please call at Room 1, University Office of the Dean of Sttde
Olt dsHall, and make inquiry. Certificate of Eligibility. Par
" tin before the opgeing of t
An H igh Scl° DA ILY O FF IC IA BUL L ETIRules a eering art:iton in seester must bepprovd asi
_4 Public Activities Effective .September, oger time.
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University i39. Before permiting any stud
No Increased Enrollment Copy receive at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p.m.;11:00 a.m. Saturday. I participate in a, public activit
Participation in Public Activities.definition of Participation abov
Sin'e Last Year Participation in a public activity i chairman or manager of such a
Siudent enrollment in the Univer- WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 27, 1939 to assist you individually in your fu- fieas serpbica on, iak ap shall (a) require each applic
VOL. L. No. 3 ture work. It is one of the syste- lic performance or a rehearsal, or in present a certificate of elgibilil
sity High School, which opened Sept.maimehdofsl-nlsswthligofcerbigacniae sign his initials on the ~ak o
18, shows no noticeable increase this matic methods of self-analysis with holding office or being a candidate certificate and (c) file wit
yeah as compared. to the same time .which you should be familiar. An in- for office in a class or other student Chairman of the Committee o
last year, according to John i Tryt- New Graduate S udents: All stu- dividual report will be made. ed to be exhaustive, butnmerely is who have presented ertifica
ten, principle, dents registering in the Graduate Two pencils will be all the equip. indicative of the character and scope ana sined ter
School thi3 semester for the first time ment needed. The use ef ink is not of the activities in*lded. elbtyandashers ate
frilled to its full capacity of 180 is f fteatvte nldd exclude all others from parici
the senior high school, which com- are required to write a general ex- permitted. tII. Blanks for the chairmens lisi
1theCertificatehfcEligibility. Atithebe IIS ob te ait Officeofth
prises the tenth, eleventh and twelfthamination. The examination will be Please be on time. C. S. Yoakum. Certificate of Eligibility. At the beobtained in the 4f lee ofthi
grades. Total enrollment for the six given two times on September 30; ail for Students Faculty and beginning of each semester and sum- of Students.
grades in the school is 310. once at 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., and repeated porary residents at the University: conclusive y su dt nelib e fir emcates ohaEl gii efftyi
Seven sta-ff changes have also been at 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the Lecture All students and new members of for any public activity until his eli- March 1
announced by the school. Mrr. Tryt- Hall of the Rackham Building. You the faculty should call at the U.S. gibility is affirmati-vely established by
ten has been promoted from the po- must be sure to take the examina- Post Office and make out pink card, obtaining from the Chairman of the Probation and Warning. St
sitijon of acting principle to principle, tion at one of these periods, either in "Order to Change Address," Form 22, Committee on Student Affairs, in the (Conixiued on Page 4)
replacing Dr. Edgar Johnston, who is the morning or in the afternoon, un- if they have not already done so.
taking over a position with the Bu- less excused by the Dean. The length This applies also to temporary resi
reau of Cooperation with Educational of the period listed for the examina- dents in Ann Arbor who may be do-
Institutions. tion indicates the overall time limit. ing reference or research work on
Other' changes of staff this year Many of you will finish earlier. Pre- the campus.
include Dr. M. Evelyn Dilley of Shak- vious preparation is not necessary. Unidentifiable mail is held in Room H ERE'S YOU R CHANCE
er Heights. High School, Cleveland, This is intended as an aid to your de- 1, University Hall. f you are expect-
who has exchanged positions for the partmental advisers but principally ing mail which you have not received,
year with Prof. Fred Dunham of the T__BE
Latin department.
Everett Ewing, formerly director of~
music in Lexington, Neb., has joined
the vocal music staff; Marjory Har- OU ARE INVITED TO
ger of Albion high school in the Eng-
lish department; Myrtle Stokke of HAVE LUNCHEON AT
Great Falls, Mont. in the Physical
Education Department; S i d n e y
Straight, Grad., also in the English o ou SP C L LU BR A
department, and Prof. Harold Wise of our SPECIAL CLUB BREAK-
of Teacher's College, University of
Price Will Give Noon EN D IT with a delicio s DIN N E R
No. 1. Vienna Meat Loaf, Green Peas, Gravy, Potatoes
Concerts On Carillon and DANCING.
Bread and Butter. Coffee, Tea or Milk ... 30c.a-
Prof. Percival Price of the School
of Music, University Carillonneur, No. 2. Frankfurters with Sauerkraut, Mashed Potatoes at
will give a recital every day at noon
on the Charles Baird carillon in the Bread and Butter Coffee, Tea, or Milk ... 25c
Burton Memorial Tower.
Concerts will also be given every SPECIAL - Jumbo Chocolate Soda . . . 10c
Thursday at l p.m. and on SundaysSo ca
at 4:15 p.m. On the Sundays when Pie a la Mode ... 1 2c
faculty concerts will be given at Hill 605 CHCH STREET
Auditorium, the carillon recitals will in the Michigan Theatre Bldg. - One door west of Theatre lobby.
be presented at about 5:15 p.m, im- PHONE 9288 ... Prompt belivery Service... Ic Extra OPEN FROM 6:30 A.M. 'TILL 12:00 P.M.
mediately following the faculty con-
Before the Sun is Up. . .
. ... a FOLLETT car is awaiting the
--rnorning shipment of Used and New Books at the
depot. As soon as it is received it is rushed to Follett's
where it is immediately opened, marked, and pre-
pared for sale. At 7:30 when the store opens, your
books are ready.
or NEW TEXTBOOKS, if You Prefer.