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March 29, 1941 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-03-29

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_A .:~l

League Spring Checks March Into Spring Limelight
Fashion Show

To Be April 3
25 Women To Model Formal,
Informal Summer Apparel;
Bill Sawyer To Furnish Music
Spring and summer styles in play
clothes, campus clothes, date dresses
and formal wear, as well as a formal
wedding party, will be featured at
the League style show to be held from
3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thursday, April
Twenty-five campus models i and
a group of professional mannequins
will lead the parade of fashion
through the ballroom, the concourse,
and the Grand Rapids and Hussey
rooms of the League.
To Have Theme
Bill Sawyer and his orchestra will
play for the show, the theme of which
will center around activities of, the
League, including the current JGP
and Installation Banquet, as well as
the class projects. Special enter-
tainment feature of the show will be
the demonstration of new dances, in-
cluding the rhumba and the conga
by two couples of Arthur Murray
In addition, tea will be served to
those desiring it, and there will be a
drawing for three door prizes-a hat,
an imported sweater and a pair of
Committee Named
Acting as chairman of the show is
Virginia Osgood, '41, chairman of the
League social committee, who is as-
sisted by Dorothy Merki, '42. Margot
Thom, '42, is in charge of the wed-
ding party, included, according to
Miss Osgood, "becuse of Ann Ar-
bor's interest in w ddings." Virginia
Morse, '43, and Julie Chockley, '43,
are in charge of publicity.
Reservations for the show may be
made at the League desk Monday
through Wednesday. There will be no
charge for seats, but a 25 cent charge
forrefreshments will be made. Soror-
ity houses and dormitory groups may
make block reservations for large
tables in the ballroom, Miss Osgood
said. Tickets for all seats-reserved
and otherwise, will be distributed at
the door.
Radio Dances
Will Overcome
Bluebook Woesj
"Studying for midsemesters" seems
to be the motto of most of the houses
on campus right now, but even that
dire prospect doesn't scare everyone
as is evidenced by the six parties be-
ing held today.
Alpha'Sigma Phi has planned an
informal radio dance to be held from
9 p.m. to midnight with Mr. and Mrs.
James Plumer and Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas Hammial acting as chaper-
ons. To complete their weekend of I
festivities after Odonto Ball, Delta
Sigma Delta will hold a radio dance
tonight which will be chaperoned by
Dr. and Mrs. Louis Schultz and Dr.
and Mrs. Ralph Moyer.
A party at the Wolverine will be
the order of the evening for members
of the Intercooperative Council. The
affair will be held from 8 p.m. to mid-
night and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rup-
ke and Prof. and Mrs. Z. Clark Dick-
inson will chaperon.
There will be a radio dance given
by residents of Michigan House, to be
held from 9 p.m. to midnight in din-
ing room 2 of the West Quadrangle.
The affair goes by the title of a Fool's
Frolic dance and there will also be

refreshments and bridge. Mrs. Wool-
sey W. Hunt and Mrs. L. D. Niles will
act as chaperons.
The Polonia Society will sponsor a
mixer to be held from 8 p.m. to 10
p.m. in the Union, with Prof. I. A.
Wajtaszak and Prof. and Mrs. F. W.
Pawlawski as chaperons. There will.
be a closed radio dance At the Sigma
Nu house from 9 p.m. to midnight
which Mrs. Harry B. Phelps will
Alpha Xi Delta Will have an infor-
pal supper tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. at
their chapter house.

Q 1

Project Parade
Will Be Given
By Freshmen
Class Will Demonstrate Talents
In Skit Competition To Be Held
During Annual Dance April 25
Skits, solo acts, impersonations and
characterizations will' be the order,
o fthe day when freshman talent
"takes off" for the Freshman Project
Parade to be held in conjunction
with the annual Freshman Project
dance April 25.
Competition among campus soror-
ity and dormitory groups will be for
three prizes of $30, $15, and $5 to go
to the houses represented by the
groups giving the most original andj
clever presentations in the opinion
of the judges.
The parade will be held during the
dance intermission at which time the
groups will enter the ballroom in a'
procession and pass before the judges'
platform where each will give its
presentation of a Michigan "take-off"
to be limited to two minutes in length.
Skits To Be Held
According to Helen Eckerman and
Jean Whittemore, co-chairmen for
the Project, the purpose of the skits1
is to give all freshmen women an op-
portunity to take part in the floor

(Editor's Note: The information usedI
in this article was received in a per-
son,,l letter to the writer from Miss
Dorothy Dix.)I
"Journalism should be woman's
special field, for a newspaper is noth-
ing but the aggregate gossip of the
world, and we females are born with
a nose for news that men have to
acquire after a plastic operation,"
says Dorothy Dix, reporter and coun-
selor extraordinary to millions the
world over for more than thirty years.
That there are very few really good
women reporters Miss Dix admits, for,
in her opinion, "you need the consti
tution of a dray horse, the tenacity
of a bull dog, the ability to go with-
out sleep, food, and to write any-
where, anyway while you are on a
story, and above all an enthusiasm
for your work that is a religion,"
English Is Important
in preparation for a career in
journalism, Miss Dix stresses the
importance of education, with spec-
ial attention to such subjects as Eng-
lish, history, sociology and languages.
The ability to speak fluently a for-
eign language is a decided asset,
states Miss Dix. "You'll find that
often you have to interview foreign
celebrities and that you never get

Checks come to the fore again this spring because of their fresh,
practical look, adaptable to so many daytime costumes. Frequently
used in suits of pastel shades, they are also attractive in light wool or
silk packet dresses. Thin woolen frocks with pastel flecks can be worn
all season, while fairly tailored outfits of crisp navy and white are
ideal for shopping and lunching in town. There are many possibilities
for striking accessories with these costumes, as not only white or lug-
gage tan, but also the predominating shade in the checked material
may be used.
Newsdealers Observe Student
Habits From Stand In Arcade

They've been standing in front of
the Arcade for nine years--watching
the students come and go. They are
two Ann Arbor brothers, Alvin and
Floyd Neff who, rain or shine, sell
their magazines and newspapers to
their "buddies."
Both brothers agreed that their
best friends are the football players.
Especially noticeable, they comment-
ed, is the friendliness of the team
in the last three years which has
made more friends than ever before,
on the "main drag."
Harmon Is "Swell"
"Harmon?-He's a swell egg. Diff-
erent from the rest of the players, too.
Fame hasn't gone to his head," said
Floyd and Alvin enthusiastically
about the Michigan hero.
These brothers take a sincere in-
terest in their customers. They lis-
ten to the conversational tidbits that
float their way and chat over return-
ing change. Most popular present
topic of conversation among men is
the draft situation, they observed.
"Spasmodically, bluebook worries
take precedent," they pointed out.
"How hard was it? What grade did
you hit?" are the favorite student
inquiries that float their way now
that midsemesters are approaching.

Dorothy Dix Claims Women Are Born
With Better 'Nose For News' Than Men

own sex. The Michigan Joe pauses
to talk over buying his sports extra
and also is decisive in his purchase.
"The fellows know what they want
to buy, and they buy it, while the
women hover about the stand and
then take what they first started out
to anyhow," emphasized Floyd.
"Life" Is Favorite
The favorite all-campus magazine
is Life, they disclosed, for both sexes,
although the brothers claimed that
more girls read the fiction "mags."
"Students don't read many newspa-
pers in comparison to the amount of
monthly and weekly reading material
they purchase," they added. "Since
the war the daily publications, how-
ever, have had an increased volume
of trade."
Esquire is almost exclusively a
man's "mag" and Mademoiselle hits
the spot purely with women-both
being the preferences in their fields
of literature. For all-around humor,
the choice is the New Yorker by men
and women alike.
Time shares the popularity of the
New Yorker in sales receipts for cur-
rent events review.
Summer Is "The Season"
"Students read more in the sum-
mer than they do in the winter,"

show of their class project. The pa- anywhere if all you say has to be
rade Committee of the Project will filtered through an interpreter."
be in charge of costumes, properties Of her own education, she tells
and music for each group, while they us that she was sent to "a female
will also assist with ideas for skits. academy, where, at sixteen, I was
The women who have been elected graduated in all the ologies and isms,
chairman in their houses are Mar- and in a love of a white organdie
garet Chute, Betsy Barbour House I dress; but whatever real education
and Helen Newberry Residence; I got, I found in the yellow old books
Gloria Brugaletta, Stockwell Hall; in the library at Woodstock," a farm
Betty Ann Kranich, Jordan Hall, on the border between Tennessee
2nd and 3rd floors; Jean Hamilton ! and Kentucky.
and Betty Robinson, Jordan Hall 4th Worked On Small Paper
and 5th floors; Joan Beardsall, Alpha Born Elizabeth Meriwether, she
Chi Omega; Dorothy Treadwell, Al- ---
pha Delta Pi and Chi Omega; Rita
HymaAlha Epsilon Phi; MaronEng inee rs eg
Hy a ,Ap a E sln P i ain Ford, Alpha Omicron Pi; Ann Mac-
Millan, Alpha Phi; and Mary Leigh
Hughes, Collegiate Sororis.fe
List ContinuesO S iR
The list continues with Jean Shin-
nick, Delta Delta Delta, Marlou Shar- By A. P. BLAUSTEIN
tel, Delta Gamma; Frances Vyn, Contrary to recent reports from
Gamma Phi Beta; Jo Lloyd, Kappa the Law School, the engineers are in
Kappa Gamma; Kitty Simrall, Pi complete possession of their famed
Beta Phi; and Charlena Richtmyer eight-foot slide rule-in fact, the
and Hilda Marsh, League House In- engineers claim, the lawyers never
depedents.. A meeting for the chair- had it.
men from these houses will be held The whole affair was explainedj
at 5 p.m. Friday in the League. yesterday by a sloppily-dressed stu-
The class dues of one dollar now dent o claimed to be chairman of
being collected from all freshmen3 the Engineers' Slide RulehDefense
women will finance the orchestra, rulmthtte awyes Tkwsa
decorations, and tickets for the Pro- hrule th relawyer tooneverlwas
ject. its hiding place below the West Engi-
neering Building where it is being
guarded by photo-electric cells."
Fallow iPrecedent
CastwOfeJdtMichigan's barristers, he asserted,
Twere following the precedent set by
To Give Last all lawyers when they claimed to have
stolen the slide rule-they blew off
steam. The rule that was taken was
a substitute which was left unpro-
"tected so that the lawyers couldI
"Jumping Jupiter's" by this time "steal" it.
veteran cast will swing into its last "Following the supposed theft, the
performance of the hilarious Grec- barristers took the slide rule to Delta
ian comedy at 8:30 p.m. today. Delta Delta sorority where they pro-
Lines have achieved an unexpected ceeded to show off," the engineers'
punch and polish. The cyst of over defense chairman claimed," and that
100 junior women have become so was their real undoing."
accustomed to the life of the theatre Recaptured Slide Rule
that slapping on cold cream and "Here's what happened," he con-
make-up, studying in a horrible up-
r r a" ta ring a"mir"i" a ftr h 1 --- n-- - -

"tucked up her hair and got married"
in 1888 to George O. Gilmer, "expect-
ing to settle down on Main Street."
Fate, however, had other plans for
her, and after a series of financial
and domestic catastrophies," she
found herself in New Orleans, de-
pendent upon her own ability to make
a living.
Fortunately, Miss Dix found her-
self living next door to the owner of
The New Orleans Picayune, to whom
she sold her first story for three dol-
lars. "I started work at five dollars
a week, getting vital statistics, and
Ive done everything on a newspaper
except set type." The best way to
begin newspaper work, she suggests,
is "on some small paper where the
editor has time to really train you."
Enthusiasm Is Necessary
Miss Dix evidently had the passion
and enthusiasm which she considers
necessary for newspaper work, for
she writes: "I lived newspapers, I
ate newspapers, I dreamed news-
papers and I dare say I shall go on
doing this'until I die. For when you
are born vWith that thirst for printer's
ink, there is no cure until death
writes '30' at the bottom of your life
"I spent twenty years on the -New
York Journal where I did all sorts
of human interest stories, specializ-
ing in murder trials such as the Thaw
tiial and countless others." This work
gave her the experience necessary to
write her now famous syndicated
column, "Dorothy Dix Talks," as the
confidante and adviser to millions
of women throughout the world,
Gives Advice To Women
Miss Dix takes her work very ser-
iously, for "it seems to me," she says,
" a very grave matter what women
will read in the privacy of their own
homes; what working girls will read
in Possession
e From Lawyers
tinued: "Three engineers, disguised
as lawyers by assuming droopy looks
invaded the Tri-Delt house and
walked off with the slide rule while
other engineers were attracting their
According to reports, the "fake"
slide ,rule is now keeping the other
one company, both of them protect-
ed by the photo-electric cells.
Plans have been made by the engi-
neers to demonstrate their superior-
ity over the barristers by displaying
Iboth of the slide rules at their annual
spring ball, which will be held from
9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, April 4, at
the Union Ballroom,
Lawyers To Brag
The only reason the engineers have
not made known their success, it was
claimed, was because "engineers are
traditionally thorough and never
make any statements until they are
in complete possession of all of the
facts. In addition," our defense
chairman declared, "we all decided
that we'd have a lot of fun hearing
the lawyers- brag about a phoney."
Rumor has it that the engineers
will show off their slide rule some-
time during the gala engineering
weekend which is being planned for
Friday and Saturday. It might be
displayed at the All-Engineering
banquet or at the Open House.

on their way from work; what men
will read while trying to find some
key that will unlock the riddle of that
human conundrum to which they are
Now in her seventies, Miss Dix still
writes her daily column and answers
the thousands of letters that seel
her advice. A gentle old lady, Eliza-
beth Gilmer, nevertheless still pos-
sesses energy, vitality and enthusiasm
for her work which are an inspira-
tion to all potential journalists.
"If youth is confused today about
the future, so is age," she admits in
answer to a question seeking her
opinion of the present state of the
world. "No one knows what will come
next, but surely the grandchildren of
the pioneers have enough guts and
courage to see whatever - comes
SUnion To Give
Easter Dance
"De Easter time is de time for
eggs," and bunnies too, so the Union
staff is giving its annual Easter party
for the campus, the "Bunny Hop"
from 9 p.m. to midnight Saturday,
April 5.
Bill Sawyer's orchestra will play
music of the sort that one would ex-
pect to dance to at a "Bunny Hop";
Gwen Cooper will be the vocalist with
the orchestra. All that goes with
Easter-eggs, bunnies, gay colors-
will enter into the decoration scheme.
Door prizes will be drawn for dur-
ing intermission. In addition there
will be personalized Easter egg ser-
vice for every woman. Every guest
will receive a big chocolate Easter
egg which, according to Jack Grady,
'42, chairman of the Hop, "each
chicken will be proud of. The eggs
wild~ be free of charge."
Nuptials Announced
The marriage of Victoria Gellatly,
'41, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Alexander Gellatly of Birmingham to
James Harper,- Grad., of Ithaca,
N..Y. February 23 in Ann Arbor was
announced. On campus she was the
chairman of last year's "Capricon
Capers" and social chairman of Bet-
sy Barbour House. Mr. Harper is a
graduate student at the University.
by letting U solve.
your HAIR Problems.
Formerly DiMattia
Phone 8878 338 S. State


Alvin and Floyd both favor their these two appraisers of student in-
----- --- - ----terest in present news circulation
S- *asserted. They feel that 3,500 sum-
'C r u c ifTixion' mer school readers purchase as much
as 10,000 winter students.
M*j Floyd and Alvin insisted the Mich-
To Be Given igan student hasn't changed much in
their years of acquaintance with
Traditional Religious Chorale them. According to these two com-
Will Be Presented mentators, "they still walk four
abreast down the diagonal, still drink
The traditional presentation of cokes, and in the last five years all
"The Crucifixion" by Sir John Stain- devour the picture mags."
er will be given at 8 p.m. Wednesday,
April 9, in the saictuary of the First Members Needed
Methodist Church under the direc- m
tion of Prof. Hardin Van Duersen of Patricia Lewis, '44, ticket chair-
the music school. man for Frosh Project, has an-
The soloists on the program will in- nounced that she is in need of more
clude Joseph Victor Laderoute, a women to work on her committee.
widely known Canadian-American All those who are interested should
tenor, and Mark Bill, baritone of contact her immediately.
Columbia, Mo.
With the participation of the
church choir the Methodist Church
presented "Verdi's Requiem" to a
capacity audience last year. The
musical program presenting the story
of the crucifixion during Holy Week
has become a tradition.


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1 11





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