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January 23, 1940 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-23

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Baltic Nations
Receive Praise
OfDaily Editor
C. Hart Schaaf Says Soviet
Democracy Is 'Idealism';
Spent Two Years Abroad
(Continued from Page 1)
quantities only a hundred or so yards
away, on the other side of the border.
When he .entered Finland, Schaaf
immediately mailed one of these cards
to the customs inspector, sending his
"Affectionate regards to Uncle Joe."
A criticism of almost anything in
Russia, he said, elicits the excuse
that, "It's a heritage of the Czar," or
that, "We haven't yet had time to
,rectify it." Yet little Finland, headd-
ed, with the same period of "free-
dom" behind it, needs to offer no
such excuses. The Finnish customs
house, for example, he explained, is
well-kept and in fine condition, al-
.though ,it was built in 1918; while
the corresponding Russian buildng,
completed in 1934, ispoorly kept and
literally crumbling. The contast
between almost everything in the two
countries that I saw, he added, ap-
pears to be the same.
:In short, he observed, democracy
seems to be able to do what totali-
tarianism simply cannot do.
Commenting on present hostilities
in the region, Schaaf pointed out that
Sweden fears inroads from both
Russia and Germany, and that the
Swedish people are deeply bitter be-
cause this double-menace comes to
them in spite of the policy of non-
imperialistic neutrality they have ob-
served for well over a century.
,Schaaf also pointed to the possi-
bilities for a strong Swedish defense.
Sweden manufactures the finest anti-
aircraft guns in the world, he ex-
plained, and the northeastern line of
Swedish fortifications (nearest the
point of possible Russian invasion) is
one of the strongest n Europe. Scan-
dnavia's southern coastline, he added,
is very shallow, making sudden sea
Widespread belief exists in the
Scandinavian countries, Schaaf de-
clared, that the United States will
help them, should they become in-
volved in war. This feeling stems
from a sincere friendly spirit toward
Uncle Sam.

Senior Officers'
To Be Selected
By Votes Today
(Continued from Page 1)

Michigan Child Guidance Institute
Treated 4 7Cases In 20 Months

TUESDAY, JAN. 23, 1940
VOL. L. No. 87


named secretary and treasurer, re-
The fallowing candidates have been
named for the election of the Collegel
of-Pharmacy which is to be held from1
11 a.m. to noon in the office of the
college: president, William Barr,
Donald Bornor and Howard Parker;
vice-president, Norman Baker, Victor
Gribas and Merton Rosen; secretary,E
Robert Bauer, Paula Machnik and;
Leah Roedel, treasurer, Dorene Jad-
win and Clarence Weiss.
All offices in the School of Music
were automatically filled. Lee Chris-
man was named president; Vievia
Hoelscher, vice-president; Anne
Schaeffer, secretary, and Helen
Stockbridge, treasurer.
Wheeler warned all seniors con-
cerned that each person has only a
single vote per position to be filled
and that no electioneering will be
permitted inside buildings where the
elections are being held.
The vice-president, he explained,
will be ex-officio chairman of the
commencement committee and will
pick the staff of this group in co-
operation with the Men's and Wom-
en's Judiciary Councils. The treas-
urer to be ex-officio chairman of
the class finance committee. All
secretaries will hold office for five
years, until the first reunions of their
Scandinavian Club
To Teach Dances
Five women students will teach
native folk dancing at a meeting of
the Scandinavian Club at 7:30 p.m.
today at the International Center in
the Union. Mrs. Otto Graf will ac-
company the dancing.
The five instructors will be Mary
Scoville, '40Ed;; Mary Richardson,
'40Ed; Slly Corcoran, '41Ed; Clara
Lenfesti, '41Ed., and Sally Connery,
All students interested in the pro-
gram, or those of Scandinavian ex-
traction are welcome to attend, ac-
cording to Howard Almdale, '42,
5president, who announced this meet-
ing as the last of the semester. Re-
freshments will be served.

Editor's Note: This is the first in a
series of articles .dealing with various
facilities that the Child Guidance In-
stitute has to offer.
As a result of a bill signed in 1937
by Governor Murphy, Michigan has
rendered guidance and clinical serv-
ice to over 487 children within a'
period of twenty months. This has
been accomriished through the
efforts of the Michigan Child Guid-
ance Institute, which is now entering
its third year of service, under the
leadership of Prof. Lowell J. Carr,
director of the Institute. ,
The Michigan Child Guidance In-
stitute was created by the state for
the purpose of -inquiring into the
causes of child delinquency and of
improving methods of treatment in
cases of delinquent, defective, and
neglected children. The effective-
ness of the Institute's work is due
mainly to its uniqueness in organiza-
tion. Under the law, the Institute is
required not only to study the causes,
of delinquency, and seek ways of im-
proving methods of treatment, but it
is also supposed to coordinate the
activities of public and private agen-
cies in the field, and work with, and
not in place of, local community lead-
ers and agencies.

Guidance Institute staff, along with
its director, Prof. Lowell J. Carr, con-
sists of a psychiatrist, Dr. Paul Jor-
dan, who is connected with the Neu-
ro-psychiatric Institute of the Uni-
versity Hospital, a psychologist, Jos-
eph W. Goodrich, who, with the assist-
ance of three social workers, conducts
a field unit which makes preliminary
examinations and selects serious cases
for referral to the Institute in Ann
Arbor, a community coordinator, J.
E. Stermer, and a research man, W.
F. Watt. The work of the staff is
supplemented by psychological serv-
ice from the psychological Clinic of
the Rackham Institute for Human
Adjustment of the University, and
by technical advice from the staff
of the Neuropsychiatric Institute. Al-
though the state pays for most of the
expenses attached to the $2,000 a
month budget of the Institute, local
communities are required to meet part
of the total expeses involved in treat-
ing each case, in order to make the
work of an organization such as this

hould send such names to the Regis-
trar's Office, Room 4, U. Hall, before
February 9, 1940.
Doctoral Examintion of Oren Frank
Evans will be held at 2:00 p.m.
today in 4065 Natural Science Build-
ing. Mr. Evans' department of spe-
cialization is Geology. The title of
his thesis is "The Low and Ball of
the Eastern Shore of Lake Michigan."
Professor I. D. Scott, as chairman
Today at 2 - 4 - 7 -9 P.M

Local people, social workers, physi-
cians, judges, select the cases and
carry the responsibility for follow-
up treatment, with the Institute al-
ways available for advice and tech-
nical assistance. The Institute oper-
ates on the theory that the most use-
ful thing that the state can do to
curb delinquency is to help local com-
munities rise to their own responsi-
bilites. Accordingly, almost one-'
third of the Institute's budget goes
into a program, of advice and assist-
ance to the organizing efforts of local
courts, schools, and civic clubs. A
News Letter is published by the Insti-
tute and distributed all over the state,
as a part of its educational campaign,{
and studies are made of the com-
munity causes of delinquency. At
present, an experimental project is
being started in Monroe, which will'
study 1,000 families in an attempt;
to change the conditions producing
maladjustment, in order to prevent
At present, the' Michigan Child

Prof. Williams
To Speak Here
Propaganda In The U.S.
Is SubjectOf Address
"Propaganda in the United States"
will receive Prof. Mentor Williams'
analysis in his lecture at 8 p.m. to-
day in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Professor Williams of the English
department will criticize the subtle
propaganda which he believes is driv-
ing the United States toward a war-
time spirit. The external and inter-
nal sources of propaganda in Ameri-
ca will be pointed out in the news-
papers and radio and public address-
es of the past few months.
This will be the first of a series of
lectures open to the public to be spon-
sored by Pi Lambda Theta, women's
educational sorority. The second will
be conducted by some member of the
faculty giving a digest of European
war developments.

Automobile Regulation: Permissionl
to drive for social purposes during
the weekend of the J-Hop from Fri-
day noon, Feb. 9, until Monday morn-
ing, Feb. 12, at 8 a.m., may be ob-
tained at Room 2, University Hall,
through the following procedure:
1. Parent signature cards should
be secured at this office and sent
home for the written approval of the
2. Upon presentation of the signed
card together with accurate infor-
mation with regard to the make, type,
and license number of the car to be
used, a temporary permit will be
granted. It is especially important
to designate the year of the license
plates which will be on the car dur-
ing the weekend of Feb. 9.
3. Out of town cars used for the
weekend must not be brought into
Ann Arbor 'before 12 noon on Friday,
Feb. 9, and must be taken out before
8 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 12.
The foregoing will not apply to
those students who possess regular
driving permits. The above permis-
sion willautomatically be granted to
this group.
Office of the Dean of Students
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: It is requested
by the Administrative Board that all
instructors who make reports of "In
complete" or "Absent from Examina-
tion" on grade-report-sheets give
also information showing the char-
acter of the part of the work which
has been completed. This may be
done by the use of the symbols, I (A),
X (D), etc.
Teaching Departments wishing to
recommend February graduates from
the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts, and the School of Edu-
cation for Departmental, Honors
Social Outlook Discussed
"Moral Man in a Moral Society"
was the subject of a discussion led
by Kenneth Leisenring, Grad., at
the meeting of the Fellowship of
Reconciliation held yesterday at 7:00
p.m. in Lane Hall. Further plans for
Work Projects were also discussed.

of the committee, will conduct the
examination. By direction of the
Executive Board, the chairman has
the privilege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
(Continued on Page 4)
:Th e g r a n d e s t o f l o v e * #
stories told to the
tunes of the grandest
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