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August 20, 1941 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-08-20

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Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication

Ad AM Aw




Van Wagoner
Warns Against
of Highways
Kennedy To Speak Today
On State Military Roads
At Afternoon Session
Dinner To Feature
Talk By Crawford
Warning against a transportation
breakdown in the national defense
program such as took place during
World War I, Gov. Murray D. Van
Wagoner advised road officials at-
tending the Michigan Highway Con-
ference yesterday to get all local
plans in order so that applications
for national highway funds can be
made as soon as the proper Federal
p machinery is set up.
"More than that," the Governer as-
serted, "begin laying plans for high-
way construction work that can be
done during the post-war period."
This, he commented, should help
counteract the economic ,and social
breakdown after the war expansion
boom ends in Michigan.
Post-War Period Ideal
"The post-war period," he declared,
"will be ideal for new construction
to solve those normal, peacetime
transportation problems. Highway.
projects will absorb labor and ma-
terials and they are projects which
will have a tremendous economic re-
Following the Governor's address,
G. Donald Kennedy, State Highway
Commissioner, revealed that Michi-
gan spent more than 50 per cent of
its 1940 road funds and that his de-
partment "would spend practically
100 per cent of its coming contsruc-
tion funds on that same network."
Kennedy Featured
Featuring today's meetings will be
an address by Mr. Kennedy on Mil-
itary Highways of Michigan" to be
presented in the session at 1:30 p.m.
in the Ballroom. Other speeches
scheduled for this session will be
given by H. S. Fairbank of the U. S.
Public Roads Administration and
Col. William N. Carey, consulting en-
Dean Ivan C. Crawford of the
College of Engineering will be prin-
ciple speaker at the annual dinner
of the convention at 7 p.m. today
in the Union Ballroom while Regent
J. Joseph Herbert will serve as toast-
Discussions on "The Minimum
(Continued on Page 6)
Registration, figures at the High-
way Conference was just short of
the 600 mark last night . . . only 403
engineers and road officials were
here last year . . . largest attendance
was in 1932 when a total of 632 dele-
gates were present.
'* * *
Leading figures at the Convention
yesterday were the four men sitting
at the center of the speakers' table
during the annual luncheon . . they
were, from left to right, Gov. Murray
D. Van Wagoner, President Alexan-
der G. Ruthven., G. Donald Kennedy,
State Highway Commissioner, and
Dean Ivan C. Crawford of hte Col-,
lege of Engineering.

Busiest man there seemed to be
the Governor, who left immediately
after the luncheon to attend the
Democratic State Convention in
(Continued on Page 6)
College Group
To Meet Today
Delegates Will Discuss
Educational Problems
Representatives from nine Michi-
gan church-related colleges will meet
at 10:00 in the Union today for the
first meeting of a one-day session
to discuss current problems in edu-
Dean Edward Kraus of the Literary
College will be chairman of the meet-
Following a morning of addresses
by various members of the University

To speak At Dinner

Wolverine Natators Beat

Far East War Up To U.S.,




AIEE Meeting
Will Feature
Talk By Legg
Group To Pick Nominating
Committee For Coning
Election Of Officers
Planning an extensive business
meeting in addition to the usual
speaker program, members of the Un-
iversity student chapter of the Amer-
ican Institute of Electrical Engineers
will meet at 8 p.m. today at the
Speaking on "Magnetic Materials,"
V. E. Legg of the Bell Telephone
laboratories will make the address
of the evening, illustrating his talk
with lantern slides. The talk will con-
cern the selection of the various ma-
terials used in- the manufacture of!
magnets for telephone apparatus,
discussing the advantages and dis-
advantages of the various types of
material available.
Highlighting the business of the
evening will be the selection of a nom-
inating committee for the coming
election of officers for the society.
Other discussion will concern the
organization's role at the College of
Engineering's Open House, scheduled
for March 29. It is expected that the
AIEE will sponsor an electrical dis-
play and act as guides for the de-'
partment at that time.
Dr. Gates Leaves
For Army Position
Reserve officer in the United States
Army Medical Corps since 1928, Dr.
Lloyd R. Gates, instructor in hygiene
and public health and sanitation in
Health service, yesterday left Ann
Arbor for Carlisle Barracks, Pa., for
one year's active duty as Captain in
the medical corps.
A member of the University faculty
since 1924, Captain Gates is presi-
dent of the campus chapter of Delta
Omega, honorary public health fra-
ternity, as well as a member of Scab-
bard and Blade, Phi Epsilon Kappa
and Sigma Delta Psi fraternities.

Capacity crowd Of 1,400
See Prew, Welsh Star; -
100-Yard Record Broken
Wayne's Bill Prew and Michigan's
Jim Welsh stole the spotlight last
night at the Sports Building pool as
the Wolverine swimmers, counting
heavily on team balance, outscored
the Tartars, 51-33, before a capacity
crowd of 1,400 enthusiastic fans.
Prew's performance was nothing
short of sensational, and left the
stands wild-eyed as the smooth strok-
ing junior broke the pool record in
the 100 yard race, sped to victory in
the 50 and swam a brilliant leg on
the closing 400 yard relay.
Broke Record
His time of :51.6 in the century
shattered Walt Tomski's old :52 mark
for the Michigan pool, broke the
existing Big Ten mark, tied the Na-
tional Collegiate record and was, in-
cidentally, the fastest time the hand-
some Tartar has ever gone.
Brilliant as Prew's display was, the
swimming of little Jim Welsh gave
the crowd a tremendous thrill and
Matt Mann's ace distance man a
share of the evening's laurels.
This was Jim's first appearance
since he was struck with lobar pneu-
monia in the middle of last season
and he left nothing to be asked for.
Welsh also erased a pool record when
he copped the 220 yard free style
event in 2:11.2, cracking Tom Hay-
nie's old mark by a full three seconds.
Clark's First Defeat
In addition, Jim dealt out Andy
Clark's first intercollegiate defeat in
the quarter-mile race when he
breezed in six yards ahead of the
Wayne captain and teammate Jack
Patten who fought it out yard by
yard with the Tartar national champ
winning by a touch.
Those were the highlights in a meet
that had everything. Up to the 100
yard race, which was fifth on the
Daily Tryouts
Are Announced
Tuesday Meeting Planned
For All New Candidates
All eligible sophomores and sec-
ond semester freshmen wishing to
try-out for posts on either the busi-
ness or editorial staffs of The Daily
are urged to attend special tryout
meetings at 4 and 5 p.m. respectively
Tuesday in the Student Publications
Those joining the business staff
will be concerned mainly with ad-
vertising work both this year and
next. They will be given several ac-
counts to take care of and will be
expected to obtain and draw up ads.
Toward the end of next year they
will be given more specialied duties
to perform.
Editorial staff work is divided into
three parts: the regular edit staff,
the sports staff and the women's
staff. At first freshmen will learn
headline-writing, proof-reading and
news-writing. Later they will re-
ceive regular beats to cover.

rtars, 51-33
program, the score was tied, 18-18,
but after that the well balanced Wol-
verines piled up their margin.
Both the backstroke and breast-
stroke events gave Matt Mann's team
the golden opportunity to close a!
three point deficit after Prew won
the century with, his teammate Guy
Lumsden third and Michigan's Gus
Sharemet second.
Finish One-Two
Ted Horlenko and Capt. Bill Beebe
finished one-two in the dorsal race
with Wayne copping a third place
as Leroy Ogle failedto catch a tir-
ing Beebe on the last lap. Horlenko
closed up Bill's short lead at the 100
yard mark and pulled away in 'the
final two laps to win in 1:41.1.
Eight more points came to the
Maize and Blue as Jim Skinner cap-
tured the breaststroke race easily
with John Sharemet in second. Jim
burst off the starting line to a lead
he increased to almost a half pool
length, winning out in his best com-
petitive time this season, 2:28.5, while
Wayne's Gordon Hassig took a single
point in third place.
The undefeated Wolverines swept
(Continued on Page 3)
Choral Union
Offers String
Quartet Today
Budapest Ensemble Group
Will Be Heard In First
Program Of Semester
One of the outstanding favorites
of concert audiences, the Budapest'
String Quartet will appear at 8:30t
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium in thef
first Choral Union program of the
new semester.
Made up of four distinguished Hun-
garian artists, this organization has
won a place in the forefront rank
of ensemble groups. It is generally
conceded to be the successor to thet
Flonzaley Quartet, which for manys
years reigned supreme.
Although this organization has
made 10 tours in America, it was last
heard in Ann Arbor in 1933. Sincet
that time the members have toured
Europe from the Northern cities of
Norway to those of Southern Italy
and Spain to the French North Afri-
can coast. They have toured the
Dutch Indies, Australia and other far
away lands.
Included in tonight's programs are:
'he Quartet in A minor, Op. 51, No.
2, by Brahms; the Quartet Movement
in C minor, by Schubert; the Italian
Serenade, by Wolf; and the Quartet;
in C-sharp minor, Op. 131, by Bee-
Although this concert is one of aj
series annually presented by the
Choral Union, individual tickets may
)e purchased at the box office in Hill
L.S.A. College
Records Show
I34 'A' Students;
A semester record of all 'A' grades
was earned by 36 students in three
schools of the University, an official
statement released by the Registrar's
office revealed yesterday.
Of the 36 students, all save two
were enrolled in the College of Liter-
ature, Science and the Arts.
The list includes the names of:
Robert I. Alpern, '43L, Edwin V.
Banta, Jr., '43, Jamhes Conant, '44,

Linus R. Cranmer, '42, Dorothy Cum-
mings, '43, Elizabeth Dew, '41, Rich-
ard E. Field, '41, Jane C. Fox, '41,
Margaret Garritsen, '43, and Elaine
Glass, '43.
Also the following students: Evelyn
Grantham, '44, Joseph C. Greenwald,
'43, Shirley Hecker, '43, William H.
Hogan, '43, John A. Huston, '41,
James T. Jackson, '41, Karl G. Kess-
ler, '41, J. Tenby Larson, '41, Harvey
E. Lemmen, '44, and Joseph Likov-
sky, '42.
The list continues with: Edward
Liss, '42, William P. Mallick, '42, Jean
C. Maxted, '41, William S. Maxwell,
'44, Edward G. Newcomb, '42, Betty
M. Nixon, '41, and Jeanne M. Norris.
Concluding the list were: Anne M.
Podoley, '44, Mary A. Rodger, '41,
Robert G. Shedd, '42, Chester J.
Sikawitt, '41, Warren L. Smith, '44,
Robert F. Taylor, '41, Alice R. Ward,
'41, Robert C. Wooster, '43, and

'Japanese Envoy




_ n

General Barnes To Induct Forty
Students Into Ordnance Group

Arrival Of Anzac
In Singapore Is'
'A Belligerent


Making a trip from Washington,
D.C., special for the occasion, Brig.
Gen. G. M. Barnes, special assistant
for engineering, Office of the Chief
of Ordnance, United States Army,
will induct forty members of the stu-
dent chapteI of the Army Ordnance
Association into the national organi-
zation at a special banquet at 6 p.m.
today at the Union.
A Michigan graduate in civil en-
gineering in 1910, General Barnes has
been serving in the army continu-
ously since that time, having worked
at army arsenals all over the country.
During World War I he was assist-
ant Ordnance Officer of the Ameri-
can forces in Germany, and since
then has headed several Ordnance
Founded shortly after the first
World War, the Association advo-
cates the belief that industrial pre-
paredness for war is this nation's
strongest guarantee for peace. Mem-
bership is not confined to army men,
or ROTC students, but is open to all
engineers interested in ordnance
The University chapter will be the
sixteenth chapter to be admitted to
the national association. It will, how-
ever, be the third college chapter,
Lehigh University and Massachusetts,
Institute of Technology being the
only other colleges in the country
already enrolled.
General Barnes will be accompan-
ied to Ann Arbor by Lt.-Col. L. A.
Codd, who is executive vice-president
and secretary of the national organi-
Charter officials of the local chap-
ter, which was first opened last Oc-
tober, are Woodrow G. Frailing, '41E,
president; William M. Wood, '41E,
vice-president; Jacque E. Van Gieson,


Art Cinema Group
Opens Ticket Sale
For NextOffering
Tickets for the Art Cinema League's
first presentation of the new semes-
ter, "The Edge of The World," will
go on sale today at 10 a.m. at the
boxoffice in the League.
The motion picture, one of Britain's
outstanding films for 1940, will be
shown Friday and Saturday at 8:30
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The story is built around the strug-
gle for economic subsistence faced by
the inhabitants of a small island off
the coast of Englaiid. Reviewed en-
thusiastically by American reviewers,
the film has been compared to the
American production of the same
nature, 'The Grapes of Wrath.'
Featured players are John Laurie
and Miss Bell Chrystall, two of Eng-
land's outstanding film stars. Tickets
for' both performances sell for 35
cents and all seats are reserved.

'41E, secretary, and Capt. W. 1.
Renner, adjutant of the Department
of Military Science and Tactics, fac-
ulty adviser.
Campus Heads
To Greet Frosh
Eligible Freshmen Invited
To Activities-Smokert
Eligible freshmen will get their
first taste of activity life next Tues-
day evening when the Michigan
Union sponsors its annual activities
smoker in the main ballroom.
The smoker will begin at 8 p.m.,
according to Douglas Gould, Union
president, who will act as master of
ceremonies and introduce the twelve
Over 500 men are expected to at-
tend, to hear talks by campus leaders
see movies of Michiguama initiation
and to ask questions of the represen-
tatives of the activities.
Each activity will have a booth and
display. Salient information concern-
ing each organization will be print-
ed in a special supplement to The
Daily next week.
Over 20 activities will be represent-
ed by booth displays. The Sailing
Club will exhibit a 12 foot, completely
out-rigged sail boat and will show
movies of the Club's races after the
Following the speeches refresh-
ments will be served and freshmen
will be able to talk privately with ac-
tivity representatives who will ex-
plain in more detail their activities.
The Smoker is being held to famil-
iarize the freshmen with the various
campus activities

Tokyo Destroyers
Seen InBangkok
WASHINGTON, Feb. 19-(')-Ad-
miral Kichisaburo Nomura, new Jap-
anese Ambassador, said today that
war would be avoided between the
United States and Japan unless the
initiative came from the American
At his first press conference here,
the Ambassador declared he believed
there was no problem that should
bring the two countries into war.
Japan, he said, seeks to expand'
southward peacefully, by economic
means, and was doing its utmost to
avoid resorting to force.
Resort To Force
He could not state definitely, he
said, that Japan would not resort to
Force in this program but he could
'ay the nation was making every ef-
fort to avoid this.
Referring to Japan's alliance with
Germany and Italy, Admiral Nomura
said it was Japan's intention to try
to preserve peace in the Pacific and
she did not envisage war with the.
United States in entering this agree-
Implying that Japan was obligated
to enter the war only in case of an
American declaration of war, Admir-
al Nomura said Japan believed the
Jnited States would "not go into war
openly and declare war against Ger-
many" and therefore the treaty obli-
;ation would not be invoked.
- Orete crisis
In Tokyo, Japanese observers
charged that Britain was trying t6
create a crisis in the Far East by
their movement of military forces
,here; in Shanghai a Japanese army
3pokesman described the Australians'
arrival at Singapore as "a belligerent
action" intended to put pressure on
Thailand (Siam), "which is cooperat-
ing with Japan in bringing a new
order into the Far East."
Saigon, Indo-China, received un-
confirmed reports that two flotillas
of the Japanese Navy were in the
Gulf of Siam-one off the mouth of
'he Menam River leading to Bangkok,
Thailand; the other on the eastern
side of the gulf near .the Thailand-
'ndo-China border. Farther to the
south lies Singapore itself-the great-
est British naval base in the Pacific.
Japanese Destroyer
Bangkok reported that four Japan-
:se destroyers were or hald been
here; at least three Japanese cruis-
rs are known to have been in Indo-
Thina waters in recent days.
The Tokyo newspaper Asahi as-
serted that British action in laying
nine fields in the area of Singapore
and American steps to strengthen
the naval stations at Guam and Sa-
moa "show that, instead of trying
to prevent war in the Pacific, the
Jnited States and Britain are actually
adding fuel to the crisis."
In Saigon, a Japanese military of-
ficial said "we are not informed that
the Australians have arived in Sing-
Despite this avowed ignorance,
however, there was noticeable con-
cern in Saigon. Japanese naval, mili-
tary and civilian officials dashed
about upon hurried errands and con-
ROTC Seniors
Will Be Called
Army Order Takes Effect
ImmediatelyIn June
More than 100 seniors who will
complete their four-year course in
ROTC this June will be called to ac-
tive duty with the U.S. Army for a
period of one year following their
graduation, according to a bulletin

from the U.S. War Department.
The War Department's order will
take effect within 30 days after the
,,graduation of the commissioned see-

State Defense Council Will Rely
On Faculty, Van Wagoner Says

Citing the heavy concentration of
National Defense work here in Michi-
gan, Gov. Murray D. Van Wagoner
asserted in an interview yesterday
that "the State Council of Defense
will rely heavily upon the advice of
the University's technical experts in
all of its proposed projects."
"The part which the University of
Michigan will play in the nation's
preparedness program goes much
further than merely training pilots,
soldiers and industrial technicians,"
he declared. Lansing needs special-
ized information from the professors
here in order to plan its work effec-
Commenting that an ounce of pre-
vention is worth a pound of cure," the
Governor explained his view that Na-
tional Defense work was worth doing
-and worth doing right." "And
we will be doing the right thing," he
said, "if we spend a bit more money
in planning our tasks more effective-
ly now, rather than spending a great

U.S. Involvement Will Be Near
If Invasion Fails, Slosson Says

If the Nazi invasionh of England,
which will very likely be staged with-
in the next few months, fails, chances
for the United States entry into the
war will be greatly increased, Prof.
Preston W. Slosson told members of
the American Association of Univer-
sity Women yesterday in a lecture
in the Rackham Building. This was
the fifth in the series of six lectures
on "Current Events."
There is not much chance of any
immediate peace or war negotiation#
in the major war on the continent,
Prof. Slosson stated, nor much chance
of any immediate revolution in the
occupied countries.
In France, he pointed out, Petain
has found an assistant who suits him,
which Laval did not 4o. Unless there
is a chance for the defeat of Ger-
many, there will be no break nor

many disadvantages and losses to
Japan. Japan is too cautious to de-'
clare war at this time and will wait
until the invasion of England has
weakened England considerably.
The United States is the determin-
ing factor in this war, Prof. Slosson
said, since it is a struggle between
the manufacturing power of the con-
tinent, controlled by Germany,
against the manufacturing power of
the British Empire and its ability
to import the goods which we manu-
Changing his policy of telling what
happened in the past to predicting
what will happen in the future, Prof.
Slosson prophesied that Bill No. 1776,
the "lease-lend" bill, will pass, will
pass soon, and will pass by a 2-1
This bill has caused the greatest

out that aid in housing, sanitation,

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