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March 29, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-03-29

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- -m -*r m[ m O
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, inc.
College Publishers Representative
Fember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41

Hervie 1aufler


Alvin Sarasohn
Paul M. Chandler . .
Karl "Kessler.
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
Laurence Mascott , .
Donald Wirtchafter . .
Esther Osser .
Helen Corman .
Business Manager
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

. t

. Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. . City Editor
Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
Associate Editor
. . Sports Editor
.Women's Editor
Exchange Editor
Irving Guttman
* Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
. . Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
Students Confer
On Democracy .
THIS WEEK-END, today and tomor-
row, The National Conference for
Democracy Ui Education is meeting at Cam-
bridge on the Harvard. campus. Probably never
was there more need for such a conference than
there is now. The conference will try, as should
every student on the nation's campuses, to de-
termine just what democracy on the campus
means and just what can be done to retain stu-
dents' rights; or, if students' rights have been
infringed upon, just what can be done to correct
these evils.
At this meeting will be representatives from
every type of college group including student
clubs, the student government, college news-
papers, the Student Christian movement, associ-
ations of law, medical, social work and other
professional students, fraternities and sororities
who have signified their approval. There, they
will meet to discuss their common problems and
try to reach some decision on a possible course
of action.
THE MEETING has been planned to include
panel discussions on subjects which deal with
the infringements on students' right which have
occured in various American colleges and uni-
versities. Among these are: (1) The Bill of
Rights on the Campus, (2) How Free is the
Campus Pres? (3) Notebooks and Pocketbooks,
(4) Students in Uniform, (5) the Town Meet-
ing, where leading educators in science, history,
philosophy and the social sciences will analyze
recent developments in the treatment of their
subjects and point out any perversions which
might have taken place in the presentation of
these subjects in the classrooms, and (6) a plen-
ary discussion entitled, "Where Do We Go From
Here?" to determine what united, democratic
action can be taken to stem the tide of at-
tacks on democratic education in America.
TO THOSE who would attempt to remedy such
activities as have been undertaken by the
Rapp-Coudert Committee in New York; to those
who would eliminate discrimination against Ne-
gro students as they have at Tufts, where a
Negro was refused admission to the Medical
School, or as they have at New York University,
where Negros were not allowed to participate in
track meets; to those who would like to see
changes in the selective service act, which now
will prevent a large precentage of the freshman
class in the Michigan Law School from returning
next year, and which now will prevent many
students from completing their college educa-
tion, the National Conference on .Democracy in
Education will offer proposals which will lead
to concrete action on American campuses.
Today, the forces which are operating against
democracy on the campus and in the nation are
much the same as they were before the last
war:but the campus student leaders in coopera-
tion with college faculties as well as community
and labor groups can combat these forces effec-
tively and eliminate them by a course of action
which we hope this conference will propose after
considering the many questions before the group.
-Bernard Dober
Give Generously
A ' ,I " 1

cans and their sympathizers on behalf of this
Leaders of the drive have expressed satisfac-
tion over the success of the campaign so far and
there is no reason why today's receipts should
not add materially to the fund. No matter what
your attitude may be on America's role in the
present international crisis, it is difficult not
to admire the heroic struggle being waged against
the Fascist aggressor in Albania. At a time
when it seemed that every little nation must
succumb automatically to the superior num-
bers of the Fascist invaders, the Greeks re-
fused to capitulate and steadily drove the Ital-
ians away from their country.
EVEN NOW in this campaign they do not ask
mthe money to purchase arms or ammunition.
Ever contemptuous of their foe they say, "Those
things are supplied by the fleeing enemy!" They
do ask the funds for civilian aid. Since most of
the able-bodied men are fighting on the front
lines to preserve the liberty of their land, there
are not enough workers for the farms and the
factories. Outsiders, especially Americans who
desire that the forces of Fascism shall not tri-
umph must assume the task of providing food,
clothing ahd badly-needed medical supplies.
A great people are fighting for a noble cause.
A campaign to aid the victims of that struggle
deserves generous support.
-Alvin Dann
Lease-Lend Means
Executive Control . .
United States ,"emergency" neurosis has not
reached the stage of rushing measures such as
the lease-lend bill into law without consideration
and revision; but the arbitrary nature of the bill
finally passed is a foreboding indication of what
lies ahead during the days of democratic prepara-
tion for a democratic war.
Changes in the bill were supposedly made as
concessions to the Congressional opposition. Ac-
tually, however, administration leaders did not
expect or intend that the bill should be passed
without limits on time, expenditure and amounts
of materials. In "compromising," the adminis-
tration leaders limited Presidential powers to
the extent originally intended and non iore.
T HE FIRST PROVISION of the bill remain-
ed unaltered and allows the President to
authorize department heads to manufacture
or procure any defense article for the govern-
ment of any country whose defense the Presi-
dent deems vital to the defense of the United
States. The second provision permits officials
through the President to sell, transfer title, ex- '
change, lease, lend, or otherwise dispose of to
any such government any defense article-then
comes the revision of the original clause- after
consultation with the Chief of Staff of the Army
or the Chief of Naval Operations. The value of
such articles thus disposed of, procured from
funds heretofore appropriated, shall not exceed
$300,000,000. Defense articles procured from
funds hereafter appropriated cannot be disposed
of except as authorized by Congress in the ap-
propriation acts.
The President may authorize department heads
to test, inspect, prove, repair, outfit or recon-
dition defense articles for any such government,
or procure such services by private contract,
and to communicate to any such government de-
fense information, pertaining to defense articles
THE LAW PROVIDES that the terms on which
foreign governments receive aid shall be those
which the President deems satisfactory, and re-
payment may be in kind or property, or any bene-
fit which the President deems satisfactory, with
the revision of the original bill that powers thus
conferred on the President cease June 30, 1943,
or previously if the two houses of Congress pass
a concurrent resolution declaring the powers
no longer necessary. Power to carry out agree-
ments already made extends to July 1, 1946.
Other revisions of the original bill include
the clause that nothing in the act authorizes
convoying vessels by the United States Navy or
permits American vess~els to enter a combat
area. Then a defense article or defense informa-
tion as to quantity, character, value and desti-

natitn must be supplied to the United States
agency designated by the President. The Presi-
dent; not less freguently than every 90 days must
report to Congress on operation of the act.
All these revisions of the original bill provide
limitations and Congressional restrictions on
Presidential powers that, with an explanation of
the dire threat of totalitarianism to the Western
Hemisphere, manage to dress up in flowing red,
white and blue robes a law that still confers
broader powers on the President than any ever
vested in the Chief Executive of the United
-Emile Gel6
Is Labor Delaying
Defense Production? .0.
industrialists for its alleged unwillingness jp
make the United States safe for democracy. Big
business is accusing labor of slowing down de-
fense production through its strikes, examples
of greed for money at the expense of tl,- Ameri-
can people and suffering humanity abroad. If
labor would only keep quiet and not raise a fuss
about unions, wages, collective bargaining and
general working conditions, the manufacturers
could go ahead and build all the necessary im-
plements of war at top speed.
Strikes are pointed out as the result of Com-
munist dominated unions. An attempt is being
made to lay lagging production at the feet of
striking labor. Reactionary newspapers are play-
ing every strike as loudly as possible, with little
regard to its cause or fairness. As pointed out in
The Daily several days ago, the actual number
of strikes for the period of 1940 and 1941 to

The Reply Chiurish
CURRENT LIFE has an article on home paint-
ing of farmers in Wisconsin, the showing held
as part of theUniversity of Wisconsin's Farm and
Home Week. The idea not exactly a new one,
our own Alumni galleries hung the works of one
Michigan farmer here about a year ago if I recall
rightly. But as a reflection of what I choose to
call the innate creative impulse in all of us, a
showing like this means quite a bit. The stuff is
not good in the technical sense of the word. But
it comes out as something backed up by more
than draftsmanship and education; namely the
urge to communicate a mood and impression of
life. Something you don't think about in connec-
tion with farmers somehow. But they do it, just
as sincerely, and evidently for even less reason
than those of us who try to work in one of the
arts here. A farmer who paints, or writes (may-
be not, that is a mov secretive avocation if yoi
want it to be) or plays music or dances, must get
an awful lot of knowing looks from his fellows.
And nobody would ever pay any attention to him
unless somehow he happened to meet an artist
or critic with enough influence to give him a
break. Why does he do it then?
Well for one thing, there is the applause of his
family. Home drawn stuff gets better play on
the wall space than the Weeping Madonna or
the Man with the Hoe. My grandfather used to
draw pictures of boats for no more reason than
that he liked boats and liked to see the pictures
framed and hung up where company would see
them. He didn't go at it the way an artist does
though, he drew to scale, with engineering in,
struments, T-squares, rulers, and pen and ink.
And so it was partly a love of precision, and
partly the fact that my grandmother always
made quite a fuss over his boats which moved
him to create (S.S. Manitowac, 1800 tons,
launched January, 1907).
RUT A BONA FIDE ARTIST, returning to these
farmers, does not draw things, he does not
want to duplicate, he wants to interpret. He
may want to show the peace of the farmyard,
and to do so he draws pigs and children and a
dog, but he must also put in the sunlight, and,
attempt somehow to catch the quality of warm
dust, and put into colors the drowsy drone of
summer. That is not blueprinting. One of the
men in the Wisconsin exhibit drew a night scene
with a wolf in it. He had heard a wolf howling
at night. That was all. No, my grandfather
drew things, but he sold out for less than these
men did. An artist, or let's get rid of that word,
a dreaming man does not stop trying for a thing
when the people around him, the people who like
him anyhow, tell him he is doing all right. An
in his own way, each man has, I think, some of
this feeling in him. When he didn't draw boats,
my grandfather built models of them, and then
it was different. He couldn't take enough pains
getting the things just right, and the way he
knew they were right was by feeling of the con-
tours of the hull, or holding the boat model in a
way that approximated the way she would look
coming into a harbor, squinting at it, then shak-
ing his head and saying the goddam stacks
weren't right. And while he would sit compla-
cently and smile while my grandmother talked
about his pictures, he would frown and com-
plain about his models, and would tell what was
the matter with them, and what he wanted to
do on them next. He was never satisfied, andl
so I know that when he was making models, that
was his form of expression. He was a sculptor
then, and not a painter.
A LL OF US THE SAME. Farmers, grand-
fathers, you and me, all of us want some-
thing to do that seems important, but can never
be perfect. We do something else for a living,
only the best, or the luckiest can make enough
out of what they want to do to pay the rent, but
behind, maybe shoved down out of sight is that
impulse, that dream, and the very ones who
scoff at it are the most caught by it, for they are
only bitter and cynical because they have cut
themselves off from it. The term hobby embraces
many of the manifestations of this part of our
lives, but not all. Some of the people who col-

lect stamps would probably be better off if they
just went out walking and shouted at the wind,
and on the other hand some of those who shout
at the wind, might be better off sending away
for Nyassa triangles and Cape of Good Hope one
pennyers. Nothing conclusive to say about this,
except that it seems somehow to be a part of
living, and therefore worth writing about. So
long until soon.
labor. It was business that held out for exorbi-
tant profits, not labor. It was business that de-
manded that the government take all the risks,
while they reaped the profits.
NOW, when labor attempts to get a fair share
of the profits from the goods it created, in-
dustry howls that it has been stabbed in the back
by an ungrateful pack of thieves. The strikes
that have occured have been branded as plots to
undermine American defense and turn this
country over to the Communists. On the other
hand, business has never explained what the
large fascist group is doing within its ranks.
Men like Henry Ford, who is compiling a mailing
list of people who "think the right way" from
letters received by Col. Lindbergh and Rush Holt,
are an integral part of big business.
If industry wants labor to be content, let it
give labor what it justly deserves, wages that cor-
respond to the rising profits of war materials
manufacturers, the right to bargain collectively;
the right to join unions, decision to be made
under a free vote system, with secret ballots; the
privilege of having decent, healthy working con-
ditions. Is this too much to ask of industry
which is capitalizing enormously on government
expenditures? Is it too much to ask that the men

Drew as
Robert S.AMew
WASHINGTON -Dies committee
investigators are quietly probing
some sensational information that
may rock the Army.
It concerns the mysterious $125,000
fire in the War Department Build-1
ing last October and involves an ex-
Army officer.
THE NIGHT beforeN the fire, a
middle-aged retired Army cap-
tain dropped into the shop to chat
with a young clerk, with whom he
had become friendly. The clerk was1
described by his employer as having
'very liberal views." On this occa-
sion he and his customer discussed
the Presidential campaign for a few
minutes, when suddenly the latter
leaned over and whispered:
"I'm going to tell you something
very sensational, but keep it quiet.
There will be a fire in the War De-
partment within 24 hours."
The clerk was surprised but didn't
think much -about the remark until
the following day when the prediction
came true. The clerk was scared stiff,
feared trouble and decided to keep
quieted until he had a chance to talk
to his strange acquaintance again.
The retired Army captain didn't re-E
appear for several weeks. Finally he
came at night and, according to the
florist, was dressed in "flashy new
BUT while affable and chatty, he
would not discuss the fire or
his mysterious prediction about it.
Every time the clerk brought up the
matter, the customer changed the
More disturbed than ever, the
clerk didn't know what to do and for
a few weekskept silent. But, finally,
he decided that it was his patriotic
duty to report his information and
told the story to his boss who went to
the Dies committee. The latter im- I
mediately put agents on the trail.

VOL. LL. No. 128
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
Detroit Northwestern High School
Graduates: A one-year tuition schol-
arship in this University, in honor of
Miss Julia E. Gettemy, B.L. '98, for
many years teacher of public speak-
ing and dramatics at the Northwest-
ern High School, Detroit, is being
offered by her sister, Miss Winifred
Gettemy of East Lansing. The holder
must be a graduate of .Northwestern
High School, preferably a man, and
one who is specializing in English or
Speech; he must have a scholarship
average of at least B. Letters of ap-
plication should be sent to B. J. Riv-
ett, Principal, Northwestern High
School, Detroit, with a transcript of
the applicant's University record to
date, before April 15.
School of Education Students, oth-
er than freshmen: Courses dropped
after today will be recorded with the
grade of E, except under extraor-
dinary circumstances. No course is
considered officially dropped unless
it has been reported in the office of
the Registrar. Room 4, University
Members of faculties and staff of
the University willing to accommo-
date visiting high school students at-
tending the Michigan Interscholastic
Press Association meeting, for the
nights of May 1 and 2, are urgently
requested to get in touch with Prof.
John L. Brumm, 213 Haven Hall, as
soon as possible. Owing to the usual
Ann Arbor room shortage, all pos-
sible cooperation will be greatly ap-
Students Graduating June 1941
interested in applying for a com-
mission in the U.S. Marine Corps
Reserve may secure detailed informa-
tion and a preliminary physical ex-
amination by applying to 2nd Lieut.
O. V. Bergren, USMC at the Head-
quarters, Naval R.O.T.C., North Hall
on March 31 and April 1 and 2.
Commencement Announcements for
the Engineering School will be on sale
at the West Engineering Building on
Monday and Tuesday, March 31 and
April 1, and at the East Engineering
Building on Wednesday and Thurs-
day, April 2 and 3.
La Sociedad Hispanica University
of Mexico Summer School Scholar-
ships: The examination for these two
scholarships will take place April 25.
All applicants must register before
that date with Professor J. N. Lincoln
in Room 100 R.L.
In addition to the moneys provided
by the Sociedad, the University of1
Mexico has. consented to grant free
tuition to the students chosen here.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Flint Civil Service Examination. Last
date for filing application is March
31, 1941 at 12 Noon.
Civil Engineer, salary range, $2,100
to $2,640. Applications on file at
the Bureau.
ThR Bureau has also received notice
that the School District of Philadel-
phia is giving an examination for a
position as Special Assistant in the
Division of Educational Research.
Closing date for receiving applica-
tions and credentials is May 1, 1941.
Salary, $3,400.
Complete information on file at
the Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information, 201 Mason
Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
Academic Notices

Biological Chemistry Seminar will
be held Monday, March 31, in Room
319 West Medical Building,-at 7:30
p.m. Subject: "The Metabolic Activi-
ties of the Mammary Gland." All in-
terested are invited.

May Festival Concerts: The Uni-
versity Musical Society announces
that the major Festival performers
have been assigned as follows:
Jarmila Novotna, Soprano: Thurs-
day and Saturday evenings.
Dorothy Maynor, Soprano: Friday
Suzanne Sten, Mezzo-Soprano:
Friday afternoon and Saturday eve-
Enid Szantho, Contralto: Saturday
Charles Kullman, Tenor: Saturday
Lawrence Tibbett, Baritone: Wed-
nesday evening.
Mack Harrell, Baritone: Saturday
Norman Cordon, Bass: Thursday
and Saturday evenings.
Jascha Heifetz, Violinist: Satur-
day afternoon.
Gregor Piatigorsky, violoncellist:
Thursday evening.
Jose Iturbi, Pianist: Friday after-
The Choral Union, Thor John-
son, Conductor: Thursday and Sat-
urday evenings.
The Youth Chorus, Juva Higbee,
Conductor: Friday afternoon.
The Philadelphia Orchestra: all
Eugene Ormandy, Conductor:
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
evenings; and Saturday afternoon.
Saul Caston, Associate Conductor:
Friday afternoon.
Exhibit: Defense Housing, arranged
by the Central Housing Commission,
Washington, D.C.; third floor Ex-
hibition Room, Architecture Building,
through April 4, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Exhibition: John James Clarkson-
Oils, Water Colors and Drawings. Ex-
hibitioAi Galleries of the Rackham
School, March 28-April 26. Daily (ex-
cept Sundays) including evenings.
Auspices: Ann Arbor Art Association
and Institute of Fine Arts, University
of Michigan.
Far Eastern Art Students and For-
mer Students: A special Exhibition of
Han Dynasty Art will be held at
Alumni Memorial Hall in the Far
Eastern Art Room today and Monday,
March 31, only. Hours: 9:30 to 12:00
and 1:30 to 4:30.
Lecture: Professor John W. Stan-
ton of the History Department will
lecture on "The Balkan Slavs in His-
tory," sponsored by the Slavic Soci-
ety, on Wednesday, April 2, at 8:00
p.m. in the Amphitheatre of the Rack-
ham Building. The public is cordially
Events Today
Varsity Glee Club sings this after-
noon at the Engineering banquet in
the Union., Meet at 1:00 p.m. in the
Glee Club room of the Union. Wear
dark suitsand white shirts. Rehear-
sal Sunday at 4:00 p.m.
The Polonia Society will hold a
mixer tonight at 8:00 in Room 304,
Michigan Union. A short (illustrat-
ed) discourse on Poland will be given
by Professor C. Wells' Refreshments.
All members and other Polish stu-
dents are cordially invited.


Z a
James Clarkson of Ann Arbor,
whose work is currently given retro-
spective showing by the Ann Arbor
Art Association in the Rackham
Building, it is hard to speak with en-
thusiasm. His work presents many
problems, not the least of which is
the opportunity to see it in full.
Retrospective shows are safe for on-
ly the dead or the very great; others
run risks and this painter is no ex-
ception. One is disturbed by the lack
of integration in the artist's expres-
sion. Or, rather, one is upset by his
susceptibility to outside influences.
Mr. Clarkson has gone through
several phases of expression. There is
the one which eschewed color, being
almost studies in grisaille. Then came
a bursting into warm, even hot, col-
or, still retaining a conventional
graphic_ idiom. The last manner of
expression is one derived from the
early cubist work of the School of
Paris in drawing and from die blaue
Reiter in color, not the happiest of
marriages. This mode has, among
certain groups, become a kind of in-
ternational style of painting. A very
famous American painter remarked,,
'Those birds think that if an identi-
cal still-life were set up in Vienna,
Paris, and New York, and were paint-
ed from the same angle, the results
would be identical.' This is patently
unfair, discounting personal inven-
tion, but it is true that painters of
Mr. Clarkson's persuasion are often
apt to turn out similar work. Wheth-
er one regards this idiom as the new
classicism or the new academicism
depends on one's viewpoint. It is
right and proper to stress what the
English critic termed 'plastic neces-
sity' and to restate the existence of
space. But these are only themeans
of the artist, not his end. As these
pictures stop at this, and their inven-
tion is but a part of an established
convention, one looks vainly for real
r HE COLORS in the late work are
bright, yet too often they help
neither in expressing spatial values
nor in stressing the canvas's flat
surface. In the often casually charm-
ing portiaits, one encounters the
worst of this color. It seems to exist
for its own sake rather than for the
painting, no matter what the paint-t
er's intent. The picture of Professor
Talamon is witty, but one feels that
Mr. Talamon exists for the sake of
the painting, not vice versa. That,
I submit, carries things to a peri-
lous extreme. In some of the water-
colors pleasing patterns appear in
color, but they seem too slight and too
casual, in view of Mr. Clarkson's ut-
ter sincerity and sobriety of purpose.
One cannot help thinking that his

Women's Glee Club:
hearsal today at 1:00
Baptist Church.

Special re-
p.m. at the

International Center Discussion
Groups: Today at 1:30 p.m., the Sci-
ence Group will meet in Room,18 of
the Center. Mr. Igor Plusc will lead
the discussion with a report on "The
Practical Application of Recent De-
velopments in the Field of Radio."
The usual Saturday afternoon dis-
cussion of political, economic, and

760 K - CBS 800 KC - Mutual 950 KC - NBC Red 1270 KC - NBC Blue
Saturday Evening
6:00 Stevenson News British Sketchbook Ty Tyson Day In Review
6:15 Musical NHL Hockey Players S. L. A. Marshall Sandlotters
6:30 Inside of Sports America Frazier Hunt Vass Family
6:45 World Today Speaks Y Dance Music New World News
7:00 People's Dance Orchestra Defense Town Talk
7:15 Platform News-Val Clare For America News Ace'
7:30 News Comes Sons of World Of Little 01'
7:45 To Life the Saddle; News Music Hollywood
8:00 The Marriage N.H.L. Hockey Knickerbocker The Green
8:15 Club Game: Playhouse Hornet
8:30 Duffy's Tavern Boston Truth or Bishop and
8:45 News at 8:55 vs. Toronto Consequences the Gargoyle
9:00 Your NHL Hockey: National Barn Song of
9:15 BMI Hit at Toronto Dance with Your Life
9:30 Parade News; Contact a Corny Niews; NBC
9:45 Sat. Serenade -Musical "Ca st Symphony,-,_
10:00 Musical Chicagoland Uncle Ezra's Arturo
10:15 Wayne King Concert Program Toseanini,
10:30 Orchestra of Light Mui Permanent


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