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April 01, 1941 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-04-01

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Cloudy, Possible Showers


Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication


Japanese Pressure
In South America. .



Mine Workers
To Quit Jobse
Action Taken
By Roosevelt
CIO Pickets, Police
Clash At Allis Plan
President Asks Continued
Operation Of Coal Mines
On Contract Expiratio
(By Tl e Associated Press)
President Roosevelt interceded las
night in the dispute that threatene
to stop production of much of th
coal necessary to defense industries
With orders already out for al
United Mine Workers (CIO) in th
eight-state Appalachian area to quit
work at midnight until a new work-
ing contract wash'negotiated, the Pres-
ident wired from his capital bounc
train to Ezra Van Horn, chairman of
the conference which had failed un-
til that time to work out a new con-
"Uninterrupted operation of bi-
tuminous cal industries extremely
important. Suggest if necessary you
continue negotiations during Tuesday
looking to satisfactory arrangement."
The expiration hour of the old con-
tract was midnight, and John L. Lew-
is, UMWA president, said a work
stoppage began then "not technically,
but actually."
The extent of the shut-down will
not become apparent, however, un-
til tomorrow. By long custom, April
1 is a miners' holiday in observance
of the institution of the eight-hour
Pickets, Police Clash
Among other labor developments
was a clash of CIO pickets and police
at the Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing
Company strike in Milwaukee. Police
used tear gas against strikers who
resistedefforts to move them back
from the plant.
The new Defense Mediation Board
suffered a setback when AFL workers
at the Condenser Corporation, South
Plainfield, N. J., decided to continue
their strike. The board announced
Saturday that an agreement had been
concluded for a return to work.
In Washington, there was much
speculation over whether the govern-
ment might step into the coal situa-
tion. Pittsburgh steel circles said that
steel production, vital to the arm-.
ament program, would be quickly af-
fected if soft coal mining was shut
down. A few steel companies were
said to have coke supplies to last
40 days, but others no more than
20 or 25 days supply.
Union Representatives Meet
The prospect for early conclusion
of a new working contract appeared
none too bright. Union and manage-
ment representatives have been meet-
ing in New York for two weeks, but
said last night there had been no
agreement as yet on any item.
The so-called Appalachian area
includes the states of Pennsylvania,
West Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky,
Ohio, Michigan and Tennesee. It was
expected, however, that thousands of
kminers in other bituminous areas
would join in any shut-down.
T ypicl. owed
To Be Chosen
To Rule Meet

The campus will go to the polls to-
morrow-and the results may have
real implications.
For one of those selected may be
chosen to be reigning monarch over
the Drake Relays in Dies Moines,
Iowa, April 25 and 26.
The poll for "Michigan's Most Rep-
resentative Girl" will be taken at the
request of Quax, Drake University
Yearbook, which is seeking coopera-
tion from the yearbooks of all Uni-
versities participating in the relays.
The 'Ensian is sponsoring the selec-
tion on this campus, according to
Jack Cory, business manager of the
Qualifications for the honor, as
stipulated by Quax, are to be intelli-
gence, personality, poise, activities,
beauty and scholarship. Ballot boxes
will be stationed at the Engineering
Arch and the Maim Library between
the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. tomor-
row. Tomorrow ten girls will be nom-'
inated, and Friday this number will

I m -

Tau Beta Pi Will Honor
Two Engineering Coeds

Axis Protests Seizure Of Vessels,
Germans Mobilize Armed Forces


Border Of Northern





Fourth and fifth women in the
country to be awarded honorary as-
sociate memberships in Tau Beta Pi,
engineering scholastic honor society,
are Virginia Frey, '42E, and Tenho
T. Sihvonen, '41E, both of whom will
be cited at the organization's initia-
tion banquet at 6 p.m. today in the
Back in 1923 tl~e question of ad-
mitting co-eds into the society was
first raised and a decision was made
to keep Tau Beta Pi a strictly male
organization but to give honorary
badges to outstanding women engin-1
Of the three girls who have re-
,eived this honor, two were from the
University of Colorado and the other
from Tulane University. They were
given their Tau Beta Pi badges in
1938, 1930 and 1940.
Miss Frey, who hails from Toledo,.
Ohio, is majoring in engineering
mathematics and expects to do work
in home and business lighting after
her graduation, designing fixtures
and acting as a lighting consultant,
Before coming to the University,
Miss Frey studied art for ;eight years
and therefore decided that a study
of engineering would be of more use
than an additional four years of work
in the College of Architecture and
Design. .
A member of Chi Omega sorority
and Alpha Lambda Delta, freshmenj
womens' honorary society, Miss Freyj
is a member of the golf team and
has served on the committees for
Frosh Project, Soph Cabaret, The-
atre Arts and J.G.P.
A resident of Detroit, Miss Sih-
vonen first entertained the idea of
Ntichelodeon Booth
1)ead.1line Isx Fridayl
All organizations desiring to enter
booths or skits in the 1941 Spring
.Jubilee, Michilodeon, have until Fri-
day to make their entries, it was
announced yesterday.
The number of booths will be Jim-
ited, according to Charles Heinen,
'41, and only - those organizations
presenting well-planned displays will
be awarded booths.
Skit entrants must be prepared to
present two performances each night
of the two-night festival. Both the
skits and booths should be built
around a "gay 90;s" theme, the spon-
sors said.'

entering the College of Engineering
while attending Northwestern High,
but thinking engineering impractical
for a girl entered the Literary College
At the end of her freshman year,
however, she decided to make the
change and has been an engineer ever
since. Miss Sihvonen won an Alumni
Scholarship immediately before en-
tering the University and recently
won a Donovan Engineering Scholar-
Miss Sihvonen is at present a res-
ident of the Alumnae House where
she is now serving as president. j
Dean Lovell To Speak
At Tau lieta Pi nql uet
Assistant Dean Alfred H. Lovell of
the College of Engineering will be
principal speaker at today's Tau Beta
P1 dinner at which approximately 20
juniors and seniors will be initiated
into the society.
His talk, which will be given in the
form of an illustrated travelog, will
discuss several federal hydroelectric
plants in the south and northwest
such as the Bonneville, TVA, Grand
Coolee and Fort Beck projects.
Many Qialified Applicants
Force Postponement
So many worthy applications have
been received for scholarships in the
Literary College, Lloyd S. Woodburne,
assistant dean, announced, that the
Scholarship Committee will be de-
layed for some lime before making
the final awards.

Nazi Troops Moved
From Greek Sector
Premier, Veteran Croatian
Leader Reach Accord;
Yugoslav Ariny Ready
BELGRADE, April L.--(A)-The
reported concentration of some 75,000
German troops on the northern Cro-
atia frontier coincided with word that
Yugoslavia had found national unity
in an agreement between the veteran
Croat leader Valdimir Macek and
Premier Dusan Simovic.
Macek's paper in Zagreb, capital
of the highly vulnerable Northern
Province declared: "In historic times
which may be near, Croat ranks stand
In addition to the threat from
Hungary, German troops quartered
in Bulgaria since that nation fell into
the Axis sphere early in March, have
been shifted from the Turkish and
Greek frontiers westward to face Yu-
goslavia on the east.
Italian Forces In Albania
At the back of this nation are
Italian forces in Albania, for the
present thoroughly occupied by the_
Macek's acceptance of the vice-
premiership in the nvew anti-Axis
government was reported as Simqvic
ordered Yugoslavs to remain on the
threshold of their homes and, "if des-
tiny orders" give their lives to the
Italians here joined the Axis part-
ners in the exodus, which went on as
police lines kept crowds of YugoslavsI
back from the capitals depots.-
The government readied its 1,250,-c
000 soldiers as midnight passed with-
out any apparent change in what
Nazi-circles themselves had described1
as "desperate and hopeless" German-
Yugoslav relations.
Minister Leaves Berlin
German minister Viktor Von Hear-
en left for Berlin, eight minutes be-
fore the midnight deadline he set
for the evacuation of German nation-
als in Yugoslavia.
' As a constant stream of trains
moved out of the Belgrade station
during the evening carrying men, wo-
men and children of a dozen nation-'
alities, reports reaching the capital
said five German divisions suddenly
had been concentrated in Hungary on
t he Yugoslav border.
Von Heeren's train was more thanr
an hour late leaving. He said, "I am
going to report to my governmentf
and I will see Foreign Minister (Jo-
achim) Von Ribbentrop immediately
upon my arrival in Berlin."(

"Contrary to widely-held beliefs,
the United States has access to all the
minerals absolutely necessary to
maintain its industrial economy in
war time or in a world otherwise
dominated by hostile powers," Prof.
Thomas J. Lovering of the geology
department, visiting Ann Arbor dur-
ing sabbatical leave, asserted yester-
day in an interview.
"Such a state of affairs woud, of
course, involve uneconomic ,practices,
such as substiuting glass for tin-
coated food containers," he said, "but
it would not mean the collapse of
our industrial economy following a
possible Nazi victory over Britain."
Cited Findings
Professor Lovering cited the find-
ings of a joint investigation of the
United States Geological Survey-of
which he is a niember-and the Fed-
eral Bureau of Mines into the prob-
.lem of mineral resources made within
the last two years. Before the inves-
tigation was initiated the War De-
partment listed eight minerals as
"strategic"-those necessary minerals
which the country is deficient in and
which the country cannot supply
from its own resources in times of
emergency, he explained.
However, the joint investigation
has located adequate supplies of all
but two of these "strategic" minerals
so that they are listed only as "criti-
cal," he pointed out. This means that
--although there is normally a defic-
iency of these minerals-they can
be obtained in adequate amounts
within the country's borders during
an emergency by raising the price
Senior Notices
Placed On Sale
Announcements Will Have,
Commencement List
Senior classes in five of the Uni-
versity's, schools and colleges will be
able to place orders for commence-
ment announcements, starting today.
Senior orders will be taken at the
following places:
College of Engineering: Today -
Second floor, West Engineering
Building; Thursday and Friday -
East Engineering Building lobby.
L.S.A.: Today- Angell Hall lobby,
J to 12, 2 to 4. Wednesday- Univer-
sity Hall, opposite Room 2. Thurs-i
day -- Angell Half lobby.,
School of Education: Tuesday to1
Friday - First floor University High
School, 1:30 to 4:00,, 1
School of Music: Every day until
spring vacation - Burton Memorial
Tower desk.
School of Architecture and Design:
Tuesday to Thursday - Representa-
tive will see each senior personally.

or otherwise subsidizing production,
he said.
"The two exceptions still listed by
the War Department as 'strategic' are
tin and nickel," he explained, "but
in reality, the latter constitutes no
problem, for 85 per cent of the world's
nickel is mined across the border in
Ontario, Canada." Tin, however, is
not found in sufficient quantities
anywhere in the hemisphee, he dis-
Plan Involves Substitution
Any plan for hemispheric self-suf-
ficiency would thus involve unecon-
omic practices of substitution, he
pointed out, "but if Germany can get
along without an appreciable amount
of tin for years, I suspect it's possible
for us to get along with the limited
South American supply for a num-
ber of years."
Though not a mineral, raw rubber
is also an important resource, he dis-
closed, I"but here again the nation
could produce synthetic rubber if nec-
essary at an economic sacrifice, at
least until the raw rubber supply in
Central and South America material-
Varsity Squad
Faces Southern
Debate Team
Morris Brown Will Face'
U. of M. On Question
Of Heinjpiere Union
Matthew Zipple, '42Ed and Phillip1
Levy, '41, will meet the negro team
of Morris Brown College of Atlanta
in a varsity debate on the question of
hemisphere union at 8 p.m. today in
the North Lounge of the Union.
Yesterday Joe Scroeder, '43, and
R. Erwin Bowers, comprising a Uni-
versity negative,;team, opposed the
Williams College team of Massachu-
setts, represented by Jay NierenbergE
and William Rosensohn on the prop-
osition, "Resolved: that a Federal{
Press Commission should be 'estab-
The Williams College affirmative
proposed that a federal agency should
be inaugurated to lDense all news-
papers over 2,500 circulation in orders
to insure that truth would be printed
in the news. The federal regulating
body would be empowered to publish
any misrepresentation of news by
taking the case to federal courts, they
The University negative opposed
the plan on the grounds that there
was no clearly defined line between
fact and opinion and that such reg-
ulation would be retroactive and
therefore ineffective as a preventive
measure. When put into operation,
such a commission would be imprac-
tical, Bowers and Schroeder contend-

U.S. Has Access To All Needed
Minerals, Lovering Maintains

Formal Warrants
Against Nazi And
Crews On Boats'

WASHINGTON, March 31.-The
German and Italian Embassies an-
nounced today that they had protest-
ed to the United States today over
the seizure of Axis ships taken into
"protective custody" on the grounds
of sabotage.
The Italian ambassador, Prince Co-
lonna, personally delivered his Gov-
ernment's note of protest to Breck-
inridge Long, assistant secretary of
state, this afternoon.
The German Embassy said that it
had dispatched a note by messenger
to the State Department late in the
day. An Embassy spokesman declined
to disclose the contents of the note.
Two German ships were among 69
taken over by the Coast Guard yes-
WASHINGTON March 31.-P)-
Following the dramatic seizure of 69
Axis and Danish ships, the United
States today issued formal warrants
accusing the- crews of the German
and Italian ships of violating the im-
migration laws.
The 100 Germans and 175 Italians
were alleged to have overstayed the
st atuatory limit of 60 days permitted
alien seamen and were ordered held
pending deportation proceedings, of-
ficials of the immigration service of
the Justice Department said. No war-
rants were issued for the sailors of
the Danish vessels.
Meanwhile, responsible sources said
that new legislation might be neces-
sary before the United States could
operate or otherwise benefit from the
ships, which were taken into "protec-
tive custody" on grounds of actual
or prospective sabotage.n
The legal position of the govern-
ment was no clear beyond its power
to take possession of the vessels un-
der a 1917 espionage act. Just what
the Axis would do about the seizure
of the ships, aggregating more than
300,000 tons, likewise was in doubt
but vigorous protests, if not strong-
er measures, seemed certain.
Meanwhile, the Costa Rican gov-
ernment moved to "protect" two Axis
.hips in Punta Arenas harbor, only
to be greeted by fires aboard said to
have been set by the crews. The fires
broke out about the time that armed
police were approachirjg to place a
special guard "in order to avoid sabo-
Elsa Maxwell,
To Give 'Laugh'
Lecture Today
Elsa Maxwell, internationally ac-
claimed hostess and social lion-tamer,
will speak at 8:15 p.m. today in Hill
Auditorium on "The Science of
Miss Maxwell, who has had more
adventures than Robinson Crusoe,
has the enviable knack of turning.
serious topics into lively discussions
and making even the most dignified
celebrity forget his dignity in a mad
treasure hunt.
She is widely known not only for
her spectacular parties and cham-
pioning of women's rights but also
for her brittle wit and spicy anec-
dotes. Her versatility and unpredic-
tability make any forecast of the
probable course of her address uncer-
tain, to say the least. The fireworks
are liable to blow off at any moment,
and La Maxwell won't be responsible
if you split your sides at her uproar-
ious fun-making.
The original Californian will enter-
tain Ann Arbor residents under the
sponsorship of the Michigan Alumnae
Club and the proceeds of her talk will
benefit the women's swimming pool
Symphony To Play


Immigration Law
Violation Charged



A large group
were interviewc d
terviews for Ole

of thl( applicants
yesterday and in -
reinfling group

Attention is callel tof ie list of
people for whon mtferviews have
beei arrangcd, as well as ten time
(it eaclh ijterview, which appears 'i
tda y's1DAily Official Bulletin.
have been arranged for Wednesday
afternoon and evening. .
A total of 118 applications were
made for the scolarships which are

ROTC Plans More Emphasis
For Practical Side Of I matissia
11~ t

lutterscb olas tie
IPress To Ji1old
IV! eII-.g e r et
Over 800 high school students are
cxpeeted to convene in Ann Arbor,
,T.hursday through Saturday, May 1
to 3, for the 20th annual meeting of
the Michigan Interscholastic Press
Association. The delegates will repre-
sent newspapers published by about
50 high schools throughout the state.
At the first general assembly,
'Thursday, May 1, Prof. John L.
Brumm of the Department of Journ-
alism will preside, introducing a pro-
gram of music by the University Men's
Glee Club, the University Band, and
dancing, with the music by the Union
Friday's session will include a gen-
cial assembly to be presided over by
Stanley Oates, with Pastor Merlin
Rice of the Metropolitan M.E. Church,
Detroit, speaking on "Your Tomor-
row." Other speakers the same day
will be Prof. Wesley H. Maurer, of
the Department of Journalism, dis-
ciuissil)ng "Make-Lup of Publications"
and Arthur Secord, manager of the
Michigan High School Forensic As-
sociation, talking on "The Pursuit of
Personality." Ruth Browne will pre-
side at the latter session.

School Of Business Alumni
To Hold Annual Conference

With practically every senior mem-
ber in the Reserve Officers' Training
Corps expected to go on active ser -
vice in June, the ROTC is placing
special emphasis at the present time
on the more practical side of mili-
tary training.
Particular attention is being placed
upon instruction which will aid pros-
pective graduates in the handling of
draftees and in the exercising of the
functions of a platoon leader.
In order to conform to the re-
quests of military headquarters in
Washington, Lt. Col. Francis M. Bran-
nan, chairman of the local ROTC

wil instead be required to take extra
work in aerial photography and ex-
tended-order drill.
Next year's military training pro-
gram, Colonel Brannan said, is ex-
pected to be vastly different from
that of former years. Indication has
already been received from Washing-
ton that a considerable number of
changes Were being considered --all
inview of 5tressing the more practica
In regard to plans to make every
ROTC graduate enter active service,
Colonel Brannan declared that they
would be considered in the same man-

More than 150 alumni are expected
to attend the Thirteenth Annual
Alumni Conference of the School of
Business Administration which will
be held Saturday in the Rackham
Among the highlights of the pro-
gram arranged for the alumni are
speeches, round table discussions and
a social hour. The Honorable William
S. Culbertson, one-time Ambassador
to Chile, Minister to Rumania and
Vice-Chairman of the United States
Tariff Commission will speak at the
annual banquet at 7 p.m. on "The
Future of World Trade and Foreign
Two new round table conferences
have been arranged for this year's
meeting. One is the discussion on

Rackham Building, the General Ses-
sion will feature three outstanding
speakers on various "Problems of
Price and Price Control," Prof. L. L.
Watkins will discuss "Economic
Forces Affecting Prices"; Prof. H. F.
Taggart, who is Chief Cost Account-
ant on the Council of National De-
fense, will -speak on "Government
Control of Price;" and Charles E.
Boyd, of Detroit, will discuss "The
Effect of Price Control on the Dis-
tributive Trades."
For the luncheon, which will be
held at 12:15 in the League, Dean
Clare E. Griffin has selected several
speakers from the faculty who will
tell returning alumni members what
has been going on at the School of

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