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March 15, 1941 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-03-15

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Religion, War
Will lie Subject
Of Symposium
Leaders From All Church
Groups Will Lecture
Here Tuesday Evening
"Religion in a World at War"
will be the subject of a symposium
led by a Jewish rabbi, a Catholic
priest and a Protestant minister at 8
p.m. Tuesday in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall under the auspices of the
Natinal Conference of Christian
and Jews and the Student Religious
The three speeakers are Rabbi Lou-
is Binstock, Father George H. Dunne
and Dr..Otto Nall.
Rabbi Binstock is the leader of the
Temple Sholem, one of the largest
congregations in Chicago. For ten
years he was a rabbi in New Orleans
and has spent three summers recent-
ly in Europe. He is well acquaintedi
with conditions in Germany, Russia,;
Scandinavia and Palestine during the
last decade.
At the present time he is vice-presi-
dent of the Chicago Urban League,
director of Jewish charities, and a
leader in civic affairs. Rabbi Bin-
stock is a graduate of the University
of Tennesee and the University of
International Relations Students
A member of the staff of the fam-
ous Jesuit mission at Zikawei, Father
Dunne is making a study of inter-
national relations at the University
of Chicago, and has been an active
participant in the Chicago Round-
table of Christians and Jews. He is
a graduate of Loyola University,
Santa Clara and Gonzaga University
of Spokane.
Dr. Hall, a writer on youth's prob-
lems will represent the Protestant
position. He is a graduate of Hamline
University of St. Paul and the Uni-
versity of Minnesota. Dr. Hall was
formerly a member of the Medill
School of Journalism. He was or-
dained a minister at the Minnesota
Conference of the Methodist Church
in 1924.
Hall Acts As Editor
Later Dr. Hall became editor of
the Epworth Herald And a represent-
ative on the Cincinnati editorial
board. During the past year he has
been managing editor of the Chris-
tian Advocate. He is author of
"Youth's Work in the New World,"
"New Occupation for Youth," and
"Moving Days for Youth."
The symposium is under the aus-
pices of the Student Religious Associ-
ation and the National Conference
of Christians and Jews founded in
1928 for justice, amity, understand-
ingand cooperation among the three
faiths. The chairman of the com-
mittee for the Mid-West is General
Charles G. Dawes.
The program is open to the campus
and constitutes the continuation of
the lecture series sponsored annually
by the Association.
46th Annual
Arts Academy
(Continued from Page 1)
appreciated without any actual an-
alysis of form," he continued, "but
the extent of appreciation can be
measured mathematically, thus giv-
ing an estimate of the relative merit

of that particular piece of art with
another of the same class."
In analyzing a piece of art, accord-
ing toy Dr. Birkhoff, the first con-
sciousness is that of paying atten-
tion. Next you appreciate the men-
tal associations, and then inevitably
analyze the piece of art in aesthetic
Thus in measuring the aesthetic
appreciation of any artistic form, a
concrete estimation of the form and
its variety must be made, and placed
in relation to the complexity of forms
of the entire artistic piece, Dr. Birk-
hoff continued.
Diamond Dies Needed
Stressing the need of superior
diamond dies because of the current

SiaX seeDr. Haber Criticizes Methods
OfSolving RefugeeProblem
Describing the tragic plight of the ibilities of large-scale immigration
modern refugee who has been try- o South American countries was de-
f }ing to escape a trap rapidly closing, cbd~stems rmsn ra
" :i 'la'abea 1ilyeo cribed as the most promising area.-t
cDr. William Haber of the economics -,id(ae hsecutislce
department declared yesterday that h e dapowe and the capital to ex-
private efforts are woefully inade- laoi their resources. Accordingly, for ,
muate to deal with the problem, and a long time immigration was neither I
indicated that inter-government col- amnderd restricted. He estimated
laboration after the war was the only that 125.000 ref ugees have settledt
real approach to' a solution. in thete republics.
Dr. Haber; who has resumed his Door Shut To Refugees
teaching duties after a year as exec- The open door however, has been
utive director of the National Refugee almost entirely shut to refugee im-
Service, a non-sectarian committee migrants. Where the door does re-
EDWARD ELLERY coordinating refugee work in this main open there are serious political
country, discussed the problem at a nd social obstacles to admission.
Artscil andaleLetters.ion
Edw ard Flier luncheon of the Michigan Academy of Sdundertook to show that
Magnitude Of Problem irfgu-e in the U.S. has been much
s Portraypin the magnitude of the exaggerated in the public mind.
problem, Dr. Haber estimated that 1e pited ou i t in g
perhaps five million persons represent He pointed out first that duringi
H onor ociety thenumber who may have to seek the entire period-1932 to 1940-the
a permanent haven unless order and total number of permanent visa im-r
sanity returns to Europe. Of this migrants who may be classified as1
Prof. Edward Ellery, chairman of number he said about 40 per cent refugees is probably less than 150,000.-
the Division of Science at Union Col- were Catholics and Protestants and Of this number 55 per cent are not
lege and president of Sigma Xi, hon-160 per cent were Jews. job seekers because they are child-'
r'en, too old to work, or they are wo-
orary research society, will discuss He related the world-wide efforts men who stay at home.
"Sigma Xi Matters of National Im- that have been made to find a perm- Te sily atsmen
'' b 8 anent haven for the refugee. The pos- The skilled craftsmen represent- 1
portance in a public lecture at 8 p.m. ing 12 per cent of the total present+
today in the Rackham Amphitheatre. s no adjustment problem because of
His talk, which will deal with vari- the need of such labor at the pres-
ous questions on which Sigma Xi o in Groups 1 ent time. he asserted.
chapter counsel is needed and de- Worthwhile Developments
sired, will follow a dinner given in (t) ld i a 7 "One of the most worthwhile devel-
sirednhis honor at 6 p.m. in the Union. pments out of the refugee migra-
hs Iation has been the establishment of
Those desiring to attend the dinner Prof. Eich Will Be Guest small mercantile and manufactur-

Discussion Groups
Will Hold Meetings
At Foreign Center

Music-Therapy Soothes Insane
At Eloise, Psychiatrist Reveals

Two discussion groups will hold Music can be used in treating men-
their weekly meetings at the Inter- tal patients with the same effect as
national Center today, Prof. Raleigh ice packs and hot baths without
a CIarousing the patient's resistance, Dr.
Nelson, its director, announced. I Ira M: Altshuler of Eloise Hospital
Led by Fakhri Maluf, Grad., the declared in a talk before the psychol-'
roundtable which has been meeting ogy division of the Michigan Acad-
throughout the year to consider social emy of Science, Arts and Letters
here yesterday.
and political problems will discuss "Music is economical to apply and
"Internationalism vs. Cosmopolitan- !involves a non-aggressive principle
ism" at 3:30 p.m. today in the lounges not always found in the spoken word
and physical methods," Dr. Altshu-
of the Center.' ler, asserted.
Mark Dresden, Grad., will lead the
Observing that music is not to be
e rxlcrfn m d ir nr tnrs i lp in

newsy-iormnea science rountae i n a
discussion of elementary particles at
1:30 p.m. today. All engineering stu-
dents interested in these panel dis-
cussions are invited to attend, Pro-
fessor Nelson announced.
Sunday evening following the reg-
ular supper at the Center, Mrs.
Maude Okkelberg of the music school
will present a concert recital at 7:30
p.m. in the Center. She will present
"Fantasia" by Hayden, "Rondo in
B minor by Bach, "Ecossaises" by
Schubert, "Viennla Carnival Scene"!
by Schumann and "La Soiree dans
Grenade" by Debussy.

regarded as a cure for insanity, he
said that it exercises the same psy-
chological and physiological effect
upon mental patients as rest and
diet on physically-ill patients.
"Group singing and group dancing,
which follow exposure to music and
which involve more complex proc-
esses, offer the patient a further op-
portunity for wider and more active
expression," Dr. Altshuler stated.
He noted that naked rhythm, such
as tapping, is an efficient thalamic
stimulus, but that the "dressed"
rhythm as embodied in tone, has a
more powerful appeal. "Music is

pleasing and integrating when the
rhythm in it is similar to the bodily
rhythms," he said.
Dr. Altshuler pointed out that mu-
sic should be played which matches
the patient's mood and tempo if best
results are to be obtained. After
contact through music has been es-
tablished, a gradual change to a
different tempo or mood can be
madse, he said.
"In causing this change in they
mood of the patient music has ob-
viously accomplished something the
spoken word or suggestion could not
have done," he asserted.
The power of music lies not only
in its educational aspects, social dy-
namics and aesthetic values; but it
possesses, because of the direct in-
fluence upon the soma, nervous and
encocrine systems, therapeutic prop-
erties, Dr. Altshuler stated.
Javanese Textiles Shown
A group of Javanese and Balinese
textiles from the collection of Prof.
and Mrs. Everett S. Brown is being
shown daily in the display cases,
main floor corridor, Architecture
Building. The exhibit will continue
through March 27.


are asked to contact Prof. F. L. Ever-
ett of the engineering mechanics de-
partment as soon as possible.
Former secretary of Sigma Xi forI
18 years, Dr. Ellery is well knownl
both as an educator and chemist.
He received his A.B. and A.M. degrees
at Colgate University, his Ph.D. at
the University of Heidelberg and oth-,
er degrees at the University of Pitts-!
burgh, University of Berlin and at
George Washington University.
Since 1904 Dr. Ellery has been asso-
ciated with the faculty at Union Col-
lege where he has been, at various
times, professor of chemistry, dean
of the faculty, acting president and
chairman of the faculty.
'For Students Only'
Issue Of Technic
Comes Out Monday
Do you know how to study?
If the answer is no, the solution is
"For Students Only," edited by Burr
J. French, '42E, which highlights the
sixth issue of the Michigan Technic,
scheduled to go on sale Monday.
"For Students Only," is a com-
pilation of short papers on the prob-
lem of studying. Authors of them
are Prof. A. D. Moore of the electrical
engineering department, head men-
tor; Blaine Kuist, '41E, Tau Beta Pi;
Charles M. Heinen, '41E, secretary-
treasurer of the Union; Harry G.
Drickamer, '41E, president of the
senior class; Robert J. Morrison, '41E,
president of the engineering council,
and George H. Hanson, '38E, Tau
Beta Pi Fellow.
Other leading articles include a
discussion of sun spots, gear finish-
ing and the University's newly pur-
chased electron microscope, capable
of magnifying an object 30,000
Rev. Marley To Analyze
Monotheistic Concepts
The second in a series of discus-
sions of the God-idea will 'be given
by Rev. H. P. Marley of the Unitarian
Church, who will analyze the agnostic
concepts of the deity at 11 a.m., Sun-
First in the series dealt with the
viewpoints of the Christian and Jew-
ish concepts. The third and last talk
in the series wil present the humanist
These discussions are given to

Of Religious


Two discussion groups are sched-
uled to meet at Lane Hall today,
Kenneth Morgan, director of the Stu-
dent Religious Association, an-1
The regular Saturday Luncheon
group will meet at noon for discus-
sion at the student religious head-
Prof. and Mrs. Louis Eich will be
the guests of the Association from;
4 to 6 p.m. today at the weekly
student-faculty discussion groups
which are held informally to acquaint
students with the members of the
faculty. Prof. Eich is a member of{
the speech department and the sec-'
retary of the Summer Session. Dinner
will be held at 6 p.m. Students plan-
ning to attend the dinner should
make reservation at Lane Hall beforeI
noon today.
Monday Ismal Kiialdi, Grad., will
speak at the Oriental Religions Sem-
inar at 7:30 p.m. on "Mohammedan-
Prof. Leonard Gregory of the mu-'
sic school will continue his analysis
of Bach's works at the weekly meet-
ing of the Music Seminar at 4:15
p.m. Tuesday at the Center.
Newborn Infants
Resist Illnesses
Newborn infants have been ob-
served to be immune to certain di-
seases, Dr. Charles F. McKhann of
the pediatrics depafltment toljd a
luncheon meeting of the Michigan
Academy of Arts and Sciences yester-
The newborn child is usually im-
mune up to several months of age to
measles, scarlet fever, poliomyelitis
and diptheria. Rheumatic arthritis
is encountered very rarely and even
undulant fever occurs less frequently
in infants than adults.
This age distribution may be due
to transmission of immune substances
from the mother to the infant, tissue
reactions due to rapid growth and
gradual maturation of his defense
processes, Dr. McKhann said.

ing concerns, producing for the most
part articles previously imported,'
the economist said.
Haber cited a sample survey con-
ducted by the National Refugee Ser-
vice in 1939 examining business en-
terprises initiated by recent refugees.
In almost all instances the goods pro-
duced were of a non-competitive
character and 75 per cent of the work-
ers were native Amercans, it was
Dr. Haber also discussed the voca-
tional retraining which tries to direct
refugees into occupations where jobs
are non-competitive.

InC ,


sree nand,
bbs States

America must establish naval, air
and submarine bases in Greenland
to provide military security and a
practical fighter-plane route to Eur-
ope, declared Professor William H.
Hobbs in an address yesterday to
the geology and minerology section
of the Michigan Academy of Science,
Arts and the Letters.
Since Greenland is a possession
of occupied Denmark, the United
States has the right to set up a
temporary government there under
the Act of Havana, he said. .
Dr. Hobbs, who has led several
University expeditions to the island,
described its ideal conditions for air
and water bases. Geologically it -is
a smooth, flat ice expanse, which
would provide excellent landing fa-
cilities for ski-planes. Thus short-
range military aircraft could fly to
Scotland via Newfoundland, Green-
land, and Reykjavik, Iceland, now
under British control. He also claimed
that the fjords on the southeastern
coast offer natural bases for sub-
Greenland, which lies just north,
Qf the main trans-Atlantic shipping
lanes. is a highly strategic threat to
vessels passing south of the island,
explained Professor Hobbs.


Division at Catherine
The Rev. Henry Lewis, Rector '
The Rev. Frederick W. Leech, Assistant Min.
George Faxon, Organist and Choirmaster
8:00 A.M. Holy Communion.
8:45 A.M. Breakfast, Harris Hall (for students).
9:30 A.M. High School Class, Harris Hall.
11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer, Order of Confirma-
tion, and Sermon by the Rt. Rev. Frank W.
Creighton, D.D., Bishop of the Episcopal
Diocese of Michigan.
11:00 A.M. Junior Church.
11:00 A.M. Kindergarten,Harris Hall.
4:00 P.M. Confirmation Tea and Reception,
Harris Hall.
7:00 P.M. The Chaplain's Hour, Harris Hall
7:30 P.M. College Work Program, Harris Hall,
Fireside Forum, "The Church In Action To-
day", a student discussion panel.
7:30 P.M. Choral Evensong. Music by the Jun-
ior Girls' Choir.
8:15 P.M. Lecture on "The Episcopal Church"
by the Rev. Henry Lewis (in the church).
409 South Division Street
10:30 A.M. Sunday Service.
11:45 A.M. Sunday School.
Free reading room at 206 E. Liberty St. open
daily except Sundays and holidAys from 11:30
A.M. to 5 P.M. and on Saturdays till 9 P.M.
512 East Huron.
Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister.
Jack Ossewaarde, Organist and Director of
10:30-12:15 A.M. A unified service of worship
and study. Sermon : "Christian Economics."
10:30-12:15 A.M. A special program of worship,
study, and activity for children in the Kind-
ergarten and Primary groups.
6:30 P.M. The High School Young People's Fel-
lowship will meet in the church. Miss Bever-
ly Martin and Robert Streeter will be in
charge of the discussion.
6:30 P.M. The Roger Williams Guild will meet
in the Guild House, 503 E. Huron. Miss Linnie
Holcomb, who has spent many years in As-
sam, will speak on "Our Responsibility in the
South Pacific".
Very Rev. Monsignor Allen J. Babcock, pastor,
Rev. Clair J. Berry, Assistant pastor.
8:00-10:00 and 11:30 A.M. Sunday Masses.
7:00, 7:30 and 8:00 A.M. Week day Masses.
6:00 P.M. Sunday Night Suppers.
7:30 P.M. Wednesday Devotions. Rosary, and
Sermon by Rev, Emmett J. O'Connell, S. J.,
"Jesus Christ, His, Person and Message."
7:30 P.M. Friday. "Way of the Cross" and
Benidiction of the Blessed Sacrement.
1432 Washtenaw-Dial 2-4466
William P. Lemon, D.D., Minister
Lillian Dilts, Assistant
William Barnard, Director of Music
9:30 A.M. Church School. Classes for all age
10:45 A.M. Third in Lenten Series, "Divine Ob-
liqueness" at 10:45.A.M. by Dr. W. P. Lemon.
10:45 A.M. Nursery during morning worship.
6:00 P.M. The Westminister Student Guild-
supper at 6:00 and discussion at 7:00 P.M. The
Guild continues its special series of Lenten

State St. between Washington and Huron.
Ministers: Charles W. Brashares, and
J. Edward Lantz.
Music: Hardin Van Deursen, director; Mary
Eleanor Porter, organist.
9:30 A.M. Student Class. Third of the Second
Semester. Dr. G. E. Carrothers, leader.
10:40 A.M. Church School for Nursery, Begin-
ners, and Primary Departments. Parents may
leave children there while attending church.
10:40 A.M. Morning Worship. Dr. Brashares'
subject is "A Mystic in a Materialistic Age."
6:00 P.M. Wesleyan Guild. Fellowship Hour and
Supper. 7:00 Discussion Groups: "The World
in Conflict," "Community Conflict," "Social
Correction," and "Martial Relations."
8:00 P.M. Lenten Evening Service. Dr. Bra-
shares' subject is "Jesus Faces Temptation."
State and Williams Sts.
Dr. Leonard A. Parr, Minister.
Director of Music, Mrs. Mary McCall Stub-
Director of Student Activities, Willis B. Hunting
10:00 A.M. Third talk in Lenten Symposium on
"Religion and Life:" Prof. Preston W. Slos-
son on "The Historian Looks at Religion."
10:45 A.M. Services of Public Worship. Df. Parr
will preach the third sermon of his Lenten
theme, "Vital Questions," on the subject
"Does God Speak to Men?"
5:30 P.M. Ariston League High School group
will meet for supper and an informal discus-
sion on."Goodwill," a continuation' of last
week's discussion.
7:00 P.M. Student Fellowship will meet for an-
onual installation of officers. Plans for the
remaining part of this year and next year
will be discussed.
Sponsored jointly by
Zion and Trinity Lutheran Churches,
Zion Lutheran Church,
E. Washington St. at S. Fifth Ave.
10:30 A.M. Church Worship Service. Sermon,
"The Enemy Within" by Rev. E. C. Stellhorn.
Mid-week Lenten Service on Thursday Eve.
at 7:30 P.M.
Trinity Lutheran Church,
E. William St. at S. Fifth Ave.
10:30 A.M. Church Worship Service. Sermon,
"The Kingdom of God for the Repentant" by
Rev. H. O. Yoder.
4:00 P.M. Lutheran Student A Cappella Choir
Practice in Zion Parish Hall, Mr. Arne Kaoh-
jonen, Director.
5:30 P.M. Lutheran Student Association Meeting
in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. Rev. Harold
Yochum of Detroit speaker.
East University at Oakland. Dial 3779.
Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, Director.
9:00 P.M. Purim Party at Lane Hall.
11:00 A.M. Meeting of Hillel Student Council.
3:30 P.M. Hillel Oratorical Contest, with par-
ticipants from the University of Michigan,
Michigan State College, and Michigan State
8:00 P.M. Lecture by Mr. Simon Shetzer, of,
Detroit, sponsored by Avukah.
7:30 P.M. Avukah-Hillel Study Group.
8:00 P.M.Intermediate Hebrew Class. Bible
Translation Class.





Last Times Today







a TC

SUNDAY SHOWS 1-3-5-7-9 P.M.

formulate student
serve as a basis for
Marley said.

thought and to
group panels, Rev.


demand for wire-using devices in the
defense program and in supplying the
British with industrial products, Prof.
Edward H. Kraus and Prof. Chester
B. Slawson of the geology department
spoke on the improvement of these
dies yesteday before the geology sec-
tion of the Michigan Academy.
R Iide,
8:00 A. M.I


r t f


. I



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