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March 12, 1941 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-03-12

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Grecian,_Chinese Influences Are Seen InSpring Silhoi


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New Peplums
Create Clever'
Jacket Effects
Regency Ruffles, Harkening
Back To Beau Brummell Days,,
Add Smart Touch To Frocks
Peplums, tiers, and tunics - this is'
'the trio that assumes the limelight in
the fashion silhouette for spring.
You'll find the big three in evidence
everywhere this season along with
interest in ruffles and Dolman sleeves.
The peplum is one reason why all
eyes are on skirts. One dress of navy
blue wool is looped up and puffed
out like a milkmaid's and trimmed,
with bows. A new look for suits is
created with a peplum flipping out
from under the jacket of a navy en-

Ruffld Tiers Add Glamorous Note
4," /
t /i 4,

Prints Strike
Primary Note

Bibs Are Back Again

"Favorite Item" In W ardrobe
Includes Earrings, And Overalls


n Chic Modes

Peplums Are Smart
A becoming blue and white print
number creates the illusion of a jack-
et with ruffles down the front extend-
ing into a peplum around the hips.
Tiers are seen in a double decker
version on a black silk crepe dress
with a touch of white at the throat,
and on an evening gown of black net
which juts out in a tremendous
flounce when the wearer sits down.
Hips Are Accented
Tiers and peplums are indicative
of a definite interestirt accenting the
hips, while at the same time skirts
are becoming narrower, yet far from
tight. Current events always focus the
attention of fashion arbiters on par-
ticular countries, and this time the
trend is definitely Grecian.
The tunic, traditional garb of the
ancient creeks, has been adapted for
this modern generation in all its sim-
plicity and graceful, flowing lines.-
One long tunic of navy wool, but-
toned down the front, gives us a
glimpse of a blue and white plaid
petticoat. Evening gowns of softly
draped rayon jersey in tender pastels
reflect the strong classic influence of
that tiny Balkan country. Cascading
tiers, a low round neckline, and long
tight sleeves comprise one costume
for evening.
Chinese Version Offered
From t ne Chinese comes another
version of the tunic in ,3he form of a
long molded dinner sheath- slim -ind
straight in alternating Iands of tur-
quoise and black silk. The Near East,
on which the eyes of the world are
now focused, contributes its own
share to spring fashions with the
harem dress, featuring front fullness.
Newest innovation this spring is the
structural change in sleeves. No long-
er do we have the football hero
shoulders, broad and padded, for the
trend is definitely toward sloping
shoulders with the revival of the once
popular Dolman sleeves. Inserted in-
to deep armholes, they are often com-
bined with a yoke effect, soft and,
feminine in appearance. This accent'
on gentle, sloping shoulders is evident
in ;dresses, coats, and suits.
Ruffles Reappear
From England this spring, comes a
trend hearkening back to the Beau
Brummels and dandies of eighteenth
century England,, namely Regency
ruffles. A bit of white frill at the
wrists, a bunch of lace at the throat,
or a cascade of ruffles down the
front in the effect of a jabot - all
reminiscent of a more peaceful era
in English history..-
Springtime always brings an influx
of suits, and this year is no excep-
tion, but even more prominent are
the little jacket dresses, suitable for
so many occasions. Boleros, tiny,
fitted and hugging your waist -
Chinese houseboy jackets, cutaway
versions - nearly all collarless.
Whether you stick to your sailors
with flying collars and your soldiers
with military influence, being patriot-'
ically American, or whether you suc-
cumb to the tunics and tiers of an-
cient Greece, is up to you. But what-
ever you choose, wear it with confi-
dence, for this year's fashions are
fortunately figure-flattering.

. k
Biege Is Most Popular Color E
For All New Spring Footwear
At this time when spring begins ed so many. They come in capeskin


Unusual Figure Designs Draw
Attention In Models Of Rayon,
Jersey And Taffeta Materials
Comes spring, come new clothes,
and there is certainly plenty of room
for choice this season!
Prints, as ever, will be a primaryI
note in the fashion world this spring.
For the more conservative, there areI
innumerable small flower prints, ani-4
mal prints, symbolic prints and so
on until the designers' imaginations
seem to have run out. There's even a
rayon crepe print with small Navy
insignias on it, and another with
tiny streamlined headlights.
Are Ysu Sophisticated?
For the scphisticate, there is a lus-
cious silk jersey number with a black
basque bodice and a splashy print
skirt, or an all-over splashy print
with the newest change in 1941E
dresses-the dolman sleeve which has
gently padded, sloping shoulders.
Anyone with a slinky figure could
successfully wear a striking model
of a harem-draped dress. It's in
silk jersey and accentuates a lovely
figure. Nothing ventured, nothing
gained! Another fashidn "must" this
season is the 'demure peplum dress.
It's a tiny rayon print and the jabot?
and peplum effect combine to make
a most entrancing outfit.
Tunics Share Spotlight
Tunics again share the spotlight in
style news and we find one stunnin
number in wool and taffeta. The
tunic is light-weight wool over a
plaid taffeta petticoat and has a pert
bow at-the neckline of the same plaid
Or there's a smooth outfit with
the tunic and peplum effect combined
in tiers down the whole length of the
skirt. It comes in black or any of
the most popular pastels.
Black and white! White and black!
There's nothing particularly new
about this favorite combination, butI
there certainly are a flock of brand
new dresses that will catch the eye
of any man who has an ounce of ap-
preciation for the well-dressed "gal
about town."
Black Rates Again
One demurely sophisticated model!
is a one piece black crepe with a
huge, removable linen collar, hand
embroidered about the edges in color-
ful designs. It has matching linen
cuffs too. Or for the pert collegian
there's a navy-blue rayon bengaline
with a tiny round pique collar and
matching cuffs on the elbow length
sleeves. Worn with a navy-blue
sailor hat, it's an outfit to be proud


Ranging from earrings to over-
alls, the "favorite item" in the clos-
ets and dresser drawers of Michigan
women stubbornly refuses to limit
itself to that "indispensable black
But in all fairness to the perennial
favorite, mention was made of one
black silk all-purpose dress in answer
to the question, "What is the favorite
item of your wardrobe, the piece that
has a personality of its own-that
does ssomething, for you?-The one
you wouldn't sell for.twice what it
cost you?"
In no case was an answer duplicat-
ed, so that a survey of the completed1
census reads much like a wardrobe
Individual Opinions Given
"My high heeled shoes do some-,
thing for me," sighed one tiny senior.
Another was strong in the defense'
of saddle shoes, and the comfortable'
collegiate feeling they give. Still
down to earth, a vote was cast for
white fur scuffies.
No honor was given the glamor of
silk close, but a pair of hand snit'
pastel angora socks were included
with a matching sweater as one
wardrobe favorite.
Mention was made of a pink net
evening dress with a long fitted waist
". . . because it makes me feel so
slender and graceful." the girl fin-

to lighten the hearts and to make the
feet lighter, it's high time to scan
the local show windows and plan your
own personal shoe parade.
The 1941 forecast of shoe news
seems to be inclined to favor beige as
the top color of the season. It's pop-
ular because it's so practical. Try
beige shoes with red, navy-blue, beige,
brown, green print dresses and see
if any other color could serve the
same purpose as well. As for styles,
it comes in a calfskin sandal, suede
opera pump, ghillie and any other
kind you could possibly want.
Moccasins Are Varied

ished frankly, "and shows my shoul-
For the same reasons, another fa-
vorite was cited as a pair of trim
fitted overalls, now looking forward
to its third summer season.
Many were the votes in favor of
"glamor clothes"-a draped chiffon
evening gown, a white pique bath-
ing suit, a pair of tiny gold and
ruby ear rings, a new fur jacket,
and a sheer long sleeved blouse.
Collar Is Favorite
Just as frequent was the mention
of practical or sentimental items.
There was a plain starched white col-
lar that goes with all the sweaters.
A lace trimmed blue dress was men-
tioned that "he" likes. A favorite old
fashioned nightgown, a classic roller
brim hat, a pair of comfortable slacks
with contrasting loose jacket, an im-
ported tweed jacket, each of these
was mentioned as somebody's most
cherished wardrobe item.
And to show that it takes all kinds,
cooks as well as movie queens, one
pretty freshman insisted that nothing
'makes her feel so comfortable and
attractive as an apron.
Hats To Be Corny
Hat designers seem to have a knack
for thinking up new ideas. Large
ears of corn may now add the finish-
ing touch to your Easter chapeau.

red, blue, saddle, rust with contrast- I
ing color trim. Try them they
make w4alking a pleasure.
For those who wish a short-appear-
ing shoe, stylists are presenting a;
shoe made to make the foot looki
small. It has an open toe, low V,
throat, lacings and a patent leather
bow, and is constructed out of elasti-;
cized wool twill.
College girls still give the various
pump creations their utmost approv-
al. For informal dances, no shoe
could make the foot look trimmer.
Spectator pumps in warm weather'
combinations of brown and white and
blue and white are now coming in to

Making a picture reminiscent of
the breath of spring, this print
dress features the new lacy bib
collar and two 'slit pockets giving
a peplum effect. The matching hat
tips over one eye and' is trimmed
to match the design in the dress.
Flattering = to the figure, the cos-
tume is appropriate for both after-
noon and date affairs.

As Spring Approaches
WISE Thoughts Turn To
SPRING is one time of the year that we all
like our rooms to look bright and beautiful
Prepare for that Spring "refreshening" with
new bridge, luncheon, and dinner sets, dress-
er scarfs, and towel sets.
"Always reasonably Priced"
oo ;O O ;;;G ;;;;;;;.o






Fashion experts have long ago replace the winter spectators of brown
given up hope of ever creating any- and black suede and to join the sad-
thing that would perhaps replace the dle leather pumps already introduced.
saddle shoes, even temporarily. Keep- Pumps Remain Popular
ing pace with the saddle shoe fame Other pumps appear in tortoise.
are your favorite moccasins given calfskin with square toes, stitched
fresh interest by the thonged sole walls adorned with buckles or bows,
and boxed toe. Ten too, there's a and sometimes trimmed in erminel
moccasin of natural saddle leather, i snake skin.
with a certain Indian-and-cowboy Oxfords express an. extraordinarily1
touch obtained by the use of fringe degree of plainness. Simplicity in
and gilt here and there. hand-stained calfskin marks the lat-
The colonial moccasin leather sole est trend in oxfords. Some come in
and a slight heel adopted so univer- fine-grained, alligator lizards while
sally by coeds everywhere is deemed other oxfords boast a complete line of;
to become all the more popular in all the new spring shades: bamboo,
light spring colors of saddle tan, beige, maple tree, Yankee blue and
white, blue ancd antique brown. flag red.




For the evenings this spring when
it's too warm to wear a coat, there's
a sheer crepe number, sort of a dress
and coat ensemble, with a square
froth of white topping the whole ef-



Wedge heel shoes of suede-like re-
versed cowhide and capeskin are the
newest characteristics of wedges and
the Indian influence seems to indi-
cate new heights of sport and beach
popularity this spring.
New Sandal Amuses
Modes of beach saddles have been
maintaining a steady pace except for
a new sandal built around the late
heel and toe "rocking-walk" princi-
ple, which has amused and astound-

Three creations entitled "Pecos,
"Concho," and "Rio Grando" have
trapped the colorful west in .their
lines and makeup by borrowing bits
of this and that from the cowboy,
ranger, Indian and he-man and mix-
ing them carelessly with many colors
and styles that the 1941 spring is
bringing in.
Remember when you choose your'
shoes, "a man's best friends are his
'dogs' " so treat them like friends,,
dress them up in the creations that:
the nation has anonymously accepted j
and annrova

Neutral Tan Coats
Prove Campus Hit
Every Spring a new fad sweeps the
campus. In 1940 it was the cardi-
gan sweaters which the students took
to in great style, while this year it
is the campus coat that is proving
to be a sensation. A popular feature
-there are models for both men and
Neutral tan is definitely the most
popular color although jackets in blue,
green, and grey are seen. These cam-
pus coats come in a 3 button plain
back model with a drape effect.


White To Be Splashed
Every fashion-wise frock this spring
will sport flashes of white and the
bolder the better. Frilled collars and
cuffs, simulated monograms done in
white, even frills of white peeping
from beneath the hemline char-
acterize the najority of the important
spring models.


ULIU upplumu. '

/ r
-" '

- Yardley
- Lentheric
- Schiaparelli
* Flizabeth Arden
" Prince Matchabelli

Ch e a
__ C
.. ay be found in our "individualized"
. -. a i4 / >c C2.?,P j 7C'1f"1

The creative efforts of internationally famous artists have
takenm material form.
The siill of the finest craftsmen in this fascinating industry,
1s evident.
We, who are the go-between, have for weeks and months,
scoured every possible resource in the mark.ets of the country, to
see that Ann Arbor's women get correct fashions.
We won't sell anything unless it is inherently good, and we
will continue a policy, of "new goods every day" that has been
successful for so many years.
For Spring -


Vlo I

" Coty
" Ar-Ex
- D'Orsay
+ Revlon
" Marcelle
- La Crosse
* Max Factor
" Lucien Lelong
- Helena Rubenste

4 j7



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