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March 14, 1941 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-03-14

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Sports Items

Johnny DavisI
Will Furnish
Swing Music
'A Freshman's Nightmare' Is
rheme Of Dance; Orchestra
Will Play Inside Huge Bluebook
An array of gaily colored novel
decoration will greet more than 350
couples who will don their dancing
shoes to swing out to the strains
of Johnny "Scat" Davis and his or-
chestra when Frosh Frolic--the high-
light of the Class of 1944's social
calendar will be presented tonight
in the Union ballroom.
General chairman of the dance is
Marvin Borman, '44, who will attend
with Barbara Sternfels, '44. Arnold
Agree, chairman of tickets committee,
will have Debby Springer from De-
troit as his guest. Mary Ann Blei-
weiss, '44, will acompany Bernard
Brown, who heads the publicity com-
Chairmen Name Guests
Elizabeth Bunnell, patrons chair-
man, will attend with David Eas-
lick, '42, and Clifford Straehley, mu-
sic chairman, has invited Sarah Ann
Junker, '44, as his guest.
Jane Pritchard, who is in charge
of the program committee, will be
present with William Kuyper, '44.
Richard Wald has invited Ellen Mann
from Cleveland to be his guest, while
his co-chairman in decorations,
James Weinstein, will attend with
Sara Kauffman, '44.
Ticket number 309 for Frosh
Frolic will not be honored at the
door tonight. Will the holder of
this ticket please contact either
1Marvin Dorman, general chair-
man, at 528 Williams House or call
him at 24401, or Arnold Agree,
ticket chairman, 211 Michigan
House at the same number.
"A Freshman's .Nightmare" will be
featured as the theme for the dance,
and will be carried out in the decora-
tions. Blue and white streamers will
dangle from the ceiling surrounding
a revolving mirrored ball on which
colored lights will play.
Davis and his band will swing
out from the inside of a tremendous
bluebook, but the committee guaran-
tees that he will do away with all
blues to turn the evening into "A
Freshman's Dream." A "Tree of
Knowledge" will be present for those
seeking to inspire the intellect, while
tremendous caricatures of campus
personalities will frame the walls in
an attempt to show the Class of
1944 what a BMOC looks like.
Late Permission Given
Permission for the dance has been
extended to 2:30 a.m. by the Office
of the Dean of Women as in the
case of the four large class dances.
Borman has announced that there
are still a few more tickets that may
be obtained for today's dance at the
Union Travel Desk. They are priced
at $2.75.
Julie Sherwin will be featured with
Davis in the vocal numbers. Miss
Sherwin attended Northwestern Uni-
versity where Davis discovered her
when he played there a year and a
half ago. Davis has just completed
a long term contract with a Holly-
wood motion picture company and1
reports that now he is concentratingt
on his orchestra.

Chairman, Quest To Lead Dance WAA Petitions
Are Due Today,
Jun"or To Be Chosen President,
~l Other Petitions Are Open To All
R . . E

Spring Sty

Spanish Tea



To Be Featured
In Show Today

iULe tvr

Petitoning for the nine positions''
on the Women's Athletic Association "Signs of Spring" in campus
executive board will end today at the clothes, date and evening wear will
main desk i4 the Women's Athletic make their appearance from 4 p.m.
Building. to 5:30 p.m. today in the League
Those posts which are open are: ballroom when twelve campus models
President; Vice-President; Secretary; will parade spring wardrobes for
Treasurer, Publicity Manager; Rep- their fashion conscious audience.
resenta.tive to the American Federa- In addition to the garment dis-
tion of College Women. Intramural play, there will be a preview by Nancy
Manager, and two assistant intra- Drew and Helen Rhodes of their cos-
mural managers in charge of dormi- tumes for the 1941 JGP. Jane Con-
tories and league houses, and of so- nell, '42, will be 'the commentator
rorities. of the feature, after which a record-
Only the. position of President is ing of "I Can't Get You Out Of My
limited to the class of '42. The po- Heart," a JGP song, will be heard.
sition of the Representative to the Each person attending the style
A.F.C.A. is a publicity job, and re- show will be the recipient of a door
quires cooperation in contributing to prize, while three door prizes willI
"Spqrtlight," a paper put out by that also be given to the holders of lucky
organization. ticket numbers which will be drawn
-----during intermission by- Miss Ethel
H it le To Give Purim McCormick, social director of the
.League. Included among the prizes

Dean Ll oyd Sponsors Function
To be Held In League Today
Spanish will be spoken at th- in-.
ternational language tea to be held
from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. today
in the Kalamazoo Room of the
All Spanish students and South
Americans who speak their native
tongue are invited to attend the tea.
Those interested are requested to
contact Mrs. Ruth L. Wendt atI
Stockwell Hall.
Dean Alice Lloyd is sponsor of the
series of international teas which
serve as a center for practice in con-
versation. Mrs. Wendt has said that
there will be a ten cent charge for
tomorrow's tea to cover the refresh-
ment expenses.
No charge was made for the first
tea because it was organized for the
purpose of spreading good-will be-
tween students of this country and I
South America, she pointed out.

! ..


Play In ' elebratlOn
Of Holiday Saturday
A play featuring the Spirit of
Purim. will: be given at the annual
Hillel Purim Party to be held from
9 p.m. to midnight Saturday at Lane
Decorations and refreshments will
be appropriate to the holiday and
entertainment will inc~ude special
Purim songs. There will also be social

will be an imported wool sweater, a
pair of shoes, and two pair of Nylon
Although women may attend the
style show free of charge, l0c will
go into the League scholarship fund
from the commercial sponsors for
each woman attending. Tickets may
be obtained from dormitory and so-
rority house heads or in the League

Phi Beta Pi To Hold
I Anniversary Events
Phi Beta Pi will celebrate its fifti-
eth anniversary as a national medical
fraternity with a dance and banquet
this weekend.
An informal dance will be held
tomorrow night at the fraternity

1941 Campus Casuals
Gay spring shades in these simple
hats that are young, impetinent
and very smart. A large assort-
ment in all sizes.
Gay plaids and tweeds in .the
style no co-ed can do without.
Double-duty darlings.
1o .95 up

at the main desk or in Miss Mc- house. On Monday. a jubilee banquet
Cormick's office. will be served. To these two affairs

dancing to the latest recordings, said Among the women modeling in
Laura Katzenel, '41Ed, social chair- the show are Helen Barnett, '41;
man. Carolyn Denfield, '42, Marne Gard-
Sylvia Casper. '42. Miriam Rubin, ner, '42; Jane Graham, '43; Ruth
'41, Rita Goldstein, '41. Charlotte Gram, '42; Betty Kepler, '41; Tad
Kaufman, '43, Deena Bieber, '43, and Lynch, '41; Mary Major, '42; Carrie
Shirley Winokur, '43, are assisting Wallach, '41; Betty Markward, '43;,
Miss Katzenel in planning the pro- Phoebe Power, '42; and Miriam Wen-
gram. dell, '43. Publicity chairman for the
Members of Hillel presenting affil-
iate membership cards will be admit-
ted free to the party. Admission price
to non-members will be $.25.

all of the members in Ann Arbor
have been invited. This includes
practicioners, faculty men, internes
and students. The banquet will be
a stag affair.

affair is Dorothy Merki,
by Virginia Morse, '43,
Procter, '43.

'42, assisted
and Grace

-. ;,. >_,


Radio Dances
Will Highlight
Group Parties
The little date book in the Dean's
office has but a few lines filled in.
Evidently the campus hasn't yet got-
ten over those dreadful examinations
or perhaps they are trying to start
the new semester out well.
Alpha Kappa Lambda will hold
a radio dance from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m"
tonight., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wal-
drop and Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Gootch
will act as chaperons fQr the evening.
Another radio dance is scheduled
to take place at Hermitage. The
dance will be held from 9 p.m. to
1 a.m. tonight and Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon E. Reynolds and Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Brodie will chaperon.
Prof. and Mrs. Harry Bouchard
and Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Erickson will
chaperon the dance being held by
the members of Triangle from 9 p.m.
to 12:30 tonight.
And the last fraternity on the list
to be in the social limelight is Phi
Gamma Delta. Members will hold a
dance from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. tonight.

Dance Is Planned
By Graduate Council
An informal dance sponsored by the
Graduate Council will be held for
graduate students and members of
the faculty from 9 p.m. to midnight
tomorrow in the Assembly Hall of
the Rackham Building.
If support is given to this dance,

Pledgings Announced I
Theta Sigma Phi, honorary and
professional fraternity for women in
journalism, announces the pledging
of Agnes Crow, '42, of Highland Park,
and Shirley Wallace, '42, of Passaic,
a whole series of socials are promised,
the Council announced. The Council
also. wishes to urge gradaute stu-
dents to attend without dates, as this
is not a couple affair.

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COATS to the manner born
. .. one for your dress up
flattery, one for your cas-
ual spring mood. Proud
fabrics, with a special op-
titugJe for the fashion they
" Casual or dress
- Cavalry Twill
" Harris Tweed
- Camels Hair
" Novelty Weave


charming little numbers from
the Budget Shop that are easy to
love and easy to buy. They fea-


ture new spring prints
fashion-wise navy.







'Covert Cloth


Tweeds $- Shetlands - Twills
Coverts - Sheer Wools - Plaids
OviR PAIN I SS REPRESENTATIVE will be here Friday
from 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. with an additional showing
of Printzess coats and suits. If you are looking for
a particular type, having trouble being fitted . . . do
cone in and let us help you. All special orders will
receive prompt attention.
SIzes 9-17, 12-46, 16V-26%.
$1 695 6 .95
I hey're newer, smarter, njore versatile than ever be-
fore! Wonderfully wearable styles that go with every
tvne of costume! Choose yours here. today.

7 w
Skirts and Jackets
-still the reigning favorites
with any co-ed. Mix and match
your pastels to brighten your


"BANDBOX." Fashion-of-the-Month for March is right-
ness itself to welcome the first hints of spring. It's trim
and tailored, and features the now shocking deep-roll

29. 95

$ i b








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