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March 22, 1941 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-03-22

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Students Called
For Oratorical
Speakers Should Register
For Elimination Contest
Before No'on, Eier. Says
All students planning to partici-
pate in the preliminary tryouts for
the annual Northern Oratorical
League contests must register at the
speech office before noon today, Prof.
LouisE rich of the speech department
in charge of the activity, announced.st
Sophomores, juniors and seniors
are eligible to participate in the con-
test held every year between six Mid-
Western schools.
The preliminarycontest will be
held at 4 p.m. Monday in Room 4003
Angell Hall. Contestants in the pre-
liminary round must be prepared to
give a five-minute portion of their
oration or a five-minute extempore
speech on the subject of their ora-
The finals to determine the Uni-
versity representative will bem held
March 28 for those winning in the
preliminary contest. At that time
they must give their speeches, which
should not exceed 2,000 words. The
winner of this contest will represent
the University against the five other
schools of the League.
TheUniversity will play host to
the League finals to be held in the
Rackham lecture hal May 2. Repre-
sentatives of Northwestern Univer-
siny, Western Reserve University, -
Ohio State University, the Univer-
sity of Minnesota, and the University
of Wisconsin will also appear.
VOL. LI. No. 122
Publication in the asly Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
Aeronautical Engineering Students:
There will be available in the De-
partment of Aeronautical Engineer-
ing two Frank P. Sheehan Scholar-
ships and probably three assistant-
ships, for theiyear 1941-42. These
scholarships and assistantships are,
in general, restricted to upperclass-
men and graduate students, and the
selection is made very largely on the
basis of scholastic standing. Appli-
cations for these positions will be re-n
ceived up to April 1, 1941. Students
wishing to make application should
address them to Professor E. A. Stalk-
er, B-47 East Engineering Building,
and should give a brief statement of
their qualifications and experience in
regard to both their scholastic work
and any outside experience they may
have had. A statement should also
be made giving their plans for fur-
therstudy in Aeronautical Engineer-
ing. Applications may be made for
both the scholarships and the assist-
Bronson-Thomas and Kothe-Hild-
ner prize competitions will be held on
Thursday, March 27, from 2 -5 p.m.
in Room 203 U.H.
Detroit Northwestern High School
Graduates: A one-year tuition schol-
arship in this University, in honor of
Miss Julia E. Gettemy, B.L. 98, for
many years teacher of public speak-
ing and dramatics at the Northwest-
ern High. School, Detroit, is being
offered by her sister, Miss Winifred
Gettemy of Eagt Lansing. The holder

must be a graduate of Northwestern
High School, preferably a man, and
one who is specializing in English or
Speech; he must have a scholarship
average of at least B. Letters of ap-
plication should be sent to B. J. Riv-
ett, Principal, Northwestern High
School, Detroit, with a transcript of
the applicant's University record to
date, before April 15.
Senior Women may get caps and
gowns, 1:00-5:30 p.m., Monday, March
24, in the League Ballroom.. Prices:
caps and gowns together, $4.50 with a
-$3.00 refund; gowns alone, $3.00 with
a $2.00 refund; caps aid tassels alone,
$1.75 with a 75c refund. Seniors must
have caps and gowns to attend Senior
Supper, Wednesday, March 26.
Adult Music Camp: Camp Wood-
wind in Peekskill, N.Y., the adult va-
cation camp of the Studios of Music
Education in New York City, offers
to a limited number of college .stu-
dents, the opportunity to pay part

First Day Can
Never Arrive!
Yesterday, March 21, was not the
first day of spring, in fact there is
no first day of spring.
Each year at this time, various
notices are seen in the newspapers !
and science magazines saying that
yesterday, on March 21, at precisely'
6:591/2 a.m. the sun reached the ver-
nal equinox. At that moment the sun
in its apparent northward motion,
crossed the celestial equator and stood
over the earth's equator. This was
heralded as the beginning of spring.
No Reason In Nature
"however," says Prof. William W.
Sleator, of the physics department,
"there is no reason in nature, logic
or language why the seasons should
be bounded by the two solstices and
the two equinoxes."
There is no official whose duty it
is to define the names of the sea-
sons and if there were such an of fi-
cial he could not perform that func-
Spring Cannot Be Marked
Certainly the first of spring can-
not be marked as any definite day for
the countries below the equatorare In
not experiencing spring at all but the
beginningsof autumn.
Students and people in general will-
probably still continue to call March
21 the first day of spring, but re-
member it doesn't have to be unless
you want it to be.
fSmoke Nuisance
Experiments Made
(Continued from Page i)
to new plants and it may be also1
used on steamships and trains, the
professors believe.
Working under controlled condi-
tions of wind, temperature and smoke
exit speed, it was found that the
tendency of the gases to came down
was more dependent upon the gas
temperature as had been previously
of their camp fee in counseling erv-
Further information may be ob-
tained at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall, hour 9-12,
The University Bureau of Appoint-t
ments and Occupational Information
has received a notice from the Philco
Corporation at Philadelphia, Pa., that
they are interested in employing sev-
eral electrical, mechanical, and indus-
trial engineers from this year's grad-
uating class. These men will be
placed in laboratories for trainingI
for engineering or supervisory posi-
tions in the organization. Application1
blanks on file at the Bureau, 201
Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12
and 2-4.
f Concerts
May Festival: Six concerts will be1
given by distinguished artists and
organizations as follows:f
Wednesday Evening, May 9.
Thursday Evening, May 8.r
Friday Afternoon, May 9.t
Friday Evening, May 9.
Saturday Afternoon, May 10.
Saturday Evening, May 10.
Orders for tickets, either for the
entire Festival or for individual con-
certs, should be left at the offices oft
the University Musical Society in

Burton Memorial Tower. Tickets willl
be selected in the sequence of receiptt
of order, and will be mailed out aboutc
April 20 by ordinary mail at pur-P
chasers' risks unless additional feel
for registered mail is included.
Exhibitions: The following exhibi-
tions will be open at the hours stated
below in the Rackham Building:
Ceramics and Bronzes from Siam.
The Neville Collection.
Stelae from Kom Abu Billu. From
the University's excavation in Egypt.
Ancient Chinese Bronze Mirrors.
March 22, 2-5 p.m.
Modern Posters in Alumni Memorial
Hall afternoons, 2-5, through March
24, under the auspices of the Ann
Arbor Art Association and the Insti-
tute of Fine Arts.I
Javanese and Balinese textiles from
the collection of Professor and Mrs.

On Way To Guard House Third Largest Tel
Stored Here Fo
A five-ton pyiex disk, potentiallyc
the third largest telescope mirror in
the world, lies in a shied behind the
Observatory waiting fo an astro-r
nomicaly-minded benefactor to do-
nate a mere half-million dollars in J
order that its intended purpose may
beieaized.n a ud
Measuring 97 v inches across, thed
mirror is exceeded in sie only by1
the 100-inch Mt. Wilsonreflector
and the new 200-inch mirror at Mt.
Palomar, Calif. It was "ladled" April
3, 1934, at the Corning Glass Works,1
Corning, N. Y., in the same year
that the 200-inch glass was poured.
The cost was sustained by the latee
Tracy McGregor of Detroit, who un-I
til his death several years ago wished
the donor to remain anonymous.
Result Of Miscast
Original specifications called for
a mirror 85 / inches in diameter,
but before the cooling process uas
finished, however, something went
wrong, resulting in glass of poor
l quality and undoing all the previous(
work. The glass works then offered
v.arg TPy sto recast it intla arger piece, for
i a small additional sum, and asa
F\o e f n e .he ne esy 'hr " - result of the mishap the prement disk
,, .: w'"as produced.
By .. : . . CEFollowing a slow, tedious annealing
.s nd ndprocess, taking six months, the huge
piece of glass was brought to Ann
Frank Mon nd h29 who said he was a member of a religious sect Arbor, where it has remained in the
opposed ot Tirhry sexv ice, was difted despite his refusal to answer same stage of development since
aye tions a-id take the soldier toath. He was carried forcibly from the 1937.
induction chter in New York City to a truck and officers said it Oas Precision Is Essential
headed for amp Upton's guard house. The first step necessary toward a
ey ecomplete telescope, according to
Prof. Heber D. Curtis, chairman of
Male Threats Provoke Michigan the astronomy departmet, is that
of grinding and polishing, which
r' d e hyi must be done very precisely, accurate
Coedsennas At- AnI en ilovement towithin one five hundred thou-
tndytng p e h t. nhi isee hnt sandth of an inch in the shape of a
Iparaboloid. This process would
Margot Thorn Points Way asked more than 100 girls the follow- easily take a year to complete, he
or AConter BO n h i s squestion: "What is your opinion explained.
of the newest threat made by Michi- A perfectly balanced mounting
By Women Of Campus gan men to turn to'East Lansing for with no strain on the mirror and no
future dates? vibration must then be constructed.
By ROBERT MANTHO Sororities, dormitories and inde- The work of grinding and mounting
The stock of Michigan men hit a pendent girls' rooming houses were will cost $30,000.Prof. Curtis de-
new low today-and the campus coed visited in an attempt to get a cross-dared.
is responsible. section of opinion. The following I Now Need Observatory
With L Margot Thor showing the statements represent general coed When the telescope itself has been
way, coeds replied to the recent threat feeling on the subject: completed, he continued, a suitable
made by Michigan men 'to get their Margot Thom, '42: For their own Tm_ Harm__ 'ssprtbroadca_,_"In
dates from East Lansing unless they personal charm, I think Michigan
received better treatment by M-girls men are much too demanding. Their
in the futue main trouble is that they don't like
The consensus of coed opinion competition But variety is the spice
seems to indicate that Michigan men of lifey
sare behind the eightball to stay. Harriette Vicary, '43A: Let 'em go! By TRANCES MENDELSON
Prevailing coed sentiment was ob- And I hope Michigan State men re-
tained by the Roving kheporter who taliate. Anything is better than the _nthe__eries__f_"Chidren'sTheatre
Baggy-Trousers wer e used to seeing Waly Pipps, former first baseman
Eetrett.Thewnaeonerdibityion- Thon campus! for the New York Yankees and the
veett S.Brownareonn Barbara Rogers, '41: Michigan men Ci Rds, my be tured
in the display cases, main floor cor- are just curious because the "grass ih nwitig h oue " hiilre' the
rdo, Arhectue Bld, archalways seems greener on the other News" show, to be heard at 5:30 p.m.
10-27. side of the fence." But they'll come tdyoe tto J.Ppsi o
crawling back like they always do. toayfierepStative fo PprhenoAw
Exhbi: Dfese ouing araned Frances Patterson, '41: I think I promoting junior baseball.
by the Central Housing Commission, they're kidding. They wouldn't have i T LuhePrdm Director of the
Washington, D.C.; third floor Ex- intellectual standards of one level T.Lte Iron
hibition Room, Architecture Building, and then go down to another level for Bureau of Vocational Guidance, will
Mvarch 25-29, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.ti'i teir women. also join the cast of "Youth in the
1 News" today as a permanent mem-
,."- Evelyn Wright, '42: They might as er
Lectures well go to Michigan State because
we're 4sppitd ntem h
University Lecture: Paul S. Martin. ." sappointed inrt them.as, The
Chie Cuatprof he eparmen ofMichigan men seem to think they are ToHamnsprtbads,"n
Chief giftatorthe world.pBesidesotheythe Huddle," has been moved up to
Anthopolgy o th Fied Mueumdon't put women on a pedestal as the 1:45 pm., instead of the 9:45 a.m.
of Natural History, Chicago, will lec- Southerners do. spot. The station is the same-WCAR.
ture on the subject, "Archeology of On the other hand, Mary Louise
the Southwest" dlus) under the 7inney, '41, stated: "I think Michi- "Hans in Luk," one of the Grimm
auspices of the Department of An- ;an men are justified in going toI fairy tales, will be heard at 10:45
thropology on Thursday, March 27, Michigan State for their dates be- a.m. today over WCAR as the fourth
at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi- :ause the girls there are very pretty." in the series of "Children's Theatre"
theatre. The public is cordially in- The most indifferent coed opinion shows. Copies of the script, for pri-
vited.; came from Betty Griswold, '43, who vate or school use, may be procured
-- - " said: "I have my Michigan man, I by writing to the "Children's The-
Students who have made Applica- don't care what the others do!" are," Morris Hall.

.ATURDAY 'MAUCH 2.2, 1941.

escope Mirror
r Lack Of Funds
place for it to be housed must be
constructed University-owned land
at Portage Lake, northwest of Ann
Arbor, will be used as a site for the
new observatory, ProfessorCurtis as-
serted, if about $500,000 can be raised
for the building itself. The present
Observatory is unsuitable for a loca-
tion because of surrounding build-
ings, lights, city smoke and vibration,
he pointed out.
Meanwhile the eight-foot disk lies
idle. With proper care,,however, Pro-
fesson Curtis explained, there is no
possibility for deterioration, and it
will be ready for grinding whenever
funds for that purpose are available.
International Center
To Continue Series
Of Political Panels
Two discussion groups will meet
today at the International Center
to continue their series of political
and scientific panels, Pr'of. Raleigh
RNelson, director of the Center'an-
Fakhri Maluf, Grad., will lead the
Sdiscussion of "Internationalism vs.
Cosmopolitanism" at 3:30 p.m. today
in the Lounge of the Center. Stu-
dents from almost every nation of"
the world have been represented in
this forum. Students and faculty
are invited to participate in the anal-
ysis of international social and po-
litical problems.
!Mark Dresden, Grad., will be the
leader of the panel on the elementary
particles in the series of science
roundtables meeting at 1:30 p.m.
Rev. Leonard Parr of the First
Congregational Church will analyze
the works of Louis Adamic at the
Sunday evening program at 7:30 p.m.
Sunday in the Center. Noted for
his fortnightly boob~ reviews, Dr. Parr
will treat the books, "From Many
Lands," "My America," and "Com-
mon Sense," edited byAdamic.

Ford Organizer
Will Address
"The Effect of the War on Stu-
dentsd Rights anciResponsibilities"
will be the topic of the discussion to
be held at a meeting of the Ameri-
can Stuent Union at 7:45 p.m, Mon-
day at Unity Hall, corner of State
aind Huron streets,
Highlighted at the meeting will be
a talk by a Ford U.A.W. organizer,
who will tell of the Ford organiza-
tion campaign and the part it is
playing in the national defense. pro-
Particularly stressed in the talk will
be 'the status of the hundreds of Ford
workers who were dismissed for union
activity, but who have now been rein-
stated at the demand of their fellow
Also stressed will be the importance
of collective. baygaining as a means
of adjusting grieivances between em~-
ployer and employe, especially such
problems as a stepped-up production
rate and wage levels.-
With conscription near for many
students, the campus as a whole
should be interested in the effect of
the war on education.
S Lost. Performances Today
2:30 and 8:30
"Much Ado
Nby Willam Shakespeare
35c, 50c, 75c
8:30 P.M. Phone 6300
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre


tion for Commission in the U.S.N. Re-
serve are offered a series of eleven
lectures on Navy Regulations, Cus-
toms and Traditions of the Naval
Service delivered by the Professor of
Naval Science and Tactics weekly on
Mondays in Room 348 West Engineer-
(Continued on gPage 4)



- Last Times Today


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