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March 25, 1941 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-03-25

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Light showers or
snow flurries.

Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication


And Wire-Tajpping.. .

VOL. LI. No. 124
Pact Made Alumni Club
By Turkey Aroves alk
By Ruthven
And Soviet Detroit Reporter Reveals
Unanimous Support
British, Greek Ministers Of Stand On Draft
Counsel Yugoslavians Evidence that members of the Uni-
Against Joining Aversity of Michigan Club of New York
A Axis practically unanimously support Pres-
Powers In Agreement ident Alexander G. Ruthven's stand
against drafting college students
Greec To oxlsd~er when the nation is not at war was
Gr~eece To Consider t"rbain
lar gathered by L. L. Stevenson, Detroit
Signig A4 C ews 'correspondent, Sunday at the
Signing As Hostile Ne~dvsOci'yeu ho h 1
SS KAdvioryCouncil luncheon of the Club.
President Ruthven set forth his
(By The Associated Press) views at the annual dinner of the
ANKARA, March 25.-Soviet Rus- Club on Friday evening.
sia took formal action early today to Club members with sons, nephews
block further Nazi expansion in south- and other relatives on the campus
eastern Europe with publication of a at Michigan or elsewhere were out-
friendship agreement which;/in effect, spoken in support of the president's
assures Turkey of full material aid stand, Stevenson reported. The young
against German troops if Turkey is men, they said, /were worried, not at
plunged into war to defend the Dar- the prospect of serving their coun-
danelles. try, but as to what would happen to
The Soviet Union, a Turkish com- them later should their education be
munique said, has promised "full and interrupted now. It is all right to be
comprehensive neutrality" in case prepared in event of war, they said,
Turkey clashes with the Nazi armies but they also declared that the stu-
now massed on her frontier with dents should be prepared to take
Bulgaria. care of themselves economically if
High diplomats said this meant they escape with their whole 'skin,
that the U.S.S.R. is prepared to sup- Stevenson disclosed.
port Turkey with material aid like The writer reported that a minority
that being given to Britain by the had maintained that should there
United States ,and like tlat which be any exemptions they should not
Russia herself has tendered to China applyteyomtiolge sutdto
for several years against Japan, young graduates who have fought
Oil Supplies Halted the depression and finally achieved
While the Soviet pledge was being an economic place for themselves.
published it also was confirmed re- But they also grant, Stevenson re-
liably that the U.S.S.R. has halted all ports, that it is necessary to provide
supplies of oil to Germany since the technicians for the future and these,
beginning of March, when the Krem- of course, are the college students of
lin publicly announced its disapprov- today.
al of the occupation of Bulgaria by One member, interviewed by Stev-
German troops. enson, summed up his impressions
Meanwhile in Belgrade both the of the speech as follows: "I think
British and Greek Ministers warned President Ruthven has something
Yugoslavia against joining the Axis, in opposing the general drafting of
but it could not be immediately college men. As I gather it, he has
learned whether Britain intends to stated that it is possible to build
sever diplomatic relations upon con- the great pile of technical skill and
elusion of the Vienna ceremony ex- human resources required iii our de-.
peted at noon tomorrow. fense program without leaving a hole
Adhesion To Axis Hostile we cannot fill within the next three,
The Greek minister was understood four, or even five years."
to have informed Yugoslavia that Another said this when asked by
Greece considers her adhesion to the Stevenson: "There is as great a dan-
Axis "a hostile act" since such an ger to national defense in creating a
alignment would provide the dispatch shortage in technicians as there is
through Yugoslavia of war materials (continued on page r)
for the German and Italian armies-
if not actual troop transports. L
In Athens the Greeks broadcasting Library Talk
in Serbian declared they were con-
vinced Yugoslav citizens repudiated Bv
the~ir government's move.
It was understood that a protocol a .
may be attached to Yugoslavia's copyV G e sness
of the pact whereby Germany and
all previous signers of the Tripartite
Agreement would agree to respect Lecturer Will Eipliasize
Yugoslavia's present frontiers. MI ichigai Library Plan,
Such a protocol would be expected ,
to quiet Serb fears that Hungary Possibilities For Jobs
might later seek the return of the
fertile region of Banat which was " Library Science As A Vocation"-
Hungarian before the World War. a vocational guidance talk, will be
presented at 4:15 p.m. today by Prof


I ~ .-- - - -

Ticking Up Cues' From JGP

-Daily Phdto 1 y Will Sapp
Only three of over 100 in the cast of "Jumping Jupiter," Junior
Girls' Play, Dorothy Merki, Helen Rhodes and Nancy Drew are shown
studying their script in preparation for the production's opening to-
morrow, night.
Creciai .Gods Settle Back To Enjoy Life
At 'Jumping Jupiter' Tomorrow
Dress rehearsal tonight on "Jumping Jupiter" may be a mad baccha-
nal, but there's an old Grecian saying that after a night like that, the gods
can settle back to really enjoy their life at opening night, which will be
Over a hundred junior women are taking part in this thirty-sixth
annual JGP; scenes like the one shown here are typical of what goes on
between rehearsals these nights at the League. For weeks the production'
has been rehearsed in parts, the whole complicated structure being put
together tonight for a last brushing up.
Opening tommorrow, "Jumping Jupiter" will be given in honor of the
senior women, after their traditional Senior Supper. The play Will be open
'to the public Thursday, Friday and

Fords Called
As Witnesses
In Labor Case
Auto Magnate, Son Receive
Subpenas To Appear
At NLRB Hearing
DETROIT, March 24.-(IP)-Henry
Ford and his son Edsel, respectively
rounder and president of the. Ford
Motor Company, were named today
n subpenas calling for their appear-
ance tomorrow at a National Labor
Relations Board hearing on a CIO
union's petition for an employe elec-
tion in two Ford plants here.
William R. Ringer, NLRB trial
examiner, signed the subpenas at the
request of attorneys for the United
Automobile Workers. The Union has
asked the Board to hold elections to
determine bargaining agencies for
some 90,000 Ford employes in the
Rouge and Lincoln plants.
The subpenas were issued over the
protest of I. A. Capizzi, attorney for
the Ford Company, who at the start
of the hearing moved for dismissal
of the union petition, charging that
Communists controlled the UAW-CIO
and that an unnamed man "in a re-
sponsible position" in the NLRB re-
gional office here "is a member of an
organization affiliated with the Com-
munist party."
Capizzi added: "The Ford Company
is in defense production and domina-
tion of its plants by Communists and
Communist sympathizers would jeo-
pardize national defense."
"There is reason to believe," the
attorney said, "that a conspiracy ex-
ists between certain leaders of the
CIO and responsible officials of the
Hits Campus
May 2And 3
Will Succeed 'Michigras';
Nickel Carnival To Be
Largest Since 1892
Collegiania will reach its height
May 2 and 3 when "Michilodeon," the
1941 Spring Jubilee hits the campus
with a "big-time" carnival complete
with circus acts, side shows, danc-
ing and general fun.
The five-cent carnival-nothing
will cost over a nickel is the spon-
sors promise-is the successor to
"Michigras" and will be the largest
carnival presented on the campus
proper since 1892.
Co-directors of the Union-spon-
sored affair are Charles Heinen, '41,
and Anna Jean Williams, '41. The
fun-fest will begin at 7:30 p.m. and
continue until midnight in Waterman
and Barbour gymnasia.
A continuous program of circus
acts has already been planned and
arrangements are now being made
for other attractions for the carni-
val's two-night stand.
Sponsors Heinen and Miss Wil-
liams aren't talking about the deriva-
tion of the name, "Michilodeon."
"We don't know why we chose that
name," they said. But they would
like to know, so a $10 prize is offered
to the person who can give the best
reason for the name "Michilodeon"
in 50 words or less. Boxes in which
the explanations may be dropped
have been placed about campus points
and in the League and Union. The
winner will be announced April 4.

Senate Approves
British Aid Bill
y67To 9 Vote
Arrangements Are Made To Fl Measure
To Caribbean Sea For FDR's Signature;
Opposition Does Not Offer Amendments
WASHINGTON, March 24.-(R)-The Senate passed the $7,000,000,000
lease-lend appropriation bill today by anational-unity vote of 67 to 9 and
plans were laid to fly it tomorrow to President Roosevelt, vacationing in
the Caribbean.
The action came after less than two hours' discussions and the opposi-
tion did not so much as offer an amendment. The debate, in fact, con-
sisted largely of statements of position from some of the many senators
who had voted against the original lease-lend authorization bill, but foil
the appropriation.
Among these were Senator Adams (Dem.-Colo.), Vandenberg (Rep.-
Mich.), Brooks (Rep.-Ill.), Willis
(Rep.-Ind.), and Taft (Rep.-Ohio).
o- p Groups For the most part they said that
cin h lnin E hlne d nthr a

Stecker Chosen
To Be Speaker
At IFC Banquet

Ohio State Dean
In Host Of
During Greek


Dr. Frederick Stecker, Assistant
Dean of Men at Ohio State Uni-
versity, has accepted the invitation
to speak before the new fraternity
initiates Saturday night at the IFC's
formal initiation dinner, the climax
of Greek Week.
Presided over by James Harrison,
'41, and John DeVine, '41, Greek
Week opens Friday noon with a
Union luncheon and will continue
through Saturday night with panel
discussions, dinners and the initiation
Aside from giving the initiates a
broad introduction into fraternity life,
it will afford fraternity men a chance
to discuss mutual problems and sur-
vey the pogress which the fraterni-
ties have made in the past year.
In conjunction with other campus
organizations, the IFC will sponsor
the Great Vesper, a program fea-
turing the ritual of the Greek Orth-
odox church as sung by the famed
Latvian singers. It will begin' at 8:30
p.m. Thursday in Hill Auditorium.
Four running panels will begin
Friday afternoon at the Union. Jack
Corey, '41, will head "Fraternity-Uni-
versity Relations;" Edward Bairett,
'41, will lead the discussion on "Fi-
nance and House Management;"
"Rushing" will be headed by James
Tobin, '41, and Douglas Gould, '41,
will be in charge of the discussion
on "Fraternities and Defense Issues."
Several faculty men will also enter
the discussions.

'Saturday nights at 8:30 p.m. in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets
are priced at 50 cents, 75 cents, and
one dollar. Th1ese can be obtained
at the Lydia Mendelssohn box office,
which is now open.
Mail orders are being accepted;
these should be addressed to the Lyd-
ia Mendelssohn box office. For the
fraternity buying the most tickets
for the play, Jane Connell, nightI
club hostess. will dedicate a Grecian
torch song on Friday night. i
"Jumping Jupiter" has already'
been requested to take to the road
by Bay City, which is the home of
Frances Patterson, '41, who wrote
the script. However, because of the
size of the cast and the bulkiness of
the properties, the central committee
was forced to decline the invitation.
Instead, Bay City has been invited
to Ann Arbor to see the production
this week-end.
S Face Board
Federal Mediation Group
To Organize Todayp
(Sy The Associated Press)~
The new Federal Mediation Board
appointed by President Roosevelt to
deal 'with .strikes in defense industries
will hold its organization meeting in
Washington today confronted by four
major developments:
A CIO strike was called late yester-
day at the Bethlehem Steel Com-
pany; %Bethlehem, Pa.; The Inter-
national Harvester plant at Chicago,
which had been closed since Feb. 28,
reopened yesterday under police
guard but a 0I0 leader called for
a "mass mobilization" today and said
that "no one" would enter; the two-
week, old strike at the Midland Steel
Products Co. in Detroit; and CIO
employes walked out at the Walworth
Manufacturing Company in Boston.
On the other hand:
CIO workers at the Harvill Die
Casting Corp., Los Angeles, which sup-
};lies materials for aircraft makers,
ratified a settlement of a 10-day
strike for recognition, wage increases
and other demands.
And CIO strikers returned to work
at the ,Edgewater, N.J., plant of the
Aluminum Company of America
pending negotiations in their contro-
versy 'over overtime and wage rates.

To Meet Here
This Weekend
Inter-Cooperative Council
To Sponsor First Annual
State-Wide Convietnion
The first annual Michigan Cooper-
ative Conference, a state-wide parley
of all cooperative organizations, will
be held in Ann Arbor next Saturday
and Sunday.
The Intercooperative Council of
the University of Michigan conceived
and will sponsor the convention at
which cooperative leaders from
throughout the state will discuss the
various problems common to the en-
tire cooperative movement.
Highlights of the meeting will be
the discussion groups, in which Mich-
igan students and members of the
University campus cooperatives as
well as outside co-op leaders, will be
featured. There will be general in-
spection of all 12 cooperatives.
All Univei'sity students and towns-
people who are interested in or would
wish to learn about the cooperative
movement, how it serves the" state
and the consumer, are welcome to
attend any or all of the parleys.
A tentative program has been ar-
ranged by the Intercooperative Edu-
cation Committee headed by Betty
Zunk, '42. Registration will begin
at 10 a.m. Saturday at the Union, and
will be followed by a tour of student
cooperatives, the Wolverine and the
Ann Arbor Cooperative Society.' The
general meeting wil begin at 1 p.m.
with an introductory speech by Miss
Zunk. Edward Fried, '41, chairman of
the Inter-Cooperative Council, wiljl
state the purposes of the convention,
and 'Rev. H. L. Pickerill, Anr Arbor
cooperative leader will speak on "De-
velopment and Implications of Co-
The discussion groups will convene
at 2 p.m. Topics will be "Problems
in Organization of Cooperatives,"
Harold Guetzgow, Grad., chairman,
and "Specific Problems in Manage-
ment of Cooperatives." Purchasing,
personnel, education,'accounting, and
financing will be discussed, with
Rich ard; Shuey, '42E, Laurence Mas-
cott, '41, Miss Zunk and Robert Mor-
(Continued .on Page 6)

snce tepngs narnt an d t a
tions resisting the Axis powers had
been approved. by Congress, }t was
the duty of the National egilature
to provide funds for giving that po-
icy effect.
The $7,000,000,000 fund, the na-
tion's largest peacetime appropria-
tion, would provide, among other
$2,054,000,000 for aircraft and ac-
cessories .
$1,343,000,000 for ordnance and
ordnance supplies.
$1,350,000,000 for the purchase of
miscellaneous agricultural and indus-
trial articles.
Lesser Sums Included
Lesser sums were included for
tanks, for repairing and outfitting
belligerent vessels in American ports,
for building or otherwise acquiring
factories or factory sites for the
manufacture of war supplies, and for
the expenses of administering the
Beyond this breakdown, the details
were withheld from Congress. Ad-
ams, who as chairman of the Senate's
sub-committee on deficiency appro-
priations, was floor manager of the
bill, said in the course of the debate
that to make such things public
would "advertisesBritain's needs."
As one of those who voted against
the lease-lend bill but was ready to
support the appropriation, Adams
gave the. Senate a statement of his
Unsound Principle
"I voted against the lease-lend
bill," he said. "I thought and I still
think that it was unsound in princi-
ple and apt to bring not only danger,
but catastrophe and disaster to my
"However, since it has become a
law, I regard myself as much bound
by the lease-lend bill in its legal re-
quirements as those who voted for it.
It is presented here on the premise
that Congress having laid down the
policy should, and I think must, im-
plement the bill by providing ade-
quate financing."
Spring Parley
Meeting :Hfeld
War And Reconstruction
To Be Session Topic
Plans for the Student Senate's
coming spring parley, April 26-27,
were discussed at a meeting Sun ay
of the All-Campus Continuatins
The Al-Campus Continuations
Committee is comprised of represen-
tatives of leading ,campus organiza-
tions, those who have -worked on for-
mer parleys, and a"faculty advisory
The meeting was devoted primar-
ily to organizational work. -Gerald
Davidson, '43, and Dorothy Sankin,
'41, were chosen co-personnel heads.
Marcia Kohl, '43, will be general sec-
retary and Rhoda Leshine, '42, will
be assistant secretary.
Martin Dworkis, Grad., will serve as
presiding chairman. General co-chair-
men will be William Todd, '42, and'
Helen Corman, '41, Alvin Dann, '42,
and Harold Osterweil, '41, were
picked for publicity posts.
Julie Chockley, '43, will be in
charge of arrangements while Lor-
raine Judson, '43, will supervise pos-
ter and program work. James Avery,

Orators Reach
Speech _inals
Contestants To Determine
North Central Entrant
Five contestants were named to
compete in the University finals in
oratory Friday by Prof. Louis Eich
of the speech department in charge
of the program after the preliminar-
ies held yesterday.
Elliot Atamian, '42, Erwin Bowers,
41, Dean Burdick, '42, Norman Ox-
handler, '41, and Gerry Schaflander,
'42, were chosen to participate in the
finals to be conducted Friday.
The winner of the University finals
will appear in the North Central
League contest to be held here this
May 2.
He will compete against represen-
tatives from the University of Min-
nesota, the University of Wisconsin,
Ohio State University, Western Re-
serve, and Northwestern in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall.
In the final contest scheduled for
4 p.m. Friday in Room 4003 Angell
Hall, the five participants will give
their entire orations. -
William N. Barnard
To Offer Program
William N. Barnard, organist of

R. H. Gjelsness, chairman of the Uni-
versity department of library science,
in Room 110 of the General Library.
Dr. Gjelsness will describe the dif-
ferent types of library work with par-
ticular emphasis on the Michigan li-
brary plan. He will also discuss the
general requirements of his profes-
sion and the job possibilities offered
by this type of work.
The development of the University
Library since it was established in
1928 will be traced and a report will
be made as to the positions in this
field now held by University gradu-
The fifth in a series, the lecture has
been arranged by Bob Sibley, '42, of
the Union staff.


1ood Supply Held Up
Teamster's Union Truckmen
'Blockade' University Supplies

Nipponese Face Trouble:
Japan Is Nearing Il(ustrial
Collapse, Prof. Stanton States

Foreign Minister Matsuoka's pres-
ent trip to Moscow and Berlin indi-
cates that Japan is on the verge of
an industrial breakdown, Prof. John
W. Stanton of the history depart-
ment asserted yesterday in a talk
before the Ann Arbor Community
"Four years of war have told heav-
ily on the Japanese," Stanton ex-
plained, "and they are no longer a;e-
ceiving great quantities of oil and

be the deciding factor. "Such a war
would probably involve one long
chase, with one nation's navy after
the other. The chase would end only
when one side ran out of oil for their
ships, and it goes without saying it
would not be us."
He pointed out that the thing
which is most likely to involve us in
a conflict with the Japanese is their
desire for the Philippines, Hawaii,
Australia and the Dutch East Indies.

Iitch hiers Take Note:
Don't Stand In Streets
Hitchhikers please note:
The procedure and technique of
hitch-hiking in Ann Arbor will have
to be modified somewhat in view of
a warning issued by Chief of Police

Shortage of important fresh food-
stuffs for patients at the University
of Michigan Hospital and students in
all University dormitories was nar-
:owly averted yesterday when truck-
men from the AFL Teamsters' Union
"blockaded" more than $250,000 in
products at the Detroit Union Pro-
duce Terminal.
The University's five-ton insulated
truck arrived at the Union Terminal
early yesterday morning and was
loaded with requirements needed for
two days before the blockading truck-
ers started their tactics. O. E. Ros-
cel, assistant purchasing agent, and
Charles Cave, driver of the truck,
were forced to remain at the term-

terday afterioon, it was reported.
As quoted in the Detroit News, the
,ause of the "blockade" was a "squeeze
play" to restrain food retailers from
buying in small lots at the terminal
in competition with the large whole-
Officials of the terminal said that
they had signed a contract with an
independent company associaton for
a, closed shop, thus creating an ap-
parent deadlock.
Dr. Harley A. Haynes, director of,
the University Hospital, explained
that the supply obtained yesterday
would probably last over a two-day
period. The food is a vital necessity
to patients and lack of it would also

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