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March 19, 1941 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-03-19

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Fres man Project



Designer Must Adapt Costumes
To Meet Modern Ideas Of Style

Liberal Prizes
To Be Offered
In Skit Contest
Central Committee MembersI
Will Explain Work Of Groupsj
To Those Interested In Activities

The radical change of ideas of
beauty in line, color and design is
among the most important that faces
the designer of clothes for the stage.
The silhouette of the woman of 1929
is an excellent example of this diffi-
culty, Mrs. Emma Mellencamp, who
is responsible for the costumes in
Play Production's current offering,
"Much Ado About Nothing," points
Ih Elizabethan times the much
longed-for figure was cone-shaped
from the waist up. Flat steel con-
trivances were worn to get the de-
siredi effect. To a 1941 audience a
leading lady dressed in this manner
would appear ridiculous, and detract
enormously from the degree in which
the audience enters into the mood
of the story.
Dress Must Be Modified
For this reason subtle modifica-
tions of dress must be carried out.
The characters of the people por-
trayed can be suggested by their
clothes to a greater extent than is
usually appreciated. For example,
Hero, who is quite simple and sweet,
will appear in pale blue, of a soft
material, which, while preserving the
general lines of the period, is not
quite as stiff as most of the costumes.
A heavy red pearl-studded dress
will be worn by Ada McFarland as

Beatrice, who had a sharp, clever wit.
Nothing retiring about either cos-
tume or character. Margaret, the
chamber-maid, will appear in blatant
purple, which indicates the coarser!
I fnof wit that -,hp disnla s

Lype UoWn 1a wSi c1p 1y '
Frills Change Use Committee work and a proposed
To us, a man of the Elizabethan skit contest to determine the floor
era who was a well-dressed gentle- show of the Freshman Project to be
held April 25 will be explained to
man, according to Mrs. Mellencamp, freshmen women gathering at 5 p.m.
would probably appear to be a fop. today at a mass meeting in the
The solution for this situation is League ballroom.
easy. Merely dress a foppish charac- Michigan take-offs in the form of
ter in these same clothes, and tone "Fresh-Aires" have been suggested
the gentleman down a bit. Frills and by the central committee as a means
flounces, bows and ruffs are nothingr by which freshman dormitory and
toda butan isul to ascuine rority groups can each enter their
today but an insult to masculine own skit in a contest from which
pride to think that man ever stooped three winning groups will be select-
to them. ed to make up the floor show of the
The whole process means that the Freshman Project dance. In addition
designer is not a historian, but mere- prizes of $30, $15 and $5 will go to the
dss , m three houses represented by the win-
ly designs within history. The pain- ning groups.
fully authentic approach would ' be In planning their skits for the con-
quite upsetting to a modern audience. test, Mildred Otto, chairman of publi-
city for the affair pointed out, each
Independents To Meet house will have the opportunity to
I present its best talent in singing,

Co-ed Fashion
Models Selected
For Style Show
If a feller has a friend, that i
girl friend, good-looking clothes
the next question that comes
styles for both a man and hisc
will be shown at "Co-eds in Fa
ions," Union style show, which
be held at 8 p.m. Thursday, in
Union ballroom.
Models for the style show wil
Margaret Gardner, '42; Mary E
Wheeler, '41; Margaret Dodge,
Betty Whitely, '42; Helen Rhoi
'42; Helen Barnett, '42; Ruth Gr
'43; Claire Reed-Hill, '42; Mild
Radford, '42; Peggy Gabriel,
Jane Connell, '42; Jane Graham,
Margot Thorn, '42; Mary Major,
and Barbara De Fries, '43.
The list continues with Carc
Denfield, '42; Grace Miller, '42;
Carpenter, '42; Yvonne West]
'41, and Kay Albert, '43. The men
Hugh Ayers, '43; John Rieger,'
Bill Slocum, '42; Bob Crane, '42;1
Bush, '41; Bud Chamberlain,
Charles Kerner, '41; Irl Brent,'

Will Be At
Ruthvens Head
Capitalist Ball
Patrons List
s, a Annual Business Administration
are Dance To Be Friday In Union;
up; Tickets May Still Be Purchased
President and Mrs. Ruthven will
ash- head the list of patrons for the Cap-
will italist Ball, to be held from 9 p.m.
the to 1 a.m. Friday in the ballroom of
the Union.
tl be Dean J. Hugh Jackson and Prof.
1 Paul E. Holden of the Graduate
llen School of Business at Stanford Uni-
'42; versity have been invited as special
ides, guests.>
ram uOther patrons include Dean and
dred Mrs. Clare E. Griffin, Dean and
'42; Mrs. Walter R. Rea, Prof. and Mrs.
'43; William A. Paton, .Prof. Robert G.'
'41, Rodkey, Prof. and Mrs. Charles L.
Jamison, Prof. ,nd Mrs. Olin W.
olyn Blackett, Prof. and Mrs. Edgar H.
Lou Gault, and Prof. and Mrs. John W.
rate, Riegal.
are Also, Prof. and Mrs. Earl S. Wo-
'43; laver, Prof. and Mrs. Dudley M.
Bob Phelps, Prof. and Mrs. Merwin H.
'42; Waterman, Prof. and Mrs. Richard
'41; U. Radcliff, Prof. and Mrs. Robert
'42; P. Briggs, Prof. and Mrs. Lemuel L.
Jim Laing, Prof. and Mrs. R. A. Sawyer;
Jarc Prof. and Mrs. I. L. Sharfman, Prof.
Bob and Mrs. S. Peterson, Prof. and Mrs.
Dick Arthur Smithies, Prof. and Mrs. L. L.
Watkins, Prof. and Mrs. Edward C.
Simmons, Prof. and Mrs. Charles F.
Remer, Prof. and Mrs. Z. C. Dickin-
son, Prof. and Mrs. William Haber,
Prof. and Mrs. Robert S. Ford, Prof.
and Mrs. Edgar M. Hoover, Prof.
and Mrs. W. H. Egly;
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Gardner,
tees Mr. W. B. McFarland, Mr. and Mrs.
ed J. H. Westing, Mr. and Mrs. E. H.
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Wyatt,
ing Miss Tresse Musil, Miss Dorothy
eet- Shapland, Mrs. J. L. Ellis, Mr. and
Tea Mrs. Philip Trezise, Mr. C. W. Elia-
son and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ross.
mit- Tickets for the dance may still be
in obtained.


5 P.M.


California Hand.Made

Soft and light as a spring
breeze! New, braided square
" ' toe...wedgie heel! It's causing
a sensation!


i 1,

The Ann Arbor Independents will
hold their annual spring election at
a meeting beginning at 4:45 p.m.
tomorrow in the League, Jean Krise,
'42, president, has announced.

fill 7imyr DUO-COAT

dancing, or impersonations in what- Buck Dillman, '42; Bob Collins,
ever way it chooses, while conforming Bob Titus, '42; Bob Bennett, '44;
to the general rule that the skit must Harrison, '41; Bill Todd, '42; N
be a take-off on Michigan life. Skits Crapsey, '43; Pat Hoeper, '42;
will be submitted to an independent Templin, '43; Jeff Hall, 41; and I
committee for judging. Arbuckle, '42.
Further plans for the Project will
get underway with an explanation by Ushers
central committee members of the
work of their various groups. EachI
woman speaking will be dressed inAN eed
costume to represent the type of worke
done by her committee. Those at-.
tending the meeting will be asked to Make-Up, Music Committ
sign up for the committees in which To Meet; Propertymen Need
they are most interested.
Explanations -will also be given on Central committee of "Jumy
the League point, system operating }Jupiter" will hold an important m
through the Merit committee of the ! ing at noon today in the Russian'
League, and the actual difference be- Room of the League.
tween the Freshman Project and All women on the music come
Frosh Frolic which are often confused tee, which means those singing

Come Sun,
Come Snow
^ t
g ~Arm Plus
o f lorz
' > l of Action
Full Leather

WIthI eachi uuther- the choruses, will meet at 4 p.m. to- -
"Heavenly Daze" was the theme of day. If any cannot attend, they Symphony Concert
last year's Freshman Project. of should get in touch with Phyllis
which Grace Proctor was the gen- Waters at 2-2547. To Be Given Today
eral chairman. There are still positions open for
junior women on the ushers com-.
Bridge Tournament mitteeunder Jeanne Goudy, and th-' The University Little Symphony
properties committee, under Elaine Orchestra with Thor Johnson con-
To Be Held Saturday Fisher. The ushers committee offers ducting, will entertain the patrones-
a chance for additional project work ;es, alumni, faculty, and all women
The Women's Physical Education for those women whose jobs will be students of the School of Music with a
Department will hold a bridge party all over when the production opens. Musicale, to be given at 8 p.m. today
from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday at the There is still time to join for those in the League. Following the program
League to raise money to send dele- women who didn't find time for it will be an informal reception at
gates to the senior convention in i earlier in the year and a meeting which Mrs. Ruthven and Mrs. Alex
Atlantic City, will be held at 5 p.m. Thursday. Dow will pour.
Tickets, which will be twenty-five Those who cannot attend should call The recital will include the "Double
cents, will have door prize stubs for Miss Goudy at 2-3203. Harpsichord Concerto" by Bach, with
gifts donated by Ann Arbor mer- Work on properties is work well Alice Manderbach and John Challis
chants. Prizes will include a sweater, distributed, and finished when the as soloists; "Suite for Small Orches-
a pair of shoes, a blouse, a riding play begins. This type of work of- tra," by Dorothy James; "Suite for
crop, two boxes of candy, perfume, fers many interesting experiences Children" by Tansman; "Introduc-
a compact, stationery, a purse and a poking around town for the various tion and Allegro" by Ravel, to be per-
recording of the "William Tell Over- items needed in the play. formed by Kathleen Barry, harpist.
ture." A meeting of the JGP make-up
Holders of stubs may claim their committee will be held at 5:30 p.m.
prizes even if they are not present at tomorrow in the League. Attendance
the drawing. at the meeting is compulsory. - I \ "

2 9.95

KEEP IN TUNE with the weather
in the All Timer. There's an extra
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so you can keep snug in a blizzard
or just warm enough when balmy
breezes blow. In beige, pale blue
or plaid tweeds.

Wool and silk. . . Black, Brown, and Pastel
Formerly to 25.00 -Sizes 9 to 17, 14 to 40.

Stocking Glamour

f ir

t f
erything about this com-
rtable-but-slimming founda-
n makes for lovelier lines:
e hip-trimming leno Lastex
e sections, the front and back
in Lastex control panels, the
t-lined bra with the famous
rmaLift inner cup that never
comes just limp lace! Per-
ct for the average figure
pe! Sizes: 32-38.
wer net Lastex and alternate
tin Lastex panels will hold
ur figure to the new tapered
rmness - comfortably! The
ung flowing lines of the av-
age-type figure design ex-
nd to the net-lined lace up-
't bra. Sizes: 32-38.
his beautifully light Luranet
rdle perfectly accents your
veliness with slimming con-
al that simply melts your hips
d tummy away. Power-net
stex hip sections and four
tin Lastex panels with tiny
0nt stays to prevent.rolling
mbine cleverly to mould
rmly in comfort - Thigh-
ie gusset allows free action
Talon closure at side front
save rubbed hip-bones. Sizes:

Foundations styled by
your body seems to float
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Yet the price for this freedom
snakes it a down-to-earth lux-
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Silk Crepes Black, Brown, Blue, and Red
Formerly 16.95 - Sizes 11 to 15.
6 Dinner Dresses. 5.00
Formerly to 19.95 --Sizes 9 to 16
2 Formal Skirts.. ~
Red and Black - Sizes 12 and 14
4 Housecoats 2- 9
Formerly to 8.95-- Sizes 12 to 16

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FIRST in the heart of the college girl . . . our classic
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with white or brown with natural elk. Well-made,
sturdy. Non-skid rubber soles.

I 1 1I






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