks from here, the answer
will probably be the old one of sophistication
rearing its pleasant head amidst the corn stalks
and two-track roads of a town where they don't
talk about such things. None so dirty as the
pureof mind. A thing like this seldom comes up
any more, due to a certain necessary liberaliza-
tion of the moral and marriage codes during the
depression. (Somebody will object to that, wait
and see.) But back in the good old days of
Mencken, Nathan and God, one of the boys, prob-
ably Sinclair Lewis would have made something
pretty good out of it. Hi ho, these are strange
days. So many things America had put aside
forever are cropping up again. If the women
didn't have the vote, I'd expect to be hanged in
effigy by the suffragettes any day now. The
world goes around and around, and every seven
years the locusts come, and every time something
repeats itself it is a little sillier. Backward, back-
University Committee
On Defense issues . .
DEFENSE ISSUES are of such varied and com-
plicated nature that many students com-
plain of their inability to understand and ap-
preciate the greatest peace-time undertaking
in American history. Dispelling as much of this
confusion as possible is the purpose of the Uni-
versity Defense Issues Committee, consisting of
Dean S. T. Dana, Prof. W. W. Blume, Prof. C. F.
Remer and Prof. M. H. Soule, which was organ-
ized to present the campus with analytical lec-
tures, reading lists, and public discussion on the
numerous aspects of defense preparations.
Intending to divide the general field of de-
fense into topical groups, the Committee is cur-
rently treating "Inter-American Relations," and
has already brought four specialists in defense
affairs to address interested students and to
hold discussion sessions at which questions con-
cerning the less common problems of the sub-
ject could be asked.
AS ANOTHER PART of the Committee's pro-
gram, work sheets designed to test public
attitude toward the certain issues are being dis-
tributed among students and faculty. These
sheets are of an analytical nature and provide
receivers an opporunity to indicate what they
feel is the right policy for the United States
to pursue in each defense problem. The sheets
will give an indication both of campus attitude
on the countless questions of national defense
and of the aspects of Inter-American relations
on which additional information and discussion
are needed.
Reading lists on Pan American relations pro-
pared by the University Library Extension Ser-
vice and issued through the Committee have been
distributed to students and faculty members,
and similar bibliographies on other parts of the
defense program will be prepared and dissemi-
nated as the program progresses.
THIS PROGRAM of the University Committee
on Defense Issues is an organized effort
to supply students and faculty members with
facts and opinions on a vast undertaking that
immediately effects every citizen and will be of
prime significance to the history of the nation.
Too often students express their inability to
obtain facts and viewpoints on vital current
issues; and with this difficulty in mind the Com-
mittee has inaugurated a system of extracurric-
ulareducation that few students can afford to
-Emile Gel
Calles R too c tioni
Inticates I.Moeratioui ..
THE ANNOUNCED reconciliation of
General Elias Calles, former presi-
dent of Mexico, with the Camacho government
of our southern neighbor, to be followed by the
return of Calles from his self-imposed exile in
California, is merely another indication of the
middle-of-the-road policy being pursued by the
present Mexican government.
Calles is a significant figure in Mexico's recent
history. He was Mexico's "strong man" for 19
years. Throughout the period, although he held

the presidency only from 1924 to 1928, he vir-
tually dictated the government. And he left
Mexico because of his complete divergence of
views from those of President Lazaro Cardenas.
THE CARDENAS regime was stigmatized by
him as communistic. That characterization
was not strictly justified, since the Cardenas
policies had nationalistic rather than class objec-
tives. On the other hand, Cardenas accused
Calles of criminal plans against the government.
Most neutral observers say that the two split
ovei labor policies, in which Cardenas espoused
the cause of urban workers, while Calles fought
chiefly fo: the rural peons.
rHE RETURN of Calles at this time signifies a
further divergence of aims between Cardenas
and President Avilo Camacho. Although the
latter was virtually made president of Mexico
by Cardenas, he has displayed a surprising inde-
pendence of view. Those who believed that he
would be only a figurehead ruler, with Cardenas
holding actual power behind the scenes, have
been proved wrong.
Camacho has definitely set his policy on a
middle course, a course far different from that
of the preceeding government. His gestures of
,r lnlhnrvatinn with the U1nitoriS tate ho. hwn

ward, as far as James Thurber's The Last Flower,
and maybe from there me and old Rousseau will
build for a better day. More power to you, Miss
Myers, and I wish to dammit there were some-
thing I could do for you besides carry headlines
to Newcastle.
LITTLE STORIES behind the news. For those
of you who noted but did not understand the
boxed squib from the 'Ensian on page one of the
Daily Thursday, here is a sample card which I
received in my morning's mail Wednesday:
Your 'ENSIAN down payment will be for-
feited unless your balance of $22.00 is paid
before April 1, and what's more we hate
your lousy entrails. (I have changed the
wording Alightly here.)
DON'T delay any longer! Pay that bal-
ance TODAY! We'll be waiting for you,
you snide cur.
- The 'Ensian staff
I do not take offense. I also did not order no
'Ensian. Nobody ever takes my picture.
Reading Zola's Germinal (honest to good-
ness, Prof. Davis) and lightly but politely has
anyone noticed the similarity in opening struc-
ture of the story, and in subsequent disintegra-
tion of the Maheu family, to Grapes of Wrath?
AND in the coke spots of the town, some finan-
cial genius has revived the old chain letter
gag. It's all the rage, really, but the racket which
ran through the country a few years back has
been stepped up, supercharged. The idea now
seems to be to send the lucky guy at the head
of the list one dollar instead of the thin dime
which gave birth to Fred Waring's Ta Ra Ra
Boom Te Ay jingle, running as I recall some-
thing like this:
Sign your name on the bottom line,
Send the guy at the top a dime,
Fifteen thousand in no time--
You'll get yours: now I got mine
Ta Ra Ra Boom Te Ay, Send in your dime
today, etc.
Retournons a nos moutons. Which is French,
and means the Hopwoods are coming soon. So
long until soon.
PROBABLY the most pleasing exhibit to be
seen in Ann Arbor this year is the interior
decorating exhibition now being shown in the
main floor display cases of the Architecture
The group of renderings was presented to Miss
Katherine B. Heller, who is in charge of the
decorating department of the College of Arch-
itecture and Design, by Marshall Field's, Chi-
cago, in order that they might bpe displayed
to art lovers here.
r tHE EXHIBITION presents a vital, interesting
rendition of several phases of interior
decorating as done by the interior decorating
department of one modern firm. For sheer ex-
cellence of design Ann Arbor has seen nothing
to surpass the drawings, although there might
be some quarrel with the decorating and method
of presentation.
The subject matter, of course, does not per-
mit wide latitude, and certainly not a great deal
of room for originality. Yet the decorators have
taken but few liberties and still presented a re-
freshing, modrn rendition, in an excellent ex-
ample of " a new exploitation of an old media."
the exhibit, unless one cites the library and
and library-study, which are artistically the
two finest drawings, though the interior decora-
tor might quibble with the modes employed. The
technique in these two is the most flowing, the
most modern of the entire ehibit, and definitely
displays the craft and skill of the composers of
the group.
One bedroom in particular catches the eye
for its magnificence in color. It is done almost

entirely in a very light, pastel blue, showing
4 remarkable softness in color mastery. Es-
pecially notable is the mirror in the drawing,
which seems to reflect the very spirit in which
the entire thing was done.
NOTHER striking feature is the manner in
which the table tops and the wood panelling
are done. Always a mystery to the layman is
the way in which a simple combination of lines
can so accurately portray a varnished piece of
wood or a piece of panelling. And yet here we
have one of the most excellent depictions I have
seen. The richi, flowing colors of the panels
not, only add immeasurably to the whole of the
room, but single themselves out as one of the
features of the series in interior decorating.
Taken all in all, the exhibit represents one of
the better schools in ipodern design. It is pre-
sen tedi masterfully, withi obvious enthusiasm on
the part of those doing the renditions. The only
fault is in the line of decoration, and the ex-
cellence of design and presentation far over-
shadows the one bad quality of the group.
-William Baker
ACP Flashes

the face has
the story:

AS A RESULT Hitler was so beside
himself with rage that he would'
not speak to Foreign Minister von
Ribbentrop for two days.
Note - It was von Ribbentrop who
had given him assurances that the
Yugoslavs would go through with
their Axis agreement, and who now1
made Hitler a fool in the eyes of the
Pessinistic Side . .
That is the optimistic side of the
south European picture. Now let's
look at the pessimistic side.
HITLER is a man who nurses hat-
red but who never lets his tan-
trums get the best of his military
judgment. He fumed and raged at
President Benes for'nine months be-
fore he decided that the German
armies were ready to invade Czecho-
slovakia. Several times he ate crow
and waited rather than take chances
on the military outcome.
Therefore, it is certain that when
Hitler does finally attack in the
Balkans, his onslaught will be all the
more ferocious because of the Yugo-
slav face-slap. Also his advance will
be all the more carefully prepared.
ALREADY it is reported from Bul-
garia that the German General'
Staff has left no detail to chance.
Macadam roads are being built be-
hind the German army. Tons of sup-
plies ,.nd ammunition have been
heaped up along the Greek border.

Members of the GREAT VESPERS
student choirs will listen to record-
ings at the Michigan League on
Monday, April 7, 4:00 to 5:30 p.m.
Michigan Sailing Club Sandpaper
Party at Lake Whitmore on Sunday,
April 6. All those interested in sail-
ing this spring are invited to be the
club's guests. Refreshments. The
boats are to be put in order for
spring sailing. Leaving the Engi-
neering arch at 2:15 p.m. Back in
time for dinner.
The Women's Research Club will
meet on Monday, April 7, at 7:30 in
the West Lecture Room of the Rack-
ham Building.
Dr. Marion Siney will speak on,
"The ,Blockade of Germany During
the World War"; and Dr. Mary Van
Tuyl on "The Older Adult Students
at Michigan during the Last Five
The Monday Evening Drama Sec-
tion of the Faculty Women's Club
will meet on Monday, April 7, at
7:45 p.m. in the Michigan Union.
The Civic Theater will present the
program and members are urged to
bring guests.
The Bethlehem Student Guild will
have supper at the church at 6:00
p.m. on Sunday. Following this,'the
Guild will hold its annual election
of officers. Dr. Edvlard Blakeman
will make the installation speech.

AFTER Hitler signed the pact with
the now discredited Yugoslav
government of Prince Paul, he had
planned the biggest coup of the war.
It was scheduled for Saturday,
March 29.

Drew Pftrnc
Robert$S.Ane s
WASHINGTON-In piecemeal dip-
lomatic dispatches, the story of Hit-
ler's reaction to the Yugoslav slap in

On that day his troops were to
launch their attack from Bulgaria Coming Events j
toward Salonika. Simultaneously, Phi Beta Kappa anrual meeting
other Nazi troops were to go through on Monday. April 7, at 3:30,p.m. in
r 1018 Angell Hall.
Yugoslavia. Mussolini was scheduled
to fly to Albania to lead a charge All men students of this Univer-
against the Greeks, while the Italian sity from southern West Virginia
navy was to sweep the Mediterranean. are invited to attend a dinner at
Shortly- after this, the air blitz Kanawha Hotel, Charleston, West
against England was to begin. Virginia, on Friday, April 18, to
However, when the Yugoslavs honor Mr. T. Hawley Tapping,
chucked their Axis pact out the win- Alumni Secretary, who will be the
dow, Hitler was forced to rearrange principal speaker.
his tactics for attacking Salonika. University of Michigan Club of
And the Italian fleet.-was virtually Southern West Virginia,
destroyed. E. C. Stanton

been coming back to
Put together, here is

(Continued from Page 2)
one of the student cooperative houses
this semester can apply at 5:00 p.m.
today in Room 306 of the Union.
There will be a meetin~ of the
complete Personnel Committee of
the Inter-Cooperative Council at
4:30 p.m. today in Room 306 of the
All women interested in living in
a cooperative house next semester
please come to 328 East Huron St.
for interviews today at 1:00 p.m.
The Hillel Players will meet at the
Foundation today at 1:30 p.m. All
old and new members of the dra-
matic group are urgently requested
to be present.


E. Carrothers. Morning Worship
Service at 10:40. Dr. Charles W.
Brashares will preach on "Times of
Triumph." Wesleyan Guild meeting
at 5:00 p.m. beginning with Tea and
Election of officers for next year.
At 6:00 p.m. there will be a Com-
munion Service as the closing meet-
ing for the Social Action Discus-
sion series. At 7:00 p.m. the students
having reservations will leave for the
Ford Sunday Evening Hour. At 8:00
.p.m. there will be an Easter play,
"On the Third Day," presented by
members of the Church Drama
Guild in the Social Hall.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church-
Sunday: 8:00 a.m. Holy Commun-
ion; 9:30 a.m. High School Class,
Harrs Hall; 11:00 a.m. Holy Com-
munion and Sermon by the Rev.
Henry Lewis; 11:00 a.m. Junior
Church; 11:00 a.m. Kindergarten,
Harris Hall; 6:00 p.m. Student Din-
ner and Election of the Cabinet,
Harris Hall; 7:30 p.m. Choral Even-
song in the church with music by
the Men's and Boys' Choir; 8:30 p.m.
Student Guild, Harris Hall. Games
and refreshments following the serv-
ice of Choral Evensong in the church.
First Presbyterian Church: The
sixth in Lenten series, "The Insep-
arable Society" by Dr. W. P. Lemon.
Westminster Student Guild: -Sup-
per at 6:00 p.m.
At 7:00 p.m. the members of the
Guild will present Charles Rann
Kennedy's play, "The Terrible
The Sunday Evening Club will
meet at 8:00 p.m.
Trinity Lutheran Church will hold
Palm Sunday services on Sunday
morning at 10:30. Rev. H. O. Yoder
will deliver the sermon on the theme:
"The King of the Kingdom Re-
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject: "UNREALITY.
Sunday School at 11:45 a.m.
First Congregational Church:
10:00 a.m. Last address on the
Lenten Symposium, "Religion and
Life": Prof. Paul M. Cuncannon
will talk on "Religion in Public Af-
10:45 a.m. Dr. L. A. Parr, in the
seventh of his sermons on the Lenten
theme, "Vital Questions," will preach
on "Is He Redeemer, or a Mere
5:30 p.m. Ariston League High
School group will meet for supper
at Pilgrim Hall. Program will fol-
low, in which Lois Kivi will review
the book, "Stand by for China."
7:00 p.m. Student Fellowship. A
discussion will be led by Ken Morgan
on "God of the Student."
Ann Arbor Society of Friends
(Quakers) meets Sunday in Lane
3:30 p.m.: Study group: "The
Bases of Quakerism."
5:00 p.m.: Silent Meeting for Wor-
6:00 p.m.: Mr. Herman Long will
speak on "The Effect of Growing Up
in a Minority Group on Personality."
All interested are invited.
First Baptist Church:
10:30 a.m.: Sermon, "God's Needs,"
by Rev. C. H. Loucks.
6:30 p.m. The High School Young
People's Fellowship will meet in the
church. Mrs. Judson King will
8:00 p.m. At Vesper Service the
Senior Choir will present Sowerby's
"0 " - 1 MI

No U.S. Supplies . . . tLutheran Student Association:
Knowing all this, the new Yugo- Choir practice in the Parish Hall
slav government, having subsided Sunday at 4:00 p.m. The Associa-
from the first flush of enthusiasm, tion will meet in the Zion Parish
early this week began to take stock of Hall at 5:30. Supper will be served,
its military assets. Particularly it and afterward there will be a can-
began to ask its allies about concrete Idleight service.
military support. .


AND since Roosevelt and U.S. Min-
ister Arthur Bliss Lane had been
delivering encouraging messages pat-
ting the new government on the back,
the Yugoslavs made a discreet inquiry
of the Greeks as to how seriously
Roosevelt's encouragement should be

Zion Lutheran Church will hold
Palm Sunday services on Sunday
morning at 10:30. Mr. Roland Wie-
deranders will deliver the sermon on
the theme: "The King Cometh."


Dkiuscipies uul(Cnristian unuren) ; cantata, Forsaken of Man. This
ten.cifically they asked the Greeks 10:00 a.m. Students' Bible Class, will be followed by a reception for
what military supplies the United H. L. Pickerell, Leader. the choir in the Guild House.
States had given them. And they re- 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship, Rev.
ceived the very discouraging reply Fred Cowin, Minister. Unitarian Church:
that up until then (March 29) the 1 6:30 p.m. Disciples Guild Sun- 11:00 a.m. "Crucifixion Con-
United States had come across with iday Evening Hour. A Lenten wor- 'firmed." Sermon by Rev. Marley.
not one piece of military equipment ship service will be followed by a 7:30 p.m. Liberal Students Union,
Note -- On March 31, probably as discussion of "Creative Living in a Round Table Discussion, on "Aca-
Sresult of this inquiry, Roosevelt World of Chaos" led by H. L. Picker- demic Freedom" led by Mrs. Edward
a esu lyothinqudrthatsmeve ill. Bryant of the League of Women
suddenly announced that some 75-IrigZge,41
-- - .rVoters, and Mr. Irving Zeiger, 41,
mm. field artillery was being sent to First Methodist Church: Student delegate to the Harvard Conference.
Greece. Class at 9:30 a.m. with Prof. George IRefreshments.

British Need Munitions
One reason for not sending U.S.
supplies to Greece is that we have not
had much to send. But even more
important is the fact that when
Greek Minister Diamantopoulos askedI
the State Department about muni-
tions, the British Embassy called him
down. Britain would handle all arms
purchases from the United States, he
was told, and would allocate Part of
the captured North African arms to
r 'HIS WEEK also, the SimovitchI
Government asked London friends
what munitions they could get direct
from Britain/ This question also had
been asked by Prince Paul, and the'
British answer was one reason for his
capitulation to Hitler.
Bluntly put, the British replied that
the Yugoslavs could capture Italian
munitions after driving Mussolini's
army out of Albania. To this the
V,.r-r - v_-- +A +.1, +h . - .~--

760 KC CBS 804 KC - Mutual ,959 KC - NBC Red 1270 KC - NBC Blue
Saturday Evening
6:00 Stevenson News British Sketchbook Ty Tyson Day In Review
6:15 Detroit Gas Coin NHL Hockey Players S. L. A, Marshall Sandlotters
6:30 Inside of Sports America Frazier Hunt Vass Family
6:45 D. Kennedy CoD' Speaks Dance Music New World News
7:00 People's Between Ourselves Defense Town Talk
7:15 Platforim News--Val Clare For America News Ace
7:30 News Comes Sons of World Of LIttle 1O'
7:45 To Life the Saddle; News Music Hollywood
8:00 The Marriage To Be Knickerbocker The Green
8:15 Club Announced Playhouse Hornet
8:30 Duffy's Tavern To Be Truth or Bishop and
8:45 News at 8:55 Announced Consequences the Gargoyle
9:00 Your To Be National Barn Song of
9:15 BMI Hit Announced Dance with Your Life
9:30 Parade News; Contact a Corny At 9:35-NBC
4^dr Pnf . -Rirmido ___7k-A f v. a mvn n ,_

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