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January 24, 1940 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-24

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U-ow and Somewhat ci-de'

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Hogan, MacIntosh,
Barr To Be Senior
Class Presidents

Senator Borah's Last Trip To Capitol

12 Are Named To Posts
In Pharmacy, Literary
And Educational Schools
Orr And Prentice
Win Without Vote
Seniors of the literary college, the
College of Pharmacy and the School
of Education elected 10 class officers
from 30 candidates yesterday, two
offices being named filled automatic-
ally because of a lack of opposition
to single candidates.
Students of the literary college
chose Francis Hogan, of Hornell,
N.Y. president; Jane Jewitt, of Gates
Mill, O., vice-president; Herbert Lev,
of Cleveland, O., secretary, and Mar-
garet Neafie, of Pontiac, treasurer.
Officers elected by seniors of the
School of Education are William
MacIntosh, of East Dearborn, presi-
dent and Elizabeth French, of Caro,
vice-president. Sally Orr, of Sagi-
naw and Jeanne J. Prentice of Ann
Arbor were automatically named sec-
retary and treasurer, respectively.
Barr Is Chosen
William Barr, of Holliday's Cove,
W. Va., was elected president of the
senior class of the College of Phar-
macy. Other officers chosen in this
college are Merton Rosen, of Schnec-
tady, N.Y., vice-president; Paula
Machnik, of Lyme, Conn., secretary,
and Clarence Weiss, of Ann Arbor,
The elections originally scheduled to
be held in the School of Music were
cancelled because of a lack of opposi-
tion to candidates, Peter Brown, '41E,
in charge of all elections, said. Lee
Chrisman, of Crown Point, Ind., auto-
matically was named president; Vie-
via Hoelscher, of Evansville, Ind.,
vice-president; Anne Schaeffer, of
Flint, 'secretary, and Helen Stock-
bridge, of Gary, Ind., treasurer.
Architects Vote Today
Seniors of the College of Architec-
ture and Design will vote for class
officers from 3 to 5 p.m. today in the
downstairs lobby of the College under
the supervision of Brown, it was an-
nounced last night by Carl Wheeler,
'40E, and Betty Slee, '40, presidents
of the Men's and Women's Judiciary
Councils, respectively.
Stanley Richardson, of Montclair,
N.J., has been automatically named
president of this college. The follow-
ing are candidates for the other three
offices: vice-president, Carl Guld-
berg, J. Wesley Olds and Annabelle
Dredge; secretary, John E. Phelps,
Mary Ruth Greiner and Ella Stowe;
treasurer, Arthur Held and Richard
E. Putt.
Wheeler warned all seniors of the
College of Architecture and Design
that each person has only a single
vote per position to be filled, and
that no electionering will be permit-
ted within the building.
Pueksters Seek
Comeback Trail
Will Meet Ontario College
At ColiseumTonight
Michigan's battered but unbowed
puck sextet will face a strong On-
tario Agricultural College team to-
night at the Coliseum in an attempt
to rid its system of the scoring pains,
inflicted by Minnesota's squad last
Held to four tallies in two games
while the Gophers hit the Jackpot
with 14 the Wolverines were checked
by the top team in the country, but
tonight Coach Lowrey is sure that

it will be a different story as his squad
faces off on more even terms with the
Aggies from Guelph, Ont.
Last year, the Canadians edged out
the Michigan team 4-3 after dropping
5-3 and 7-3 decisions to the local
boys in their two previous meetings.
The team that takes to the ice for the
visitors will boast four of last years
starters in its opening lineup tonight,
in addition to an impressive reserve
list. Last year this squad won their
ditriet+ ohamninnshin in the inter-

Will Put Out
Twin' Issue
It may cost them their chance at
a Phi Bete key, but sometime during
this exam-ridden week the editors of
Perspectives, campus literary maga-
zine, are determined to bring the
third issue of their journal off the
It will be a "twin" issue, for three
writers will contribute two manu-
scripts apiece. There will be two
short stories, "Day of Deciding" and
"False Remembrances," by David
Stevenson, '42. Twin essays in the
style of Robert Benchley will be con-
tributed by Russell N. Carey, '41E.
And to complete the doubles, Richard
Bennett, Grad., will contribute two
"Paraguayan Peasant Songs" to the
poetry section.
In addition to the two fiction of-
ferings of Stevenson, the magazine
will contain "Emil and Willie," a
short story by Morton Linder, '40,
and "The Mighty Right," by Hervie
Haufler, '41.
Completing the list of essays is
"Logina," a description of a region
during each season of the year. It
was written by Elizabeth Netzlof,
Other poetry contributors include
John Malcolm Brinnin, '41, Earle G.
Eley, '43E, and Chad Walsh, Grad.
With the aid of new fonts of type,
the editors have renovated the ap-
parance of the magazine. In the
forthcoming issue, Tristan Meinecke,
'42A, contributes an illustration.
Men' rs Congress
To Offer Group
Insurance Plan
Independent Men May Buy
Policies At Low Rates
Early Next Semester
Congress, independent men's or-
ganization, is sponsoring next se-
mester an insurance plan for inde-
pendent men on campus by means of
which rates for fire and general cov-
erage of 50 cents premium per one
hundred dollars worth of personal be-
longings will be made available, Wil-
liam Rockwell, '41, chairman of stu-
dent welfare, announced yesterday.
Insurance against theft may also
be procured, Rockwell said, for any
independent not living in a dormi-
tory, at a premium of five dollars
for $350 coverage per student. The
plan is being carried out with the
cooperation of a local insurance
agent, Rockwell explained, and Con-
gress itself expects to offer the poli-
cies on a non-profit basis.
Before this plan was evolved, Rock-
well said, students were obliged to
pay premiums six times as high as
those now available under the Con-
gress plan. Rates for theft were
also correspondingly high. The low-
er rates are made possible, Rockwell
pointed out, because the new plan
recognizes the entire campus as a
single unit and therefore the com-
oany backing the policies are willing
to consider them as a group insurance
Beginning the first day of next
semester, students may get policies
between 3 and 5 p.m. in the Congress
offices in the Union. If demand is
great enough, Congress plans to work
together with the Interfraternity
Council and Panhellenic to make the
offer also aailable to affiliated stu-

use Votes
To Continue
Committee Is Approved
By 345 To 21 Majority
After Two-Hour Fight
Extended Debate
IncitedBy Bill
WASHINGTON, Jan. 23.-(;)-The
Dies Committee was given another
year today to investigate un-Ameri-
can activities.
After two hours of loud and some
times angry debate, the House voted,
345 to 21 for continuance. The op-
ponents were 20 Democrats and Rep.
Marcantonio (Al.-N.Y.). All the Re-
publicans who voted-and mrost of
them did-were for it.
The committee was organized in
1938 and extended in 1939. The vote
continues it until the end of the
present Congress-Jan. 3, 1941.
The Democrats who opposed ex-
tension-some of whom stated their
positions vigorously-were: Bradley,
Dunn and McGranery of Pennsyl-
vania; Thomas F. Ford, Geyer, Ha-
venner and Izac of California; Cof-
fee and Wallgren of Washington;
Fries, Keller, McKeough, Mitchell
and Sabath of Illinois; Hook and
Tenerowicz of Michigan; O'Day of
New York; Pierce of Oregon; Shan-
non of Missouri and Schulte of In-
The continuance was voted in the
absence of Chairman Dies, who is ill
at his home in Orange, Texas, but
the dther six members were there and
asked for the renewal. The commit-
tee's office and investigating staff
also were out in force, occupying
three rows of a public gallery. These
employes were cut off the payroll on
Jan. 3, when the committee went out
of existence temporarily.
Dies still must request the House
to vote more funds. He indicated be-
fore his departure for home last
month that he would ask between
$50,000 and $200,000, to be added to

By U.S. Shippers
Scored By British
English War Ministry Remains Adamant
In Defending Naval Blockade Practices
LONDON-Mine or torpedo sinks British destroyer Exmouth, between
175 and 200 men believed lost; Britain defends war blockade practices, says
American shippers fail to cooperate with contraband control at Gibraltar.
HELSINKI-Russian planes raid central Finland, one bomb kills 19 at
Nurmes; Finns report 1,000 Russians killed in vain assaults on lines north
of Lake Ladoga.
TOKYO-Japanese indignation over seizure of Germans mounts, naval
officials discuss preventive measures.
WASHINGTON-Senators voice protests against English interference
with American ships.

Russians Bombard
Central Finland

British List Reasons
For Shipping Delays

A winter sun was casting its first rays of the morning over the
dome of the United States Capitol when the casket containing the
body of the late Sen. William E. Borah, Idaho Republican, was
carried up the steps and into the Senate Chamber for the State
funeral attended by President Roosevelt and other government

U.S. Refuses
Trade Request
Of Japanese
Treaty Renewal Depends
On 'Change Of Heart'
Jap Ambassador Told
WASHINGTON, Jan. 23. -(P)-
The United States sidestepped today
a Japanese request for a temporary
commercial arrangement and told
Japan that future commercial rela-
tions would depend upon develop-
ments in the Far East.
With the Japanese-American com-
mercial treaty expiring Friday, Am-
bassador Kensuke Horinouchi was told
by A. A. Berle, Assistant Secretary of
State, in effect, that a new commer-
cial treaty could be based only on
a Japanese change of heart toward
China and American rights therc.
Berle also informed Horinouchi
that after Friday, Japanese mer-
chants doing business here would be
regarded as temporary alien visitors
subject to the immigration -law of
1924. At present they have the status
of "treaty merchants" with many
rights and privileges.
The Ambassador called at the State
Department to present three formal
questions. He had an appointment tof
see Secretary Hull, but Hull was at
home suffering from a cold.
He asked first whether, after Fri-
day, there would be any change in
import duties and tonnage rates. He
was told that the expiration of the
treaty did not of itself bring about
any changes but that the American
government had repeatedly - made
clear that future commercial relations
would depend upon developments.

Pastors Hear
Horton Speak
At Conference
Oberlin Professor Points
Out Need For Creative
ReligiousCulture Today
With the problem "Can Christian-
ity Save the World?" furnishing the
highlight of the second day's session,
200 delegates to the First Annual
Michigan Pastor's Conference, meet-
ing in the Rackham Building, at-
tended conferences, worshop services,
denominational luncheons and a ban-
quet yesterday.
Asserting that a regenerated and
revitalized Christianity can save civ-
li.ation, Prof. Walter Horton of the
S,-hool of Theology in Oberlin, O.,
,irIesented the first of a series of three
le Mtures devoted to that general topic.
Professor Horton emphasized the
need for a creative religious culture,
a culture necessitated by the 'exist-
ing social structure going "to stalk"
because of its overweening concern
with commerce and superficial me-
fIn his second lecture on "Can
Christianity Save thetWorldn" Pro-
fessor Horton pointed out that since
Americans see democracy at bay in
the western world, the "religion of
democracy" which has its roots in
Christianity is experiencing a great
revival in the United States.
This revival, accompanied by a re-
vitalized church fulfilling man's de-
sire for a real religion, will, in part,
save Christitanity, according to Pro-
fessor Horton.


$125,000 already
has been spent.

voted. Most of this

Sigma Xi .Air
Show Offers
Bird Pictures
Through the medium of high-speed
motion pictures, the intricacies of
bird flight will be demonstrated at
the air show "From Magic Carpet to
Rocket Ships" at 8:15 p.m. Friday
in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
Sponsored by Sigma Xi, national
scientific society,the air review will
be brought here by the Franklin In-
;titute ofPhiladelphia, and will fea-
ture Mr. Richard V. Thayer in the
role of lecturer and master of cere-
monies in charge of demonstrations.
The high-speed motion pictures,
which comprise one of the many fea-
tures of the air show, were taken by
Dr. Harold E. Edgerton of the Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology. Us-
ing hummingbirds and pigeons as his
subjects, Doctor Edgerton illustrates
the aerodynamic principles behind
bird flight, and the relation of these
principles to modern man-made fly-
ing machines.
Taken at the rate of 1,200 ex-
posures a second, the pictures "stop"
the lightning action of humming-
bird wings in full flight.
Through the medium of the ani-
mated screen, the flights of such
birds as the prehistoric pterodactyl
will be reconstructed for purposes of
comparison with that of modern
birds and airships.
Williams Analyzes
Propaganda In U.S.
In order not to be duped by false
propaganda we must "apply reason,
calmness and careful analysis to the
situation and wait until the facts be.
come known," Prof. Mentor L. Wil-
liams told more than 150 members
of Pi Lambda Theta and their guest
at a meeting last night in the Rack
ham Building.
Admitting that he was assuming
the role of a propagandist Professo:
Williams told the audience that th
best definition of propaganda which
he could find was that which the In-
stitute For Propaganda Analysis had
evolved after careful research.

HELSINKI, Jan. 23.-(P)-Soviet
warplanes swarmed over central Fin-1
land anew today, killing 19 persons
and wounding many at the rail cen-
ter of Nurmes with a single bomb,t
while the Red army was reported to
have lost upwards of 1,000 men in.
a furious but futile land offensive
against unyielding Finnish lines.
The casualties at Nurmes were.
caused when a Soviet air bomb scored
a direct hit on a crowded air raid
shelter. Other persons were wound-
ed in subsequent machine-gunning of.
the population.
The raid on Nurmes, which is on
the northern shore of Lake Pielinen,
apparently was aimed at the railroad
which runs northwestward across the
country to the Swedish frontier.
In another raid on Hyryrnsalmi,100
miles north of Nurmes, a hospital was
reported bombed but there was no
immediate report of any casualties.
Unofficial advices said that Han-
ko, Finland's "Gibraltar of the Bal-
tic," and Tamisaari also were raided.
Other Soviet raiders appeared over
Helsinki and Rovaniemi, in the north-
west, but were driven off by anti-
aircraft guns.
Coupled with official reports of
futile Soviet land attacks in the south-
east were unofficial advices which
told of additional blows to the Baltic
Red Fleet, described as a heavy loser
in the first eight weeks of the war.
British Destroyer
Is Reported Sunk
LONDON, Jan. 23. -(RP)- The Ad-
miralty announced tonight that the
Destroyer Exmouth had been sunk
by a mine or a torpedo with all hands
"It is feared that there are no sur-
vivors," said the announcement. Her
normal complement is 175 men.
The 1,475-ton Exmouth was the
second British destroyer lost since
Saturday, when the Grenville went
down in the North Sea with a loss of
81 men.
Since destroyers in wartime usual-
ly carry . crews about 10 per cent
greater than normal, it is possible
that nearly 200 men lost their lives
aboard the Exmouth. In the case of
the Grenville, 118 men were saved.
It was Britain's 22nd naval loss
and the sixth destroyer sunk since
the war began.

LONDON, Jan. 23-(P)-The Bri-
ish government stood adamantto-
night in defense of its war blockade
ractices in an increasingly serious
onflict with United States interests,
even at the risk of new strain on
Anglo-American friendship.
Britannia, confident it "rules the
waves," indicated sympathy with
American annoyance at lengthy de-
lays of ships and partial seizure of
:argoes, especially at Gibraltar, just
as it did on the questions of the Pan-
American neutrality belt and inter-
erence with United States oceango-
ing mails. Again, however, it had
a ready and uncompromising reply.
The British spokesman, on behalf
of the Ministry of Economic Warfare,
gave four reasons why United States
ships were delayed at contraband
control stations three times as long
as those of Italy, which, incidentally
is the object of intensive British
diplomatic courtship:
(1). Failure to supply advance in-
formation concerning their cargoes;
(2). The mixed nature of these
cargoes, often including as many as
300 items, thus requiring a longer
ime for examination than those of
Italian ships, which are largely bulk.
(3). Varied destinations in the
Mediterranean of United States ships,
whereas Italian ships usually go only
to Italy.
(4). Neglect by United States
shippers to take full advantage of
various British schemes of guaran-
tees that goods carried will not reach
Senators Criticize
London Attitude
WASHINGTON, Jan. 23. -(P)-
England's wartime censorship of
American mails and interference with
American ships stirred soe Senators
today to voice caustic protests.
Senator Lundeen dFL-Minn.), fre-
quent critic of British policies, said
England was using the State De-
partment "as a doormat."
Senator Mead (Dem.-N.Y.), in a
lengthy floor speech, charged the
British Government with violating
the International Hague Convention
on mails of neutrals and inflicting a
"humiliating indignity" upon . the
United States.
Hearing of Britain's reply today, a
State Department official said:
1. That American shippers are co-
operating to an anazing extent to
avoid unpleasant incidents.
2. That they are not obliged to co-
operate at all.
3. That even if they did not co-
operate, this would beno excuse for
the British to delay American ships
Foreign Affairs
GroupWill Meet
The International Relations Club
will hold its final meeting of the sem-
ester at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the
political science department office,
2037 Angell Hall.
All persons interested in the work
of the Club, a discussion group on
foreign affairs, are invited to attend.
Tomorrow's meeting will be led by
Prof Howard M Ehrmann of the his-
tory department and Prof. Howard
B. Calderwood of the political science
Plans will be made to continue the
work of the International Relations
Club during the second semester.
1Vl( .n :n T i. . D f'ic.


Earl Sehenck, Noted South Seas
Explorer,_To Show Film Today

'Over-Valued' Lawyer
Is University Graduate
The Associated Press recently re-
ported that House Investigators had
received evidence that the ational La-
bor Relations Board had employed
Bernard W. Freund, nephew of Ben-
jamin V. Cohen, administration ad-
visor, at $2,600 a year. Freund, an
assistant attorney in the Board's re-
vaw mdivi mnn wac ra llh iprp +he

The good-loolping Ohian told the
Hollywood producer he couldn't take
the role; "Klieg eyes," he explained.
So the producer called in a young
Arizona cowboy named Gary Cooper
and the reluctant Ohioan went to the
South Seas.
That was 15 years ago, and Earl
Schenck, he of the Ohio background
and Klieg eyes, will tell what has hap-
pened since then at 8:15 p.m. today
in Hill Auditorium.
Mr. Schenck will also show his fea-
ture length all-color film, "Polynesia,
A Tale of Tahiti," the first ever
filmed entirely in the South Seas, to-
day as part of the Oratorical Series.
Ohio State Student
In his lifetime Earl Schenck has
been an Ohio State student, a Broad-
way actor, a screen leading man play-
ing opposite Nazimova and Norma
T'rmvarcann nowr a Rnth Sea island

For 14 years Mr. Schenck has been7
a roving representative of the Bishop
Museum in Honolulu, the world's
leading museum of Polynesian lore.
In that time, he says he's learned
that the romance of the South Seas
has been overemphasized by fiction
writers, that all the native girls are
not beautiful and that all the tribes
are not friendly.
"But down there we have none of
the advantages of so-called civiliza-
tion. We have no gangsters, no kid-
nappings, none of the eternal struggle
to get somewhere, be somebody and
have a larger motor car than the
other fellow," he says, ironically.
White Man Responsible
Mr. Schenck holds the white man
responsible for 'everything that's
vile in the South Seas."
"Flies came in 'the water casks of
the early whalers, as did the mo-
smitoes. and the sailors brought in


Capt. Bartlett Finds
Homely Philosophy.
On Arctic Travels
Ruddy-skinned, brine-voiced Capt.
Robert A. "Bob" Bartlett came to
Ann Arbor yesterday to show his mo-
tion picture "The Arctic In Color,"
and stayed to expound the homely
philosophy he has acquired in 35
years of north-bound travel.
Sponsored by the geology depart-
ment in the Rackham Building, the
noted expedition leader's illustrated
talk was a feature of the University
Lecture series. Besides identifying
the arctic locales 'pictured in the all-
color film, Captain Bartlett kept on
a running commentary on the les-
sons in peace and social behavior to
be found in Eskimo igloos and on
Polar ice floes.
A burst of applause from a capacity
audience greeted his observations
that the 34 children one Eskimo
mother adopted were 34 more than
a supposedly civilized woman would

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