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January 16, 1940 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-16

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Ann Arbor
Here Is Today's News
In Summary
Claiming that their property was
moved from a county township.dis-
trict into the Ann Arbor school dis-
trict. without permission, . owners of
13 pieces of property in the Barton
Hills district have filed suit in Cir-
cuit Court. The suit has been
brought with design that the school
tax against their property be de-
clared illegal and void.
Among the plaintiffs are Prof.
Raphael Issacs of the medical school,
Mr. Herbert Harley of the American
Judicature Society, Prof. Harlow J.
Heneman of the political science de-
partment, Prof. Willard C. Olson of
the school of education, Prof. Robert
B. Hall of the geography department,
Prof. Clifford Woody of the School
of Education, Prof. Charles T. Olm-
stead of the engineering school and
Prof. Thomas C. Diamond o fthe
School of Education.
Mrs. Nettie F. Edwards, 70 years
old, wife of Ralph R. Edwards
of the Ann Arbor fire depart-
nment, died Sunday morning at
her home on Fountain Street
after an illness of a year.
The Federal Communications Com-
mission has called a hearing in
Washington when it will probably be
decided whether broadcasting re-
mains as we Inow it now or becomes
completely revamped. If it is changed,
frequency modulation will be a vital
link iiu our radio structure. This
revolutionary form of radio broad-
casting was devised by Major Arm-
strong at Columbia University. Every-
one interested is invited to the hear-
ing February 28. Jerome Wiesner,
Chief Radio Technician and Assist-
ant to Director Waldo Abbot, is
planning to attend.
TBS Doings Deferred
With Elliott Roosevelt's resignation
as president, plans for the Transcon-
tinental Broadcasting System have
temporarily fallen through. Proposed
affiliates are being notified that the
"entire commercial structure of TBS
must be ,reorganized if the project is
not to be dropped altogether." It was
hoped that the system could be run
on non-profit status, but there wasn~t
capital enough for the network.
This Afternoon's Airings
All three of our affiliated stations
carry campus 'programs within an
hour today.' Music of the band group
goes over WCAR-WMBC at 2:45 p.m.
Mr. William Stubbins will play solos
on the clarinet with his wife accom-
panying. Mrs. - Stubbins will also.
play 'some piano solos. John Gelder,
'40, announces.
Then regarding "Your Interesting
Children," Mrs.Bertha A. Hess, for-
mer staff member of the Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational In-
formation, discusses "Relationships
with the Opposite Sex," at 3:30 p.m.
over WJR.
Prof. Williams To Speak
Prof. Mentor L. Williams of the
English .department will speak on
"Men and Books Which Have In-
fluenced My Mind" at 8 p.m. Friday
at the Hillel Foundation, following
the regular Friday night Conserva-
tive Services.


Hopwood Winner John Brinnin
Sells Books And Goes To School

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on the

Things are happening in rapid succession in
changing world of ours and you can't afford to
out on any of the news, local, national, or foreign.


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