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September 28, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-09-28

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
.chigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
ident Publications.
Published every morning except. Monday during the
niversity year alid'Sunlmer "Session.
Member of the Associated Press.
The Associated Press is. exclusively 'entitled to the
e for republication of all news dispatches credited tq
or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. Ali
hts of republication of all other matters herein alsOf
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
cond class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
00; by mail, $4.50:
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Rejresentatsve
ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff

Carl Petersen . .
Elliott Maraniss
Stan M. Swinton .
Morton L. Linder
Norman A. Schorr
Dennis Flanagan
John N. Canavan
Ann Vicary . .
Mel Fineberg .

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City ,Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
*Associate Editor
. Women's Editor
. Sports Editor

RB . Sclssoe *J54

vuszness talf
ness Manager . .
Business Mgr., Credit Manager
fen's Business Manager
fen's Advertising Manager
ications Manager


. 'Paul R. Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zenovia SUoratlw
.*J ane Mowers
. Harriet S. Levy

The editorials published ini The Michigaf
Dlailyare written by member of The Daily I
staff and represent the views of the witers
ohly. -
The Rediscovey
x F-,
Of America . . .
VER SINCE Van Wyck Brooks
. started his search in 1916 for a
"usable past" in American life there: have been
numerous attempts to derive from American his-
tory justification for' certain contenpor-ary
practices and ideas. Receorrse to tradition ha's,
of course, always been the most successful mnethod.
of appeal in any country -an1d at every stagein
bistory: but in:America, despite the'coiiparative
recency of the settlement of the 4fl0tizient :
method has had particular success because of
the persistent belief here that American Iii ti-
tutions and the American psychology are sign-
ficantly distinctive.
For the most part this diligent conjuring up
of the past has resulted in a noisy nativism and
an arrogant disregard for the basic similarities
in the problems confronting people all over the
World. If, for example, racial and social Intol-
erance has engulfed Germany, it is not at all a
result of some ineradicable inhumaniity in-the
German character, but rtJer the result of cer-
tain economic and political cUses-causes which
would undoubtedly affect Americana 1i the same
way if they became pronounced here. There
however, a distinct advantage in remindlt
Americans of some of the democratic principles
upon which this country was founded, if only to
remind us of how far we have recently traveled
from some of them.
In this respect the recent announcement by
the American Committee for Democracy and
Intellectual Freedom, consisting of scientists and
educators pledged to protect and extend intellec-
tual freedom and to combat propaganda for
racial and religious discrimination or- intoler-.
anee, that it has designated the week of Oct. 8th
as American Rediscovery Week, will be of -inter-
est to all who are concerned about our democ-
The project has already been endorsed by
many public officials,; churchmen aind -educa-
.tors, including Governors Townsend, Jones ari
Carr of Indiana, Arizona. and' Colorado, respec-
tively, the Rev. Samuel.McCrea Cavert, executive
secretary of the Federal Council of Churches of
Christ in America, Miss Kathryn MHale, execu-
tive director of the American Association of Uni-
versity Women, Bishop Alexander Mann of Pitts-
burg, Dean Christian Gauss of Princeton Utni-
versity, and hundreds of others. The Commit-
tee's proclamation states that our traditional
rights are "once again being challenged by pow-
erful foes of equality and liberty, both at home
and abroad through attempts to curb freedom of
speech and suffrage, through false racial theories,
and through attempts to deny to the foreign born
and alien the equal protection of the laws."
The feature activity of American Rediscovery
Week, the committee announced, will be a nation'.
.wide series of meetings on Columbus Day, with
the master meeting in the Court of Peace of
the New York World's Fair. It would be entirely
fitting for the Michigan meeting to be held here
in Ann Arbor. This, we believe, is an excellent
opportunity for the various groups of student
and faculty organizations at the University to
perform a real service to both democracy and
-Elliott Marniss

Congress Must Choose..
To the Editor:
Editors Maraniss and Petersen deserve high
praise for their words of Sept. 26. They are
virtually alone, among the opponents of cash
and carry, in accepting the full consequence of
their position. True, consistent, honest opposi-
tion to President Roosevelt's recommendations
can only come from people who abandon the
anomalies of the status quo. The present hodge-
podge itself contains more of the ,evils which
righteous anti-repealers abhor than does the
President's proposal. There are, tgough, very
strong arguments against the "consistent" stand
of The Daily editors. Those arguments will be
suggested in a later letter. But what must first
be stressed is that even if Messrs. Maraniss and
Petersen were entirely correct, they would still
have only given a solution characteristic of a
pseudo-scientist who forgets to regard his actual
data. Right or wrong, gentlemen, Congress is
apparently not going to give any attention to
your stand. Yours, and not "the entire debate
concerning the neutrality act," is a "sham
battle." There are not three alternatives: i.e.
(1). Mr. Roosevelt's plan, (2) the status quo, and
(3) the Daily editors' plan. The actual battle
in Congress, and among the people, is being
fought primarily between supporters of Mr.
Roosevelt's revisions and supporters of the
status quo. Not a single anti-repeal Senator,
not even such influential supporters as Henry
Fiord, Lindbergh, and the Bund, have dared pro-
pose complete non-intercourse. The reasons
why such political and economic celibacy can-
not be considered will be suggested in a sub-
sequent letter. The outstanding matter to be
stressed now is that, apparently, we do not have
your alternative to chose.
A fundamental weakness seems to be that your
chief criterion (the moth-eaten, single-thread
explanation 'that "profiteers and munitions -
makers are intent on getting us into the con-
flict") is disproved by your own admission that
"there is no easy and epigrammatic explana-
tion. . ." So it seems at least fair to ask you
to reexamine your stand along three lines. (1)
Discover whether your proposal has any chance
of becoming a factor in the situation. (2) Dis-
cover whether Mr. Roosevelt's proposal or the
status: quo is to be preferred, should these be
the only effective alternatives. (3) Discover
whether your non-intercourse panacea, though
*dnittedly safer ground than the status quo
can be for a i anti-repealer, is actually prefer-
ableto the- President's proposals.
In answering the first, -as has already been
suggested, you are quite sure to ru into diffi-
The second reexamination may leave you even
more uncomfortable for the following reasons.
(1) There is more danger of an "inflammable in-
ciden now than with cash and carry. All but
processed military goods can now be carried In
ouif ships to belligerents. ° Mr. Roosevelt would
have all goods, of any kind, sent to the belliger-
elts in their own bottoms. Travel of American
ctizens on belligerent vessels would likewise be
restrained. (2) There is nothing any more un-
neutral about shipping finished war materials
than there is in shipping the raw materials and
in shipping the basic commodities necessary to
the subsistence of belligerents' populations. You
tacitly admit that when you retreat into your
shell of isolation, of complete' non-intercourse
(3) Shipment of raw materials to the allied bel-
ligerents means that they must just lose time
and energy, in processing them, which might
. otherwise be spent in hurrying along the war.
-This status quo condition subjects us to all of
the dangers of helping the allies, without mak-
ing that help effective. This consideration be-
9cmes especially significant if you can agree that
the' character of American mass psychology is
sucb- tlat, regardless of present protestations,
we would be drawn in on. -the side of England
and France if they were losing drastically. That
is. whether we like it or not, an eventual defeat,°
or near defeat, of the Allies must bring us in.
If 20 per cent of our people would be willing to
give military assistance now, in the event of allied

losses; as Dr. Gallup reports, how long would it
take for 31 per cent more to swing that way if
disastrous defeat did actually seem imminent.
Like it or not, that is a datum which may have
to be accepted and reckoned with. Therefore
it Is to our best interest to do all that we can
under the guise of neutrality to help the allies
to help themselves. The least this can do is
postpone our entry into the war; the most it can
do, and this is not at all unlikely, is remove the
necessity for our ever having to participate in
fighting. (4) Th danger of involvement in order
to protect American loans abroad is greater un-
der our present arrangement than it would be
under cash and carry. With cash and carry the
only pressure would be eventually that seeking
to loosen the restriction on granting of credit.
This pressure could be evaluated on its own
merits, much later on, when many of the con-
trolling factors in the scene might have been
altered into others of those perplexing combina-
tions and permutations which keep all of us
from framing tight-fitting -analyses.
The third reexamination would be only what
debaters call an "even if" affair. Even if there
were any chance of complete non-intercourse
being the policy, would it be worthwhile? In
spite of the length of your able and sincere
treatment of this point, it may possibly be that
there are reasons to make you falter here as
well. However it would be asking too much for.
you to consider more than what has just been
said, for today. One possible economic analysis
of the consequences of your "non-intercourse"
will follow tomorrow.
-James Duesenberry, Grad.
-Robert Rosa, Grad.

BIy Young qulliver
We're off! Gulliver does not like:
(1) Hervie Haufler's editorial in Wednesday's
(2) The "Cold Shoulder For Mooney" piece
under Hervie's editorial.
(3) Professor Slosson's letter to the editor.
In order to finish off the editorial page,
Broun's piece acted as. a mild irritant, ,orty Q
was OK, and the DOB left Gulliver cold. Now
let us apply ourselves to the task of analyzing
the three major annoyances at yesterday's
breakfast table.
Hervie thinks our debt is too big. So does
everybody else, including FDR. But Hervie has
a new way of getting rid of it. We just tax
everybody until we get forty billion dollars extra,
and then we haven't got any debt. Now Hervie
is a good boy and his heart is in the right place,
although you'd never suspect it from his edi-
torial. He knows perfectly well that the Federal
Government has already cut down to the point
where there is going to be a lot of suffering this
winter; ex-WPA workers are going to have a
tough time feeding the family. Why? Because
the National Association of Manufacturers, the
Chamber of Commerce, and other disinterested
groups of small business men don't even want to
pay for the WPA as it stands. They have th
clever idea that the people who make just
enough to keen off WPA should carry the WPA
on their shoulders. This is what they mean by
"restoration of confidence, "freedom from gov-
ernment interference," "less bureaucracy," and
so on, ad nauseam. Now Hervie, how do you
expect these gents to pay off the forty billion?
Or are the WPA lads supposed to chip in?
The trouble with the liberals around here is
that they don't read the Wall Street Journal
carefully enough.,
Next comes the St. Louis Post-Dispatch story
about Tom Mooney. They think it's a fine idea
that the AFL unidns are giving Mooney the cold
shoulder. Why? ' "Tom 'Mooney and his old-
school radicaism have nothing to offer organ-
ized labor today. What labor needs is not con-
trovers but a unifying force, and the only
thing Tom Mooney has ever united on was his
camptign to gt himnslf out of jail." Well, boys,
We might as well "chalk th'e Post Dispatch off our
rapidly dwindling lit of decent American news-
papers. Ifi Moo ney were still in jail, we might
call the Dispatch artile kicking a man while
he's down. But since he's out of jail, we'll call
it kiciing a nan while -he's -just getting up off
the floor. Mooney' has .dedicated the remainder
of. his lif$ to fighting for the freedom of Warren
K. Billings and' working for unity between the
AFL and the CO. But the Dispatch evidently
has another kind of unifying force in mind. It
looks to ulliver as though -they'd like to see
Mooey in the role of ''a stooge for Weeping
William Green, John Frey, and the whole crew
that runs the AFL. Rtinning the AFL seems to
consist of collecting dues, attending dinners,
giving speeches 'on historic occasions, and con-
sorting at various times with big-time indus-
trialists, finks, labor rats, strikebreakers and
other assorted citizens, as well as defending the
purity of the parent body with shouts of "Red!"
at the -barest- whisper that there may be times
when altal and labor do not see eye to eye.
Dear Editors of the Post-Dispatch: Shame on
you. Please cancel my subscription.
Now Gulliver shall proceed to alienate Profes-
sor Slosson. His letter boils down to an attack
nn isolation and a defense of collective security.
Gulliver shall overlook his factual errors (we
rln't export Ford cars to Canada. The Ford
Motor Co. Ltd. of Canada makes them there)
and concentrate on his defense of collective
security. With whom are we to collect? Regard-
less of what we may think of the recent actions
of. the USSR, they were willing to play ball with
Britain, and it has been proved that Chamberlain
blew his chances sky high by sending a couple
of lance-corporals and a clerk from the Foreign
Office to negotiate. Chamberlain doesn't want

collective security with us. What he will want
from us in the near future may be far more sin-
ister. Ditto Daladier, who has tied France to the
tail of the British Tories and reduced it to the.
status of a second-rate pqwer. So we can't have
collective security.
Once Professor Slosson admits this, he may
counter with the statement that he wants the
U.S. to help England and France, since he has
already linked our sympathy with Loyalist Spain,
Czechoslovakia, and Ethiopia, with the future of
England and France. To Gulliver this compari-
son is extremely invidious. For England and
France share the guilt for the fate of those three
countries with -Hitler and Mussolini. This is no
time to forget (1) the Hoare-Laval agreement,
(2) the Non-Intervention agreement, (3)
led the struggle against the fatal policy of
appeasement, who insisted that genuine aid be
given to Poland, and who today condemn the
prosecution of the war under Daladier and
Chamberlain as an imperialist slaughter.
In America our own Hoovers and Tafts and
Garners are pursuing a course similar to Dala-
dier's. Their attack on the New Deal and every-
thing progressive, their misrepresentation of
the actions of the Soviet Union, their slanders
and threats against the Communists-these are
tactics calculated to pave the way for cracking
down on the ,living standards and rights of all
the people, for drawing America into the war
on one side or the other in the interests of
American imperialism.
These tories are leveling their heaviest fire
against the Communists and the Communist
Party in America. They do so because here

Drew Person
WASHINGTON-An reports from
Europe indicate that the present war-
time censorship is far stricter than
during the World War. This is espe-
cially true on the Western Front.
From diplomatic dispatches not
subject to censorship, however, it is
now possible to draw a pretty good
picture of what actually is happening
on the Western Front.
Most important fact is that the
French are moving with extreme cau-
tion and there have been no major
gains. So far they have not pene-
trated any part of the actual Sieg-
fried Line. All of the towns and vil-
lages which the French have cap-
tured are located in a sort of no
man's land between the Maginot Line
and the real beginning of the Ger-
man fortifications.
The French have developed a heavy
mountain tank which has been suc-
.cessful in blowing up pill-boxes. But
these pill-boxes hold only machine-
gun nests, and are the outposts of the
Siegfried Line. The heavier fortifi-
cations have not been reached.
Most of the French offensive so
far has been artillery fire. Infantry
has not been thrown into great action,
largely because the losses from in-
tantry charges against machine-gun
nests are bound to be terrific. And
th French are not anxious to have
heavy casualties reported to the civil-
ian population behind the lines. The
shock to public opinion might be
Even so, French losses have been
greater than the censored reports in-
French advances in the Saar, while
not great, have had one important
effect. They have either taken away
from Geimany or put out of commis-
sion a vital coal-mining and indus-
trial area.
British Air Mystery
On the British side, most important
behind-the-scenes military develop-
nent is in the air force. This has
been mysteriously inactive.
Reason is the disastrous result of
the British air raid upon the Nazi
naval station at Wilhelmshaven in
the first days of the war. The -cen-
sor failed to disclose that the British
lost five of the twelve planes which
participated in that raid. They were
shot down by German anti-aircraft
guns. This is a terrifically high cas-
ualty rate, especially in a surprise
bombing raid.
The twelve British planes -ap-
proached Wilhelmshaven at an alti-
tude of 6,000 feet, then dove to 800
feet to release their bombs. Ordin-
arily bombers count upon their div-
ing speed of over 300 miles an hour
to protect them from anti-aircraft
guns. But the Nazis shot down five,
an amazing record for anti-aircraft
All this has caused the British to
do no more bombing themselves until
they can work out new tactics. Until
they do, they cannot afford heavy
airplane losses, since Britain is far
behind Germany in air strength.
Raskob's Ranch
For some time New Mexico has
been speculating over the sudden
purchase of 100,000 acres of land by
John J. Raskob, director of General
Motors and former head of the Demo-
cratic National Committee.
Raskob, it was rumored, had struck
oil. Other rumors had it that he
had found gold. No one, however,
had the temerity to ask him until
Evie Robert (Mrs. Chip Riobert),
glamour girl of the Democratic Na-

tional Committee, visited Santa Fe
this summer. Evie lost no time in
popping the question.
"What are you going to do with all
that 100,000 acres of New Mexican
desert," she asked Raskob.
"I'm going to run cattle on it,"
was his meek reply.
Note: Patrick J. Hurley, ex-Secre-
tary of War, also experimented with
a brief New Mexican residence, there-
by starting rumors that he would run
for the Senate.
German Cables
Inside fact regarding the Nazi
cablegrams urging neutrality letters
to Congress is that they were picked
up by British intelligence agents.
The British got them from the
transatlantic cables, virtually all of
which are British controlled. The
messages were decoded and given to
Ambassador Joe Kennedy, who sent
them to the State Department.
In each case, a name and address
accompanied the cable, and it is these
addresses which J. Edgar Hoover's
G-Men are now investigating.
The cables asked various groups in
the United States to deluge Congress
with letters urging that the arms
embargo be retained. Here is the
text of one, cable sent from Germany
in cipher and decoded by the British:
"In view forthcoming meeting of
Congress and possible amendment of
neutrality laws following the alleged
Athenia incident and bombing of
open towns of Poland please ask alla
our American friends at once to ap-

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p.m.; 11:00 a.m. Saturday

(Continued from Page 3)
1, University Hall. If you are expect-
ing mail which you have not received,
please call at - Room 1, UniversityC
Hall, and make inquiry. -
Rooms With Pianos: Residents of
Ann Arbor who have pianos available
for student practice, are respectfully
requested to list such rooms at the
office of the School of Music. Pleaset
call Mrs. Farkas, phone 7513. .
Union Registration: In order to
serve students who, due to special
working hours, are not able to regis-
ter at the regular hours of 3-5, the
registration time is being extended
from 1-5 for this week only. Regis-
tration service will also be available
today from 7-9 p.m. at the student7
offices. -.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information]
has received notice of the following
Civil Service examinations. Last date
for filing application is noted in each
United States Civil Service:
Senior Oyster Culturist. Salary:
'$2,000. Oct. 2.
Senior Aquatic Physiologist. Sal-
ary: $4,600. Oct. 2.
Senior Plant Anatomist. Salary:
$4,600. Oct. 2.
Senior Soil Physicist. Salary: $4,-
600. Oct. 2.
Assistant Physiologist (lant Hor-
mones Investigations). Salary: $2,-
600. Oct. 2.
Biochemist (Nut Investigations).
Salary: $3,800. Oct. 2.
Pomologist (Fruit Breeding). Sal-
ary: $3,800. Oct. 2.
Pomologist (Physiology). Salary:
$3,800. Oct. 2.
Associate Agronomist (F r ag e
Crops). Salary: $3,200. Qct. 2..
Assistant Agronomist (F o r a g e
Crops). Salary: $2,600. Oct. 2.
Assistant Agronomist (Catto).
Salary: $2,600. Oct. 2. .-
Assistant Pathologist (Corn In-
vestigations). Salary: $2,600. Oct. 2.
Head Scientist-Astroiomert be
Director, Nautical..Almanlai.. Salary:
$6,500. Oct. 9. -
Galley Designer, U.S. Maritime
Comm. Salary: $3,800. Oct. 9. -
Chief Engineering Draftsman (Me-
chanical). Salary: $2,600. Oct. 9.
Principal Engineering .Draftsman
(Mechanical). Salary: $2,390'. Oct. 9.
Senior Engineering Draftsman
(Mechanical). Salary-: $2,00. :Oct. 9.
Air Carrier Inspector (Radio). Sal-
ary: $3,800. Oct. 9..
Junior Domestic Attendant (Seam-
stress). Salary: $1;320 Oct. 9.
Michigan Civil Servce:'
Social Worker A and- B. Salary
range: $105-150. Oct.'4.
Social Work Administrators I, .II,
III. Salary range: $150-310 Oct. 4.
Attendant Nurse C2, B2 and B. Sal-
ary range: $75-125. Oct. 8..
Detroit Civil Service:
Auto Repairman. Salary: Prevail-
ing rate. Sept. 30.
J u n i o r Architectural- Engineer
(Housing Analysis). Salary: $2,580.
Oct. 7. -
Junior Accountant. Salary: $2,580.
Oct. 7.
Senior Technical Clerk .(Account-
ing). Salary: $1,860. Oct. 7.
Complete announcements on file at
the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12
and 2-4,
Academic Notices
Ph.D. Examinations in Chemistry.
The next preliminary and qualifying
examinations will be held as follows:
Analytical Chemistry, Friday, Oct.
6; Organic Chemistry, Tuesday, Oct.
10; Physical Chemistry, Friday, Oct.
13. All examinations are held in
Room 151 Chemistry Building and
start at 1 p.m.
Those planning to take any one of

these examinations are requested to
consult with the Chairman of the
Graduate Committee in Chemistry
not later than Sept. 30, 1939.;
School of Education Students-
Changes of Elections: All changes of
elections of students enrolled in this
School must be reported at the Regis-.
trar's office, Room 4 University Hall.
After Sept. 30 such changes may be
made only after payment of a fee of
one dollar.
Membership in a class does not
cease or begin until all changes have
been thus officially registered. Ar-
rangements made with the instruc-
tors only are not official 'changes.
Classes in Speech Correction: Stu-
dents interested in obtaining the
services of the Speech Clinic for the
correction of speech defects are re-
quested to call at the Clinic, 1007 East
Huron Street, sometime during this
week for the purpose of leaving class
schedules. Announcement of time
of classes will follow latcr.- ~-
Students Interested in Actuarial'
Examinations: There will be a meet-'
ing today at 4 p.m. in Room 3011

AstrQnoiny 53 will be held tonight at
7 p.m. in Room 5006 A.H.
Mathematics .235, Differential Ge-
ometry. Will meet Tuesday, Thurs-
meeting today in Room 3010 A.H.
day, and Saturday at 11 o'clock. Next
G. Y. Rainich.
Math. 327, Seminar in Statistics,
There will be a meeting of those in-
terested to arrange hours today at
12 noon in 3020 4.H. C. C. Craig.
Math. 349, Seminar in Applied'
Mathematics. Preliminary meeting to
arrange hours, Friday at 2 p.m., in
319 West Engineering Building.
R. V. Churchill.
German 11: Will meet from 5-6 in
Room 225 Angell Hall.
Frank X. Braun.
German 167: Will meet in 301 U.H.
from 4-6 on Friday, Sept. 29
J. W. Eaton.
Speech 25, scheduled to meet in the
Speech Clinic, 1007 E. Huron St., will
'meet hereafter in 212 Angell Hall,
English M, Sec. 3 will meet in 302
S.W. instead of in 2219 A.H.
H. V. S. Ogden.
English 211g; Pro-seminar in Amer-
ican i terature meets this af-
ternoon, Sept. 28, 2-4, in 3217 A.H.
Basic text -is- Miller and Johnson's
"The Buritans."
J. L. Davis.
English 230, Studies in Spenser and
His Age. A meeting at 4 p.m. today,
in 2213 A.H., will be held to decide
upon the class hours of English 230.
M. P. Tilley.
English 300H. The class will meet
today at4 p.m. in 3217 A.H.
-M. L.. Wllllanms.
English 45, Sec. 2 will meet in 2219-
-A.H. instead of 302- SW-.
- M L. Williams.
Pharmacy Lecture: Dr. Ralph W.
clark, MPirmacy Service Depart-
rnent, Merck a nd Company, will speak
on t!-top1c,' ."Developing 'a Prescrip-
tion Depatnent," at 4:15 p.m., Fri-
day, Sept. 29, in Room 303, Chemis-
try.Building. Pharmacy students and
others interested are cordially invit-
ed to'attend.
Toays Events
Union Tryonts: There will be a
meeting -fal men desiring to try
out for the Union staff in Rooms
319-325 at 5 p.m. today. If for any
reason it is impossible to attend this
meeting, notice of intention to try
out may be left in the student of-
fices from 3-5 p.. -All sophomores
and eligible seond semester fresh-
mhen are urged to attend.
Union Executive Council.
Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal and
tryouts for new members, tonight at
7:30 p.m. Varsity Glee Club Rooms,
3rd floor, Union.
Physical Education for Women:
Exemption tests in baseball, hockey,
volleyball, basketball and soccer will
be given at the Women's Athletic
Building today at 4:30 p.m.
Ann Arbor Independents: There will
be a very important meeting this af-
ternoon, at 4 p.m. in the League. Be
Archery Club, Women Students:
The omen's Archey Club will meet
in the lounge of the Women's Ath-
letic Building today at 4:15. Ali
those interested in joining the Club
this fall please attend. Both novice
and advanced archers are welcome.

Sociedad Hispanica will hold a
meeting of all officers today at 3
p.m. in 302 Romance Languages
Thursday Afternoon Tea at the
International Center: The first of a
series of teas to be given each week
at the International Center will be
held this afternoon, from 4 to 6. All
foreign students of the University are
invited to attend these teas and at
any time. bring. with t hem their
American friends.
J.. Raleigh Nelson.
Coming Events
Candy Booth Committee: There
will be a meeting Friday, Sept. 29,
at 4 o'clock in the League for all
girls interested in working on this
committee this year.
Physical Education for Women:
Exemption tests in dancing will be
given at the Women's Athletic Build-
ing on Friday, Sept. 29, at 4:30 p.m.
Children's - Theatre Production:
Tyouts for the first'Children's The-
atre production of the year, "The

Stalin The Winner

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