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March 21, 1941 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-03-21

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FRIDAY, MARCH 21 1941.




ackfoot Capitalist Balls

To Head Social Calendar


Old Tradition 1
To Be Revived
At ATO Dance,
Bill Gail To Play For Affair
In League Ballroom; Founders
And Initiates To Be Honored
An old tradition will be revived
when Alpha Tau Omega holds its
"Blackfoot Ball" from 9 p.m. to 1
a.m. today in the ballroom of the
League. More than 450 invited
couples will attend the event which
is being held in joint celebration of
the hew initiates and the ,founders
of the fraternity.
Bill Gail's orchestra will play for
the dancing, and Helen Rhodes, '42,
singing star of JGP, will be the vocal-
ist. Novelty musical arrangements
have been planned.
Guests of the central committee-
men include Mary Herbert, '44, who
will attend with Dick Gauthier, '43,
social chairman. Bill Kinsell, '41,
will be accompanied by Pat Lowe of
Detroit, and Everett -Houston, '43,
will have Isabelle Snyder of Pon-
tiac as his guest.
Other invited guests to the dance,
which, it is planned, will again be-
come an annual affair, include alum-
ni from the local chapter, members
of Interfraternity Council, and the
chapters at Michigan State, Hills-
dale, Adrian and Albion colleges.
The new initiates who will be hon-
ored at the "Blackfoot Ball" are Rob-
ert W. Allen, '44; Ortha O. Barr, '44;
Roger W. Hirons, '44; William W.
Hutcherson, '43; James J. Livingston,
'42; William F. Harbury, '43; Keith
Q. Muller, '44; Ralph H. Platts, '44;
Oliver E. Smith, '44, and Robert
Vantine, '43.
Chaperons for the dance will be
Prof. and Mrs. W. J. Emmons, Dr.a
and Mrs. A. W. Coxon, and Mr. and
Mrs. L. A. Wikel.
Programs will be in the fraternity
colors, blue and gold, and the Alpha
Tau Omega crest will decorate the
covers. The decorations will also
carry out the blue and gold color,
Continued thru Week-End
"Archer" 2- or 3-Threadc
79c s
Girdles of Graceh
Guaranteed not to run. Will not o
roll or hike-up. Are knit to n
fit. Specially priced at . . b,
$1.19 t

Capitalist Co-Chairman And Quest

DanceAtUn ion
Will Feature
Money Theme
Jack Teagarden's Orchestra
Will Offer 'Sweet Swing'; {
Lynne Clark To Sing Vocals
Jack Teagarden and his orchestra
vill supply the music and the Busi-
ness Ad School the folding moneyY
or the dancers at the Capitalist
'all which will be held from 9 p.m.
> 1 am. today in the Union. The
'usic will be the McCoy, but, as
et, no one is willing to vouch for
he money..
Guests of the central committee-
nen have been announced by Robert
Harrigton, '41BAd, senior co-chair-
aan. Harrington will attend the1
ance with Jane Coupe, '41, and Rob-
art Gilmour, '42BAd, junior co-dhair-
,an, will accompany Doris Cuth-
ert, '42. Grace Miller, '42, will be
he guest of James Dunlap, '42, tick-
t chairman, and Charles Le Clair,
2BAd, program chairman, will at-
xnd with Betty Dugal of Traverse
Guests Are Named
Clayton Kullman, '42BAd., co-
hairman of decorations, will have
'udy Breed, '39, as his guest, and
)erald Tupper, '41BAd., co-chair-
nan of publicity, will attend with
is wife.
Shirley Graham of Ann Arbor will
)e the guest of Clarence Klopsic,
42BAd, co-chairman of decorations,
aid Cory Schwab, 42SM, will be
iccompanied by Harold Garbe,
'41BAd, co-chairman of publicity.
Robert Morrison, '41BAd, music
.hairmnln, will attend the Ball with
Anna Jean Williams, '42, and Robert
Iddison, '41BAd, in charge of pa-
trons, will be accompanied by his
Teagarden To Play Sweet-Swing
Teagarden's orchestra will play for
the affair. The music featured by
the band is of the "sweet-swing"
variety, with emphasis upon deep-
Southern blues. Lynne Clark will
sing the vocals, as will Teagarden
nd Paul Collins. Other orchestral
attractions will be the Teagarden
Trombone Choir, and the trombone
playing of the leader himself.
There will be no small change in
sight when the Union Ballroom is
decorated at the hands of the money-
minded Capitalists. Largeadollar
signs will be prominently placed up-
on futuristic monetary murals.
Mortar Board
To Hold Party
The annual Mortar Board "Smarty
Party," given by "smarty" senior wo-
men and honoring "smarty" sopho-
more women, will be held at 12:15
p.m. Saturday in the League.
The luncheon is held every year
at this time for sophomore women
with at least a 3.5 average in their
college career and serves as an in-
formal meeting with the members of
Mortar Board, Jeanne Davis, '41,
chairman of the luncheon, an-
An informal entertainment will be
presented in honor of the 20 guests
who have been invited to attend.

To Lead 'Filthy Lucre' Dance

JGP Ticket
Sale Continues
Reserved Seats To Be Obtained
At Theatre Box Office
Tickets are on sale for "Jumping
Jupiter!" at the main desk in\ the
Union and at various campus stores,
as well as remaining on sale at the
desk in the League.
They may also be obtained from
women who are now canvassing fra-
ternities, league houses, dormitories
and sororities. These are exchange
tickets, and must be returned to the
All health rechecks for JGP,are
due today. These should be left
in the League project box some
time today.
box office of the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre for reserved seats on Mon-
day or Tuesday.
Prices are 50 ,cents, 75 cents and
one dollar. The 50-cent and 75-cent
tickets will go on sale Monday, when
the box office opens. Mail orders
for tickets should be sent to the Box
Office, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
These will be accepted at any time.
League House Party
And Fraternity Dances
To Be Given Today
With Capitalist Ball and, the,
"Blackfoot" Ball taking the social
limelight, there are only a few dances
scheduled for tonight.
Beta Theta Pi will hold a dance
from 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Kjingbeil and Dr. and
Mrs. David Holmes will chaperon,
A formal will be held by Phi Sigma
Delta from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. with Mr.
and Mrs. R. S. Bass and Mr. and
Mrs. George Willens chaperoning.
Smith League House will give a party
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. and Dr. and
Mrs. J. ^R. Laurey and Mrs. Ann
Smith will chaperon.
Phi Delta Theta will hold a dance
from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. with Dr. and
Mrs. H. C. Weller and Dr. William
Brace as chaperons. Theta Chi will
hold a dance from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m.
0; - NE





Senior Supper Will Be Given
Senior black and white plus the for the College of Literature. Science,
colors. of the colleges of the Univet- and the Arts; and light blue for the
sity will form the decoration theme School of Education.
of the annual Senior Supper to, be The list continues with gold for
held Wednesday, the opening night the College of Engineering; brick for
of the Junior Girls Play. the College of Architecture; green
Mortarboards spaced on black run- for the Medical School;* purple for
ners in the center of each table will the Law School; olive green for the
be topped by twelve tassels each in School of Pharmacy; lavender for
the twelve colors graduating seniors the School of Dentistry, and drab
n each college will wear in June. gray for the School of Business Ad-
,Official in colleges and univer- ministration.
ities throughout the country, these Assistants to the decorations chair-
nclude pink for the School of Mu- man Bernadine Palmer are Dorothy
ic; russet for the School of Forestry Cowan and Josephine Alexander.
and Conservation; lemon yellow for Tickets to the dinner and the JGP
he School of Library Science; black will be available Monday in the

Slide Rule Tickets Are On Sale


Michigan Theatre Bldg.


More than half of the tickets
available for the annual engineers'
Slide Rule Ball were sold yesterday,
Robert L. Imboden, '42E, ticket
chairman, announced.
The remainder of the tickets; he
said, will be on sale from 8 a.m. to
noon today in the Arch of the West
Engineering Building and from 1 to
4 p.m. in the lobby of the East En-
gineering Building,
Tickets, which are being sold for
$3.75, may only be purchased by
students with engineering identifi-
cation cards,
Furnishing the music for the af-
fair, which is scheduled to take place
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, April

4, is Cab Calloway, conductor of
the famous Cotton Club Orchestra.
Although best known for his swing
music, Calloway plans to bring. to
Ann Arbor an assortment of sweet
tunes equal in quality to the selec-
tions which won him the title, of
"His Hi De Ho Highness of Ho De


In addition to the insignias of
various technical societies, decora-
tions at the banquet will consist of
four panels showing the changes in
the life of the Michigan male froml
his freshman to senior years. These
decorations were designed to conform
to the general theme, "Four Year
The panels were prepared and de-
signed by Robert Morrison, '41E, and
Charles R. Tieman, '41E.

A flower trimmed hat or a
pastel felt casual will brighten
your winter costume.
CASUALS at $2.00 and up.
Michigan Theatre Bldg.
523 East Liberty St.




League ballroom at the time of the
cap and gown sale.

Committee Will



Spring Coats
Sl y
Select your Sprin

Al 0 0

A meeting of the decorations com-
mittee for the annual Frosh Project
will be held in the League at 5:15
p.m. Tuesday. The room will be an-,
nounced on the League Bulletin

-- i



)at~e Diresses
)IY for the penuy-wise! Pert
e dresses with a fashion-wise
To take you dancing at the
on, to see you through a cam-
Sunday . . . pretty prints .
tical navies . . . dress-up shirt-
ts . . many with jackets.
See them tday!

hree Cheers tor the Army and Navy!
A TRIBUTE to the military
and a fashion triumph for
you! You will love this suit
that gives you all the stunning
new lines of the season plus
the- clever military accent. It
is more up-to-the-minute than
a newsreel and a whole lot
more enjoyable to see and








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