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March 14, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-03-14

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rniAY, MARCh 14, 1941


TWW' 1~ WU .d"13 l1 A Af T Z WW 1 -II

1I lh 1VI1tai.tGAIN DAILY

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
T'he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41

Editorial Staff

Hervie Haufle .
Alvin Sarasohn
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsty
Howard A. Goldman
Laurence Mascott
Donald Wirtchafter
Esthter Osser
Helen Corman

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. .City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
Sports Editor
.Women's Editor
* . . Exchange Editor

been the first to start the five-dollar-a-day rate
of pay?
Barbour and Zeller say that this is merely prop-
aganda (what a great amount of Ford propa-
ganda there is: "Fordism" pamphlets, Ford "al-
manacs," Ford ads in the papers, millions spent
on words). Whatever Ford says in his propa-
ganda, actually his rate of pay averages 90
cents an hour, and the union rate is 96.
Not much difference. But enough to make
other manufacturers say, "How can we agree to
your contracts and still compete with Ford?"
The five-dollar-a-day innovation, say the un-
ion men, instead of giving labor anything actual-
ly added a cool million to the Ford coffers. How?
Well, great numbers of men who had advanced
beyond the five-dollar stage were forced to start
over again, and Ford profited.
worst. One' of the things unionization
would bring to Ford laborers, for instance,
is a rest, period, a moment when they can re-
lax from the too-swift whirl of an assembly
line, like a cup of coffee or a brief bull-ses-
sion in the midst of cramming. Ford men
have to stand there and take it.
Do Ford's men want unionization? Barbour
and Zeller believe they do. They can't say so-
their neighbor on the assembly line may receive
a bonus for serving as a spy. One word and they
are out. If they but speak to a union man, they
may be tossed out. But if they could be frank, if
they could have a secret-ballot vote, they would
ask for unionization. Ford probably realizes this.
He is fighting desperately--but apparently in
vain-to prevent an NLRB vote in his plant.
There are, of course, a great number of Ford's
workers who think he is a God. Among these
are numerous Southern share-croppers and hill-
billies and foreigners who have been imported
from the baking Southern hills and put to work
at ninety cents an hour. Ninety cents for an
hour when they have hoed corn all day for a
dollar. They are content, spies and speed-up
and all, and have no consciousness for the needs
of the rest of the industry.
A CRITERION of the fact that many Ford
men are dissatisfied, however, is the daily
migration of many of Fo'rd's skilled work-
ers into other plants. Under the impetus of
the war-boom, the automobile industry is
expanding and skilled workers are needed. So
many Ford men are being drawn into other
factories, the Union men point out, that
Ford is at present facing an acute shortage
of experienced die-workers.
Henry Ford has called labor-union organizers
"the worst thing that ever struck the earth."
Barbour and Zeller impressed me as being serious
young men who are seeking merely to gain a
square deal for the men on the assembly line.
They and their viewpoints strengthened my be-
lief, for the welfare of the workers through-
out the automobile industry, the Ford Motor
Company must be organized.
-Hervie Haufler

Business Staff
Business Manager .
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
Price Of A Meal ----
Price Of A Life .. .
price of one meal in the Starvation
Day drive today will mean books, food, shelter
and clothing to students in war-torn China and
The donation of the amount of a meal or
luxury will constitute a share in the national
drive to provide for needy students with the
necessities of life and the possibility of contin-
uing their studies and recreation in spite of the
fact they are confined to prisoner-of-war, in-
ternment and refugee camps.
ONLY BY AID from abroad can education be
kept alive in Europe and China. More than
30,000 students in Europe are confined to prison
camps in enemy territory for the duration of
the war. The non-partisan World Student Ser-
vice Fund aims to distribute one-half of the
total funds received from universities and col-
leges in the United States to students regard-
less of their nationality.
Demobilized French students and Chinese stu-
dents who have fled to the interior ahead of the
Japanese advance are in desperate need of food
and educational facilities.
REFUGEE STUDENTS also constitute a major
problem in neutral countries, as in Switzer-
land where more than 2,000 students have pe-
titioned for aid.1
The contribution of a small amount of money
by every University student will go far to pur-
chase necessities in China and Europe. Gener-
ally it will conserve student leadership that will
be needed for post-war reconstruction. It will
create a feeling of goodwill and lay the foun-
dation for cooperation between nations which
must resolve their differences in the future.
THE CONTRIBUTION of the price of a lunch-
eon, cokes or a date will materially advance
the ideal of international friendship and streng-
then the possibility of recovery from the chaos
of mental and physical starvation which so many
students throughout the war areas face.
-Rosebud Scott
Why Should Ford
Be Organized?
I F YOU ASK Jack Zeller or Alex Bar-
bour a question about labor they
will, in answering it, probably come around be-
fore they finish to a declaration that the
Ford Motor Company must be organized.
You can see by their words what the minds
of union men are thinking now. Barbour and
Zeller, who were in Ann Arbor last week to par-
ticipate in the Wesleyan Guild roundtables on
labor, are officials in local number seven of the
UAW-CIO in Detroit. Their thoughts swing
back to the Ford question as if drawn by a
Why must Ford be organized? They are eager
to tell you. Barbour carries a brief-case of facts
and newspaper clippings.
THEY WTLL TELL VOU that Ford mst

Dm Pecisos
WASHINGTON-When Harry Hopkins report-
ed to Roosevelt that the most urgent British
need is cargo ships, he started a series of moves
that are destined to have far-reaching conse-
quences on U.S. shipping.
In process behind the scenes is the establish-
ment of a tie-up between the U.S. Maritime
Commission and the British Ministry of Ship-
ping, under which the merchant fleets of both
nations will in effect opel ate as a single coor-
dinated unit. That is, British bottoms will be
withdrawn from Pacific and African routes,
and U.S. ships will take their place.
This would give the British some cargo vessels
desperately needed to carry the war materials
soon to pour from the U.S., and at the same time
enable the U.S. to obtain rubber, chromite, tung-
sten, wool, and other strategic commodities
without being dependent on British ships.
However, while the advantages are apparent,
the plan will entail some drastic changes i the
control of U.S. shipping.
The U.S. took similar action during the World
War, but until Hopkins' return from London,
Defense authorities had given little thought to
the problem beyond the construction of moret
bottoms. But they have been doing a lot of
thinking about it since.
U.S. Requisitioning
that was behind the little-noticed Maritime
Commission order instituting a "voluntary"
system of priorities for the 747'vessels constitut-
ing the U.S. merchant fleet. Under this order,
the Commission will "advise" the ship lines on
the routes and cargoes they will handle.
Through this so-called "voluntary" regulation,
the Government's control is admittedly mild--
and also experimental. If proven ineffectual as
the shipping crisis grows, then the lines can
depend on it that the reins will be tightened.
The days when ships plying the Far Eastern
routes could load up with luxury cargoes at fancy
rates, leaving behind bulky and less profitable
shipments of strategic raw materials needed for
defense, are definitely over. From now on, U.S.
merchant ships are going to carry the kind of
cargoes Defense authorities want them to haul.
It is not generally known, but under the law
the Maritime Commission has the power to requi-
sition all U.S. merchant vessels.
Note-Significant recent comment by Mari-
time Commissioner Howard Vickery, an ex-Navy
officer: "The emergency needs of a nation are
not consonant with private ship operation."
Strip-Teased Diplomats
ANN CORIO, the intriguing strip-teaser, has
written a book, "Men, Gentlemen, and Oth-
ers," one section of which deals with certain
members of the Washington diplomatic set.
Word of this has reached Europe, where two
diplomats who were once rivals for Ann's favor
have forgotten their rivalry in a joint effort to
suppress the embarrassing chapter.
One of them is Prince Marcello del Drago,
former First Secretary of the Italian Embassy;
the other, Baron Paul Schell, one-time Secretary
of the Hungarian Legation. Friends of the
Prince and the Baron say they had thought at
the time that they were making friends with a
dancer-not an authoress.
t(Maxim Gorky's dUniversity d Life" opened a
three night run at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre last

night. English dialogue titles.)
"University of Life," based on Gorky, the
writer;s autobiography, attempts to show the
development of that writer's philosophy; the im-
portance of that philosophy and Gorky's work
can be inferred from the tribute the Soviet gov-
ernment has given him, especially in the pro-
duction of this series of pictures based upon his
The picture deals with Russia of the 1880's;
the Russia of seething ferment nurtured by the
bitter oppression of the Czarist system; exact
locale is the big Volga city of Kazan and hero
of the picture, dominant above all else, is Alexei
Pyeshkov (Maxim Gorky), would-be teen-year-
old student (ably played by Nikolai Valbert).
The picture is powerful-for it is the realistic
portrait of life along the Volga and the characters
that existed there. The picture is good cinematic
art-for, despite deficiencies in photographic
clearness and poor sound tracks, it combines ex-
cellent acting with a sure direction, a definite
purpose. Though "University of Life" may drag
at times, it tells simply the story of Gorky's
early youth in a series of episodes: his experiences
with the stevedores on the Volga wharves; his
work in Semyonov's bakery; his first contacts
with the Russian revolutionary movement of the
80's; his first literary attempts and discoveries
of the great philosophers and social critics;
Gorky's endless groping for his "soul," for a
sound philosophy of life. He finally defines that
philosophy as service and love toward his fellow
men, the workers.
If the picture is art, it is also propaganda and
the two are not necessarily exclusive. But "Uni-

Letters To The Editor
Free Enterprise necessity for a quick channeling of me that a democratic system with all
America's vast industrial machine to its abuses slows up and complicates
To the Editor: supply the free peoples who are re- man's inhumanity to man The
(HUAMELEON'S are noted for their sisting the dictators. The risks such th
ability to adapt themselves to color a policy may offer us are mild in ing that frightens us about the
changes. But let one travel across comparison to the precarious posi- totalitarian systems is the simple
a bolt of Scotch plaid, with its differ- tion we shall occupy in a decade if swiftness of attack and reprisal. The
ent colors, and the result would be we surrender our heritage for a mess faces of the workers in this country
disastrous for it. So with many of of pottage-namely-temporary se- are accustomed to a rubber heel, ap-
America's liberals. curity. plied with apologies and regrets
In the abstract they have little To conclude I vigorously disagree
difficulty in deciding that war is a with Mr. Speckhard's contention (probably sincere) about "condi-
horrible and wasteful thing. They that we are not a dynamic enough tions."
desire democracy and all its result- people to be adequate to the challenge To return to Professor Slosson's
ant privileges. Social projects aimed of creating a new and just world list of democratic advantages, it is
to give the underprivileged a larger order once international respect for assumed that the little man, with his
share of the national wealth meet the written and spoken word has universaladult suffrage, decides to
with their approval. But group these been restored. The human mind will go to war. However, he is first bat-.
thought trends against the conflict- beget leaders and rationality. In this te-red into confusion and acquiescence
ing forces that revolutionary Nihilism approach there is hope for an un- by newspaper propaganda. Then,
will and has already set up for them dreamed of world of decency; a world when it comes to a vote, the vote is
and they, like the chameleon, be- compatible with American traditions, not a national referendum. The lit-
come a negative quality. - Fred Niketh tle man has to be "represented" in
To illustrate: they say, 'Some day' so important an issue. If you say he
if we stay out of war we may achieve Inorover-tible ' has to be represented because he's
democracy and understand and prac- not capable of comprehending the
tice freedom of speech, worship, and To the Editor: situation, you approach a justifica-
free- ourselves of want and FEAR. If AS ONE of my friends has gleefully tion of obscurantism, one of the pri-
we enter the war against Hitler by pointed out, Professor Slosson is mary doctrines of fascism. In this-
helping England win, we shall for- "inconvertible" on the ground he has "representation" there are all sorts
feit our opportunity to achieve de- chosen; that is, on the question of of pressure groups and lobbies at
mocracy." fact. Needless to say, facts in them- work which take the matter quite out
Anyone familiar with the revolu- selves are often little good without of the realm of Professor Slosson's
tionary aims of Nihilism recognizes interpretation. As soon as one begins mystical civics. As a matter of expe-
the absurd contradictions in such a to interpret the facts, Professor Slos- diency, no government would chance
statement. A world's sea lanes dom- son's simple civics are inadequate. a simple referendum which might go
inated by the Axis powers will force In reference to Professor Slosson's against what we are, all tired of call-
free enterprise in America to retire letter, I know all about the machin- ing the "vested interests."
within its own shell and in self pres- ery of government; how' I too can As to the loss of civil rights in Ger-
ervation force it to adopt a regi- become president; how I help choose many; if repressive measures have
mented' economy which will, at all him. I know about the twelve good been characteristic of the German
times, be adequate to repel any mili- men and tiue, and about the clause, government since Hitler's accession,
tar'y threat from the East or West. "no arrest without formal legal proc- it may well be that they represent a
The stupendous armament outlays ess." These are the facts, ascertain- transitional phase for which histori-
such a PERPETUNL national policy able in any law library. I presume, cal parallels exist in other, currently
of retreat will entail coupled with the however, that Professor Slosson has democratic, countries. A poorly-
corresponding shrinkage in oar na- ( never, saving his presence, been armed, disorganized, impoverished
tional income, due to loss of free flung in the tank on a vague charge; {country is a battleground of factions.
foreign trade outlets, will in due time nor has talked to a Negro friend The one that gets the ascendency,
end in one thing-national bank- about the difference in administra- being in the beginning little stronger
ruptcy. tion of the law between Negro and than the others, resorts to violence to
Such a nation in such a world will white; nor been hit over the head keep its place. In a later phase, the
have little opportunity to achieve for exercising his right of assembly. same government may permit strikes
what Mr. Speckhard calls "demo- In such cases a charge of false arrest and assemblies because the ruling
cratic organization either domestic- is difficult to prosecute unless you class is sufficiently entrenched to
ally or internationally. have money and influence, in which haveno fear of them. I'm not justi-
Because I am not =entitled to three event you are not likely to be falsely fying the violence as production of
full columns to develop an adequate arrested. later good. I'm pointing out its
rebuttal I shall once again challenge These distinctions between theory function in a historical sequence. Ci-
the Daily 'Staff writers to discuss the and practice are put in philosophical vil liberty in England is being abro-'
real issues of this war, namely, can terms by Bergson in his treatment of gated on the same philosophical ba-
America continue to maintain its mysticism versus expediency in forms sis to meet an emergency.
FREE ENTERPRISE economy if of government, More specifically, Race mythology and sadistic vio-
England and the Royal Navy falls action is not equivocal, though its lence require separate consideration.
before the National Socialist Ger- interpretations invariably are. From In passing; all Nazi atrocities against
many? this point of view, Professor Slosson the Jews may be paralleled in this
If once we can get the opposition presents a strange confusion. The century by qualitatively similar atro-
to discuss this war in terms of its mystical terminology concerned with cities against the American Negroes.
economic consequences upon America "civil rights" (which terminology is We have the shadow of law and Me
and its ultimate effects upon our itself the shadow of expediency) is substance of lynching.
political structure I think that we used to obscure the larger scale ex- In conclusion-Professor Slosson
shall then clearly understand the pediency of the ruling class, which says the British "serf" is very clear
negative quality of the isolationist expediency has as its shadow the about all this. I wish only to point
school of thought. Such a discus- mystical terminology concerned with out that he is very clear about a prob-
sion would smoke out the collectivist "economic warfare." (If you get lem that is not at all clear. I under-
who hopes to take advantage of this ahold of the drawstring that'll un- stand that it isn't the things you
national emergency. ravel; it just means that the local don't know that hurt you, it's the
The tragedy of France, the Low- barons are out to stay on top and the things you know for sure that aren't
lands, and pacifistic Scandinavia little man is going to stand the gaff). so.
must impress upon us the urgent Nonetheless, it is obvious even to - El Sereno

Municipal League,
An Aid To Cities .

. .

state legislative year the Michigan
Municipal League becomes inestimably impor-
tant to the municipalities of the state. Organ-
ized in 1899, the League is founded on the prin-
ciple that "where there are common problems,
cooperative effort is necessary in their solution."
Forty-two years ago a few city officials witli
advanced ideas leagued their municipalities so
that they could mutually help each other with
such common problems. Today these problems
are greater and more complex. Organization is
At present there are 243 municipalities in the
League with about 85% of the total urban popu-
lation of the state. About 77% of all the state
municipalities with 1,000 or more population
assist in the supporting of the organization. The
League has its headquarters in Ann Arbor
where a staff of trained experts answer questions
and problems, sometimes totalling 55,000 during
a given year, sent in by the municipalities.
Typical inquiries are about pension and retire-
ment system, outside fire protection service, fire
and other catastrophe insurance on public prop-
erty and equipment, and operation conditions in
cities under the 15-mill tax limitation amend-
ment. Another service is the training of munici-
pal finance officials, a joint undertaking of the
Municipal Finance Officers' Association, the Ex-
tension Division of the University, the State
Vocational Board and the League. There is,
also a purchasing service which enables mtnici-
palities to pool their orders and receive the bene-
fits of mass purchases. Other valuable depart-
nents axe the Michigan Municipal Utilities
Association which aids cities in plant operation,
and a personnel service which has given assist-
ance to many cities in the drafting of civil service
legislation arid following its adoption has pro-
vided techncal assistance in its operation. At
the same time by its membership in the Ameri-
can Municipal Association, the League can trans-
fer to Michigan municipalities the solutions of
problems obtained by other cities outside the
that supplied by the League during a legis-
lative year. At least one staff member is always
in Lansing to analyze all bills on local govern-
ment. Bulletins are issued by the League to all
members so that they can be kept informed on
proposals affecting them. The League, then,

ticket purchasers are filed in se-
quence and in due course tickets will
be selected accordingly and will be
mailed out about the middle of April
by ordinary mail at purchasers' risks,
unless fee of 18 cents is included for
registration. Please address com-
munications to, or leave orders at the
offices of, the University Musical
Society, Burton Memorial Tower.
Ticket No. 309 will not be honored
at the Frosh Frolic this evening. The
holder should communicate prompt-
ly with Marvin Borman, Chairman
of the Frolic,--2-4401.
Psychology 40: This class will meet
in room 3126 N.S. instead of the regu-
lar room today.
History 38 will not meet today.
History 116 will not meet today.
Professor Dunham will not keep his
consultation hours today.

Ancient Chinese Bronze Mirrors.r
arch 14, 9-12 a.m.,'2-5 and 7-10
p.m. March 15, 9-12 a.m.. and 2-5 University Lecture: Dr. Edgar
p.m. March 16, 2-5 p.m. March 17- Allen, Professor of Anatomy at Yale
21, 2-5 and 7-10 p.m. March 22, 2-5 University School of Medicine, will
p.m. lecture on the subject, "The Ovaries
and Their Hormones," under the
Modern Posters in Alumni Memorial auspices of the Department of Ana-
Hall afternoons, 2-5, through March tomy of the Medical School at 4:15
24, under the auspices of the Ann p.m. today in the Rackham Lecture
Arbor Art Association and the Insti- Hall. The lecture is open to the
tutor F Art i d-public and members of the Michigan
e of ine Academy of Science are especially in-
Javanese and Balinese textiles from__
the collection of Professor and Mrs.I University Lecture: Dr. George D.
Everett S. Brown are on exhibition Birkhoff, Perkins Professor of Mathe-
in the display cases, main floor cor- I matics, Harvard University, will lec-
ridor, Architecture Building, March ture on the subject of "Aesthetic
10-27.'(continued on Page 6)


750 KC -,CBS 930 KC - NBC Red 1030 KS - Mutual 1240 KCNBC Blue
Friday Evening

Bacteriology Seminar on Monday, .6:00 stevenson News Ty Tyson Rollin' Bud shaver
March 17, at 8:00 p.m., in Room 1564 6:15 Hedda Hopper Newscast; Music Home The Factfinder
East Medical Building. Subject: 6:30 Inside of Sports Bill Elliott Conga Day In Review
"Pathogenesis of Pneumonia." All 6:45 Melody Marvels Lowell Thomas Time Baseball Extra
interested are invited. 7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring Happy Joe To be Announced
__--7:15 Lanny Ross Royal Review Val Clare Rhumba Rhythms
Master's Candidates in history: 7:30 Al Pearce Heritage Carson Robison The Lone
The language examination will be 7:45 Al Pearce of Freedoi Leach's Orchestra Ranger
given at 4:00 p.m., Friday, March 28, 80 Kate Smith Cities Service Gilbert And Friday Night
Room B, Haven Hall. Students must 8:15 Kate Smith Concert Sullivan Army Show
bring their own dictionaries. Copies 8:30 Kate Smith Information, 'Light Death Valley
of old examinations are on file in the 8:45 News at 8:55 Please Opera Days
basement study hall of the General 900 Johnny Presents Waltz Sen. Ludington Gang
Library. The examination is written 9:15 Johnny Presents Tone Interlude; News Busters
and lasts one hour. Students may 9:30 Campbell Playhse Everyman's I Want John B. Kennedy
sign up for the examination in the 9:45 Campbell Playhse Theatre A Divorce Your Happy B'thd'y

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