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March 15, 1941 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-03-15

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Cloudy and warmer
followed by snow.


Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication

4:3a tt

fhe ,cademy And
The County Fair .



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Dancing Lumberjacks
Amuse Folklore Group

To Bid For Indoor
'Track Supremacy

R AF Intensifies Attacks;
British Strategists Push
Continent Invasion Plan

Hoosiers Favored To Stop
Wolverine ,Dominance
In Butler Relays Classic
Distance Power
Gives Team Edge
A small crew of Indiana cidermen,
saturated with distance power, is
primed to further its bids for Mid-
western indoor track supremacy to-
night at Indianapolis by separating
Michigan from its Butler Relay
Although the Wolverines have
completely dominated the colorful
Butler carnival for the past seven
years, Indiana is rated a definite
favorite tonight by virtue of its
smashing triumph in last week's
Western Conference meet when the
Hoosiers succeeded in halting another
Maize and Blue victory that had
reached to seven consecutive titles.
Hoosiers Heavy Favorites
According to the pre-meet dope-
sters Indiana's overwhelming strength
in the 'longer running events should
net the Hoosiers almost as great a
margin over the Wolverines as the
10/2 point edge they piled up last
But Coach Ken Doherty's varsity
spikemen, depending primarily on
considerable power in the field events
and balance in the running events,
are oceded to bepotentially cap-
able of a surprise win. The other 22
schools that have entered 325 ath-
letes are generally regarded as be-
ing too weak in all-around team
strength to overcome the Hoosiers
and Wolverines, although Notre
Dame, Central Collegiate champion,
Ohio State and Pittsburgh are all
rated highly.,
Three Strong Relays
Led by the same aces who per-
formed so brilliantly last week, Roy
Cochran, lanky Campbell Kane, Fred
Wilt, Wayne Tolliver and Paul Ken-
dall, Indiana's outfit has been given
the nod in three of the four relay
(Continued on Page 3)
Natators Meet Wayne
Michigan's great swimming team]
will put its undefeated record on
the block again tonight when Matt
Mann takes his newly-crowned Big
Ten champs to Detroit to meet the
powerful Wyne University Tartars
in the Northwestern high school pool.
A sellout crowd of 450 will be on
hand to watch Wayne's second at-,
tempt to topple the mighty Wolver-
ines who have already shellackedt
the Tartars once this season to the
tune of 51-33.t
But this meet tonight threatensi
to be somewhat different from thes
previous one. In the first place, it'
should be closer with several of the
Michigan boys not scheduled to com-
Then, too, both teams arein much
better shape than they were three
weeks ago with the result that Michi-
gan's sprint corps is ready to take the
thunder out of their long-distance
teammates who hogged the limelight
in the first meeting.
All eyes will be on Charley,BarkerI
(Continued on Page 3)
CIO opposes
Federal Board
Murray Denounces PlanE
For Mediation Groupt
WASHINGTON, March 14.-P)----
The CIO came out tonight in opposi-
tion to the proposal by administra-
tion labor and defense productionc

chiefs for an 11-member federalc
board to mediate labor disputes int
defense industries.t
After William Green, President of"
the AFL, had backed the plan at a1
White House conference, Philip Mur-
ray, President of the CIO, mader
public a memorandum to President1
Roosevelt which said the proposal wasi
"wholly unrealistic, will not furthert
{-ho _- n ar a . f1Qir"1A~onnrr

Music Festival
School Groups
To Play Today
Thirty-four junior high and high
school bands and orchestras will par-
ticipate in the annual Southeastern
Michigan Band and Orchestra Fes-
tival today in Ann Arbor.
Bands and orchestras will be se-
lected at the Festival to attend the
State Festival, April 18, and 19, at
Lansing, as representatives of the
Southeastern Michigan Band and
Orchestra Association.
With between 1,500 and 2,000 at-
tending the Festival, highlight of the
day will be the concert running from
8 a.m. to 10 p.m. in Hill Auditorium.
All 34 bands and orchestras will play
in the concert, which is open to the
The organizations will be rated on
the merits of their performance in
the concert, and on their perfor-
mance in sight-reading at a meet-
ing to be held in Ann Arbor High
School. The sight-reading meeting
is not open to the public.
The bands and orchestras given
first or second division ratings will be
allowed to attend the Lansing Festi-
val as representatives of Southeast-
ern Michigan junior high and high
Kith RpnofViSaa ff-

Officers To Be Selected Today
At Michigan Academy Meeting

Destruction Is Wrought
Throughout British Isles,-
Nazi Sources Declare
Fire Bombs Drop
On London Streets


-Daily Photo by Will Sapp
True, hardy woodsmen are Bill McBride, 78, and Carl Lathrop, 75,
who sang ballads anc' danced at the Folklore Section of the Michigan
Academy Meeting yesterday. That's Dr. E. C. Beck, who manages the
boys, sitting on the right with a worried look on his face. Perry Allen,
(rot shown) a mere 8, also sang and danced.
* , e

tneiL2 jin oi vi ig54i1 O1a t.,Ui- By BERNARD DOBER ager of the "boys," supplied the nec-
lege will be judge of the performances With a vitality and a vigour which essary academic background for each
in sight-reading, and Nilo Hovey of amazed their audience, three old, but selection for the folklorers before he
Whiting, Indiana, will be adjudicator hardy Michigan lumberjacks enter- introduced the men and their spec-
at the concert. tained at the luncheon of the Folk- lalties.
Both local high schools, University ' lore section of the Michigan Acade- McBride Sings
High and Ann Arbor High School, my.- Meeting yesterday with their The program started with a bal-
will take part in the Festival and will singing and dancing, their playing lad by McBride' about a- little town
play at the concert. and "rhythm specialties." called Pembina, which Dr. Beck spent
Recording of the numbers made at Perry Allen, 82, of Shepard, Bill five years discovering and which is
the concert will be made by a profes McBride, 78, of Isabella City and in North Dakota, "two spits from the
i sbonal sound-recording studio, and the "baby," Carl Lathrop, of Pleas-. Canadian border and one spit from
will be placed on sale after the Fes-ant Valley who is only 75, demon- Minnesota." For his encore Mac sang
tival. strated that they're as tough and the "Backward Song" in which he
hardened a bunch of "youngsters" used a "horse pistol he raised from
M' lmxi Gi(orky Filn 'that ever swung an axe and can still a colt."
do a day's work equal to any "young As the oldest man in the group.
ToEn _._Ru_ Tod y Funs." Peirry Alien knows more tall tales
Dr. E. C. Beck, who acts as man- about the woods than the others, and
e ~- - ---he told them. As a matter of fact,
The final showing of "University
of Life," Russian film concerning the Cut Middies Course t ory ges Perwon asthed
life of Maxim Gorky, will be givenjddla pien a liar w cnte
at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Men WASHINGTON. March 14. -()__ didn t even know he was mn it.
delssohn Theatre under the auspices The Navy has shortened the Naval Perry told the doubting Thomases
o T eaeu iAcademy course from four to tre present how Paul Bunyan got from
of the Art Cinema League.Acyem y orse froh fupyothnre Michigan to Maine. Seems like Paul
Seats may be reserved for 35 cents years to speed up the supply of junior was in a tree top which was tied
at the Lydia Mendelssohn box office officers for the expanding fleet. to some oxen below by a long rope.
or by calling 6300 Rear Admiral C. W. Mintz, chief of When the oxen started to walk, the
the Bureau of Navigation, told the tree bent over and just as it neared
The film centers around the frui- Senate Appropriations Committee the the ground, the rope broke and Paul
tion of Gprky's genus during his at- Class of 1943 would be graduated in went sailing through the air till he
tendance at the University in Kazan June, 1942, a year ahead of normal landed in Michigan. Quite simple.
on the Volga. His struggle in starva- schedule, and that the shortened Boys Dance
tion is revealed together with his course would be retained "for two, "And then there was the time Paul
friendship with the baker, Semyonov, three or four years, depending upon . " but Doc Beck cut in on Perry
who gave him food and shelter. the duration of this emergency." and told him to give Carl a chance
to exercise his vocal cords.
Newsman To Talk Here: IBut when the boys started to dance,
the crowd looked on in awe. Carl
played while Bill did a "stalk dance"
Stowe To elate Experiences-now known as a buck n' wing." Bill
incidentally, had a couple of legs
SB attle fronts In Lecture broke a few yearns ago. Then erry
did a clog as well as a little "Buffalo
- - Girl" rhythm with a couple of spoons.
"I was lucky, I guess," is all Leland Carl ended the show with a "helluva?'
Stowe, .world famed correspondent, r { piece.
had to say about the many scoops Close attention was i id to the
which he has written from the various words of the ballads which the lum-
battlefronts of the current war in berjacks sang because they are un-
Europe. But now that he's back in the usually rich in descriptive material
U.S.A., Stowe feels that "the biggest as well as phrases which tell the ways
news stories of the present war are of life and traditions which have
yet to come." been common through the past cen-
Stowe will appear at 8-1 pm tures.

Regular Business Session
Scheduled For 3 P.M.;
Conferences Planned
Completing their 46th annual ses-
sion here today, the members of
the Michigan Academy of Science,
Arts and Letters will choose their
officers for 1941-42 at their regular
business meeting, to be held at 3
p.m. today in Room 2003, Natural
Science Building.
University faculty men who have
served the Academy this past year
as officers include Prof. Charles F.
Remer of the economics department,
vice-president; Prof. L. J. Young of
the Forcstry School, secretary; Prof.
Mischa Titiev of the anthropology
department, treasurer; Prof. W. C.
Steere of the botany department,
editor, and Prof. W. W. Bishop, of
the University library, librarian.
Other features of the final day's
session will be a meeting of the
Academy Council at 1:30 p.m. in
Room 4065, Natural Science Build-
ing, a special sketching tour along
the Huron River by the fine arts
sections and the final meetings of
six other discussion sections at which
Academy members will finish their
evaluation of recent contributions to
various fields of knowledge.
Highlight of yesterday's Academy
program was the presidential address,
delivered by Dr. Leslie A. Kenoyer of
Western State Teachers' College last
night in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Entitled "Botanical Investigations
and Opportunities in Mexico," the
presidential address illustrated by col-
ored stereopticon slides accented the
rugged topography of Mexico which
Gargoyle Fetures
Ruthven Tea Story
Those poor unfortunates who have
never been able to attend a Ruthven
tea will have an opportunity to get
unbiased inside view for the first
time, in the March issue of Gargoyle,
which will appear Thursday, accord-
ing to Allan Axelrod, '43, issue edi-
tor for this month.
Moreover, the campus' most hand-
some man, selected by a throng of
sorority and dormitory girls, will be
revealed in the Garg, but Axelrod
emphasized that his identity will not
be let out until Thursday. A clue to
his identity is that he is tall, dark-a
good athlete and a general all around
man. Pictures of the girls who se-
lected him will also be published.

is responsible for the most varied
flora in the Western Hemisphere
Reviewing the history of botanical
study in Mexico since the advent of
the Spaniards to the New School, Dr.
Kenoyer asserted that with recent
extension of highways into more re-
mote sections of the country, there
has arisen an opportunity for botan-
ists to undertake exploration and I
Another feature of the opening
day sessions of the Academy was a
special lecture by Dr. George D.
Birkhoff of Harvard University, who
stated that the aesthetic appreciation
of any art is determined by the rela-
tion of the form or order to the
"Art, and particularly music, is
(Continued on Page 2)
'20 A Ward ed
Twenty scholarship awards will be
given to members of publications
staffs, the Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications announced yester-
The awards of $50 each are made
annually to students who work on
any publication for four semesters
and maintain a "B" average.
Senior members of The Daily edi-
torial staff who will receive scholar-
ships are Hervie Haufler, of Coving-
ton, Ky.; Howard A. Goldman, of Chi-
cago; Karl G. Kessler, of Ann Arbor;
William H. Newton, of Ann Arbor;
Milton Orshefsky, of Elizabeth, N.J.;
and Esther Osser, of Munising.
Junior recipients are Rosebud
Scott, of, Ferndalhe; Jean Shapero, of
Detroit, and Grace Miller, of Ish-
peming. Mary Virginia Mitchell, '42,
of Buffalo, Daily exchange staff, also
won a scholarship.
Daniel H. Huyett, '42, of Reading,
Pa.; Jane L. Krause, '41, of Kenil-
worth, Ill.; Phyllis A. Lovejoy, '42,
of Evanston, Ill.; and Margaret San-
ford, '42, of Cleveland Heights, Ohio
are Daily business staff recipients.
Michigahensian editorial staff win-
ners are Charles B. Samuel, '41, of
Altoona, Pa., and Gerald Hewitt, '42,
of Brooklyn, while those from the
'Ensian business staff are John W.
Cory, '41, of Spencer, Ia.; Myron Gins,
'41, of Cleveland Heights; June T.
Larson, '41, of Indianapolis, Ind.,
and Alfred W. Owens, '42, of Detroit.

(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, March 14.-The RAF's
powerfully stepped-up bombing of-
:ensive spread a pattern of violence
in Germany and Holland last night
and early today, and Britain dis-
closed that invasion troops of its own
are being equipped against the day
when the empire may challenge the
Nazis on the European continent.
Thd hardiest and ablest soldiers
f the British and Allied Armies are
being assembled and especially
grained for armored barges, each fit-
red ,out to carry 50 fighting men and
protected by a shield of steel splitted
with 18 portholes for guns, an ob-
server said.
Details Guarded
The details of the training and
equipment of these English Channel
shock troops cannot be published.
Nevertheless it is permissable to re-
port that they have extraordinary
fire power and that in a recent test
members of these units made a forced
march of 20 miles and were able to
charge a hill at the end ofrthe ma-
All are trained to get along on from"
24 to 48 hours without sleep and to
live for days on minimum rations.
As these preparations proceeded
apace, German air raiders dropped
clusters of fire bombs on London last
night in a renewal of their nocturnal
assaults on the city.
The Nazis struck heavily, too, at a
,outhwest coast town, and this raid
grew worse as the moon rose.
Those incendiaries which fell in
the streets of London were doused by
fire watchers with the practiced ease
of a man stepping on a match. Other
bombs put rooftops in flames, but
they too were soon extinguished.
In a short while London was quiet
Nazi Planes Shot Down
Two German raiders were reported
shot down Friday night-one into the
sea off the east coast and another
in. the west country.
Meanwhile, Germany declared to-
night its airforce had wrought havoc
in Glasgow, Scotland, source of Brit-
ish war materials ranging from food
and textiles to ships and shells, and
acknowledged at least 76 deaths sinde
Wednesday from British counter-
blows at Hamburg and Berlin.
A full moon assault lasting hours,
the high command reported; left in
a "sea of flames" the world famous
shipyards along the Clyde, a power-
house, grain and other food store-
houses, gas works and iron mills.
In addition to the blows struck at
this fo'odstore and arsenal of Britain,
which the Germans say was consid-
ered an "industrial air raid shelter"
by the English, the Luftwaffe fanned
out for like attacks on Hull, north-
east English port, and Liverpool,
scene of a devastating attack the
arevious night.
Dr. McDowell
Will Give Talk
Turkey In Present Crisis
To Be Lecture Topic
Reasearch associate in Mesopotam-
ian Archeology, Dr. Robert H Mc-
Dowell, will discuss "Turkey's Part
in the Present Struggle" in a public
lecture at 4 p.m. tomorrow in the
lecture hall of the Rackham Building.
The talk is being sponsored by the
Ann Arbor chapter of the Committee
to Defend America by Aiding the
Allies which, was organized last year
by William Allen White. Prof. Brad-
ley M. Davis of the botany depart-
ment is the chairman of the chap-
ter here.

FDR To Address Newsmen:
President Will Broadcast Plea
For War-Aid Support Tonight
____ 4

w Vw Y 1. NY IL JJII,"I C - V . 1 .
Thursday in Hill Auditorium as the
eighth speaker in the Current Ora-
torical Association Lecture Series.
Patrons are requested to use the tick-
ets for Stowe's previously scheduled
Back from the wars as correspon-
dent for the Chicago Daily News Syn-
dicate, Stowe will tell his stories of
the Russian War in Finland, the
treachery in Norway, intrigue in the
Balkans, and the Fascist fold-up in
Albania. He gives vivid pictures of
Oslo's civilians when the Nazis
marched in, of interviews with the
late General Metaxas, of experience
in the din of battle as well as on
the diplomatic, propaganda and ec-

I taian Offensive
y (Grevk Force's
ATHENS, March 14. /[ The
Greeks said tonight that. their stal-
wart defense against a furious Ital-
ian offensive had cut up five Fascist
divisions in the last few days and that
Benito Mussolini, who allegedly or-
dered the drive, must go back to
Rome from Albania "covered with
For several days Greek dispatches
.,,m .h fo:hn.osrn nrpi

WASHINGTON, March 14. -(P)-
President Roosevelt decided today to
make a major radio address tomor-
row night in an apparent move to
cement public support for the $7,000,-
000,000 Lease-Lend program and to
help steel the British and other foes
of the Axis against anything Hitler
may launch in the way of a spring
He made the surprise announce-
ment that the 30-minute address,
dealing with defense and aid to na-
tions battling aggressors, would be
given at the annual dinner tendered
him by the White House Correspond-
ents Association. For 20 years speech-
es have been taboo at these dinners,
but Mr. Roosevelt asked newsmen's
permission to make one on this oca-
sion, and it was readily granted.
The speech, to begin at 9:30 p.m.,
eastern standard time, will go out over
the major broadcasting companies,
and will be transmitted abroad in at
least six languages.
Seated around the dinner tables
with Mr. Roosevelt will be a large
number of notables, including Wen-

stretches on all fronts, but the Finnish
censorship, he says, "was quite stupid
for a time," particularly when the

Lend Law.- Harold D. Smith, budget

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