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September 27, 1939 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-09-27

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led, probable showers
and tonight warmer.


5k igau



. . .

No. 3




ladier Outlaws
>mmunist Party;
.itler Leaves East

Cup Is Won
By Kappa Nu


eta Beta Tau Second;
Average Of Fraternities
Begins At 2.21 Points

Return To Berlin
. Step Toward
On West Front

Student Survivor

Blackout Hits Campus;
No Casualties Reported
The University experienced its first
blackout of the present war last night
and came through without losing a
man. In fact, the absence of illumi-
nation for 20 minutes on the south-
west part of campus was ignored by
an- astounding throng of students,
who probably do not know, that they
should have been scared out of their
Only one person, a freshman, who
was out looking for a lost Union but-
ton inquired as to the cause of the
impromptu' ".lights out."a
Oscar Prieskorn of the Buildings
and Grounds Department said the
automatic switch apparatus may have
been out of kilter.
Student Senate
AnnouncesN ew
Election Plans


otherwise all foreign
subject to censorship.)

6.-(P)-The French
y outlawed the Com-
France in what P0-
berpreted as an an-
Russia's lineup with
vasion of Poland.
:ree adopted by Pre-
war cabinet also
if all the party's af-
ed Communist prop-
e. Penalties not yet
ovided for violations.



Iad been forest
ni of the nev

-amentary com-
etween theCom-
leral Confedera-
who signed the
red a decree ex-
ce's allies as well
the protection
offenses against

Douglas Miller, '40, of Ann Arbor,
was one of four men who drifted
for two days in an open boat after
their ship, the Norwegian freighter
Ronda, was sunk after striking a
mine off the coast of Holland. Mil-
ler and his three companions were
picked up by an Italian ship.


Student Book.
Exchange Has
Heavy Demand
Need For Books Exceeds
Supply By Five Times,

Fourth Consecutive
Win ForKappa Nu
According to a list issued recently
by the Registrar's office, Kappa Nu
fraternity received the highest scho-
lastic average of any house on cam-
pus for the past year for the fourth
conscutive time. At a banquet last
spring, Dean of Students Joseph
Bursley presented Kappa Nu with a
scholarship cup in recognition of
their achievement. -
The range of joint averages cov-
ered by the 41 fraternities begi s at
2:21 and winds up on top with Kappa
Nu's 2.79.,
Zeta Beta Tau 2.70
Zeta Beta Tau was second with
2.70; Acacia next with 2.68; Zeta Psi
2.64; Theta Chi 2.62; \Pi Lambda Phi
2.621 Delta Tau Delta 2.61; Triangle
2.61; Kappa Delta Rho 2.61; Phi Sig-
ma Delta 2.59; Kappa Sigma 2.59;
Alpha Kappa Lambda 2.59; Chi Psi
2.56; Sigma'Nu 2.56.
Tau Kappa Epsilon 2.55; Sigma Al-
pha Mu 2.56; Chi Phi 2.54;, Delta
Kappa Epsilon 2.54; Phi Delta Theta
2.50; Phi Epsilon Pi; 2.49; Theta Xi
2.49; Theta Delta Chi 2.47; Psi Upsi-
lon 2.47; Trigon 2.47; Alpha Delta
Phi 2.46; Phi Kappa Psi 2.45; Phi
Beta Delta 2.45; Delta Upsilon 2.44;
Phi Kappa Sigma 2.43.
Sigma Phi 2.42; Sigma Alpha Epsi-
lon ,2.42; Sigma Chi 2.41; Phi Gam-
ma Delta 2.39; Sigma Phi Epsilon
2.38; Alpha Tau Omega 2.34; Lambda
Chi Alpha 2.28; Beta Theta Pi 2.26;
and Phi Kappa Tau 2.21.
Total Average 2.50
The average of all fraternities was
2.50, while the average of all men
was 2.49. The average for the whole
camnpus not including professional
schools, was 252.
Reports showing the grades earned
by individual members of the frater-
nities are in file in Room 122 of the
Rackham Building and scholarship
chairmen of the various houses are
urged to call and review the reports
in order that encouragement dnd di-.
rection may be given to the poor stu-
dents and recognition given thsoe
who have excelled.
State Power Strike
Conferees Progress
LANSING, Sept. 26.-(P)-Con-1
ferees negotiating the UWOC-CIO
strike against the Consumers Power
Co. drafted new proposals tonight for
an agreement that would end the'
dispute, and a resultant threat to
uninterrupted gas and electric serv-
ice in the populous Saginaw Valley.
Arthur E. Raab, chairman of the
State Mediation Board which has
been conducting strike hearings, re-
ported the negotiators were "mak-
ing more headway than in a week,"
He made it clear, however, that the
board's power to consummate an
agreement was limited.
Any Sophomore or second sem-
ester Freshman interested in try -
ing out for the advertising or busi-
ness staff of The Michigan Daily,
may report to the Publications
Building any time this week.

First Meeting
October 5
Dworkis A

self-styled first soldier
ad been absent from
tcellery since he joined
ie East on Sept. 3, the
d France declared war
w his personal flag
s official residence and
luded the war on the
virtually was finished.
ected he would devote
etically to the prob-
f Warsaw appeared to
rious business remain-
t. A communique to-
.an farces had started
ty after failing to win
)unced officially that
er Joachim von Rib-
leave for Moscow to-
invitation of the So-
at. The question of
ng of Po'land would re-
ndependent state was
:e Berlin observers to
he talks in the Soviet

To Be Held
In Union,

Heavy buying activities in the Stu-
dent Book Exchange dluring the first
five days of its operation have created
a demand for books which exceeds
the supply on hand by five times,
according to Robert Ulrich, '41, chair-
man of the project. Ulrich assured
all students with books to sell that
there would be no doubt of their be-
ing sold.
He further pointed out the advan-
tages the student exchange offers in
allowing the student to set his own
sale price with a cash return immedi-
ately after the close of the exchange
if the books are sold. Handicapped
somewhat by heavy inroads on the
stock of the store, Ulrich announced
nevertheless that it had been doing
a rushing business since it was
The exchange which was originated
during the mid-term recess in Feb-
ruary last year and has grown in
popularity since, has regularly func-
(Continued on Page 6)
Rep. Dies Forecasts
Communist Purge
WASHINGTON, Sept. 26.-(_)-
Chairman Dies (Dem., Tex.) of the
House Committee on Unamerican Ac-
tivities said today the Roosevelt Ad-
ministration had asked the Justice
Department to begin "purging" about
2,850 "known Communists" who hold
key government positions.
He based his statement, he said,
"on information which comes from
a very authoritative administration

Plans for the fifth semi-annual
election of members for the Student
Senate were announced yesterday by
Martin Dworkis, '40, vice-president
of the Senate. The first meeting will
be held Thursday, Oct. 5 in the Union.
The Senate was formed two years
ago "to consider all matters having
a vital bearing on students at the
University." At that time, 32 mem-
bers were elected, sixteen to serve
for one term and the remainder to
serve two. Since that time, three
elections have been'held electing half
the Senate each time.
At first, complications arose be-
cause some members were seniors and
graduated, leaving some posts vacant.
This problem was overcome by having
those departing appoint successors to
fill out theii' term.
Last spring, six senators appointed
students to take their place. These
successors will hold office until the
results of the coming election are an-
nounced. At the, same time, eight
faculty men and the retiring seaker.
Robert Rosa; '39,'recelved honorary
The faculty men so honored are:
(Continued on Page 2
Welles Assures
Cooperative Sea Patrols
Planned AtMeeting
PANAMA, Panama, Sept. 26.-(I)-
The United States today strongly
supported other American republics
in their determination to keep the
European war from spreading to the
western hemisphere.
Sumner Welles, Under-Secretary of
State and head of the United States
delegation to the Inter-American
Neutrality Conference, said the Unit-
ed States Navy would cooperate in
patrolling waters adjacent to the
coasts of the western hemisphere.
This cooperation would be forth-
coming, Welles said, when the Ameri-
can republics after consultation "de-
termine what the need exists."
ryouts For Union
Staff To Be Held
There will be a meeting of all try-
outs for the Union staff at 5 p.m. to-
morrow in Rooms 319-325 of the
Union, Don Treadwell, '40, Union
president, announced yesterday. At
that time, opportunities and respon-
sibilities of the positions will be ex-
plained, according to Treadwell.
Union registration will take place
at the usual time today. From
Thursday to the end of the week,
however, it was announced that men
may register from 1 to 5 p.m. and
from 7 to 9 p.m.
Warsaw Radio Silent
Bucharest Report Says
BUDAPEST, Sept. 27. (Wednes-
day)-(P)-The Warsaw radio sta-
tion, over which announcers for
nearly three weeks flung challenges
to the Nazis, was silent today.
There was no direct word how de-
fenders of the isolated city of more
than 1,000,000 population-shelled,
bombed and stormed by German

Smith To Aid
FDR's Fight
On Embargo
'Happy Warrior'Will Give
Views In Radio Talk;
Was Often Bitter Critic
Senators To Debate
Only OnEmbargo
WASHINGTON, Sept. 26.-(P)-
Alfred E. Srmith, often a bitter critic
of the Roosevelt administration, has
come to the President's assistance on
the neutrality question, it was an-
nounced today, and will present his
views in a radio speech next Sunday.
The Columbia Broadcasting Sys-
tem said Smith "plans to support
President Roosevelt's proposals,"
which include the highly controver-
sial point of repealing the present
embargo on shipments of arms, am-
munition and implements of war to
the European belligerents. The radio
speech is to be made at 7 p.m. EST,
under the auspices of American Union
for Concerted Peace Efforts.
Exclude Other Questions
This word came simultaneously to
day with a strategy meeting of Sen-
ate opponents of repealing the em-
bargo at which it was decided to con-
centrate upon the embargo issue
alone and exclude from the debate
other questions presented by the ad-
ministration neutrality bill. They
expressed belief that the embargo
was the "trade mark" of American
neutrality and could be distributed
only at the country's peril.
Beside the embargo repealer, the
administration bill contains clauses
forbidding American ships to carry
goods to belligerents 'and banning
loans to them. Ninety-day commer-
cial credits would be permitted in the
President's discretion.
At his press conference today,'
President Roosevelt said he could not
explain the 90-day credit clause. It
was a complicated question, he said,
on which he had, a yet, no knowl-
A Moot Question
He was asked ul he lought un-
constitutionala provision giving Con-
gress as well as the President the
power to determine that a state of
war exists-a finding which would
require the President to invoke the
neutrality law. Mr. Roosevelt re-
sponded that that was a moot ques-
tion which an attorney general and
a supreme court might be called up-
on to decide in the dim future, long
after the present administration is
out of office.
During the day, it was reported
that Roosevelt men on Capitol Hill
had advised the administration to
adopt a "hands off" attitude toward
the coming Senate struggle, and
leave it to administration senators to
do the battling.
Turns Down Vandenberg
Apparently in line with this advice,
Secretary of State Hull turned down
a request by Senator Vandenberg
(Rep., Mich.) for a statement of the
Hull views on various points in the
pending bill. Hull, who had pre-
viously made known his desire for
repeal of the embargo, wrote to Van-
"The executive branch having per-
formed its duty under the constitu-
tion, the matter of the proposed leg-
islation is, of course, now in the
hands of the legislative branch, in
whose ability to solve the problem I
have complete confidence."

Read To Probe
Prison Break
Anad Abd uction
MARQUETTE, Sept. 26.-(/P-At-
torney General Thomas Read wvc' on
his way here tonight to investigate
the fantastic abduction Monday of
the warden, 'deputy warden and two
parole board members 'by four des-
perate long-term inmnates of the State
Branch Prison here.
"I am reluctant .to pre-judge any
situation," said 'Read before he left
Lansing. "However, when a condi-
tion in a state institution exists which
makes it unsafe for a-commission .to
hold a meeting there, I believe it re-
quires a complete and thorough in-
fIThe prison, scene yesterday of one
of the strangest series of happenings
conqeivable,; was back to normal rou-
tine today.
Warden Marvin L, /. ) was back
at his desk and Deputy Warden Wil-
liam Newcombe was tob Chairman
A. Rossngscoe of theState Parole
Board °and'Gerald F. Bush, a mem-
ber of the- Board, resumed 'parole
earings but not in'ther sameham-
berI i elic they wereambushedg
Monday afternoon.
The fournsg eonvicts-osephn M.
Mushro, Thomas; McCarthy, John
Thompson and Ralph 'Stearns-were
placed in soliary mconfinement. They
will be taken into court probably on
an escape charge and the punishn-
ment they receive may ,mnake it cer-
tain: that they never will be eligible
for parole.
Reconstruction of the escape dis-
closed that: the four convicts and
ther fstrnghumn shrields did not leav
the prison until an hour after the in-
vasion of the parole board room.
When the party finally did leave,
state police with sub-.nachineirgns
were Pat the gate but could not shoot
withoutj jeopardizing the lives "of all..
Pers petavesd.
Literary Magazine Staffs
Still To Be Selected
Students wishing to try out for er-
spectives, campus literarymagazine,
are asked to meet at 4 p.m. tomorrow
in theStudent Publications Build-
ing. Positioyis on the poetry, essay,
fiction and book-review staffs are
The firstissue of the magazine, to
be issued soon, will feature the work
of 1939sHopwood inners, according
to James Allen and Harvey Swados,
'40, co-editors.
Those students wishing to submit
material to Prespectives may, 'after
this week, leave their manuscripts
in boxes to be placed in English of-
fices of the literaryy andmengineering


Protection Assure
Against Grid Poo
By Gov. Dickinso


Say Help U
Gov. Luren D. D1<
with Chief of Police No
Sheriff Jacob Andresa
Albert J. Rhapp yesterd:
clad promise that foot
not be in operation he:
At the same time, Pr
disclosed that law enfc
cies of the county havi
for a month to preveni
ance of gambling syn
in the past years have
ands of dollars in stud
In a letter to Dail
Paul Chandler, '41, C
inson declared he app
the State has the re
protecting students fI
and other evil influent
"If local authorities
handle the football p
ernor declared, he "wi
to place (matters) in
the State Police."
Local authorities sa
would be totally unne
ever. A check-up yes
the gambling situatior
under control and m(
re-warned against all
pools to operate.
The Daily night edit
after rumors were wid
on campus that illegal
)were planning to opera
ithe football season,
Oct. 7.
Steps were immedia
prevent their reappear
terday's statements fro
and the Governor resi
Last year a number
.in open operation on
thousands of dollars c
ate's money poured i
near-riot was ca sed w
operator failed to pa;
several thousand dolla
day. He was later
prosecuted by Rapp, I
put on five years prob
A misunderstanding
porarily yesterday wh
chief of police and s
letters from Lansing d
rigidly enforce gambli
in the day, conference
(Continued on
Students I

Daily Night ]
Brings Chi
Says Gain


Home By

; .

t was a
'eign Mi
ti'op wo
rrow at

wnetner anyt
main as an
expected by s
be raised in

Ribbentrop To Discuss
Poland At Moscow Today
MOSCOW, Sept. 26.-(P)-The se-
curity of Soviet Russian waters
against "hiding submarines" has ac-
quired "great importance," a Soviet
communique said tonight in explana-
tion of the negotiations that have
been going on with Russia's little
Baltic neighbor, Estonia.
The announcement by Tass, official
news agency, said the negotiations
with Estonia had begun when ex-
planations of the escape last week
of a Polish submarine from the Es-'
tonian harbor of Tallinn had proved
The communique said it was "in-
comprehensible" how the sibmarine,
reported to have entered the harbor
in a damaged condition, could have
escaped unless it was repaired and
fuelled and thus "enabled to escape."
It added that periscopes of "un-
lnown submarines" were sighted to-
day in two spots in the area of Lugas
Bay, in the Gulf of Finland, and
that "one can arrive at the conclu-

End Of Wanderings Reported
For Correspondent Mowrer
Former University Student
Is Released By Soviet
Forces In Zaleszcyki

Oratorical Association Offers
Special Student Ticket Rates

Two Exchange Schola
Unable To Sail
With war conditions in Europe,
exchange student plans have be
thrown over the dam.
William H. Clark, '41, who had
exchange scholarship to the Ame
can University in Syria, was the or
Michigan exchange student who si
ceeded in getting out. of the count
Clark was a representative' at t
World Conference of Christian Yout
in Amsterdam last June, and follo
ing the outbreak of hostilities he %
eshipped out of the war zone to Br
tany, France, and is now awaiti
passage home.
Constance Bryant, '40, who a
had a scholarship to the Syrian u:
versity, is now on campus as is Rob
Rosa, Grad., who was chosen one
four Rhodes Scholars in the distr
comprising Michigan, Wisconsin,
linois, Indiana, Ohio and Kentuc
Williams To Speak
Tonight At Unio
Prof. Mentor L., Williams of t
English department who was voi
last spring, "Most Popular Prof(
sor on Campus," will speak on, "Bli
books and Trenches," at 7:30 p
today in Room 316 of the Union
an informal get-together sponsor
by the American Student Union
all freshman men and women.
An open discussion period will f
low Professor Williams' talk on t
student's problems in a world at w
Other features of the program wh
has been planned to introduce t
ASU to members of the Class of 19

A reduced student admission fee to
the University Oratorical Associa-
tion's series of eight lectures by inter-
nationally-famed personages will be
offered this year. it was announced
Special student tickets for the en-
tire series will cost twq dollars, a
seventy-five cent reduction from the
rate of former years, Mrs. Lucille
Walz, publicity director, declared.
Unreserved seats comprising the sec-
ond belcony in Hill Auditorium will
be reserved specially for this innova-
tion, she added, and student identifi-
cation cards will have to accompany'

tion's First Lady, will discuss "The
Relationship of the ndividual to the
Jan Masaryk, son of the first pres-
ident of Czechoslovakia and pre-
Anschluss Czech minister to Great
Britain, will speak Nov. 14 on "Civil-
ization in Peril."
Cornelia Otis Skinner, outstanding
dramatic recitalist, will be heard Nov.
20. Miss Skinner will be followed by
Hans vbn Kaltenborn, radio news
analyst, who will- speak Dec. 6 on'
"Kaltenborn Edits the News."
H. R. Knickerbocker, Hearst news-
paper correspondent and winner of
the 1930 Pulitzer Prize in juornalism,

The story of Richard Mowrer, for-
mer University student, which reads
like something from Sinbad or Ulys-
ses, has come to a halt temporarily
with the report that the Detroit News
and Chicago Daily News correspond-
ent has been released after having
been held by Soviet Russian forces at
Zaleszcyki, Poland.
Since his departure from the Uni-
versity in 1933, Mowrer, son of Paul
Scott Mowrer, famed foreign cor-
respondent, has covered the Euro-
pea-n scene with government author-
ities close on his heels. He started
in Paris, was sent to Spain to write
the civil war from the Loyalist side,

, ;

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