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iiUD,~Y, '~RCiI 2.1 1.9 1
Revenging 'Legal Eagles' Pilfer
Engineers' Eight=foot Slide Ri'ule
(Continued from Page 4)
24, under the auspices of the Ann
Arbor Art Association and the Insti-
tute of Fine Arts.
Javanese and Balinese textiles from
the collection of Professor and Mrs.
Everett S. Brown are on exhibition'
in the display cases, main floor cor-
ridor, Architecture Building, March
Exhibit: Defense dousing, arranged
by the Central Housing Commission,
Washington, D.C.; third floor Ex-
hibition Room, Architecture Building,
March 25-29, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
University Lecture: George H. Sa7
bine, Professor of Philosophy, The
Sage School of Philosophy, Cornell
University, will lecture on the subject
of "Objectivity and Social Studies"
under the auspices of the Depart-
ment of Philosophy at 4:15 p.m. to-
day in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Paul S. Martin.
Chief Curator of the Department of
Anthropology of the Field Museun?
3f Natural History, Chicago, will lec
ture on the subject, "Archeology of
the Southwest" (illus.) under the
auspices of the Department of An-
thropology on Thursday, March 27,
at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre. The public is cordially in-
Events Today
J.G.P. Properties Committee will
meet today in the League at 5:00 p.m.
for all girls who expect to work on
the play. If unable to attend, call
Elaine Fisher.
J.G.P. Health Rechecks, which have
not been turned in, are due today.
Put them in League Project Box in
the Undergraduate Office in the
Westminster Stfzdent Guild tonight
at 7:30. The Class for University stu-
dents, led by Dr. Lemon, on "The
Oldest Life of Jesus" will meet each
Friday evening during Lent.
From 9:00 to 12:00 p.m., Semi-an-
nual party in the social hall of the
church. A buffet supper will be
served at the close of the evening.
Make reservations. All Presbyterian
students and their friends are invited.
Harris Hall: Tea will be served this
afternoon from 4:00 to 5:30. Uni-
versity students are cordially invited.
Wesley Foundation: Bible Class in
Room 214 tonight at 7:30, with Dr.
Brashares, leader. We will meet at
9:00 prh. to leve fora roller skating
party at the Rollerdrome. Admission
charge to rink and for transportation
Call 6881 before noon for reserva-
Comini Events
Caught in the act of stealing the engineers' famous eight-foot slide
rule are, from left to right, Fred Niketh, '41L, Robert Cooper, '41L, and
:James French, '41L. They were photographed outside of the Lawyers'
Club by Will Sapp, '43, Daily cameraman.
* * - -- - - - -
lightful, inexpensive pets. Also
canaries, bird foods and cages.
562 So. 7th, Phone 5330. .311
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
2-1410 14c
TYPIST. Experienced. L. M. Hey-
wood, 414 Maynard St. Phone 5689.
In a daring raid last night, exe-
cuted with what the lawyers called
"characteristic finesse and aplomb,"
a groupgof barristers known as the
"Legal. Eagles" invaded one of the
strongholds of their enemy, the en-
gineers, and walked off with the lat-
ter's famed slide rule which has long
been the most cherished possession
of the College of Engineering.
De Bonis Asportatis, official spokes-
man of the Michigan barristers, re-
fused to give any details of the raid
early this morning. It was believed
on reliable authority, however, that
it was the lawyers' retaliation to a
poster attack begun against them
Monday in the Engineering Arch.
All that Asportatis would reveal
was that the Law Quad' was certain
that "the event had undoubtedly in-
stilled greater respect for the versa-
tility of the young barristers."
Engineers Set Back
There was no official confirmation!
column appeasement" tactics, the
Society's representatives firmly de-
clared that they fully in'tended "to
continue their policy of non-recogni-
The lawyers, however, left one way
tion of sal sclimber r lengers."
open for harmonious negotiations. If
the engineers publicly retract "their
libelous utterances of last Monday,"
they said, "we will promise to consider
the restoration of the slide rule."
Lawyers Have 'Saint'
The barristers last Monday had
been particularly incensed by the en-
gineers' poster charge that the "shy-
sters" had no patron saint to shed
glory and honor on the legal profes-
"H--1, we haven't," Fred Niketh,
'41L, was heard to splutter yester-
day. "Our saint was a 13th century
lawyer, Ivo. in Brittany, who, by rea-
son of his unusual kindness and his
efforts in behalf of unpopular causes
of the common ma was canonized
as Saint Ives."
dIOLA STEIN--Experienced legal The English Journal Club will meet
typist, also mimeographing. Notary Thursday, March 27, at 8:00 p.m. in
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland. the West Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. Miss V. C. Hop-
M1SCELLANEOUS-2O kins will discuss Irving Babbitt's criti-
THESIS BINDING-Mimeographing. cism of Wordsworth's philosophy; Mr.
Brumfield & Brumfield, 308 S. H. R. Garvin will discuss Coleridge's
State. 19c criticism of Wordsworth. The public
is cordially invited.
special. Regular. $6 Eugene Super Economics Club: Graduate Students
Permanents, $2.50. Phone 2-2813. and staff members in Econpmics and
Open evenings. 309 Business Administration are invited
WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL-- to hear Professor I. L. Sharfman dis-
AHEDANDND. gravel-pe cuss "The Rutland Railroad Dispute"
Dinveway gravel, washed pebbles on Monday, March 24, at 8:00 p.m. in
7illins Gravel Company phon Rackham Amphitheatre.
TRANSPORTATION - 21 Pre-Medical Society: The trip to
Eloise Hospital will take place Wed-
H. B. GODFREY nesday, March 26. All members de-
MOVING - STORAGE - PACKING I siring to go are asked to pay sixty-
Local and Long Distance Moving, five cents each to cover the expense
410 N. Fourth Ave. Phone 6297 of the trip. Payment of fee with pre-
29c sentation of membership card may be
made to Clayton Mannry, Klaus Deh-
LAUNDERING _1linger, Gene Fairbanks, or Gordon
LAUNDRY-2-1044. Sox darned. Haaxma, preferrably before Saturday,
Careful work at low price. 3c March 22, in order that final plans for
transportation may be carried out.
I FC Will Hold
Second Annual
. . reek Week'
Initiation Dinner Saturday
To End Two-Day Meet
Of Panel Discussions
Greek Week, to be held here next
Friday and Saturday will afford the;
newly initiated members of Michi-
gan's fraternities a chance to accli-
mate themselves with their new at-
mosphere, the University and each
The two-day session will be fea-
tured by panel discussions on fra-
ternity problems and purposes, talks1
by national fraternity leaders and
will be climaxed by an initiation
banquet to be held Saturday when
the neophytes will be formally intro-
duced to fraternity life. Over 700
initiates are expected to attend.
Last year's Greek Week, the firstl
in the history of the University,
brought noted fraternity leader and
Michigan State College Dean, Norm-
an Hackett, to the campus. The pan-
els are modeled after Minnesota and
Ohio State experiments in fraternity
Interfraternity Council's Greek
Week is an attempt to expand the
traditional welcome to new initiates
and to explain the purpose of fra-
ternities and the roles the members
are expected to play in Michigan
Greek-letter life:
James Harrison, '41, Phi Gamma
Delta, and John DeVine, '41, Sigma
Phi, are co-chairmen of the affair.
Scientists Use
Although it is one of the oldest
skills known to man, glass-blowing
plays an important part in the ad-
vanced research carried on by the
University physics and chemistry de-
partments. Two glass-blowers, Gun-
ther Kessler and Hurshel Hill, are
kept busy 12 months of the year con-
structing special apparatus that can-
not be duplicated by machine
Have Dual Task
These men have a dual task to
;erform. They not only make the
special types of glass equipment
needed by research workers, but they
riso assemble the finished apparatus.
Most of their work is so specialized
that it can only be used for some
particular experiment. Becausehof
its complicated nature, they have
found it more practical to build new
apparatus rather than clean and re-
pair the old.
Mr. Kessler, who works with the
physics department, has been follow-
ing his trade for 36 years. He re-
ceived his original training in Ger-
nany and worked in Austria, France,
and Japan before he became connect-
ed with the University in 1926. Dur-
ing the first World War he was called
out of the trenches to work on the
first radio power tube ever made in
3ermany. Besides his construction
work, Mr. Kessler has redesigned the
mercury vapor lamps used by his de-
Helps Make Decorations
He finds his skill useful in less
scientific efforts. While he has occa-
sionally made a vase for his wife "if
she needs one," his most extensive
extra-curricular project was a set of
decorations for a physics fepartment
Christmas party. He constructed and
painted models of formula signs,
screen grid tubes, and other appar-
atus befitting each faculty mnember's
line of study. Christmas tree decor-
ations were formed by blowing a
glass bubble and then coating the in-
side with a silver solution.
Mr. Hill, of the chemistry depart-
ment$ is unique'in the glass blowing
profession, since he acquired his skill
in his spare time while working in the
University Chemistry store.
with a scalp treatment. Person-
ality hair style or the famous crew
Liberty off State
The St. Lawrence Waterway will
relieve the power bottleneck in New
York State, an important center of
defense production, Prof. Edgar Hoo-
ver of the economics departient
commented in an interview yesterday
on the latest developments in the
An exequtive agreement between
the United States and Canada for
the immediate development of the
Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River sea-
way and power project was signed
- Needs Simple Majority,
The appropriations request will on-
ly require a simple majority in Con-
gress whereas the treaty ratification
that was attempted in 1934 just
missed passing because of the need-
ed two-thirds majority, Professor
Hoover pointed out.
In additioh to the power that would
be provided, he observed that the
newly available facilities for pro-
duction can greatly increase ship-
Of course, its importance to the
Latvian Group
To Sing Here
Greek Orthodox Setting
Planned For Vespers
Hill Auditorium will be trans-
formed into a Greek Orthodox
Church March 27 for the perform-f
ance of the.Great Vesper by the Lat-
vian Singers and two student chor-
uses, under the auspices of Inter-
fraternity and Panhellenic Councils.
The "set" for the religious pre-
sentation will be a screen reproduc-
ing the iconostasis used in a Near
Eastern place of worship. The lower
half, constructed by Vincent Jukes,
Grad., of Play Production, measures
seven by eighteen feet with a three-
foot opening in the middle. Two re-
cesses have been built into its wood
paneling 'to accommodate Russian
religious pictures to be brought by
the Latvian Singers.
The Singers will also provide the
upper half of the screen, which will
create the effect of a cupola-roofed
Russian skyline. - Underneath the
pictures are. mounted brackets to
hold the two candles which will be
the only illumination in the Audi-
torium during the performance.
Jukes constructed the screen from
a model sent by the Singers, and he
also used several photographs of
past productions.
St. Lawrence Seaways Project
Seen As National Defense Aid
by the engineers but activities about - ---- a
the Arch late last night left little t hChosen
doubt that they had been set back 1 S O e
by the sudden turn of events. TheI
slide rule, after all, has been the tra- II"1
ditional motif at their annual dance.
Lease-lend negotiations for the re-1
turn of the slide rule had been re- erman Students To Give
jected uncompromisingly by the
"Legal Eagles" up to publication time Annual Performance
and, to spike sudden rumors of "fifth-
~ Two one-act plays by Arthur
Schnitzler have been chosen by the I
Far Eastern, German department for their annual
defense effort depends on thw length
of the emergency, Professor Hoover-
added. The seaway project would
not be completed for three or four
years, but it takes that long to build
warships and merchant vessls and
by the time they were ready the
route would be open.
Shortage Of Aluminum
There are few ships afloat that
could not be accommodated, under
the present plans,' he continued.
Large ocean liners, aircraft carriers
and battleships could not use the
New York State's production of
aluminum, which represents about
a third of the national product, has
been curtailed by the shortage of
power, he declared. This aluminum
is important in the aircraft industry.
Professor Hoover reported that only
164,000 short tons of aluminum plus
remelted scrap was produced there
in 1939 as compared to the 412,000
short tons estimated as needed in
1942 by Defense Commissioner Ed-
ward Stettinius.
New York used about 15 billion
kilowatt hours of power in 1938, and
possibly is consuming 18 or 19 bil-
lion kilowatt hours per year at pres-
ent, he pointed out.
Midwest Will Benefit
The St. Lawrence project might
provide as much as 10 billion more
kilowatt hours per year, he revealed.
The defense need should be suffi-
cient to require this.
New York State is paying more
than a third of the cost of the sea-
way while- the Federal government
and Canada will provide the rest.
The Mid-West, he concluded, will
get the benefits of cheaper trans-
portation costs for shipping products
such as wheat, and Detroit could
use the ,facilities for the shipment
of automobiles.
Art Collection
student performance, to be given
April 28 in Lydia Mendelssohn The-
Show n H ere "Literatur" is a light Viennese sa-
tire, while "Grosse Szene" is built
Collections of Far Eastern objects around the psychological analysis of
belonging to the University are housed an actor who can't distinguish illu-
in the Division of the Orient in the sions and pretense from reality.
Museum of Anthropology, and here is Those who are taking part in the
found a wide range of material from
China. India, Japan, Tibet, the Phil- plays are John Ebelke, Grad., Fritz
ippine - Islands and even Africa and Friedlaender, '41, June Larson, '41,
the Shans nd eAndJames Edwards, Grad., John Wolaver,
the South Seas.
FDR Travels South
20.--(/)-President Roosevelt arrivedfMEDIC
by special train late today,. bound PACKY
for a brief fishing trip in Florida THIS R
waters. BOX
The President sought rest aboard
the presidential yacht, Potomac, but
it was not revealed whether he wouldj
angle in Bahamian waters or sail
around the tip of Florida to th'e Gulf
of Mexico.
Filtered Smoking in
Cigarette or Cigar
HE Holders is bringing
Do extra joy to armies of
smokers. It'sthewisest
ED dollar you ever spent.
dent rates. Moe Laundry, 226
South First St. Phone 3916. 10c
The Coat
You've Been
Looking For!
Graduate Outing Club: A regularI
meeting will be held at 2:30 Sunday,
afternoon in the Outing Club Room
of the Rackham Building. Any mem-
ber who finds it impossible to come
I at that time but wishes to join the
group for supper should notify one of
the officers in advance.
Graduate Students and others in-
terested are invited to listen to the
I broadcast of the Metropolitan Opera
Company on Saturday afternoon in
the Men's lounge of the Rackham
Building. The opera will be "Aida."
Congress Asks
For Tryouts
Students Needed To Take
Posts On Committees
All sophomores and second-semes-
ter freshmen interested in trying out
for work in Congress, Independent
Men's Association, will be welcome
from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. in Congress
office, Room 306 in the Union today,
Congress leaders announced.
Gordon Andrew, '42, personnel
chairman, will be in the office to
answer any questions and to give an
explanation of the type of extra-cur-
ricular opportunity afforded by Con-
gress. Students are especially need-
ed to assume posts in the social and
student welfare committees, and in
the Student Employment Survey of
which Congress, among other groups,
is a sponsor.
Congress is the organization which
strives to serve independent men on
campus in every way.
Mr.We have inrour collection," said
Mr. B. A. de Vere Bailey, director of I
this Division, "rare old Chinese porce-
lain, intricately carved jade, carneli-
an lapis lazuli, and ivory. There are,
also decorative pieces of cloisonne and
examples of the painstaking methods
used in making objects of lacquer.
Another group includes Chinese offi-
cial robes -and other costumes, and
numerous textiles showing curious
patterns and symbolic designs; sa-
rongs, scarves and hangings from the
looms of Burma, Persia and India.
Strange idols in brass and bronze
from Hindu temples and Tibetan
shrines make a visit to this section of
the Museum a memorable experience."
The collections are maintained for
research purposes to assist students in .
various study projects and to enable
them and others to gain first-hand
information about various crafts and
techniques represented.j
Mr. Bailey has just completed
some research work on a collection of
Oceanian war clubs. These weapons
are found in many areas of the South
Seas, and, as their name implies, are
chiefly made for combat purposes.
Certain types, however, are used in
burial rites, and a few figure in sym-
pathetic magic. There are many kinds
represented, and cannibals and coral-
islands are among those picture in the
strange shapes and odd ornamental
Truce In Bus Strike
NEW YORK, March 20.-(AP)-New
York's striking bus drivers agreed
tonight to submit their demands to
arbitration and will resume opera-
tions Saturday on two struck lines 1
carrying 95 per cent of Manhattan's
surface transportation.
'42VM, Gertrude Gunn, Grad., David
Gibson, '41, Reinhard Wittke, '43,
and Margaret Wiseman, '42.. Produc-
tion committees and stage crews have
not yet been selected.
As in the past, arrangements will
be made whereby students from
neighboring cities may attend the
SCleveland Group
Will HoldMeeting
All Michigan students from the
Cleveland vicinity are invited to an
organization meeting of the Cleveland
Undergraduate Club at 4 p.m. tomor-
row at the Union.
Officers will be elected and planst
will be made for summer activities of
the club. A committee is to be ap-
pointed to handle pre-school orienta-
tion for incoming freshmen from the
Cleveland area.
Louise Higbee, '43, and Nancy Gray,
'43, are handling arrangements for
the meting. Assisting are Union
President Doug Gould, '41, and Bob
Pasch, '42.
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