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March 14, 1941 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-03-14

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Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication


Price of A Meal-
Price Of A Life..

VOL. L. No. 115





Gather Today
In 46th Annual
Arts Acaderny
State Academic . Leaders
Will Participate In 17
Discussion Meetings
CoveringMany Fields
Many Contributions
Will Be Considered
The vanguard of the Michigan
Academy of Science, Arts and Letters
arrived in Ann Arbor last night for
the 46th annual session of its or-
ganization, which will open its two-
day meeting today.
Academic leaders from all parts of
the state will participate in the 17
discussion sections, which cover the
fields of anthropology, botany, eco-
nomics, fine arts, folk lore, forestry,
geography, geology and minerology,
history and political science, land-
scape architecture, language and lit-
erature, mathematics, philosophy,
psychology, sanitary and medical -sci-
ence, sociology and zoology.
A wide range of recent contribu-
tions to all fields of knowledge will
be considered at the discussion se-
tions, including such varied topics as
the impersonastion of saints among
the Pueblos, housing problems in the
defense emergency, the reaction to
Socialism in the American Protestant
movement and mental disorders in
Dr. L. A. Kenoyer of Western
State Teachers College will deliver
the annual presidential address at 8
p.m. today in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre. His topic will be "Botanical
Investigations and Opportunities in
Speaking on "Aesthetic Measure,"
Dr. G. D. Birkhoff of Harvard Uni-I
versity will give a special academy
lecture at 4:15 p.m. today in the
Natural Science Auditorium. His
talk will also highlight the con-
vention if the Michigan section of
the Mathematical Association of
America, which is to be held in
conjunction with the Academy
Included among the officers of
the Academy are Prof. Charles F.
Remer of the economics department,
vice-president; Prof. L. J. Young of
the Forestry School, secretary; Mis-
cha Titiev of the anthropology de-
partment, treasurer; Prof. W. C.
Steere of the botany department,
editor; Prof. W. W. Bishop of the
University library, librarian. New of-
ficers will be selected at the annual
business meeting, to be held at 3:00
p.m. tomorrow in Room 2003, Na-
tural Science Building.
A special feature of the philosophy
section program will be a symposium
on "The Ethical Basis of Democ-
racy," to be conducted at 2 p.m. to-
morrow in the East Conference Room
of the Rackham Building under the
direction of Prof. John S. Marshall
of Albion College, Prof. John M. De-
Haan of Michigan State College and
Prof. DeWitt Parker of the philosophy
Puck en Drop
Close Decison

(Special to The Daily)
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Mar. 13-Play-
ing without their star defenseman,
Amno Bessone and Capt. Chet Ziem-
ba, the Illinois Hockey team skated
to a 4-2 decision over a hard-fight-
ing band of Wolverines from Michi-
gan here tonight.,
Although Illinois displayed much
superiority over their Ann Arbor op-
ponents, as they did in last week's
two contests, which Illinois cap-
tured by scores of 7-1 and 8-2, they
were held to four tallies by a master-
iul net-minding job turned in by lit-
tle Hank Loud, Wolverine goalie.
Local fans were loud in their praise
of Loud who, although he made only
29 saves, came up with at least ten
shots fired from sticks of Illinois
players who were completely in the
Now ~~ ,Rmyl.n ~r1 ir ofn,r C~iuan. 1,11al

Leads Grapplers

1500 Will Play In State
Band Festival Saturday

Lend-Lease Bill's Passage
Results In Intensification
Of BrtsNazi Air Raids

Galles Chosen
New Captain
Of Mat Team;
The Michigan wrestling team paid
tribute to Jim Galles, their only 1941
Conference Champion, yesterday,E
when they selected him to lead the
grapplers during the 1941-42 season.
Galles selection was not at all sur-
prising, for he has been one of the
most consistent performers on Cliff
Keen's squad. Last year, as a soph-
more, Jim was a regular 165-pounder
and lost only one match out of nine
in dual meet competition. He then
went on to place second in the Big
Ten Meet.
During the past season Galles, a
Chicago product, continued his fine
work by finishing the dual meet sea-
son with eight victories and no losses,
in addition to winning the Confer-
ence 175-pound crown.
Commenting on the selection of,
his new captain, Coach Cliff Keen
said, "I'm very happy over the se-
lection, and am sure that Jim will
be a very fine leader."
At the annual wrestling banquet,
(Continued on Page 3)
Allen To Give
Yale Professor Will Seak
In Rackham Building
Dr. Edgar Allen, anatomy profes-
sor at Yale University School of
Medicine, will give a University lec-
ture on "The Ovaries and Their
Hormones" at 4:15 p.m. today in the
Rackham lecture Hal, under the aus-
pices of the Medical School Anatomy
Dr. Allen, who began his teaching
work at Washington University in St.
Louispfrom 1919 to 1923, was made
full professor at the University of
Missouri in 1923 and from 1930 to
1933 was dean of the medical school
and director of University Hospital.
He became professor of anatomy
at Yale in 1933 and was made chair-
man of his department. In 1931 he
was vice-president of the Association
of Anatomists, and is now a mem-
ber of the American Medical Asso-
ciation, the Society of Zoologists, and
the Association for the Study of In-
ternal Secretions.

Fifteen hundred junior-high and
high school students will participate
I in the annual Band and Orchestra
Festival sponsored by the Southeast-
ern Michigan Band and Orchestra
Association in cooperation with the
School of Music, to be held here Sat-
Bands and orchestras will be se-
lected at the Festival to represent the
~Southeastern District at the State
Festival, April 18 and 19, in Lansing.
The highlight of the meeting will
be the concert at 8 p.m. Saturday in
Hill Auditorium with all 34 bands
and orchestras attending the Festival
taking part. The concert is open to
the public.
The organizations will be given
ratings on the basis of their perfor-
mance in the concert, and on their
performance in sight-reading at a
meeting to be held in Ann Arbor High:
School. The sight-reading meeting is
not open to the public.
Organizations given first and sec-
ond division ratings may attend the
Lansing Festival as representatives
of the Southeastern .District.
Nilo Hovey of Whiting, Indiana,
will be adjudicator of the concert
performances, and Keith Stein of
Michigan State College, will rate the
bands and orchestras on sight-read-
Both local high schools, Ann Ar-
bor High and-University High School,
will participate in the Festival.
A sound-recording firm will make
Labor, Defensej
Heads Propose
11-Man Board
Would Deal With Strikes
In Important Industries;
Plan Opposed By CIO
WASHINGTON, March 13.-(P-)-
An 11-member Federal Mediation.
Board to deal with strikes in defense
industries was proposed, informed
quarters said tonight, in recommen-
dations given President Roosevelt by

records of the concert Saturday. Rec-
ords will be placed on sale after the
C. Vroman, director of Instrument-
al Music; University High School, is
chairman of the Festival Committee.
Other members are W. R. Champion,
Ann Arbor High School; E. A. Scott,
Maples Junior High, Dearborn; D. W.
Howlette, Wayne; and A. W. Rider,
Simpson Sa ys
Nazis, Britain
Are Letting Go
Indicates A Connection
Between Air Blows,
Bill Enactment
(Associated Press Staff writer)
There was obviously a direct con-
nection between enacting of the
American Aid-for-Britain Bill and the
furious British-German exchange of
air blows that followed.
The British wanted to give a bomb-
illustrated notice to the German peo-
ple that they can expect more and
worse immediately; that American
help for Britain is already effective.
The German counter-blow at Liv-,
erpool areas was obviously planned
to follow up the Nazi boast that
American help will come "too late"
for England. It also probably is a!
forerunner of immediately intensi-
fied Nazi air attack on British ports,
to supplement the war at sea.
Conflicting accounts of losses and
ydamage do not obscure the most sig-
nificant fact of that night of air
duelling. It is, as the British say, a
demonstration that Britain has held
in reserve a powerful and slowly-
accumulated bomber force, now
turned loose.
With replacemerias assured by the
American aid, program, Britain can
risk its reserve in stepped-up of-
fensive action. It is already reaching

How Greece Might Be Invaded
I 0~ovKIAU. S. S. R.
:.AY ®ALONIK A . "'
.-. . .
- -0. ATHENS.a:.
0 O300


This map indicates how adherence of Yugoslavia to the Axis,
which Belgrade.-reported was in prospect, could open the way for a
double-pronged German attack from the north. In addition, Greece
is engaged in fighting an Italian army in Albania. German troops
now are massed in Bulgaria near the Greek border.
Yugoslaiv-Heads Confer
Ont.Policy 0Toward AXIS

h"" eout to harvest the first fruits of
his labor secretary and defense pro- Amrcnuep
duction chiefs.Amercan help.
How many of the ships that blasted
Secretary Perkins, William S. at Berlin or other targets in Ger;
Knudsen, director of the Office of a n or he trs n Geross
Prodctin MaageentandSid many' may have first flown across
Productney Hillman, associate director, laid the Atlantic is unrevealed. The num-
the proposal before Mr. Roosevelt at her may have been comparitively
a White House conference,. small, but it is clear the British are
They declined to disclose details counting heavily on air-ferried planes
but welld-infored sodusces said teyto meet future bomber replacement
butpWell-informdurcesosaidot requirements and steadily increase
propoed a hoard made upvofsfeou the size of the long-range fleet.
femployer and four labor represent-


atives with three additional members
to represent the public.
The plan was said to have the ap-
proval of the AFL, but to be opposed
by the CIO on the grounds it would I
lead to compulsory arbitration of
labor disputes.
While details of the plan were with-j
held, it was indicated it did not pro-
pose as broad powers for the board as
were considered at one time. Studyt
has been given for weeks tothe idea,
of creating a board similar to the1
World War Agency which handled1
labor disputes by voluntary compli--
ance of labor and industry.j
At a recent press conference, Pres-
ident Roosevelt indicated that if such
n. dn H a. rrtard it mia hnc

ASCI4P Fined
For Violating
A nti-Trust Act,
MILWAUKEE, Wis.,,-(A") - The
Government's campaign to break the
American Society of Composers, Au-
thors and Publishers' grip on the na-
tion's music ended in Federal Court
today with imposing of $35,250 in
fines on the Society, its 26 leaders
and 19 music publishing houses.
All pleaded nolo contendere toC
U~±~t W~±~ ~ IU 1IL~±1U violatio of teSrmnAi-us

(By The Associated Press)
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, March 13.
-Like men lost in a maze, leaders
of the World-War-born-kingdom con-'
ferred for hours today in an effort to
find a way to appease Germany with-
out lashing their nation to the Ber-
lin-Rome-Tokyo Axis.
Chief Regent Prince Paul and Pre-
mier Dragisa Cvetkovic locked them-
selves in conferences in Deinje Pal-
ace's study, but what conclusions
they reached were not disclosed.
Earlier Cvetkovic conferred with
Dr. Vladimir Macek, leader of the
Croations and lesser politicians.
Only along the short Greek fron-
tier could Yugoslavia still count on
non-Axis friendship, and access to
that 100-odd mile gateway is the
principal objective of German press-
Greece, which has declared it will
continuesits fight against the Axis
regardless of Yugoslavia's decision,
busily fortified Thrace against at-
tack of a German army on its Bul-
garian frontier and continued Ito
move civilians out of the line of
Turkey still watched the situation
calmly, but with warlike prepara-
tions. Officially inspired newspapers
counselled the public to be calm, and
assured the nation defenses were
"adequate" for any contingency.
In German quarters in Belgrade

there were reports Berlin was grow-
ing impatient for Yugoslavia's de-
cision and might demand a quick re-
ply to the "invitation to join the
Yugoslavs still carry over from
World War days a hatred of the Ger-
mans and, conversely, affection for
Britain and France, who helped at!
Versailles to amalgamate with the
Serbs the numerous minor and an-
tagonistic races which form this larg-
est Balkan nation.
Leaders of the nation's army of a
million still talk some of the possi-
bility of military resistance, but poli-
tical leaders in answer point to the
map showing five Axis countries ring-
ing Yugoslavia.
Art Cinema Film
Continues Today
"University of Life," biographical
film dealing with life of the Rus-
sian writer Maxim Gorky, will be
given its second showing by the Art
Cinema League at 8:30 p.m. today
in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre.
Tickets for the performance, which
will be continued tomorrow night,
are 35 cents and may be obtained
either by calling 6300 or at the box-
office of Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.

RAF's Cautious Campaign
Dropped As U.S. Planej
Provide Needed Reserve
Liverpool Target
Of German Attack
(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, March 14.-(Friday)-
German bombers, the howlin har-
bingers of spring, aimed furiously at
the ports of Britain last night and to-
day while the British doggedly fought
back and thankfully credited Ameri-
can aid with making possible a great
developing offensive of their own
against the Nazis.
The Germans lashed at Liverpool
and the Merseyside on the west
coast, at London, and at an uniden-
tified northeastern city, but the Brit-
ish said five Nazis already had been
shot down, bringing the bag to 17
since Wednesday night.
(The Germans said they were
raiding Glasgow, big west Scottish
port, but- the British were silent on
that score.)
The British said the attack on
the northeast city was its worst of
the war, featured by Nazi scream-
bombs and a fierce defensive barrage.
On the offensive side, the British
told of far-ra4ging attacks Wed-
nesday night and Thursday morning
on Germany and German-occupied
territories, and daylight assaults yes-
terday on the French coast.
In an informed quarter it was
made plain, with restrained exulta-
tion, that the days of Britain's "pen-
uriously defensive" strategy in the
air were over and done; that, by
President Roosevelt's signature of the
lease-lend bill, Britain is able at last
"to launch a really offensive war"
in the skies.
Explosions rolled across the Eng-
lish Channel this afternoon to sig-
nal a running broad-daylight Brit-
ish bombing attack upon the Nazi-
held French coast which was cen-
tered about Calais.
Nazis Claim New Weapons
Used In Assaults
(By 'The Associated Press)
BERLIN, March 13-The Germans
followed up a fiery assault against
Liverpool with a declaration today
that they have contrived new and
sharper air and sea weapons for "the
Battle of the Atlantic."
The hours-long attack on Liver-
pool-British west coast port of en-
try for American supplies-was made
by the Luftwaffe while the British
Air Force was carrying out deadly
overnight raids on Berlin, Bremen
and Hamburg. The German high
command reported "several hundred"
Nazi planes were sent against Liver-
At Cardiff, at least ten large fires
were started and at London, the
Purfleet docks wereerocked by ex-
plosions, DNB reported.
In addition, hangars, barracks and
searchlight batteries of ten airdromes
in middle and south England were
declared by the agency to have been
"effectively bombarded."
Informed quarters said the RAF
attackers killed 16 persons and in-
jured 37 in its first raid on Berlin
in 82 nights. Three were reported
killed and three injured at Bremen
and none at Hamburg. Only minor
damage was acknowledged at all
three places.
Hillel To Hear
Stevens' Tall
Guest Speaker To Discuss
'This Changing World'

Albert K. Stevens of the English
department will be the guest speaker
on the Fireside Discussion program
at 8:15 p.m. today at the Hillel Foun-
The subject of Stevens' talk will
be the general topic, "This Changing
World-Techniques for Living."

a oura erecreceaiL ign nae+ violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust
far broader duties than did the World Act.
War Board. For instance, he said, Judge F. Ryan Duffy fined ASCAP

it might be charged with formulating
a long-range program to prevent con-
centrating labor in a few key cities
after the current emergency is over.

Preuss Says German Victory
A Danger To U.S. Democi
By HOMER SWANDER they are still democraciesa
If the time comes when Great Bri- peoples enjoy an extento
tain needs active aid in her fight which is not possible und
against Germany our country must regime," he emphasized.
be ready and willing to give it, de- \ "If Germany wins we wil
Glared Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the chance to better our prese
political science delJartment in a cracy, for our whole intere
talk yesterday sponsored by the in defense, and reforms wil
American Student Defense League. be forgotten. For this reas
"Unless we quibble," he pointed no 'other, the United Stat
out, "the United States is in the war send England all possible a
right now-at least we are not neu- In the event of a Britis
tral. Thus, in the event of a Nazi Preuss forsaw the possibi
victory they would attempt a policy strong international or&
of retaliation against us. This policy which would insure the pea
would force us to maintain a gigantic world.
defense program which would im- "Such an organization,'
poverish the nation, foster the growth plained, "would be compos

and their
of liberty
er a Nazi
1 have no
nt demo-
nst will be
ll have to
on, if for
es should
yid." ,
h victory
lity of a
ace of the
" he ex-
ed of this

$5,000; levied $1,500 fines on Gene
Buck, president, E. C. Mills, chair-
man of the administrative cbmmit-
tee, and John G. Apine, general man-
ager; fined 23 other ASCAP officials
$500 each; and fined the corporations
$750 each.
The Government's bill of criminal
information charged 10 specific vio-
lations of the Anti-Trust Law, in-
cluding conspiracy to pool and con-
trol desirable copyrighted music avail-
able for commercial use and main-
tain a monopoly.
Disposing of the criminal case fol-
lowed by only a few weeks the sign-
ing of a consent decree whereby
ASCAP would desist from practices
held by the Government to be ob-
White To Give Radio
Talk On Free Speech
Lee A. White, Director of Public
Relations of the Detroit News will
speak today at 10:30 p.m. over WJR
on the subject, "Our Freedom of

Brief Work Stoppage Reported
At Ford Rolling Mills In Detroit


DETROIT, March 13.-(Y)-A dis-
pute developed tonight as to whether
there had been an actual work stop-
page at a Ford Motor Company plant
this afternoon and meanwhile plans
were speeded for a hearing on the
petition of the CIO's United Auto
Workers for a Ford election.
At reports of a disturbance at the
Ford rolling mills and open-hearth
department-later described by Harry
Bennett, Ford personnel chief, as "a
little excitement"-police of subur-
ban Dearborn went to the plant about
noon today.
A Union spokesman said there had
been "a brief stoppage of work" by
about 3,000 employes who he said
were demanding reinstatement of

the rolling mills grew out of a "mis-
understood" statement he had given
Dewey regarding rehiring of the men.
"There was a little excitement for
a few minutes until I got there,"
Bennett said.
"If the mills were down for an
hour," he said in denying there had
been a cessation of work, "they'd be
down for a year."
Remarking that "it's plain that
something has to be done here," Frank
H. Bowen, regional director here of
the National Labor Relations Board,
announced that the Ford election
hearing had been set, tentatively for
March 24.
The hearing will involve the Rouge
and Lincoln plants of the Ford Com-

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